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Aziz Ziyaev Mr.

Janosch 904 4/4/2014 Romeo and Juliet

Have you ever wondered who was responsible for Romeo and Juliets death? Well, you will find it out after you are done reading this essay. Its true that everybody has different opinions but Friar and Nurse were the ones responsible for Romeo and Juliets death. Nurse is to blame because she knew everything that was going on between Romeo and Juliet and Friar is also to blame because he helped Romeo and Juliet get married. Nurse is one of the characters to blame because she was the one that brought the message to Juliet which stated, there stays a husband to make you a wife, on page 60. This quote shows how she helped Romeo get the message to Juliet. This led to Romeo and Juliets marriage which also led to sacrifices made by Romeo and Juliet. It is true that Nurse is responsible for Juliets happiness,but she cant let Juliet marry an enemy behind the backs of Juliets parents. Instead of going behind the backs of Juliets parents, Nurse should have talked to the parents of Juliet and tried

to convince them to allow Romeo and Juliet get married. This could have avoided all the deaths. Another person to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet is Friar. Friar is another person to blame because he came up with all the ideas. But one of the main reasons why he was responsible is because he helped Romeo and Juliet get married behind the backs of their parents.So smile the heavens upon holy act that after-hours with sorrow chide us not. This quote on page 60, shows how Friar knew that they were going to marry and he actually helped them. On the other hand, characters that are not to blame are Romeo and Juliet. They are not to blame because everybody falls in love. Its faith and you cant control their emotions and feelings for each other. Right after the kiss between Romeo and Juliet they fell already in love. Then have my lips sin that they took. This quote shows how they were already in love right after the kiss. And that they wanted to kiss again. In conclusion, Friar and the Nurse were the most responsible people for Romeo and Juliets death. Friar and the Nurse are the blame because when they had the chance to tell the parents of Romeo and Juliet, they didnt and they just played along and helped Romeo and Juliet get married. For this they should not be killed but they should just be warned or put to jail for

very little time because Nurse cared about Juliet and her feelings and Friar just wanted peace between the two families. (Capulets and the Montagues.) Reference Page Ackerman, D (2012, March). The brain on love. The New York Times.

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