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Topics for Pop Culture Essay Unfortunately for me, I am not into that much of American popular culture.

When I first heard that we will be doing a pop culture essay, I thought I would do something with anime. riefly, I considered doing !orean Pop music, but the topic had to be a part of American pop culture. There was no way that I could ha"e made a case for !#pop to be considered as American pop culture. I could ha"e discussed how American Pop music, and e"en rap music, has influenced !#pop, but that would be "ery hard to do. I $now a lot about !#pop, but I am no way an e%pert in it. I decided to stic$ to what I $now, which is anime. y the teacher pre"enting me from choosing foreign pop culture topics, I got the prefect idea about what I want my pop culture essay should focus on& Why is anime considered a part of American pop culture, if it was created by the 'apanese( This was going to be the main focused, but it was too broad to do a paper on. The most important part was to )ustify why I thin$ that anime is a part of the American culture. *ne reason is that a lot of Americans watch anime. This has made people to become obsessed with e"erything 'apanese, to the point that some people want to be 'apanese. *ther reasons that anime is considered a part of American culture& anime con"entions, Toonami, Pokemon+Sailor Moon, Dragonball Z, cosplay, Comic Con, comic heroes "s. anime heroes, and stimulation games. Also, I wanted to include some of the affect of anime li$e the increase in Americans learning 'apanese or the increase desire for Americans to go to 'apan. I might include some of the changes that Americans ha"e done to anime, li$e fan#fiction and cartoons. I decided also not to complicate that paper with the addition of manga, mostly because I $new that paper would be long enough without the addition of manga. I also do not want to confuse the reader with the difference between comic and manga. Plus manga is not a big a part of American culture compared to


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