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Anderson 1 Trisha Anderson ENG 101 Professor Bolton 11 February 2014 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind: An Unpredictable

Story of Love Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is an unusual movie. It begins on Valentines Day 2004 by introducing the emotionally withdrawn and seemingly unhappy Joel Barish (Jim Carrey). He is sitting in a coffee shop looking at a journal, thinking about his life. Today is a new day and a fresh new start for Joel. Although he doesnt remember, while he slept a procedure was conducted on him at his request, to erase memories that were very painful for him. Joel finds it hard to carry on conversations or even make eye contact with others. He is bored with his life and ready for a change, but his awkward personality is constantly holding him back. On impulse, he decides to skip work and catch a train to Montauk, New York. Almost immediately, he is approached by the very beautiful Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet). Clementine is an outgoing, unique, free-spirited individual who seems eager to get to know Joel, which at first makes him a bit uncomfortable. Following the train ride, he gives her a lift home, and she invites him up for a drink. This turns out to be the start of something very exciting. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a great movie because of its clever plot, the realistic relationships and the impression given that true love conquers all. One reason Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a great movie is its unique plot. Upon leaving Clementines apartment, they make plans for the very next night, which turns out to be the best date either of them could have hoped for. At this time, it becomes clear to Joel and Clementine that this could be love. At this point in the plot, the story begins to jump back and forth in time, and the movie really gets viewers asking what in the world is going on? While sometimes a bit confusing, throughout the story, we find out that the two have quite a history; they have actually been in a relationship with

Anderson 2 one another, and in fact were in love; however, they dont remember. The plot flashes back to the couple having a huge fight; the compulsive Clementine has a procedure done the next morning to completely erase Joel from her memory. A few days later, Joel goes to her job to apologize. He stops to buy her an early Valentines gift that she is sure to love; however, when he arrives she acts as if she doesnt know him at all. Soon, he realizes what Clementine has done. She has found an easy way to forget him and move on through a company named Lacuna, who specializes in erasing painful memories. After meeting with Dr. Howard Mierzwiak (Tom Wilkenson) and being informed that this procedure is technically a form of brain damage, Joel comes to the conclusion that this may be his only chance at sanity. The plot is far from ordinary, constantly leaving you with questions, making the movie that much better. The relationship that Joel and Clementine share is just one of the things that make this a great movie. For example, unlike most Hollywood scripts, this is no happily ever after; they have real life issues. Most of the flash back scenes show the relationship is strained, and there is doubt as to them making it work. The last big fight is because he is tired of her tendency to get intoxicated and do wild things, while she feels trapped and is becoming bored and irritated by his predictability. The movie hints that having their minds erased may have given them a second chance at love, even though the relationship seemed to be deemed for failure. For example, Lacuna instructs Joel to bring in everything that reminds him of Clementine and asks him to review in his mind each memory so they can map out what to erase. At this point you really see his feelings for Clementine are real and how he views the relationship. The doctor starts with the last time he saw Clementine, the fight, and ends with the first time they met two years ago on the beach. As the memories are fading, Joel is reliving them, good and bad, and realizes that he is still very much in love with Clementine. The relationship that the two share is not perfect, but to Joel, its worth fighting for.

Anderson 3 The best aspect of this movie is the feeling that true love conquers all. One example of this occurs when he changes his mind about the procedure. He doesnt want to lose Clementine forever, but is it too late? Then, Joel tries to hide her in his deepest subconscious thoughts, but Dr. Mierzwiak is good at what he does and soon finishes the job. Despite his efforts, Joels memories of Clementine are gone. Its Valentines Day 2004, but to Joel, its just another day.Then on his way to work, something clicks in his mind, and he decides to skip work. Joel is off to the train station where once again he meets the love of his life. After all the trouble both go through to forget one another, here they are meeting again. The morning after their first date, Clementine receives her personal file from a previous employee of Lacuna. Enclosed is a cassette of her memories, and last thoughts of Joel, who she thinks shes only known a couple of days. They are in shock. The two put everything together, and ultimately realize they are in fact total opposites, and it is likely going to be hard to make their relationship work, but even knowing that, the love they have for each other is most certainly worth another try. This movie shows that no matter the obstacles a couple may face, true love can conquer any and all differences. With a clever, unpredictable plot, real life relationships, and the feeling you get that true love really does conquer all, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a great movie, and a must see for all. Its a real life love story with a sci-fi twist. Its plot keeps you guessing and never leaves you bored. The relationships in the movie are easily relatable, and the situations the couples encounter seem very real. In the end true love overcomes all obstacles and finds a way to shine through despite all the odds.

Anderson 4 Work Cited Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Dir. Michel Gondry. Perf. Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, and Tom Wilkinson. Focus Features, 2004. Film.

Anderson 5 Tutoring 2/10/14

I saw a tutor at the SSTC center for the film evaluation essay we just finished. I met and worked on the final copy of my essay with a woman named Phyllis Morton. I did my peer mark but when I went to read my reviews, only one student had completed the review for me. I emailed my draft to Mrs. Bolton and from the two reviews I received, I decided I may need to get a bit of help. Mrs. Morton helped me a lot. She showed where I was missing many commas. We worked on adding transition words and just rewording to achieve better flow. My essay was too much like a summery and she helped me to add facts and examples in a way that didnt sound like I was just retelling what happened. It was nice to be able to hear someone actually read my paper to me. I hope the tutoring pays off because my paper is much different.

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