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A Treasury of 2,500 Wise and Witty
Quotations from the Men and Women
Who Created America
Also by Buckner F. Melton, Jr.:

Aaron Burr: The Rise and Fall of an American Politician

A Hanging Offense: The Strange Affair of the Warship Somers

Aaron Burr: Conspiracy to Treason

The First Impeachment: The Constitution’s Framers and the Case of

Senator William Blount
A Treasury of 2,500 Wise and Witty
Quotations from the Men and Women
Who Created America

Edited by
Buckner F. Melton, Jr.

Research Assistant
Jane Garry

Washington, D.C.
Copyright © 2004 by New England Publishing Associates, Inc., and Buckner F. Melton, Jr.

Published in the United States by Brassey’s Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may
be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Editorial Administration and Design by Ron Formica

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The quotable founding fathers: a treasury of 2,500 wise and witty

quotations from the men and women who created America / edited by Buckner F. Melton, Jr.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 1-57488-609-6
1. Statesmen—United States—Quotations. 2. Presidents—United States—Quotations. 3.
United States—Politics and government—Philosophy—Quotations, maxims, etc. 4.
United States—Politics and government—1775-1783—Quotations, maxims, etc. 5. United
States—Politics and government—1783-1865—Quotations, maxims, etc. 6. National
characteristics, American—Quotations, maxims, etc.
7. Social values—United States—Quotations, maxims, etc.
8. Quotations, American.
I. Melton, Buckner F. II. Title.

E302.5.Q68 2004

Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper that meets the American National
Standards Institute Z39-48 Standard.

Brassey’s, Inc.
22841 Quicksilver Drive
Dulles, Virginia 20166

First Edition

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Introduction ix

John Adams 1 Constitution 38

John Quincy Adams 2 Corruption & Bribery 48
Samuel Adams 2 Crime & Punishment 48
Advice & Advisors 3 Cynicism 49
Age & Aging 3 Death 51
Aggression 6 Declaration of Independence 53
Agriculture & Farming 6 Defamation & Personal Attacks 56
Alcohol, Alcoholism, & Democracy & Republicanism 57
Drunkenness 8 Dependence 63
Ambition 9 Difficulties & Adversity 63
America & Americanism 11 Discipline 64
Anger 18 Due Process 65
Appearances & Vanity 19 Duty 66
Argument & Debate 20 Economics 67
Benedict Arnold 20 Education 67
Arts 20 Elections & Politics 72
Attention & Neglect 22 England (United Kingdom) 74
Bad Company 23 Envy & Malice 78
Baltimore 23 Equality & Equal Rights 78
Banks & Banking 23 Error 80
Bigotry 23 Excuses 81
Bill of Rights 24 Expansion & Manifest Destiny 81
Books 25 Experience 82
Boston 25 Facts & Opinions 83
Botany & Gardening 25 Faith 83
Bravery & Courage 26 Family 83
Aaron Burr 26 First Settlers 84
Business & Trade 27 The Flag 89
Change 30 Flattery & Praise 89
Character 30 Force & Coercion 90
Charity 31 Foreign Influence 92
Children & Parenting 32 Foreign Relations & Policy 92
Cities 33 France 96
Civil Rights 34 Benjamin Franklin 97
Compromise & Moderation 34 Freedom 97
Congress 34 Freedom of Speech & Press 99
Connecticut 35 Friends & Friendship 104
Conscience 36 Future 106
Consistency 37 Abraham Alfonse Albert Galatin 107

Gambling 107 Means & Ends 184
Geography 107 Memory 184
Georgia 108 Mercy & Compassion 184
God & Providence 108 Military & War 185
Good & Evil 110 Modesty 196
Government 110 Money 196
Government Spending & Public James Monroe 197
Debt 124 Morality & Moralists 198
Great Men & Statesmen 126 Motives & Intentions 199
Greed 127 Native Americans 200
Guns & Weapons 127 Natural Law 205
Alexander Hamilton 128 Nature & Wildlife 207
Happiness 128 Necessity 208
Health & Medicine 130 New England 208
History 131 North Carolina 209
Honesty 133 Thomas Paine 210
Honor 133 Passion 211
Human Nature 134 Patriotism 211
Humanity 134 Patronage & Appointments 217
Humility 134 Peace 217
Hypocrisy 134 Pennsylvania 219
Immigration 136 Perseverance & Determination 219
Impeachment 137 Pessimism & Optimism 220
Independence & National Philosophy & Ethics 220
Freedom 137 Pleasure & Pain 221
Intelligence & Knowledge 142 Political Parties & Factions 221
Thomas Jefferson 145 Posterity 223
John Paul Jones 146 Poverty & Economic Inequality 224
Judiciary & the Courts 147 Power 226
Juries 152 Presidency 231
Justice 152 Pride & Vanity 233
Kentucky 154 Privacy 234
Kings & Aristocrats 154 Progress 234
Labor & Work 157 Property 234
Language & Writing 158 Public Office 237
Laws 160 Public Opinion & Prejudice 239
Lawyers 165 Puritanism 242
Laziness & Sloth 168 Reason 243
Liberty 168 Religion 244
Lies & Falsehoods 176 Revolution & Rebellion 263
Love 177 Rhode Island 280
Luck & Good Fortune 178 Rights of the People 280
James Madison 179 Search & Seizure 285
Majorities & Minorities 179 Secrecy & Discretion 286
Manners 180 Self-Discipline 287
Marriage 181 Self-Interest 287
Massachusetts 184 Self-Reliance 287

Separation of Power 288 Tyranny 311
Slavery & Race Relations 290 Unity 314
Solitude 302 Value 317
Speeches & Oration 302 Vengence & Revenge 317
States’ Rights & Federalism 302 Vice Presidency 318
Taxes 305 Virtue & Vice 319
Theory & Practice 308 War 321
Time 308 George Washington 322
Tobacco 309 Witchcraft 323
Treason 309 Women 325
Truth 310 Youth 328

Names Index 329

Subject Index 339


A book of quotations is a distillation of some of the most powerful words and

ideas from the sea of language that rises with each passing year. If those quotations
are from an age of particularly eloquent words and fertile thoughts, such as the
time of America’s founding, then the book is all the more potent. The Quotable
Founding Fathers is just such a book.
It was in 1818 that John Adams, one of the greatest of the American Founders,
made one of the greatest of his many observations on the creation of the United
States. “The Revolution was effected before the War commenced,” he wrote of
the 1760s and 1770s. “The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people;
a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations. … This
radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people,
was the real American Revolution.”1
Adams was well-read in history, law, political philosophy, and the writings of
the moderns and the classical world. He sensed that the essence of what it means
to be human lay not in action but in idea. Thought and will gave meaning to acts,
setting persons apart from the rest of creation, for better or worse. An individual
is most truly revealed, then, in the telltales of his thought—that is, in his written
and spoken words. By the same token, the words of a generation are how we best
know the history of an era.
Adams, of course, was not alone in his outlook. Many philosophers since classical
times have held the same idea of human nature; for the ancients of Cicero’s day,
the better a person’s rhetoric and command of language, the more human he was.
And a century after Adams, a very different sort of revolutionary would twist the
concept to his own purposes. “Ideas,” V. I. Lenin is supposed to have declared in
1920, “are much more fatal things than guns.”2
But the rebellion of Lenin was vastly different from the one in which John
Adams joined. More than one scholar, in fact, has asked whether the American
Revolution was a revolution at all. It was led by lawyers, merchants, and property-
owners—groups that tend to have a stake in social and political stability—and
those Americans who held power before the Revolution were, by and large, still in
power afterwards. The new state and federal governments the Founders established,
moreover, enshrined traditional English liberties, some of which dated back to the
time of the Magna Carta. In these respects, the Founders seem to have been
acting to preserve a way of life against new, imperialistic British encroachments
on old colonial freedoms, rather than establishing a new political or social order.3

Yet Adams was certain that a revolution had happened. And the changes that
took place in the “minds and hearts of the people” did give rise to new and different
economic and political systems. Even while waging the Revolution and the war
that secured it, the founding generation began to build a society that departed
from what had gone before. What Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of
Independence about human rights and equality and the purpose of government
was nothing new; he was, after all, borrowing from English thinkers such as
John Locke.4 The Declaration’s novelty was that it ensconced these values as a
more or less official cornerstone of a nation’s way of life, a basic creed of a
secular American religion.
There were other novelties as well. New state constitutions came into being,
each of which, unlike the British constitution, was a document written down at a
set place and time. These American constitutions established experimental new
systems, including, in one instance, a fourth branch of government—a council of
censors—to serve as a people’s watchdog over the other three branches.5 The
federal Constitution, too, held innovations. Among other things, it required states
to respect the obligation of contracts, a new concept better suited to Adam Smith’s
age than to that of feudal England where land, not commerce, was the basis of
wealth. The upper house of Congress, in a break with English tradition and with
a bow to the ancient Roman Republic, was named the Senate. Even well-established
concepts inherited from the English system, ideas such as impeachment and treason,
now had new and sometimes fundamentally different characters than they had
had in the British Constitution.6
The changes, the building of the new order, did not stop with the end of the War
of Independence or with the writing of the new constitutions. In the decades
after Yorktown and the Philadelphia Convention, the founding generation did a
great deal of work and faced many problems. The challenges were not merely
constitutional, but political, military, economic, diplomatic, cultural, and social.
What should be the relationship of the newly emergent political parties of the
1790s to American constitutional government? How should the American national
debt be handled? Did a standing army have a proper place in a peacetime republic?
Did that republic need a navy to engage in overseas commerce with far more
powerful nations? What side should the country take if those nations went to war
against each other? Should it take sides at all? By what means could it remain
neutral if it desired to do so? Whose interests were paramount at home—merchants
or farmers, Easterners or Westerners? If the Jeffersonian manifesto was true and
not mere rhetoric—if all men really are created equal—then how could those
words be reconciled with the existence of slavery and other forms of gross inequality
within the new nation? If legal slavery was a moral evil, did that mean the law
itself was immoral? Did that, in turn, mean that morality should have a role in the
making of laws and in public discourse? If so, what was the source of moral
tenets—revealed religion, human reason, or both?
At times the issues must have seemed endless, yet again and again the remarkable
generation of the late eighteenth century rose to meet the challenges. The Founders

were aware that they were indeed in the process of creating something new, even
as they borrowed heavily from tradition and history. The borrowings, of course,
were consciously selective and deliberate, but they were also deliberative. They
usually came after intense debate and reflection, carried out in private
correspondence, speeches in legislative assemblies and even courtrooms, and, of
course, in the pages of hundreds of newspapers and pamphlets. The influence of
the latter was truly profound: writings such as Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
and George Washington’s Farewell Address had massive impacts in shaping public
opinion and America’s understanding of itself and its destiny. And the words that
the Founders used to express themselves, whether in public pamphlet or private
diary, contained the essence of what lay in their “minds and hearts.” Because of
this crucial fact, in reading their words today, we can see into the very core of the
Revolution and the nation-building that followed.
The Founders drew heavily on two separate traditions. One was the Protestant
culture established on American shores by various sects, especially the Puritans;
the other was the Enlightenment, the new faith in human reason that Europe
spawned during the age of American colonization.7 While the two heritages were
at odds with each other in some ways, they were in agreement in others, as was
the case when it came to literacy. The Protestant ideas of sola scriptora and the
priesthood of all believers made a reading knowledge of sacred scripture essential
for each Christian, while the virtue of reason required an ability to read and reflect
on the writings of thinkers ranging from the ancients to the latest philosophes.8
America, as a result, was a land of readers and writers. “Americans were literate,”
observe two noted historians. “A greater percentage of citizens could read and
write than was true of any other nation on earth. … Nearly four times as many
newspapers were published in the United States as were published in France,
though France had six times as many people and was possibly the most literate
nation on the European Continent.”9
And the literacy encompassed more than English. In 1786 Isaiah Thomas, printer
of a weekly newspaper in Worcester, Massachusetts, called the Massachusetts
Spy, was seeking ways to amuse his readers in the absence of pressing news.
(There had been some controversy over Alexander Pope’s translation of the Iliad—
Samuel Johnson is said to have quipped, “It is beautiful, sir, but is it Homer?”—
and Thomas gave his readers the opportunity to decide for themselves by printing
Pope’s translation and the original Greek in parallel columns.10)
Oratory, too, was important. Legislatures were places for persuasion as well as
for the considered exchange of ideas, and the arts of rhetoric were very much in
vogue. And when the Founders were separated by distance, still the dialogue
flowed in torrents of letters. The Great Awakening of the mid-eighteenth century
with its itinerant ministers, along with the growing interest in science spurred by
the investigations of Benjamin Franklin and others, had done much to disseminate
ideas and to show colonists that a larger world lay beyond each province’s borders.
Jefferson was not the first American to speak in Lockean terms; in 1744 the
Reverend Elisha Williams declared that “Reason tells us, all are born thus naturally

equal, [possessing] an equal Right to their Persons [liberty]; so also with an equal
Right to their Preservation [life]; and therefore to such Things as Nature affords
for their Subsistence [property].”11 By the time of the Revolution, inter-colonial
correspondence was a vigorous channel of communication, and as resistance to
parliamentary authority united the colonists further, they put this channel to good
use. After the Revolution the discussions continued as citizens of different regions
explained themselves to fellow Americans hundreds of miles distant who were
products of different economies and cultures, from the fisheries of New England
to the coastal rice and sea island cotton plantations of the South.12
These differences had many causes, ranging from geography to individual
temperament. The broad plateau that made for a wide continental shelf off the
New England coast, and that also brought the mountains there close to the sea,
produced excellent fisheries adjacent to a land of rocky soil ill-fitted for large-
scale farming. Below New England the reverse was true, especially in the
subtropical South, where plantations began to flourish on the fertile coastal plains.13
Settlement by different nationalities at different times and places created a cultural
patchwork, with highland Scots and Scots-Irish inhabiting different regions from
settlers of more Teutonic blood, including English, lowland Scots, and Germans.14
Congregationalism came to New England, Quakerism to Pennsylvania, and
Catholicism to Maryland, while Anglicanism predominated in the South.15 With all
of these elements shaping colonial society, differences of opinion and outlook
could be sharp and divisive.
Arguments could be especially strong given that the stakes were high; the
question, after all, could be one of whether to secede from the British Empire or
the legality of scrapping one state (or even national) constitution in favor of another.
The Founders had a wealth of learning upon which to draw, but no one in history
had ever faced the particular circumstances of late eighteenth century America.
The questions of the founding era rarely had easy answers. As a result, the Founders
often disagreed with each other even on some of the basics. The 1770s gave rise
to the learned Scottish attorney James Wilson, who feared and warned of the
dangers of Revolution but who also pointed out that loyalty to the Crown was
quite different from obedience to Parliament;16 it also spawned the firebrand Thomas
Paine, who, unlike Wilson, had nothing at all good to say about England. (“Even
brutes do not devour their young,” he retorted when reminded that England was
the “mother country”.17) In the 1780s, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
could debate with each other whether a national bill of rights was necessary or
even desirable, and by the 1790s a decades-long melee arose with the coming of
political parties, with adherents of each fearing that members of the other were
out to destroy the country.18
With the strength of feeling involved, it is no surprise that the differences could
be personal as well as philosophical. In the early 1790s Adams and Jefferson, two
longtime friends and the greatest of the Founders, ended their friendship over
political differences, their reconciliation delayed for nearly twenty years by the
swirl of domestic and foreign disputes. In 1798 there was a brawl on the floor of

the House of Representatives between a Federalist and a Republican, armed with

a heavy stick and a pair of fire tongs, and throughout the whole of the revolutionary
and early constitutional eras, leading figures were never at a loss for invective, as
well as outright hatred.19 John Marshall, one of the most affable of the Founders,
could not stand his cousin Thomas Jefferson and despised his political views.
Alexander Hamilton was a vain charmer as well as a brilliant financier and theorist,
but he was hated by both Adams and Jefferson. While the fatal duel that Hamilton
fought with Aaron Burr was largely born of a personality conflict leading to an
exchange of insults, the fact that Hamilton loathed Burr’s chameleon-like politics
no doubt played a role in the battle.
Given the Founders’ depth of learning, all of these personal and philosophical
differences meant that when it came to debate, discussion, and diatribe, they had
an ancient and well-equipped arsenal of thoughts and words upon which to draw.
A paragraph, even a single sentence, could simultaneously sound of deep wisdom
and barbed attack. Any speech, any writing, could be aimed at a personal or
political enemy as well as at a more or less neutral audience, including the court of
posterity, that demanded persuasion on some important issue.20 The Founders’
greatest words were thus jewels of many facets. Jefferson’s comment about
John Marshall, for instance, both hints of his dislike of his cousin and provides a
commentary on Marshall’s analytical and rhetorical power. “When conversing
with Marshall,” declared Jefferson,

I never admit anything. So sure as you admit any position to be good, no

matter how remote from the conclusion he seeks to establish, you are
gone. So great is his sophistry you must never give him an affirmative
answer or you will be forced to grant his conclusion. Why, if he were to
ask me if it were daylight or not, I’d reply “Sir, I don’t know, I can’t tell.”21

But for all the Founders’ differences, these speeches and writings were in a
lingua franca. Polybius, Cicero, Locke, Blackstone, Montesquieu, and others, not
to mention the Bible and Shakespeare, were constantly quoted and cited. It was a
time when the most learned of men could nearly master—or at least have a passing
knowledge of—all Western scholarship and fields of endeavor. The Founders
spoke and wrote a rich language, mining a treasure trove of thousands of years
history and experience. If it was selective, it still eclipses by far the superficial
expressions of modern public figures bred to a volatile e-mail and sound-bite
world, a world of information overload in which few scholars and next to no
public servants ever learn Latin, much less Greek or Hebrew. Society has become
too specialized and busy for today’s political and intellectual leaders to ground
themselves in the history, philosophy, and literature that the Founders regarded as
essential and common knowledge among those aspiring to lead.
This volume makes the treasure trove available to many types of reader. Students
will find it a useful introduction to the key words and thoughts of many great
Americans. Those in political life may refer to it not only for speeches and public

statements, but also to help them reflect more deeply on current issues they and
their communities face. Attorneys can tap it for briefs and oral arguments, and
historians, both amateur and professional, will find it an invaluable guide when
researching the early decades of the American nation. These quotations are of
great practical value to today’s citizens; they allow us to be, as Bernard of Chartres
said in the Middle Ages, like “dwarves on the shoulders of giants, by whose grace
we see farther then they.
Users of this work will find that reading the Founders’ words is in itself an
education in the classics and Enlightenment thought. A glance at the subject headings
of this volume will reveal the many things with which the Founders were
concerned. Personal qualities such as “pride” and “humility,” “thrift” and “sloth”;
the emotions of “anger” and “fear”; fields of human endeavor as diverse as
“banking,” “science,” and “war”; and relevant interests ranging from “nature and
wildlife” to “manners” and “solitude.” But while late eighteenth century leaders
had nearly countless interests, and they often wrote in partisan and adversarial
fashion, they nevertheless were nearly always wrestling, in their writing and
speaking, with some of the most fundamental of human questions, questions that
never lose their relevance. What is the nature of humanity? What is the source of
human knowledge? What is the basis of society? What is the purpose of
While many thinkers continue today to make a life’s work of studying such
issues, the Founders, for all of their erudition, were no idle scholars. The questions
were not academic for them. More than any other generation of Americans, and
arguably as much as any group in history, they had the opportunity and responsibility
to act upon their theories, the power to create a new order. In their writings and
their speeches, in their most biting wit or in their most theatrical orations, in their
partisan diatribes, in their more detached reflections, and in their earnest, often
private, unveiling of their thoughts to one another, they wove a verbal web that no
American generation before or since has come close to matching for insight and
eloquence. Those words, many of which are collected in this volume, are still
priceless today, as they will continue to be for as long as we wrestle with the
basic issues of life, society, and government.

John Adams to Hezekiah Niles, Feb. 13, 1818, in The Works of John Adams, vol. 10 (Boston:
Little, Brown and Company, Charles Francis Adams, ed., 1856), p. 282.
Lance Marrow, “A Holocaust of Words,” Time, May 2, 1988, p. 96.
See, e.g., Daniel Boorstin, The Genius of American Politics (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1953).
Carl L. Becker, The Declaration of Independence: A Study in the History of Political Ideas
(New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1942), pp. 27-28; Henry Steele Commager, Jefferson, Nationalism,
and the Enlightenment (New York: G. Braziller, 1975), p. 84; cf. John Locke, Second Treatise on
Civil Government (1690).
Willi Paul Adams, The First American Constitutions: Republican Ideology and the Making of
State Constitutions in the Revolutionary Era (Chapel Hill: Published for the Institute of Early


American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina
Press, 1980), passim.
U.S. Const. art.1, § 10, cl. 1; ibid., art. 1, § 1; ibid., art. 1, § 3, cl. 7; ibid., art. 3, § 3, cl. 2.
Henry F. May, The Enlightenment in America (New York: Oxford University Press, 1976),
pp. xi-xii.
Ibid.; Paul A. Rahe, Republics Ancient and Modern: Classical Republicanism and the American
Revolution (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1992), passim.
Forrest McDonald, Novus Ordo Seclorum: The Intellectual Origins of the Constitution (Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 1985), pp. 3-4.
Ibid., p. 5. Actually, the words attributed to Johnson were probably Richard Bentley’s. “‘It
is a pretty poem, Mr. Pope,’” said Bentley, “‘but you must not call it Homer.’” Samuel
Johnson, The Works of Samuel Johnson, vol. 4 (London: John Hawkins ed., 1787), p. 126 n.*.
Elisha Williams, A Seasonable Plea for the Liberty of Conscience 2-8 (1744).
Lawrence Henry Gipson, The Coming of the Revolution (New York: Harper & Row, 1962),
pp. 7-13.
Ellen Churchill Semple, American History and its Geographic Conditions (Boston: Houghton,
Mifflin and Company, 1903), pp. 31-35, 42-44; D.W. Meinig, The Shaping of America: A
Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of History, vol. 1 (New Haven: Yale University Press,
1986), passim.
Kevin Phillips, The Cousins’ Wars: Religion, Politics, and the Triumph of Anglo-America
(New York: Basic Books, 1999), pp. 181, 203, 225; Grady McWhiney, Cracker Culture: Celtic
Ways in the Old South (University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1988).
Phillips, The Cousins’ Wars, pp. 94-100.
James Wilson, Considerations on the Nature and the Extent of the Legislative Authority of the
British Parliament (Philadelphia: William and Thomas Bradford, 1774), passim.
Thomas Paine, Common Sense, in Thomas Paine: Collected Writings, ed. by Eric Foner (New
York: The Library of America, 1995), pp. 22-23.
See generally Stanley Elkins and Eric McKitrick, The Age of Federalism (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1993).
Ibid., pp. 710, 900 n. 47; Aleine Austin, Matthew Lyon: New Man of the Democratic Revolution,
1749-1822 (University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1981), pp. 93-100.
Joseph J. Ellis, Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation (New York: Alfred A.
Knopf, 2000), passim.
Charles R. Williams, Life of Rutherford Birchard Hayes (Columbus, Ohio: F.J. Hear, 1928), p.

JOHN ADAMS him. He is as disinterested as the Being
who made him.
This illustrious patriot has not his su- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
perior, scarcely his equal for abilities Letter to James Madison,
and virtue on the whole of the conti- 1787
nent of America.
—B ENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813) I hate speeches, messages, addresses,
Rush to a friend, proclamations and such affected, con-
September 1776 strained things. I hate levees and draw-
ing rooms. I hate to speak to 1,000
He can’t dance, drink, game, flatter, people to whom I have nothing to say.
promise, dress, swear with the gentle- Yet all this I can do.
men, and small talk and flirt with the —JOHN ADAMS
ladies—in short, he has none of the Letter to Abigail Adams on the
essential arts or ornaments which make prospect of becoming President of the
up a courtier—there are thousands who United States,
with a tenth part of his understanding, February 1796
and without a spark of his honesty,
would distance him infinitely in any The answers of Mr. Adams to his
court in Europe. addressors form the most grotesque
—JONATHAN SEWALL (1728–1796) scene in the tragi-comedy acting by the
1787 Government . … He is verifying com-
pletely the last feature in the character
Popularity was never my mistress, nor drawn of him by Dr. F[ranklin] how-
was I ever, or shall I ever be a popular ever his title may stand to the two first.
man. “Always an honest man, often a wise
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) one, but sometimes wholly out of his
Letter to James Warren, senses.”
1787 —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
To Thomas Jefferson,
He is vain, irritable, and a bad calcula- June 10, 1798
tor of the force and probable effect of
the motives which govern men. This is Bred in the old school of politics, his
all the ill which can possibly be said of principles are founded on the experi-

ence of ages, and bid defiance to French 1776 without associating your opinions
flippancies and modern crudities. ... and speeches and conversations with
Always great, and though sometimes all the great political, moral, and intel-
alone, all weak and personal motives lectual achievements of the Congresses
were forgotten in public energy and the of those memorable years.
security of the sacred liberties of his —BENJAMIN RUSH
country. ... Deeply versed in legal lore, To John Adams,
profoundly skilled in political science; February 17, 1812
joined to the advantage of forty years’
unceasing engagement in turbulent and JOHN QUINCY ADAMS
triumphant scenes, both at home and
in Europe, which have marked our his- I am a man of reserved, cold, austere,
tory; learned in the language and arts and forbidding manners; my political
of diplomacy; more conversant with adversaries say, a gloomy misanthropist,
views, jealousies, resources, and in- and my personal enemies, an unsocial
trigues of Great Britain, France, and savage.
Holland than any other American; alike —JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848)
aloof to flattery and vulgar ambition, Diary entry,
as above all undue control [he has as] June 4, 1819
... his sole object ... the present free-
dom and independence of his country His disposition is as perverse and mul-
and its future glory. On this solid basis ish as that of his father.
he has attempted to raise a monument —JAMES BUCHANAN, (1791–1868)
of his honest fame. Letter to Hugh Hamilton,
—UNKNOWN March 22, 1822
Editorial in the Washington Federalist
October 7, 1800 SAMUEL ADAMS

It has been the political career of this No man contributed more towards our
man to begin with hypocrisy, proceed revolution, & no man left behind him
with arrogance, and finish with con- less, distinctly to mark his resolutions,
tempt. his peculiar genius & communications.
—T HOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) He was feared by his enemies, but too
“Open Letter to the Citizens of the secret to be loved by his friends. He
United States” did not put confidence in them, while
November 22, 1802 he was of importance to them. He was
not known till he acted & how far he
I consider you and him [Thomas was to act was unknown.
Jefferson] as the North and South Poles —REV. WILLIAM BENTLEY (1759–1819)
of the American Revolution. Some Diary entry,
talked, some wrote, and some fought October 3, 1803
to promote and establish it, but you and
Mr. Jefferson thought for us all. I never He possessed a quick understanding, a
take a retrospect of the years 1775 and cool head, stern manners, a smooth

address, and Roman-like firmness, the best chance for honesty, if not of
united with that sagacity and penetra- wisdom.
tion that would have made a figure in a —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
conclave. He was at the same time lib- To Edmund Randolph,
eral in opinion and uniformly devout; May 1, 1782
social with men of all denominations,
grave in deportment, placid, yet sober It is infinitely better to have a few good
and indefatigable; calm in seasons of men than many indifferent ones.
difficulty, tranquil and unruffled in the —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
vortex of political altercation; too firm To James McHenry,
to be intimidated, too haughty for con- August 10, 1798
descension, his mind was replete with
resources that dissipated fear, and ex- AGE & AGING
tricated in the greatest emergencies.
Thus qualified, he stood forth early and Youth is the time of getting, middle age
continued firm through the great of improving, and old age of spending.
struggle. —ANNE BRADSTREET (c. 1612–1672)
—M ERCY OTIS WARREN (1728–1814) Meditations Divine and Moral
1805 1644

ADVICE & ADVISORS Wish not so much to live long as to live

You desired ... I would at least give my —B ENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
Advice. I think it is Ariosto who says, Poor Richard’s Almanack
that all things lost on Earth are to be 1746
found in the Moon; on which some-
body remarked, that there must be a Many foxes grow gray, but few grow
great deal of good Advice in the Moon. good.
To James Hutton, Poor Richard’s Almanack
February 1, 1778 1749
(Franklin is alluding to Italian poet
Ludovico Ariosto’s epic poem Life is sufficiently short without shak-
“Orlando Furioso”.) ing the sand that measures it.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
That advice should be taken where ex- The Crisis
ample has failed, or precept be regarded 1778
where warning is ridiculed, is like a pic-
ture of hope resting on despair. In the moment of our separation upon
—T HOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) the road as I traveled, and every hour
The Crisis since, I felt all that love, respect and
1780 attachment for you, with which length
of years, close connexion and your
In a multitude of counselors there is merits have inspired me. I often asked

myself, as our carriages distended, sure. … Those who knew Benjamin

whether that was the last sight I ever Franklin will recollect that his mind was
should have of you? And tho’ I wished ever young; his temper ever serene.
to say no, my fears answered yes. I Science, that never grows grey, was
called to mind the days of my youth, always his mistress. He was never with-
and found they had long since fled to out an object; for when we cease to
return no more; that I was now de- have an object, we become like an in-
scending the hill I had been 52 years valid in an hospital waiting for death.
climbing, and that tho’ I was blessed —T HOMAS PAINE
with a good constitution, I was of a Age of Reason, II
short lived family, and might soon ex- 1795
pect to be entombed in the dreary man-
sions of my father’s. These things dark- Tranquility is the old man’s milk. I go
ened the shades and gave a gloom to to enjoy it in a few days, and to ex-
the picture, consequently to my pros- change the roar and tumult of bulls and
pects of seeing you again: but I will not bears for the prattle of my grandchil-
repine, I have had my day. dren and senile rest.
To Marquis de Lafayette, Letter to Edward Rutledge,
December 8, 1784 June 24, 1797

I find as I grow older, that I love those By my rambling digressions I perceive

most whom I loved first. myself to be growing older.
To Mary Jefferson Bolling, Autobiography
July 23, 1787 1798

The older I grow, the more apt I am to My one fear is that I may live too long.
doubt my own judgment, and to pay This would be a subject of dread to me.
more respect to the judgment of others. —THOMAS JEFFERSON
—B ENJAMIN FRANKLIN Letter to Philip Mazzai,
Speech to Constitutional Convention, March, 1801
September 17, 1787
Being very sensible of bodily decays
To be happy in old age, it is necessary from advancing years, I ought not to
that we accustom ourselves to objects doubt their effect on the mental facul-
that can accompany the mind all the ties. To do so would evince either great
way through life, and that we take the self-love or little observation of what
rest as good in their day. The man of passes under our eyes: and I shall be
pleasure is miserable in old age, and the fortunate if I am the first to perceive
mere drudge in business is but little and to obey this admonition of nature.
better: whereas natural philosophy, —THOMAS JEFFERSON
mathematical, and mechanical science, To Mr. Weaver,
are a continual source of tranquil plea- June 7, 1807

It is wonderful to me that old men should Nothing is more incumbent on the old,
not be sensible that their minds keep pace than to know when they should get out
with their bodies in the progress of de- of the way, and relinquish to younger
cay. … Nothing betrays imbecility so successors the honors they can no
much as the being insensible of it. longer earn, and the duties they can no
—THOMAS JEFFERSON longer perform.
August 17, 1811 To John Vaughan,
February 5, 1815
Of all the faculties of the human mind
that of Memory is the first which suf- I have lived in this old and frail tene-
fers decay from age. ment a great many years; it is very
—THOMAS JEFFERSON much dilapidated; and, from all that I
To Benjamin Henry Latrobe, can learn, my landlord doesn’t intend
July 12, 1812 to repair it.
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
The hand of age is upon me. The de- Letter to Daniel Webster,
cay of bodily faculties apprises me that circa 1820s
those of the mind cannot be unim-
paired, had I not still better proofs. That happy age when a man can be idle
Every year counts by increased debil- with impunity.
ity, and departing faculties keep the —WASHINGTON IRVING (1783–1859)
score. The last year it was the sight, Rip Van Winkle in The Sketchbook
this it is the hearing, the next some- 1820
thing else will be going, until all is gone.
… As a compensation for faculties de- Whenever a man’s friends begin to com-
parted, nature gives me good health, & pliment him about looking young, he
a perfect resignation to the laws of de- may be sure that they think he is grow-
cay which she has prescribed to all the ing old.
forms & combinations of matter. —WASHINGTON IRVING
—THOMAS JEFFERSON Bachelors in Bracebridge Hall
To William Duane, 1822
October 1, 1812
The solitude in which we are left by
Our machines have now been running the death of our friends is one of the
seventy or eighty years, and we must great evils of protracted life. When I
expect that, worn as they are, here a look back to the days of my youth, it is
pivot, there a wheel, now a pinion, next like looking over a field of battle. All, all
a spring, will be giving way; and how- dead! and ourselves left alone amidst a
ever we may tinker the up for a while, new generation whom we know not,
all will at length surcease motion. and who know not us.
Letter to John Adams, To Francis A. Van Der Kemp,
July 15, 1814 January 11, 1825

AGGRESSION rupt as in Europe, and go to eating one

another as they do there.
Complaints ill become those who are —THOMAS JEFFERSON
found to be the first aggressors. Letter to James Madison,
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) December 20, 1787
To James Madison,
March 21, 1787 I hope, some day or another, we shall
become a storehouse and granary for
The first useful class of citizens are the To Marquis de Lafayette,
farmers and cultivators. These may be June 19, 1788
called citizens of the first necessity,
because every thing comes originally In my opinion, it would be proper also,
from the earth. for gentlemen to consider the means
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) of encouraging the great staple of
To Henry Laurens, America, I mean agriculture, which I
Spring 1778 think may justly be styled the staple of
the United States; from the spontane-
Cultivators of the earth are the most ous productions which nature fur-
valuable citizens. They are the most nishes, and the manifest preference it
vigorous, the most independent, the has over every other object of emolu-
most virtuous, and they are ties to their ment in this country.
country and wedded to its liberty and —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
interests by the most lasting bands. As Speech in Congress,
long therefore as they can find employ- April 9, 1789
ment in this line, I would not convert
them into mariners, artisans, or any It is evident that the exertions of the
thing else. But our citizens will find husbandman will be steady or fluctuat-
emploiment in this line till their num- ing, vigorous or feeble, in proportion
bers, and of course their productions, to the steadiness or fluctuation, ad-
become too great for the demand both equateness or inadequateness, of the
internal and foreign. markets on which he must depend for
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) the vent of the surplus which may be
Letter to John Jay, produced by his labor . … This idea of
August 23, 1785 an extensive domestic market for the
surplus produce of the soil, is of the
I think our governments will remain first consequence. It is, of all things,
virtuous for many centuries; as long as that which most effectually conduces
they remain chiefly agricultural; and this to a flourishing state of agriculture.
will be as long as there shall be vacant —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
lands in any part of America. When they Report to the House of Representa-
get piled upon one another in large cit- tives on the Subject of Manufactures,
ies as in Europe, they will become cor- December 5, 1791

The class of citizens who provide at animals, and other branches of a

once their own food and their own rai- husbandman’s cares.
ment, may be viewed as the most truly —GEORGE WASHINGTON
independent and happy. They are more: Letter to John Sinclair,
they are the best basis of public liberty, July 20, 1794
and the strongest bulwark of public
safety. It follows, that the greater the Cultivation is, at least, one of the great-
proportion of this class to the whole est natural improvements ever made by
society, the more free, the more inde- human invention. It has given to cre-
pendent, and the more happy must be ated earth a ten-fold value.
the society itself. —THOMAS PAINE
—JAMES MADISON Agrarian Justice
Essay in the National Gazette, 1797
March 3, 1792
How dear to my heart are the scenes
The life of the husbandman is pre- of my childhood
eminently suited to the comfort and When fond recollection presents them
happiness of the individual. Health, to view
the first of blessings, is an appurte- The orchard, the meadow, the deep
nance of his property and his employ- tangled wildwood,
ment. Virtue, the health of the soul, is And ev’ry loved spot which my infancy
another part of his patrimony, and no knew
less favored by his situation. Intelli- The wide spreading pond, and the mill
gence may be cultivated in this as well that stood by it,
as in any other walk of life. If the mind The bridge and the rock where the cata-
be less susceptible of plish in retirement ract fell;
than in a crowd, it is more capable of The cot of my father, the dairy house
profound and comprehensive efforts. nigh it,
Is it more ignorant of some things? It And e’en the rude bucket that hung in
has a compensation in its ignorance the well.
of others. Competency is more uni- The old oaken bucket, the iron bound
versally the lot of those who dwell in bucket,
the country, when liberty is at the The moss covered bucket that hung in
same time their lot. The extremes both the well.
of want and of waste have other The moss covered bucket I hailed as a
abodes. treasure,
—JAMES MADISON For often at noon, when returned from
Essay in the National Gazette, the field,
March 3, 1792 I found it the source of an exquisite
I know of no pursuit in which more The purest and sweetest that nature can
real and important services can be ren- yield.
dered to any country than by improv- How ardent I seized it, with hands that
ing its agriculture, its breed of useful were glowing,

And quick to the white pebbled bottom Poor Richard’s Almanack

it fell 1733
Then soon, with the emblem of turth
overflowing, Drink does not drown care, but waters
And dripping with coolness, it rose it and makes it grow faster.
from the well. —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
The old oaken bucket, the iron bound Poor Richard’s Almanack
bucket, 1749
The moss covered bucket that hung in
the well. He who spills the rum loses that only;
—SAMUEL WOODWORTH (1785–1842) he that drinks it, often loses both that
The Old Oaken Bucket and himself.
Poor Richard’s Almanack
Horticulture is a valuable and interest- 1750
ing Section of Agriculture, the main
resource of human subsistence. Apart Drunkenness, that worst of evils,
from the ornamental, the scientific, and makes some mere fools, some beasts,
experimental uses, which it may em- and some devils.
brace, it affords a cheap and whole- —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
some substitute for the disproportion- Poor Richard’s Almanack
ate consumption of animal food, which 1751
has long been a habit of our Country,
resulting from the exuberant supply it Spiritous liquors are injurious inasmuch
has enjoyed of this article. In promot- as they add an internal fire to the exter-
ing a reform of this habit, horticultural nal heat of the sun. They relax the stom-
Societies can not fail of a happy ten- ach, quicken the circulation of the
dency. blood, and thus dispose it to putrefac-
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) tion. I believe there are few instances
To George Watterson, of people dropping down dead in a har-
March 8, 1824 vest field from excess of heat or labor.
Upon inquiry, it is generally found that
Those who labor in the earth are the the sudden deaths which sometimes
chosen people of God, if He ever had a occur in this country in this season have
chosen people. been occasioned by the excessive use
—THOMAS JEFFERSON of spiritous liquors. After the stimulat-
Notes on the State of Virginia ing effects of spirits are over; they act
1781–1785 as sedatives upon the system; that is,
they produce relaxation and languor.
ALCOHOL, ALCOHOLISM, & The system it is true may be roused in
DRUNKENNESS these cases by fresh and increased
draughts of spirits, but these produce
He that drinks fast pays slow. corresponding degrees of debility, so
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) that in the evening of a day spent in the

alternate and compound exertions of age, habits of intoxication are rare; and
working and drinking, a laborer is a in some places almost without example.
proper subject for a physician; he often —JAMES MADISON
stands in more need of a flesh brush or To Thomas Hertell,
warm bath than of a supper or a bed. December 20, 1819
—BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813)
To the Editor of The Pennsylvania They who drink beer will think beer.
Journal, —WASHINGTON IRVING (1783–1859)
June 22, 1782 Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
A compleat suppression of every spe-
cies of stimulating indulgence, if attain- The practicability and national economy
able at all, must be a work of peculiar of substituting to a great extent at least,
difficulty, since it has to encounter not for the foreign wines on which so large a
only the force of habit, but a propensity sum is expended, those which can be
in human nature. In every age and na- produced at home, without withdrawing
tion, some exhilarating or exciting sub- labour from objects not better rewarding
stance seems to have been sought for, it, is strongly illustrated by your experi-
as a relief from the languor of idleness, ments and statements; The introduction of
or the fatigues of labor. In the rudest a native wine is not a little recommended
state of Society, whether in hot or cold moreover, by its tendency to substitute a
climates, a passion for ardent spirits is beverage favorable to temperate habits for
in a manner universal. In the progress the ardent liquors so destructive to the
of refinement, beverages less intoxicat- morals, the health, and the social happi-
ing, but still of an exhilarating quality, ness of the American people.
have been more or less common. And —JAMES MADISON
where all these sources of excitement To John Adlum,
have been unknown, or been totally April 12, 1823
prohibited by a religious faith, substi-
tutes have been found in opium, in the AMBITION
nut of the betel, the root of the Gin-
seng, or the leaf of the Tobacco plant. The tallest trees are most in the power
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) of the winds, and ambitious men of the
To Thomas Hertell, blasts of fortune.
December 20, 1819 —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
More Fruits of Solitude
It would doubtless be a great point 1702
gained for our Country … if ardent
spirits could be made only to give way They that soar too high, often fall hard;
to malt liquors, to those afforded by which makes a low and level dwelling
the apple and the pear, and to the lighter preferable.
and cheaper varieties of wine. It is re- —WILLIAM PENN
markable that in the Countries where More Fruits of Solitude
the grape supplies the common bever- 1702

