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trbentuk di tengah !

mulai klasikasi tulang rawan

tulang rawan hyalin periosteal bone collar periosteal bud & jar. ikat

mesenkim pd tulang pjg pmbentukan diasis synartrosis (antara jar. ikat dgn tulang) syndesmosis ada jar. tulang rawan ada jar. ikat sutura gomfosis ep. Disc sutura pd ortu

msk ke lumen sumsum tulang ! pmbetukan matrix dari pusat di tengah berkembang ke 2 sisi

synchondrosis synostosis

endochondral ossication

zone of resting cartilage young proliferating maturing cartilage epiphyseal plates

combined activity osteoclasts and osteoblast immature ! mature remodelling tulang persendian klasikasi

ada jar. tulang chondrocyte hipertrophyc matrix terklasikasi

ossikasi episis dimulai dibagian atas episis plate epiphyseal trbentuk, sisi bwh trjdi ossikasi episis pnutupan epiphyseal plates ! akhir prtumbuhan tulang pjg

calcifying cartilage ossication pmbentukan episis hydroxyapatite kolagen tipe 1 proteoglycans osteonectin outer brous layer inner osteogenic layer osteocalcin periosteum endosteum osteoblast osteocytes osteoclasts osteoprogenitor cells bagian endosteum honeycomb appearance matrix CB dsimpan di lamella lamel havers intertitial lamella caincellous bone (spone) tipe tulang compact bone (cortical) pd tulang compact sistem havers/ osteon intramembranous ossication sel tulang tulang covering tissue thrombus formation netrol & makrofag hypoxia of the bone matrix death of osteocytes in osteon patah tulang & perbaikannya matrix tulang TULANG struktur Tulang rawan tipe endochondral ossication

tulang rawan trklasikasi brfungsi sbg pmbentukan tulang interstitial growth pertumbuhan hyalin elastic brous sel chondroblast lacuna kolagen nest cell / isogen group komponen sabut elastis retikuler hyaluronic acid bhn dasar difusi nutrisi air O2 ke chondrocyte outer brous layer perichondrium inner chondrogenic layer chondroitin sulfate keratan sulfate proteoglicans appositional growth


diferensiasi osteoprogenitor cell pd endosteum & periosteum pmbentukan cartilaginous bridge endochondral ossication ! cancellous bone remodelling of a bony callus to compact bone directly mesenchyme tulang tengkorak tulang sub-periosteal lammelar

histogenesis of bone

lamel havers mengelilingi sal. pembuluh darah Kanal vollmann's

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