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Grable 1 Savannah Grable Buckingham Charter Magnet High School College Visit Reflections For the college visits,

I visite !illiam "essu#, CS$ Stanislaus, an CS$ Montere%, an &ent to an informational meeting about '(usa )acific* +he t&o colleges that stoo out the most to me &ere '(usa )acific an !illiam "essu#* I reall% like &hat the schools stoo for an the general feel of the stu ents* +he first college I e,#erience &as the meeting for '(usa, an I &as e,tremel% im#resse &ith &hat the% ha to offer* +he stu ent re#resentative &as cor ial, an she genuinel% seeme to lovethe cam#us an ever%one on it* +he school s#eaks for itself &ith an ama(ing location, a soli foun ation, an man% ifferent #rograms in the area of m% inten e

stu ies, music* I also kno& a fe& in ivi uals &ho atten e '(usa )acific an absolutel% love it* In fact, one of our o&n teachers at Buckingham, Mrs* Goree, atten e college there* She still carries school #ri e an talks about it all the time* 'lso, ')$ is close neighbors &ith the beach, something I coul efinitel% get use to*

+he secon o#tion, &hich I actuall% got to visit, &as !illiam "essu# $niversit%* 'lthough it-s a fairl% ne& school an is still evelo#ing #rograms, I reall% love it* It felt like I coul efinitel% be at home there, an there &ere a lot of activities an clubs that I &ante to be

involve in .ust from being there once* /ver%one on cam#us is so &elcoming an kin hearte , an the% are so acce#ting of all kin s of #eo#le* +he number one thing that I love , though, is that the school-s central focus is efinitivel% clear0 music* In fact, one of the stu ent tour gui es even sai that #racticall% ever% single #erson on cam#us &as musicall% talente in some &a%*

Grable 1 She sai it &as har to fin a single #erson &ho &asn-t minoring in music or involve in music in some &a%* Soun s like a #lace &here I &oul fit right in2 I also like the small atmos#here* +he cam#us &as beautiful an all the ne& buil ings &ere reall% cool* 'n starte on the foo 0 incre ible* In the en , though, I &ill first be carr%ing out m% general e ucation at a communit% college, such as Solano or Sac Cit%, an eventuall% transferring as a .unior* Right no&, the clearest choice to me is "essu#* It is the most a##ealing an fitting o#tion to &hat I-m looking for right no&* I absolutel% love so man% things about !"$, an it-s a little bit more in m% #rice range than '(usa is* +hen again, it &on-t hurt to a##l% an au ition for both schools an see &hich one gives me more scholarshi#s an o##ortunities* I-ve still not com#letel% eci e , an I look for&ar to seeing other colleges in the future, but right no& the #lan is to transfer to "essu# after General / * +he main goal that I ho#e to accom#lish out of searching for colleges is to fin some&here that I can thrive an gro& as a #erson, both in m% faith an as an in ivi ual* I &ant to evelo# m% musical gifts an iscover ne& areas of interest an #assion, an &hatever college on-t even get me

accessible to me can hel# me achieve that is the one I &ill atten * I ho#e to some a% sho& off lots of letters of acce#tance as a transfer stu ent, but for no&, I-m focusing on communit% college first to be economicall% res#onsible* !ith m% har &ork an ambition, &ho kno&s &here I-ll be a fe& %ears from no&*

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