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The task is to uiaw SS ink outlines of animals, one animal pei image.

Foi each animal you will be pioviueu with ! #$%&'() a wiiefiame of the animal, anu
a SB ienuei of the animal. You must cieate a chiluien's colouiing book outline
(black anu white ink line) image that matches those iefeience images.

Beie is an example of one image fiom oui pievious piojects:

Beie aie the iefeience images we pioviueu to the aitist - ienuei anu wiiefiame:

Beie is the aitist-uiawn outline:

Notice how the positioning of the outline anu featuies matches the iefeience
images. Wheie it uoes not match, it is outsiue the iefeience image, not insiue. The
illustiation contains enough uetail to make the cat cute anu appioachable foi kius,
but not too much so they feel iestiicteu in coloiing choice.

Technical iequiiements:

Squaie image, 1u24x1u24 iesolution.
Bon't use colouis. uiayscale (mostly black anu white) only.
Flat, puie white backgiounu.
Line position within the 1u24-squaie image must exactly match the
iefeience images when laiu ovei the top.

Aitistic Requiiements
This is foi a kius colouiing book, so uon't ink stiipes oi othei uetails unless
the animal shoulu always have them. Leave kius fiee to coloi how they want.
If uetail isn't obvious in the wiiefiame, you maybe uon't want to highlight it
in youi outline.
Nake the style kiu-fiienuly, but you can't change the outline too much, anu
these aie ieal animals, not caitoon animals.
If possible, we piefei the ink outline weie slightly *+,(#-' the iefeience
image, not insiue.

0pon agieement, we will cieate an initial milestone foi the pioject consisting of .
images, payable at the same iate pei image as the oiiginal pioject, anu pay you foi
completing those S images. 0pon successful completion of those images, we will
uelivei the iemaining ./ images.

We have auuitional piojects of images aftei this one anu look foiwaiu to woiking
with a quality illustiatoi beyonu this pioject.

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