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THE 40 YEAR-OLD VIRGIN by ; Judd Apatow and Steve Carell ce ® For Educatior Purposes Oniy ESTABLISHING SHOT EXT, APARTMENT COMPLEX - MORNING We reveal a nondescript apartment complex in North Hollywood California. It is not nice or ugly. It looks like every other pleagant-looking apartment complex in the valley INT, APARTMENT - MORNING ANDY STITZER, a boyish looking forty year old man, is asleep. His clock radio goes off. Tt is playing oldies, which now consists of rock ‘n’ roll from the mid eighties. MUSIC UP: “Heat O£ the Moment" by Asia Andy sits up in bed, Not happy, not unhappy, just another day. INT, LIVING ROOM - MORNING Andy is doing his morning workout, He ie doing bench presses. He lifts an enormous amount of weight. His face is Very kind, and vulnerable, almost emotionless, but his body is ripped on a book shelf Andy hac an impressive array of action figures and comic books, all in thelr original packaging None of his vintage toys have been opened. EXT, APARTMENT BUILDING - MORNING Andy steps out of his apartment and unlocks his bicycle. His neighbors, JOz and SARA, in their mid-eighties, wave to him as he pedals off. EXT, STREET - MORNING andy, dressed in khaki slacks and a white dress shirt, ridec his bicycle to work ESTABLISHING SHOT EXT. CIRCUIT CITY ~ MORNING andy rides his bike into the parking lot of a mini-mall. The mini-mall consists of a dozen stores on two stories There is a Barnes and Noble book store, a Daily Grill restaurant, a nail salon, a children’s gym and a video store, but the cetterpiece is an enormous Circuit City, INT. CIRCUIT CITY Andy walks ingide. He cays hello to people as he heads toward the stock room, Everyone politely says hello back but it is clear he has no close relationships here. He takes his place at a desk which is in an opening between the showroom and the stock room. People come to him with their receipts to get their items pulled from the stock room and delivered to their cars INT, CURCUIT CITY - LATER Andy is stampi: a female CUSTOMER'S receipt. PUNJAB, an Indian salesman , ig standing nearby. PUNTAB qt has been an honor doing business with you. Enjoy your new television. Watch River Runs Through Tt, it looks amazing on this thing ANDY cal will you please help this woman bring her stereo to her car. CAL, a pudgy twenty two year-old white man walks out of the stock room. CAL (not meaning it) I'd love to He picks up the customer's television and walks with the woman to her car INT. CIRCUIT CITY Andy is walking across the showroom floor, headed for the bathroom. He is stopped by JAY, a tall, handsome 25 year-old salesman, who is working a 40 year-old black female customer.

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