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Face to Face Workshop Outline

Length: 3 days Topics: How to use Voki and What is Content Curation Instructor: Britton Spivey

Day 1
Introduction: Play Powtoons slide 1. Using chart paper, record participates answer defining Voki . Show definition (slide 2. )Play students Voki videos (slide 3). Work session: Using the interactive tool SpicyNodes have teacher brainstorm how they would use Voki in the classroom (slide 4). Discuss possibilities

Day 2
Continue work session from day 1

Work session: Pull up the SpicyNodes link to refresh participates on way to use Voki in the classroom. Assist teachers as the do the following 1. Create an account 2. Create a Voki 3. Upload or email their project Resource if needed Creating a Voki video printed copy of how to create a Voki.

Closing Upload Voki project or email to instructor

Day 3
Introduction: Lead a group discussion on what is content curation by reading Nancy Whites blog (included in blendspace curation). Show Dr. Makemsons video (included in blendspace curation) of how he uses curation as a part of his lessons. Work session: Instructor will explain assignment and show example of final product. Have participates used the curated resources to complete the project. Instructor will provide as much support as needed. Participates can work in groups or individually. Closing Share curation projects on Web 2.0 tools for school.

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