Strive to be the greatest man in your derfully adroit in concealing itself from
country, and you may be disappointed. its owner.
Strive to be the best and you may suc- —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
ceed: he may well win the race that runs Letter to John Quincy Adams,
by himself. January 3, 1794
Poor Richard’s Almanack I am not an ambitious man, but per-
1747 haps I have been an ambitious Ameri-
can. I have wished to see America the
While avarice and ambition have a place Mother Church of government.
in the heart of man, the weak will be- —THOMAS PAINE
come a prey to the strong. To James Monroe,
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) September 10, 1794
Thoughts on Defensive War
1775 I leave to others the sublime delights of
riding in the storm, better pleased with
There is no saying to what length an sound sleep & a warmer berth below it
enterprising man may push his good encircled, with the society of neigh-
fortune. bors, friends & fellow laborers of the
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) earth rather than with spies & syco-
To the New York Council of Safety, phants. … I have no ambition to gov-
August 4, 1777 ern men. It is a painful and thankless
How pitiful, in the eye of reason and —THOMAS JEFFERSON
religion, is that false ambition which To John Adams
desolates the world with fire and sword December 28, 1796
for the purposes of conquest and fame.
—GEORGE WASHINGTON Ambition is so vigilant, and where it has
To John Lathrop, a model always in view as in the
June 22, 1788 present case, is so prompt in seizing
its advantages, that it can not be too
I had rather be shut up in a very mod- closely watched, or too vigorously
est cottage, with my books, my family checked.
and a few old friends, dining on simple —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
bacon, and letting the world roll on as To Thomas Jefferson,
it liked, than to occupy the most splen- December 25, 1797
did post which any human power can
give. Great ambition, unchecked by principle
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) or the love of glory, is an unruly tyrant.
Letter to A. Donald, —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
1789 To James A. Bayard,
January 16, 1801
Ambition is the subtlest Beast of the
Intellectual and Moral Field. It is won- Whenever a man has cast a longing eye

on offices, a rottenness begins in his ral advantages as this northern part of

conduct. America.
1820 A Discourse at the Dedication of
the Tree of Liberty

Westward the course of empire takes But we want no excuse for any supposed
its way; mistakes of our ancestors. Let us first
The first four acts already past, see it prov’d that they were mistakes.
A fifth shall close the drama with the ‘Till then we must hold ourselves obliged
day: to them for sentiments transmitted to
Time’s noblest offspring is the last. us so worthy of their character, and so
—GEORGE BERKELEY (1685–1753) important to our security.
On the Prospect of Planting Arts and —SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803)
Learning in America Essay in the Boston Gazette,
1726 1771

There ought to be no New England May we ever be a people favoured of

men, no New Yorker, &c., known GOD. May our land be a land of lib-
on the Continent, but all of us Amer- erty, the seat of virtue, the asylum of
icans. the oppressed, a name and a praise in
—CHRISTOPHER GADSEN (1724–1805) the whole earth, until the last shock of
To Charles Garth, time shall bury the empires of the world
1765 in one common undistinguished ruin!
—JOSEPH WARREN (1741–1775)
When we view this country in its ex- Boston Massacre Oration,
tent and variety of climates, soils, and March 5, 1772
produce, we ought to be exceeding
thankful to divine goodness in bestow- To one however who adores liberty, and
ing it upon our forefathers, and giv- the noble virtues of which it is the par-
ing it as an heritage for their children. ent, there is some consolation in see-
We may call it the promised land, a ing, while we lament the fall of British
good land and a large—a land of hills liberty, the rise of that of America. Yes,
and vallies, of rivers, brooks, and my friend, like a young phoenix she will
springs of water—a land of milk and rise full plumed and glorious from her
honey, and wherein we may eat bread mother’s ashes.
to the full. A land whose stones are —ARTHUR LEE (1740–1792)
iron, the most useful material in all Letter to Samuel Adams,
nature, and of other choice mines and December 24, 1772
minerals; and a land whose rivers and
adjacent seas are stored with the best The next Augustan age will dawn on
of fish. In a word, no part of the habit- the other side of the Atlantic. There will,
able world can boast of so many natu- perhaps, be a Thucydides at Boston, a

Xenophon at New York, and, in time, a The cause of America is in a great mea-
Virgil at Mexico, and a Newton at Peru. sure the cause of all mankind.
At last, some curious traveler from Lima —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
will visit England and give a descrip- Common Sense
tion of the ruins of St. Paul’s, like the 1776
editions of Balbec and Palmyra.
—HORACE WALPOLE (1717–1797) The time. . . at which the continent was
Letter To Horace Mann, discovered, adds weight to the argu-
November 24, 1774 ment [for independence], and the man-
ner in which it was peopled increases
I am not a Virginian, but an American. the force of it. The reformation as pre-
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) ceded by the discovery of America, as
Speech in the First Continental if the Almighty graciously meant to
Congress, Philadelphia open a sanctuary to the persecuted in
1774 the future years, when home should
afford neither friendship nor safety.
America is a great, unwieldy body. Its —THOMAS PAINE
progress must be slow. It is like a large Common Sense
fleet sailing under convoy. The fleetest 1776
sailers must wait for the dullest and
slowest. This new world hath been the asylum
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) for the persecuted lovers of civil and
Letter to Abigail Adams, religious liberty from every part of Eu-
June 17, 1775 rope. Hither have they fled, not from
the tender embraces of the mother, but
Young man, there is America—which from the cruelty of the monster.
at this day serves for little more than —THOMAS PAINE
to amuse you with stories of savage Common Sense
men and uncouth manners; yet shall, 1776
before you taste of death, show itself
equal to the whole of that commerce Columbia, Columbia, to glory arise, The
which now attracts the envy of the queen of the world, and the child of
world. the skies!
—EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797) —TIMOTHY DWIGHT (1752–1817)
March 22, 1775 Columbia, Gem of the Ocean
Sir, [the American colonists] are a race
of convicts, and ought to be thankful This Continent is too extensive to sleep
for anything we allow them short of all at once, and too watchful, even in
hanging. its slumbers, not to startle at the unhal-
—SAMUEL JOHNSON (1709–1784) lowed foot of an invader.
The Life of Samuel Johnson —THOMAS PAINE
by James Boswell The Crisis
1775 1777

What charms me [in America] is that but a trifle; he no sooner breathes our
all citizens are brethren. air than he forms schemes, and embarks
—MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE (1757–1834) on designs he never would have thought
To his Wife, of in his own country. There the
1777 plentitude of society confines many
useful ideas, and often extinguishes the
America is her own mistress and can most laudable schemes which here ripen
do what she pleases. into maturity. Thus Europeans become
—THOMAS PAINE Americans.
1778 CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813)
Letters from an American Farmer
Could the mist of antiquity be taken 1782
away, and men and things viewed as
they then really were, it is more than After a foreigner from any part of
probable that they [the ancient Greeks Europe is arrived, and become a citi-
and Romans] would admire us, rather zen; let him devoutly listen to the voice
than we them. America has surmounted of our great parent, which says to
a greater variety and combination of him, “Welcome to our shores, dis-
difficulties than, I believe, ever fell tressed European; bless the hour in
to the share of any one people, in the which thou didst seek my verdant
same space of time, and has replen- fields, my fair navigable rivers, and
ished the world with more useful my green mountains! If thou wilt
knowledge and sounder maxims of civil work, I have bread for thee; if thou
government than were ever produced wilt be honest, sober, and industri-
in any age before. Had it not been for ous, I have greater rewards to con-
America there had been no such thing fer on thee—ease and independence. I
as freedom left throughout the whole will give thee fields to feed and clothe
universe. thee; a comfortable fireside to sit by,
—THOMAS PAINE and tell thy children by what means thou
The Crisis hast prospered; and a decent bed to
1778 repose on. I shall endow thee beside
with the immunities of a freeman. If
America ever is what she thinks her- thou wilt carefully educate thy chil-
self to be. dren, teach them gratitude to God, and
—THOMAS PAINE reverence to that philanthropic gov-
The Crisis ernment, which has collected here so
1780 many men and made them happy, I
will also provide for thy progency; and
A European, when he first arrives, to every good man this ought to be
seems limited in his intentions, as well most holy, the most Powerful, the
as in his views; but he very suddenly most earnest wish he can possibly
alters his scale; 200 miles formerly ap- form, as well as the most consola-
peared a very great distance, it is now tory prospect when he dies. Go thou

and work and till; thou shalt prosper, profess, and the nature of our em-
provided thou be just, grateful and in- ployment.
CRÈVECOEUR Letters from an American Farmer
Letters from an American Farmer 1782
What then is the American? This new
Here individuals of all nations are melted man? He is either a European, or a de-
into a new race of men, whose labors scendant of a European, hence that
and posterity will one day cause great strange mixture of blood, which you
changes in the world. will find in no other country.
Letters from an American Farmer Letters from an American Farmer
1782 1782

I could point out to you a family whose America is a new character in the uni-
grandfather was an Englishman, whose verse. She started with a cause divinely
wife was Dutch, whose son married right, and struck at an object vast and
a French woman, and whose present valuable. Her reputation for political in-
four sons now have four wives of tegrity, perseverance, fortitude, and all
different nations. He is an American, the manly excellences, stands high in
who leaving behind him all his ancient the world.
prejudices and manners, receives new —THOMAS PAINE
ones from the new life he has em- The Necessity of Taxation
braced, the new government he 1782
obeys, and the new rank he holds. ...
The American is a new man, who acts ... an asylum for the poor and oppressed
upon new principles; he must there- of all nations and religions.
fore entertain new ideas, and form —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
new opinions General Orders
Letters from an American Farmer I have an indifferent opinion of the hon-
1782 esty of this country, and ill forebod-
ings as to its future system.
Men are like plants; the goodness and —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
flavor of the fruit proceeds from the To George Washington,
peculiar soil and exposition in which March 25, 1783
they grow. We are nothing but what
we derive from the air we breathe, At this auspicious period, the United
the climate we inhabit, the government States came into existence as a nation,
we obey, the system of religion we and if their citizens should not be com-

pletely free and happy, the fault will be the physical objects around them.
entirely their own. —JOSEPH MANDRILLON (1743–1794)
—GEORGE WASHINGTON The American Spectator
Circular to the States, 1784
June 8, 1783
Its soul, its climate, its equality, liberty,
It was my object to make Americans laws, people, and manners. My God!
hold up their heads, and look down how little do my countrymen know
upon any nation that refused to do them what precious blessings they are in
justice; … in my opinion, Americans possession of, and which no other
had nothing to fear but from the meek- people on earth enjoy!
ness of their own hearts; as Chris- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
tians, I wished them meek; as states- Letter to James Monroe,
men, I wished them proud; and I June 17, 1785
thought the pride and the meekness
very consistent. Most of the distresses of our country,
—JOHN ADAMS and of the mistakes which Europeans
Diary Entry, have formed of us, have arisen from
April 30, 1783 the mistaken belief that the American
Revolution is over. This is so far from
To see it in our power to make a world being the case that we have only fin-
happy—to teach mankind the art of ished the first act of the great drama.
being so—to exhibit on the theater of We have changed our forms of gov-
the universe a character hitherto un- ernment, but it remains yet to effect a
known—and to have, as it were, a new revolution in our principles, opinions,
creation entrusted to our hands, are and manners so as to accommodate
honors that command reflection, and them to the forms of government we
can neither be too highly estimated, nor have adopted.
too gratefully received. —BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813)
—THOMAS PAINE To Richard Price,
The Crisis May 25, 1786
Is it not the glory of the people of
Nothing is more favorable to nourish- America, that, whilst they have paid a
ing successful seeds of liberty in Ameri- decent regard to the opinions of former
cans than the land they inhabit. Spread times and other nations, they have not
far and wide in an immense continent, suffered a blind veneration for antiq-
free as the nature that surrounds them, uity, for custom, or for names, to over-
among the crags and the mountains, the rule the suggestions of their own good
vast plains and the deserts, at the edge sense, the knowledge of their own situ-
of forests where all is still wild, where ation, and the lessons of their own ex-
nothing reminds them of servitude or perience? To this manly spirit, poster-
man’s tyranny, they encounter the les- ity will be indebted for the possession,
sons of liberty and independence in all and the world for the example, of the

numerous innovations displayed on the the globe, are a great point gained in
American theatre, in favor of private favor of the rights of mankind.
rights and public happiness. —JOHN ADAMS
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) A Defence of the Constitutions of
The Federalist Papers Government of the United States of
1787 America
All Europe must by degrees be
aroused to the recollection and asser- There is a modesty often which does
tion of the rights of human nature. itself injury. Our coutnrymen possess
Your good will to Mankind will be grati- this. They do not know their own su-
fied with this prospect, and your plea- periority.
sure as an American be enhanced by —THOMAS JEFFERSON
the reflection that the light which is To John Rutledge, Jr.,
chasing darkness and despotism from February 2, 1788
the old world, is but an emanation
from that which has procured and Nothing but harmony, honesty, indus-
succeeded the establishment of liberty try, and frugality are necessary to make
in the New. us a great and happy people.
The Federalist Papers To Marquis de Lafayette,
1787 January 29, 1789

It is part of the American character The preservation of the sacred fire of

to consider nothing as desperate; to liberty and the destiny of the republi-
surmount every difficulty by resolu- can model of government are justly
tion and contrivance. In Europe there considered, perhaps as deeply, as fi-
are shops for every want. Its inhabit- nally, staked on the experiment intrusted
ants therefore have no idea that their to the hands of the American people.
wants can be furnished otherwise. Re- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
mote from all other aid, we are obliged First inaugural address,
to invent and to execute; to find means April 30, 1789
within ourselves, and not to lean on
others. Never was a finer canvas presented to
—THOMAS JEFFERSON work on that our countrymen. All of
To Martha Jefferson, them engaged in agriculture or the pur-
1787 suits of honest industry, independent in
their circumstances, enlightened as to
Thirteen governments [of the original their rights, and firm in their habits of
states] thus founded on the natural au- order & obedience to the laws. This I
thority of the people alone, without a hope will be the age of experiments in
pretence of miracle or mystery, and government, and that their basis will be
which are destined to spread over the founded principles of honesty, not of
northern part of that whole quarter of mere force. We have seen no instance

of this since the days of Roman repub- Hail, Columbia! happy land!
lic, nor do we read of any before that. Hail, ye heroes! heaven-born band!
—THOMAS JEFFERSON Who fought and bled in Freedom’s
To John Adams, cause.
February 28, 1796 —JOSEPH HOPKINSON (1770–1842)
Hail, Columbia
I am sure the mass of citizens in these 1798
United States mean well, and I firmly
believe they will always act well, when- This country will, erelong, assume an
ever they can obtain a right understand- attitude correspondent with its great
ing of matters. destinies—majestic, efficient, and op-
—GEORGE WASHINGTON erative of great things. A noble career
To John Jay, lies before it.
To Rufus King,
Citizens by birth or choice, of a com- October 2, 1798
mon country, that country has a right
to concentrate your affections. The America, if she attains to greatness,
name of American, which belongs to must creep to it. ... Slow and sure is
you in your national capacity, must al- no bad maxim. Snails are a wise
ways exalt the just pride of patriotism generation.
more than any appellation derived from —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
local discriminations. With slight shades To Theodore Sedgwick,
of difference, you have the same reli- February 17, 1800
gion, manners, habits and political prin-
ciples. You have in common cause The wisdom and justice of the Ameri-
fought and triumphed together. The in- can governments, and the virtue of the
dependence and liberty you possess are inhabitants, may, if they are not defi-
the work of joint councils and joint ef- cient in the improvement of their own
forts, of common dangers, sufferings, advantages, render the United States of
and successes. America an enviable example to all the
—GEORGE WASHINGTON world, of peace, liberty, righteousness,
Farewell Address, and truth.
September 17, 1796 —MERCY OTIS WARREN (1728–1814)
History of the Rise, Progress
We are laboring hard to establish in and Termination of the American
this country principles more and more Revolution
national and free from all foreign in- 1805
gredients, so that we may be neither
“Greeks nor Trojans,” but truly Ameri- The station which we occupy among
can. the nations of the earth is honorable,
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON but awful. Trusted with the destinies
To Rufus King, of this solitary republic of the world,
December 16, 1796 the only monument of human rights,

& the sole depository of the sacred fire exhibition of the fine fruits we gather
of freedom & self-government from from it.
hence it is to be lighted up in other re- —JAMES MADISON
gions of the earth, if other regions of the To James Monroe,
earth shall ever become susceptible of December 16, 1824
its benign influence. All mankind ought
then, with us, to rejoice in its prosper- Let our object be, OUR COUNTRY,
ous, & sympathize in its adverse for- OUR WHOLE COUNTRY, AND
tunes, as involving every thing dear to NOTHING BUT OUR COUNTRY.
man. And, by the blessing of God, may that
—THOMAS JEFFERSON country itself become a vast and splen-
To the Citizens of Washington, did monument, not of oppression and
March 4, 1809 terror, but of wisdom, of peace, and of
liberty, upon which the world may gaze
Here [in the United States], we are, with admiration forever.
on the whole, doing well, and giving —DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852)
an example of a free system, which I Address at the laying of the Bunker
trust will be more of a pilot to a good Hill Monument Cornerstone,
port, than a Beacon, warning from a June 17, 1825
bad one. We have, it is true, occasional
fevers; but they are of the transient ANGER
kind, flying off through the surface,
without preying on the vitals. A Gov- Not to be provoked is best: but if
ernment like ours has so many safety- moved, never correct till the fume is
valves, giving vent to overheated pas- spent: for every stroke our fury strikes
sions, that it carries within itself a relief is sure to hit ourselves at last.
against the infirmities from which the —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
best of human Institutions can not be The Fruits of Solitude
exempt. 1693
To Marquis de Lafayette, Anger is never without a reason but
November 25, 1820 seldom with a good one.
The U.S. are now furnishing models Poor Richard’s Almanack
and lessons to all the world, a great, 1753
soon to be the most hopeful portion
of it, is receiving them with a happy There are men too, who have not vir-
docility; whilst the great European tue enough to be angry.
portion is either passively or actively —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
gaining by them. The eyes of the The Forester’s Letters
world being thus on our Country, it is 1776
put more on its good behavior, and
under the greater obligation also to do A mind disarmed of its rage, feels no
justice to the Tree of Liberty by an pleasure in contemplating a frantic quar-

rel. Sickness of thought ... leaves no Chose thy clothes by thine own eyes,
ability for enjoyment, no relish for re- not another’s. The more plain and simple
sentment; and though like a man in a they are, the better. Neither unshapely
fit, you feel not the injury of the struggle, nor fantastical; and for use and decency,
nor distinguish between strength and and not for pride.
disease, the weakness will nevertheless —WILLIAM PENN
be proportioned to the violence, and the Some Fruits of Solitude
sense of pain increase within the re- 1693
—THOMAS PAINE Excess in apparel is another costly folly:
The Crisis the very trimming of the vain world
1780 would clothe all the naked one.
When angry, count ten before you Some Fruits of Solitude
speak; if very angry, a hundred. 1693
A Decalogue of Canons for In your apparel be modest and endeavor
Observation in Practical Life, to accommodate nature, rather than to
February 21, 1825 procure admiration.
APPEARANCES & VANITY Rules of Civility
It is reported of the peacock that, prid-
ing himself in his gay feathers, he A little of what you call frippery is very
ruffles them up, but spying his black necessary towards looking like the rest
feet, he soon lets fall his plumes; so he of the world.
that glories in his gifts and adornings —ABIGAIL ADAMS (1744–1818)
should look upon his corruptions, and Letter to John Adams,
that will damp his high thoughts. May 1, 1780
—ANNE BRADSTREET (c. 1612–1672)
Meditations Divine and Moral Our pride is always hurt by the same
c.1660 propositions which offend our prin-
ciples: for when we are shocked at the
Show is not substance: realities govern crime we are wounded by the supposi-
wise men. tion of our compliance.
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Some Fruits of Solitude The Crisis
1693 1782

Humility and knowledge in poor clothes If you are not great enough to have ambi-
excel pride and ignorance in costly attire. tion you are little enough to have vanity.
Some Fruits of Solitude To George Washington,
1693 August 3, 1796

ARGUMENT & DEBATE I may sometimes differ in opinion from

some of my friends, from those whose
In disputes, be not so desirous to over- views are as pure & sound as my own.
come as not to give liberty to each one I censure none, but do homage to ev-
to deliver his opinion. ery one’s right of opinion.
Rules of Civility To William Duane,
1745 March 28, 1811

Strive not with your superiors in argu- In little disputes with your companions,
ment, but always submit your judgment give way rather than insist on trifles,
to others with modesty. for their love and the approbation of
—GEORGE WASHINGTON others will be worth more to you than
Rules of Civility the trifle in dispute.
To Francis Eppes,
A bad cause seldom fails to betray it- May 21, 1816
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) A sharp tongue is the only edged tool
The Federalist Papers that grows keener with constant use.
1788 —WASHINGTON IRVING (1783–1859)
Rip Van Winkle
I never saw an instance of one of two 1820
disputants convincing the other by ar-
Letter to John Taylor, Our commander, Arnold, was of a re-
June 1, 1798 markable character. He was brave, even
to temerity, was beloved by the sol-
Every difference of opinion is not a dif- diery, perhaps for that quality only; he
ference of principle. We have been possessed great powers of persuasion,
called by different names brethren of and was complaisant, but withal sor-
the same principle. We are all Republi- didly avaricious. Arnold was a short,
cans—we are all Federalists. If there handsome man, of a florid complex-
be any among us who would wish to ion, stoutly made, and forty years old
dissolve this Union or to change its re- at least.
publican form, let them stand undis- —JOHN JOSEPH HENRY (1759–1811)
turbed as monuments to the safety with Journal entry,
which error of opinion may be toler- 1811
ated where reason is left free to com-
bat it. ARTS
First Inaugural Address, The Science of Government it is my
1801 Duty to study, more than all other Sci-

ences: the Art of Legislation and Ad- next time I submitted very reluctantly,
ministration and Negotiation, ought to but with less flouncing. Now no dray
take Place, indeed to exclude in a man- horse moves more readily to his thill
ner all other Arts. I must study Poli- than I do to the painter’s chair.
ticks and War that my sons may have —GEORGE WASHINGTON
liberty to study Mathematicks and Phi- Letter to Francis Hopkinson,
losophy. My sons ought to study 1785
Mathematicks and Philosophy, Geog-
raphy, natural History, Naval Architec- Architecture worth great attention. As
ture, navigation, Commerce and Agri- we double our numbers every 20 years
culture, in order to give their Children we must double our houses. Besides
a right to study Painting, Poetry, we build of such perishable materials
Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapes- that one half of our houses must be
try and Porcelaine. rebuilt in every space of 20 years. So
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) that in that term, houses are to be built
Letter to Abigail Adams, for three fourths of our inhabitants. It
May 12, 1780 is then among the most important arts:
and it is desireable to introduce taste
The arts and sciences esential to the into an art which shews so much.
prosperity of the state and to the orna- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
ment and happiness of human life have Letter to John Rutledge, Jr.,
a primary claim to the encouragement June 19, 1788
of every lover of his country and man-
kind. Well aware as I am, that public bodies
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) are liable to be assailed by visionary pro-
To Joseph Willard, jectors, I nevertheless wish to ascer-
March 22, 1781 tain the probability of the magnetic
theory. If there is any considerable
You see I am an enthusiast on the sub- probability that the projected voyage
ject of the arts. But it is an enthusiasm would be successful, or throw any valu-
of which I am not ashamed, as its ob- able light on the discovery of longitude,
ject is to improve the taste of my coun- it certainly comports with the honor
trymen, to increase their reputation, to and dignity of government to give it their
reconcile to them the respect of the countenance and support. Gentlemen
world & procure them its praise. will recollect, that some of the most
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743-1826) important discoveries, both in arts and
To James Madison, sciences, have come forward under
September 20, 1785 very unpromising and suspicious ap-
I am so hackneyed to the touches of —JAMES MADISON (1751-1836)
the painter’s pencils that I am now al- Speech in Congress,
together at their beck … at first I was April 20, 1789
as impatient and as restive under the
operation as a colt is of the saddle. The Every principal art has some science

for its parent, though the person who Little strokes / Fell great oaks.
mechanically performs the work does —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
not always, and but very seldom, per- Poor Richard’s Almanack
ceive the connection. 1750
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Age of Reason, I If the liberties of America are ever
1794 compleatly ruined, of which in my opin-
ion there is now the utmost danger, it will
To promote literature in this rising em- in all probability be the consequence of a
pire, and to encourage the arts, have mistaken notion of prudence, which leads
ever been amongst the warmest wishes men to acquiesce in measures of the most
of my heart. destructive tendency for the sake of
—GEORGE WASHINGTON present ease. When designs are form’d
To the trustees of Washington to rase the very foundation of a free gov-
Academy, ernment, those few who are to erect their
June 17, 1798 grandeur and fortunes upon the general
ruin, will employ every art to sooth the
Don’t forget among all of yr useful devoted people into a state of indolence,
acquirements the comparatively trivial inattention and security. … They are
one of playing & singing several airs alarmed at nothing so much, as attempts
upon the harp. I will get one at Paris. to awaken the people to jealousy and
That is an accomplishment that will be watchfulness; and it has been an old game
really useful to you. played over and over again, to hold up
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) the men who would rouse their fellow
To his daughter Eliza, citizens and countrymen to a sense of
March 1, 1805 their real danger, and spirit them to the
most zealous activity in the use of all
ATTENTION & NEGLECT proper means for the preservation of the
public liberty, as ‘pretended patriots,’ in-
A little neglect may breed mischief: for temperate politicans,’ rash, hot-headed
want of a nail the shoe was lost; for men, Incendiaries, wretched despera-
want of a shoe the horse was lost; does, who, as was said of the best of
and for want of a horse the rider was men, would turn the world upside down,
lost. or have done it already.
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) —SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803)
Poor Richard’s Almanack Essay in the Boston Gazette,
1745 1771

BAD COMPANY The want of economy in the use of
imported articles, enters very justly into
Associate yourself with Men of good the explanation given of the causes of
Quality if you Esteem your own Repu- the present general embarrassments [the
tation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in panic of 1819]. Were every one to live
bad Company. within his income or even the savings
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) of the prudent to exceed the devidicts
Rules of Civility of the extravagant, the balance in the
1745 foreign commerce of the nation, could
not be against it. The want of a due
It is easy to make acquaintances, but economy has produced the unfavorable
very difficult to shake them off, how- turn which has been experienced. … It
ever irksome and unprofitable they are has been made a question whether
found, after we have once committed Banks, when restricted to spheres in
ourselves to them. which temporary loans only are made
—GEORGE WASHINGTON to persons in active business promis-
To Bushrod Washington, ing quick returns, do not as much harm
January 15, 1783 to imprudent, as good to prudent bor-
rowers. But it can no longer be a doubt
BALTIMORE with any, that loan offices, carrying to
every man’s door, and even courting
This [Baltimore] is the dirtiest place in his acceptance of the monied means of
the world. gratifying his present wishes under a
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) prospect or hope of procrastinated re-
Diary Entry, payment, must, of all devices, be the
February 8, 1777 one most fatal to a general frugality, and
the benefits resulting from it.
To Clarkson Crolius,
There is no practice more dangerous December 1819
than that of borrowing money.
To Samuel Washington,
July 12, 1797 Bigotry is the disease of ignorance, of

morbid minds; enthusiasm of the free What use then it may be asked can a
and buoyant. Education & free discus- bill of rights serve in popular Govern-
sion are the antidotes of both. ments? I answer the two following
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) which though less essential than in
To John Adams, other Governments, sufficiently recom-
August 1, 1816 mend the precaution.
I. The political truths declared in that
BILL OF RIGHTS solemn manner acquire by degrees the
character of fundamental maxims of
A bill of rights is what the people are free Government, and as they become
entitled to against every government on incorporated with the national senti-
earth. ment, counteract the impulses of inter-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) est and passion.
Letter to James Madison, 2. Altho’ it be generally true as above
December 1787 stated that the danger of oppression lies
in the interested majorities of the people
There are certain maxims by which rather than in usurped acts of the Gov-
every wise and enlightened people will ernment, yet there may be occasions
regulate their conduct. There are cer- on which the evil may spring from the
tain political maxims, which no free latter sources; and on such, a bill of
people ought ever to abandon. Maxims rights will be a good ground for an ap-
of which the observance is essential to peal to the sense of the community.
the security of happiness. It is impi- —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
ously irritating the avenging hand of To Thomas Jefferson,
Heaven, when a people who are in the 1788
full enjoyment of freedom, launch out
into the wide ocean of human affairs, In Europe, charters of liberty have been
and desert those maxims which alone granted by power. America has set the
can preserve liberty. Such maxims, example and France has followed it, of
humble as they are, are those only charters of power granted by liberty.
which can render a nation safe or for- This revolution in the practice of the
midable. … We have one, Sir, That all world, may, with an honest praise, be
men are by nature free and independent, pronounced the most triumphant epoch
and have certain inherent rights, of which, of its history, and the most consoling
when they enter into society, they can- presage of its happiness.
not by any compact deprive or divest —JAMES MADISON
their posterity. We have a set of max- Essay in the National Gazette,
ims of the same spirit, which must be January 18, 1792
beloved by every friend to liberty, to vir-
tue, to mankind. Our Bill of Rights con- In proportion as Government is influ-
tains those admirable maxims. enced by opinion, must it be so by
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) whatever influences opinion. This de-
To Edmund Randolph, cides the question concerning a bill of
1788 rights, which acquires efficacy as time

sanctifies and incorporates it with the Books constitute capital. A library book
public sentiment. lasts as long as a house, for hundreds of
—JAMES MADISON years. It is not, then, an article of mere
1792 consumption but fairly of capital, and
often in the case of professional men,
BOOKS setting out in life, it is their only capital.
A knowledge of books is the basis upon Letter to James Madison,
which other knowledge is to be built. September 16, 1821
To Jonathan Boucher, With us [in the United States] there are
July 9, 1771 more readers than buyers of Books. In
England there are more buyers than
A lively and lasting sense of filial duty Readers. Hence those Gorgeous Edi-
is more effectually impressed on the tions, which are destined to sleep in the
mind of a son or daughter by reading private libraries of the Rich, whose van-
King Lear, than by all the dry volumes ity aspires to that species of furniture;
of ethics, and divinity, that ever were or who give that turn to their public
written. spirit and patronage of letters.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
Letter to Robert Skipwith, To Edward Everett,
August 3, 1771 March 19, 1823

Read good books because they will en- BOSTON

courage as well as direct your feelings.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON This place [Boston] abounds with pritty
To Peter Carr, women who … are, for the most part,
August 10, 1787 free and affable as well as pritty. I saw
not one prude while I was here.
Light reading (by this, I mean books of —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1712–1756)
little importance) may amuse for the Itinerarium
moment, but leaves nothing solid be- August 16, 1744
To George Washington Parke Custis,
November 13, 1796 But though I am an old man, I am but a
young gardener.
Nothing would do more extensive good —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
at small expense than the establishment Letter to Charles Wilson Peale,
of a small circulating library in every August 20, 1811
—THOMAS JEFFERSON Botany I rank with the most valuable
To John Wyche, sciences, whether we consider its sub-
1809 jects as furnishing the principal subsis-

tence of life to man & beast, delicious ’Tis the business of little minds to
varieties for our table, refreshments shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and
from our orchards, the adornments of whose conscience approves his con-
our flower-borders, shade and perfume duct, will pursue his principles unto
of our groves, materials for our build- death.
ing, or medicaments for our bodies. —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
To Thomas Cooper, 1776
October 7, 1814
Bravery is a quality not to be dispensed
BRAVERY & COURAGE within officers—like charity, it covers
a great many defects.
… we dread nothing but slavery. Death —BENJAMIN STODDERT (1751–1813)
is the creature of a poltroon’s brains; Letter to James Simons,
‘tis immortality to sacrifice ourselves December 13, 1798
for the salvation of our country. We fear
not death. That gloomy night, the pale- It is part of a sailor’s life to die well.
faced moon, and the affrighted stars —STEPHEN DECATUR (1779–1820)
that hurried through the sky, can wit- On Captain James Lawrence, after his
ness that we fear not death. Our hearts death in action,
which, at the recollection, glow with June 1, 1813
rage that four revolving years have
scarcely taught us to restrain, can wit- AARON BURR
ness that we fear not death …
—JOHN HANCOCK (1737–1793) I fear the other gentleman is unprin-
Boston Massacre Oration, cipled both as a public and a private
March 5, 1774 man. When the Constitution was in
deliberation, his conduct was equivo-
We are not weak if we make a proper cal, but its enemies, who, I believe, best
use of those means which the God of understood him, considered him as with
Nature has placed in our power. … The them. In fact, I take it, he is for or
battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it against nothing, but as it suits his inter-
is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. est or ambition. He is determined, as I
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) conceive, to make his way to be the
Speech in Virginia Convention, head of the popular party, and to climb
March 23, 1775 per fas et nefas to the highest honor of
the State, as much higher as circum-
Men who are familiarized to danger, stances may permit … I am mistaken
meet it without shrinking, whereas those if it be not his object to play the game
who have never seen service often ap- of confusion, and I feel it a religious
prehend danger where no danger lies. duty to oppose his career.
Letter to Continental Congress, Hamilton papers,
February 9, 1776 Dated September 21, 1792

He is in every sense a profligate; a vo- I never thought him an honest, frank-

luptuary in the extreme, with uncom- dealing man, but considered him as a
mon habits of expense. … He is artful crooked gun or other perverted ma-
and intriguing to an inconceivable degree chine, whose aim or shot you could
… bankrupt beyond redemption except never be sure of.
by the blunder of his country. … he —THOMAS JEFFERSON
will certainly attempt to reform the gov- Letter to William B. Giles,
ernment a la Bonaparte … as unprin- April 1807
cipled and dangerous a man as any
country can boast—as true a Catiline BUSINESS & TRADE
as ever met in midnight conclave.
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON Corporations have neither bodies to be
Letter to James A. Bayard, kicked nor souls to be damned.
August 6, 1800 —ANONYMOUS
Cited by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.,
He will never choose to lean on good in The Age of Jackson (1945)
men, because he knows that they will Date unknown
never support his bad projects; but, in-
stead of this he will endeavor to disor- The creditors are a superstitious sect,
ganize both parties, and to form out of great observers of set days and times.
them a third, composed of men fitted —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
by their characters to be conspirators Poor Richard’s Almanack
and instruments of such projects. 1737
Letter to James A. Bayard, Let your discourse with men of busi-
December 26, 1800 ness be short and comprehensive.
Secretly turning liberty into ridicule, he Rules of Civility
knows as well as most men how to 1745
make use of that name. In a word, if
we have an embryo Caesar in the Now everybody knows that the great-
United States, ’tis Burr. est part of the trade of Great Britain is
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON with her colonies. This she enjoyeth,
c. 1800 exclusive of any other European coun-
try, and hath entirely at her own com-
Burr’s conspiracy had been one of the mand. Further, it may be made out that
most flagitious of which history will the greatest part of the profits of the trade
ever furnish an example . . . but he who of the colonies, at least on the conti-
could expect to effect such objects by nent, centers in Great Britain. … Trade
the aid of American citizens, must be is a nice and delicate lady; she must be
perfectly ripe for Bedlam. courted and won by soft and fair ad-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) dresses. She will not bear the rude hand
Letter to E. Du Pont de Nemours, of a ravisher. Penalties increased, heavy
July 14, 1807 taxes laid on, the checks of oppression

and violence removed; these things us, contrary to the uniform practice and
must drive her from her present abode. sense of the most enlightened nations.
Hence, one or other of these conse- —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
quences will follow: either (1) the colo- The Continentalist, No. 5, New York
nies will universally go into such manu- Packet,
factures as they are capable of doing April 18, 1782
within themselves, or (2) they will do
without them, and being reduced to Wherever Commerce prevails there will
mere necessaries, will be clothed like be an inequality of wealth, and wher-
their predecessors the Indians with the ever the latter does a simplicity of man-
skins of beasts, and sink into like bar- ners must decline.
barism. … Now, either of these events —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
taking place, how will it affect the is- To Edmund Randolph,
land of Great Britain? The answer is September 30, 1783
obvious . … Doth not this resemble the
conduct of the good wife in the fable A people … who are possessed of the
who killed her hen that every day laid spirit of commerce, who see and who
her a golden egg? will pursue their advantages, may
—OXENBRIDGE THACHER (1720–1765) achieve almost anything.
The Sentiments of a British American —GEORGE WASHINGTON
1764 To Benjamin Harrison,
October 10, 1784
[M]onopolies are odious, contrary to
the spirit of a free government, and the Merchants love nobody.
principles of commerce; and ought not —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
to be suffered. Letter to John Langdon,
Section 39,
1776 The period is not very remote when the
benefits of a liberal and free commerce
Commerce and industry are the best will, pretty generally, succeed to the
mines of a nation. devastations and horrors of war.
To Joseph Reed, To Marquis de Lafayette,
May 28, 1780 August 15, 1786

There are some who maintain that trade Merchants are the least virtuous citizens
will regulate itself, and it is not to be and possess the least of the amor patriae.
benefited by the encouragements or —THOMAS JEFFERSON
restraints of government. Such persons Letter to M. de Meunier,
will imagine that there is no need of a 1786
common directing power. This is one
of those wild speculative paradoxes, I own myself the friend to a very free
which have grown into credit among system of commerce, and hold it as a

truth, that commercial shackles are System to all things is the soul of busi-
generally unjust, oppressive and impoli- ness. To deliberate maturely and execute
tic—it is also a truth, that if industry promptly is the way to conduct it to
and labour are left to take their own advantage.
course, they will generally be directed —GEORGE WASHINGTON
to those objects which are the most To James Anderson,
productive, and this in a more certain December 21, 1797
and direct manner than the wisdom of
the most enlightened legislature could Money, and not morality, is the prin-
point out. ciple of commercial nations.
Speech in Congress, Letter to John Langdon,
April 9, 1789 1810

CHANGE Rarely promise. But, if lawful, con-
stantly perform.
I am well aware that the moment of —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
any great change … is unavoidably the Some Fruits of Solitude
moment of terror and confusion. The 1693
mind, highly agitated by hope, suspi-
cion, and apprehension, continues There are some men like dictionaries; to
without rest till the change be accom- be looked into upon occasion, but have
plished. no connection, and are little entertaining.
Letter to the People of France, Some Fruits of Solitude
1792 1693

There is a certain relief in change, even When a man does all he can, though it
though it be from bad to worse; as I succeeds not well, blame not him that
have found in travelling in a stage did it.
coach, that it is often a comfort to shift —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
one’s position and be bruised in a new Rules of Civility
place. 1745
Tales of a Traveller Nothing is more essential to the estab-
1824 lishment of manners in a State than that
all persons employed in places of power
CHARACTER and trust must be men of unexception-
able characters.
There is no object that we see, no ac- —SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803)
tion that we do, no good that we enjoy, To James Warren,
no evil that we feel or fear, but we may 1775
make some spiritual advantage of all;
and he that makes such improvement The public cannot be too curious con-
is wise as well as pious. cerning the characters of public men.
Meditations Divine and Moral To James Warren,
c. 1660 1775


No reflection ought to be made on any CHARITY

man on account of birth, provided that
his manners rise decently with his circum- Do good with what thou hast, or it will
stances, and that he affects not to forget do thee no good.
the level he came from; when he does, —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
he ought to be led back and shown the Some Fruits of Solitude
mortifying picture of originality. 1693
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Four Letters on Interesting Subjects Do thine own work honestly and cheer-
1776 fully: and when that is done, help thy fel-
low; that so another time he may help
It is to be lamented … that great char- thee.
acters are seldom without a blot. —WILLIAM PENN
—GEORGE WASHINGTON Some Fruits of Solitude
To Marquis de Lafayette 1693
May 10, 1786
Frugality is good, if liberality be joined
Men’s minds are as variant as their faces. with it. The first is leaving off superflu-
—GEORGE WASHINGTON ous expenses; the last bestowing them to
To Benjamin Harrison, the benefit of others that need. The first
March 9, 1789 without the last begins covetousness; the
last without the first begins prodigality;
Good moral character is the first es- both together make an excellent temper.
sential in a man. Happy the place where that is found.
DECEMBER 5, 1790 1693

The uniform tenor of a man’s life fur- It imparts, first, the commiseration of
nishes better evidence of what he has the poor and unhappy of mankind, and
said or done on any particular occa- extends a helping hand to mend their
sion than the world of any enemy. condition.
To George Clinton, More Fruits of Solitude
December 31, 1803 1702

Adore God. Reverence and cherish God sends the poor to try us, as well
your parents. Love your neighbor as as He tries them by being such: and he
yourself, and your country more than that refuses them a little out of the great
yourself. Be just. Be true. Murmur not deal that God has given him lays up
at the ways of Providence. poverty in store for his own posterity.
To Thomas Jefferson Smith, More Fruits of Solitude
February 21, 1825 1702

Proportion your charity to the strength CHILDREN & PARENTING

of your estate, or God will proportion
your estate to the weakness of your If thou wouldst be obeyed, being a fa-
charity. ther; being a son, be obedient.
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
Poor Richard’s Almanack Some Fruits of Solitude
1757 1693

The more we bestow the richer we Men are generally more careful of the
become. breed of their horses and dogs, than of
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) their children.
The Crisis Extraordinary —WILLIAM PENN
1780 Some Fruits of Solitude
Let your heart feel for the afflictions
and distresses of everyone, and let your Is it [parental love] not the strongest
hand give in proportion to your purse, affection known? Is it not greater than
remembering … that it is not everyone even that of self-preservation?
who asketh that deserveth charity. —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) A Bill for Proportioning Crime and
To Bushrod Washington, Punishment,
January 15, 1783 November 1778

