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Graphing Inequalities in Two Variables (Cooperative Learning) Author: Mandy Benner Date Created: 4/6/14 Sub e!

t(s): Algebra 1 (Math 1) Topi! or "nit o# Stud$ (Title): 5-6: Graphing Inequalities in !" #ariables $ 5:%: Graphing e&hn"l"gy 'ab Grade Level: (igh )&h""l (*th and 1+th) Materials: e,tb""-. Graphing /al&ulat"r. 0"r-sheet. Graphing 1aper. 2"tes Su%%ar$ (and Rationale): In this less"n. students !ill learn h"! t" graph linear inequalities "n the &""rdinate plane and s"l3e inequalities by graphing4 hey !ill then use a graphing &al&ulat"r t" in3estigate the graphs "5 inequalities in &""perati3e gr"ups4 6eal-!"rld situati"ns 7ay require s"7e"ne t" !rite. s"l3e. and graph an inequality (e,a7ples in b""-)4 I& 'o!us and (eview ()stablish *rior +nowledge): 85 7ins9 Be5"re this less"n. students sh"uld -n"! h"! t" graph linear equati"ns4 0ar7-up: 0"rd 1r"ble7 (annah has budgeted :;5 e3ery three 7"nths 5"r &ar 7aintenan&e4 <r"7 this she 7ust buy "il &"sting :; and 5ilters that &"st :% ea&h4 ("! 7u&h "il and h"! 7any 5ilters &an (annah buy and stay !ithin her budget= >uesti"ns/Ans!ers: 14 ("! 7any 3ariables d" y"u need i5 y"u !ant t" !rite an inequality 5"r (annah?s budget= @,plain4 !"A y"u need a 3ariable t" represent the nu7ber "5 units "5 "il and a 3ariable t" represent the nu7ber "5 5ilters4 B4 0hi&h inequality sy7b"l !"uld y"u use t" !rite the inequality= the sy7b"l 5"r less than "r equal t". . be&ause (annah &an spend up t" :;5 ;4 0hat inequality &an y"u !rite t" represent the situati"n= ;, C %y ;5. !here , is the nu7ber "5 units "5 "il and y is the nu7ber "5 5ilters4 II& State%ent o# Instru!tional ,b e!tive(s) and Assessments: ,b e!tives When working in collaborative groups, students will be able to use a graphing calculator to investigate the graphs of inequalities and must complete both activities with 85% accuracy and 95% competition. Assess%ents Dse @,er&ise B t" assess !hether students understand that the &""rdinates "5 all the p"ints "n the line "r in the shaded regi"n are s"luti"ns "5 the inequality4 i&-et "ut the d""r: As- students t" !rite "n a slip "5 paper !hether the b"undary "5 the graph "5 yEB,C1 has a dashed "r s"lid line and !hat this 7eans4

)tate the "bFe&ti3e: 8B 7ins9 Assess7ent: 8;+ 7ins during &lass. ; 7ins at end "5 &lass9

III& Tea!her Input (*resent tas-s. in#or%ation and guidan!e): 14 )tate "bFe&ti3e B4 1resent and g" "3er !ar7-up ;4 G" "3er &lass n"tes 44 1ut students in gr"ups "5 t!" "r three. 7i,ing abilities4 (a3e gr"ups &"7plete the A&ti3ities and @,er&ises4 M"nit"r students !"r-4 54 As- 5inal assess7ent questi"n and &"lle&t ans!ers4 IV& Guided *ra!ti!e ()li!it per#or%an!e): 8;+ 7ins9 14 0ar7-up B4 2"tes ;4 /""perati3e Gr"up A&ti3ity Ans!ers: 14 B"th graphs &"ntain the line y G B,C54 he 5irst graph is shaded bel"! y G B,C5. !hile the se&"nd graph is shaded ab"3e y G B,C54 B4 )a7ple ans!er: H(+.1). (-1.%). (B.6). (44B.-145)I ;a4 ,Cy 10; 16x+20y 200
3c. Sample answer: { (0,10), (6,5), (8,3), (11,1)} 4. !e e"#als s$%n $s $ncl#&e& w$'! '!e $ne"#al$'y

