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Michael DeVries, Tia Franzone, Kristen Hatton Dr.

Ganahl Entertainment/Sports Article 2014 Boston Marathon

When the end of April comes around Boston begins to buzz with life. One of their most sacred days is approaching, The Boston Marathon. After tragedy struck last years marathon, the city of Boston had something to prove. The Boston Marathon is almost a holiday to the people of Boston, people wake up early and make their way to the race, grilling and drinking, making a day out of the whole event. A good friend of mine, Craig Hawkins, goes to Boston College, and he said the whole day is almost like Christmas. Craig was quoted saying that the Boston Marathon is; An event unique to Boston. Working people, college kids, and families all go out and enjoy the day. Especially after last year, the race has become a sense of pride for the people of Boston. On April 15, 14, exactly a year after the bombing, a backpack was found at the finish line of the race, the area was evacuated. Luckily the backpack was deemed not a threat, and nobody was hurt. At this years race, the female winner was Rita Jeptoo who had also won the race a year before. Meb Keflezighi was the winner for the males; Meb is the first American to win the race since Greg Meyer won in 1983.

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