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Tags <a> <abbr>

Description Meaning Definition ANCHOR tag creates <a href="">link</a> to other internet location or file. A!!R"#$A%$ON tags in&icate interpretation of the meaning to the 'rowsers an& search engines for s(ch as kin& of a''re)iations as "$nc." "etc.".

<acronym> <address> <applet> <area> <b> <base> <basefont> <bdo>

ACRON*+ tags &efines an acron,m like- <acron,m title=".orl& .i&e .e'"> WWW</acron,m>. A//R"00 tags are (se& to i&entif, the a(thor1s contact information for a section or a &oc(ment. A223"% element tags are (se& to em'e& an& in)oke a 4a)a application within an H%+3 page. AR"A tag &efines a section of an image. !O3/ tag is specif,ing <'>bold section</'> within the te5t &oc(ment. !A0" tag &efines information regar&ing to the links on the page. !A0"6ON% tags &efines changes of all te5t appearance on the we' page. !/O tag is specif,ing the &irection of te5t &ispla, ', o)erwriting the &efa(lt )al(e from 3eft to Right. <'&o &ir="rtl">Right to Left</'&o>


!70O8N/ tag is &efining a 'ackgro(n& so(n& for a we'page. <html> <hea&> <bgsound src=" ingle!ells"#a$" loop="%"> </hea&> <'o&,> </'o&,> </html>


!$7 tag makes the <'ig>te&t larger</'ig> then the rest of the te5t.

<bloc'(uote> !3OC9:8O%" tags <'lock;(ote>separate a section</'lock;(ote> of te5t from the s(rro(n&ing te5t. <blin'> !3$N9 tags &efines te5t to <blin'>blin'<)blin'> repeate&l,. $nternet "5plorer &oesn1t s(pport this tag ,et. <body> <html> <hea&> </hea&> <'o&,> !ody tags identify the content of a #eb page" </'o&,> </html> <br> 3ine !reak tag is specif,ing<'r> a ne# line <button> <caption> !8%%ON tag is (se& to create a <'(tton t,pe="'(tton">*ush !utton</'(tton> 2(sh !(tton <ta'le> <caption>+,*T-./ tag adds a caption to a table"</caption> <tr>

<t&> </t&> </tr> </ta'le> <center> <cite> <code> <center>+0/T0R tags center te&t1 images1 etc"</center> <cite>CITE tags defines a citation and displaying in italics. </cite> CO/" tags are (se& for e5ample to in&icate a co&e of the c(rrent<code>htmltags.html<)code> page. <col> CO3 tags are (se& to &efine col(mn properties for ta'le col(mns. <ta'le> <colgro(p span="<"> <col #idth="23" align="left"><)col> <col #idth="43" align="center"><)col> </colgro(p> <tr> <t&>=st Col(mn</t&> <t&><n& Col(mn</t&> </tr> </ta'le> <colgroup> CO37RO82 tags are (se& to &efine gro(ps of ta'le col(mns. <ta'le> <colgroup span="5"> <col wi&th=">?" align="left"></col> <col wi&th="@?" align="center"></col> <)colgroup> <tr> <t&>=st Col(mn</t&> <t&><n& Col(mn</t&> </tr> </ta'le> <dd> // tag &efines a &efinition &escription. <&l> <&t>NA0A</&t> <&&>/ational ,eronautics and 6pace ,dministration</&&> <&t>+!A</&t> <&&>Master of !usiness ,dministration</&&> </&l> <dfn> <del> <dir> /6N tags emphasiAe &efinition for e5ample- <&fn>*+</&fn>: 2ersonal Comp(ter. /"3 tag in&icates <&el>deleted te&t</&el> /$R tags &efine &irector, lists. <dir> <li>6irst</li> <li>0econ&</li> <li>%hir&</li>

