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Sunday, April 20, 2014 To Whom It May Concern: I am writing to recommend Mandi ulton !

or po"ition" wor#ing with children and teen" and !or po"ition" re$uiring planning, organi%ation, creati&ity, and admini"tration' I met Mandi in the !all o! 200( when "he and her !amily came !or a !amily camp e&ent at Wana#e' In the "ummer" o! 200) and 2010 Mandi wor#ed a" a "ummer camp coun"elor and I wa" her employer at Camp Wana#e in *each City, +hio' Thi" pa"t "ummer ,2011- Mandi "er&ed a" a &olunteer coun"elor !or one wee# o! Wana#e." camp !or adult" with "pecial need", a program I o&er"ee' A" a Wana#e "ummer camp coun"elor, Mandi wor#ed with a co/coun"elor each wee# pro&iding 10/12 camper" 24/hour care and engaging program' Coun"elor" at Wana#e wor# with a wide age range o! children and youth o&er the cour"e o! the "ummer: !ir"t grade through "enior high' Whate&er age group Mandi wa" wor#ing with, I could count on Mandi to care !or the phy"ical, emotional, "ocial, and "piritual need" o! the children at the appropriate le&el !or tho"e in attendance' Mandi." camper" are engaged and e0cited a1out the acti&ity at hand, whether it i" "etting a ta1le, "inging, hi#ing, or getting ready !or the ne0t acti&ity' Mandi." "#ill wor#ing with the entire group i" complemented 1y her attention to each indi&idual' Mandi ha" "pecial "#ill" !or wor#ing with adult" with "pecial need"' *oth a" a paid and &olunteer "ta!! per"on, Mandi ha" wor#ed with our adult" with de&elopmental di"a1ilitie" and mental retardation a" they en2oy the camp e0perience' Mandi i" a1le to o!!er help to the"e adult camper" in a uno1tru"i&e way, 1eing care!ul to let indi&idual" do thing" !or them"el&e" while 1eing ready and happy to help when "he i" needed' 3atient, re"pect!ul, !un/lo&ing, and per"ona1le, Mandi ta#e" the re"pon"i1ility o! 1uilding relation"hip" a priority' The adult camper" ha&e !un and a "a!e "upporti&e en&ironment' 40cellence mar#" her wor#' At all time" Mandi ha" alway" 1een punctual, organi%ed and prepared' 5er moral" and her daily li!e match each other, and thu" her li!e i" an e0cellent e0ample to camper" and "ta!! ali#e' Mandi i" com!orta1le 1eing center "tage, leading acti&itie" and program"' She i" al"o a wonder!ul a""et 1ehind the "cene" doing the ta"#" that are not glamorou" or e&en !un with a "mile and humility' 5er co/wor#er" appreciate Mandi and ha&e re"pect !or her' She i" an e0cellent communicator o! her need", the need" o! her camper" and the group, and al"o o! the "ituation at hand' She i" a nurturer and encourager 1alanced with !irmne"" and re"pect' Mandi ha" al"o alway" had a good 1alance o! !irmne"" and !un in all "he doe" with children, youth and peer"' She win" the tru"t o! the adult", children, and peer" "he wor#" with' Again, I recommend Mandi !or a po"ition in your organi%ation without re"er&ation' She would 1e an a""et' I! you ha&e other $ue"tion" or wi"h to contact me or Mandi." other "uper&i"or" here at Wana#e concerning her wor# at Wana#e, do not he"itate to contact u" at the num1er" and addre""e" li"ted' Sincerely, 6ulie 7autt

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