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Essentially when we run a regression we are actually estimating the parameters on the basis of the sample of observations. Therefore y =a+bx for example is a sample regression line much in the same way that x is a sample estimate of the population parameter m. In the same way our population regression line or the true relationship of the data is : is Y=A+Bx . This equation however is unknown and we have to use sample data to estimate it. The true form of the unknown equation for the k variable case is: When we perform a regression we are frequently interested in questions whether y is actually dependent on x? That is if we take our example we may ask whether the volumeof unpaid tax recovery actually depends on the number of computer hours of research the filed researcher puts in. Essentially we are asking is x a significant explanatory variable for y? We can say that if there is some relationship between y and x if Bi0. There is no relationship between x and y if Bi=0. Thus we can formulate our hypotheses regarding the tests of significance of the xi coefficient as follows: Ho: Bi=0 Null hypothesis , that x i is not a significant explanatory variable for y Ha: Bi0 Alternative hypothesis that xi is a significant explanatory variable for y. We can test this hypothesis using the t ratio:

= a + b1 x1 + b2 x 2 + b3 x3 + ............ + bk x k y
Even in the case of the population regression plane regression plane not all data points will lie on it.. Why ? Consider our IRS problem. Not all payments to informants will be equally effective.;
Some of the computer hours may be used for organizing

data rather than analyzing accounts.

For these and other reasons some of the data points will

lie above the regression plane and some below it .

Therefore instead of satisfying the above equation the individual data points will satisfy :

Where bi : slope of fitted regression

= a + b1 x1 + b2 x 2 + b3 x3 + ............ + bk x k + e y
This is the population regression plane plus a random disturbance term . The term e is a random disturbance term which equals zero on the average. The standard deviation of this term of this term is e. The standard error of the regression se which we have talked about in the earlier section is an estimate of e. As our sample regression equation :

bi Bio s bi

Bio : actual slope of hypothesized for the population Sbi: standard error of the regression coefficient

Why is the t Statistic Used ?

In multiple regression we use n data points to estimate k+1 coefficients, i.e., intercept a and b1bk slope coefficients. These coefficients were used to calculate s e which estimates se. the standard deviation of the disturbance of the data. We use s e to estimate s bi Therefore since se has n-k-1 degrees of freedom, s bi will have n-k1. Degrees of freedom. The value of s b i is given in the output as stdev term. Because our hypothesized value value of Bi is 0 , the standardized value of the regression coefficient to becomes: The value of to is called the observed or computed t value. This is the number that appears in the column headed t ratio in the computer out put. We test for the significance of the t ratio by checking against the column headed p-value. This column gives the prob values for the two-tailed test of hypotheses: Ho: Bi=0 Ha: Bi0 The prob values are the probabilities that each bi would be as far (or farther ) away from zero( hypothesized value of Bi coefficient) if ho is true. This is shown in Figure 2 . We need only to compare the p values with a, the level of significance. To determine whether xi is a significant explanatory variable of y.

= a + b1 x1 + b2 x 2 + b3 x3 + ............ + bk x k y
This equation estimates the unknown e population regression plane

= a + B1 x1 + B2 x 2 + B3 x 3 + ............ + Bk x k y
As we can see the estimation of a regression plane can also be thought of as a problem of statistical inference where we make inferences regarding an unknown population relationship on the basis of an estimated relationship based on sample data. Much in the same way as for hypothesis testing for a mean we can also set up confidence intervals for the parameters of the estimated equation. We can also make inferences about the slopes of the true regression equation slope parameters(B1, B 2, Bk) on the basis of slopes coefficients of the estimated equation (b1, b2 , b 3, bk ). Tests of Inference of an Individual Slope Parameter Bi As explained earlier we can use the value of the individual bi , which are values of the slope parameter for the ith variable , to test a hypotheses about the value of Bi , which is the true population value of the slope for the ith variable. The process of hypotheses testing is the same as that delineated for testing the mean.