<)dir> <dl> /3 tag &efines a &efinition list. <dl> <&t>C08</&t> <&&>California 0tate 8ni)ersit,</&&> <&t>8N</&t> <&&>8nite& Nations</&&> <)dl> <di$> /$# tag is a logical section of a we' &oc(ment. <di$> <h=>Home 2ets</h=> <p>Cats</p> <p>/ogs</p> <)di$> <dt> /% tags &efines a &efinition term. <&l> <dt>7TML<)dt> <&&>H,per%e5t +ark(p 3ang(age</&&> <dt>+66<)dt> <&&>Casca&ing 0t,le 0heets</&&> </&l> embed> "+!"/ tag gi)es a comman& to a 'rowser to incl(&e a m(ltime&ia elements s(ch as )i&eo so(n& files within a we' &oc(ment. <embed src="$ideofile"mo$" #idth="833" height="833"> <embed src="musicfile"mid" #idth="93" height="93"> <em> <fieldset> "+ tags <em>emphasize</em> te5t. 6$"3/0"% tag creates a form for all elements in it. <fieldset>6in& a ro(n&e&Bcorner 'o5 aro(n& this te5t.<)fieldset> <font> 6ON% tags attri'(te te5t <font face="c(rsi)e serif"> font</font> <font color="C????ff">color</font> an& <font siAe="D">si:e</font>. <form> 6orm tags &efine a form. <form action="contact"html" method="post"> *o(r "mail: <inp(t t,pe="te5t" name=")isitorBemail" ma5length="@?" )al(e="" /><'r /> *o(r Name: <inp(t t,pe="te5t" name=")isitorBname" ma5length="@?" )al(e="" /><'r /> <inp(t t,pe="s('mit" )al(e="0en&" /> <)form> e+ail: Name: <frame> 6rame tags &efine each frame within a frameset. <html>

<hea&> <title>6rame %ags in Action</title> </hea&> <noframes> <'o&,> <h=>0orr, ,o(r 'rowser &oesn1t s(pport this feat(reE</h=> </'o&,> </noframes> <frameset cols="FGH >GH"> <frame src =")htmlcodes)left;frame"html" )> <frame src =")htmlcodes)right;frame"html" )> </frameset> </html> <frameset> 6RA+"0"% tags &efine a la,o(t of frames. <html> <frameset cols="<9=1 >"> <frame src ="/htmlco&es/leftBframe.html" /> <frame src ="/htmlco&es/rightBframe.html" /> <)frameset> </html> <h8> ; <h2> H= B H> &efine le)el =B> hea&ers.

<h8>7eader 8<)h8>
<h5>7eader 5<)h5>
<h%>7eader %<)h%>
<h<>7eader <<)h<>
<h9>7eader 9<)h9>
<h2>7eader 2<)h2>


Hea& tags &efine general information a'o(t the &oc(ment page title metaBtags scripts an& links to follow an& other comman&s to 'rowsers. <html> <head> <title>H%+3 %ags B Hea& %ag</title> <meta name="ke,wor&s" content="html tags hea& tag" /> <link rel="st,lesheet" t,pe="te5t/css" href="st,le.css" /> <script src="Ia)ae5ample.Is" t,pe="te5t/Ia)ascript"></script> <)head> <'o&,> </'o&,> </html>


HR tag &raws a horiAontal 'reak line. %wo choices for the same res(lt: <hr> or <hr )>


H%+3 tags contain H%+3 elements an& gi)e a comman& to 'rowsers to rea& the &oc(ment as an

H%+3 &oc(ment. <html> <hea&> </hea&> <'o&,> </'o&,> <)html> <iframe> i6rame tag creates an inline frame that contains another we' page in it.


