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This three-year old Serbian boy was shot dead while hiding in the cellar at 72 Nikola Demonja Street.

His mother and father, Sladana and Miroslav Cecavac, were also killed

Between 16 and 18 October 1991, 24 Serbian civilians from Gospic in Croatia were slaughtered. Croatian forces killed the 15 men and nine women with guns, knives and sledgehammers,doused the bodies with petrol and set them on fire. From October 1991 to February 1992, more than 500 Serbian civilians from the Gospic area disappeared without trace

A Serbian soldier helps a wounded comrade, Vukovar 1991. He was killed going back into the combat zone to rescue another. The wounded soldier was later killed in action

Terror Suspects being Taken to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Soldiers Making a Mockery of Prisoner of War in airplane on the way to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Cruel Treatment Of Prisoners At Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Suspected terrorist being transported in cruel manner from Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Sri Lankans displaced as a result of civil war

Iraqi Civilians running to safety in the aftermath of bomb explosion

Rwandan refugee Camp in East Zaire

African Child Soldiers Fighting for Rebels

Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone fighting on the side of Army

Child Soldiers in Sri Lanka

Syrian Refugee Camp in Jordan

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