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Dear Senior Portfolio Committee, I am writing this cover letter in order to gain approval for my senior portfolio and

to graduate from high school. Attending Buckingham Charter agnet !igh School has "and I don#t mean to over e$aggerate when I say this" changed my life. %rom kindergarten to eighth grade, I attended a small private school. &hen I was getting ready to transition from middle school to high school, I was nervous to attend somewhere large. In the 'eginning, I was planning to attend Armi(o 'ecause it#s closest to me and some of my other friends were going there. I don#t recall how my family stum'led upon BC !S, 'ut I#m glad we did. It#s a small school, something I had 'een accustomed to, and had also used 'lock schedule (ust like my middle school. I also saw that it was technology integrated which also caught my interest. In short, I#m glad I attended Buckingham 'ecause I#ve met some of the most ama)ing teachers, met the most ama)ing people, and have had some of the 'est and worst e$periences of my teenage life. By going to Buckingham, I#ve learned so many different lessons and life tips. I#ve grown accustomed to the concept of teamwork and learned how to work well with others. I#ve learned that teachers are willing to help me one"on"one if I actually (ust take the time to go see them after school. I#ve learned that turning in your homework in on time can make the difference 'etween turning it in late with credit deducted. I#ve learned that there are those you can trust and those you cannot trust. *hanks to government, I#ve learned that politics aren#t always as 'oring as you think they might 'e. *hanks to econ, I learned that I#m scared to 'e an adult 'ecause ta$es and num'ers and 'uying houses and cars. *hanks to trig, I#ve learned that my love of math was destroyed ever since I took geometry and that alge'ra + and trig have (ust added on to my hatred towards num'ers and shapes and ,reek letters. *hanks to -nglish .+, I#ve learned that PowerPoint is my 'est friend. *hanks to office assisting, I#ve learned that I hate walking 'ack and forth to give people pieces of paper. *hanks to vocal ensem'le, I#ve remem'ered how fun it is to sing in front of people since I haven#t done so since middle school. And with a final thanks to service learning, I#ve learned that helping others through voluntary work made me more happy than I thought it would. I#m not going to lie, thinking of the future and what it has in store for me scares me. If any other seniors are a'le to think of their future and not 'e the least frightened, I applaud them. I, for one, have a plan for what I want to do with my future. I (ust need to enact upon the steps to complete that plan and succeed. It#s funny, in the 'eginning of my senior year I was so dead set on going to a (unior college and then transferring in order to save money. But as I started to research colleges and apply to a couple, I 'egan to think to myself, /&hat if I (ust go straight to college01 I applied to only two colleges, Sacramento State and San %rancisco State. Dr. !ey constantly assured me that I was for sure going to get accepted into 'oth, and she was right, I did. I 'egan to reconsider going to a community college and 'egan to plan out my life going to a four"year college. At the moment, I#m considering ma(oring in psychology with a minor in criminal (ustice. I would like to pursue a career may'e 'eing a therapist or psychologist or working in the law enforcement in forensics. I#m also considering going to graduate school to pursue further education in psychology if I do end up liking it. *hank you for taking your time to read my cover letter and I anticipate your approval of my senior portfolio. I look forward to my high school graduation and the 'eginning of the ne$t phase of my life. *hank you for all that you have done to get me where I am now. Sincerely, 2yan Barton"2estauro

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