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Origins H.S.


Akmal Madmarov 10/30/13

Myth Comparison
My myth is Garden of Eden. The similar story as Prometheus and Pandora. They both have a lot of similarities. However, they have differences either, but the similarities are more than differences. The similarities between Garden of Eden and Prometheus and Pandora is that there is gods in both of the story. Just as Garden of Eden there are humans in Prometheus and Pandora. Correspondingly in the story Garden of Eden the humans live happily and got curious personality as in the story Prometheus and Pandora. Therefore, their curious personality got them punished in both of the story. The author is teaching us that to not let curiosity get the best of us. The difference between Garden of Eden and Prometheus and Pandora is that in the story Prometheus and Pandora who gets punished are humans, Prometheus and Pandora. But, in the story Garden of Eden Adam and Eve got punished, unlikely as Prometheus and Pandora. Then, in the story Garden of Eden the Adam and Eve ate the apple. However in the story Prometheus and Pandora, Pandora opens the box. In conclusion, these both stories have a lot of similarities and differences. Similarities are more than differences because they both have more similarities than differences.

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