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Eastern Hemisphere Geography Lesson Plan Student Teacher: _______Michael Rose Date: _______March 2 !

2"#$______________ Grade Le%el: _&_ Topic'(nit: _ )ntroduction to *apan School: _+,-, .est Middle School District: Dear/orn Heights Objectives:
Students will be able describe the origins of Chinese civilization and identify dynasties and their influences on China and Chinas history.

GLCES / Benchmarks W1.1.1- Explain how and when hu an co unities populated a!or regions of the Eastern he and adapted to a variety of environ ents. W".1." - #se historical and odern aps and other sources to locate$ describe$ and analyze a!or river syste s and discuss the ways these physical settings supported per anent settle ents$ and develop ent of early civilization W".1.% - Exa ine early civilizations to describe their co on features &ways of governing$ stable food supply$ econo ic and social structures$ use of resources and technology$ division of labor and for s of co unication'. (1.".) *pply the s+ills of geographic in,uiry &as+ing geographic ,uestions$ ac,uiring geographic infor ation$ organizing geographic infor ation$ analyzing geographic infor ation$ and answering geographic ,uestions' to analyze a proble or issue of i portance to a region of the Eastern -e isphere. Learning Resources and Materia s:
.ntroduction to /apan Wor+sheet 0encil1pen Classroo 2oteboo+ &optional'

!eve o"ment o# Lesson $ntroduction:

Students will be as+ed to sit at a rando des+ that is preset up for the days activity. 3nce students are finished arranging the selves$ the teacher will use popsicle stic+s with the students na es on an individual stic+ and rando ly decide what groups students will be in 4he teacher will than go over the 5. can state ent with students$ 6. can describe the i portant factors of /apans culture7 6. can a+e connections fro various infor ation sources over a sub!ect7 4he teacher will give instruction on the days lesson. 4he assign ent well be a pair and share activity

Methods / %rocedures
1. 3ne student will pass out papers to each row of students ". While aterials are being passed out students should sit ,uietly and wait for further instruction %. 3nce aterials are passed out the teacher will give a brief description of the reading 8. students will read a passage fro the reading and loo+ at visual sti ulations that correlate with the reading and then answer ,uestions as a group 9. 3nce students are done reading individually they will share with the group what they thought was interesting go through the pictures as a group and discuss

). 4he ti e allotted for each passage1station will average around :-;


<. 3nce ti e is up students will ove to the next station and repeat the steps :. 3nce all the groups have reached the stations the group as a whole will discuss together with the teacher in the front of the roo so e of the aterial they found interesting

&ccommodations /&da"tations:
Students who re,uire acco odations will be paired with a high functioning student Students who re,uire acco odations will also be given a print out at the end of the class period of the sa e article covered in class with +ey points or infor ation highlighted Students will be infor ally assessed on their participation during the lesson as well as for ally assessed on the wor+sheet

&ssessment/Eva uation:

C osure:
Students will put the wor+sheet into the hour box to be graded 4he teacher will have a short open discussion to assess the students co prehension of the lesson

'eacher Re# ection: 3verall loo+ing bac+ at this lesson and how it was executed$ . a satisfied with how it went. 4he students at first had trouble with the concept of having only a li ited a ount of ti e at each station$ before oving on to the next one. -owever$ after explaining the setup of the class and what the goal was for the days lesson through reading the 5. can state ents as a whole there see ed to be no confusion as to what was expected of the students. 4herefore once the students understood the setup of where the stations were they see ed to excel extre ely well in the round robin setup of the stations. Students see ed to en!oy the different stations with a portion of the reading and visual aids that correlated with that section rather than si ply sitting ,uietly at their seats reading on their own.

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