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Emma and Abby

A vegetarian is somebody who doesnt eat meat. They eat mostly foods such as grains, vegetables, fruits and also some dairy products, depending on how strict they are. There are some even stricter vegetarians; they are called vegans. They refuse to eat anything that is an animal product, for example, eggs and milk as they are from chickens and cows. What vegetarians do not eat: Meat Poultry Game Fish Shellfish Crustacean Or by-products of slaughter There are different types of vegetarians: Lacto-ovo-vegetarians They eat both dairy products and eggs. This is the most common vegetarian diet. Lacto-vegetarians They eat dairy products, but they avoid eggs. Vegans They do not eat any dairy products, eggs or products that have come from an animal. Ovo-vegetarian. Eats eggs but not dairy products. A person who does not eat meat or fish, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons. oxford dictionary

Between the years 1993-2003, the number of vegetarians in the UK has almost doubled. 83% of people have been a vegan for over 2 years with most vegans likely to be females under 35 years old. The current UK population is around 62.3 million and 2% of the population are vegetarian with means 1.2 million are vegetarian. Meat-free sales have grown by 6.6% to 252.9m Quorn food -Sales have increased by up to 20% year on year 25% British public have cut back on meat in the past year 2012 - (1,582 children (1.5-18 years), 1,491 adults) 34% are willing to consider eating less meat 2% of both adults and children reported that they
Gender: Vegan UK Vegan USA Vegan

Male Female

33% 67%

36% 64%

22% 78%

When did you become Vegan?

Vegans UK Vegan USA Vegan

<15 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+

10% 52% 26% 8% 3% 1%

7% 51% 29% 9% 3% 1%

17% 52% 21% 6% 3% 1%

were vegetarian Less than 1% reported following a vegan diet Years 1,2 and 3 (combined) of the Rolling programme 2008/09-2010/11 2011 - (1,095 children (1.5-18 years), 1,031 adults) 2% of both adults and children reported that they were vegetarian Less than 1% reported following a vegan diet Years 1 and 2 (combined) of the Rolling programme 2008/09-2009/10 2010 - (583 children (1.5-18 years), 548 adults) 2% of both adults and children reported that they were vegetarian Less than 1% reported following a vegan diet Year 1 of the Rolling programme 2008/09

There are many different reason why people become vegetarian or vegan. Some people may have to give up meat because of health or diet reasons. Health - People say that eating excessive amounts of meat can lead to cancer and circulatory diseases. Also most food poisoning comes from meat products and people will most certainly want to avoid this. Vegetarians usually have less weight problems and tend to live longer.

Environment - A concern for the environment and animal ware fare is also a reason not to eat meat and this can be passed onto their children so they would be brought up never having eaten meat in their lifetime. Fishing will also have an effect.
Religion - Some religions and cultures include rules about certain diets and foods they are allowed to eat and some of these include not eating meat at all. Animals - People think it is wrong to breed and slaughter animals for food. Trends Idols that people look up to sometimes do not eat meat which can encourage one to not eat meat as well. Food Some people just do not like the taste of meat. All of these factors will contribute to reasons why people dont eat meat.

There are many companies and organisations that are associated with vegetarian and vegan foods. The most heard companies are Quorn and The Vegetarian Society. These companies aim to introduce vegetarian meals to a wide range of people. Quorn have brought out their own meat substitute products such as Quorn Mince and Chicken Pieces. The mycoprotein used to make Quorn is extracted from the fungus Fusarium Venenatum. Other unknown companies such as Big Mountain Foods are also trying to bring awareness to vegetarian products by using fresh whole food ingredients. The have their own website which does include some vegetarian recipes which you can use as your own. The Vegetarian Society offer free advice and information service we support families, individuals, health professionals, caterers and many others. Bring vegetarianism into the classroom as well as directly supporting young people and their families. Teach professional chefs and ordinary people to cook extraordinary vegetarian food in our Cordon Vert cookery school, as well as training hospital caterers and others how to provide nutritious meals without meat.

Non vegetarian products:

Excluding the obvious products such as red and white meat, such as chicken, beef and fish. To avoid when being a vegetarian, there are lots of other products which should be avoided if you choose to become a vegetarian. Foods such as fruit pastels, marshmallows and various sweets contain a product called gelatine which is made from the boiled bones, skins and tendons of animals. It is also used for setting desserts like jelly, custard and other fillings. Vegetarians should probably avoid this product as it includes animal products. Vegans however are not allowed to eat any meat, dairy product, or anything else that comes from animals, such as honey from bees, milk from cows or goats or eggs from chickens.


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