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Bowe Peelman
Seeking Employment

29325 Hwy 41 Coarsegold, California 93614 (559) 903- 2572

I am a hard worker that never deviates from the task at hand once I get involved. I am not afraid to take control of a situation if leadership is needed, and like to think of myself as well versed in people skills.

Game O!cial, ASA Youth Softball League; Coarsegold, California - 2011-2012 For one league year, I worked managing many games. My duty was to make just, unbiased calls on every play. A large amount of the time, I was working by myself but several instances came up in which I had to direct other ofcials. Ranch Hand, Ciano Farm and Ranch; Biola, California - 2012- 2013 I performed necessary tasks on a small, family owned almond farm & ranch. This included care for small animals and much physical labor. Being able to work on my own was a must.

Minarets High School, ONeals, California - Current Enrollment - 2011 - 2013

i do the thig i can cry for hours eats four potato idek man hire me pls

Eric Ward - Coarsegold, California (555) 555-5555 John Ciano - Biola, California (555) 555-5500

Bowe Peelman

Monday, October 14, 2013 1:15:48 PM Pacic Daylight Time


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