V. Closure (*lan #or %aintenan!e): 85 7ins9 )u77ariJe the -ey &"n&epts "5 graphing linear inequalities: 14 Graph the b"undary4 Dse a s"lid line !hen the inequality &"ntains "r 4 Dse a dashed line !hen the inequality &"ntains E "r K4 B4 Dse a test p"int t" deter7ine !hi&h hal5-plane sh"uld be shaded4 ;4 )hade the hal5-plane that &"ntains the s"luti"n4 )tudents need t" ha3e pr"Fe&ts &"7pleted t"7"rr"! and need t" be studying 5"r est "n hursday4 VI. Independent *ra!ti!e: 8; 7in L i&-et "ut the M""rL and 1 h"ur 5"r h"7e!"r-9 i&-et "ut the d""r: As- students t" !rite "n a slip "5 paper !hether the b"undary "5 the graph "5 yEB,C1 has a dashed "r s"lid line and !hat this 7eans4 ("7e!"r- 1r"ble7s: 1age 1;-4; "dd STA/DA(DS:

((SS.)a'!.(*n' e n ' .+S,.-./.0.3 S*l1e l$near e"# a '$*n s an& $ne"# al$'$es $n *ne 1ar$a2le, $ncl#&$n% e"# a '$*n s w$'! c*e33$c$en's repres e n ' e & 2y le''ers. ((SS.)a'!.(*n' e n ' .+S,.(.4.,.1 (rea' e e"# a '$*n s an& $ne"# al$'$es $n *ne 1ar$a2le an& #se '!e m '* s*l1e pr*2le m s . Include equations arising from linear and quadratic functions, and simple rational and expo n e n tial functions . ((SS.)a'!.(*n' e n ' .+S,.(.4.,.2 (rea' e e"# a '$*n s $n 'w* *r m*r e 1ar$a2les '* repr es e n ' rela'$*ns !$ps

2e'w e e n "#an '$'$es; %rap! e"# a'$*n s *n c**r&$n a' e axes w$'! la2els an& scales. ((SS.)a'!.(*n' e n ' .+S,.(.4.,.3 -epres e n ' c*ns'r a$n' s 2y e"# a'$*n s *r $ne"# al$'$es, an& 2y sys' e m s *3 e"# a '$*n s an&5*r $ne"# al$'$es, an& $n'erpr e' s*l#'$*ns as 1$a2le *r n*n1$a2le *p'$*ns $n a m*& el$n% c*n' ex '. For exa m pl e, repres e n t inequ alities describing nutritional and cost constraints on co m bina tion s of differen t foods . ((SS.)a'!.(*n' e n ' .+S,.-./.4.10 6n&ers' a n & '!a' '!e %rap! *3 an e"# a'$*n $n 'w* 1ar$a2les $s '!e se' *3 all $'s s*l#'$*ns pl*'' e& $n '!e c**r&$n a' e plan e, *3'en 3*rm$n% a c#r1e (w!$c! c*#l& 2e a l$ne). ((SS.)a'!.(*n' e n ' .+S,.-./.4.12 7rap! '!e s*l#'$*ns '* a l$near $ne"# al$'y $n 'w* 1ar$a2les as a !al38 plan e (excl#&$n% '!e 2*#n & ar y $n '!e cas e *3 a s'r$c' $ne"# al$'y), an& %rap! '!e s*l#'$*n se' '* a sys' e m *3 l$near $ne"# al$'$es $n 'w* 1ar$a2les as '!e $n'ers e c '$*n *3 '!e c*rres p * n &$n % !al38 plan e s.
+S. .1 6se 'ec!n*l*%y an& *'!er res*#rces 3*r ass$%ne& 'as9s.
*lans #or Individual Di##eren!es: 0"rd 1r"ble7 and )-ills 1ra&ti&e 5"r @nglish 'earners Mi55erential h"7e!"r- "pti"ns in te,tb""- 5"r di55erent s-ill le3els (basi&. &"re. ad3an&ed) /hallenge students t" !rite an inequality 5"r the graph !h"se b"undary passes thr"ugh the p"ints at (4.-B) and (-;.-B) and !h"se s"luti"n set &"ntains the b"undary and all the p"ints ab"3e the b"undary4 Ans!er: y-B )andra &"uld use the &"7puter instead "5 a &al&ulat"r t" graph inequalities sin&e she li-es d"ing design "n the &"7puter4 (e#eren!es (A*A st$le):

(ar'er, :. ,., 7#e1as, 7. :., 4ay, -., ; )all*y, (. (2011). Algebra 1. ( eac!er e&.). )c7raw +$ll 7lenc*e. Common core state standards initiative. (2014). -e'r$e1e& 3r*m !''p:55www.c*res'an&ar&s.*r%5
2"tes pr"3ided by Ms4 )t"hls. ("ggard (igh )&h""l

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