Liberality and charity … ought to gov- The easiest way of becoming ac-
ern in all disputes. quainted with the modes of thinking,
—GEORGE WASHINGTON the rules of conduct, and the prevailing
To Benjamin Harrison, manners of any people, is to examine
March 9, 1789 what sort of education they give their
children; how they treat them at home,
Never let an indigent person ask with- and what they are taught in their places
out receiving something, if you have of public worship.
To George Washington Parke Custis, Letters From an American Farmer
November 15, 1796 1782

Private charities, as well as contribu- What is it that affectionate parents re-

tions to public purposes in proportion quire of their Children for all their care,
to every one’s circumstances, are cer- anxiety, and toil on their accounts? Only
tainly among the duties we owe to so- that they would be wise and virtuous,
ciety. Benevolent and kind.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) —ABIGAIL ADAMS (1744–1818)
To Charles Christian, To John Quincy Adams,
March 21, 1812 November 20, 1783

Mrs. Monroe hath added a daughter to CITIES

our society, who tho’ noisy, contrib-
utes greatly to its amusement. The mobs of great cities add just so
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) much to the support of pure govern-
To Thomas Jefferson on the birth of ment, as sores do to the strength of the
Monroe’s first daughter, Eliza, human body.
July 27, 1787 —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
Notes on the State of Virginia
The rights of minors are as sacred as 1782
the rights of the aged.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) When we get piled upon one another
Dissertation on First Principles of in large cities as in Europe, we shall
Government become corrupt as in Europe, and
1795 go to eating one another as they do
It has been some time since that I con- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
ceived of any event in this Life which Letter to James Madison,
could call forth feelings of mutual sym- December 20, 1787
pathy. But I know how closely en-
twined around a parent’s heart are those The tumultuous populace of large cit-
chords which bind the filial to the pa- ies are ever to be dreaded. Their indis-
rental Bosom, and when snapped criminate violence prostrates for the
assunder, how agonizing the pangs of time all public authority, and its conse-
separation. quences are sometimes extensive and
I have tasted the bitter cup, and bow terrible.
with reverence and humility before the —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
great dispenser of it, without whose To Marquis de Lafayette,
permission and overruling providence July 28, 1791
not a sparrow falls to the ground.
—ABIGAIL ADAMS (1744–1818) ’Tis not the country that peoples either
A letter of condolence to Thomas the Bridewells or the Bedlams. These
Jefferson on the death of mansions of wretchedness are tenanted
his daughter, Polly, from the distresses and vices of over-
May 20, 1804 grown cities.
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
The article of discipline is the most dif- Essay in the National Gazette,
ficult in American education. Premature March 3, 1792
ideas of independence, too little re-
pressed by parents, beget a spirit of I view great cities as pestilential to the
insubordinate, which is the great ob- morals, the health and the liberties of
stacle. man.
To Dr. Thomas Cooper, To Benjamin Rush,
November 2, 1822 September 23, 1800


In a free government, the security for The business of Congress is tedious

civil rights must be the same as that beyond expression. … Every man in it
for religious rights. It consists in the is a great man, an orator, a critic, a
one case in the multiplicity of interests, statesman; and therefore every man …
and in the other, in the multiplicity of must show his oratory, his criticism,
sects. and his political abilities.
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
The Federalist Papers Letter to Abigail Adams on the
1788 Continental Congress,
October 9, 1774
For heaven’s sake, who are Congress?
All government—indeed, every human Are they not the creatures of the people,
benefit and enjoyment, every virtue and amenable to them for their conduct and
every prudent act—is founded on com- dependent from day to day on their
promise and barter. breath?
—EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797) —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
Second Speech on Conciliation To William Gordon,
with America, July 8, 1783
March 22, 1775
At the commencement of the revolu-
Magnanimity in politics is not seldom tion, it was supposed that what is called
the truest wisdom; and a great empire the executive part of government was
and little minds go ill together. the only dangerous part; but we now
—EDMUND BURKE see that quite as much mischief, if not
Second Speech on Conciliation more, may be done, … by a legislature.
with America, —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
March 22, 1775 On the Affairs of Pennsylvania
I agree with you that in politics the
middle way is none at all. In order to judge the form to be given
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) to this institution [the Senate], it will be
Letter to Horatio Gates, proper to take a view of the ends to be
March 23, 1776 served by it. These were, first, to pro-
tect the people against their rulers, sec-
A thing moderately good is not so good ondly, to protect the people against the
as it ought to be. Moderation in temper transient impressions into which they
is always a virtue; but moderation in themselves might be led.
principle is always a vice. —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) Debate in the Constitutional
The Rights of Man Convention,
1791 June 26, 1787

I have observed, that gentlemen sup- of my jealousy. The tyranny of the legis-
pose, that the general legislature will do latures is the most formidable dread at
every mischief they possibly can, and present and will be for many years. That
that they will omit to do every thing period of the executive will come in its
good which they are authorised to do. turn, but it will be at a remote period.
If this were a reasonable supposition, —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
their objections would be good. I con- Letter to James Madison,
sider it reasonable to conclude, that 1789
they will as readily do their duty, as
deviate from it: Nor do I go on the But is not man, in the shape of a sena-
grounds mentioned by gentlemen on the tor or a representative, as fond of power
other side—that we are to place unlim- as a president? … Are not ambition and
ited confidence in them, and expect favoritism, and all other vicious pas-
nothing but the most exalted integrity sions and sinister interests, as strong
and sublime virtue. But I go on this great and active in a senator or a representa-
republican principle, that the people will tive as in a president? Cannot, indeed,
have virtue and intelligence to select men the members of the legislature conceal
of virtue and wisdom. their private views and improper mo-
—JAMES MADISON tives more easily than a president?
Speech to the Virginia Ratifying —JOHN ADAMS
Convention, Review of propositions to amend the
June 20, 1788 Constitution,
It is certainly inconsistent with the es-
tablished principles of republicanism, If there be any thing amiss therefore,
that the senate should be a fixed and in the present state of our affairs, as
unchangeable body of men. There the formidable deficit lately unfolded to
should be then some constitutional pro- us indicates, I ascribe it to the inatten-
vision against this evil. A rotation I con- tion of Congress to its duties, to their
sider as the best possible mode of af- unwise dissipation & waste of the public
fecting a remedy. The amendment will contributions. They seemed, some little
not only have a tendency to defeat any while ago to be at a loss for objects
plots, which may be formed against the whereon to throw away the supposed
liberty and authority of the state gov- fathomless funds of the treasury.
ernments, but will be the best means to —THOMAS JEFFERSON
extinguish the factions which often pre- To Thomas Ritchie,
vail, and which are sometimes so fatal December 25, 1820
to legislative bodies.
New York Ratifying Convention,
1788 The land of steady habits.
The executive in our government is not A traditional epithet for Connecticut,
the sole, it is scarcely the principal object Date Unknown

“Farewell Connecticut,” said I, as I Labor to keep alive in your breast that

passed along the bridge. “I have had a little spark of celestial fire called con-
surfeit of your ragged money, rough science.
roads, and enthusiastic people.” —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1712–1756) Rules of Civility
Itinerarium 1745
August 30, 1744
He that carries a small Crime easily, will
Connecticut in her blue-laws, laying it carry it on when it comes to be an ox.
down as a principle, that the laws of —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
God should be the laws of man. Poor Richard’s Almanack
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) 1758
Letter to John Adams,
January 24, 1814 Driven from every other corner of the
earth, freedom of thought and the right
The last [state] expected to yield its of private judgment in matters of con-
steady habits (which were essentially science direct their course to this happy
bigoted in politics as well as religion). country as their last asylum.
Letter to Marquis de Lafayette, Speech delivered in Philadelphia,
May 14, 1817 August 1, 1776

’Tis a rough land of earth and stone Conscience … seldom comes to a

and tree, man’s aid while he is in the zenith of
Where breathes no castled lord or health and reveling in pomp and luxury
cabined slave; upon ill-gotten spoils; it is generally the
Where thought, and tongues, and hands last act of his life and comes too late to
are bold and free, be of much service to others here, or
And friends will find a welcome, foes to himself hereafter.
And where none kneel, save when to To John Price Posey,
Heaven they pray, August 7, 1782
Nor even then, unless in their own way.
—FITZ-GREENE HALLECK (1790–1867) The moral sense, or conscience, is as
Connecticut much a part of man as his leg or arm. It
c. 1820 is given to all human beings in a stronger
or weaker degree, as force of mem-
CONSCIENCE bers is given them in a greater or less
degree. It may be strengthened by exer-
Would you live with ease, do what you cise, as may any particular limb of the
ought, not what you please. body. This sense is submitted indeed in
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) some degree to the guidance of reason;
Poor Richard’s Almanack but it is a small stock which is required
1734 for this: even a less one than what we

call Common sense. State a moral case Opinion, & the just maintenance of it,
to a ploughman & a professor. The former shall never be a crime in my view; nor
will decide it as well, & often better than bring injury on the individual.
the latter, because he has not been led —THOMAS JEFFERSON
astray by artificial rules. To Samuel Adams,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) March 29, 1801
To Peter Carr,
August 10, 1787 CONSISTENCY

But there is a question of great magni- The Greeks used to say, all cases are
tude, which I am desirous of having governed by their circumstances. The
determined. I shall therefore take the same thing may be well and ill as they
liberty of moving it: That we add to the change or vary the matter.
end of the amendment, the words, “and —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
persons conscientiously scrupulous of Some Fruits of Solitude
bearing arms” [be exempt from militia 1693
service]. I agree with the gentleman
who was last up, that [it] is the glory I may venture to say that there never
of this country, the boast of the revo- was a Man eminently famous but what
lution, and the pride of the present con- was distinguish’d by this very Qualifi-
stitution, that here the rights of man- cation [constancy], and few if any can
kind are known and established on a live comfortably even in a private Life
basis more certain, and I trust, more without it; for a Man who has no End
durable, than any heretofore recorded in View, no Design to pursue, is like an
in history, or existing in any other part irresolute Master of a Ship at Sea, that
of this globe; but above all, it is the par- can fix upon no one Port to steer her
ticular glory of this country, to have to, and consequently can call not one
secured the rights of conscience which Wind favourable to his Wishes.
in other nations are least understood or —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
most strangely violated. “On Constancy,” in the
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) Pennsylvania Gazette,
Speech in Congress, April 4, 1734
December 22, 1790
Experience constantly teaches that new
Conscience is the most sacred of all members of a public body do not feel
property. … To guard a man’s house the necessary respect or responsibility
as his castle, to pay public and enforce for the acts of their predecessors, and
private debts with the most exact faith, that a change of members and of cir-
can give no title to invade a man’s con- cumstances often proves fatal to con-
science which is more sacred than his sistency and stability of public mea-
castle. sures.
Article in the National Gazette, Notes on Debates,
March 29, 1792 January 6, 1783

CONSTITUTION We, the people of the United State, in

order to form a more perfect union,
… this eternal truth, that public happi- establish justice, insure domestic tran-
ness depends on a virtuous and unshaken quility, provide for the common de-
attachment to a free constitution. fense, promote the general welfare, and
—JOSEPH WARREN (1741–1775) secure the blessings of liberty to our-
Boston Massacre Oration, selves and our posterity, do ordain and
March 5, 1772 establish this Constitution for the United
States of America.
I wish most sincerely … that a Constitu- —CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES
tion [were] formed … for America, that Preamble,
we might know what we are and what September 17, 1787
we have, what our Rights and what our
Duties, in the Judgment of this Country I confess that there are several parts of
as well as in our own. Till such a Con- this Constitution which I do not at
stitution is settled, different Sentiments present approve, but I am not sure I
will ever occasion Misunderstandings. shall ever approve them. For having
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) lived long, I have experienced many
To Joseph Galloway, instances of being obliged by better in-
February 18, 1774 formation, or fuller consideration, to
change opinions even on important sub-
A constitution, which is to render mil- jects, which I once thought right, but
lions happy or miserable … [is] a mat- found to be otherwise.
ter of such moment [that it] cannot be —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
the work of a day. Speech at the Constitutional
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) Convention,
To John Augustine Washington, September 17, 1787
May 31, 1776
I doubt … whether any other Conven-
A constitution founded on these prin- tion … may be able to make a better con-
ciples introduces knowledge among the stitution; for, when you assemble a num-
people, and inspires them with a con- ber of men, to have the advantage of their
scious dignity becoming freemen; a joint wisdom, you inevitably assemble
general emulation takes place, which with those men all their prejudices, their
causes good humor, sociability, good passions, their errors of opinion, their
manners, and good morals to be gen- local interests, and their selfish views.
eral. That elevation of sentiment inspired From such an assembly can a perfect
by such a government, makes the com- production be expected? It therefore as-
mon people brave and enterprising. That tonishes me, Sir, to find this system ap-
ambition which is inspired by it makes proaching so near to perfection …
them sober, industrious, and frugal. —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) Speech at the Constitutional
Thoughts on Government Convention,
1776 September 17, 1787

In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitutional Convention, and his

Constitution, with all its faults, if they answer was recorded by Joseph
are such; because I think a General McHenry.
Government necessary for us, and there September 18, 1787
is no form of government, but what
may be a blessing to the people if well I wish the Constitution, which is of-
administered; and believe further, that fered, had been made more perfect; but
this is likely to be well administered for I sincerely believe it is the best that
a course of years, and can only end in could be obtained at this time. And, as a
despotism, as other forms have done constitutional door is opened for am-
before it, when the people shall become endment hereafter, the adoption of it,
so corrupted as to need despotic gov- under the present circumstances of the
ernment, being incapable of any other. Union, is in my opinion desirable.
Speech at the Constitutional To Patrick Henry,
Convention, September 24, 1787
September 17, 1787
Perfection is not the lot of humanity.
On the whole, Sir, I cannot help ex- Instead of censuring the small faults of
pressing a wish, that every member of the constitution, I am astonished, that
the Convention who may still have ob- so many clashing interests have been
jections to it, would with me on this reconciled—and so many sacrifices
occasion doubt a little of his own infal- made to the general interest! The mu-
libility, and, to make manifest our una- tual concessions made by the gentle-
nimity, put his name to this Instrument. men of the convention, reflect the high-
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN est honor on their candor and liberality;
Speech at the Constitutional at the same time, they prove that their
Convention, minds were deeply impressed with a
September 17, 1787 conviction, that such mutual sacrifices
are essential to our union.
I have the happiness to know that it is —NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843)
a rising, and not a setting sun. An Examination into the Leading
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Principles of the Federal Constitution,
Franklin spoke these words as mem- Philadelphia,
bers of the Constitutional Convention October 17, 1787
signed the engrossed document.
September 17, 1787 The great objects which presented
themselves were:
A republic, if you can keep it. 1. to unite a proper energy in the Ex-
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ecutive and a proper stability in the Leg-
In answer to a question by Mrs. islative departments, with the essential
Powel: “Well, doctor, what have we characters of Republican Government.
got, a republic or a monarchy?” 2. to draw a line of demarkation which
Franklin had just emerged from the would give to the General Government

every power requisite for general pur- meant to take the place of, and with
poses, and leave to the States every any other which there might be a prob-
power which might be most benefi- ability of obtaining.
cially administered by them. —JAMES MADISON
3. to provide for the different interests To Archibald Stuart,
of different parts of the Union. October 30, 1787
4. to adjust the clashing pretensions of
the large and small States. Each of these The diversity of opinions on so inter-
objects was pregnant with difficulties. esting a subject [the Constitution],
The whole of them together formed among men of equal integrity and dis-
a task more difficult than can be well cernment, is at once a melancholy proof
conceived by those who were not con- of the fallibility of the human judgment,
cerned in the execution of it. and of the imperfect progress yet made
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) in the science of Government.
To Thomas Jefferson, —JAMES MADISON
October 24, 1787 To Archibald Stuart,
October 30, 1787
Nothing is more common here, and I
presume the case must be the same with Should the States reject this excellent
you, than to see companies of intelli- Constitution, the probability is, an op-
gent people equally divided, and equally portunity will never again offer to can-
earnest [on the question of adopting the cel another in peace—the next will be
U.S. Constitution], in maintaining on drawn in blood.
one side that the General Government —GEORGE WASHINGTON
will overwhelm the State Governments, Attributed to George Washington,
and on the other that it will be a prey to Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly
their encroachments; on the one side Advertiser,
that the structure of the Government is November 14, 1787
too firm and too strong, and on the other
that it partakes too much of the weak- After the lapse of six thousand years
ness and instability of the Governments since the Creation of the world, America
of the particular States. What is the now presents the first instance of a
proper conclusion from all this? That people assembled to weigh deliberately
unanimity is not to be expected in any and calmly, and to decide leisurely and
great political question: that the danger peaceably, upon the form of govern-
is probably exaggerated on each side, ment by which they will bind themselves
when an opposite danger is conceived and their posterity.
on the opposite side—that if any Con- —JAMES WILSON (1741–1798)
stitution is to be established by delib- Speech on Proposed Federal
eration and choice, it must be exam- Constitution,
ined with many allowances, and must November 24, 1787
be compared not with the theory, which
each individual may frame in his own In giving a definition of the simple kinds
mind, but with the system which it is of government known throughout the

world, I had occasion to describe mankind; nature has bountifully be-

what I meant by a democracy; and I stowed upon us the blessings of cli-
think I termed it, that government in mate and soil; the extent of our coun-
which the people retain the supreme try affords room for our rapid increase
power, and exercise it either collectively for ages to come; a wise system of
or by representation. This Constitution government we want; a wise system
declares this principle, in its terms and of government is offered for our ac-
in its consequences, which is evident ceptance; receive the offered good; put
from the manner in which it is an- it in practice with wisdom, moderation,
nounced. “We, the People of the United and virtue; and you may become a great,
States.” flourishing and happy nation.
Pennsylvania Ratification Convention, Article in the Connecticut Courant,
November 26, 1787 January 7, 1788

There are very good articles in it, and A constitution cannot set bounds to a
very bad. I do not know which pre- nation’s wants; it ought not, therefore,
ponderate. to set bounds to its resources. Unex-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) pected invasions, long and ruinous
Letter to W. S. Smith, wars, may demand all the possible abili-
November 1787 ties of the country. Shall not your gov-
ernment have power to call these abili-
In the formation of our constitution the ties into action? The contingencies of
wisdom of all ages is collected—the society are not reducible to calculations.
legislators of antiquity are consulted, as They cannot be fixed or bounded, even
well as the opinions and interests of the in imagination.
millions who are concerned. In short, —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
it is an empire of reason. New York Ratification Convention,
—NOAH WEBSTER June 27, 1788
An Examination into the Leading
Principles of the Federal Constitution Have they said, we the States? Have
1787 they made a proposal of a compact
between States? If they had, this would
It is an excellency of this Constitution be a confederated government. The
that it is expressed with brevity, and in question turns, Sir, on … the expres-
the plain, common language of man- sion, We, the People, instead of the
kind. States of America. …
—OLIVER ELLSWORTH (1745–1807) [T]he principles of this system are
Statement made during the extremely pernicious, impolitic, and
ratification debates, dangerous. … It is not a democracy,
1787–1788 wherein the people retain all their rights
securely. …
We are a young, virtuous, and growing Here is a revolution as radical as that
people; we have the good wishes of all which separated us from Great Britain.

It is as radical, if in this transition our the constitutional character, under

rights and privileges are endangered, which the several branches of govern-
and the sovereignty of the States be ment hold their power, is derived.
relinquished: And cannot we plainly see, —JAMES MADISON
that this is actually the case? The Federalist Papers
The rights of conscience, trial by jury, 1788
liberty of the press, all our immunities
and franchises, all pretensions to hu- It may be considered as an objection
man rights and privileges, are rendered inherent in the principle, that as every
insecure, if not lost, by this change so appeal to the people would carry an
loudly talked of by some, and incon- implication of some defect in the gov-
siderately by others. Is this same relin- ernment, frequent appeals would in
quishment of rights worthy of freeman? great measure deprive the government
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) of that veneration which time bestows
Speech at the Virginia Convention to on every thing, and without which per-
ratify the new Constitution, haps the wisest and freest governments
June 5, 1788 would not possess the requisite stabil-
ity. If it be true that all governments
Revolutions in government have in gen- rest on opinion, it is no less true that
eral been the tumultuous exchange of the strength of opinion in each individual
one tyrant for another, or the elevation … depend much on the number which
of a few aspiring nobles upon the ruins he supposes to have entertained the
of a better system. Never before has same opinion. The reason of man, like
the collected wisdom of any nation been man himself, is timid and cautious,
permitted quietly to deliberate, and de- when left alone; and acquires firmness
termine upon the form of government and confidence, in proportion to the
best adapted to the genius, views and number with which it is associated.
circumstances of the citizens. Never When the examples, which fortify opin-
before have the people of any nation ion, are ancient as well as numerous,
been permitted, candidly to examine, they are known to have a double ef-
and then delierately adopt or reject the fect. In a nation of philosophers, this
constitution proposed. consideration ought to be disregarded.
—SIMEON BALDWIN (1761–1851) A reverence for the laws, would be suf-
Oration at New Haven, ficiently inculcated by the voice of an
July 4, 1788 enlightened reason. But a nation of phi-
losophers is as little to be expected as
’Tis done. We have become a nation. the philosophical race of kings wished
—BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813) for by Plato. And in every other nation,
To Elias Boudinot, referring to the the most rational government will not find
ratification of the Constitution, it a superfluous advantage to have the
July 9, 1788 prejudices of the community on its side.
The people are the only legitimate foun- The Federalist Papers
tain of power, and it is from them that 1788

The danger of disturbing the public tran- a delegated authority, contrary to the tenor
quility by interesting too strongly the of the commission under which it is ex-
public passions, is a still more serious ercised, is void. No legislative act there-
objection against a frequent reference fore contrary to the constitution, can
of constitutional questions, to the deci- be valid. To deny this would be to affirm
sion of the whole society. … We are to that the deputy is greater than his princi-
recollect that all the existing constitu- pal; that the servant is above his mas-
tions were formed in the midst of a ter; that the representatives of the people
danger which repressed the passions are superior to the people themselves;
most unfriendly to order and concord; that men acting by virtue of powers may
of an enthusiastic confidence of the do not only what their powers do not
people in their patriotic leaders, which authorise, but what they forbid.
stifled the ordinary diversity of opin- —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
ions on great national questions; of a The Federalist Papers
universal ardor for new and opposite 1788
forms, produced by a universal resent-
ment and indignation against the ancient The interpretation of the laws is the
government; and whilst no spirit of proper and peculiar province of the
party, connected with the changes to courts. A constitution is in fact, and
be made, or the abuses to be reformed, must be, regarded by the judges as a
could mingle its leaven in the operation. fundamental law. It therefore belongs
The future situations in which we must to them to ascertain its meaning as well
expect to be usually placed, do not as the meaning of any particular act
present any equivalent security against proceeding from the legislative body.
the danger which is apprehended. If there should happen to be an irrec-
—JAMES MADISON oncilable variance between the two, that
The Federalist Papers which has the superior obligation and
1788 validity ought of course to be preferred;
or in other words, the constitution
[T]he Constitution ought to be the stan- ought to be preferred to the statute, the
dard of construction for the laws, and intention of the people to the intention
that wherever there is an evident oppo- of their agents.
sition, the laws ought to give place to —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
the Constitution. But this doctrine is not The Federalist Papers
deducible from any circumstance pe- 1788
culiar to the plan of convention, but
from the general theory of a limited The truth is, after all the declamations
Constitution. we have heard, that the Constitution is
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON itself, in every rational sense, and to
The Federalist Papers every useful purpose, A BILL OF
1788 RIGHTS.
There is no position which depends on The Federalist Papers
clearer principles, than that every act of 1788

{T}he powers reserved by the people ish Constitution is just what the British
[under the Constitution] render them Parliament pleases. … To control the
secure, and, until they themselves be- power and conduct of the legislature,
come corrupt, they will always have by an overruling constitution, was an
upright and able rulers. I give my as- improvement in the science and prac-
sent to the Constitution. tice of government reserved to the
—JOHN HANCOCK (1737–1793) American States.
Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, —JAMES WILSON
1788 Speech in Pennsylvania Ratifying
Can any government be devised, that 1788
will be more suited to citizens, who
wish for equal freedom and common The Constitution … is unquestionably
prosperity? better calculated for pre- the wisest ever yet presented to men.
venting corruption of manners? for —THOMAS JEFFERSON
advancing the improvements that en- Letter to David Humphreys,
dear or adorn life? or that can be more March 1789
conformed to the nature and under-
standing, to the best and the last end of No society can make a perpetual con-
man? What harvests of happiness may stitution, or even a perpetual law.
grow from the seeds of liberty that are —THOMAS JEFFERSON
now sowing? The cultivation will in- Letter to James Madison,
deed demand continual care, unceas- September 6, 1789
ing diligence, and frequent conflicts
with difficulties. This too is consonant The earth belongs always to the living
to the laws of our nature. As we pass generation: they may manage it, then
through night into day, so we do through and what proceeds from it, as they
trouble into joy. Generally, the higher please, during their usufruct. They are
the prize, the deeper the suffering. We masters, too, of their own persons, and
die into immortality. To object against consequently may govern them as they
the benefits offered to us by our Cre- please. But persons and property make
ator, by excepting to the terms annexed, the sum of the objects of government.
is a crime to be equaled only by its folly. The constitution and the laws of their
—JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794) predecessors are extinguished then, in
Observations on the Constitution their natural course, with those whose
Proposed by the Federal Convention will gave them being. This could pre-
1788 serve that being, till it ceased to be it-
self, and no longer. Every constitution,
The idea of a constitution, limiting and then, expires at the end of thirty-four
superintending the operations of legis- years. If it be enforced longer, it is an
lative authority, seems not to have been act of force, not of right.
accurately understood in Britain. There —THOMAS JEFFERSON
are, at least, no traces of practice con- Letter to James Madison,
formable to such a principle. The Brit- September 6, 1789

Our new Constitution is now estab- right of the people to make and to alter
lished, and has an appearance that their constitutions of government. But
promises permanency; but in this world the constitution which at any time ex-
nothing can be said to be certain, ex- ists, till changed by an explicit and au-
cept death and taxes. thentic act of the whole people, is sa-
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN credly obligatory upon all.
Letter to Jean-Baptiste Leroy, —GEORGE WASHINGTON
November 13, 1789 Farewell Address,
September 17, 1796
The American constitutions were to lib-
erty, what a grammar is to language: Free government is founded in jealousy,
they define its parts of speech, and and not in confidence, which prescribes
practically construct them into syntax. limited constitutions, to bind down
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) those whom we are obliged to trust with
The Rights of Man power.
The Kentucky Resolutions
The federal Government has been hith- 1798
erto limited to the Specified powers, by
the greatest Champions for Latitude in In questions of power let no more be
expounding those powers. If not only heard of confidence in man, but bind
the means, but the objects are unlim- him down from mischief by the chains
ited, the parchment had better be thrown of the constitution.
into the fire at once. —THOMAS JEFFERSON
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) The Kentucky Resolutions
To Henry Lee, 1798
January 1, 1792
So far is the political system of the
If in the opinion of the People, the dis- United States distinguishable from that
tribution or modification of the Consti- of other countries, by the caution with
tutional powers be in any particular which powers are delegated and de-
wrong, let it be corrected by an amend- fined; that in one very important case,
ment in the way which the Constitu- even of commercial regulation and rev-
tion designates. But let there be no enue, the power is absolutely locked up
change by usurpation; for though this, against the hands of both governments.
in one instance, may be the instrument A tax on exports can be laid by no Con-
of good, it is the customary weapon stitutional authority whatever.
by which free governments are de- —JAMES MADISON
stroyed. “The Report of 1800”
—GEORGE WASHINGTON January 7, 1800
Farewell Address,
September 17, 1796 Our Constitution professedly rests
upon the good sense and attachment
The basis of our political system is the of the people. This basis, weak as it

may appear, has not yet been found phraseology of the Constitution of the
to fail. United States confirms and strengthens
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) the principle, supposed to be essential to
Letter to William Vans Murray, all written constitutions, that a law re-
January 27, 1801 pugnant to the Constitution is void; and
that courts, as well as other depart-
I join cordially in admiring and rever- ments, are bound by that instrument.
ing the Constitution of the Untied States, —JOHN MARSHALL (1755–1835)
the result of the collected wisdom of Marbury v. Madison
our country. That wisdom has com- 1803
mitted to us the important task of prov-
ing by example that a government, if Certainly all those who have framed
organized in all its parts on the Repre- written constitutions contemplate them
sentative principle unadulterated by the as forming the fundamental and para-
infusion of spurious elements, if mount law of the nation, and conse-
founded, not in the fears & follies of quently the theory of every such gov-
man, but on his reason, on his sense of ernment must be, that an act of the
right, on the predominance of the so- legislature, repugnant to the constitu-
cial over his dissocial passions, may be tion, is void.
so free as to restrain him in no moral —JOHN MARSHALL
right, and so firm as to protect him from Marbury v. Madison
every moral wrong. 1803
To Amos March, The powers of the legislature are de-
November 20, 1801 fined, and limited; and that those limits
may not be mistaken, or forgotten, the
Tho’ written constitutions may be vio- constitution is written. To what pur-
lated in moments of passion or delusion, pose are powers limited, and to what
yet they furnish a text to which those purpose is that limitation committed to
who are watchful may again rally & re- writing, if these limits may, at any time,
call the people: they fix too for the people be passed by those intended to be re-
the principles for their political creed. strained? The distinction, between a
—THOMAS JEFFERSON government with limited and unlimited
To Joseph Priestley, powers, is abolished, if those limits do
June 19, 1802 not confine the persons on whom they
are imposed, and if acts prohibited and
It is also not entirely unworthy of ob- acts allowed, are of equal obligation.
servation, that in declaring what shall —JOHN MARSHALL
be the supreme law of the land, the Con- Marbury v. Madison
stitution itself is first mentioned, and 1803
not the laws of the United States gen-
erally, but those only which shall be By the tables of mortality, of the adults
made in pursuance of the Constitution, living at one moment of time, a major-
have that rank. Thus, the particular ity will be dead in about nineteen years.

At the end of that period, then, a new objects designated, and the minor in-
majority is come into place; or, in other gredients which compose those objects
words, a new generation. Each genera- be deduced from the nature of the ob-
tion is as independent of the one pre- jects themselves. That this idea was
ceding. … It has, like them, a right to entertained by the framers of the Ameri-
choose for itself the form of govern- can constitution, is not only to be in-
ment it believes most promotive of its ferred from the nature of the instru-
own happiness; consequently, a solemn ment, but from the language.
opportunity of doing this every nine- —JOHN MARSHALL
teen or twenty years should be provided McCulloch v. Maryland
by the Constitution. 1819
Letter to W. H. Torrance, Let the end be legitimate, let it be within
1815 the scope of the constitution, and all
means which are appropriate, which are
Some men look at constitutions with plainly adapted to that end, which are
sanctimonious reverence, and deem not prohibited, but consistent with the
them, like the Ark of the Covenant, too letter and spirit of the constitution, are
sacred to be touched. They ascribe to constitutional.
the men of the preceding age a wis- —JOHN MARSHALL
dom more than human, and suppose McCulloch v. Maryland
what they did to be beyond amendment. 1819
I knew that age well; I belonged to it,
and labored with it. It deserved well of This provision is made in a constitu-
its country. It was very like the present, tion, intended to endure for ages to
but without the experience of the come, and consequently, to be adapted
present, and forty years of experience to the various crises of human affairs.
in government is worth a century of —JOHN MARSHALL
book-learning. McCulloch v. Maryland
Letter to Samuel Kercheval,
July 12, 1816 We must never forget that it is a con-
stitution we are expounding.
A constitution, to contain an accurate —JOHN MARSHALL
detail of all the subdivisions of which McCulloch v. Maryland
its great powers will admit, and of all 1819
the means by which they may be car-
ried into execution, would partake of A constitution is framed for ages to
the prolixity of a legal code, and could come, and is designed to approach im-
scarcely be embraced by the human mortality as nearly as human institu-
mind. It would probably never be un- tions can approach it.
derstood by the public. Its nature, there- —JOHN MARSHALL
fore, requires that only its great out- Cohens v. Virginia
lines should be marked, its important 1821

The people made the Constitution, and phrases of all living languages are con-
the people can unmake it. It is the crea- stantly subject. What a metamorphosis
ture of their own will, and lives only by would be produced in the code of law
their will. if all its ancient phraseology were to be
—JOHN MARSHALL taken in its modern sense. And that the
Cohens v. Virginia language of our Constitution is already
1821 undergoing interpretations unknown to
its founders, will I believe appear to all
Frame constitutions of government unbiased Enquirers into the history of
with what wisdom and foresight we its origin and adoption.
may, they must be imperfect, and leave —JAMES MADISON
something to discretion, and much to To Henry Lee,
public virtue. June 25, 1824
—JOSEPH STORY (1779–1845)
Address to the Suffolk Bar, CORRUPTION & BRIBERY
[N]either the wisest constitution nor the
As men, whose intentions require no con- wisest laws will secure the liberty and
cealment, generally employ the words happiness of a people whose manners
which most directly and aptly express are universally corrupt.
the ideas they intend to convey, the en- —SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803)
lightened patriots who framed our con- Essay in The Public Advertiser
stitution, and the people who adopted 1749
it, must be understood to have employed
words in their natural sense, and to have The time to guard against corruption
intended what they have said. and tyranny is before they shall have
—JOHN MARSHALL gotten hold of us. It is better to keep
Gibbons v. Ogden the wolf out of the fold than to trust to
1824 drawing his teeth and talons after he
shall have entered.
I entirely concur in the propriety of re- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
sorting to the sense in which the Con- Notes on Virginia
stitution was accepted and ratified by 1782
the nation. In that sense alone it is the
legitimate Constitution. And if that be He is a man of splendid abilities but ut-
not the guide in expounding it, there can terly corrupt. He shines and stinks like
be no security for a consistent and rotten mackerel by moonlight.
stable, more than for a faithful exer- —JOHN RANDOLPH (1773–1833)
cise of its powers. If the meaning of Speaking of Rep. Edward Livingston,
the text be sought in the changeable c. 1800
meaning of the words composing it, it
is evident that the shape and attributes CRIME & PUNISHMENT
of the Government must partake of the
changes to which the words and When justice on offenders is not done,

Law, government, and commerce are excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and
o’erthrown. unusual punishments inflicted.
Of Justice Amendment 8, The Bill of Rights
c. 1668 1787

No man shall be twise sentenced by Errors, or caprices of the temper, can

Civill Justice for one and the same be pardoned and forgotten; but a cold,
Crime, offence, or Trespasse. deliberate crime of the heart … is not
—ANONYMOUS to be washed away.
“Massachusetts Body of Liberties of —THOMAS PAINE
1641” To George Washington,
February 22, 1795
I always hear of capital executions with
concern, and regret that there should An avidity to punish is always danger-
occur so many instances in which they ous to liberty. It leads men to stretch,
are necessary. to misinterpret and to misapply even the
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) best of laws.
To James Clinton, —THOMAS PAINE
December 31, 1778 Dissertation on First Principles of
I am now engaged in the most disagree- 1795
able part of my duty, trying criminals.
… Punishment must of course become Penitence must precede pardon.
certain, and mercy dormant—a harsh —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
system, repugnant to my feelings, but The Sedition Act
nevertheless necessary. 1798
—JOHN JAY (1745–1829)
1778 The sword of the law should never fall
but on those whose guilt is so apparent
Silence becomes a kind of crime when as to be pronounced by their friends as
it operates as a cover or an encourage- well as foes.
ment to the guilty. —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) Letter to Sarah Mease,
Pennsylvania Packet, March 1801
January 23, 1779
No subject shall be liable to be tried,
after an acquittal, for the same crime He who says there is no such thing as
or offence. an honest man, you may be sure is him-
—ANONYMOUS self a knave.
New Hampshire Constitution of 1784 —GEORGE BERKELEY (1685–1753)
Maxims Concerning Patriotism
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor c. early 1700s

There is no act, however virtuous, for which I cannot act as if all men were unfaith-
ingenuity may not find some bad motive. ful because some are so; nor believe
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) that all will betray me, because some
To Edward Dowse, do. I had rather be the victim of occa-
April 19, 1803 sional infidelities, than relinquish my
general confidence in the honesty of
To believe all men honest would be folly. man.
To believe none so, is something worse. —THOMAS JEFFERSON
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) To Thomas Leiper,
Letter to William Eustis, January 1, 1814
June 22, 1809

DEATH they can afford us pleasure, assist us
in acquiring knowledge, or doing good
Death is but crossing the world, as to our fellow creatures, is a kind and
friends do the seas; they live in one benevolent act of God—when they be-
another still. come unfit for these purposes and af-
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) ford us pain instead of pleasure—in-
Some Fruits of Solitude stead of an aid, become an incumbrance
1693 and answer none of the intentions for
which they were given, it is equally kind
[T]ough death be a dark passage, it and benevolent that a way is provided
leads to immortality, and that is recom- by which we may get rid of them.
pense enough for suffering of it. And Death is that way.
yet faith lights us, even through the —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
grave. … And this is the comfort of Letter to his stepdaughter on the death
the good, that the grave cannot hold of his brother,
them, and that they live as soon as they February 22, 1756
die. For death is no more than a turn-
ing of us over from time to eternity. A man is not completely born until he
—WILLIAM PENN is dead. Why then should we grieve that
Some Fruits of Solitude a new child is born among the immor-
1693 tals, a new member added to their happy
Death observes no ceremony. —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
—JOHN WISE (1652–1725) Letter to Miss Elizabeth Hubbard,
A Vindication of the Government of February 23, 1756
New England Churches
1717 Death is not the monarch of the dead,
but of the dying. The moment he ob-
I condole with you, we have lost a most tains a conquest he loses a subject.
dear and valuable relation, but it is the —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
will of God and Nature that these mor- The Crisis
tal bodies be laid aside, when the soul 1778
is to enter into real life. … We are spir-
its. That bodies should be lent us, while However men may differ in their ideas

of grandeur or of government here, the It is the nature of man to die, and he

grave is nevertheless a perfect republic. will continue to die as long as he con-
—THOMAS PAINE tinues to be born.
1778 Rights of Man, I
I will move gently down the stream of
life until I sleep with my fathers. I thank you for your kind condolence
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) on the death of my nephew. It is a
To Marquis de Lafayette, loss I sincerely regret, but as it is the
February 1, 1782 will of Heaven, whose decrees are al-
ways just and wise, I submit to it with-
… that abyss from whence no traveler out a murmur.
is permitted to return. —GEORGE WASHINGTON
To Marquis de Lafayette, March 6, 1793
April 5, 1783
Nothing, they say, is more certain than
That the earth belongs in usufruct to death, and nothing more uncertain than
the living: that the dead have neither the time of dying.
powers nor rights over it. The portion —THOMAS PAINE
occupied by any individual ceases to Decline and Fall of the English
be his when [he] himself ceases to be, System of Finance
& reverts to the society. 1796
To James Madison, The death of near relations always pro-
September 6, 1789 duces awful and affecting emotions,
under whatsoever circumstances it may
Enough of life and all life’s idle pomp- happen.
Nor by a tyrant’s fiat will I live- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
I leave the busy, vain, ambitious world To Burgess Ball,
To cheat itself anew, and o’er and September 22, 1799
Treat the same ground their ancesters When the summons comes, I shall en-
have trod, deavor to obey it with a good grace.
In chance of thrones, of scepters, or —GEORGE WASHINGTON
of crowns, To Burgess Ball,
’Till all these bubbles break in empty September 22, 1799
Nor leave a trace of happiness be- It is well. I die hard, but I am not afraid
hind. to go.
The Sack of Rome, Act V, Sc. 3 His last words
c. 1790 December 14, 1799