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Figure 3 Figure 2 If p> Xi is not a significant explanatory variable . If p< Xi is a significant explanatory variable . This test of significance of the explanatory variable is always a two-tailed test. The independent variable x i is a significant explanatory variable if bi is significantly different from zero. This requires that our t ratio be a large positive or negative. In our IRS example for each of the three explanatory variables p is less than .01. Therefore we conclude that each one is a significant explanatory variable. TEst of Significance of The Regression as a Whole It is quite possible that we frequently may get a high value of R2 by pure chance. After all if we throw a dart on board to get a scatter plot we could generate a regression, which may conceivably have a high R2. Therefore we need to ask the question a high value of R2 necessarily mean that the independent variables explain a large proportion of the variation in Y or could this be a freak chance. In statistical terms we ask the following question: Is the regression as a whole significant? In the last section we had looked at whether the individual x i were significant. Now we ask whether collectively all the xi (i=1k) together significantly explain the variability in y. Our hypothesis is: Ho: B1=B2+Bk = 0 Null hypothesis that y does not depend on x is Ha: atleast one Bi0 Alternative hypothesis that at least one Bi is not zero. To explain this concept we have to go back to our initial diagram, which shows the two variable case. (insert diag Lr p743 The total variation in y Thus when we look at the variation in y we look at 3 different terms each of which is a sum of squares .These are denoted as follows:

( y y) y) SSR=Regression sum of squares ( y ) SSE=Error sum of squares ( y y

SST= Total sum of squares
2 2

Total variation in y can be broken into two parts: the explained and the unexplained: SST=SSR+SSE Each of these has an associated degrees of freedom. SST has n-1 degrees of freedom. SSR has k degrees of freedom because there are k independent variables. SSE has degrees of freedom n-k-1 because we used n observations to estimate k+1 parameters a, b1,b2, ..bk. If the null hypotheses is true we get the following F ratio

SSR k F= SSE n k 1
Which has a F distribution with k numerator degrees of freedom and n-k-1 degrees of freedom in the denominator. If the null hypotheses is false i.e that the explanatory variables have a significant effect on y then the F ratio tends to be higher than if the null hypothesis is true., So if the F ratio is large we reject the null hypotheses that the explanatory variables have no effect on the variation of y . Therefore we reject Ho and conclude that the regression is significant. Going back to our IRS example we now look at the computer output. A typical output of a regression also includes the computed F ratio for the regression. This is also at times called the ANOVA for the regression. This is because we break up the up the analysis of variation in Y into explained variance or variance explained by the regression(between column variace0 and unexplained variance.(within column variance.) This is shown in table 3

( y y)
y) (y ) (y y

Explained variation by the regression is


Unexplained variation

This is shown in the figure 3 for the one variable case of simplicity. For a multiple variable case the something applies conceptually.
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Table 3

a. What is the best fitting regression equation for these data? b. What percentage of the variation in grades is explained by this equation?


Analysis of Variance Source Regression Error DF 3 6 SS 29.1088 .4912 MS 9.7029 .0819 F P

c. What grade would you aspect for a 21- year old student with an IQ of 113 who studied 5 hour and used three different books? Notes

118.52 0.00



The sample output for the IRS problem is given above. SSR=29.109, k=3 SSE=.491 ( with n-k-1 df = 6) degrees of freedom.

29.11 F = 3 = 118.3 0.491 6

The MS column is the sum of squares divided by the number of degrees of freedom. The output also gives us the p- value, which is 0.00. Because p< =0.01 we can conclude that the regression as a whole is highly significant. Exercises Q1. Bill Buxton, a statistic professor in a leading business school, has a keen interest in factors affecting students performance on exams. The midterm exam for the past semester had a wide distribution of grades, but Bill feels certain that several factors explain the distribution: He allowed has students to study from as many different books as they liked, their Iqs they are of different ages, and they study varying amount of time for exams. To develop a predicting formula for exam grads, Bill asked each student to answer, at the end of the exam, questions regarding study time and number of books used. Bills teaching record already contained the Iqs and ages for the students, so he compiled the data for the class and ran a multiple regression with Minitab. The output form Bills computer run was as follows:

Predictor Coef Constant Hours Iq Books Age -49.948

Stdev 41.55

Tratio -1.20

P 0.268 0.312 0.008 0.218 0.319

1.06931 0.98163 1.09 1.36460 0.37627 3.63 2.03982 1.50799 1.35 1.78990 0.67332 -2.67

S = 11.657

R sq = 76.7%
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