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Justin Holland English 1102- 073 Ms.

Douglas Annotated Bibliography March 24, 2014

"After Newtown, Modest Change in Opinion about Gun Control." Pew Research Center for the People and the Press RSS. N.p., 20 Dec. 2012. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

In this we look at how mass shootings effect the publics opinion on what should be done about gun control. There was a telephone survey that took place after Newtown shooting and there was a dramatic increase in the number of adult opinions that thought the gun control laws should be tightened down. The article is talking about how these events affect the average persons opinion and then they are therefore more likely to be for stronger laws. This is a really useful piece of information to have considering that the public are the ones who will be voting on putting these laws into effect. When some people say that this is not necessarily true, then is when this article becomes a great piece of information to have n the line of inquiry paper to back of the voice of the public. This is information on the voice of the average citizen after a shooting occurs, which is a very important voice and is one of the most important. Since this article has some statistics in it, it is great for research use. It is hard to find some facts about how these shootings influence the publics voice on gun control laws. This article provides some useful research information that can be used inside of my line of inquiry quite greatly.

Cavanaugh, Jim. "Background checks aren't gun control, they're crime control." NBC News Digital, 13 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

As a guy who spent many years in the business with the federal government and with firearms he understands that background checks are not even really gun control. This article also can be interpreted in the way of how effective is the laws our government is trying to put into place. If the laws are not going to truly do anything towards gun control then what is the point, this guy is stating. I really think that he has a valid and important point here, which is the main reason that I chose this article. It seems to me that this information will be useful in writing my line of inquiry in helping me back of some of the viewpoints. There is a lot of research that will have to be done on this topic and this article helps me advance in that a little bit. This article has some great points and information that can and most likely will be used in my line of inquiry as research.

Chiaramonte, Perry. "Gun flight: Smith & Wesson, Ruger quit California over stamping requirement." Fox News. FOX News Network, 26 Jan. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

When everyone sees a shooting on the news and their immediate reaction is to start trying to tighten the gun laws up to try and stop it from occurring again they dont realize all of the people that it affects. When you tighten up the gun laws you have to think about the gun companies that will also be affected by the decisions that are made into laws. This article is talking about how the government is trying to force these companies to adjust their products so it will be traceable

but will impair the performance of the firearm. Since these companies refuse to go along with this law it is going to hurt their sales and business because of this law. One voice that some people may not realize is a voice in my line of inquiry is the gun companies. This article shows the correct facts and information to show how gun laws in not just as easy as making a law and putting it into effect. This source provides some useful information to help me support my points and the voice of the gun companies in my line of inquiry paper. This source fits in well with my research because this is a great point that I am planning on including into my line of inquiry. These gun companies have a big voice in the subject of gun control laws considering they are the ones who are going to be affected secretly that no one thinks about when making the decisions of putting these laws into affect. This is why the research step is really an important in finding and knowing the correct information before the actual paper is ready to be written.

Cohen, Michael. "The NRA's surgeon general warning: a reminder of gun control's scarlet letter." Guardian News and Media, 20 Mar. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

This is another article where the NRA is not agreeing with something the government is trying to do. Obama was trying to make this guy a surgeon of the nation but this surgeon had some insanely bizarre beliefs especially when it came to gun control. This is showing you from the voice of our president and lets you know that he is wanting these firearms gone and will like to have more people with the same beliefs behind him.

This is a useful article for the voice of the NRA and also the voice of the government. This shows kind of how the government stands on the gun control laws and what they think is best and will help our country the most. Since Obama is somewhat agreeing with this surgeon and wans him, it makes me think that the voice of the president or the government will be similar to that of the surgeons. This article is a great piece or finding for my research. It provides me with a plentiful amount of information to back up and help support what the voice of the government is and where they stand on the whole idea of gun control along with the NRA opposing there beliefs.

"Connecticut: Confusion Reigns as Gun Control Law Takes Effect; Meanwhile NRA Continues the Fight." NRAILA RSS. N.p., 5 Mar. 2014. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

The NRA is opposing how Obama was in Connecticut a few days after the laws was put into place saying how he was praising that these laws was put into place. This article is showing the voice of the government and our president along with the voice of an opposing group on the topic of gun control laws. The government is glad that these laws went into affect thinking it is going to help stop shootings from occurring in the future while the NRA thinks the complete opposite. This is a pretty useful article with useful information because of the voiced and the points these voices include inside of the article. It really helps to understand where each of them stands of the question and situation of gun control.

Another great thing about this article is the advancement it gives me in research. There is a lot of information that can be used as research information in this article such as the beliefs and standings of each of the voices inside of the article.

"NRA takes aim at California's sweeping gun control bill." Fox News. FOX News Network, 3 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

Considering how large the topic of gun control is there is many groups that have formed to either stand strong for gun control or opposes the laws trying to be put into affect. The NRA is the national rifle association and is a large group that stands strong for the citizens right to own guns. In this article California is trying to create gun control laws to ban all semi automatic rifles. The article reads that the NRA plans to sue California because of the actions they are trying to take to ban these weapons. The NRA is yet another group that has a powerful voice in the area of gun control and on the line of inquiry I have. Considering how large the group is and the attention they get, it makes it rather easy for them to get their word out if they need to. Their voice is pretty obvious in this situation in the fact that they oppose what the government is trying to do and does not think that the gun control laws should be tightened down like other people believe. This goes right along with my research because I can be pretty difficult to find some facts and research information on all of the different voices that have a part in my line of inquiry. It is nice to find a scenario where an a group express their beliefs and actions against another major voice inside of my line of inquiry who thinks the opposite in most cases as the NRA.

Richardson, Valerie. "Hickenlooper: New Gun Laws Had No Impact on Arapahoe HS Shooting." The Colorado Observer. N.p., 16 Dec. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

This article is about how a governor seen that there were laws put into affect to help prevent any mass shootings from happening but yet again one happened. The governor then had the great point of saying whether or not these laws had done any good on preventing the shooting from happening or not. This is some useful information for the voice of the government. Considering that the governor is the one who noticed that the laws did nothing in preventing the shooting from happening. Even though most of the time the governments voice is towards the strengthening of gun control, this time he realizes that the laws that were being put into effect may not be doing any good. There is not much research that can be done on this topic but this article is a good finding for my research. It is quite difficult to research something this specific looking inside at the details of gun control. So me finding this article am actually a great contribution towards my research process.

Vitali, Ali. "Colorado governor signs tough gun laws in wake of mass shootings." NBC News Digital, 13 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2014.

There were many people who were in shock of the shooting that occurred in Colorado. Their immediate reaction is to take immediate reaction to do whatever they can to prevent another event similar to this one happening again. Basically this article is explaining how the governor of Colorado created the strictest laws across the nation just in immediate reaction to the shootings.

This is useful to me as a source in my line of inquiry because it is coming from the viewpoint of the government in creating gun control laws. Since the governor is the one who is creating the laws after these mass shootings occurred he is the main voice that I am looking at. It also really shows how mass shootings influences the communities decisions and the governments decisions to tighten down on the gun control laws that they believe need to be put into affect to prevent anything similar to these events from occurring again. This source fits into my research quite well because it is facts backing up my point of how the government reacts to all of these mass shootings that are beginning to occur more and more across our nation. In order to have valid points throughout my paper I need to have the proper research and facts to back up what I am saying which is how this source really falls in line with my research.

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