I have lived an honest and useful life to the only medicines. I will not therefore,
mankind; my time has been spent in by useless condolences, open afresh the
doing good, and I die in perfect com- sluices of your grief nor, altho’ min-
posure and resignation to the will of my gling sincerely my tears with yours, will
Creator, God. I say a word more, where words are
—THOMAS PAINE vain, but that it is of some comfort to
Last Will and Testament, us both that the term is not very distant
January 18, 1809 at which we are to deposit, in the same
cerement, our sorrows and suffering
In the month of March last I was called bodies, and to ascend in essence to an
to the house in another part of town ecstatic meeting with the friends we
which was built by my father, in which have loved and lost and whom we shall
he lived and died and from which I still love and never lose again.
buried him; and in the chamber in which —THOMAS JEFFERSON
I was born I could not forbear to weep Letter of condolence to John Adams
over the remains of a beautiful child of upon the death of Abigail Adams,
my son Thomas that died of the whoop- November 13, 1818
ing cough. Why was I preserved 3/4
of a century, and that rose cropped in Green be the turf above thee,
the bud? I, almost dead at top and in all Friend of my better days!
my limbs and wholly useless to myself None knew thee but to love thee,
and the world? Nor named thee but to praise.
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) —FITZ-GREENE HALLECK (1790–1867)
To Benjamin Rush, “On the Death of Joseph Rodman
July 19, 1812 Drake”
There is a ripeness of time for death,
regarding others as well as ourselves, Mine is the next turn, and I shall meet
when it is reasonable we should drop off, it with good will, for after one’s friends
and make room for another growth. When are all gone before them, and our fac-
we have lived our generation out, we ulties leaving us, too, one by one, why
should not wish to encroach on another. wish to linger in mere vegetation—as a
—THOMAS JEFFERSON solitary trunk in a desolate field, from
To John Adams, which all its former companions have
August 1, 1816 disappeared?
Tried myself, in the school of afflic- To Maria Cosway,
tion, by the loss of every form of con- December 27, 1820
nection which can rive the human
heart, I know well, and feel what you DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE
have lost, what you have suffered, are
suffering, and have yet to endure. The We hold these truths to be self-evident:
same trials have taught me that, for ills That all men are created equal; that
so immeasurable, time and silence are they are endowed by their Creator with

certain unalienable rights; that among ish crown and that all political connec-
these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of tion between them and the state of Great
happiness; that, to secure these rights, Britain is, and ought to be, totally dis-
governments are instituted among men, solved; and that, as free and independent
deriving their just powers from the con- states, they have full power to levy war,
sent of the governed; that whenever any conclude peace, contract alliances, es-
form of government becomes destruc- tablish commerce, and do all other acts
tive of these ends, it is the right of the and things which independent states may
people to alter or to abolish it, and to of right do. And for the support of this
institute new government, laying its declaration, with a firm reliance on the
foundation on such principles, and or- protection of Divine Providence, we
ganizing its powers in such form, as to mutually pledge to each other our lives,
them shall seem most likely to effect our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
their safety and happiness. Prudence, —THOMAS JEFFERSON
indeed, will dictate that governments The Declaration of Independence
long established should not be changed 1776
for light and transient causes; and ac-
cordingly all experience hath shown that When in the course of human events,
mankind are more disposed to suffer, it becomes necessary for one people to
while evils are sufferable than to right dissolve the political bands which have
themselves by abolishing the forms to connected them with another, and to
which they are accustomed. But when assume among the powers of the earth,
a long train of abuses and usurpations, the separate and equal station to which
pursuing invariably the same object, the laws of nature and of nature’s God
evinces a design to reduce them under entitle them, a decent respect to the
absolute despotism, it is their right, it is opinions of mankind requires that they
their duty, to throw off such govern- should declare the causes which impel
ment, and to provide new guards for them to the separation.
their future security. —THOMAS JEFFERSON
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) The Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence 1776
The 4th of July has been celebrated in
We, therefore, the representatives of the Philadelphia in the manner I expected.
United States of America, in General The military men, and particularly one
Congress assembled, appealing to the of them, ran away with all the glory of
Supreme Judge of the world for the rec- the day. Scarcely a word was said of
titude of our intentions, do, in the name the solicitude and labors and fears and
and by the authority of the good people sorrows and sleepless nights of the men
of these colonies solemnly publish and who projected, proposed, defended, and
declare, That these United Colonies are, subscribed the Declaration of Indepen-
and of right ought to be, FREE AND dence. Do you recollect your memo-
INDEPENDENT STATES; that they are rable speech upon the day on which
absolved from all allegiance to the Brit- the vote was taken? Do you recollect

the pensive and awful silence which any respectable part of our body, in
pervaded the house when we were permitting him to draw their second
called up, one after another, to the table petition to the King according to his own
of the president of Congress to sub- ideas, and passing it with scarcely any
scribe what was believed by many at amendment. The disgust against this
that time to be our own death warrants? humility was general; and Mr.
The silence and the gloom of the morn- Dickinson’s delight at its passage was
ing were interrupted, I well recollect, the only circumstance which reconciled
only for a moment by Colonel Harrison them to it. The vote being passed, altho’
of Virginia, who said to Mr. Gerry at further observn on it was out of order,
the table: “I shall have a great advan- he could not refrain from rising and
tage over you, Mr. Gerry, when we are expressing his satisfaction and con-
all hung for what we are now doing. cluded by saying “there is but one word,
From the size and weight of my body I Mr. President, in the paper which I dis-
shall die in a few minutes, but from the approve, & that is the word Congress,”
lightness of your body you will dance on which Ben Harrison rose and said
in the air an hour or two before you are “there is but on word in the paper, Mr.
dead.” This speech procured a transient President, of which I approve, and that
smile, but it was soon succeeded by is the word Congress.”
the solemnity with which the whole —THOMAS JEFFERSON
business was conducted. Autobiography
—BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813) 1821
To John Adams,
July 20, 1811 It [the Declaration of Independence]
stands, and must forever stand, alone,
I prepared a draught of the Declaration a beacon on the summit of the moun-
committed to us. It was too strong for tain, to which all the inhabitants of the
Mr. Dickinson. He still retained the hope earth may turn their eyes for a genial
of reconciliation with the mother coun- and saving light till time shall be lost in
try, and was unwilling it should be less- eternity, and this globe itself dissolve,
ened by offensive statements. He was nor leave a wreck behind. It stands for
so honest a man, & so able a one that ever, a light of admonition to the rulers
he was greatly indulged even by those of men, a light of salvation and redemp-
who could not feel his scruples. We tion to the oppressed … [as the delin-
therefore requested him to take the pa- eation of] the boundaries of their re-
per, and put it into a form he could ap- spective rights and duties, founded in
prove. He did so, preparing an entire the laws of nature, and of nature’s God.
new statement, and preserving of the —JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848)
former only the last 4 paragraphs & half July 4th Oration
of the preceding one. We approved & 1821
reported it to Congress, who accepted
it. Congress gave a signal proof of their It [the Declaration of Independence]
indulgence to Mr. Dickinson, and of was the first solemn declaration by a
their great desire not to go too fast for nation of the only legitimate founda-

tion of civil government. It was the We must not in the course of public
corner stone of a new fabric, destined to life expect immediate approbation and
cover the surface of the globe. It demol- immediate grateful acknowledgment of
ished at a stroke the lawfulness of all our services. But let us persevere
governments founded upon conquest. through abuse and even injury. The in-
It swept away all the rubbish of accu- ternal satisfaction of a good conscience
mulated centuries of servitude. It an- is always present, and time will do us
nounced in practical form to the world justice in the minds of the people, even
the transcendent truth of the unalien- those at present the most prejudiced
able sovereignty of the people. It proved against us.
that the social compact was no figment —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
of the imagination; but a real, solid, and Letter to Joseph Galloway,
sacred bond of the social union. December 2, 1765
July 4th Oration [E]very one who takes delight in pub-
1821 licly or privately taking away any per-
son’ s good name, or striving to render
There were other expressions which I him ridiculous, are in the gall of bitter-
would not have inserted if I had drawn ness, and in the bonds of iniquity, what-
it up, particularly that which called the ever their pretences may be for it.
King tyrant. I thought this too personal, —SARAH UPDIKE GODDARD
for I never believed George to be a ty- (c. 1700–1770)
rant in disposition and in nature; I al- Letter to her son, William Goddard,
ways believed him to be deceived by 1765
his courtiers on both sides of the At-
lantic, and in his official capacity, only, The same fidelity to the public interest
cruel. I thought the expression too pas- which obliges those who are its ap-
sionate, and too much like scolding, for pointed guardians, to pursue with ev-
so grave and solemn a document; but ery vigor a perfidious or dishonest ser-
as Franklin and Sherman were to in- vant of the public requires them to
spect it afterwards, I thought it would confront the imputations of malice
not become me to strike it out. against the good and faithful one.
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
To Timothy Pickering, To Edmund Randolph,
August 6, 1822 June 4, 1782

DEFAMATION & PERSONAL I find the pain of a little censure, even

ATTACKS when it is unfounded, is more acute
than the pleasure of much praise.
Don’t throw stones at your neighbors, —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743-1826)
if your own windows are glass. Letter to Francis Hopkinson,
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) March 13, 1789
Poor Richard’s Almanack
1736 It is a curious phenomenon in political

history (not easy to be paralleled), that under whom I may. It seems as if I

a measure which has elevated the credit can never get home after the discharge
of the country from a state of exalted of important trusts abroad, and most
pre-eminence, should bring upon the faithfully, peace. My head must be
authors of it reprobation and censure. pelted by the storm if ever I expose
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) myself to it.
“Vindication of the Funding System” —JAMES MONROE
1791 To David Gelston,
February 7, 1809
To speak evil of anyone, unless there is
unequivocal proofs of their deserving I laid it down as a law to myself, to
it, is an injury for which there is no take no notice of the thousand calum-
adequate reparation. nies issued against me, but to trust my
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) own conduct, and the good sense and
To George Washington Parke Custis, candor of my fellow citizens.
November 28, 1796 —THOMAS JEFFERSON
Letter to Wilson C. Nicholas,
Defamation is becoming a necessary of 1809
life; insomuch that a dish of tea, in the
morning or evening, cannot be digested They [journalists] are a sort of assas-
without this stimulant. Even those who sins who sit with loaded blunderbusses
do not believe these abominations, still at the corner of streets and fire them
read them with complacence to their off for hire or for sport at any passen-
auditors, and instead of the abhorrence ger they select.
& indignation which should fill a virtu- —JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848)
ous mind, betray a secret pleasure in Diary Entry,
the possibility that some may believe September 7, 1820
them, tho they do not themselves. It
seems to escape them that it is not he DEMOCRACY & REPUBLICANISM
who prints, but he who pays for print-
ing a slander, who is its real author. A democracy. This is a form of gov-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON ernment which the light of nature does
To John Norvell, highly value, and often directs to as
June 11, 1807 most agreeable to the just and natural
prerogatives of human beings. This was
Attacks on me will do no harm, and of great account in the early times of
silent contempt is the best answer to the world. And not only so, but upon
them. the experience of several thousand
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) years, after the world had been tumbled
To George Hay, and tossed from one species of gov-
April 29, 1808 ernment to another, at a great expense
of blood and treasure, many of the wise
It has been my poor fortune to be much nations of the world have sheltered
harassed and calumniated let me serve themselves under it again; or at least

have blendished and balanced their gov- whose principle and foundation is vir-
ernments with it. tue, will not every sober man acknowl-
—JOHN WISE (1652–1725) edge it better calculated to promote the
A Vindication of the Government of general happiness that any other form?
New England Churches —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
1717 “Thoughts on Government”
Our real disease … is democracy.
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1712–1756) Besides the unsuitableness of the repub-
Letter to Theodore Sedgwick, lican form to the genius of the people,
c. 1740s America is too extensive for it. That
form may do well enough for a single
In the strict sense of the term, a true city, or small territory; but would be
democracy has never existed, and never utterly improper for such a continent
will exist. as this. America is too unwieldy for the
—JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU (1712–1778) feeble, dilatory administration of de-
The Social Contract, III mocracy. Rome had the most exten-
1762 sive dominions of any ancient repub-
lic. But it should be remembered, that
The first principle and great end of gov- very soon after the spirit of conquest
ernment being to provide for the best carried the Romans beyond the limits
good of all the people, this can be done that were proportioned to their consti-
only by a supreme legislative and ex- tution, they fell under a despotic yoke.
ecutive ultimately in the people or whole A very few years had elapsed from the
community where GOD has placed it; time of their conquering Greece and
but the inconveniences, not to say im- first entering Asia, till the battle of
possibility, attending the consultations Pharsalia, where Julius Caesar put an
and operations of a large body of people end to the liberties of his country.
have made it necessary to transfer the —ANONYMOUS
power of the whole to a few. This ne- The True Interest of America
cessity gave rise to deputation, proxy, Impartially Stated
or a right of representation. 1776
—JAMES OTIS (1725–1783)
The Rights of the British Colonies But a representative democracy, where
Asserted and Proved the right of election is well secured and
1764 regulated, and the exercise of the legis-
lative, executive and judiciary authori-
All men are Republicans by nature and ties is vested in select persons chosen
Royalists only by fashion. really and not nominally by the people,
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) will in my opinion be most likely to be
The Forester’s Letters happy, regular and durable.
1776 —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
To Robert R. Livingston,
If there is a form of government, then, March 19, 1777

Europe contains hardly any other dis- ter. Could the contrary of this be proved
tinctions but lords and tenants; this fair I should conclude either that there is no
country alone is settled by freeholders, God or that He is a malevolent being.
the possessors of the soil they culti- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
vate, members of the government they Letter to David Hartley,
obey, and the framers of their own laws, 1787
by means of their representatives.
—MICHEL GUILLAUME JEAN DE One of the worst forms of government
CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813) is a pure democracy, that is, one in
Letters from an American Farmer which the citizens enact and adminis-
1782 ter the laws directly. Such a govern-
ment is helpless against the mischiefs
Democratical states must always feel of faction.
before they can see: it is this that makes —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
their governments slow, but the people The Federalist Papers
will be right at last. 1787
To Marquis de Lafayette, Our true situation appears to me to be
July 25, 1785 this—a new extensive Country contain-
ing within itself the materials for form-
It has ever been my hobby-horse to see ing a Government capable of extending
rising in America an empire of liberty, to its citizens all the blessings of civil &
and a prospect of two or three hun- religious liberty—capable of making
dred millions of freemen, without one them happy at home. This is the great
noble or one king among them. You say end of Republican Establishments.
it is impossible. If I should agree with —CHARLES PINCKNEY (1757–1824)
you in this, I would still say, let us try Speech in Framing Convention,
the experiment, and preserve our equal- 1787
ity as long as we can.
—JOHN ADAMS The known propensity of a democracy
To Count Sarsfield, is to licentiousness which the ambitious
February 3, 1786 call, and ignorant believe to be liberty.
—FISHER AMES (1758–1808)
We are now forming a republican gov- Speech in the Massachusetts Ratifying
ernment. Real liberty is neither found Convention,
in despotism or the extremes of democ- January 15, 1788
racy, but in moderate governments.
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON When a people shall have become in-
Debates of the Federal Convention, capable of governing themselves, and
June 26, 1787 fit for a master, it is of little consequence
from what quarter he comes.
I have no fear that the result of our ex- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
periment will be that men may be trusted Letter to Marquis de Lafayette,
to govern themselves without a mas- April 28, 1788

It has been observed, by an honorable inconsiderable proportion, or a favoured

gentleman, that a pure democracy, if it class of it.
were practicable, would be the most per- —JAMES MADISON
fect government. Experience has proved The Federalist Papers
that no position in politics is more false 1788
than this. The ancient democracies, in
which the people themselves deliber- The republican is the only form of gov-
ated, never possessed one feature of ernment which is not eternally at open or
good government. Their very charac- secret war with the rights of mankind.
ter was tyranny; their figure, deformity. —THOMAS JEFFERSON
When they assembled, the field of de- Letter to William Hunter,
bate presented an ungovernable mob, March 11, 1790
not only incapable of deliberation, but
prepared for every enormity. The extension of the theory and practice
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON of representation through all the differ-
New York Ratification Convention, ent departments of the state is another
June 21, 1788 very important acquisition made, by the
Americans, in the science of jurisprudence
It has been advanced as a principle, that and government. To the ancients, this
no government but a despotism can theory and practice seem to have been
exist in a very extensive country. This altogether unknown. To this moment, the
is a melancholy consideration indeed. representation of the people is not the sole
If it were founded on truth, we oughnt principle of any government in Europe.
to dismiss the idea of a republican gov- … The American States enjoy the glory
ernment, even for the state of New and the happiness of diffusing this vital
York. This idea … has been misappre- principle [of representation] through-
hended; and its application is entirely out all the different divisions and de-
false and unwarrantable; it relates only partments of the government.
to democracies, where the whole body —JAMES WILSON (1741–1798)
of the people meet to transact business, Lectures,
and where representation is unknown. 1790–1791
New York Ratification Convention, The greatest characters the world have
June 27, 1788 known, have rose on the democratic floor.
Aristocracy has not been able to keep a
We may define a republic … as a gov- proportionate pace with democracy.
ernment which derives all its powers —THOMAS PAINE
directly or indirectly from the great Rights of Man, I
body of the people, and is administered 1791
by persons holding their offices during
pleasure, for a limited period, or during A government deriving its energy from
good behavior. It is essential to such a the will of the society … is the govern-
government that it be derived from the ment for which philosophy has been
great body of the society, not from an searching, and humanity been fighting

from the most remote ages. Such are Sometimes it is said that man can not be
republican governments which it is the trusted with the government of himself.
glory of America to have invented, and Can he, then, be trusted with the gov-
her unrivaled happiness to possess. ernment of others? Or have we found
—JAMES MADISON angels in the form of kings to govern
Article in the National Gazette, him? Let history answer this question.
February 20, 1792 —THOMAS JEFFERSON
First inaugural address,
Republican government is no other than March 4, 1801
government established and conducted
for the interest of the public, as well A republic must not only be so in its
individually as collectively. principles but in its form.
Rights of Man “To the Citizens of the United States”
1792 1802

A monarchy is a merchantman which It is the almost universal mistake of our

sails well, but will sometimes strike on countrymen, that democracy would be
a rock, and go to the bottom; a repub- mild and safe in America. They charge
lic is a raft which will never sink, but the horrid excesses of France not so
then your feet are always in the water. much to human nature, which will
—FISHER AMES never act better when the restraints of
Speech in House of Representatives, government, morals, and religion are
1795 thrown off, but to the characteristic
cruelty and wickedness of Frenchmen.
Republicanism is not the phantom of a The truth is, and let it humble our pride,
deluded imagination. On the contrary … the most ferocious of all animals, when
under no form of government, will laws his passions are roused to fury and are
be better supported, liberty and property uncontrolled, is man; and of all gov-
better secured, or happiness be more ernments, the worst is that which never
effectually dispensed to mankind. fails to excite, but was never found to
—GEORGE WASHINGTON restrain those passions, that is, democ-
To Edmund Pendleton, racy. It is an illuminated hell, that in the
January 22, 1795 midst of remorse, horror, and torture,
rings with festivity; for experience shows,
The conviction that government, by that one joy remains to this most malig-
representation, is the true system of nant description of the damned, the
government, is spreading itself fast in power to make others wretched.
the world. The reasonableness of it can —FISHER AMES
be seen by all. The justness of it makes The Dangers of American Liberty
itself felt even by its opposers. 1805
Agrarian Justice A democracy cannot last. Its nature
1797 ordains, that its next change shall be

into a military despotism, of all known Shout aloud! Let every slave,
governments, perhaps, the most prone Crouching at Corruption’s throne,
to shift its head, and the slowest to Start into a man, and brave
mend its vices. The reason is, that the Racks and chains without a groan:
tyranny of what is called the people, And the castle’s heartless glow,
and that by the sword, both operate And the hovel’s vice and woe,
alike to debase and corrupt, till there Fade like gaudy flowers that blow—
are neither men left with the spirit to Weeds that peep, and then are gone
desire liberty, nor morals with the Whilst, from misery’s ashes risen,
power to sustain justice. Love shall burst the captive’s prison.
The Dangers of American Liberty, Cotopaxi! bid the sound
1805 Through thy sister mountains ring,
Till each valley smile around
America has the high honor and happi- At the blissful welcoming!
ness of being the first nation that gave And, O thou stern Ocean deep,
to the world the example of forming Thou whose foamy billows sweep
written constitutions by conventions Shores where thousands wake to weep
elected expressly for the purpose, and Whilst they curse a villain king,
of improving them by the same proce- On the winds that fan thy breast
dure, as time and experience shall show Bear thou news of Freedom’s rest!
necessary. Government in other nations
… has been established by bloodshed. Can the daystar dawn of love,
Not a drop of blood has been shed in Where the flag of war unfurled
the United States in consequence of es- Floats with crimson stain above
tablishing constitutions and govern- The fabric of a ruined world?
ments by her own peaceful system. The Never but to vengeance driven
silent vote, or the simple yea or nay is When the patriot’s spirit shriven
more powerful than the bayonet. Seeks in death its native Heaven!
—THOMAS PAINE There, to desolation hurled,
To the Citizens of Pennsylvania on the Widowed love may watch thy bier,
Proposal for Calling a Convention Balm thee with its dying tear.
1805 —PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY (1792–1822)
To the Republicans of North America
Brothers! between you and me 1812
Whirlwinds sweep and billows roar: (Shelley was English, but was sympa-
Yet in spirit oft I see thetic to all movements for
On thy wild and winding shore democracy)
Freedom’s bloodless banners wave,—
Feel the pulses of the brave Remember, democracy never lasts
Unextinguished in the grave,— long. … There never was a democracy
See them drenched in sacred gore,— yet that did not commit suicide. It is in
Catch the warrior’s gasping breath vain to say that democracy is less vain,
Murmuring “Liberty or death!” less proud, less selfish, less ambitious,

or less avaricious than aristocracy or We should never despair; our situation

monarchy. before has been unpromising and has
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) changed for the better, so I trust, it will
Letter to John Taylor, Speaking of again. If new difficulties arise, we must
direct, not representative, democracy, only put forth new exertions and pro-
April 15, 1812 portion our efforts to the exigency of
the times.
Letter to Major General Philip
Dependence begets subservience and Schuyler on the fall of Fort
venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, Ticonderoga,
and prepares fit tools for the designs July 15, 1777
of ambition.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) A long series of politics so remarkably
Notes on the State of Virginia distinguished by a succession of mis-
1782 fortunes, without one alleviating turn,
must certainly have something in it
DIFFICULTIES & ADVERSITY systematically wrong. It is sufficient to
awaken the most credulous into suspi-
All great and honorable actions are ac- cion, and the most obstinate into thought.
complished with great difficulties. —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
—WILLIAM BRADFORD (1590–1657) The Crisis
History of Plymouth Plantation Com- 1778
menting on the departure of the
Pilgrims from Holland to the New On this little shell, how very few are
World in 1620 the spots where man can live and flour-
1630–1651 ish? Even under those mild climates
which seem to breathe peace and hap-
No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; piness, the poison of slavery, the fury
no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. of despotism, and the rage of supersti-
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) tion, are all combined against man!
1669 CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813)
Letters From an American Farmer
There are no gains without pains. 1782
Poor Richard’s Almanack We are not to expect to be translated
1745 from despotism to liberty in a feather bed.
We ought not to convert trifling diffi- To Marquis de Lafayette,
culties into insuperable obstacles. 1790
To Marquis de Malmedy, While despair is preying on the mind, time
May 16, 1777 and its effects are preying on despair;

and certain it is, the dismal vision will DISCIPLINE

face away, and Forgetfulness, with her
sister Ease, will change the scene. If thou wouldst be happy and easy in
—THOMAS PAINE thy family, above all things observe dis-
Forgetfulness cipline.
1794 —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
Some Fruits of Solitude
A garden … is a very useful refuge of a 1693
disappointed politician.
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) Be not deceived with the first appear-
To Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, ances of things, but give thy self time
December 29, 1802 to be in the right.
The only temper that honors a nation is Some Fruits of Solitude
that which rises in proportion to the 1693
pressure upon it.
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) Discipline is the soul of an army. It
September 14, 1814 makes small numbers formidable; pro-
cures success to the weak and esteem
Grief drives men into habits of serious to all.
reflection, sharpens the understanding, —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
and softens the heart. Letter to the captains of the Virginia
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) Regiments,
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, July 1759
May 6, 1816
The best advice I can give … is to be
Little minds are tamed and subdued by strict in your discipline; that is, to re-
misfortune, but great minds rise above quire nothing unreasonable of your of-
it. ficers and men, but see that whatever
—WASHINGTON IRVING (1783–1859) is required be punctually complied with.
Philip of Pokanoket in The Sketchbook —GEORGE WASHINGTON
1820 To William Woodford,
November 10, 1775
Afflictions of every kind are the oner-
ous conditions charged on the tenure Nothing can be more hurtful to the ser-
of life; and it is a silencing if not a sat- vice, than the neglect of discipline, for
isfactory vindication of the ways of that discipline, more than numbers,
Heaven to Man, that there are but few gives one army the superiority over
who do not prefer an acquiescence in another.
them, to a surrender of the tenure it- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
self. General Orders,
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) July 6, 1777
To John G. Jackson,
December 28, 1821 The firmness requisite for the real busi-

ness of fighting is only to be attained It is better that ten guilty persons es-
by a constant course of discipline and cape than one innocent suffer.
service. —SIR WILLIAM BLACKSTONE (1723–1780)
—GEORGE WASHINGTON Commentaries on the Laws of England
To Samuel Huntington, 1765–1769
September 15, 1780
That it is better one hundred guilty per-
DUE PROCESS sons should escape than that one inno-
cent person should suffer is a maxim
No mans life shall be taken away, no that has been long and generally ap-
mans honour or good name shall be proved.
stayned, no mans person shall be —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
arested, restrayned, banished, dis- Letter to Benjamin Vaughan,
membred, nor any wayes punished, no March 14, 1785
man shall be deprived of his wife or
children, no mans goods or estaite shall No person shall be held to answer for a
be taken away from him, nor any way capital, or otherwise infamous crime,
indammaged under colour of law or unless on a presentment or indictment
Countenance of Authoritie, unlesse it be of the grand jury, except in cases aris-
by vertue or equitie of some expresse ing in the land or naval forces, or in the
law of the Country waranting the same, militia, when in actual service in time
established by a generall Court and suf- of war or public danger; nor shall any
ficiently published, or in case of the person be subject for the same offence
defect of a law in any parteculer case to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;
by the word of God. And in Capital nor shall be compelled in any criminal
cases, or in cases concerning dismem- case to be a witness against himself,
bring or banishment according to that nor be deprived of life, liberty, or prop-
word to be judged by the Generall erty, without due process of law; nor
Court. shall private property be taken for pub-
—ANONYMOUS lic use; without just compensation.
Massachusetts Body of Liberties —CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES
of 1641 Amendment 5, The Bill of Rights
That no Person or Persons shall or may,
at any Time hereafter, be obliged to In all criminal prosecutions, the accused
answer any Complaint, Matter or Thing shall enjoy the right to a speedy and pub-
whatsoever, relating to Property, before lic trial, by an impartial jury of the state
the Governor and Council, or in any and district wherein the crime shall have
other Place, but in ordinary Course of been committed, which district shall have
Justice, unless Appeals thereunto shall been previously ascertained by law, and
be hereafter by Law appointed. to be informed of the nature and cause
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) of the accusation; to be confronted with
Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges the witnesses against him; to have com-
of 1701 pulsory process for obtaining witnesses

in his favor, and to have the assistance Only aim to do your duty, and mankind
of counsel for his defence. will give you credit where you fail.
Amendment 6, The Bill of Rights The Rights of British America
1787 1774

DUTY There is one reward that nothing can

deprive me of, and that is the con-
Nor is a duty beneficial because it is sciousness of having done my duty with
commanded, but it is commanded be- the strictest rectitude and most scru-
cause it is beneficial. pulous exactness.
Poor Richard’s Almanack To Lund Washington,
1739 May 19, 1780

ECONOMICS together, even for merriment and diver-
sion, but the conversation ends in a
Every individual necessarily labors to conspiracy against the public, or in
render the annual revenue of the soci- some contrivance to raise prices.
ety as great as he can. He generally in- —ADAM SMITH
deed neither intends to promote the pub- An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes
lic interest, nor knows how much he is of the Wealth of Nations
promoting it. … He intends only his own 1776
gain, and he is in this, as in many other
cases, led by an invisible hand to pro- Let the influx of money be ever so great,
mote an end which was no part of his if there be no confidence, property will
intention. … By pursuing his own inter- sink in value. … The circulation of
est he frequently promotes that of the confidence is better than the circula-
society more effectually than when he tion of money.
really intends to promote it. I have never —JAMES MONROE (1758–1831)
known much good done by those who Speech, Virginia Convention,
affected to trade for the public good. June 20, 1788
—ADAM SMITH (1723–1790)
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes EDUCATION
of the Wealth of Nations
1776 Children had rather be making of tools
and instruments of play; shaping, draw-
It is not from the benevolence of the ing, framing and bulding, &c. than get-
butcher, the brewer, or the baker that ting some rules of propriety of speech
we expect our dinner, but from their by heart: and those also would follow
regard to their own interest. We address with more judgment, and less trouble
ourselves, not to their humanity but to and time.
their self-love. —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
—ADAM SMITH Some Fruits of Solitude
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes 1693
of the Wealth of Nations
1776 The first thing obvious to children is
what is sensible: and that we make no
People of the same trade seldom meet part of their rudiments.

We press their memory too soon, and On education all our lives depend / And
puzzle, strain and load them with words few to that, too few, with care attend.
and rules; to know grammar and rheto- —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
ric, and a strange tongue or two, that it Poor Richard’s Almanack
is ten to one may never be useful to 1748
them; leaving their natural genius to
mechnical and physical natural knowl- It should be your care, therefore, and
edge uncultivated and neglected; which mine, to elevate the minds of our chil-
would be of exceeding use and plea- dren and exalt their courage; to accel-
sure to them through the whole course erate and animate their industry and
of their life. activity; to excite in them an habitual
—WILLIAM PENN contempt of meanness, abhorrence of
Some Fruits of Solitude injustice and inhumanity, and an ambi-
1693 tion to excel in every capacity, faculty,
and virtue. If we suffer their minds to
We shall have the more merchants and grovel and creep in infancy, they will
husbandmen, or ingenious naturalists, grovel all their lives.
if the government be but any thing so- —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
licitous of the education of their youth: Dissertation on the Canon and
Which, next to the present and imme- Feudal Law
diate happiness of any country, ought 1765
of all things, to be the care and skill of
the government. For such as the youth Liberty cannot be preserved without
of any country is bred, such is the next general knowledge among people.
generation, and the government in good —JOHN ADAMS
or bad hands. Dissertation on the Canon and
An Essay Towards the Present and 1765
Future Peace of Europe
1693 The preservation of the means of
knowledge among the lowest ranks is
That none may Expect to be admitted of more importance to the public than
into this College unless upon Examina- all the property of all the rich men in
tion of the Praesident and Tutors, They the country.
shall be found able Extempore to Read, —JOHN ADAMS
Construe and Parce Tully, Virgil and the Dissertation on the Canon and
Greek Testament: and to write True Feudal Law
Latin Prose and to understand the Rules 1765
of Prosodia, and Common Arithmetic,
and shall bring Sufficient Testamony of The infant mind is pregnant with a va-
his Blameless and inoffensive Life. riety of passions; But I apprehend it is
—ANONYMOUS in the power of those who are entrusted
Regulations at Yale College with the education of youth in a con-
1745 siderable degree to determine the bent

of the noble passions and to fix them on ence of other ages and countries, they
salutary objects, or let them loose to such may be enabled to know ambition under
as are pernicious or destructive. Here all its shapes, and prompt to exert their
then lies the foundation of civil liberty; natural powers to defeat its purposes.
in forming the habits of the youthful —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
mind, in forwarding every passion that 1779
may tend to the promotion of the hap-
piness of the community, in fixing in I consider knowledge to be the soul of
ourselves right ideas of benevolence, a republic, and as the weak and the
humanity, integrity and truth. wicked are generally in alliance, as much
—NATHANAEL GREENE (1742–1786) care should be taken to diminish the
To Samuel Ward Jr., number of the former as of the latter.
1771 Education is the way to do this, and
nothing should be left undone to afford
The principles and modes of govern- all ranks of people the means of ob-
ment are too important to be disre- taining a proper degree of it at a cheap
garded by an inquisitive mind and I and easy rate.
think are well worthy a critical exami- —JOHN JAY (1745–1829)
nation by all students that have health To Benjamin Rush,
and leisure. March 21, 1785
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
To William Bradford, It is favourable to liberty. Freedom can
December 1, 1773 exist only in the society of knowledge.
Without learning, men are incapable of
The slavery of a people is generally knowing their rights, and where learn-
founded in ignorance of some kind or ing is confined to a few people, liberty
another; and there are not wanting such can be neither equal nor universal.
facts as abundantly prove the human —BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813)
mind may be so sunk and debased, Essay,
through ignorance and its natural ef- 1786
fects, as even to adore its enslaver, and
kiss its chains. Hence knowledge and Let our common people be compelled
learning may well be considered as by law to give their children (what is
most essentially requisite to a free, righ- commonly called) a good English edu-
teous government. cation. Let schoolmasters of every de-
— SAMUEL PHILLIPS PAYSON (1736–1801) scription be supported in part by the
A Sermon delivered in Boston, public, and let their principles and morals
1778 be subjected to examination before we
employ them. … This plan of general
Illuminate, as far as practicable, the education alone will render the Ameri-
minds of the people at large, and more can Revolution a blessing to mankind.
especially to give them knowledge of —BENJAMIN RUSH
those facts, which history exhibiteth, To Richard Price,
that, possessed thereby of the experi- May 25, 1786

But while property is considered as the lips, he should rehearse the history of
basis of the freedom of the American his own country.
yeomanry, there are other auxiliary sup- —NOAH WEBSTER
ports; among which is the information On the Education of Youth in America
of the people. In no country, is educa- 1788
tion so general—in no country, have the
body of the people such a knowledge It is an object of vast magnitude that
of the rights of men and the principles systems of education should be adopt-
of government. This knowledge, joined ed and pursued which may not only dif-
with a keen sense of liberty and a fuse a knowledge of the sciences but may
watchful jealousy, will guard our con- implant in the minds of the American
stitutions, and awaken the people to an youth the principles of virtue and of lib-
instantaneous resistance of encroach- erty and inspire them with just and lib-
ments. eral ideas of government and with an in-
—NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843) violable attachment to their own country.
“An Examination into the Leading —NOAH WEBSTER
Principles of the Federal On the Education of Youth in America
Constitution” 1788
October 17, 1787
In a country like this … if there cannot
The blessings of knowledge can be be money found to answer the com-
extended to the poor and laboring part mon purposes of education … it is evi-
of the community only by the means dent that there is something amiss in
of FREE SCHOOLS. … To a people the ruling political power.
enlightened in the principles of liberty —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
and Christianity, arguments, it is to be To John Armstrong,
hoped, will be unnecessary to persuade April 25, 1788
them to adopt these necessary and use-
ful institutions. Let public schools then be established
—BENJAMIN RUSH in every county of the United States, at
To the Citizens of Philadelphia, least as many as are necessary for the
March 28, 1787 present population; and let those
schools be supported by a general tax.
Children should be educated and in- —ROBERT CORAM (1761–1796)
structed in the principles of freedom. “Political Inquiries, to which is added
—JOHN ADAMS a plan for the establishment of schools
Defense of the Constitutions throughout the United States”
1787 1791

Every child in America should be ac- The class of literati is not less neces-
quainted with his own country. He sary than any other. They are the culti-
should read books that furnish him with vators of the human mind—the manu-
ideas that will be useful to him in life facturers of useful knowledge—the
and practice. As soon as he opens his agents of the commerce of ideas—the

censors of public manners—the teach- It is only when the People become ig-
ers of the arts of life and the means of norant and corrupt, when they degen-
happiness. erate into a populace, that they are in-
—JAMES MADISON capable of exercizing their sovereignty.
Notes for Essays, … The people themselves become the
December 1791 willing instruments of their own de-
basement and ruin. … Let us, by all
There is existing in man, a mass of wise and constitutional measures, pro-
sense lying in a dormant state, and mote intelligence among the People,
which, unless something excites it to as the best means of preserving our lib-
action, will descend with him, in that erties.
condition, to the grave. JAMES MONROE
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) First Inaugural Address,
Rights of Man, II March 4, 1817
An institution which endeavors to
In a government founded on the sov- rear American youth in pure love of
ereignty of the people the education of truth and duty, and while it enlight-
youth is an object of the first impor- ens their minds by ingenious and lib-
tance. In such a government knowl- eral studies, endeavors to awaken a love
edge should be diffused throughout of country, to soften local prejudices,
the whole society, and for that pur- and to inoculate Christian faith and
pose the means of acquiring it made charity, cannot but acquire, as it de-
not only practicable but easy to ev- serves, the confidence of the wise and
ery citizen. good.
Address to the Virginia General Commenting on Harvard University
Assembly, in “A Narrative of a Tour of
December 6, 1801 Observation”
It is universally admitted that a well-
instructed people alone can be perma- I take a deep interest, as a parent and a
nently a free people. citizen, in the success of female edu-
—JAMES MADISON cation, and have been delighted when-
Second annual message to Congress, ever I have been, to witness the atten-
December 5, 1810 tion paid to it.
Enlighten the people generally, and tyr- Commenting on Harvard University
anny and oppressions of body and mind in “A Narrative of a Tour of
will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn Observation”
of the day. 1818
Letter to P. S. du Pont de Nemours, If the condition of man is to be pro-
April 24, 1816 gressively ameliorated, as we fondly

hope & believe, education is to be the that they are in place. To educate the youth
chief instrument in effecting it. in all the sciences, and rear them to el-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON evated and useful purposes, an appeal
To M. Jullien, must be made to generous and noble sen-
1818 timents, but at the same time the disci-
pline must be exact and strict. Their du-
I know no safe depository of the ulti- ties should be regulated by the hour, and
mate powers of the society but the they should always be in place at the time
people themselves: and if we think them appointed. A departure from the rule is
not enlightened enough to exercise their sure to degenerate into licentiousness.
control with a wholesome discretion, —JAMES MONROE
the remedy is not to take it from them, Monroe on students at the University
but to inform their discretion by edu- of Virginia,
cation. This is the true corrective of August 25, 1828
abuses of constitutional power.
To William Charles Jarvis,
September 28, 1820 I entreat you to consider that, when you
choose magistrates, you take them from
Learned Institutions ought to be favor- among yourselves, men subject to like
ite objects with every free people. They passions as you are.
throw that light over the public mind —JOHN WINTHROP (1588–1649)
which is the best security against crafty Speaking in a court case,
& dangerous encroachments on the 1645
public liberty.
—JAMES MADISON Political contests are necessary some-
Letter to W. T. Barry, times, as well as military, to afford exer-
August 4, 1822 cise and practice, and to instruct in the
art of defending liberty and property.
There is no royal road to Learning. —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
—RALPH WALDO EMERSON (1803–1882) Letter to William Bradford, Jr.,
Journal January 24, 1774
Whenever politics are applied to de-
A diffusion of knowledge is the only bauch mankind from their integrity, and
guardian of true liberty. dissolve the virtue of human nature,
—JAMES MADISON they become detestable; and to be a states-
To George Thompson, man on this plan, is to be a commissioned
1825 villain. He who aims at it, leaves a va-
cancy in his character, which may be
A military instructor whose duty it should filled up with the worst of epithets.
be, to call the roll, and parade the youth, —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
at such times as should be appointed, to To the Abbe Raynal,
instruct them in military tactics and see 1782

An auxiliary desideratum for the melio- After all, Sir, we must submit to this
ration of the Republican form is such a idea, that the true principle of a repub-
process of elections as will most cer- lic is that the people should choose
tainly extract from the mass of the So- whom they please to govern them.
ciety the purest and noblest characters Representation is imperfect in propor-
which it contains; such as will at once tion as the current of popular favor is
feel most strongly the proper motives checked. This great source of free gov-
to pursue the end of their appointment, ernment, popular election, should be
and be most capable to devise the proper perfectly pure, and the most unbounded
means of attaining it. liberty allowed.
“Vices of the Political System” Speech in the New York Assembly,
April 1787 June 21, 1788

