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Gothic Realities By: Breanna Ringersen 1.

MONSTER=HOMOSEXUAL is a metaphor that merely visualized the monstrosity already built into a homosexuality as a social construct. Cultural, legal, and scientific discourses of the nineteenth century constructed homosexuality as a pathology in order to identify and control it. South Park episodes have characters say Thats gay! The primary obstacle confronting those who want to celebrate queer monster in fiction and film. Rather than redefining the boundaries of the abject, she may end up reinforcing them and perpetuating, unchanged and unchallenged, and existing prejudices. 2. IN ADDITION TO BEING A LESBIAN, WILLOW IS A WITCH. Page 151 This quote disgusts me. In addition to as in being a lesbian is already a crime. Wouldnt we think that the monstrous word in this sentence would be witch and not lesbian? This is one of the reasons why we have monsters within us, within society. Pushing others away and making them feel unwanted because they are different. Not being able to accept someone is one thing, but portraying them as something to fear is another. Why fear homosexuals? Because they might hit on you? Because they like your gender? 3. By: Troy Cole (Me) I like how you compare it to a crime. Because if you are under those labels it could feel as if you are in a prison and being tortured by those words.

4. Thanks! I definitely think so as well. You could be tortured not only mentally but physically as well. Back in sophomore year of high school, I knew a guy who got beat up by two guys on the football team because he was a homosexual and would change in front of them during weightlifting.

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