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Daily writings 2) One of the ethic dishes my family makes is a lot of Italian foods most pastas.

The one that is my favorite though is the baked ziti that my dad makes. When it comes out of the oven the ziti has a nice crisped layer of cheese on top and the noodle arent over cooked and hard. Then everything underneath that is soft and cheesy. I not sure how he makes it all I do know is he doesnt use any special equipment of ingredients. 3) When I was moving from New York to North Carolina we were driving to North Carolina and stopped to spend the night in Baltimore, Maryland. This was very strange for me because we had just left the house that I had grown up in all my life and were headed to somewhere I know nothing about. So for that night that hotel room was my familys home for our house in New York was sold and in North Carolina my dad had got an apartment for us, but I had never seen it. So that was the strangest place Ive called home. 4) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5) Family is just accident. They dont mean to get on your nerves. They dont even mean to be your family, they just are. I agree with the before quote by Marsha Norman and a find I to be the most true one. This is because in the quote she talks about how they have any choice in the matter of being in your family and you both need to and should get along with each other. 6) One time with my family that I will never forget is the first time we went to Topsail Island as a family on vacation. This was our first time renting a beach house for a whole week. We spent every day on the beach, and having all these home cooked meals together and lunches. There are 50 stars on the flag and they represent the 50 states in the US The first president was George Washington and the current president is Barack Obama The mayflower brought pilgrims and the natives helped them The star spangled banner was written by Francis Scott Key The first 10 amendments to the constitution are the bill of rights Congress has the power o declare war The introduction of the Constitution is the preamble The commander in chief of the US military is the president

7) My favorite Super Bowl commercial was the Volkswagen commercial with the engineers getting their wings. I found the commercial to be very funny aspects while still communicating the idea of a lot of Volkswagens are still on the road with over 100,000 miles. Then when the girl goes on to say what happens at 200,000 it makes you think if the company that has the most cars in the road with over 100,000 do they also have the most with 200,000. 8) The documentation style that Im most familiar with would be MLA because that was the one we used in all of my papers in high school. The way I make sure Im documenting my sources right is by using a website that has fields that you just plug the information in to then it creates the citation for you. I believe that it is import to have a work cited page at your peer review so someone can look over it for any major mistakes. 9) The sentence that best represents my approach to adding sources to my research is the second one. I like to use the approach of paraphrasing what I have researched when I add it to my paper. This is due to the fact that most of the time the information may contain information useless to what Im researching about and when I paraphrase it removes all the clutter and allows me to really say what I want. 10) The quote by Neil Armstrong really speaks to me. This is dues to the fact that I consider himself a science, a pioneer and a researcher. He was the first person to steep on to the moon somewhere, where no human had ever been before. He went headlong in to the unknown and was the first to understand what it was like to be there. 11) In most of my previous classes that I have had to write papers I have mostly written essays that explore one topic. In the essay I basically just use the research to provide fact about my topic and to discover subtopics within that topic. I can really one think of one easy Ive written that was an argumentative. In that essay that I used research to help back my argument. 12) I think procrastination is just wasting time because you really dont want to do some project or homework. I am a procrastinator I usually do my projects the day or two before they are due and even then Ill mess around and not get it done. I really like t he third quote about

procrastination being the credit card of time and that its fun until you get the bill. I feel this is 100% correct and true. 13) It is important to focus on the obscure and the not the obvious this is because stating the obvious makes the paper boring and unnecessarily long and drawn out. This is because people dont like to hear about things they already know they like to hear about that crazy and obscure things that few people know about. One thing I expect my audience to know is that Hitler was the ruler of Germany during World War II. Another thing that I expect my audience to know is that Germany was in World War II and they were defeated by the allies. 14) When looking for information about my topic I first look at on-line sources. I find out if these sources are creditable by looking at other sources and checking if the fact match up and if one say completely different than the others theres a pretty good chance that the information on the one site is false. One of the sources I would never use in research paper or other academic purposes is Wikipedia for some of the information on there not credible and thus I shouldnt and dont use it. 15) I feel that the first quote by Ernest Hemingway where he says the first draft of any thing is shit best describes what I went through. This is because any time I am writing the first draft I know the draft is terrible. I also know that every draft after that gets better and better and when it comes to the final draft the paper or project is pretty good. 16) Thing I still have to do for my semester long project and e-portfolio: E-portfolio 1. Create page for e-portfolio 2. Upload/scan in documents 3. Write reflection Semester long project 1. Do a few more slides 2. Combine mine and Tylers presentations 3. Present

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