Can we forget for whom we are form- I am now pressed by some of my friends
ing a Government? Is it for man, or to repair to Virginia as a requisite expedi-
for the imaginary beings called States? ent for counteracting the machinations
Will our honest constituents be satis- against my election into the House of
fied with metaphysical distinctions? … Representatives. To this again I am ex-
The rule of suffrage ought on every tremely disinclined. … It will have an
principle to be the same in the 2d as in electioneering appearance which I al-
the 1st branch [of the legislature]. If ways despised and wish to shun.
the Government be not laid on this foun- —JAMES MADISON
dation, it can be neither solid nor last- To Edmund Randolph,
ing, any other principle will be local, November 23, 1788
confined and temporary.
—JAMES WILSON (1742–1798) It is a just observation that the people
Constitutional Convention, commonly intend the Public Good. This
June 30, 1787 often applies to their very errors. But
their good sense would despise the adu-
In this system, it is declared that the lator who should pretend they always
electors in each state shall have the reason right about the means of pro-
qualifications requisite for electors of moting it.
the most numerous branch of the state —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
legislature. This being made the crite- The Federalist Papers
rion of the right of suffrage, it is con- 1788
sequently secured, because the same
Constitution guaranties to every state Corruption in Elections has heretofore
in the Union a republican form of gov- destroyed all Elective Governments.
ernment. The right of suffrage is fun- What Regulations or Precautions may
damental to republics. be devised to prevent it in future, I am
—JAMES WILSON content with you to leave Posterity to
Pennsylvania Ratification Convention, consider. You and I shall go to the King-
November 26, 1787 dom of the just or at least shall be re-

leased from the Republic of the Unjust, promote pretensions to the Presidency.
with Hearts pure and hands clean of all If that office was to be the prize of
Corruption in Elections; so much I cabal and intrigue, or purchasing news-
firmly believe. papers, bribing by appointments, or
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) bargaining for foreign missions, I had
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, no ticket in that lottery.
April 6, 1796 —JOHN QUINCY ADAMS
Diary entry,
In all free governments, contentions in February 25, 1821
elections will take place, and, whilst it
is confined to our own citizens, it is ENGLAND (UNITED KINGDOM)
not to be regretted; but severely indeed
ought it to be reprobated, when occa- Blessed by thy Commons, who for
sioned by foreign machinations. common good,
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) And thy infringed Laws have boldly
To Jonathan Trumbull, stood.
March 3, 1797 —ANNE BRADSTREET (c. 1612–1672)
“A Dialogue Between Old England
I am sensible that by being removed and New: New England”
from the turbulent and disgusting scene 1642
of perpetual electioneering I am spared
many a detail of vexation… We all think ourselves happy under
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) Great Britain. We love, esteem, and
Letter to Thomas Boylston Adams, reverence our mother country, and
December 20, 1800 adore our King. And could the choice
of independency be offered the colo-
Politics is such a torment that I would nies or subjection to Great Britain
advise everyone I love not to mix with upon any terms above absolute slavery,
it. I am convinced they would accept the
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) latter.
Letter to Martha Jefferson Randolph, —JAMES OTIS (1725–1783)
1800 Rights of the British Colonies
Asserted and Proved
I have taken final leave [of politics]. I 1764
think little of them and say less. I have
given up newspapers in exchange for The union between our Mother Coun-
Tacitus and Thucydides, for Newton try and these Colonies, and the en-
and Euclid, and I find myself much ergy of mild and just Government,
happier. produce benefits so remarkably im-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON portant, and afforded such an assur-
Letter to John Adams, ance of their permanency and in-
January 21, 1821 crease, that the wonder and envy of
other nations were excited, while they
I would take no one step to advance or beheld Great Britain rising to a power

the most extra-ordinary the world had houses repeatedly, for opposing, with
ever known. manly firmness, his invasions on the
—ANONYMOUS rights of the people.
Olive Branch Petition, a last attempt by He has refused for a long time, after
moderate colonists to avoid war with such dissolutions, to cause others to be
Great Britain. It was signed by elected; whereby the legislative powers,
representatives of the colonies on July incapable of annihilation, have returned
8, 1775 and presented to King George to the people at large for their exercise;
III. Among the 48 signatories were the state remaining, in the mean time,
John Adams, Stephen Hopkins, exposed to all the dangers of invasions
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson from without and convulsions within.
and others who would later sign the He has endeavored to prevent the
Declaration of Independence. population of these states; for that pur-
July 8, 1775 pose obstructing the laws for natural-
ization of foreigners; refusing to pass
The history of the present King of Great others to encourage their migration
Britain is a history of repeated inju- hither, and raising the conditions of new
ries and usurpations, all having in di- appropriations of lands.
rect object the establishment of an He has obstructed the administration
absolute tyranny over these states. To of justice, by refusing his assent to laws
prove this, let facts be submitted to a for establishing judiciary powers.
candid world. He has made judges dependent on his
He has refused his assent to laws, will alone, for the tenure of their of-
the most wholesome and necessary for fices, and the amount and payment of
the public good. their salaries.
He has forbidden his governors to He has erected a multitude of new
pass laws of immediate and pressing offices, and sent hither swarms of of-
importance, unless suspended in their ficers to harass our people and eat out
operation till his assent should be ob- their substance.
tained; and, when so suspended, he has He has kept among us, in times of
utterly neglected to attend to them. peace, standing armies, without the
He has refused to pass other laws for consent of our legislatures.
the accommodation of large districts of He has affected to render the mili-
people, unless those people would re- tary independent of, and superior to,
linquish the right of representation in the civil power.
the legislature, a right inestimable to He has combined with others to sub-
them, and formidable to tyrants only. ject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our
He has called together legislative bod- Constitution and unacknowledged by
ies at places unusually uncomfortable, our laws, giving his assent to their acts
and distant from the depository of their of pretended legislation:
public records, for the sole purpose of For quartering large bodies of armed
fatiguing them into compliance with his troops among us;
measures. For protecting them, by a mock trial,
He has dissolved representative from punishment for any murders

which they should commit on the in- He has excited domestic insurrection
habitants of these states; among us, and has endeavored to bring
For cutting off our trade with all parts on the inhabitants of our frontiers the
of the world; merciless Indian savages, whose
For imposing taxes on us without our known rule of warfare is an undistin-
consent; guished destruction of all ages, sexes,
For depriving us, in many cases, of and conditions.
the benefits of trial by jury; In every stage of these oppressions
For transporting us beyond seas, to we have petitioned for redress in the
be tried for pretended offenses; most humble terms; our repeated peti-
For abolishing the free system of En- tions have been answered only by re-
glish laws in a neighboring province, peated injury. A prince, whose charac-
establishing therein an arbitrary govern- ter is thus marked by every act which
ment, and enlarging its boundaries, so may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the
as to render it at once an example and ruler of a free people.
fit instrument for introducing the same Nor have we been wanting in our at-
absolute rule into these colonies; tentions to our British brethren. We have
For taking away our charters, abol- warned them, from time to time, of at-
ishing our most valuable laws, and al- tempts by their legislature to extend an
tering fundamentally the forms of our unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We
governments; have reminded them of the circum-
For suspending our own legislatures, stances of our emigration and settle-
and declaring themselves invested with ment here. We have appealed to their
power to legislate for us in all cases native justice and magnanimity; and we
whatsoever. have conjured them, by the ties of our
He has abdicated government here, common kindred, to disavow these
by declaring us out of his protection usurpations which would inevitably in-
and waging war against us. terrupt our connections and correspon-
He has plundered our seas, ravaged dence. They too, have been deaf to the
our coasts, burned our towns, and de- voice of justice and of consanguinity.
stroyed the lives of our people. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the
He is at this time transporting large necessity which denounces our sepa-
armies of foreign mercenaries to com- ration, and hold them as we hold the
plete the works of death, desolation, and rest of mankind, enemies in war, in
tyranny already begun with circum- peace friends.
stances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
paralleled in the most barbarous ages, The Declaration of Independence
and totally unworthy the head of a civi- 1776
lized nation.
He has constrained our fellow-citizens, Your [the citizens of the 13 colonies]
taken captive on the high seas, to bear adversaries are composed of wretches
arms against their country, to become the who laugh at the rights of humanity,
executioners of their friends and breth- who turn religion into derision, and
ren, or to fall themselves by their hands. would, for higher wages, direct their

swords against their leaders or their tect our trade, or defend our frontiers;
country. the first of which they annoyed, and
—SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803) the latter deserted.
Speech to Continental Congress, —WILLIAM TUDOR (dates unknown)
1776 Boston Massacre Oration,
March 5, 1779
After the coolest reflections on the
matter, this must be allowed, that Brit- I wish you, Sir, to believe, and that it
ain was too jealous of America, to gov- may be understood in America, that I
ern it justly; too ignorant of it, to gov- have done nothing in the late contest,
ern it well; and too distant from it, to but what I thought myself indispens-
govern it at all. ably bound to do by the Duty which I
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) owed to my people. I will be very frank
The Crisis with you. I was the last to consent to
1777 the separation; but the separation hav-
ing been made, and having become in-
In 1764 the plan for raising a revenue evitable, I have always said as I say
from this country was resolved on by now, that I would be the first to meet
the British ministry, and their obsequious the Friendship of the United States as
parliament were instructed to pass an an independent Power.
act for that purpose. Not content with —KING GEORGE III (1738–1820)
having for a century directed the entire Letter of John Adams to John Jay.
commerce of America, and centered its Adams had an audience with King
profits in their own island, thereby de- George III and reported what had
riving from the colonies every substan- been said in this letter.
tial advantage which the situation and June 2, 1785
transmarine distance of the country could
afford them: not content with appointing I believe the British government forms
the principal officers in the different gov- the best model the world ever produced.
ernments, while the king had a nega- … This government has for its object
tive upon every law that was enacted: public strength and individual security.
not content with our supporting the whole —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
charge of our municipal establishments, Debates of the Federal Convention,
although their own creatures held the chief June 18, 1787
posts therein not content with laying
external duties upon our mutilated and Great Britain’s governing principles are
shackled commerce, they, by this conquest, colonization, commerce,
statute, attempted to rob us of even monopoly.
the curtailed property, the hard-earned —THOMAS JEFFERSON
peculium which still remained to us Letter to William Carmichael,
to create a revenue for the support of 1790
a fleet and army, in reality to over-
awe and secure our subjection, not England presents a singular phenom-
(as they insidiously pretended) to pro- enon of an honest people whose

constitution, from its nature, must themselves; and perhaps that is the rea-
render their government forever dis- son of it.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON More Fruits of Solitude
Letter to James Ronaldson, 1702
Let your conversation be without mal-
The extremes of opulence and of want ice or envy, for ’tis a sign of a tractable
are more remarkable, and more con- and commendable nature.
stantly obvious, in this country than in —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
any other that I ever saw. Rules of Civility
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) 1745
Diary entry,
November 8, 1816 There are two distinct species of popu-
larity: the one excited by merit, the other
ENVY & MALICE by resentment.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Believe nothing against another, but Rights of Man, I
upon good authority: nor report what 1791
may hurt another, unless it be a greater
hurt to others to conceal it. EQUALITY & EQUAL RIGHTS
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
Some Fruits of Solitude Every person within this Jurisdiction,
1693 whether Inhabitant or forreiner shall
enjoy the same justice and law, that is
Jealousy is a kind of civil war in the generall for the plantation, which we
soul, where judgment and imagination constitute and execute one towards
are at perpetual jars. This civil dis- another without partialitie or delay.
sension in the mind, like that of the —ANONYMOUS
body politic, commits great disorders, Massachusetts Body of Liberties of
and lays all waste. Nothing stands 1641
safe in its way: nature, interest, reli-
gion, must yield to its fury. It vio- When the Lord sent me forth into the
lates contracts, dissolves society, world, He forbade me to put off my
breaks wedlock, betrays friends and hat to any, high or low.
neighbours. No body is good, and ev- —GEORGE FOX (1624–1691)
ery one is either doing or designing them Journal
a mischief. 1694
More Fruits of Solitude The third capital immunity belonging to
1702 man’s nature is an equality amongst
men, which is not to be denied by the
Some men do as much begrudge oth- law of nature till man has resigned him-
ers a good name, as they want one self with all his rights for the sake of a

civil state, and then his personal liberty The foundation on which all [our con-
and equality is to be cherished and pre- stitutions] are built is the natural equal-
served to the highest degree as will ity of man, the denial of every preemi-
consist with all just distinctions nence but that annexed to legal office,
amongst men of honor and shall be and particularly the denial of a preemi-
agreeable with the public good. nence by birth.
—JOHN WISE (1652–1725) —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
A Vindication of the Government of Letter to George Washington,
New England Churches 1784
The earth is given as a common stock
Reason teaches that all Men are natu- for man to labor and live on.
rally equal in Respect of Jurisdiction —THOMAS JEFFERSON
or Dominion one over another. Letter to James Madison,
—REV. ELISHA WILLIAMS (1694–1755) 1785
A Seasonable Plea
1744 The people of the U. States are per-
haps the most singular of any we are
The dons, the bashaws, the grandees, acquainted with. Among them there are
the patricians, the sachems, the nabobs, fewer distinctions of fortune and less
call them by what names you please, of rank, than among the inhabitants of
sigh and groan and fret, and sometimes any other nation. Every freeman has a
stamp and foam and curse, but all in right to the same protection and secu-
vain. The decree is gone forth, and it rity; and a very moderate share of prop-
cannot be recalled, that a more equal erty entitles them to the possession of
liberty than has prevailed in other parts all the honors and privileges the public
of the earth must be established in can bestow: hence arises a greater equal-
America. ity, than is to be found among the people
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) of any other country, and an equality
To Patrick Henry, which is more likely to continue.
June 3, 1776 —CHARLES PINCKNEY (1757–1824)
“Plan of a Government for America”
All men are created equally free and in- June 25, 1787
dependent, and have certain inherent
rights, of which they cannot, by any That all men are by nature equal was
compact, deprive or divest their poster- once the fashionable phrase of the
ity: among which are the enjoyment of times, and men gloried in this equality
life and liberty, with the means of acquir- and really believed it, or else they acted
ing and possessing property, and pursu- their parts to the life! Latterly, however,
ing the obtaining happiness and safety. this notion is laughed out of counte-
—GEORGE MASON (1725–1792) nance, and some very grave person-
First draft, Virginia Declaration ages have not scrupled to assert that as
of Rights, we have copied the English in our form
c. 1776 of federal government, we ought to

imitate them in the establishment of a In regard to this principle, that all men
nobility also. are born free and equal, if there is an
—TIMOTHY DWIGHT (1752–1817) animal on earth to which it does not
“Political Inquiries, to which is added apply that is not born free, it is man—
a plan for the establishment of schools he is born in a state of the most abject
throughout the United States” want, and in a state of perfect help-
1791 lessness and ignorance. … Who should
say that all the soil in the world is equally
The true and only basis of representa- rich, the first rate land in Kentucky and
tive government is equality of rights. the Highlands of Scotland because the
Every man has a right to one vote, superficial content of the acre is the
and no more in the choice of represen- same, would be just as right as he who
tatives. should maintain the absolute equality of
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) man in virtue of his birth. The ricketty
Dissertation on First Principles and scrofulous little wretch who first
of Government sees the light in a work-house, or in a
1795 brothel, and who feels the effects of
alcohol before the effects of vital air, is
Equally fallacious is the doctrine of not equal in any respect to the ruddy
equality, of which much is said, and offspring of the honest yeoman; nay, I
little understood. That one man in a will go further, and say that a prince,
state, has as good a right as another to provided he is no better born than royal
his life, limbs, reputation and property, blood will make him, is not equal to the
is a proposition that no man will dis- healthy son of a peasant.
pute. Nor will it be denied that each —JOHN RANDOLPH (1773–1833)
member of a society, who has not for- Remarks in the Senate,
feited his claims by misconduct, has c. 1826
an equal right to protection. But if by
equality, writers understand an equal ERROR
right to distinction, and influence; or if
they understand an equal share of tal- It is one thing to show a man that he is
ents and bodily powers; in these senses, in an error, and another to put him in
all men are not equal. possession of truth.
—NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843) —JOHN LOCKE (1632–1704)
“An Oration on the Anniversary of the “Essay Concerning Human
Declaration of Independence” Understanding”
1802 1690

Equal laws protecting equal rights are It will always happen, when a thing is
… the best guarantee of loyalty & love originally wrong, that amendments do
of country. not make it right.
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Letter to Jacob De La Motta, Rights of Man, I
August 1820 1791

No man is prejudiced in favor of a thing Nature to our Western Country, and no

knowing it to be wrong. He is attached power on Earth can take it from them.
to it on the belief of it being right. Whilst we assert our title to it therefore
—THOMAS PAINE with a becoming firmness let us not for-
Rights of Man, I get that we can not ultimately be deprived
1791 of it, and that for the present, war is
more than all things to be deprecated.
If there be any among us who would —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
wish to dissolve this Union or to change To James Monroe,
its republican form, let them stand un- January 8, 1785
disturbed as monuments of the safety
with which error of opinion may be I know the acquisition of Louisiana has
tolerated where reason is left free to been disapproved by some, from a can-
combat it. did apprehension that the enlargement
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) of our territory would endanger its
Inaugural Address, union. But who can limit the extent to
March 4, 1801 which the federative principle may op-
erate effectively. The larger our asso-
We are all liable to error, and those who ciation, the less will it be shaken by lo-
are engaged in the management of public cal passions; and in any view, is it not
affairs are more subject to excitement and better that the opposite bank of the
to be led astray by their particular inter- Mississippi should be settled by our
ests and passions than the great body own brethren and children, than by
of our constituents, who, living at home strangers of another family? With which
in the pursuit of the ordinary avoca- shall we be most likely to live in har-
tions, are calm but deeply interested mony and friendly intercourse?
spectators of events and of the con- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
duct of those who are parties to them. Second Inaugural Address,
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) March 4, 1805
Seventh annual message to Congress,
December 2, 1823 If this bill [for the admission of Orleans
Territory as a State] passes, it is my
EXCUSES deliberate opinion that it is virtually a
dissolution of the Union; that it will free
It is better to offer no excuse than a the States from their moral obligation;
bad one. and, as it will be the right of all, so it
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) will be the duty of some, definitely to
To Harriot Washington, prepare for a separation—amicably if
October 30, 1791 they can, violently if they must.
—JOSIAH QUINCY, JR. (1772–1864)
EXPANSION & MANIFEST Congressional Debates,
DESTINY January 14, 1811

The use of the Mississippi is given by It is evident, that the further acquisi-

tion of territory, to the West and South, and irremediable is unpleasing; but to
involves difficulties, of an internal na- steer clear of the shelves and rocks
ture, which menace the Union itself. We we have struck upon is the part of wis-
ought therefore to be cautious in mak- dom.
ing the attempt. —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) To John Armstrong,
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, March 26, 1781
May 1820
Experience is a severe preceptor, but
So seducing is the passion for extend- it teaches useful truths, and however
ing our territory, that is compelled to harsh, is always honest. Be calm and
take our own redress it is quite uncer- dispassionate, and listen to what it tells
tain within what limit it will be confined. us.
Letter to Albert Gallatin, Address to the People of
May 26, 1820 New York State,
Some person of more advanc’d life and
Experience keeps a dear school, but longer standing publick trust sho’d be
fools will learn in no other. selected. … A person who had marked
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) a line of conduct so decisively that you
Poor Richard’s Almanack might tell what he would be hereafter
1743 by what he had been heretofore.
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831)
I have but one lamp by which my feet To James Madison,
are guided, and that is the lamp of ex- October 9, 1792
perience. I know of no way of judging
the future but by the past. Experience is the oracle of truth; and
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) where its responses are unequivocal,
Speech in Virginia Convention, they ought to be conclusive and sacred.
March 23, 1775 —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
Annual Message to Congress,
To inveigh against things that are past December 5, 1810


New opinions are always suspected, The way to see by faith is to shut the
and usually opposed, without any other eye of reason.
reason but because they are not already —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
common. Poor Richard’s Almanack
—JOHN LOCKE (1632–1704) 1758
Essay Concerning Human
Understanding What is it that men cannot be made to
1690 believe!
Facts are stubborn things. Letter to Richard Henry Lee,
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) April 22, 1786
As defense attorney during the trial for
the British soldiers accused in the FAMILY
Boston Massacre,
December 1770 Ill thrives that hapless family that shows
A cock that’s silent and a hen that
As long as the reason of man contin- crows;
ues fallible, and he is at liberty to ex- I know not which lives more unnatu-
ercise it, different opinions will be ral lives,
formed. Obeying husbands or commanding
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) wives.
The Federalist Papers —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
1787 Poor Richard’s Almanack
Conjectures are often substituted for
facts. The happiest moments of my life have
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) been the few which I have past at
To George Washington home in the bosom of my family. …
Parke Custis, public employment contributes neither
June 13, 1798 to advantage nor happiness. It is but

honorable exile from one’s family and things have been produced by His hand
affairs. that made all things of nothing, and
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) gives being to all things that are; and,
Letter to Francis Willis, Jr., as one small candle may light a thou-
April 18, 1790 sand, so the light here kindled hath
shone unto many, yea in some sort to
I have here company enough, part of our whole nation.
which is very friendly, part well enough —WILLIAM BRADFORD
disposed, part secretly hostile, and a Of Plymouth Plantation
constant succession of strangers. But (1620–1647)
this only serves to get rid of life, not to
enjoy it; it is in the love of one’s family Being thus arrived in a good harbor and
that heartfelt happiness is known. I feel brought safe to land, they fell upon their
it when we are all together, and, when knees and blessed the God of heaven,
alone, beyond what can be imagined. who had brought them over the vast
—THOMAS JEFFERSON and furious ocean, and delivered them
To Mary Jefferson Eppes, from all the perils and miseries thereof,
October 26, 1801 again to set their feet on the firm and
stable earth, their proper element.
Be it ever so humble, there’s no place —WILLIAM BRADFORD
like home. Of Plymouth Plantation
—JOHN HOWARD PAINE (1791–1852) 1620–1647
From the play
Clari, the Maid of Milan They began now to gather in the small
1823 harvest they had, and to fit up their
houses and dwellings against winter,
FIRST SETTLERS being all well recovered in health and
strength and had all things in good
And for the season it was winter, and plenty. For as some were thus em-
they that know the winters of that coun- ployed in affairs abroad, others were
try know them to be sharp and violent, exercised in fishing, about cod and bass
and subject to cruel and fierce storms, and other fish, of which they took good
dangerous to travel to known places, store, of which every family had their
much more to search an unknown portion. All the summer there was no
coast. … For summer being done, all want; and now began to come in store
things stand upon them with a weather- of fowl, as winter appproached, of
beaten face, and the whole country, full which this place did abound when they
of woods and thickets, represented a came first (but afterward decreased by
wild and savage hue. degrees). And besides waterfowl there
—WILLIAM BRADFORD (1590–1657) was a great store of wild turkeys, of
Of Plymouth Plantation which they took many, besides veni-
1620–1647 son, etc. Besides they had about a peck
a meal a week to a person, or now since
Thus out of small beginnings greater harvest, Indian corn to the proportion.

Which made many afterwards write so aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do en-
largely of their plenty here to their act, constitute, and frame, such just
friends in England, which were not and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts,
feigned but true reports. Constitutions, and Officers, from time
—WILLIAM BRADFORD to time, as shall be thought most meet
Of Plymouth Plantation, describing the and convenient for the general Good
first harvest of the Pilgrims of the Colony; unto which we promise
1620–1647 all due Submission and Obedience.
IN WITNESS whereof we have
What could now sustain them but the hereunto subscribed our names at Cape-
Spirit of God and His grace? May not Cod the eleventh of November, in the
and ought not the children of these fa- Reign of our Sovereign Lord King
thers rightly say: “Our fathers were James, of England, France, and Ire-
Englishmen which came over this great land, the eighteenth, and of Scotland
ocean, and were ready to perish in this the fifty-fourth, Anno Domini 1620.
wilderness; but they cried unto the —ANONYMOUS
Lord, and He heard their voice and The Mayflower Compact
looked on their adversity,” etc. 1620
Of Plymouth Plantation JAMES, by the Grace of God, King of
1620–1647 England, Scotland, France and Ireland,
Defender of the Faith, &c. to all whom
They knew they were pilgrims. these Presents shall come, Greeting,
—WILLIAM BRADFORD Whereas, upon the humble Petition of
Of Plymouth Plantation divers of our well disposed Subjects,
1620–1647 that intended to make several Plantations
in the Parts of America, between the De-
In the name of GOD, AMEN. We, grees of thirty-foure and fourty-five; We
whose names are underwritten, the according to our princely Inclination,
Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign favouring much their worthy Disposi-
Lord King James, by the Grace of God, tion, … have … granted unto them
of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, divers Liberties, Priveliges, Enlarge-
King, Defender of the Faith, &c. Hav- ments, and Im-munityes, as in and by
ing undertaken for the Glory of God, our severall Letters-Patents it doth and
and Advancement of the Christian Faith, may more at large appears. … We would
and the Honour of our King and Coun- likewise be graciously pleased to make
try, a Voyage to plant the first Colony certaine Adventurers, intending to erect
in the northern Parts of Virginia; Do and. establish fishery, Trade, and
by these Presents, solemnly and mutu- Plantacion, … and their Successors,
ally, in the Presence of God and one one several distinct and entire Body, and
another, covenant and combine our- to grant unto them, such Estate, Liber-
selves together into a civil Body Poli- ties, Priveliges, Enlargements, and Im-
tick, for our better Ordering and Pres- munityes there, as in these our Letters-
ervation, and Furtherance of the Ends Pattents hereafter particularly expressed

and declared. And for asmuch as We have and serious Consideracion whereof,
been certainly given to understand by Wee have thougt it fitt according to our
divers of our good Subjects, that have Kingly Duty, soe much as in Us lyeth,
for these many Years past frequented to second and followe God’s sacred Will,
those Coasts and Territoryes, between rendering reverend Thanks to his Divine
the Degrees of Fourty and Fourty-Eight, Majestie for his gracious favour in lay-
that there is noe other the Subjects of ing open and revealing the same unto
any Christian King or State, by any us, before any other Christian Prince
Authority from their Sover-aignes, or State, by which Meanes without
Lords, or Princes, actually in Possession Offence, and as We trust to his Glory,
of any of the said Lands or Precincts, Wee may with Boldness goe on to the
whereby any Right, Claim, Interest, or settling of soe hopefull a Work, which
Title, may, might, or ought by that tendeth to the reducing and Conversion
Meanes accrue, belong, or appertaine of such Sauages as remaine wandering
unto them, or any of them. And also in Desolacion and Distress, to Civil
for that We have been further given Societie and Christian Religion, to the
certainly to knowe, that within these Inlargement of our own Dominions, and
late Yeares there hath by God’s Visita- the Aduancement of the Fortunes of
tion reigned a wonderfull Plague, to- such of our good Subjects as shall will-
gether with many horrible Slaugthers, and ingly intresse themselves in the said
Murthers, committed amoungst the Sav- Imployment, to whom We cannot but
ages and brutish People there, heertofore give singular Commendations for their
inhabiting, in a Manner to the utter De- soe worthy Intention and Enterprize;
struction, Deuastacion, and Depop- Wee therefore, of our especiall Grace,
ulacion of that whole Territorye, so that mere Motion, and certaine Knowledge,
there is not left for many Leagues to- by the Aduice of the Lords and others of
gether in a Manner, any that doe claime our Priuy Councell have for Us, our Heyrs
or challenge any Kind of Interests and Successors, graunted, ordained, and
therein, nor any other Superiour Lord established, and in and by these Presents,
or Souveraigne to make Claime here- Do for Us, our Heirs and Successors,
unto, whereby We in our Judgment are grant, ordaine and establish, that all that
persuaded and satisfied that the ap- Circuit, Continent, Precincts, and
pointed Time is come in which Al- Limitts in America, lying and being in
mighty God in his great Goodness and Breadth from Fourty Degrees of
Bountie towards Us and our People, Northerly Latitude, from the Equnoctiall
hath thought fitt and determined, that Line, to Fourty-eight Degrees of the
those large and goodly Territoryes, de- said Northerly Latitude, and in length
serted as it were by their naturall In- by all the Breadth aforesaid throughout
habitants, should be possessed and en- the Maine Land, from Sea to Sea, with
joyed by such of our Subjects and all the Seas, Rivers, Islands, Creekes,
People as heertofore have and hereaf- Inletts, Ports, and Havens, within the
ter shall by his Mercie and Favour, and Degrees, Precincts and Limitts of the
by his Powerfull Arme, be directed and said Latitude and Longitude, shall be the
conducted thither. In Contemplacion Limitts; and Bounds, and Precints of

the second Collony: And to the End that commerce together in all meekness,
the said Territoryes may forever here- gentleness, patience, and liberality. We
after be more particularly and certainly must delight in each other, make oth-
known and distinguished, our Will and ers’ conditions our own, rejoice to-
Pleasure is, that the same shall from gether, mourn together, labor and suf-
henceforth be nominated, termed, and fer together, always having before our
called by the Name of New-England, eyes our commission and community
in America; and by that Name of New- in the work, our community as mem-
England in America, the said Circuit, bers of the same body.
Precinct, Limitt, Continent, Islands, and —JOHN WINTHROP
Places in America, aforesaid, We do by “A Model of Christian Charity,”
these Presents, for Us, our Heyrs and a sermon delivered
Successors, name, call, erect, found on board the Arabella
and establish, and by that Name to have 1630
Continuance for ever.
—KING JAMES I (1566–1625) Whereas we all came into these parts
The Charter of New England, of America with one and the same end
November 3, 1620 and aim, namely, to advance the King-
dom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to
For we must consider that we shall be enjoy the liberties of the Gospel in pu-
as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all rity with peace; and whereas in our
people are upon us, so if we shall deal settling (by a wise providence of God)
falsely with our God in this work we we are further dispersed upon the sea
have undertaken, and so cause him to coasts and rivers than was at first in-
withdraw his present help from us, we tended, so that we can not according to
shall be made a story and a byword our desire with convenience communi-
through the world. cate in one government and jurisdiction;
—JOHN WINTHROP (1588–1649) and whereas we live encompassed with
“A Model of Christian Charity,” people of several nations and strange
a sermon delivered languages which hereafter may prove
on board the Arabella injurious to us or our posterity. And
1630 forasmuch as the natives have formerly
committed sundry Insolence and out-
Now the only way to avoid this rages upon several Plantations of the
shipwrack, and to provide for our pos- English and have of late combined
terity, is to follow the counsel of Micah, themselves against us: and seeing by
to do justly, to love mercy, to walk hum- reason of those sad distractions in En-
bly with our God. For this end, we must gland which they have heard of, and by
be knit together in this work as one which they know vie are hindered from
man. We must entertain each other in that humble way of seeking advice, or
brotherly affection, we must be willing reaping those comfortable fruits of pro-
to abridge ourselves of our superflu- tection, which at other times we might
ities, for the supply of each others’ ne- well expect. We therefore do conceive
cessities. We must uphold a familiar it our bounder duty, without delay to

enter into a present Consociation This country having been discovered

amongst ourselves, for mutual help and by an English subject, in the year 1620,
strength in all our future concernments: was … deemed the property of the
That, as in nation and religion, so in crown of England. Our ancestors,
other respects, we be and continue one when they resolved to quit their native
according to the tenor and true mean- soil, obtained from king James, a grant
ing of the ensuing articles: Wherefore of certain lands in North America. This
it is fully agreed and concluded by and they probably did to silence the cavils
between the parties or Jurisdictions of their enemies, for it cannot be
above named, and they jointly and sev- doubted, but that they despised the pre-
erally do by these presents agree and tended right which he claimed thereto.
conclude that they all be and henceforth Certain it is, that he might, with equal
be called by the name of the United propriety and justice, have made them
Colonies of New England. a grant of the planet Jupiter.
The Articles of Confederation of the Boston Massacre Oration,
United Colonies of New England March 5, 1775
May 19, 1643
Our forefathers, inhabitants of the is-
Our forefathers, with the permission of land of Great-Britain, left their native
their sovereign, emigrated from En- land, to seek on these shores a resi-
gland, to avoid the unnatural oppres- dence for civil and religious freedom.
sions which then took place in that At the expense of their blood, at the
country. They endured all sorts of mis- hazard of their fortunes, without the
eries and hardships, before they could least charge to the country from which
establish any tolerable footing in the new they removed, by unceasing labour, and
world. It was then hoped and expected an unconquerable spirit, they effected
that the blessing of freedom would be settlements in the distant and unhospit-
the inheritance of their posterity, which able wilds of America, then filled with
they preferred to every other temporal numerous and warlike barbarians.
consideration. With the extremest toil, —JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794)
difficulty, and danger, our great and “A Declaration by the Representatives
noble ancestors founded in America a of the United Colonies of North-
number of colonies under the allegiance America, Now Met in Congress at
of the crown of England. They for- Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes
feited not the privileges of Englishmen and Necessity of Their
by removing themselves hither, but Taking Up Arms”
brought with them every right, which July 6, 1775
they could or ought to have enjoyed had
they abided in England. Liberty was the darling object of the
—SILAS DOWNER (1729–1785) first settlers of this country. Animated
A Discourse at the Dedication of with the hope of enjoying those civil
the Tree of Liberty, and religious rights, which Heaven de-
1768 signed for the virtuous, they bade adieu

to the joys of a more social life, and, When Freedom from her mountain
surrounded with the horrors of death height,
in a thousand different shapes, they took Unfurled her standard to the air,
possession of the fair territory we now She tore the azure robe of night,
inhabit. In the anticipation of liberty, And set the stars of glory there.
plenty and peace, they braved all dan- —JOSEPH RODMAN DRAKE (1795–1820)
gers and hardships. The American Flag
—SIMEON BALDWIN (1761–1851) 1819
Oration at New Haven, Connecticut,
July 4, 1788 FLATTERY & PRAISE

THE FLAG It is much easier for him to merit ap-

plause than hear of it: and he never
Oh, say, can you see by the dawn’s doubts himself more, or the person that
early light. gives it, than when he hears so much
What so proudly we hailed at the of it.
twilight’s last gleaming? —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, More Fruits of Solitude
through the perilous flight, 1702
O’er the ramparts we watched were
so gallantly streaming. [W]e cannot be too circumspect how
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs we receive praise: for if we contem-
bursting in air, plate our selves in a false glass, we are
Gave proof through the night that our sure to be mistaken about our dues; and
flag was still there. because we are too apt to believe what
Oh, say, does that star-spangled ban- is pleasing, rather than what is true, we
ner yet wave may be too easily swelled beyond our
O’er the land of the free and the home just proportion, by the windy comple-
of the brave. ments of men.
“The Star-Spangled Banner” More Fruits of Solitude
1814 1702

O! thus be it ever when freemen shall We are too apt to love praise, but not to
stand deserve it.
Between their loved homes and the foe’s —WILLIAM PENN
desolation; More Fruits of Solitude
Bless’d with victory and peace, may 1702
our Heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and Let those flatter who fear: it is not an
preserved us a nation. American art.
“The Star-Spangled Banner” “The Rights of British America”
1814 1774

The world is a severe schoolmaster, for Let me now offer a few considerations
its frowns are less dangerous than its to shew the obligations men are under
smiles and flatteries, and it is a difficult to defend that liberty which providence
task to keep in the path of wisdom. has conferred upon them. This is a trust
—PHYLLIS WHEATLEY (c. 1753–1784) committed to us by heaven: we are ac-
Letter to John Thornton, countable for the use we make of it,
October 30, 1774 and ought therefore, to the best of our
power to defend it. The servant, who
A little flattery will support a man hid his talent in a napkin, is condemned
through great fatigue. in our Lord’s parable, and he who
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) through inattention, indolence or cow-
To F. A. Van Der Kemp, ardice, suffers it to be wrested from
January 24, 1818 him, is little less criminal. Should a per-
son, for instance, whose ability and cir-
FORCE & COERCION cumstances enable him to do good in
the world, to relieve his distressed breth-
Were some as Christian, as they boast ren, and be an example of charity and
themselves to be, it would save us all other virtues, tamely yield up all his in-
the labour we bestow in rendering per- terest and become an absolute slave to
secution so unchristian, as it most truly some unjust and wicked oppressor,
is: nay were they those men of reason when he might by a manly resistance
they character themselves, and what have secured his liberty, would he not
the civil law styles good citizens, it be guilty of great unfaithfulness to God,
had been needless for us to tell them, and justly liable to his condemnation.
that neither can any external coercive This would in its consequences be re-
power convince the understanding of ally worse than hiding his talent in a
the poorest idiot, nor fines and pris- napkin; it would be not only not im-
ons be judged fit and adequate penal- proving it for the glory of the giver, but
ties for faults purely intellectual; as well conveying it into hands which will, in
as that they are destructive of all civil all probability, employ it greatly to his
government. dishonour. This reasoning is as appli-
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) cable to a community as to an individual.
The Great Case of Liberty A kingdom or commonwealth, as such,
and Conscience is accountable for the improvement it
1670 makes of it’s advantages; It is bound
to preserve them, and employ them for
The strongest is never strong enough the honour of God! so far as it can, to
to be always the master, unless he be an example of virtue to neighbouring
transforms his strength into right, and communities, and afford them relief
obedience into duty. when they are in distress: but by yield-
— JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU ing up their possessions and liberties to
(1712–1778) an encroaching oppressive power, they
The Social Contract become, in a great measure, incapable
1762 of their duties, and are liable to be made

the ministers of sin through the com- vate as well as public reasons. And why
pulsion of their masters. Out of faith- subject it to coercion? To produce uni-
fulness then, to God and in order to formity. But is uniformity of opinion
escape the doom of slothful servants, desirable? No more than of face and
we should endeavour to defend our stature.
rights and liberties. —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
—SIMEON HOWARD (?–c. 1804) Notes on the State of Virginia
Sermon preached to the Ancient 1782
and Honorable Artillery
Company in Boston, In politics, as in religion, it is equally
June 7, 1773 absurd to aim at making proselytes by
fire and sword. Heresies in either can
The use of force alone is but tempo- rarely be cured by persecution.
rary. It may subdue for a moment; but —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
it does not remove the necessity of sub- The Federalist Papers
duing again: and a nation is not gov- 1787
erned, which is perpetually to be con-
quered. That the laws of every country ought
—EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797) to be executed, cannot be denied. That
Second Speech on Conciliation with force must be used if necessary can-
America, the Thirteen Resolutions, not be denied. Can any government be
March 22, 1775 established, that will answer any pur-
pose whatever, unless force be pro-
Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed vided for executing its laws?
with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
gracious reception of our petition com- Speech at the Virginia Convention,
ports with those warlike preparations June 14, 1788
which cover our waters and darken
our land. Are fleets and armies nec- We will exercise the reason with which
essary to a work of love and reconcili- we are endued, or we possess it un-
ation? Have we shown ourselves so worthily. If either of these can be ren-
unwilling to be reconciled, that force dered sufficiently extensive in a coun-
must be called in to win back our love? try, the machinery of Government goes
Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These easily on. Reason obeys itself; and Ig-
are the implements of war and subju- norance submits to whatever is dictated
gation—the last arguments to which to it.
kings resort. —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) Address and Declaration
Speech at the Virginia Convention, 1791
March 23, 1775
Force cannot change right.
Subject opinion to coercion: whom will —THOMAS JEFFERSON
you make your inquisitor? Fallible men; To John Cartwright,
men governed by bad passions, by pri- June 5, 1824

FOREIGN INFLUENCE ness, what hath she to fear, but her

The weak side of a republican govern- —THOMAS PAINE
ment is the danger of foreign influence. The Forester’s Letters
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) 1776
Constitutional Convention,
June 18, 1787 As Europe is our market for trade, we
ought to form no partial connection with
Against the insidious wiles of foreign any part of it. It is the true interest of
influence … the jealousy of a free America to steer clear of European con-
people ought to be constantly awake; tentions.
since history and experience prove —THOMAS PAINE
that foreign influence is one of the Common Sense
most baneful foes of republican gov- 1776
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) It is best mankind should mix. There is
Farewell Address, ever something to learn, either of man-
September 17, 1796 ners or principle; and it is by a free
communication, without regard to do-
Our form of government, inestimable mestic matters, that friendship is to be
as it is, exposes us, more than any extended and prejudice destroyed all
other, to the insidious intrigues and pes- over the world.
tilent influence of foreign nations. Noth- —THOMAS PAINE
ing but our inflexible neutrality can pre- “To the Abbe Raynal”
serve us. 1782
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
Letter in The Boston Patriot We mistake the object of our govern-
c. 1809 ment, if we hope or wish that it is to
make us respectable abroad. Conquest
FOREIGN RELATIONS & POLICY or superiority among other powers is
not or ought not ever to be the object
Not a place upon earth might be so of republican systems. If they are suf-
happy as America. Her situation is re- ficiently active and energetic to rescue
mote from all the wrangling world, and us from contempt and preserve our
she has nothing to do but to trade with domestic happiness and security, it is
them. all we can expect from them, it is more
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) than almost any other Government en-
“The American Crisis. No. 1” in sures its citizens.
the Pennsylvania Journal, —CHARLES PINCKNEY (1757–1824)
December 19, 1776 Constitutional Convention,
June 25, 1787
America, remote from all the wrangling
world, may live at ease. Bounded by No government could give us tranquil-
the ocean and backed by the wilder- ity and happiness at home, which did

not possess sufficient stability and rooted than any other in the mind of
strength to make us respectable abroad. every American, it is that we should
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) have nothing to do with conquest.
At the Constitutional Convention, —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
June 29, 1787 Letter to William Short,
The world may politically, as well as
geographically, be divided into four We certainly cannot deny to other na-
parts, each having a distinct set of in- tions that principle whereon our own
terests. Unhappily for the other three, government is founded, that every na-
Europe, by her arms and by her nego- tion has a right to govern itself inter-
tiations, by force and by fraud, has … nally under what forms it pleases, and
extended her dominion over them all. to change these forms at its own will:
Africa, Asia, and America have succes- and externally to transact business with
sively felt her domination. The superi- other nations thro’ whatever organ it
ority she has long maintained has chuses. … The only thing essential is
tempted her to plume herself as the the will of the nation.
Mistress of the World, and to consider —THOMAS JEFFERSON
the rest of mankind as created for her To Thomas Pinckney,
benefit. December 30, 1792
The Federalist Papers It is the sincere wish of America to have
1787 nothing to do with the political intrigues,
or squabbles of European nations.
My commercial system turns very —GEORGE WASHINGTON
much on giving a free course to trade, Letter to Earl of Buchan,
and cultivating good humor with all the April 22, 1793
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON There is a rank due to the United States
To Thomas Jefferson, among nations which will be withheld,
January 13, 1791 if not absolutely lost, by the reputation
of weakness.
I believe it is among nations as with —GEORGE WASHINGTON
individuals, that the party taking advan- Fifth Annual Address to Congress,
tage of the distresses of another will December 3, 1793
lose infinitely more in the opinion of
mankind, and in subsequent events, My ardent desire is … to keep the
than he will gain by the stroke of the United States free from political con-
moment. nections with every other country, to
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) see them independent of all and under
To Gouverneur Morris, the influence of none.
Letter to Patrick Henry,
If there be one principle more deeply October 9, 1795

