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UPSC BOOKS TO REFER 1>history of modern india:- A C Banerjee A brief history of modern india- rajiv ahir Indian economics-

sanjiv verma Indian history- Krishna reddy IAS MAINS- Sidhharth mittal An advance history of india- mazumdar Indian polity- sachida nand jha upsc portal Environment and technology-majid hussain Vault of essay- jha y n Modern india- sarkar Economic survey Dictionary of economics-penguin India book The discovery of india- jawahar lal Nehru Inspite of the god:- Edward luce A wonder that was india 2> Modern India by Bipin Chandra Does the elephant dance > contemporary Indian foreign policy : david m. Malone The men who ruled india :- Philip mason Sophies world:- jostein gaarder English august:- upamanyu chaterjee

ISSUES RELATED TO SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT :- B.Ramaswamy History of medieval india- satish chandra

Public administration :- tmh- laxmikanth Contemporary essays- ramesh singh 151 essays- s c gupta Gandhi , Nehru , tagore and other personality spectrum The constitution of india- a r khan

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES :- R. RAJAGOPALAN 3> Indian polity by m laxmikant International relation

. by Rajiv Sikri - Good To Read but Not Essential


4> Bipin Chandra:- Indias struggle for independence 7> Indian economy ramesh singh 8> India after Gandhi by ramchandra guha History of world by Arjun Dev :- Marvellous book , Second only to Glimpses of World History by Nehru . A very fascinating book . Never in my busy schedule did I felt to let go this book. Simply awesome , I have no other words to express my feelings. 10> contemporary world by arjun dev 11> Norman lowes mastering of world history 12> social problem in India by Ram ahuja 13>India and world geography by TMH 14> DEMOCRACY at work- 12th NCERT 15> DD BASU constitution of India 27> from plassey to partition- a history of modern india

Path finder :- civil service mains examination A very varied perspective toward everything ranging from communalism , socialism , naxalism to Indian struggle for independence and the communal hue given to Independence Movement .Undoubtedly some parts were repetitive but its perhaps related to way our ideology got shaped , conflict of choice between communalism and nationalism along with stark resemblance of communalism with fascism can be understood when read with a calm mind . A cup of tea , melancholic music may suffice . :) 30>Ideology and politics in modern India- Bipin Chandra 31> an uncertain glory : India and its contradiction :- amartya sen 32>Pax Indica:- Shashi Tharoor A very wonderful and well written Book . The Author has varied experience, from being an Academic product of Philosophy to having a wide experience of Working in Corporate sector . He have realized the true problems of Indian Economy , perhaps not by being a mutual spectator but by experiencing them .Author has Keen interest in practical implementation of problems with a solution bases approach , without being dogmatic and without sharing any trace of personal Biasness . He never hides for being an outright Liberal , and a staunch believer in Market and its rational functionality . Modern India needs more practical thinkers like him. 33> India unbound:- Gurucharan das

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