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Respect for human dignity must be observed even during emergencies.

Neither society nor the State may deprive an individual of his or her dignity, regardless of the circumstances, the persons moral qualities, violations of rules of behaviour or even crimes committed. The International Covenant on Civil and olitical Rights specifically underlines that !all persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated "ith humanity and "ith respect for the inherent dignity of the human person# $art. %&, para. %'. This idea is also e(pressed in many other international instruments) the *eclaration on the rotection of +ll ersons from ,nforced *isappearance- the Standard .inimum Rules for the Treatment of risoners- the /ody of rinciples for the rotection of +ll ersons under +ny 0orm of *etention or Imprisonment, etc. + person may be deprived of his or her liberty only for the most serious offences.

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