A treaty, which is a contract between It is the duty of every government to

nation and nation, abridges even the leg- charge itself with the care of any of its
islative discretion of the whole Legisla- citizens who may happen to fall under
ture by the moral obligation of keeping an arbitrary persecution abroad.
its faith. —THOMAS PAINE
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON To George Washington,
To William Smith, August 3, 1796
March 10, 1796
I have always given it as my decided
The nature of foreign negotiations re- opinion that no nation had a right to in-
quires caution and their success must ter-meddle in the internal concerns of
often depend on secrecy. … The ne- another; … and that, if this country
cessity of such caution and secrecy could, consistent with its engagements,
was one cogent reason for vesting the maintain a strict neutrality and thereby
power of making treaties in the Presi- preserve peace, it was bound to do so
dent. To admit then a right in the House by motives of policy, interest, and ev-
of Representatives to demand, and to ery other consideration.
have as a matter of course, all the Pa- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
pers respecting a negotiation with a Letter to James Monroe,
foreign power, would be to establish a August 25, 1796
dangerous precedent. It does not oc-
cur that the inspection of the papers Observe good faith and justice toward
asked for, can be relative to any pur- all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony
pose under the cognizance of the House with all. … The nation which indulges
of Representatives, except that of an toward another an habitual hatred or an
impeachment, which the resolution has habitual fondness is in some degree a
not expressed. I repeat, that I have no slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to
disposition to withhold any information its affection, either of which is suffi-
which the duty of my station will per- cient to lead it astray from its duty and
mit, or the public good shall require to its interest.
be disclosed: and in fact, all the Papers —GEORGE WASHINGTON
affecting the negotiation with Great Farewell Address,
Britain were laid before the Senate, September 17, 1796
when the Treaty itself was communi-
cated for their consideration and advice. The great rule of conduct for us in re-
The course which the debate has taken, gard to foreign nations is, in extending
on the resolution of the House, leads to our commercial relations to have with
some observations on the mode of them as little political connection as pos-
making treaties under the Constitution sible. … Why, by interweaving our des-
of the United States. tiny with that of any part of Europe,
—GEORGE WASHINGTON entangle our peace and prosperity in the
Address to the House of toils of European ambition, rivalship, in-
Representatives, terest, humor, or caprice? It is our true
March 30, 1796 policy to steer clear of permanent alli-

ances with any portion of the foreign The national defense is one of the car-
world. … We may safely trust to tem- dinal duties of a statesman.
porary alliances for extraordinary emer- —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
gencies. … There can be no greater To James Lloyd,
error than to expect or calculate upon January 1815
real favors from nation to nation. It is
an illusion which experience must cure, A virtuous people may and will confine
which a just pride ought to discard. themselves within the limit of a strict
—GEORGE WASHINGTON neutrality, but it is not in their power to
Farewell Address, behold a conflict so vitally important to
September 17, 1796 their neighbors without the sensibility
and sympathy which naturally belong
Peace, commerce, and honest friend- to such a case.
ship with all nations, entangling alliances —JAMES MONROE (1758–1831)
with none should be our motto. Third annual message to Congress,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON December 7, 1819
First Inaugural Address,
March 4, 1801 America … well knows that by once
enlisting under other banners than her
We consider the interests of Cuba, Mex- own, were they even the banners of
ico and ours as the same, and that the foreign independence, she would in-
object of both must be to exclude all Eu- volve herself beyond the power of ex-
ropean influence from this hemisphere. traction, in all the wars of interest and
—THOMAS JEFFERSON intrigue, of individual avarice, envy,
Letter to W. C. C. Claiborn, ambition, which assume the colors and
October 1808 usurp the standard of freedom. The
fundamental maxims of her policy
Indulging no passions which trespass would insensibly change from liberty
on the rights or the repose of other na- to force. … She would be no longer
tions, it has been the true glory of the the ruler of her own spirit.
United States to cultivate peace by ob- —JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848)
serving justice, and to entitle themselves Address,
to the respect of the nations at war by July 4, 1821
fulfilling their neutral obligations with
the most scrupulous impartiality. Wherever the standard of freedom and
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) independence has been or shall be un-
First Inaugural Address, furled, there will be America’s heart,
March 4, 1809 her benedictions and her prayers. But
she does not go abroad in search of
The less we do with the amities or en- monsters to destroy. She is the cham-
mities of Europe, the better. pion and vindicator only of her own.
Letter to Thomas Leiper, Address,
1815 July 4, 1821

Russia seems at present the great bug- of oppressing them, or controlling, in

bear of the European politicians on the any other manner, their destiny, by
land, as the British Leviathan is on the any European Power, in any other
water. light than as the manifestation of an
—JAMES MADISON unfriendly disposition towards the
Letter to Richard Rush, United States.
November 20, 1821 —JAMES MONROE
Annual message to Congress,
In the wars of the European powers in December 2, 1823
matters relating to themselves we have
never taken any part, nor does it com- I confess I have the same fears for our
port with our policy so to do. South American brethren; the qualifi-
—JAMES MONROE cations for self-government in society
Annual message to Congress, are not innate. They are the result of
December 2, 1823 habit and long training, and for these
they will require time and probably
It is by rendering justice to other na- much suffering.
tions that we can expect it from them. —THOMAS JEFFERSON
—JAMES MONROE Letter to Edward Everett,
Annual message to Congress, March 27, 1824
December 2, 1823
Separated as we are from Europe by
The American continents … are hence- the great Atlantic ocean, we can have
forth not to be considered as subject no concern in the wars of the Euro-
for future colonization by any European pean Governments no[r] in the causes
powers. which produce them.
Annual message to Congress, Annual message to Congress,
December 2, 1823 December 7, 1824

We owe it, therefore, to candor and to FRANCE

the amicable relations existing between
the United States and those [European] Our very good friend, the Marquis de
powers to declare that we should con- Lafayette, has entrusted to my care
sider any attempt on their part to ex- the key of the Bastille, and a drawing
tend their system to any portion of this handsomely framed, representing the
hemisphere as dangerous to our peace demolition of that detestable prison,
and safety. With the existing colonies as a present to your Excellency, of
or dependencies of any European which his letter will more particularly
Power we have not interfered, and shall inform. I feel myself happy in being
not interfere. But with the governments the person through whom the Marquis
who have declared their independence, has conveyed this early trophy of the
and maintained it, … we could not spoils of despotism, and the first ripe
view any interposition for the purpose fruits of American principles trans-

planted to Europe, to his master and Man is born free, and everywhere he is
patron. When he mentioned to me the in chains.
present he intended you, my heart —JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU (1712–1778)
leaped with joy. It is something so truly The Social Contract
in character that no remarks can illus- 1762
trate it, and is more happily expressive
of his remembrance of his American Political freedom includes in it every
friends than any letters can convey. other blessing. All the pleasures of
That the principles of America opened riches, science, virtue, and even religion
the Bastille is not to be doubted; and itself derive their value from liberty
therefore the key comes to the right alone. No wonder therefore wise and
place. prudent legislators have in all ages been
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) held in such great veneration; and no
To George Washington, wonder too those illustrious souls who
May 1, 1790 have employed their pens and sacrificed
their lives in defense of liberty have met
Ask the travelled inhabitant of any na- with such universal applause. Their repu-
tion, In what country on earth would tations, like some majestic river which
you rather live?—Certainly in my enlarges and widens as it approaches
own, where all my friends, my rela- its parent ocean, shall become greater
tions, and the earliest & sweetest af- and greater through every age and out-
fections and recollections of my life. live the ruins of the world itself.
Which would be your second choice? —BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813)
France. To Catharine Macaulay,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) January 18, 1769
1821 The liberties of our country, the freedom
of our civil constitution, are worth de-
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN fending at all hazards; and it is our duty
to defend them against all attacks. We
He snatched the lightning from heaven have received them as a fair inheritance
and the sceptre from tyrants. from our worthy ancestors: they pur-
—ANNE ROBERT JACQUES, BARON A chased them for us with toil and danger
L’AULNE TURGOT (1727–1781) and expense of treasure and blood, and
Inscription for the Houdon bust of transmitted them to us with care and dili-
Franklin, gence. It will bring an everlasting mark
1778 of infamy on the present generation,
FREEDOM enlightened as it is, if we should suffer them
to be wrested from us by violence without
Wear none of thine own chains; but a struggle, or be cheated out of them by
keep free, whilst thou art free. the artifices of false and designing men.
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) —SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803)
Some Fruits of Solitude Article in the Boston Gazette,
1693 October 14, 1771

I believe that no people ever yet groaned ourselves shall be free, but whether
under the heavy yoke of slavery but there shall be left to mankind an asylum
when they deserved it. on earth for civil and religious liberty.
Article in the Boston Gazette, Speech in Philadelphia,
October 14, 1771 August 1, 1776

The truth is, all might be free if they val- Freedom hath been hunted round the
ued freedom, and defended it as they globe. Asia and Africa have long ex-
ought. pelled her. Europe regards her like a
—SAMUEL ADAMS stranger, and England hath given her
Article in the Boston Gazette, warning to depart. O! Receive the fu-
October 14, 1771 gitive, and prepare in time an asylum
for mankind.
If men through fear, fraud or mistake, —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
should in terms renounce and give up Common Sense
any essential natural right, the eternal 1776
law of reason and the great end of so-
ciety, would absolutely vacate such re- Our unalterable resolution should be to
nunciation; the right to freedom being be free.
the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the —SAMUEL ADAMS
power of Man to alienate this gift, and To James Warren,
voluntarily become a slave. 1776
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
Rights of the Colonists Those who expect to reap the bless-
1772 ings of freedom, must, like men, un-
dergo the fatigues of supporting it.
In every human breast, God has im- —THOMAS PAINE
planted a principle, which we call love The Crisis
of freedom; it is impatient of oppres- 1777
sion and pants for deliverance.
—PHYLLIS WHEATLEY (c. 1753–1784) Remember, that in all countries where
The Boston Post-Boy the freedom of the poor has been taken
1774 away, in whole or in part, that the free-
dom of the rich lost its defence. The
Freedom and not servitude is the cure circle has ever continued to constrict, till
of anarchy; as religion, and not atheism, lessening to a point it became absolute.
is the true remedy for superstition. —THOMAS PAINE
—EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797) A Serious Address to the People of
Second Speech on Conciliation with Pennsylvania
America, The Thirteen Resolutions, 1778
March 22, 1775
Tis freedom’s genius, nurs’d from age
Our contest is not only whether we to age,

Matur’d in schools of liberty and law, Let the human mind loose. It must be
On virtue’s page from sire to son loose. It will be loose. Superstition and
convey’d, dogmatism cannot confine it.
E’er since the savage, fierce, barbarian —JOHN ADAMS
hords, To John Quincy Adams,
Pour’d in. … November 13, 1816
—MERCY OTIS WARREN (1728–1814)
Don Juan De Padilla in The human mind will some day get
“The Ladies of Castille” back to the freedom it enjoyed 2000
1790 years ago. This country, which has
given to the world the example of
Let freedom be the mistress of thy physical liberty, owes to it that of
heart. moral emancipation also. For, as yet,
—MERCY OTIS WARREN it is but nominal with us. The inquisi-
Don Juan De Padilla in tion of public opinion overwhelms in
“The Ladies of Castille” practice the freedom asserted by the
1790 laws in theory.
Although all men are born free, and all To John Adams,
nations might be so, yet too true it is, January 22, 1821
that slavery has been the general lot of
the human race. Ignorant—they have FREEDOM OF SPEECH & PRESS
been cheated; asleep—they have been
surprised; divided—the yoke has been Liberty of speech inviteth and pro-
forced upon them. voketh liberty to be used again, and
But what is the lesson? that because so bringeth much to a man’s knowl-
the people may betray themselves, edge.
they ought to give themselves up, —FRANCIS BACON (1561–1626)
blindfolded, to those who have an in- The Advancement of Learning
terest in betraying them? Rather con- 1605
clude that the people ought to be en-
lightened, to be awakened, to be Give me the liberty to know, to utter,
united, that after establishing a gov- and to argue freely according to con-
ernment they should watch over it, science, above all liberties.
as well as obey it. —JOHN MILTON (1608–1674)
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) Areopagitica
Essay in the National Gazette, 1644
December 20, 1792
Though all the winds of doctrine were
It is impossible to conquer a nation de- let loose to play upon the earth, so Truth
termined to be free! be in the field, we do injuriously, by
—THOMAS PAINE licensing and prohibiting, to mis-doubt
Letter to the People of France, her strength. Let her and Falsehood
1792 grapple; who ever knew Truth put to

the worse, in a free and open encoun- which it might be exercis’d, and if
ter? exercis’d would incur a certain Penalty.
Areopagitica The New-York Weekly Journal,
1644 November 12, 1733

Without Freedom of Thought, there can No nation ancient or modern ever lost
be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no the liberty of freely speaking, writing,
such Thing as publick Liberty, without or publishing their sentiments, but
Freedom of Speech. forthwith lost their liberty in general and
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) became slaves.
Letter from ‘“Silence Dogood,” —JOHN PETER ZENGER
printed in The New England Courant, The New-York Weekly Journal,
July 9, 1722 November 12, 1733

If all printers were determined not to The Liberty of the Press is a Subject of
print anything till they were sure it the greatest Importance, and in which
would offend nobody, there would be every Individual is as much concern’d
very little printed. as he is in any other Part of Liberty.
Apology for Printers The New-York Weekly Journal,
1731 November 12, 1733

Printers are educated in the Belief, that The loss of liberty in general would soon
when Men differ in Opinion, both Sides follow the suppression of the liberty of
ought equally to have the Advantage of the press; for it is an essential branch
being heard by the Publick; and that when of liberty, so perhaps it is the best pre-
Truth and Error have fair Play, the former servative of the whole.
is always an overmatch for the latter. —JOHN PETER ZENGER
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN The New-York Weekly Journal,
Apology for Printers November 12, 1733
There are two Sorts of Monarchies, an
In an absolute Monarchy, the Will of the absolute and a limited one. In the first,
Prince being the Law, a Liberty of the the Liberty of the Press can never be
Press to complain of Grievances would maintained, it is inconsistent with it; for
be complaining against the Law, and the what absolute Monarch would suffer
Constitution, to which they have submit- any Subject to animadvert to his Ac-
ted, or have been obliged to submit; and tions, when it is in his Power to de-
therefore, in one Sense, may be said to clare the Crime, and to nominate the
deserve Punishment, So that under an Punishment?
absolute Monarchy, I saw, such a Lib- —JOHN PETER ZENGER
erty is inconsistent with the Constitution, The New-York Weekly Journal,
having no proper Subject in Politics, on November 12, 1733

That, to which nature and the laws of The liberty of the press is essential to
our country have given us a Right— the security of the state.
That Liberty—both of exposing and —JOHN ADAMS
opposing arbitrary power (in these parts Free-Press Clause,
of the world at least) by speaking and Massachusetts Constitution
writing the Truth. 1780
In defense of John Peter Zenger, Reason and free inquiry are the only
1735 effectual agents against error.
The question before the Court and you Notes on Virginia
gentlemen of the Jury, is not of small or 1781–1782
private concern, it is not the cause of a
poor Printer, nor of New York alone, For if Men are to be precluded from
which you are now trying: No! It may offering their Sentiments on a matter,
in its consequence, affect every Free- which may involve the most serious and
man that lives under a British Govern- alarming consequences, that can invite
ment on the main of America. It is the the consideration of Mankind, reason
best cause. It is the cause of Liberty. is of no use to us; the freedom of
—ANDREW HAMILTON Speech may be taken away, and, dumb
In defense of John Peter Zenger, and silent we may be led, like sheep, to
1735 the Slaughter.
But none of the means of information Address to the officers of the army,
are more sacred, or have been cher- March 15, 1783
ished with more tenderness and care
by the settlers of America, than the Our liberty depends on the freedom of
press. the press, and that cannot be limited
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) without being lost.
Dissertation on the Canon and the —THOMAS JEFFERSON
Feudal Law Letter to Dr. J. Currie,
1765 1786

As for the freedom of the press, I will Congress shall make no law respecting
tell you what it is: the liberty of the press an establishment of religion, or prohib-
is that a man may print what he pleases iting the free exercise thereof; or abridg-
without license. As long as it remains ing the freedom of speech, or of the
so, the liberty of the press is not re- press; or the right of the people peace-
strained. ably to assemble, and to petition the
—WILLIAM MURRAY, English jurist Government for a redress of griev-
(1705–1793) ances.
Justice charge to the jury —CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES
in the trial of H. W. Woodfall, Amendment 1, The Bill of Rights
1772 (1787)

For instance, the liberty of the press, stitution, they retain those rights which
which has been a copious subject of they have not expressly delegated. It is
declamation and opposition: what con- a question whether what is thus retained
trol can proceed from the federal gov- can be legislated upon. Opinions are not
ernment, to shackle or destroy that sa- the objects of legislation. You
cred palladium of national freedom? … animadvert on the abuse of reserved
the proposed system possesses no in- rights—how far will this go? It may
fluence whatever upon the press; and extend to the liberty of speech and the
it would have been merely nugatory, to press.
have introduced a formal declaration —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
upon the subject; nay, that very decla- Speech in Congress,
ration might have been construed to November 27, 1794
imply that some degree of power was
given, since we undertook to define its It must be seen that no two principles
extent. can be either more indefensible in rea-
—JAMES WILSON (1741–1798) son, or more dangerous in practice—
Address in Philadelphia, than that 1. arbitrary denunciations may
1787 punish, what the law permits, & what
the Legislature has no right, by law, to
Were it left to me to decide whether prohibit—and that 2. the Government
we should have a government without may stifle all censures whatever on its
newspapers, or newspapers without misdoings; for if it be itself the Judge it
government, I should not hesitate a will never allow any censures to be just,
moment to prefer the latter. and if it can suppress censures flow-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON ing from one lawful source it may those
Letter to Colonel Edward Carrington, flowing from any other—from the
January 16, 1787 press and from individuals as well as
from Societies.
I confess I do not see in what cases —JAMES MADISON
the Congress can, with any pretense To James Monroe,
of right, make a law to suppress the December 4, 1794
freedom of the press.
—RICHARD HENRY LEE (1732–1794) To preserve the freedom of the human
Letters of the Federal Farmer mind … and the freedom of the press,
1788 every spirit should be ready to devote
itself to martyrdom; for as long as we
No government ought to be without may think as we will, and speak as we
censors, and, where the press is free, think the condition of man will proceed
no one ever will. in improvement.
Letter to George Washington, Letter to William Green Mumford,
1792 June 18, 1799

When the people have formed a con- To the press alone, chequered as it is

with abuses, the world is indebted for to form a correct judgment between
all the triumphs which have been gained them.
by reason and humanity over error and —THOMAS JEFFERSON
oppression. Letter to Judge John Taylor,
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions,
1799 The liberty of the press consists, in my
idea, in publishing the truth, from good
It is better to leave a few of its [the motives and for justifiable ends, though
press’s] noxious branches to their luxu- it reflect on the government, on magis-
riant growth, than by pruning them trates, or individuals. If it be not al-
away, to injure the vigor of those yield- lowed, it excludes the privilege of can-
ing the proper fruits. vassing men, and our rulers. It is in vain
—JAMES MADISON to say, you may canvass measures. This
“Report on The Virginia Resolutions” is impossible without the right of look-
1799–1800 ing to men.
So great is the influence of the infor- People v. Croswell,
mation communicated from the press, February 13, 1804
in the formation of public opinion, that
it ought not, it cannot be viewed with While we deny that Congress has a right
indifference by any, who are friendly to control the freedom of the press, we
to public happiness. have ever asserted the right of the states,
—ZEPHANIAH SWIFT MOORE (1770–1820) and their exclusive right, to do so.
“Oration on the Anniversary of the —THOMAS JEFFERSON
Independence of the United States” Letter to Abigail Adams,
1802 1804

I have therefore long thought that a few The press, confined to truth, needs no
prosecutions of the most prominent of- other legal restraint; the public judgment
fenders would have a wholesome ef- will correct false reasonings and opinions,
fect. on a full hearing of all parties; and no other
—THOMAS JEFFERSON definite line can be drawn between the
Letter from Jefferson to Thomas inestimable liberty of the press and its
McKean, supporting trials of newspa- demoralizing licentiousness.
per publishers for seditious libel, —THOMAS JEFFERSON
February 19, 1803 Second Inaugural Address,
March 4, 1805
The firmness with which the people
have withstood the late abuses of the Nothing can now be believed which is
press, the discernment they have mani- seen in a newspaper.
fested between truth and falsehood, —THOMAS JEFFERSON
show that they may safely be trusted Letter to J. Norville,
to hear everything true and false, and 1805

I deplore with you the putrid state into takes all patiently, defends courageously,
which our newspapers have passed, and and continues a friend unchangeably.
the malignity, the vulgarity, & mendacious —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
spirit of those who write for them. Some Fruits of Solitude
To Walter Jones,
January 2, 1814 Friends are true twins in soul; they
sympathize in every thing, and have the
If there is ever an amelioration of the same love and aversion.
condition of mankind, philosophers, —WILLIAM PENN
theologians, legislators, politicians and Some Fruits of Solitude
moralists will find that the regulation 1693
of the press is the most difficult, dan-
gerous and important problem they In short, choose a friend as thou dost a
have to resolve. Mankind cannot now wife, till death separate you.
be governed without it, nor at present —WILLIAM PENN
with it. Some Fruits of Solitude
To James Lord,
February 11, 1815 There can be no friendship where there
is no freedom. Friendship loves a free
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, air, and will not be penned up in straight
in a state of civilization, it expects what and narrow enclosures. It will speak
never was and never will be. The func- freely, and act so too; and take nothing
tionaries of every government have pro- ill, where no ill is meant; nay, where it
pensities to command at will the liberty is, it will easily forgive …
and property of their constituents. There —WILLIAM PENN
is no safe deposit for these but with Some Fruits of Solitude
the people themselves; nor can they be 1693
safe with them without information.
Where the press is free … all is safe. A true friend is the best possession.
Letter to Colonel Charles Yancey, Poor Richard’s Almanack
January 6, 1816 1744

The only security of all is in a free press. A false friend and a shadow attend only
—THOMAS JEFFERSON while the sun shines.
Letter to Marquis de Lafayette, —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
1823 Poor Richard’s Almanack
Yet it is left to every man as he comes
A true friend unbosoms freely, advises of age to choose what society he will
justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, continue to belong to. Nay, if one has a

mind to turn hermit, and after he has Counterfeit alone that needs Ornament
been born, nursed, and brought up in and ostentation.
the arms of society, and acquired the —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
habits and passions of social life is wil- To William Bradford,
ing to run the risk of starving alone, April 28, 1773
which is generally most unavoidable in
a state of hermitage, who shall hinder The intimacy which is contracted in
him? I know of no human law founded infancy, and the friendship which is
on the law of nature to restrain him formed in misfortune, are, of all oth-
from separating himself from all the ers, the most lasting and unalterable.
species if he can find it in his heart to —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
leave them, unless it should be said it is Common Sense
against the great law of self-preserva- 1776
tion: but of this every man will think
himself his own judge. Be courteous to all, but intimate with
—JAMES OTIS (1725–1783) few, and let those few be well tried
The Rights of the British Colonies before you give them your confi-
Asserted and Proved dence.
1764 —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
To Bushrod Washington,
If you would know any man’s affec- January 15, 1783
tion towards you, consult his behavior;
that is the best evidence of a virtuous Life is of no value but as it brings us
mind. Though a person’s professions be gratifications. Among the most valuable
ever so voluminous, and his zeal ever of these is rational society. It informs
so noisy, yet he is not entitled to our the mind, sweetens the temper, cheers
esteem, but only civility; for profession our spirits, and promotes health.
is but the shadow of friendship, and —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
saying is not proving. If a person would To James Madison,
be considered in the character of a February 20, 1784
friend, let it appear by generous and
friendly actions; for that is the only tes- To correspond with those I love is
timony upon which we may safely among my highest gratifications.
ground our esteem. If a man professes —GEORGE WASHINGTON
friendship one day and proves himself To Henry Knox,
an enemy the next, why should I give January 5, 1785
credit to one who so effectually con-
tradicts himself? Friendship is but another name for an
—NATHANIEL GREENE (1742–1786) alliance with the follies & the misfortunes
To Samuel Ward, Jr., of others. Our own share of miseries is
1772 sufficient: why enter then as volunteers
into those of another? … A friend dies or
Friendship like all Truth delights in leaves us: we feel as if a limb was cut
plainness and simplicity and It is the off. He is sick: we must watch over him,

& participate of his pains. … He loses —GEORGE WASHINGTON

a child, a parent or a partner: we must To Gouverneur Morris,
mourn the loss as if it was our own. December 22, 1795
To Maria Cosway, I find friendship to be like wine, raw
October 12, 1786 when new, ripened with age,the true
old man’s milk & restorative cordial.
[F]riendship is precious, not only in the —THOMAS JEFFERSON
shade, but in the sunshine of life; and To Benjamin Rush,
thanks to a benevolent arrangement of August 17, 1811
things, the greater part of life is sunshine.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON A line from my good old friends is like
Letter to Maria Cosway, balm to my soul.
October 12, 1786 —THOMAS JEFFERSON
To Nathan Macon,
The friendships contracted earliest in November 23, 1821
life, are those which stand by us the
longest. FUTURE
To Elizabeth Blair Thompson, I must soon quit the scene, but you may
January 19, 1787 live to see our country flourish; as it
will amazingly and rapidly after the war
I am always distressed at closing a letter, is over; like a field of young Indian corn,
because it seems like taking leave of my which long fair weather and sunshine
friends after a parting conversation. had enfeebled and discolored, and which
—THOMAS PAINE in that weak state, by a sudden gust of
To Kitty Nicholson Few, violent wind, hail, and rain, seemed to be
1789 threatened with absolute destruction; yet
the storm being past, it recovers fresh
Trouble is a pleasure when it is to serve verdure, shoots up with double vigor, and
our friends living or dead. delights the eye not of its owners only,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON but of every observing traveler.
To Elizabeth Wayles Eppes, —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
May 15, 1791 Letter to George Washington,
March 5, 1780
I am become so unprofitable a corre-
spondent, and so remiss in my corres- I like the dreams of the future better
pondencies, that nothing but the kindness than the history of the past.
of my friends in overlooking these defi- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
ciencies could induce them to favor me Letter to John Adams,
with a continuance of their letters. August 1, 1816

ABRAHAM ALFONSE ALBERT votaries. It is the child of avarice, the
GALLATIN brother of iniquity, and father of mis-
[A] man of most singular sagacity and —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
penetration; he could read the very To Bushrod Washington,
thoughts of men in their faces and de- January 15, 1783
velop their designs; a man of few
words, made no promises but to real In a world which furnishes so many
favorites [who] ever sought to enhance employments which are useful, and so
his own interest, power, and aggran- many which are amusing, it is our own
disement by the most insatiate avarice fault if we ever know what ennui is, or
on the very vitals of the unsuspecting if we are ever driven to the miserable
nation. resource of gaming, which corrupts our
—WILLIAM DUANE (1760–1835) dispositions, and teaches us a habit of
In Aurora, hostility against all mankind.
September 3, 1811 —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
To Martha Jefferson,
Gallatin is a man of first-rate talents, May 21, 1787
conscious and vain of them, tortuous
in his paths, born in Europe, disguising I recollect there is a billiard table near
and yet betraying a supercilious preju- you; let me warn you against it. A pas-
dice of European superiority of intel- sion of this kind will controul [sic] as it
lect, and holding principles pliable to always has every other. If it seizes you,
circumstances, occasionally mistaking yr. clients money will not be safe in yr.
the left for the right-handed wisdom. hands.
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) —JAMES MONROE (1758–1831)
Diary entry, To his brother Joseph,
November 1821 June 16, 1794


Avoid Gaming. This is a vice which is However strongly the passionate poli-
productive of every possible evil; equally tics of the moment may operate, the
injurious to the morals and health of its politics that arise from geographical

situation are the most certain, and will See the wonderous works of Provi-
in all cases finally prevail. dence! The uncertainty of human
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) things!
Age of Reason, I —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
1794 To Robert Jackson,
August 2, 1755
There is a destiny which has the sov-
I pitched upon this place, not only for ereign control of our actions, not to be
the pleasantness of the situation, but resisted by the strongest efforts of hu-
because … I thought it healthy; for it is man nature.
sheltered from the western and south- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
ern winds by vast woods of pine-trees. To Sarah Cary (Sally) Fairfax,
Letter, If we believe the power of hell to be
February 20, 1733 limited, we must likewise believe that
their agents are under some providen-
GOD & PROVIDENCE tial control.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
[A]s it is some men’s duty to plow, The Crisis
some to sow, some to water, and some 1776
to reap; so it is the wisdom as well as
duty of a man, to yield to the mind of The determinations of Providence are
providence, and cheerfully, as well as always wise, often inscrutable, and
carefully, embrace and follow the guid- though its decrees appear to bear hard
ance of it. upon us at times, is nevertheless meant
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) for gracious purposes.
A Letter from William Penn —GEORGE WASHINGTON
1683 To Bryan Fairfax,
March 1, 1778
Glorious Things are spoken of Thee,
O thou City of God, whose Street be in The Hand of providence has been so
thee, O New England; The interpreta- conspicuous in all this, that he must be
tion of it, be unto you, O American worse than an infidel that lacks faith,
Colonies... There are many Arguments and more than wicked, that has not
to persuade us That our Glorious Lord gratitude enough to acknowledge his
will have an Holy City in America; a obligations.
City, the street whereof shall be Pure —GEORGE WASHINGTON
Gold… To Thomas Nelson,
—COTTON MATHER (1663–1728) August 20, 1778
“Theopolis Americana” Sermon
(“God’s City: America”), Is there then no superintending power
1701 who conducts the moral operations of

the world, as well as the physical? The power of which all things exist, and this
same sublime hand which guides the first cause man calls God.
planets round the sun with so much —THOMAS PAINE
exactness, which preserves the ar- Age of Reason
rangement of the whole with such ex- 1794
alted wisdom and paternal care, and
prevents the vast system from falling The only idea man can affix to the name
into confusion; doth it abandon man- of God, is, that of a first cause, the
kind to all the errors, the follies, and cause of all things. And incomprehen-
the miseries, which their most frantic sibly difficult as it is for man to con-
rage, and their most dangerous vices ceive what a first cause is, he arrives
and passions can produce? at the belief of it, from the tendfold
—MICHEL GUILLAUME JEAN DE greater difficulty of disbelieving it.
Letters From an American Farmer Age of Reason
1782 1794

A State, I cheerfully admit, is the no- [It] is not for man to scan the wisdom
blest work of Man: But Man, himself, of Providence. The best he can do is to
free and honest, is, I speak as to this submit to its decrees.
world, the noblest work of God. —GEORGE WASHINGTON
—JAMES WILSON (1742–1798) To Henry Knox,
Chisholm v. Georgia March 2, 1797
February 18, 1793
A man does not serve God when he
I believe in one God, and no more; and prays, for it is himself he is trying to
I hope for happiness beyond this life. serve … but instead of buffeting the
—THOMAS PAINE Deity with prayers as if I distrusted him
Age of Reason or must dictate to him, I reposed my-
1794 self on his protection; and you, my
friend, will find, even in your last mo-
It is difficult beyond the power of man ments, more consolation in the silence
to conceive an eternal duration of what of resignation than in the murmuring
we call time; but it is more impossible wish of prayer.
to conceive a time when there shall be —THOMAS PAINE
no time. In like manner of reasoning, To Samuel Adams,
every thing we behold carries in itself January 1, 1803
the internal evidence that it did not make
itself …; and it is the conviction arising This belief in a God All Powerful wise
from this evidence, that carries us on, and good, is so essential to the moral
as it were, by necessity, to the belief of order of the world and to the happi-
a first cause eternally existing, of a na- ness of man, that arguments which
ture totally different to any material enforce it cannot be drawn from too
existence we know of, and by the many sources nor adapted with too

much solicitude to the different char- How easy it is to abuse truth and lan-
acters and capacities to be impressed guage, when men, by habitual wick-
with it. … This finiteness of the Hu- edness, have learned to set justice at
man understanding betrays itself on all defiance.
subjects, but more especially when it —THOMAS PAINE
contemplates such as involve infinity. “Common Sense on George III’s
What may safely be said seems to be, Speech”
that the infinity of time and space forces 1782
itself on our conception, a limitation of
either being inconceivable: that the When great evils happen, I am in the
mind prefers at once the idea of a self habit of looking out for what good may
existing cause to that of an infinite se- arise from them as consolations to us;
ries of cause and effect, which argu- and Providence has in fact so established
ments, instead of avoiding the diffi- the order of things as that most evils
culty: and that it finds more facility in are the means of producing some good.
assenting to the self existence of an in- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
visible cause possessing infinite power, To Benjamin Rush,
wisdom and goodness, than to the self September 23, 1800
existence of the universe, visibly desti-
tute of those attributes, and which may It is the melancholy law of human so-
be the effect of them. cieties to be compelled sometimes to
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) choose a great evil in order to ward off
To Frederick Beasley, a greater.
November 29, 1825 —THOMAS JEFFERSON
To William Short,
GOOD & EVIL November 28, 1814

We often see stones hang with drops GOVERNMENT

not from any innate moisture, but from
a thick air about them; so may we Were we directed from Washington
sometime see marble-hearted sinners when to sow, & when to reap, we
seem full of contrition, but it is not from should soon want bread.
any dew of grace within but from some —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
black clouds that impends them, which From The Writings of Thomas Jefferson,
produces these sweating effects. edited by Paul L. Ford,
—ANNE BRADSTREET (c. 1612–1672) Date of quote unknown
Meditations Divine and Moral
c. 1600 Governments, like clocks, go from the
motion men give them, and as govern-
A bad cause will ever be supported by ments are made and moved by men, so
bad means and bad men. by them they are ruined too. Where-
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) fore governments rather depend upon
The Crisis men, than men upon governments. Let
1777 men be good, and the government can-

not be bad; if it be ill, they will cure it. [O]ut of society every man is his own
But if men be bad, let the government king, does what he lists, at his own peril.
be never so good, they will endeavour But when he comes to incorporate him-
to warp and soil it to their turn. self, he submits that royalty to the
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) conveniency of the whole, from whom
Preface to the First Frame of Govern- he receives the returns of protection.
ment for Pennsylvania, which was So that he is not now his own judge
formally adopted in England, nor avenger, neither is his antagonist,
April 25, 1682 but the law, in indifferent hands be-
tween both. …Thus while we are not
Government is an expedient against our own, every body is ours, and we
confusion; a restraint upon all disorder; get more than we lose, the safety of
just weights and an even balance: that the society being the safety of the par-
one may not injure another, nor him- ticulars that constitute it. So that while
self, by intemperance. we seem to submit to, and hold all we
—WILLIAM PENN have from society, it is by society that
An Essay Towards the Present and we keep what we have.
Future Peace of Europe —WILLIAM PENN
1693 An Essay Towards the Present and
Future Peace of Europe
Government then is the prevention or cure 1693
of disorder, and the means of justice, as
that is of peace: For this cause they have Let the people think they govern, and
sessions, terms, assizes and parliaments, they will be governed.
to overrule men’s passions and resent- —WILLIAM PENN
ments, that they may not be judges in Some Fruits of Solitude
their own cause, nor punishers of their 1693
own wrongs, which as it is very incident
to men in their corrupt state, so for that Three things contribute much to ruin
reason, they would observe no measure; government: looseness, oppression and
nor on the other hand would any be eas- envy. Where the reins of government
ily reduced to their duty. Not that men are too slack, there the manners of
know not what is right, their excesses, the people are corrupted: and that
and wherein they are to blame; by no destroys industry, begets effiminacy,
means, nothing is plainer to them; but so and provokes heaven against it. Op-
depraved is human nature, that without pression makes a poor country and a
compulsion, some way or other, too many desperate people, who always wait an
would not readily be brought to do what opportunity to change. He that ruleth
they know is right and fit, or avoid what over men must be just, ruling in the fear
they are satisfied they should not do. of God, said an old and wise king. Envy
—WILLIAM PENN disturbs and distracts government,
An Essay Towards the Present and clogs the wheels, and perplexes the
Future Peace of Europe administration; and nothing contributes
1693 more to this disorder, than a partial dis-

tribution of rewards and punishments We are therefore brought exactly to the

in the sovereign. same point at last, whether we consider
—WILLIAM PENN government as it is originally an appoint-
Some Fruits of Solitude ment of Heaven, or, more immediately,
1693 the voluntary choice of men. The se-
curity and happiness of all the mem-
I shall consider man in a state of natu- bers composing the political body must
ral being, as a freeborn subject under be the design and end thereof, consid-
the crown of Heaven, and owing hom- ered in both these lights.
age to none but God himself. It is cer- —JONATHAN MAYHEW (1720–1776)
tain civil government in general is a Election sermon,
very desirable result of Providence, 1754
and an incomparable benefit to man-
kind, yet must needs be acknowledged The body politic, like the human body,
to be the effect of human free-com- begins to die from its birth, and bears
pacts and not of divine institution; it is in itself the causes of its destruction.
the produce of man’s reason, of hu- —JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU (1712–1778)
man and rational combinations, and not The Social Contract, III
from any direct orders of infinite wis- 1762
dom, in any positive law wherein is
drawn up this or that scheme of civil If life, liberty, and property could be
government. enjoyed in as great perfection in soli-
—JOHN WISE (1652–1725) tude as in society there would be no need
A Vindication of the Government of of government. But the experience of ages
New England Churches has proved that such is the nature of man,
1717 a weak, imperfect being, that the valu-
able ends of life cannot be obtained with-
The end of all good government is to out the union and assistance of many.
cultivate humanity, and promote the —JAMES OTIS (1725–1783)
happiness of all, and the good of every The Rights of the British Colonies
man in all his rights, his life, liberty, Asserted and Proved
estate, honor, etc., without injury or 1764
abuse done to any.
—JOHN WISE [T]ho’ it is also admitted that the secu-
A Vindication of the Government of rity of property is one end of govern-
New England Churches ment, but that of little estimation even
1717 in the view of a miser when life and lib-
erty of locomotion and further accumu-
The good-will of the governed will be lation are placed in competition, it must
starved if not fed by the good deeds of be a very absurd way of speaking to
the governors. assert that one end of government is
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) the foundation of government … [the
Poor Richard’s Almanack people delegate power to government
1753 only to serve “the good of the whole”]

The end of government being the good of the governed is so obviously the de-
of mankind, points out its great duties: sign and end of civil government, that
It is above all things to provide for the to attempt a logical proof of it would
security, the quiet, and happy enjoyment be like burning tapers at noonday, to
of life, liberty, and property. There is assist the sun in enlightening the world.
not one act which a government can —JOHN HANCOCK (1737–1793)
have a right to make, that does not tend Boston Massacre Oration,
to the advancement of the security, March 5, 1774
tranquility and prosperity of the people.
—JAMES OTIS Those who bear equally the burdens of
The Rights of the British Colonies government should equally participate
Asserted and Proved of its benefits.
Address to Lord Dunmore,
For who are a free people? Not those, 1775
over whom government is reasonably
and equitably exercised, but those, who To form a new government requires
live under a government so constitu- infinite care and unbounded attention;
tionally checked and controlled, that for if the foundation is badly laid, the
proper provision is made against its superstructure must be bad.
being otherwise exercised. —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
—JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794) To John Augustine Washington,
Political Writings May 31, 1776
That government is, or ought to be in-
Mankind being formed into society, the stituted for the common benefit, pro-
moral obligation they are under to civil tection, and security of the people, na-
government will appear from the same tion, or community … and that when
principle, as being necessary to secure any government shall be found inad-
to them those natural rights and privi- equate or contrary to these purposes, a
leges which are essential to their hap- majority of the community hath an in-
piness. Life, liberty, and property, are dubitable, unalienable, and indefeasible
the gifts of the creator, on the unmo- right to reform, alter or abolish it, in
lested enjoyment of which their happi- such manner as shall be judged condu-
ness chiefly depends: yet they are such cive to the publick weal.
an imperfect set of beings that they are —GEORGE MASON (1725–1792)
liable to have these invaded by one an- Draft of Virginia Declaration of Rights,
other: But the preservation of them in June 12, 1776
every fit method is evidently their duty.
—DANIEL SHUTE (1722–1802) A government of our own is our natu-
An Election Sermon, ral right.
1768 —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Common Sense
Security to the persons and properties 1776