$+7 tag attri'(tes an image. <img src="http?))###"fillster"com)images)tutorial"gif" #idth="23" height="25" alt="7ere #rite a name for your image" )>


$N28% tags &efine inp(t fiel&s check 'o5es ra&io '(ttons. <form action="contact.html" metho&="post"> *o(r "mail: <input type="te&t" name="$isitor;email" ma&length="43" $alue="" )><'r /> *o(r Name: <input type="te&t" name="$isitor;name" ma&length="43" $alue="" )> <'r /> <input type="radio" name="Le$el" $alue="Web Designer" )>.e' /esigner<'r /> <input type="radio" name="Le$el" $alue="Web De$eloper" chec'ed="chec'ed" )>.e' /e)eloper<'r /> <input type="chec'bo&" name="+omputer" $alue="Windo#s" )>.in&ows<'r /> <input type="chec'bo&" name="+omputer" $alue="Mac" )>+ac<'r /> <input type="submit" $alue="6end" )> </form> e+ail: Name: .e' /esigner .e' /e)eloper .in&ows +ac

<ins> <isinde&>

$N0 tag &efines an <ins>inserted te&t</ins>. $0$N/"J tag &efines a singleBline inp(t fiel&. <isinde& prompt="0&ample? "> "5ample:

<i> <'bd> <label>

<$> tag is specif,ing <i>italic text<)i>" 9!/ tag stan&s for <'bd>ke,'oar& te5t<)'bd>. 3A!"3 tag &efines a la'el to a form control. <p>.here &o ,o( li)eK</p> <form action=""> <inp(t t,pe="ra&io" name="co(ntr," i&="(s" /> <label for="usa">@6,<)label><'r />

<inp(t t,pe="ra&io" name="co(ntr," i&="(k" /> <label for="u'">@A<)label> </form> .here &o ,o( li)eK 80A 89 <legend> 3"7"N/ tag assigns a caption in a fiel&set element. <legend>Buestionnaire<)legend> <p>.here &o ,o( li)eK</p> <form action=""> <inp(t t,pe="ra&io" name="co(ntr," i&="(sa" /> <la'el for="(sa">80A</la'el><'r /> <inp(t t,pe="ra&io" name="co(ntr," i&="cana&a" /> <la'el for="cana&a">Cana&a</la'el> </form> &o ,o( li)eK 80A Cana&a <li> = 3$ tag &efines a list of or&ere& an& (nor&ere& items. <li>H%+3<)li> <li>2H2<)li> <li>4a)a0cript<)li> </ol> <(l> <li>H%+3<)li> <li>2H2<)li> <li>4a)a0cript<)li> </(l> H%+3 < F <lin'> 2H2 4a)a0cript H%+3 2H2 4a)a0cript


3$N9 tag &efines a link to an e5ternal &oc(ment s(ch as "5ternal 0t,le 0heets. <hea&> <lin' rel="stylesheet" type="te&t)css" href="style"css" )> </hea&>

<mar(uee> <menu>

+AR:8"" tags &efine &ifferent mo)ement 'eha)iors. +"N8 tag &efines a men( list. <li>7oogle</li> <li>*ahoo</li> <li>+0N</li> <)menu>


7oogle <meta> *ahoo +0N

+"%A tags are &eclaring information for the search engine ro'ots an& crawlers. <html> <hea&> <meta name="description" content="*age description goes here""> <meta name="'ey#ords" content="meta tags1 html tags1 meta"> </hea&> <'o&,> </'o&,> </html>


NO6RA+" tag is specif,ing an alternate we' page la,o(t for 'rowsers that &on1t s(pport frames. <html> <hea&> <title>6rame %ags in Action</title> </hea&> <noframes> <'o&,> <h=>0orr, ,o(r 'rowser &oesn1t s(pport this feat(reE</h=> </'o&,> <)noframes> <frameset cols="FGH >GH"> <frame src ="/htmlco&es/leftBframe.html" /> <frame src ="/htmlco&es/rightBframe.html" /> </frameset> </html>


