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McClinchy 1 Chuckie McClinchy Mrs.

Tieman English 12/Dual Credit 31 March 2014 Soundtrack of My Life Music is by far the most influential art form to anyone anywhere in the world of any age and I am definitely no exception. In sixth grade, I started playing trombone. In eighth grade, I started playing cello. In ninth grade, I quit playing cello. However, I have stuck with trombone and have been sitting in the first chair of Waynesvilles band since I was a sophomore. There is a liberating feeling that comes with the experience of music (both playing and listening). To experience the raw emotion and passion that goes into each verse makes for an indescribable feeling and if the music can be used to send a message, thats even better. Throughout my life, Ive lived by the ideals of self -reliance, self-expression, and self-confidence. Really what Ive learned is that success comes from within. Ive always played to the beat of my own drum, doing what I like instead of obsessing over what others might think of me for it. Some songs that reflect these principles are Meditate by Ces Cru, The Art of Peer Pressure by Kendrick Lamar, and both Diamond and D(I Am)Ond by Stick to Your Guns. Meditate is a song about Ces Crus struggle to project themselves into the public eye while remaining true to their style instead of conforming. The track starts off

McClinchy 2 with some peculiar backing vocals that cant be deciphered that repeat along with t he beat all throughout the song. This might throw off some listeners, but I think thats the point. Ces Cru isnt for everyone, but they arent changing to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Next, the vocals come in with the refrain, repeating Hustle and meditate, headed for some better days, verbalizing how I like to live my life. The key is always grinding through your troubles and stay in control of yourself. Just by staying in your head, you point yourself in the right direction, toward those better days. However, my favorite line of all from this song is in the fifth verse: trying to live my life with no stress/My mind clear but my hands dirty, I grind daily, Im focused. The way I see it, a lot of stress is avoidable and pointless (at least as a teenager, anyway). Since I dont dwell on the inherent drama that comes with being in high school, I have clear mind that Im able to put to use focusing on what really matters right now: learning and developing into someone others would be proud to know. The Art of Peer Pressure was written in order to have a positive influence by showing the negative effects of what peer pressure can do. Each verse is about a crime the speaker committed with his friends ranging from doing drugs, getting in gang fights, and robbing a house. What really gets to me in this track is how after each description, the speaker talks about how he isnt normally inclined to those sorts of behaviors but the difference is Im with the homies. This particular song resonates with me because I have always prided myself on not giving in to peer pressure. Obviously, there arent gang fights through Waynesville, but I have a lot of friends who dont mind not being sober whereas Ive only ever even tasted alcohol once and tha t was by accident (which is a funny separate story). This song illustrates what weak-willed people and a bad

McClinchy 3 influence can lead to. People do weird things to impress other people, but Ive always tried to stay out of that mess; the only person I need to impress is myself. While the two songs I have chosen are both rap songs, the next two take a drastic turn into the hardcore scene. Diamond and D(I Am)Ond are the first and eleventh tracks respectively on Stick to Your Gunss fifth album, Diamond. The first tune starts off with a sound clip from Jiddu Krishnamurti , in this there is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Saviour. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything. And to understand is to transform what it is. This quote sets the tone for a lot of the album, which stresses the importance of independence and loving yourself. Next, the lyrics kick in explosively; the vocalist shouts at the top of his lungs, I know that whats in front of me is a reflection of what is inside of me. The right attitude is the key to success. With the right attitude, despite the circumstances, the future can look bright and promising, while the wrong attitude can make the future seem bleak and despairing. Equally important is the second line: And I see I need to be myself because its so lonely in the eyes of someone else. This is one of my favorite lines as it demonstrates the ideals I mentioned earlier. Ive learned that the only way to love yourself is to be yourself and if you dont love yourself, you feel completely alone, no matter how many friends you have. Once you learn to love yourself, it changes your

McClinchy 4 whole outlook on life. Everything starts to go your way, everyone becomes your friend, and you feel like youre on top of the world. Much later in the album, comes D(I Am)Ond. This song repeats many of the themes from the first track like self-acceptance and making the most of life and I feel as if the band chose to do two songs with nearly identical titles in order to really reinforce how important their lessons are. This track consists of one verse that is repeated. It starts off with I am a brave man, I am a coward/I am the tiger, I am the flower, and continues with similar paradoxes in what I have interpreted as a display of the conundrum that is life. No is consistent one hundred percent of the time because were all just humans and were inconsistent by nature. The verse ends with I am, most importantly, never concerned with what I am not, emphasizing that instead of trying to play a role, it is essential to be you. Dont trouble yourself with how to be anyone else, not matter how confusing or complicated or unique you are. Each of these songs ends in the line, This is my life and this life is my diamond, which really sums up what Ive been trying to say. Treat life like its precious and enjoy every minute of it. Lifes too short to hate yourself, so turn that frown upside down and learn to love yourself. All of these tracks have reaffirmed my personal principles. Im the only driving force I need on the road to success. While others may let their peers drag them down, I am confident that with self-confidence, determination, and a little bit of grit, I can make through anything and thrive wherever I may be in life.

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