Government, like dress, is the badge likely to approve of any political insti-
of lost innocence; the palaces of kings tution which is founded on it.
are built upon the ruins of the bowers —JOHN ADAMS
of paradise. Thoughts on Government
Common Sense
1776 That, as a republic is the best of gov-
ernments, so that particular arrange-
Society in every state is a blessing, but ments of the powers of society, or, in
government, even in its best state, is other words, that form of government
but a necessary evil; in its worst state, which is best contrived to secure an
an intolerable one. impartial and exact execution of the
—THOMAS PAINE laws, is the best of republics.
Common Sense —JOHN ADAMS
1776 Thoughts on Government
I draw my idea of the form in govern-
ment from a principle in nature which That no free government, or the bless-
no art can overturn, viz., That the more ings of liberty, can be preserved to any
simple anything is, the less liable it is to people, but by a firm adherence to jus-
be disordered, and the easier repaired tice, moderation, temperance, frugal-
when disordered. … the constitution of ity and virtue, and by frequent recur-
England is so exceedingly complex, rence to fundamental principles.
that the nation may suffer for years —ANONYMOUS
together without being able to discover Virginia Declaration of Rights,
in which part the fault lies. Some will 1776
say in one and some in another, and
every political physician will advise a That instability is inherent in the nature
different medicine. of popular government, I think very
—THOMAS PAINE disputable; unstable democracy is an
Common Sense epithet frequently in the mouths of poli-
1776 ticians; but I believe that from a strict
examination of the matter, from the
The happiness of society is the end of records of history, it will be found that
government. the fluctuations of governments in
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) which the popular principle has borne
Thoughts on Government a considerable sway has proceeded
1776 from its being compounded with other
principles; and from its being made to
Fear is the foundation of most govern- operate in an improper channel. Com-
ments; but it is so sordid and brutal a pound governments, though they may
passion, and renders men in whose be harmonious in the beginning, will
breasts it predominates so stupid and introduce different interests; and these
miserable, that Americans will not be interests will clash, throw the state into

convulsions, and produce a change or The form of government best calcu-

dissolution. lated for preserving liberty in time of
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) peace, is not the best form for con-
To Robert R. Livingston, ducting the operations of war.
March 19, 1777 —THOMAS PAINE
On the Affairs of Pennsylvania
The people at large are governed much 1786
by custom.
—GEORGE WASHINGTON The views of the governed are often
To Henry Laurens, materially different from those who
December 15, 1777 govern. The science of policy is the
knowledge of human nature.
A narrow system of politics, like a nar- —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
row system of religion, is calculated Constitutional Convention,
only to sour the temper, and live at vari- June 22, 1787
ance with mankind.
—THOMAS PAINE Even to observe neutrality you must
The Crisis have a strong government.
Constitutional Convention,
Politics to be executively right, must June 29, 1787
have a unity of means and time, and a
defect in either overthrows the whole. [T]he good people of the U. States in
—THOMAS PAINE their late generous contest, contended
The Crisis for free government in the fullest,
1777 clearest, and strongest sense. That they
had no idea of being brought under des-
A frequent recurrence to the fundamen- potic rule under the notion of “Strong
tal principles of the constitution, and a Government,” or in the form of elec-
constant adherence to those of piety, tive despotism: Chains being still Chains,
justice, moderation, temperance, indus- whether made of gold or iron. The cor-
try and frugality, are absolutely neces- rupting nature of power, and its insa-
sary to preserve the advantages of lib- tiable appetite for increase … [makes
erty, and to maintain a free government. amendments necessary to safeguard
—ANONYMOUS natural rights].
Massachusetts Bill of Rights —RICHARD HENRY LEE (1732–1794)
1780 To Samuel Adams,
October 1787
The legitimate powers of government
extend to such acts only as are injuri- Government, indeed, taken as a science,
ous to others. may yet be considered in its infancy;
—THOMAS JEFFERSON and with all its various modifications,
Notes on the State of Virginia it has hitherto been the result of force,
1784 fraud, or accident. For, after the lapse

of six thousand years since the creation Nothing is more certain than the indis-
of the world, America now presents the pensable necessity of government, and
first instance of a people assembled to it is equally undeniable, that whenever
weigh deliberately and calmly, and to and however it is instituted, the people
decide leisurely and peacably, upon the must cede to it some of their natural
form of government by which they will rights, in order to vest it with requisite
bind themselves and their posterity. powers.
—JAMES WILSON (1742–1798) —JOHN JAY (1745–1829)
Opening Address, Pennsylvania The Federalist Papers
Ratifying Convention, 1787
November 24, 1787
Government implies the power of mak-
I consider the people of the United ing laws. It is essential to the idea of a
States as forming one great commu- law, that is to be attended with a sanc-
nity; and I consider the people of the tion; or, in other words, a penalty or
different states as forming communi- punishment for disobedience.
ties, again, on a lesser scale. From this —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
great division of the people into dis- The Federalist Papers
tinct communities, it will be found 1787
necessary that different proportions of
legislative powers should be given to Every government ought to contain in it-
the governments, according to the na- self the means of its own preservation.
ture, number, and magnitude of their —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
objects. The Federalist Papers
Pennsylvania Ratification Convention,
November 26, 1787 Consent of the people [is the] pure,
original fountain of all legitimate au-
A free government has often been com- thority.
pared to a pyramid. This allusion is made —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
with peculiar propriety in the system The Federalist Papers
before you; it is laid on the broad basis 1787
of the people; its powers gradually rise,
while they are confined, in proportion A government, the constitution of which
as they ascend, until they end in that renders it unfit to be trusted with all
most permanent of all forms. When you the powers which a free people ought
examine all its parts, they will invari- to delegate to any government, would
ably be found to preserve that essential be an unsafe and improper depositary
mark of free governments—a chain of of the national interests.
connection with the people. —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
—JAMES WILSON The Federalist Papers
Summation and Final Rebuttal, 1787
Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention,
December 11, 1787 A government ought to contain in itself

every power requisite to the full accom- zens, equally the friends of public and
plishment of the objects committed to private faith, and of public and personal
its care … free from every other con- liberty; that our governments are to [be]
trol but a regard to the public good and unstable; that the public good is disre-
to the sense of the people. garded in the conflicts of rival parties;
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON and that measures are too often decided,
The Federalist Papers not according to the rules of justice,
1787 and the rights of the minor party; but
by the superior force of an interested
If mankind were to resolve to agree in and overbearing majority. … It will be
no institution of government, until ev- found indeed, on a candid review of
ery part of it had been adjusted to the our situation, that some of the dis-
most exact standard of perfection, so- tresses under which we labour, have
ciety would soon become a general been erroneously charged on the op-
scene of anarchy, and the world a eration of our governments; but it will
desert. Where is the standard of per- be found at the same time that other
fection to be found? Who will under- causes will not alone account for many
take to unite the discordant opinions of of our heaviest misfortunes; and par-
a whole community … and to prevail ticularly, for that prevailing and increas-
upon one conceited projector to re- ing distrust of public engagements, and
nounce his INFALLIBLE criterion for alarm for private rights, which are ech-
the FALLIBLE criterion of his more oed from one end of the continent to
CONCEITED NEIGHBOR? the other. These must be chiefly, if not
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON wholly, effects of the unsteadiness and
The Federalist Papers injustice, with which a factious spirit
1787 has tainted our public administration.
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
The true test of a good government is The Federalist Papers
its aptitude and tendency to produce a 1787
good administration.
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON The natural progress of things is for
The Federalist Papers liberty to yield and government to gain
1787 ground.
Why has government been instituted at Letter to Edward Carrington,
all? Because the passions of men will May 27, 1788
not conform to the dictates of reason
and justice, without constraint. Governments destitute of energy, will
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON ever produce anarchy.
The Federalist Papers —JAMES MADISON
1787 Speech to Virginia Convention,
June 7, 1788
Complaints are every where heard from
our most considerate and virtuous citi- There never was a government with-

out force. What is the meaning of gov- in the old world that the people were
ernment? An institution to make people made for kings, not kings for the people.
do their duty. A government leaving it to Is the same doctrine to be revived in
a man to do his duty, or not, as he pleases, the new, in another shape, that the solid
would be a new species of government, happiness of the people is to be sacri-
or rather no government at all. ficed to the views of political institutions
—JAMES MADISON of different form? It is too early for poli-
Speech in the Virginia Ratifying ticians to presume on our forgetting that
Convention, the public good, the real welfare of the
June 16, 1788 great body of the people is the supreme
object to be pursued; and that no form
I will venture to assert that no combi- of government whatever, has any other
nation of designing men under Heaven value, than as it may be fitted for the
will be capable of making a government attainment of this object.
unpopular which is in its principles a —JAMES MADISON
wise and good one, and vigorous in its The Federalist Papers
operations. 1788
Debates and Proceedings of the In all great changes of established gov-
Convention of the State of New York, ernments, forms ought to give way to
June 17, 1788 substance.
It is a melancholy reflection that liberty The Federalist Papers
should be equally exposed to danger 1788
whether the Government have too
much or too little power. Energy in government is essential to that
—JAMES MADISON security against external and internal
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, danger, and to that prompt and salu-
October 17, 1788 tary execution of the laws which enter
into the very definition of good gov-
A certain degree of impartiality or the ernment. Stability in government is
appearance of it, is necessary in the essential to national character and to the
most despotic Governments. In repub- advantages annexed to it, as well as to
lics, this may be considered as the vital that repose and confidence in the minds
principle of the Administration. And in of the people, which are among the
a federal Republic founded on local dis- chief blessings of civil society.
tinctions involving local jealousies, it —JAMES MADISON
ought to be attended to with a still more The Federalist Papers
scrupulous exactness. 1788
To Edmund Pendleton, What is government itself, but the great-
October 20, 1788 est of all reflections on human nature?
If men were angels, no government
We have heard of the impious doctrine would be necessary. If angels were to

govern men, neither external nor inter- for choice, and never experience that
nal controls on government would be want of proper persons which is not un-
necessary. In framing a government common in some of the states. Hence,
which is to be administered by men over it will result that the administration, the
men, the great difficulty lies in this; you political counsels, and the judicial deci-
must first enable the government to sions of the national government will
control the governed; and in the next be more wise, systematical, and judi-
place oblige it to control itself. cious than those of individual states, and
—JAMES MADISON consequently more satisfactory with
The Federalist Papers respect to other nations, as well as more
1788 safe with respect to us.
Justice is the end of government. It is The Federalist Papers
the end of civil society. It ever has been 1788
and ever will be pursued until it be ob-
tained, or until liberty be lost in the pur- Government will always take its com-
suit. plexion from the habits of the people—
—JAMES MADISON habits are continually changing from
The Federalist Papers age to age—a body of legislators taken
1788 from the people, will generally repre-
sent these habits at the time when they
A good government implies two things: are chosen—hence these two impor-
fidelity to the object of government, tant conclusions, 1st: That a legislative
which is the happiness of the people; body should be frequently renewed and
secondly, a knowledge of the means by always taken from the people—2nd:
which that object can be best attained. That a government which is perpetual,
—JAMES MADISON or incapable of being accommodated
The Federalist Papers to every change of national habits, must
1788 in time become a bad government.
—NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843)
[W]hen once an efficient national gov- In American Magazine
ernment is established, the best men in 1788
the country will not only consent to
serve, but also will generally be ap- If I recollect right, it was observed by
pointed to manage it; for, although town an honorable member from New York,
or country, or other contracted influ- that this amendment would be an in-
ence, may place men in State assem- fringement of the natural rights of the
blies, or senates, or courts of justice, people. I humbly conceive, if the gentle-
or executive departments, yet more man reflects maturely on the nature of
general and extensive reputation for tal- his argument, he will acknowledge its
ents and other qualifications will be weakness. What is government itself,
necessary to recommend men to of- but a restraint upon the natural rights
fices under the national government, of the people? What constitution was
especially as it will have the widest field ever devised, that did not operate as a

restraint on their original liberties? What To look up to a government that estab-

is the whole system of qualifications, lishes justice, insures order, cherishes
which take place in all free govern- virtue, secures property, and protects
ments, but a restraint? Why is a certain from every species of violence, affords
age made necessary? Why a certain term a pleasure, that can only be exceeded
of citizenship? This constitution itself, by looking up in all circumstances to
Sir, has restraints innumerable. The an overruling providence. Such a plea-
amendment, it is true, may exclude two sure I hope is before us, and our pos-
of the best men: but it can rarely hap- terity under the influence of the new
pen, that the state will sustain any ma- government.
terial loss by this. I hope and believe —BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813)
that we shall always have more than To David Ramsay,
two men, who are capable of discharg- 1788
ing the duty of a senator.
—MELANCTON SMITH (1744–1798) It is time we have a government estab-
New York Ratifying Convention, lished & Washington at its head. But
1788 we are too poor for Monarchy, too wise
for despotism, too dissipated selfish &
Our duty is to frame a government extravagant for Republicanism.
friendly to liberty and the rights of man- —MERCY OTIS WARREN (1728–1814)
kind, which will tend to cherish and To Catharine Macaulay,
cultivate a love of liberty among our September 20, 1789
citizens. If this government becomes
oppressive it will be by degrees: It will The best frame of government is that
aim at its end by disseminating senti- which is most likely to prevent the great-
ments of government opposite to re- est sum of evil.
publicanism; and proceed from step to —JAMES MONROE (1758–1831)
step in depriving the people of a share Observations on the Federal
in the government. Government
New York Ratifying Convention,
1788 That the government, though not ab-
solutely perfect, is one of the best in
The gentleman last on the floor, has the world, I have little doubt.
informed us, that according to his idea —GEORGE WASHINGTON
of a complete representation, the ex- To Catherine Macaulay Graham,
tent of our country is too great for it. January 9, 1790
… I take it [however], that no federal
government is worth having, unless it The consequence is, that the happiness
can provide for the general interests of of society is the first law of every gov-
the United States. ernment. This rule is founded on the
—JOHN JAY law of nature: it must control every
New York Ratifying Convention, political maxim: it must regulate the leg-
1788 islature itself. The people have a right

to insist that this rule be observed; and of our common interests, and wisely
are entitled to demand a moral security containing within itself a provision for
that the legislature will observe it. If they its own amendment as experience may
have not the first [that right], they are point out its errors, seems to promise
slaves; if they have not the second [that everything that can be expected from
moral security], they are, every mo- such an institution; and if supported by
ment, exposed to slavery. wise counsels, by virtuous conduct,
—JAMES WILSON and by mutual and friendly allowances,
Lectures, must approach as near to perfection as
1790–1791 any human work can aspire, and nearer
than any which the annals of mankind
Government, in my humble opinion, have recorded.
should be formed to secure and to en- —JAMES MADISON
large the exercise of the natural rights To George Washington,
of its members; and every government, June 21, 1792
which has not this in view, as its prin-
cipal object, is not a government of the It is time that nations should be ratio-
legitimate kind. nal, and not be governed like animals,
—JAMES WILSON for the pleasure of their riders.
1790–1791 Rights of Man, II
It is not enough to constitute a good
government; it is equally indispens- The strength of government does not
able to adopt such methods as may consist in any thing within itself, but in
assure the permanency of a good gov- the attachment of a nation, and the in-
ernment. terest which the people feel in support-
—THOMAS PAINE ing it. When this is lost, government is
“Answers to Four Questions on but a child in power; and though ... it
Legislative and Executive Powers” may harass individuals for a while, it
1791 but facilitates its own fall.
Man is not the enemy of man, but Rights of Man, II
through the medium of a false system 1792
of Government.
—THOMAS PAINE Governments by precedent, without
Rights of Man any regard to the principle of the pre-
1791 cedent, is one of the vilest systems that
can be set up.
We have established a common Gov- —THOMAS PAINE
ernment, which, being free in its prin- Rights of Man, II
ciples, being founded in our own 1792
choice, being intended as the guardian
of our common rights and the patron The true system of Government con-

sists, not in Kings, but in fair and hon- riot into an insurrection, by employing,
orable Representation. in the first instance, an inadequate
—THOMAS PAINE force. ’Tis far better to err on the other
Speech to the French National side. Whenever the government appears
Convention, in arms, it ought to appear like a Her-
January 15, 1793 cules, and inspire respect by the dis-
play of strength.
There is no resource so firm for the —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
government of the United States as the To James McHenry,
affections of the people guided by an March 18, 1799
enlightened policy.
—GEORGE WASHINGTON A wise and frugal government, which
Fifth Annual Address to Congress, shall restrain men from injuring one
December 3, 1793 another, shall leave them otherwise free
to regulate their own pursuits of indus-
A state, useful and valuable as the con- try and improvement, and shall not take
trivance is, is the inferior contrivance from the mouth of labor the bread it
of man; and from his native dignity has earned. This is the sum of good
derives all its acquired importance. … government, and this is necessary to
Let a state be considered as subordi- close the circle of our felicities.
nate to the people: But let everything —THOMAS JEFFERSON
else be subordinate to the state. First Inaugural Address,
—JAMES WILSON March 4, 1801
Chisholm v. Georgia
1793 The very essense of civil liberty cer-
tainly consists in the right of every in-
The very idea of the power and the right dividual to claim the protection of the
of the people to establish government laws, whenever he receives an injury.
presupposes the duty of every individual One of the first duties of government
to obey established government. is to afford that protection.
Farewell Address, Marbury v. Madison
September 17, 1796 1803

I think every nation has a right to es- That government is the strongest of
tablish that form of government under which every man feels himself a part.
which it conceives it shall live most —THOMAS JEFFERSON
happy, provided it infracts no right or Letter to H. D. Tiffin,
is not dangerous to others. 1807
To Marquis de Lafayette, I estimate the acts of my friends by the
December 25, 1798 intentions only. Being satisfied on that
point I can bear with patience any con-
Beware, my dear sir, of magnifying a sequence which may casually result

from them. I am aware that under free I think we have more machinery of gov-
govt., it is difficult to avoid those of ernment than is necessary, too many
[a] kind … for perhaps no important parasites living on the labor of the in-
good was ever altogether free from dustrious.
some poison of alloy. I am however —THOMAS JEFFERSON
equally aware that the evils which are Letter to Charles Yancey,
incident to the system … even to the 1816
individual who suffers by them, are tri-
fling when compared with the great The principal support of free govern-
bliss which it imparts. ment is to be derived from the sound
—JAMES MONROE morals and intelligence of the people; and
To Thomas Jefferson, the more extensive means of education,
March 22, 1808 the more confidently we may rely upon
the preservation of our public liberties.
The care of human life and happiness, —JAMES MONROE
and not their destruction, is the first and A Narrative of a Tour of Observation
only legitimate object of good govern- 1818
—THOMAS JEFFERSON The government of the Union … is em-
Message to the citizens of Washington phatically, and truly, a government of
County, Maryland, the people. In form and in substance it
March 31, 1809 emanates from them. Its powers are
granted by them, and are to be exercised
A free government with arbitrary directly on them, and for their benefit.
means to administer it is a contradic- —JOHN MARSHALL
tion; a free government without ad- McCulloch v. Maryland
equate provision for personal security 1819
is an absurdity; a free government, with
an uncontrolled power of military con- This government is acknowledged by
scription, is a solecism, at once the most all to be one of enumerated powers. …
ridiculous and abominable that ever But the question respecting the extent
entered into the head of man. of the powers actually granted, is per-
—DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852) petually arising, and will probably con-
Speech, tinue to arise, so long as our system
1811 shall exist.
The only orthodox object of the insti- McCulloch v. Maryland
tution of government is to secure the 1819
greatest degree of happiness possible
to the general mass of those associated The sword and the purse, all the external
under it. relations, and no inconsiderable portion
—THOMAS JEFFERSON of the industry of the nation, are entrusted
To Francis A. Van Der Kemp, to its government … a government en-
March 22, 1812 trusted with such ample powers, on the

due execution of which the happiness A national debt, if it is not excessive,

and prosperity of the nation so vitally will be to us a national blessing.
depends, must also be entrusted with —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
ample means for their execution.The Letter to Robert Morris,
power being given, it is the interest of the April 30, 1781
nation to facilitate its execution. It can
never be their interest, and cannot be The Federal Government should neither
presumed to have been their intention, be independent nor too much depen-
to clog and embarrass its execution. dent. It should neither be raised above
—JOHN MARSHALL responsibility or control, nor should it
McCulloch v. Maryland want the means of maintaining its own
1819 weight, authority, dignity, and credit.
To this end, permanent funds are in-
The free system of government we have dispensable, but they ought to be of
established is so congenial with reason, such a nature and so moderate in their
with common sense, and with a uni- amount as never to be inconvenient.
versal feeling, that it must produce ap- —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
probation and a desire of imitation, as “The Continentalist, No. 6.”
avenues may be found for truth to the July 4, 1782
knowledge of nations.
—JAMES MADISON The maxim of buying nothing without
Letter to Pierre E. Duponceau, the money in our pocket to pay for it,
January 23, 1826 would make of our country one of the
happiest upon earth. Experience dur-
GOVERNMENT SPENDING & ing the war proved this; as I think ev-
PUBLIC DEBT ery man will remember that under all
the privations it obliged him to submit
No nation ought to be without a debt. to during that period he slept sounder,
A national debt is a national bond. and awaked happier than he can do now.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) Desperate of finding relief from a free
Common Sense course of justice, I look forward to the
1776 abolition of all credit as the only other
remedy which can take place.
It is the highest impertinence and pre- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
sumption, therefore, in kings and minis- Letter to Alexander Donald,
ters to pretend to watch over the July 28, 1787
economy of private people, and to restrain
their expense. … They are themselves I go on the principle that a public debt
always, and without any exception, the is a public curse.
greatest spendthrifts in the society. —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
—ADAM SMITH (1723–1790) Letter to Henry Lee,
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes April 13, 1790
of the Wealth of Nations
1776 Public money ought to be touched with

the most scrupulous consciousness of What more is necessary to make us

honor. wise and happy people? Still one thing
—THOMAS PAINE more, fellow citizens—a wise and fru-
Rights of Man gal government, which shall restrain
1792 men from injuring one another, which
shall leave them otherwise free to regu-
As a very important source of strength late their own pursuits of industry and
and security, cherish public credit. One improvement, and shall not take from
method of preserving it is to use it as the mouth of labor the bread it has
sparingly as possible. earned. This is the sum of good gov-
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) ernment, and this is necessary to close
Farewell Address, the circle of our felicities.
September 17, 1796 —THOMAS JEFFERSON
First Inaugural Address,
I wish it were possible to obtain a single March 4, 1801
amendment to our constitution. I would
be willing to depend on that alone for If we can prevent the government from
the reduction of the administration of wasting the labors of the people, under
our government to the genuine principles the pretense of taking care of them,
of its constitution; I mean an additional they must become happy.
article, taking from the federal govern- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
ment the power of borrowing. To Thomas Cooper,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON January 29, 1802
Letter to John Taylor,
November 26, 1798 We are endeavoring, too, to reduce the
government to the practice of a rigor-
I am for a government rigorously fru- ous economy, to avoid burdening the
gal & simple, applying all the possible people, and arming the magistrate with
savings of the pubic revenue to the dis- a patronage of money, which might be
charge of the national debt; and not for used to corrupt and undermine the prin-
a multiplication of officers & salaries ciples of our government.
merely to make partisans, & for in- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
creasing, by every device, the public Letter to Mr. Pictet,
debt, on the principle of its being a pub- February 5, 1803
lic blessing.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON The same prudence which in private life
Letter to Elbridge Gerry, would forbid our paying our own money
January 26, 1799 for unexplained projects, forbids it in the
dispensation of the public moneys.
To contract new debts is not the way —THOMAS JEFFERSON
to pay old ones. Letter to Shelton Giliam,
To James Welch,
April 7, 1799 I, however, place economy among the

first and most important of republican dom; but we necessarily have, at the same
virtues, and public debt as the greatest time, the inconvenience of their collected
of the dangers to be feared. passions, prejudices, and private interests.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON By the help of these, artful men over-
To William Plumer, power their wisdom, and dupe its pos-
July 21, 1816 sessors; and if we may judge by the acts,
arrets, and edicts, all the world over, for
I sincerely believe that banking estab- regulating commerce, an assembly of
lishments are more dangerous than great men is the greatest fool upon earth.
standing armies, and that the principle —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
of spending money to be paid by pos- Letter to Benjamin Vaughan,
terity, under the name of funding, is but July 26, 1784
swindling futurity on a large scale.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON Of all the memorable eras that have
Letter to John Taylor, marked the progress of men from the
May 28, 1816 savage state to the refinements of luxury,
that which has combined them into so-
We must not let our rulers load us with ciety, under a wise system of govern-
perpetual debt. ment, and given form to a nation, has
—THOMAS JEFFERSON ever been recorded and celebrated as the
Letter to Samuel Kercheval, most important. Legislators have ever
July 12, 1816 been deemed the greatest benefactors of
mankind—respected when living, and
It is incumbent on every generation to often deified after their death. Hence the
pay its own debts as it goes—a prin- fame of Fohi and Confucius—of Moses,
ciple which, if acted on, would save Solon and Lycurgus—of Romulus and
one-half the wars of the world. Numa—of Alfred, Peter the Great, and
—THOMAS JEFFERSON Mango Capac; whose names will be cel-
Letter to Destutt Tracy, ebrated through all ages, for framing
1820 and improving constitutions of govern-
ment, which introduced order into so-
The multiplication of public offices, ciety and secured the benefits of law
increase of expense beyond income, to millions of the human race.
growth and entailment of a public debt, —NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843)
are indications soliciting the employ- An Examination into the Leading
ment of the pruning-knife. Principles of the Federal Constitution
—THOMAS JEFFERSON October 17, 1787
To Spencer Roane,
March 9, 1821 Did you ever see a portrait of a great
man without perceiving strong traits of
GREAT MEN & STATESMEN pain and anxiety?
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
We assemble parliaments and councils, Letter to Thomas Jefferson,
to have the benefit of their collected wis- May 6, 1816


Be not tempted to presume by success: O sir, we should have fine times, indeed,
for many that have got largely, have lost if, to punish tyrants, it were only suffi-
all, by coveting to get more. cient to assemble the people! Your arms,
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) wherewith you could defend your-
Some Fruits of Solitude selves, are gone; and you have no longer
1693 an aristrocratical, no longer a democrati-
cal spirit. Did you ever read of any revo-
If thou art clean and warm, it is suffi- lution in a nation, brought about by the
cient, for more doth but rob the poor punishment of those in power, inflicted
and please the wanton. by those who had no power at all?
Some Fruits of Solitude Speech in the Virginia Ratifying
1693 Convention,
June 5, 1778
The generality are the worse for their
plenty. The voluptuous consumes it, the A well regulated militia, being neces-
miser hides it: it is the good man that sary to the security of a free state, the
uses it, and to good purposes. But such right of the people to keep and bear
are hardly found among the prosper- arms, shall not be infringed.
—WILLIAM PENN The Bill of Rights, Amendment 2
Some Fruits of Solitude 1787
Before a standing army can rule, the
If you desire many things, many things people must be disarmed; as they are in
will seem but a few. almost every kingdom of Europe. The
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) supreme power in America cannot en-
Poor Richard’s Almanack force unjust laws by the sword; because
c. 1732 the whole body of the people are armed,
and constitute a force superior to any
To procure tranquility of mind we must band of regular troops that can be, on
avoid desire & fear, the two principal any pretence, raised in the United States.
diseases of the mind. —NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843)
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) An Examination of the Leading
To William Short, Principles of the Federal Constitution
October 31, 1819 1787

ALEXANDER HAMILTON root of the peach, did he labor for
twelve years, underground and in dark-
Hamilton is really a colossus to the anti- ness, to girdle the root, while all the
republican party. Without numbers, he axes of the Anti-Federalists, Demo-
is a host within himself. crats, Jacobins, Virginia debtors to En-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) glish merchants, and French hirelings,
Letter to James Madison, chopping as they were for the whole
September 21, 1795 time at the trunk, could not fell the tree.
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
The publication [of Hamilton’s pam- July 20, 1807
phlet] under all its characters is a curi-
ous specimen of the ingenious folly of HAPPINESS
its author. Next to the error of publish-
ing at all, is that of forgetting that sim- If thou wouldst be happy, bring thy mind
plicity and candor are the only dress to thy condition, and have an indifferency
which prudence would put on inno- for more than what is sufficient.
cence. Here we see every rhetorical —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
artifice employed to excite the spirit of Some Fruits of Solitude
party to prop up his sinking reputation, 1693
and whilst the most exaggerated com-
plaints are uttered against the unfair and Seek not to be rich, but happy. The one
virulent persecutions of himself, he lies in bags, the other in content; which
deals out in every page the most malig- wealth can never give.
nant insinuations, against others. The —WILLIAM PENN
one against you is a masterpiece of folly, Some Fruits of Solitude
because its impotence is in exact pro- 1693
portion to its venom.
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) Roses grow upon briars, which is to
To Thomas Jefferson, signify that all temporal sweets are
October 20, 1797 mixed with bitter. But what seems more
especially to be meant by it is that pure
In this dark and insidious manner did happiness, the crown of glory, is to be
this intriguer lay schemes in secret come at in no other way than by bear-
against me, and, like the worm at the ing Christ’s cross, by a life of mortifi-

cation, self-denial, and labor, and bear- properly exert the means He has be-
ing all things for Christ. stowed upon them.
—JONATHAN EDWARDS (1703–1758) —JAMES IREDELL (1751–1799)
Images or Shadows of Divine Things Essay,
1748 1775

My days have been so wondrous free, For the first and great question, and that
The little birds that fly which involves every other in it, and
With careless ease from tree to tree, from which every other will flow, is
Were but as blest as I, happiness.
Were but as blest as I. —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Ask the gliding waters, The Forester’s Letters
If a tear of mine 1776
Increased their stream,
And ask the breathing gales Our greatest happiness … does not
If ever I lent a sigh to them, depend on the condition of life in which
If I lent a sigh to them. chance has placed us, but is always the
—FRANCIS HOPKINSON (1737–1791) result of a good conscience, good
My Days Have Been So Wondrous Fre e health, occupation and freedom in all
1759 just pursuits.
Kings or parliaments could not give the “Notes on Virginia”
rights essential to happiness. … We 1782
claim them from a higher source—
from the King of kings, and Lord of all Happiness depends more upon the in-
the earth. They are not annexed to us by ternal frame of a person’s own mind
parchments and seals. They are created than on the externals in the world.
in us by the decrees of Providence … It —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
would be an insult on the divine Majesty To Mary Washington,
to say, that he has given or allowed any February 15, 1787
man or body of men a right to make me
miserable. If no man or body of men has A mind always employed is always
such a right, I have a right to be happy. If happy. This is the true secret, the
there can be no happiness without free- grand recipe for felicity.
dom, I have a right to be free. If I cannot —THOMAS JEFFERSON
enjoy freedom without security of prop- To Martha Jefferson,
erty, I have a right to be thus secured. May 21, 1787
—JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794)
Reply to a Committee in Barbados, It is neither wealth nor splendor, but
1766 tranquility and occupation, which give
That Mankind were intended to be —THOMAS JEFFERSON
happy, at least that God Almighty gave Letter to Mrs. A. S. Marks
them power of being so, if they would 1788

Human felicity is produced not so much Health is man’s best wealth.

by great pieces of good fortune that —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
seldom happen, as by little advantages Poor Richard’s Almanack
that occur every day. 1746
Autobiography We are not so sensible of the greatest
1791 health as of the least sickness.
Whatever the apparent cause of any ri- Poor Richard’s Almanack
ots may be, the real one is always want 1747
of happiness.
—THOMAS PAINE Health must not be sacrificed to learn-
Rights of Man, II ing. A strong body makes the mind
1792 strong.
August 19, 1785
Have wholesome, but not costly food,
and be rather cleanly than dainty in or- Knowledge indeed is desirable, a lovely
dering it. possession, but I do not scruple to say
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) that health is more so. It is of little con-
Some Fruits of Solitude sequence to store the mind with sci-
1693 ence if the body be permitted to be-
come debilitated. If the body be feeble,
Eat to live and not live to eat. the mind will not be strong.
Poor Richard’s Almanack To Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr.,
1733 August 27, 1786

To lengthen thy life lessen thy meals. Of all exercises walking is best. … No
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN one knows, till he tries, how easily a
Poor Richard’s Almanack habit of walking is acquired. A person
1733 who never walked three miles will in
the course of a month become able to
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a walk 15 or 20 without fatigue. I have
man healthy, wealthy, and wise. known some great walkers & had par-
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ticular accounts of many more; and I
Poor Richard’s Almanack never knew or heard of one who was
1735 not healthy & long lived. This species
of exercise therefore is much to be ad-
God heals and the doctor takes the fee. vised.
Poor Richard’s Almanack To Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr.,
1736 August 27, 1786

The sovereign invigorator of the body in one year than all the Robin Hoods,
is exercise, and of all the exercises, Cartouches, and Macheaths do in a
walking is best. century.
To Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., Letter to Dr. Caspar Wistar,
August 27, 1786 June 21, 1807

With your talents and industry, with HISTORY

science, and that steadfast honesty
which eternally pursues right, regard- A too great inattention to past occur-
less of consequences, you may prom- rences retards and bewilders our judg-
ise yourself every thing—but health, ment in every thing; while, on the con-
without which there is no happiness. trary, by comparing what is past with
An attention to health then should take what is present, we frequently hit on
place of every other object. The time the true character of both, and become
necessary to secure this by active ex- wise with very little trouble. It is a kind
ercises, should be devoted to it in pref- of countermarch, by which we get into
erence to every other pursuit. the rear of Time, and mark the move-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON ments and meanings of things as we
To Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., make our return.
July 6, 1787 —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
The Crisis
Let me recommend the best medicine 1777
in the world: a long journey, at a mild
Season, thro’ a pleasant Country, in easy The history of the earth! doth it present
stages. any thing but crimes of the most hei-
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) nous nature, committed from one end
To Horatio Gates, of the world to the other? We observe
February 23, 1794 avarice, rapine, and murder, equally
prevailing in all parts. History perpetu-
I have yet, I believe, some years in ally tells us, of millions of people aban-
store, for I have a good state of health doned to the caprice of the maddest
and a happy mind, and I take care of princes, and of whole nations devoted
both by nourishing the first with tem- to the blind fury of tyrants. Countries
perance and the latter with abundance. destroyed; nations alternately buried in
This, I believe, you will allow to be the ruins by other nations; some parts of
true philosophy of life. the world beautifully cultivated, returned
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) again to the pristine state; the fruits of
To Samuel Adams, ages of industry, the toil of thousands
January 1, 1803 in a short time destroyed by a few!
The inexperienced and presumptuous CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813)
band of medical tyros let loose upon Letters From an American Farmer
the world destroys more of human life 1782

Wars & contentions indeed fill the pages which it needs regret. The origin and
of history with more matter. But more outset of the American Republic con-
blest is that nation whose silent course tain lessons of which posterity ought
of happiness furnishes nothing for his- not to be deprived: and happy there
tory to say. This is what I ambition for never was a case in which every inter-
my own country. esting incident could be so accurately
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) preserved.
To M. Le Comte Diodati, —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
March 29, 1807 To William Eustis,
July 8, 1819
History, in general, only informs us what
bad government is. History fades into fable; fact becomes
—THOMAS JEFFERSON clouded with doubt and controversy;
Letter to John Norvell, the inscription molders from the tab-
June 14, 1807 let; the statue falls from the pedestal.
Columns, arches, pyramids, what are
It is truly unfortunate that those engaged they but heaps of sand; and their epi-
in public affairs so rarely make notes taphs, but characters written in the
of transactions passing within their dust?
knowledge. Hence history becomes —WASHINGTON IRVING (1783–1859)
fable instead of fact. The great outlines The Sketch Book
may be true, but the incidents and 1820
colouring are according to the faith or
fancy of the writer. I consider the true history of the Ameri-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON can Revolution, and the establishments
To William Writ, of our present Constitution, as lost for-
August 14, 1814 ever; and nothing but misrepresenta-
tions, or partial accounts of it, will ever
A morsel of genuine history is a thing be recovered.
so rare as to be always valuable. —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
—THOMAS JEFFERSON Quoted in Lt. Francis Hall, Travels in
Letter to John Adams, Canada and the United States
September 8, 1817 in 1816 and 1817
I feel a much greater interest in knowing
what passed two or three thousand years No studies seem so well calculated to
ago, than in what is now passing. give a proper expansion to the mind as
—THOMAS JEFFERSON Geography and history; and when not
To Nathaniel Macon absorbing an undue portion of time, are
January 12, 1819 as beneficial and becoming to the one
sex as to the other.
The infant periods of most nations are —JAMES MADISON
buried in silence or veiled in fable; and To Reynolds Chapman,
the world perhaps has lost but little January 25, 1821

The public history of all countries, and One great error is that we suppose
all ages, is but a sort of mask, richly mankind more honest than they are.
colored. The interior working of the –ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
machinery must be foul. At the Constitutional Convention,
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) June 22, 1787
Diary entry,
November 9, 1822 I hope I shall always possess firmness
and virtue enough to maintain … the
History may distort truth, and will distort character of an “Honest Man.”
it for a time, by the superior efforts at —GEORGE WASHINGTON
justification of those who are conscious Letter to Alexander Hamilton,
of needing it most. Nor will the opening August 28, 1788
scenes of our present government be seen
in their true aspect until the letters of the I hold the maxim no less applicable to
day, now held in private hoards, shall be public than to private affairs, that hon-
broken up and laid open to public view. esty is always the best policy.
To William Johnson, Farewell Address,
June 12, 1823 September 17, 1796

HONESTY The first of qualities for a great states-

man is to be honest. And if it were pos-
’Tis hard (but glorious) to be poor sible that this opinion were an error, I
and honest. An empty sack can hardly should rather carry it with me to my grave
stand upright; but if it does, ’tis a than to believe that a man cannot be a
stout one. statesman without being dishonest.
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
Poor Richard’s Almanack Letter to William Eustis,
1750 June 22, 1809

Of more worth is one honest man to Men are disposed to live honestly, if
society, and in the eyes of God, than all the means of doing so are open to
the crowned ruffians that ever lived. them.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
Common Sense Letter to M. Barre de Marbois,
1776 June 14, 1817

The only way to make men honest is HONOR

to prevent their being otherwise, by
tying them firmly to the accomplish- I would lay down my life for America,
ment of their contracts. but I cannot trifle with my honor.
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) —JOHN PAUL JONES (1747–1792)
To Lund Washington, Letter to A. Livingston,
December 17, 1778 September 4, 1777

National honor is national property of —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)

the highest value. Some Fruits of Solitude
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) 1693
First Inaugural Address,
March 4, 1817 Enquire often, but judge rarely, and thou
wilt not often be mistaken.
More Fruits of Solitude
We must … make the best of mankind 1702
as they are, since we cannot have them
as we wish. HYPOCRISY
To Philip Schuyler, We are apt to be very pert at censuring
December 24, 1775 others, where we will not endure ad-
vice ourselves. And nothing shows our
We must take human nature as we find weakness more than to be so sharp-
it. Perfection falls not to the share of sighted at spying other men’s faults,
mortals. and so purblind about our own.
To John Jay, Some Fruits of Solitude
August 1, 1786 1693

It is really a strange thing that there Mankind are very odd creatures: one
should not be room enough in the world half censure what they practice, the
for men to live without cutting one other half practice what they censure;
another’s throats. the rest always say and do as they ought.
To Marquis de Lafayette, Poor Richard’s Almanack
June 19, 1788 1752

HUMANITY How easy it is to persuade men to sign

anything by which they can’t be af-
We should take mankind as they are, fected!
and not as they ought to be or would —GEORGE MASON (1725–1792)
be if they were perfect in wisdom and To Zachariah Johnston,
virtue. 1791
From a sermon delivered in Boston, The prejudice of unfounded belief, of-
1778 ten degenerates into the prejudice of
custom, and becomes at last rank hy-
HUMILITY pocrisy. When men, from custom or
fashion or any worldly motive, profess
Affect not to be seen, and men will less or pretend to believe what they do not
see thy weakness. believe, nor can give any reason for

believing, they unship the helm of their How easily we prescribe for others a
morality, and being no longer honest to cure for their difficulties, while we can-
their own minds they feel no moral dif- not cure our own.
ficulty in being unjust to others. —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) To John Adams,
Examination of the Prophecies January 22, 1821

IMMIGRATION conduct they appear to merit the en-
Every industrious European who trans- —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
ports himself here may be compared “Letter to the members of the
to a sprout growing at the foot of a Volunteer Association and other
great tree; it enjoys and draws but a Inhabitants of the Kingdom of Ireland
little portion of sap; wrench it from the who have lately arrived in the City of
parent roots, transplant it, and it will New York”
become a tree bearing fruit also. December 2, 1783
CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813) Rather than quarrel about territory, let
Letters from an American Farmer the poor, the needy, and oppressed of
1782 the earth, and those who want land,
resort to the fertile plains of our west-
I do not mean that every one who comes ern country, the second land of prom-
will grow rich in a little time; no, but he ise, and there dwell in peace, fulfilling
may procure an easy, decent mainte- the first and great commandment.
nance, by his industry. Instead of starv- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
ing he will be fed, instead of being idle To David Humphreys,
he will have employment; and these are July 25, 1785
riches enough for such men as come
over here. I had always hoped that this land might
—MICHEL GUILLAUME JEAN DE become a safe and agreeable asylum to
CRÈVECOEUR the virtuous and persecuted part of
Letters from an American Farmer mankind, to whatever nation they might
1782 belong.
The bosom of America is open to re- To Francis Adrian Van der Kemp,
ceive not only the Opulent, and respect- May 28, 1788
able Strange, but the oppressed and
persecuted of all Nations And Reli- When we are considering the advan-
gions; whom we shall welcome to a tages that may result from an easy mode
participation of all our rights and privi- of naturalization, we ought also to con-
leges, if by decency and propriety of sider the cautions necessary to guard

against abuses; it is no doubt very de- crimes which it is not easy to describe,
sirable, that we should hold out as many but which every one must be con-
inducements as possible, for the wor- vinced is a high crime and misde-
thy part of mankind to come and settle meanor against the government. This
amongst us, and throw their fortunes into power is lodged in those who repre-
a common lot with ours. But, why is this sent the great body of the people, be-
desirable? Not merely to swell the cata- cause the occasion for its exercise will
logue of people. No, sir, ’tis to increase arise from acts of great injury to the
the wealth and strength of the commu- community, and the objects of it may
nity, and those who acquire the rights be such as cannot be easily reached by
of citizenship, without adding to the an ordinary tribunal. The trial belongs
strength or wealth of the community; to the Senate, lest an inferior tribunal
are not the people we are in want of. should be too much awed by so pow-
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) erful an accuser.
Speech in Congress, —JAMES IREDELL (1751–1799)
February 3, 1790 Speech in North Carolina Ratifying
IMPEACHMENT July 28, 1788

Our allegiance binds us not to the laws INDEPENDENCE & NATIONAL

of England any longer than while we FREEDOM
live in England, for the laws of the par-
liament of England reach no further, nor Reflect how you are to govern a people
do the king’s writs under the great seal who think they ought to be free, and
go any further. think they are not. Your scheme yields
—JOHN WINTHROP (1588–1649) no revenue; it yields nothing but dis-
The History of New England content, disorder, disobedience; and
from 1630 to 1649 such is the state of America, that after
1646 wading up to your eyes in blood, you
could only end just where you begun;
The President, Vice-President, and all that is, to tax where no revenue is to be
civil officers of the United States, shall found, to - my voice fails me; my incli-
be removed from office on impeach- nation indeed carries me no farther - all
ment for, and conviction of, treason, is confusion beyond it.
bribery, or other high crimes and mis- —EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797)
demeanors. First Speech on the Conciliation with
Article II, Section 4 April 19, 1774
The country shall be independent, and
The power of impeachment is given we will be satisfied with nothing short
by this Constitution, to bring great of it.
offenders to punishment. It is calcu- —SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803)
lated to bring them to punishment for 1774

Deny them [the colonies] this partici- their last appeal from reason to arms.
pation of freedom, and you break that Yet, however blinded that assembly
sole bond, which originally made, and may be, by their intemperate rage for
must still preserve the unity of the unlimited domination, so to sight jus-
empire. tice and the opinion of mankind, we
—EDMUND BURKE esteem ourselves bound by obligations
Second Speech on Conciliation with of respect to the rest of the world, to
America, The Thirteen Resolutions, make known the justice of our cause.
March 22, 1775 —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) and
JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794)
If it was possible for men, who exer- “A Declaration by the Representatives
cise their reason to believe, that the di- of the United Colonies of North
vine Author of our existence intended a America, Now Met in Congress at
part of the human race to hold an ab- Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes
solute property in, and an unbounded and Necessity of Their
power over others, marked out by his Taking Up Arms”
infinite goodness and wisdom, as the July 6, 1775
objects of a legal domination never
rightfully resistible, however severe and In our own native land, in defence of
oppressive, the inhabitants of these the freedom that is our birthright, and
colonies might at least require from the which we ever enjoyed till the late vio-
parliament of Great-Britain some evi- lation of it—for the protection of our
dence, that this dreadful authority over property, acquired solely by the honest
them, has been granted to that body. industry of our fore-fathers and our-
But a reverence for our Creator, prin- selves, against violence actually offered,
ciples of humanity, and the dictates of we have taken up arms. We shall lay
common sense, must convince all those them down when hostilities shall cease
who reflect upon the subject, that gov- on the part of the aggressors, and all
ernment was instituted to promote the danger of their being renewed shall be
welfare of mankind, and ought to be removed, and not before.
administered for the attainment of that —THOMAS JEFFERSON and JOHN
end. The legislature of Great-Britain, DICKINSON
however, stimulated by an inordinate “A Declaration by the Representatives
passion for a power not only unjustifi- of the United Colonies of North
able, but which they know to be pecu- America, Now Met in Congress at
liarly reprobated by the very constitu- Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes
tion of that kingdom, and desperate of and Necessity of Their Taking Up
success in any mode of contest, where Arms” (Although the entire document
regard should be had to truth, law, or is credited to Jefferson and Dickinson,
right, have at length, deserting those, this section follows Jefferson’s draft.)
attempted to effect their cruel and im- July 6, 1775
politic purpose of enslaving these colo-
nies by violence, and have thereby ren- We for ten years incessantly and inef-
dered it necessary for us to close with fectually besieged the throne as suppli-

cants; we reasoned, we remonstrated it is, and ever has been their established
with parliament, in the most mild and principle, their confirmed persuasion;
decent language. it is their nature and their doctrine.
Administration sensible that we should [Referring to an eminent and reliable
regard these oppressive measures as informant] he assured me with a cer-
freemen ought to do, sent over fleets tainty which his judgment and oppor-
and armies to enforce them. The indig- tunity gave him, that these were the
nation of the Americans was roused, it prevalent and steady principles of
is true; but it was the indignation of a America: That you might destroy their
virtuous, loyal, and affectionate people. towns, and cut them off from the su-
A Congress of delegates from the United perfluities, perhaps the conveniences of
Colonies was assembled at Philadelphia, life, but that they were prepared to de-
on the fifth day of last September. We spise your power, and would not la-
resolved again to offer an humble and ment their loss, whilst they had, what,
dutiful petition to the King, and also my lords?—Their woods and liberty.
addressed our fellow-subjects of Great- … [They] prefer poverty with liberty,
Britain. We have pursued every tem- to golden chains and sordid affluence;
perate, every respectful measure; we … will die in defence of their rights, as
have even proceeded to break off our men—as freemen. … ’Tis liberty to lib-
commercial intercourse with our fel- erty engaged, that they will defend them-
low-subjects, as the last peaceable ad- selves, their families and their country.
monition, that our attachment to no In this great cause they are immovably
nation upon earth should supplant our allied. It is the alliance of God and na-
attachment to liberty. ture—immutable, eternal, fixed as the
This, we flattered ourselves, was the firmament of Heaven!”
ultimate step of the controversy: but —WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM
subsequent events have shewn, how (1708–1778)
vain was this hope of finding modera- Speech in House of Lords,
tion in our enemies. December 30, 1775
DICKINSON Don’t Tread on Me
“A Declaration by the Representatives —ANONYMOUS
of the United Colonies of North Colonel Christopher Gadsden submit-
America, Now Met in Congress at ted a design for a flag to the Provincial
Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes Congress in South Carolina, consisting
and Necessity of Their Taking Up of a coiled snake with the words
Arms” “Don’t tread on me.” These flags
July 6, 1775 became common among American
troops during the Revolution.
Of this general spirit existing in the c. 1775
American nation … of this spirit of in-
dependence, animating the nation of Our unalterable resolution would be to
America, I have the most authentic in- be free. They have attempted to subdue
formation. It is not new among them; us by force, but God be praised! in vain.

