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Committee: "ill No: Principal Author: Savannah Grable Co Author: Mor!an Crone Political Part#: Republican $ou%e:

Title o& "ill: Re%triction% on Public Smo'in! Act BE IT ENACTED BY THE BUCKINGHAM CONGRESS ( ) * + , . / 0 (1 (( () (* (+ (, ((. (/ (0 )1 )( )) )* )+ ), )). )/ )0 *1 *( *) ** *+ Preamble: Since the a!et" #! the $%blic i hi&hl" im$#rtant an' (al%e') an' ince it ha been $r#(en that ec#n'*han' m#+e i harm!%l t# th# e ,h# breathe it in) an' ince the $e#$le ha(e the ri&ht t# be $r#tecte' !r#m the harm!%l in!l%ence #! #ther ) an' ince ec#n'* han' m#+e can ne&ati(el" a!!ect 'e(el#$ment in chil'ren) SECTION -: .et the Cit" #! /aca(ille $r#tect the citi0en !r#m ec#n'*han' m#+e b" $lacin& tricter la, en!#rcin& 'e i&nate' m#+in& area ) an' threatenin& t# !ine citi0en i! the e r%le are n#t trictl" a'here' t#1 SECTION 2: .et the Cit" #! /aca(ille 'e i&nate $eci!ic $%blic m#+in& area that are at lea t 34 !eet a,a" !r#m &eneral tra!!ic an' at lea t 53 !eet a,a" !r#m area ,here chil'ren an' !amilie are re&%larl" $re ent1 Sm#+er ,#%l' ha(e the #$$#rt%nit" t# m#+e in the e ecl%'e' area ,ith#%t in!rin&in& %$#n the $e#$le6 ri&ht 1 SECTION 7: .et the Cit" #! /aca(ille &ain re(en%e b" chan&in& the im$le 8in!racti#n9 $enalt" t# a !ine #! :244 !#r the !ir t #!!en e) :344 !#r the ec#n') an' :-444 an' incarcerati#n !#r the thir'1 SECTION ;: .et the Cit" #! /aca(ille $# t i&n near 'e i&nate' area that in!#rm citi0en #! the n%mber <;;=*3244> that the" can call t# re$#rt citi0en ,h# are m#+in& #%t i'e #! area that are $ermitte'1 SECTION 3: .et the Cit" #! /aca(ille $r#(i'e a!e $lace t# e?tin&%i h ci&arette in the 'e i&nate' m#+in& area # a t# $re(ent !ire an' litterin&1 SECTION @: .et the Cit" #! /aca(ille 'e i&nate a $eci!ic ,i'e*#$en $ace that i n#t in c#ntact ,ith re i'encie #r b% ine e #! an" +in' !#r m#+er t# be able t# m#+e in #$en air ,ith#%t harmin& n#n* m#+er 1 SECTION : Thi bill hall &# int# e!!ect =- 'a" a!ter $a a&e1

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