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Frankenstein Reflection

Answer the following questions in a blog post titled, English - Frankenstein Reflection. Then upload your script to Scribd and embed it into your post.

1. What was your favorite role to play (e.g., Frankenstein, Monster, director, etc.) and why?
My favorite character to portray is the Monster because there are a lot of emotions that he feels, and it is also interesting how he progresses from making random noises and grunts to speaking his feelings.

2. After reading and performing the play, what do you think about the question, Why are we the way we are and how can we be responsible for ourselves?
We are the way we are because that is how certain people have shaped us and influenced us, and that makes up your perceptions and feelings, and they become a part of you. We can be responsible by thinking about our actions and the consequences that we may face.

3. Who do you feel is responsible for Monsters action?

First, I think Frankenstein is responsible for them because he is the one that created him, and shunned him as soon as he came to life. The villagers are also partially responsible, because they also rejected him. Felix shot him, which made the Monster even madder at humanity.

4. What skills did you gain or refine? (Thinking, communication, collaboration, research, self-management)
I didnt gain much, but I refined my communication and collaboration skills.

5. What was the most challenging part about rewriting a script for Frankenstein or rewriting a scene from your life? What was the most enjoyable part?
I think the most challenging part was to do all the planning. While writing everything was fun, adding the plot twist was the most interesting part, and therefore, the most enjoyable for me.

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