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To: Rebecca Agosta From: Alex Karl Date: 2/12/14 Subject of Inquiry: How does ADD effect Identity

Initial Inquiry Subject: My interest for this project is to study and observe the effects of ADD on a persons identity. I am interested in this because I was diagnosed with ADD at a very young age and am still affected by it today. I do know a lot about what is it and how it can be treated but I want to look into how it effects the different people that have it and how it has changed who they once they were diagnosed with it. I would also like to see how being medicated for it may have altered someone personality as did mine and change the identity completely. Methods: I plan on looking back and using my own life as part of my research and observations, I never really have looked back to see how I was affected by this through my identity. I would also use some of my friends that I know are affected by it some of which have dealt with it for many years while a few have recently been affected. And I would like to out source and see if I can find any online communities. Questions: 1. Do people with ADD notice changes in themselves? 2. Do people change just by knowing they have ADD/ADHD? 3. Does having ADD change a person?

4. Who would be defined as having ADD? 5. Does having ADD change how someone may perceive them? 6. Can identity change based on whether someone is medically treated for ADD or not? 7. Is consider ADD as part of an identity? 8. Can having ADD can destroy an identity?

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