NO0CR$2% tag is specif,ing a "NO0CR$2%" )ersion page la,o(t for 'rowsers that &on1t s(pport "0CR$2%" )ersion. NO0CR$2 tags are (se& in conI(nction with the 4a)a0cript or #!0cript elements. <script t,pe="te5t/Ia)ascript" lang(age="Ia)ascript"> &oc(ment.writeL".e are here to learn H%+3"M</script> <noscript> 0orr, ,o(r 'rowser &oesn1t s(pport 4a)a0cript #!0cript. <)noscript>


O2%7RO82 tag creates an option &ropB&own gro(p men(. <select> <optgroup label="Cruits"> <option )al(e ="'anana">!anana</option> <option )al(e ="pineapple">2ineapple</option> <)optgroup> <optgroup label="Degetables"> <option )al(e ="tomato">%omato</option> <option )al(e ="potato">2otato</option> <)optgroup> </select>


O2%$ON tag creates a &ropB&own men(. O2%$ON tag works onl, in conI(nction with a 0"3"C% tag. <select> <option $alue ="beginner" selected="selected">!eginner<)option> <option $alue ="intermediate">-ntermediate<)option> <option $alue ="ad$anced">,d$anced<)option> </select>


O3 tags &efine an or&ere& list of items. <li>Re&</li> <li>7reen</li> <li>!l(e</li>


<)ol> Re& < F <p> 7reen !l(e

<2> tag is specif,ing a paragraph an& creates a new line.

<h<>7eader <<)h<>
<p>This is a paragraph"<)p> <pre> 2R" tag is specifing a preformatte& te5t. %his tag &oes t let the 'rowsers to eliminate "white spaces" in the te5t. <pre> Cit, Cit, Cit, <)pre> 0E,M*L0 Cit, Cit, Cit, <(> 3on&on 2aris New *ork Cool Awesome 7reat 3on&on 2aris New *ork Cool Awesome 7reat

<:> tag is specifing short ;(otations. %he f(nction is similar to <'lock;(ote> tag e5cept that <:> tag &oesn1t 'reak lines of the te5t. <(>$1ll 'e 'ack<)(> B is a pop(lar phrase associate& with Arnol& 0chwarAenegger.


<0> tag pro&(ces a strike thro(gho(t a te5t. <0> tag is &epreciate& an& is not s(pporte& in JH%+3 =.? 0trict /%/ therefore it1s recommen&e& to (se /"3 tag instea&. 0trike thro(gh <s>the following te5t.<)s>


0A+2 tag is specifing a fi5e&Bwi&th font. Compare for ,o(rself B = <samp>Compare for ,o(rself B <<samp>


0CR$2% tags &efine scripts within a we' page an& let the we' 'rowsers know that it1s not an H%+3 section. *o( can place a <0CR$2%> tag an,where within H%+3 '(t the 'est practice is to place it 'etween the <H"A/></H"A/> tags. <html> <hea&> <script src="Fa$ascript"Fs" type="te&t)Fa$ascript"><)script> </hea&> <'o&,>

<script type="te&t)Fa$ascript"> document"#riteG"This is a script tag placement tutorial""H <)script> </'o&,> </html> <select> 0"3"C% tag creates a men( on a form. <select> <option )al(e ="planes" selecte&="selecte&">2lanes</option> <option )al(e ="trains">%rains</option> <option )al(e ="a(tomo'iles">A(tomo'iles</option> <)select> <small> 0+A33 tag creates a small te5t. Compare normal te5t in relationship to <small>small te5t<)small> <span> 02AN tag is specif,ing a section of a &oc(ment. <&i)> <p>Cats an& /ogs <span style="color?blueI">are o(r frien&s.<)span></p> </&i)> <stri'e> 0%R$9" tag creates a strike thro(gh wor&s or te5t. 0trike tag is &epreciate& an& is not s(pporte& in JH%+3 =.? 0trict /%/ therefore it1s recommen&e& to (se /"3 tag instea&. <stri'e>striking thro(gh<)stri'e> <strong> 0%RON7 tag is specif,ing a strong te5t. <&i)> <p>.eightlifters are <strong>strong people"</strong></p> </&i)> <style> 0%*3" tag specifies a link an& location to a st,le sheet an& gi)es a comman& to 'rowsers regar&ing to a la,o(t for a we' page. 2lease fin&- 6irst 'ol& line is an "5ternal 0t,le an& the ne5t 'ol& lines are for the $nternal 0t,le we' page presentation. <html> <hea&> <title>H%+3 %ags B Hea& %ag</title> <lin' rel="stylesheet" type="te&t)css" href="style"css" )> <style type="te&t)css"> h8Jte&t;align? centerI font;style? italicK pJcolor?Lff3333K <)style> </hea&> <'o&,> </'o&,> </html> <sub> 08! tag is &efining a s('scripte& te5t. 08! tag is creating <sub>a s('scripte& te5t.<)sub> <sup> 082 tag is &efining a s(perscripte& te5t. 082 tag is creating <sup>a s(perscripte& te5t.<)sup> <table> %A!3" tag is &efining a ta'le.

