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Focus of Study (Desert, Birds, shoes, colors, etc.

etc) Community Helpers Intended Age Group (Inf nts, !oddlers, " yrs., #yrs., $inders) $inders %&'ecti(e ()h t do *e * nt children to +no* or &e &le to do) ,ist t le st .. /ecogni0e the import nce of the emergency responders 'o& -. Be &le to e1pl in *h t n emergency is. ". ,ist " nim ls th t *ould go to (et #. /ecogni0e th t pet needs re much the s me s their o*n. 2ro(oc tion (Chec+ %3,4 one nd gi(e e1 mple) Child5Initi ted or !e cher5Initi ted 5 so students could le rn &out the different community helpers. I62,7673!A!I%3 2,A3 2rocedure (Identify group si0e, intro of lesson, speci l set5up if needed) Identify S!72S 2u&lic S fety .. In group s+ students if they +no* *h t the (ehicle8s re9 If they +no* *h t n emergency is9 -. 71pl in5 !he firefighters dri(e the firetruc+ to put out fires, the police m n rides the motorcycle nd protects them, nd the p r medics dri(e the m&ul nce to help people *ho re sic+ or hurt. ". An emergency is fire, n intruder, or someone is unconscious. #. 7 ch of these 'o&s re emergency responders nd the child should c ll :.. if there is n emergency. 2et ;et .. In group s+ students if they h (e ny pets9 Discuss the different nim ls. -. ,et the students +no* th t pets needs re (ery simil r to their o*n needs. ". )h t does it t +e to c re for your pet9 #. Going to the (et is to insure your pets s fety. Identify different le rning re s (m th, science, rt, etc) 2u&lic S fety .. Dr m tic 2l y5 h (e children ct out different emergencies, try on the different uniforms nd pretend they re he ding out for n emergency. -. , ngu ge nd ,iter cy5 recogni0e the *ords on e ch (ehicle to sep r te from other (ehicles. 2et ;et .. Science5 H (e students pretend their the (et (ie*ing <5r ys nd e1 m the slides in the microscope. -. Soci l Studies5 H (e children descri&e *h t it is li+e to h (e pet nd h (e them underst nd th t pet is p rt of their f mily.

6odific tions for children *ith differing &ilities (Chec+ one nd st te *h t *ill &e done differently) He ring Imp ired ;isu lly Imp ired5 2l y the sirens to help them identify the responder since the sirens re ll different. 2hysic l ,imit tions 2ossi&le Artif cts=Document tion (!r ces of e(idence)

completed children8s reflecti(e 'ourn l 2hotogr phs Coll &or tion (Identify colle gues=p rents nd their role in the lesson &eing successful) Community> 6useum F mily> As+ p rents if ny re (ets or pu&lic s fety *or+ers nd *ould li+e to help. Colle gues> !ime 3eeded> !his is one d y pl n. 6 teri ls nd /esources Instruction l 6ethod=6 teri ls (!hem tic, /eggio, 2ro'ect Appro ch, other) !hem tic *ould &e represented

/esources 6useum S!A3DA/DS ? ASS7SS673! Assessments ,ist one per o&'ecti(e &o(e th t *ill me sure m stery

Objective Assessment Method Documentation /ecogni0e the import nce of the emergency responders 'o&. Be &le to e1pl in *h t n emergency is. Chec+ ,ist


A chec+ list th t identify *h t they le rned &out the different 'o&s.

! +e notes from inter(ie* *ith *h t student h s le rned &out emergencies. ,ist " nim ls th t *ould go to (et. /ecogni0e th t pet needs re much the s me s their o*n. )or+ S mple Chec+ ,ist H (e students dr * picture of the " nim ls.

Chec+ list of them comp ring them self to the pets needs.

A@ 7 rly ,e rning St nd rds (,ist the st nd rd nd thre d th t &est supports your o&'ecti(es) Fine Arts5 Str nd " Concept Appro ches to ,e rning5 Str nd . Concept Science5 Str nd . Concept -


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