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Date: 888888888888

Thomas Paines Common Sense

3ame: 8888888888888888888

Directions: Actively read the following excerpts from Common Sense (1776) written by Thomas aine! "ist the arg#ments that aine ma$es for brea$ing from %reat &ritain in the space provided! Then in the following space' write yo#r own reaction to what aine is saying in the space provided! (xcerpts Arg#ments aine )a$es *or +ndependence ,o#r -eaction To aine.s Arg#ments

/+t is foolish to be always r#nning three or fo#r tho#sand miles with a tale or petition! 0aiting fo#r or five months for an answer' which when obtained re1#ires five or six more to explain it2

/+ have heard it asserted by some' that as America hath flo#rished #nder her former connection with %reat &ritain' the same connection is necessary towards her f#t#re happiness' and will always have the same effect! 3othing can be more fallacio#s than this $ind of arg#ment!2

/&#t she has protected #s' say some4 0e have boasted the protection of %reat &ritain witho#t considering that!!! she id not protect #s from o#r enemies on o#r acco#nt' b#t from her enemies on her own acco#nt!2

/(very 1#iet method for peace has been #seless! 5#r prayers have been re6ected with disdain4 0herefore' since nothing b#t fighting will do' for %od.s sa$e' let #s come to a final separation72

/+ challenge the warmest advocate for reconciliation' to show a single advantage that this continent can reap' by being connected with %reat &ritain! + repeat the challenge9 not a single advantage is derived!2

/:mall islands' not capable of protecting themselves' are the proper ob6ects for $ingdoms to ta$e #nder their care9 b#t there is something abs#rd' in s#pposing a continent to be perpet#ally governed by an island! +n no instance hath nat#re made the satellite larger than its primary planet!2

/3othing b#t independence!!!can $eep the peace of the continent!!!A government of o#r own is o#r nat#ral right: and when a man serio#sly reflects on the precario#sness of h#man affairs' he will become convinced' that it is infinitely wiser and safer' to form a constit#tion of o#r own in a cool deliberate manner' while we have it in o#r power!!!2

/&#t &ritain is the parent co#ntry' say some! Then the more shame #pon her cond#ct! (ven br#tes do not devo#r their yo#ng' nor savages ma$e war #pon their families4!2

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