<table> <tr> <t&>6irst Cell</t&> <t&>0econ& Cell</t&> </tr> <)table> <td> %/ tag creates a &ata cell. <ta'le> <tr> <td>Cirst Data +ell<)td> <td>6econd Data +ell<)td> </tr> </ta'le> <th> %H tag creates a hea&er cell. <ta'le> <tr> <th colspan="5">My 6hopping List<)th> </tr> <tr> <t&>Apples</t&> <t&>2ears</t&> </tr> </ta'le> <tr> %R tag creates a row in a ta'le. <ta'le> <tr> <t&>/ata Cell =</t&> <t&>/ata Cell <</t&> <)tr> </ta'le> <tbody> %!O/* tag creates a ta'le 'o&,. <ta'le> <thea&> <tr> <t& colspan="<">>Hea&er B Complete 3ist of !asic H%+3 %ags</t&> </tr> </thea&> <tbody> <tr> <t&>%ags</t&> <t&>Attri'(tes</t&> </tr> <)tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <t& colspan="<">>6ooter B Create& ',</t&> </tr>

</tfoot> </ta'le> <te&tarea> %"J%AR"A tag creates a te5t area. <te&tarea ro#s="<" cols="%3"> 2lace ,o( te5t in here... <)te&tarea> <tfoot> %6OO% tag creates a ta'le footer. <ta'le> <thea&> <tr> <t& colspan="<">>Hea&er B H%+3 %ags 3ist</t&> </tr> </thea&> <t'o&,> <tr> <t&>H%+3 %ags</t&> <t&>H%+3 Attri'(tes</t&> </tr> </t'o&,> <tfoot> <tr> <t& colspan="<">>6ooter B Cop,right N</t&> </tr> <)tfoot> </ta'le> <thead> %H"A/ tag creates a ta'le hea&er. <ta'le> <thead> <tr> <t& colspan="<">>Hea&er te5t place here.</t&> </tr> <)thead> <t'o&,> <tr> <t&>"lement B =</t&> <t&>"lement B <</t&> </tr> </t'o&,> <tfoot> <tr> <t& colspan="<">>6ooter notes p(t here.</t&> </tr> </tfoot> </ta'le> <title> %$%3" tag &eclares a title of an H%+3 &oc(ment. <html>

<hea&> <title>!rief description of the #eb page"<)title> </hea&> <'o&,> </'o&,> </html> <tt> %% tag creates a telet,pe te5t. %his is a &efa(lt font of the te5t <tt>'(t this is a telet,pe font.<)tt> <u> 8 tag makes an (n&erline& te5t. %his te5t has the <u>(n&erline& wor&s.<)u> <ul> 83 tags &efine an (nor&ere& list of items. <li>Co&e</li> <li>0cript</li> <li>%ag</li> <)ul> Co&e <$ar> 0cript %ag


#AR tag in&icates a )aria'le parameter. %his is a <$ar>variable parameter<$ar> of the sentence.

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