Their arts may be more dangerous than giance to the British Crown, and that all
their arms. Let us then renounce all political connection between them and the
treaty with them upon any score but state of Great Britain is, and ought to be,
that of total separation, and under God totally dissolved. That it is expedient forth-
trust our cause to our swords. with to take the most effectual measures
—SAMUEL ADAMS for forming foreign Alliances. That a plan
To James Warren, of confederation be prepared and trans-
April 16, 1776 mitted to the respective colonies for
their consideration and approbation.
If representation and legislation are in- —RICHARD HENRY LEE
separably connected, it follows, that Resolution in Congress,
when great numbers have emigrated into June 7, 1776
a foreign land, and are so far removed
from the parent state that they neither are The second day of July, 1776, will be
or can be properly represented by the the most memorable Epocha, in the his-
government from which they have emi- tory of America. I am apt to believe that
grated, that then nature itself points out it will be celebrated, by succeeding gen-
the necessity of their assuming to them- erations, as the great anniversary festi-
selves the powers of legislation; and they val. It ought to be commemorated as
have a right to consider themselves as a the day of deliverance, by solemn acts
separate state from the other, and, as such, of devotion to God Almighty. It ought
to form themselves into a body politic. to be solemnized with pomp and pa-
—SAMUEL WEST (1730–1807) rade, with shews, games, sports, guns,
“On the Right to Rebel Against bells, bonfires, and illuminations from
Governors” one end of this continent to the other
May 29, 1776 from this time forward forevermore.
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
It is not choice then, but necessity that Letter to Abigail Adams,
calls for Independence as the only July 3, 1776
means by which foreign Alliances can (The Declaration of Independence was
be obtained; and a proper confedera- voted upon July 2, but
tion by which internal peace and Union signed on July 4.)
may be secured. Contrary to our ear-
nest, early, and repeated petitions for Yesterday the greatest question was
peace, liberty and safety, our enemies decided which was ever debated in
press us with war, threaten us with America; and a greater perhaps never
danger and Slavery. was, nor will be, decided upon men. A
—RICHARD HENRY LEE (1732–1794) resolution was passed without one dis-
To Landon Carter, senting colony, that those United Colo-
June 2, 1776 nies are, and of right ought to be, free
and independent states.
Resolved: That these colonies are, and of —JOHN ADAMS
right ought to be, free and independent Letter to Abigail Adams,
states, that they are absolved of all alle- July 3, 1776

You will think me transported with en- doctrine of separation and indepen-
thusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware dence; I am clearly, positively, and con-
of the toil, and blood, and treasure, that scientiously persuaded that it is the true
it will cost us to maintain this declara- interest of this continent to be so; that
tion, and support and defend these every thing short of that is mere patch-
States. Yet, through all the gloom, I can work, that it can afford no lasting fe-
see the rays of ravishing light and glory. licity; that it is leaving the sword to our
I can see that the end is more than children, and shrinking back at a time,
worth all the means, and that posterity when, a little more, a little farther, would
will triumph in that day’s transaction, have rendered this continent the glory
even although we should rue it, which of the earth.
I trust in God we shall not. —THOMAS PAINE
—JOHN ADAMS Common Sense
Letter to Abigail Adams, 1776
July 3, 1776
We have it in our power to begin the
We must all hang together, or assur- world over again.
edly we shall all hang separately. —THOMAS PAINE
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) Common Sense
At the signing of the Declaration of (1776)
July 4, 1776 The present time, likewise, is that pe-
culiar time, which never happens to a
The die was now cast; I had passed nation but once, viz. the time of form-
the Rubicon. Sink or swim, live or die, ing itself into a government. Most na-
survive or perish with my country, was tions have let slip the opportunity, and
my unalterable determination. by that means have been compelled to
—JOHN ADAMS receive laws from their conquerors,
To Jonathan Sewell, describing his instead of making laws for themselves.
thoughts after making the decision to … but from the errors of other nations,
vote for the adoption of the Declara- let us learn wisdom, and lay hold of the
tion of Independence, present opportunity—To begin govern-
1776 ment at the right end.
Everything that is right or reasonable Common Sense
pleads for separation. The blood of the 1776
slain, the weeping voice of nature cries,
’tis time to part. Nothing short of independence, it ap-
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) pears to me, can possibly do. A peace
Common Sense on other terms would, if I may be al-
1776 lowed the expression, be a peace of war.
I am not induced by motives of pride, Letter to John Banister,
party, or resentment to espouse the April 21, 1778

The final superiority of America over which monkish ignorance and super-
every attempt which an island might stition have persuaded them to bind
make to conquer her, was as naturally themselves and assume the blessings
marked in the constitution of things, as and security of self-government.
the future ability of a giant over a dwarf —THOMAS JEFFERSON
is delineated in his features while an Letter to Roger C. Weightman,
infant. June 24, 1826
Common Sense on George III’s Speech Is it the Fourth?
Last words,
An original genius, unfettered with pre- July 3, 1826
cedents, and exalted with just ideas of
the rights of human nature, and the Independence forever!
obligations of universal benevolence, —JOHN ADAMS
might have struck out a middle line, In response to a cannon firing in
which would have secured as much lib- celebration of Independence Day,
erty to the colonies, and as great a de- July 4, 1826
gree of supremacy to the parent state,
as their common good required: But the It is my living sentiment, and by the
helm of Great Britain was not in such blessing of God it shall be my dying
hands. sentiment—Independence now and In-
—DAVID RAMSAY (1749–1815) dependence forever.
The History of the American —DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852)
Revolution Eulogy on John Adams and Thomas
1789 Jefferson, Faneuil Hall, Boston,
August 2, 1826
The declaration of independence con-
firmed in form what had existed be- INTELLIGENCE & KNOWLEDGE
fore in substance. It announced to the
world new States, possessing and ex- It is admirable to consider how many
ercising complete sovereignty, which millions of people come into, and go
they were resolved to maintain. out of the world, ignorant of them-
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) selves, and of the world they have lived
Views on the subject of Internal in.
Improvements, reasons for Veto of the —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
Cumberland Road Bill Some Fruits of Solitude
1822 1693

May it [the Declaration of Indepen- Neither despise, nor oppose, what thou
dence] be to the world what I believe it dost not understand.
will be (to some parts sooner, to others —WILLIAM PENN
later, but finally to all): the signal for Some Fruits of Solitude
arousing men to burst the chains under 1693

Refuse not to be informed: for that bution of mental powers. She gives
shows pride or stupidity. them as she pleases. Whatever is the
—WILLIAM PENN rule by which she … scatters them
Some Fruits of Solitude among mankind, that rule remains a
1693 secret to man. It would be as ridicu-
lous to attempt to fix the hereditaryship
No people will tamely surrender their of human beauty, as of wisdom. What-
Liberties, nor can any be easily sub- ever wisdom constituently is, it is like
dued, when knowledge is diffused and a seedless plant; it may be reared when
Virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, it appears, but it cannot be voluntarily
when People are universally ignorant, produced. There is always a sufficiency
and debauched in their Manners, they somewhere in the general mass of so-
will sink under their own weight with- ciety for all purposes; but with respect
out the aid of foreign invaders. to the parts of society, it is continually
—SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803) changing its place. It rises in one to-
To James Warren, day, in another tomorrow, and has most
1775 probably visited in rotation every fam-
ily of the earth, and again withdrawn.
The cunning of the fox is as murder- —THOMAS PAINE
ous as the violence of the wolf. Rights of Man, II
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) 1792
The Crisis
1776 There is a natural aptness in man, and
more so in society, because it embraces
It is the faculty of the human mind to a greater variety of abilities and re-
become what it contemplates, and to source, to accommodate itself to what-
act in unison with its object. ever situation it is in.
Rights of Man, I Rights of Man, II
1791 1792

Ignorance is of a peculiar nature; once Knowledge … can never be equally di-

dispelled, it is impossible to re-estab- vided among mankind, any more than
lish it. It is not originally a thing of it- property, real or personal, any more
self, but is only the absence of knowl- than wives or women.
edge; and though man may be kept —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
ignorant, he cannot be made ignorant. Letter to John Taylor,
—THOMAS PAINE April 15, 1814
Rights of Man, I
1791 A silly reason from a wise man is never
the true one.
Experience, in all ages, and in all coun- —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
tries, has demonstrated, that it is im- To Richard Rush,
possible to control Nature in her distri- June 27, 1817

Knowledge is power … knowledge is with the power which knowledge

safety … knowledge is happiness. gives.
Letter to George Ticknor, Letter to W. T. Barry,
November 25, 1817 August 4, 1822

A popular Government, without popu- Knowledge … is the great sun in the

lar information, or the means of ac- firmament. Life and power are scattered
quiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce with all its beams.
or a Tragedy; or, perhaps both. Knowl- —DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852)
edge will forever govern ignorance: Speech at the laying of the cornerstone
And a people who mean to be their at the Bunker Hill Monument,
own Governors, must arm themselves June 17, 1825

THOMAS JEFFERSON time might not be wasted by idle visits.
Jefferson’s whole eight years was a
Ambition is the subtlest Beast of the levee. …
Intellectual and Moral Field. It is won- Jefferson and Rush were for liberty
derfully adroit in concealing itself from and straight hair. I thought curled hair
its owner. … Jefferson thinks he shall was as republican as straight.
by this step get a Reputation of a —JOHN ADAMS
humble, modest, meek man, wholly Letter to Benjamin Rush,
without ambition or vanity. He may December 25, 1811
even have deceived himself into this
Belief. But if a Prospect opens, the You and I ought not to die, before We
World will see and he will see, that he have explained ourselves to each other.
is as ambitious as Oliver Cromwell —JOHN ADAMS
though no soldier. Letter to Thomas Jefferson,
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) July 15, 1813
Letter to John Quincy Adams,
January 3, 1794 His talents were of the highest order,
his ambition transcendent, and his dis-
His genius is of the old French school. position to intrigue irrepressible.
It conceives better than it combines. —JOHN ADAMS
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) Parties in the United States
Diary entry, c. January 1822
November 23, 1804
Mr. Jefferson came into Congress, in
You should remember that Jefferson June, 1775, and brought with him a
was but a boy to me. I was at least ten reputation for literature, science, and a
years older than him in age and more happy talent of composition. Writings
than twenty years older than him in of his were handed about, remarkable
politics. for the peculiar felicity of expression.
Letter to Benjamin Rush, To Timothy Pickering,
October 25, 1809 August 6, 1822

I held levees once a week, that all my The committee met, discussed the sub-

ject, [of the Declaration of Independence] tion of Independence, but the discre-
and then appointed Mr. Jefferson and me tion of his colleagues struck it out.
to make the draught, I suppose because —JOHN QUINCY ADAMS
we were the two first on the list. The Diary entry,
subcommittee met. Jefferson proposed January 27, 1831
to me to make the draught. Adams: I will
not. Jefferson: You should do it. Adams: JOHN PAUL JONES
Oh! no. Jefferson: Why will you not? You
ought to do it. Adams: I will not. Jeffer- It’s of an American frigate the “Rich-
son: Why? Adams: Reasons enough. ard” by name
Jefferson: What can be your reasons? Mounted forty-four guns, and from
Adams: Reason first—You are a Vir- New York she came.
ginian, and a Virginian ought to appear A-cruising down the channel of Old
at the head of this business. Reason sec- England’s fame
ond—I am obnoxious, suspected and un- With a noble commander, Paul Jones
popular. You are very much otherwise. was his name.
Reason third—You can write ten times We had not cruised long before two sails
better than I can. Jefferson: Well if you we espies
are decided, I will do as well as I can. A large forty-four and a twenty like-
Adams: Very well. When you have wise,
drawn it up, we will have a meeting. Some fifty bright shipping, well loaded
—JOHN ADAMS with store,
To Timothy Pickering, And the convoy stood in for the old
August 6, 1822 Yorkshire shore.
’Bout the hour of twelve we came
He lives and will live in memory and alongside
gratitude of the wise and good, as a With a long speaking trumpet: Whence
luminary of science, as a votary of lib- came you? he cried;
erty, as a model of patriotism, and as a Come, answer me quickly, I’ll hail you
benefactor of human kind. no more
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) Or else a broadside into you I will pour.
In memory of Thomas Jefferson We fought them four glasses, four
1826 glasses so hot,
’Til forty bold seamen lay dead on the
He saw the gross inconsistency be- spot,
tween the principles of the Declaration And fifty-five more lay bleeding in gore,
of Independence and the fact of negro While the thundering loud cannons of
slavery, and he could not, or would not, Paul Jones did roar.
prostitute the faculties of his mind to Our carpenter being frighten’d, to Paul
the vindication of that slavery which Jones he came,
from his soul he abhorred. Mr. Jefferson Our ship she leaks water and is like-
had not the spirit of martyrdom. He wise in flame,
would have introduced a flaming de- Paul Jones he made answer, and to him
nunciation of slavery into the Declara- replied,

If we can do no better, we’ll sink along- with the Wrong, supposing the first
side. Loss least. In some Countries the Course
Paul Jones he then turned to his men of the Courts is so tedious, and the Ex-
and did say pence so high, that the Remedy, Jus-
Let every man stand the best of his play, tice, is worse than, Injustice, the Disease.
For broadside for broadside they fought In my Travels I once saw a Sign call’d
on the main The Two Men at Law; One of them was
Like true buckskin heroes we return’d painted on one Side, in a melancholy
it again. Posture, all in Rags, with this Scroll, I
The Serapis wore round our ship for have lost my Cause. The other was
to rake, drawn capering for Joy, on the other Side,
And many proud hearts of the English with these Words, I have gain’d my
did ache; Suit; but he was stark naked.
The shot flew so hot, and so fierce and —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
so fast, Poor Richard’s Almanack
And the bold British colours were hauled 1742
down at last.
Oh now, my brave boys, we have taken To such a height the expense of courts
a rich prize is gone / That poor men are re-
A large forty-four and a twenty like- dressed—till they’re undone.
To help the poor mothers that have rea- Poor Richard’s Almanack
son to weep 1742
For the loss of their sons in the
unfathomed deep. Every new tribunal, erected for the de-
—ANONYMOUS cision of facts, without the interven-
Paul Jones tion of a jury … is a step towards es-
c. 1779 tablishing aristocracy, the most
oppressive of absolute governments.
Commentaries on the Laws of England
Judges must beware of hard construc- 1765–1769
tions and strained influence; for there
is no worse torture than the torture of [J]udges, therefore, should be always
laws: specially in the case of laws pe- men of learning and experience in the
nal, they ought to have care, that that laws, of exemplary morals, great pa-
which was meant for terror be not tience, calmness, coolness, and atten-
turned into right. tion. Their minds should not be dis-
—FRANCIS BACON tracted with jarring interests; they
“Of Judicature,” Essays should not be dependent upon any man,
1625 or body of men.
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
Honest Men often go to Law for their Thoughts on Government
Right; when Wise Men would sit down 1776

The dignity and stability of government a court of final jurisdiction, there may
in all its branches, the morals of the be as many different final determina-
people, and every blessing of society tions on the same point, as there are
depend so much upon an upright and courts. There are endless diversities in
skillful administration of justice, that the the opinions of men. We often see not
judicial power ought to be distinct from only different courts, but the judges of
both the legislative and executive, and the same court differing from each
independent upon both, that so it may other. To avoid the confusion which
be a check upon both, and both should would unavoidably result from the con-
be checks upon that. tradictory decisions of a number of in-
—JOHN ADAMS dependent judicatories, all nations have
Thoughts on Government found it necessary to establish one court
1776 paramount to the rest, possessing a
general superintendance, and authorised
It is better to toss up cross and pile in a to settle and declare in the last resort
cause than to refer it to a judge whose an uniform rule of civil justice.
mind is warped by any motive what- —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
ever, in that particular case. But the The Federalist Papers
common sense of twelve honest men 1788
gives a still better chance of just deci-
sion than the hazard of cross and pile. We have considered the previous ques-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) tion stated in a letter written by your
Notes on Virginia direction to us by the Secretary of State
1782 on the 18th of last month, [regarding]
the lines of separation drawn by the
Laws are a dead letter without courts Constitution between the three depart-
to expound and define their true mean- ments of the government. These being
ing and operation. in certain respects checks upon each
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1712–1756) other, and our being judges of a court
The Federalist Papers in the last resort, are considerations
1788 which afford strong arguments against
the propriety of our extra-judicially de-
Next to permanency in office, nothing ciding the questions alluded to, espe-
can contribute more to the indepen- cially as the power given by the Con-
dence of the judges than a fixed provi- stitution to the President, of calling on
sion for their support. the heads of departments for opinions,
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON seems to have been purposely as well
The Federalist Papers as expressly united to the executive
1788 departments.
—JOHN JAY (1745–1829)
To produce uniformity in these deter- To George Washington,
minations, they ought to be submitted August 8, 1793
in the last resort, to one SUPREME
TRIBUNAL . … If there is in each state The legislative authority of any coun-

try, can only be restrained by its own it is not less true that the Constitution
muncipal constitution. This is a prin- itself either entertains apprehensions on
ciple that springs from the very nature this subject, or views with such indul-
of society; and the judicial authority can gence the possible fears and apprehen-
have no right to question the validity of sions of suitors, that it has established
a law, unless such a jurisdiction is ex- national tribunals for the decision of
pressly given by the constitution. controversies between aliens and a citi-
—JOHN MARSHALL (1755–1835) zen, or between citizens of different
Argument as counsel in Ware v. Hilton states.
Bank of the United States v. Deveaux
It is emphatically the province and duty 1809
of the judicial department to say what
the law is. … If two laws conflict with If the legislatures of the several states
each other, the courts must decide on may, at will, annul the judgments of the
the operation of each. … This is of the courts of the United States, and destroy
very essence of judicial duty. the rights acquired under those judg-
—JOHN MARSHALL ments, the Constitution itself becomes
Marbury v. Madison a solemn mockery; and the nation is
1803 deprived of the means of enforcing its
laws by the instrumentality of its own
Where the heads of departments are the tribunals.
political or confidential agents of the —JOHN MARSHALL
executive, merely to execute the will United States v. Peters
of the President, or rather to act in 1809
cases in which the executive possesses
a constitutional or legal discretion, noth- Knowing that religion does not furnish
ing can be more perfectly clear than grosser bigots than law, I expect little
that their acts are only politically ex- from old judges.
aminable. But where a specific duty is —THOMAS JEFFERSON
assigned by law, and individual rights Letter to Thomas Cooper,
depend upon the performance of that 1810
duty, it seems equally clear that the in-
dividual who considers himself injured, Whether a law be void for its repug-
has a right to resort to the laws of this nancy to the Constitution, is, at all times,
country for a remedy. a question of much delicacy, which out
—JOHN MARSHALL seldom, if ever, to be decided in the
Marbury v. Madison affirmative, in a doubtful case. … But
1803 it is not on slight implication and vague
conjecture that the legislature is to be
However true the fact may be, that the pronounced to have transcended its
tribunals of the states will administer powers, and its acts to be considered
justice as impartially as those of the as void. The opposition between the
nation, to parties of every description, Constitution and the law should be such

that the judge feels a clear and strong constantly working under ground to
conviction of their incompatibility with undermine the foundations of our con-
each other. federated fabric. … A judiciary inde-
—JOHN MARSHALL pendent of a king or executive alone, is
Fletcher v. Peck a good thing; but independence of the
1810 will of the nation is a solecism, at least
in a republican government.
The judgment of a state court should —THOMAS JEFFERSON
have the same credit, validity, and effect, Letter to Thomas Ritchie,
in every other court in the United States, December 25, 1820
which it had in the state where it was
pronounced, and that whatever leas It is a very dangerous doctrine to con-
would be good toa suit thereon in such sider the judges as the ultimate arbiters
state, and none others, could be pleaded of all constitutional questions. It is one
in any other court in the United States. which would place us under the des-
—JOHN MARSHALL potism of an oligarchy.
Hampton v. MConnel —THOMAS JEFFERSON
1818 Letter to W. C. Jarvis,
The constitution, on this hypothesis, is
a mere thing of wax in the hands of the Our judges are as honest as other men,
judiciary, which they may twist and and not more so. They have, with oth-
shape into any form they please. ers, the same passions for party, for
—THOMAS JEFFERSON power, and the privilege of their corps.
Letter to Judge Spencer Roane, —THOMAS JEFFERSON
September 6, 1819 Letter to W. C. Jarvis,
Should Congress, in the execution of
its powers, adopt measures which are The legislative and executive branches
prohibited by the Constitution; or should may sometimes err, but elections and
Congress, under the pretext of execut- dependance will bring them to rights.
ing its powers, pass laws for the ac- The judiciary branch is the instrument
complishment of objects not entrusted which working, like gravity, without
to the government; it would become the intermission, is to press us at last into
painful duty of this tribunal, should a one consolidated mass.
case requiring such a decision come —THOMAS JEFFERSON
before it, to say that such an act was To Archibald Thweat,
not the law of the land. January 19, 1821
McCulloch v. Maryland The great object of my fear is the fed-
1819 eral judiciary. That body, like gravity,
ever acting, with noiseless foot, and
The judiciary of the United States is the unalarming advance, gaining ground
subtle corps of sappers and miners step by step, and holding what it gains,

is ingulfing insidiously the special gov- concern individual suitors only, pass
ernments into the jaws of that which silent and unheeded by the public at
feeds them. large; that these decisions, nevertheless,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON become law by precedent, sapping, by
Letter to Charles Hammon, little and little, the foundations of the
August 18, 1821 constitution, and working its change by
construction, before any one has per-
The most delicate and at the same time, ceived that that invisible and helpless
the proudest attribute of American ju- worm has been busily employed in con-
risprudence, is the right of its judicial suming its substance. In truth, man is
tribunals to decide questions of consti- not made to be trusted for life, if se-
tutional law. In other governments these cured against all liability to account.
questions cannot be entertained or de- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
cided by courts of justice; and, there- Letter to Monsieur A. Corray,
fore, whatever may be the theory of October 31, 1823
the constitution, the legislative author-
ity is practically omnipotent, and there Courts are the mere instruments of the
is no means of contesting the legality law, and can will nothing. … Judicial
or justice of a law but by an appeal to power is never exercised for the pur-
arms. This can be done only when op- pose of giving effect to the will of the
pression weighs heavily and grivously Judge; always for the purpose of giv-
on the whole people, and is then re- ing effect to the will of the Legislature;
sisted by all because it is felt by all. But or, in other words, to the will of the
the oppression that strikes at a humble law.
individual, though it robs him of char- —JOHN MARSHALL
acter, or fortune, or life, is remediless; Osborn v. Bank of the United States
and, if it becomes the subject of judi- 1824
cial inquiry, judges may lament, but
cannot resist, the mandates of the leg- When they [the courts] are said to ex-
islature. ercise a discretion, it is a mere legal dis-
—JOSEPH STORY (1779–1845) cretion, a discretion to be exercised in
Address before the Suffolk Bar, discerning the course prescribed by
September 4, 1821 law; and, when that is discerned, it is
the duty of the Court to follow it.
At the establishment of our constitu- —JOHN MARSHALL
tions, the judiciary bodies were sup- Osborn v. Bank of the United States
posed to be the most helpless and harm- 1824
less members of the government.
Experience, however, soon showed in I am no votary of the infallibility of any
what way they were to become the most human tribunal; but it is no more than a
dangerous; that the insufficiency of the just tribute to truth and candour to ac-
means provided for their removal gave knowledge, that the Supreme Court of
them a free hold and irresponsibility in the United States has hitherto discharged
office, that their decisions, seeming to its high duties with such ability, firm-

ness, and moderation, as to command JUSTICE

the respect, and retain the confidence
of the nation. I have always been much As justice is a preserver, so it is a bet-
impressed with the immensity of the ter procurer of peace than war.
weight and value of its trust, and with —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
the severe and majestic simplicity of its An Essay Towards the Present and
character. It may be said of that Court, Future Peace of Europe
and certainly with as much propriety 1693
as it has been said in reference to the
Roman sages, that justice has there Justice is justly represented blind, be-
unveiled her mysteries and erected her cause she sees no difference in the par-
temple. ties concerned. She has but one scale
—JAMES KENT (1763–1847) and weight, for rich and poor, great and
Lecture at Columbia College, small.
February 2, 1824 —WILLIAM PENN
Some Fruits of Solitude

All men are Republicans by nature and Our law says well, to delay justice is
Royalists only by fashion. And this is injustice.
fully proved by that passionate adora- —WILLIAM PENN
tion, which all men show to that great Some Fruits of Solitude
and almost only remaining bulwark of 1693
natural rights, trial by juries, which is
founded on a pure Republican basis. Justice is a great support of society,
Here the power of Kings is shut out. because an insurance to all men of their
No Royal negative can enter this Court. property: this violated, there’s no se-
The Jury, which is here, supreme, is a curity, which throws all into confusion
Republic, a body of Judges chosen from to recover it.
among the people. —WILLIAM PENN
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) More Fruits of Solitude
The Forester’s Letters 1702
Without justice, courage is weak.
In suits at common law, where the value —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
in controversy shall exceed twenty dol- Poor Richard’s Almanack
lars, the rights of a trial by jury shall be 1734
preserved, and no fact tried by a jury,
shall be otherwise re-examined in any Justice is due, even to an enemy.
court of the United States, than accord- —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
ing to the rules of the common law. “Common Sense on George III’s Speech”
The Bill of Rights, Amendment 7
1787 We have now a National character to

establish, and it is of the utmost impor- All the tranquility, the happiness & se-
tance to stamp favorable impressions curity of mankind rest on justice, on
upon it; let justice be then one of its the obligation to respect the rights of
characteristics, and gratitude another. others.
To Theodorick Bland, Opinion on the French Treaties,
April 4, 1783 April 28, 1793

A wise nation will never permit those Justice is indiscriminately due to all,
who relieve the wants of their Country, without regard to numbers, wealth, or
or who rely most on its faith, its firm- rank.
ness and its resources, when either of —JOHN JAY (1745–1829)
them is distrusted, to suffer by the event. Georgia v. Brailsford
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) 1794
Address to the States,
April 25, 1783 I believe that justice is instinct and in-
nate, that the moral sense is as much a
Justice is the end of government. It is part of our constitution as that of feel-
the end of society. ing, seeing, or hearing.
The Federalist Papers Letter to John Adams,
1788 1816


Ye gentlemen and ladies fair, A bank was rais’d to hide our breast,
Who grace this famous city, Not that we thought of dying,
Just listen if you’ve time to spare But we always like to rest,
While I rehearse a ditty, Unless the game is flying;
And for the opportunity Behind it stood our little force
Conceive yourself quite lucky, None wished it to be greater,
For ’tis not often here you see For ev’ry man was half a horse,
A hunter from Kentucky. And half an alligator.

Chorus Chorus
Oh, Kentucky, The hunters of Kentucky
Oh, Kentucky, The hunters of Kentucky They found, at last, ’twas vain to fight,
Where lead was all the booty,
You’ve heard, I s’pose, how New Orleans And so they wisely took to flight,
Is famed for wealth and beauty, And left us all our beauty.
There’s girls of ev’ry hue it seems, And now, if danger e’er annoys,
From snowy white to sooty; Remember what our trade is,
So Pakenham he made his brags, Just send for us Kentucky boys,
If he in fight was lucky, And we’ll protect ye, ladies.
He’d have their girls and cotton bags,
In spite of old Kentucky. Chorus
Chorus The Hunters of Kentucky
c. 1815
But Jackson, he was wide awake,
And was not scared of trifles; KINGS & ARISTOCRATS
For well he knew what aim we take
With our Kentucky rifles; Happy that king who is great by jus-
He led us down to Cypress Swamp, tice, and that people who are free by
The ground was low and mucky; obedience. Where the ruler is just, he
There stood John Bull in pomp, may be strict; else it is two to one it
And here was old Kentucky. turns upon him: and though he should

prevail, he can be no gainer, where his above, and doth not make havoc of
people are the losers. mankind like the Royal Brute of Brit-
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) ain. … let it be brought forth placed on
Some Fruits of Solitude the divine law, the word of God; let a
1693 crown be placed thereon, by which the
world may know, that so far as we
When kings the sword of justice first approve of monarchy, that in America
lay down, THE LAW IS KING.
They are no kings, though they pos- —THOMAS PAINE
sess the crown. Common Sense
Titles are shadows, crowns are empty 1776
The good of subjects is the end of kings. For all men being originally equals, no
—DANIEL DEFOE (1660–1731) one by birth could have a right to set
The True-Born Englishman up his own family in perpetual prefer-
1701 ence to all others forever, and though
himself might deserve some decent de-
That the king can do no wrong is a gree of honors of his contemporaries,
necessary and fundamental principle of yet his descendants might be far too
the English constitution. unworthy to inherit them. One of the
—SIR WILLIAM BLACKSTONE (1723–1780) strongest natural proofs of the folly of
Commentaries hereditary right in kings, is that nature
1765–1769 disapproves it, otherwise she would not
so frequently turn it into ridicule by giv-
Breach of trust in a governor, or at- ing mankind an ass for a lion.
tempting to enlarge a limited power, —THOMAS PAINE
effectually absolves subjects from ev- Common Sense
ery bond of covenant and peace; the 1776
crimes acted by a king against the
people are the highest treason against A Republican form of government is
the highest law among men. pointed out by nature—Kingly govern-
—BENJAMIN CHURCH (1734–1778) ments by an unequality of power. In
Boston Massacre Oration, Republican governments, the leaders of
March 5, 1773 the people, if improper, are removable
by vote; Kings only by arms; an un-
Nothing flatters vanity, or confirms successful vote in the first case, leaves
obstinacy in Kings more than repeated the voter safe; but an unsuccessful at-
petitioning. tempt in the latter, is death.
Common Sense The Forester’s Letters
1776 1776

But where says some is the King of A Republican government hath more true
America? I’ll tell you Friend, he reigns grandeur in it than a Kingly one: On the

part of the public it is more consistent hatred; and it was rather jeered at as an
with freemen to appoint their rulers than ass, than dreaded as a lion. This is the
to have them born; and on the part of general character of aristocracy, or
those who preside, it is far nobler to be what are called Nobles or Nobility, or
a ruler by the choice of the people, than a rather No-ability, in all countries.
King by the chance of birth. Every hon- —THOMAS PAINE
est Delegate is more than a Monarch. Rights of Man, I
The Forester’s Letters
1776 All hereditary government is in its na-
ture tyranny.
If anybody thinks that kings, nobles or —THOMAS PAINE
priests are good conservators of the Rights of Man, II
public happiness, send him here [to 1792
France]. … He will see here … that
these descriptions of men are an aban- To inherit a government, is to inherit
doned confederacy against the happi- the people, as if they were flocks and
ness of the mass of the people. The herds.
omnipotence of their effect cannot be —THOMAS PAINE
better proved than in this country par- Rights of Man, II
ticularly, where, notwithstanding the 1792
finest soil upon earth, the finest climate
under heaven, and a people of the most The first aristocrats in all countries were
benevolent, the most gay and amiable brigands. Those of later times, syco-
character of which the human form is phants.
susceptible; where such a people, I say, —THOMAS PAINE
surrounded by so many blessings from Dissertation on First Principles of
nature, are loaded with misery, by kings, Government
nobles and priests, and by them alone. 1795
To George Wythe, We are teaching the world the great
1786 truth that Gov[ernments] do better
without Kings and Nobles than with
The more aristocracy appeared, the them. The merit will be doubled by the
more it was despised; there was a vis- other lesson that Religion flourishes in
ible imbecility and want of intellects in greater purity, without than with the aid
the majority, a sort of je ne sais quoi, of Gov[ernment].
that while it affected to be more than —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
citizen, was less than man. It lost Letter to Edward Livingston,
ground from contempt more than from July 19, 1822

LABOR & WORK ing happy consists in the art of finding
Love labour: for if thou dost not want —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
it for food, thou mayest for physic. It To Martha Jefferson Randolph,
is wholesome for thy body, and good April 26, 1790
for thy mind. It prevents the fruits of
idleness, which many times comes of My observation on every employment
nothing to do, and leads too many to in life is that wherever and whenever
do what is worse than nothing. one person is found adequate to the
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) discharge of a duty by close applica-
Some Fruits of Solitude tion thereto, it is worse executed by
1693 two persons, and scarcely done at all
if three or more are employed therein.
When men are employed they are best —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
contented. To Henry Knox,
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) September 24, 1792
(Begun in 1771, published in full 1868) Workmen in most Countries I believe
are necessary plagues—in this [coun-
It is here then that the idle may be em- try] where entreaties as well as money
ployed, the useless become useful, and must be used to obtain their work and
the poor become rich; but by riches I keep them to their duty they baffle all
do not mean gold and silver, we have calculation in the accomplishment of
but little of those metals; I mean a bet- any plan or repairs they are engaged
ter sort of wealth, cleared lands, cattle, in;—and require more attention to and
good houses, good clothes, and an in- looking after than can be well con-
crease of people to enjoy them. ceived.
CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813) To William Gordon,
Letters From an American Farmer October 15, 1797
To suggestions of the last kind, the ad-
Interesting occupations are essential to epts of the new school have a ready
happiness: indeed the whole art of be- answer; Industry will succeed and

prosper in proportion as it is left to the A Pen is certainly an excellent Instru-

exertions of individual enterprise. This ment, to fix a Man’s Attention and to
favorite dogma, when taken as a gen- inflame his Ambition.
eral rule, is true; but as an exclusive —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
one, it is false, and leads to error in the Diary entry,
administration of public affairs. In mat- 1760
ters of industry, human enterprise
ought, doubtless, to be left free in the Amidst your Ardour for Greek and Latin
main; not fettered by too much regula- I hope you will not forget your mother
tion; but practical politicians know that Tongue. Read Somewhat in the English
it may be beneficially stimulated by pru- Poets every day. …You will never be
dent aids and encouragements on the alone, with a Poet in your Pocket. You
part of the government. will never have an idle Hour.
“Lucius Crassus” To John Quincy Adams,
December 24, 1801 May 14, 1781

Labor in this country is independent and We sometimes experience sensations to

proud. It has not to ask the patronage which language is not equal. The con-
of capital, but capital solicits the aid of ception is too bulky to be born alive,
labor. … Labor is the great producer and in the torture of thinking we stand
of wealth: it moves all other causes. dumb. Our feelings imprisoned by their
—DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852) magnitude, find no way out, and, in the
Speech in the House of struggle of expression, every finger tries
Representatives, to be a tongue.
April 2, 1824 —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
The Crisis

Speak properly, and in as few words Style in writing or speaking is formed

as you can, but always plainly; for the very early in life while the imagination
end of speech is not ostentation but to is warm, & impressions are permanent.
be understood. —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) To John Bannister, Jr.,
More Fruits of Solitude October 15, 1785
I have often observed that by lending
If you would not be forgotten, as soon words for my thoughts I understand
as you are dead and rotten, either write my thoughts the better. Thoughts are a
things worth reading, or do things kind of mental smoke, which require
worth the writing. words to illuminate them.
Poor Richard’s Almanack To Benjamin Franklin,
1738 December 31, 1785

The use of words is to express ideas. nunciation of words. The want of con-
Perspicuity therefore requires not only formity between the combinations of
that the ideas should be distinctly letters, and the sounds they should rep-
formed, but that they should be ex- resent, increases to foreigners the dif-
pressed by words distinctly and exclu- ficulty of acquiring the language, oc-
sively appropriated to them. But no lan- casions great loss of time to children in
guage is so copious as to supply words learning to read, and renders correct spell-
and phrases for every complex idea, or ing rare but in those who read much.
so correct as not to include many equivo- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
cally denoting different ideas. Hence it To John Wilson,
must happen, that however accurately 1813
objects may be discriminated in them-
selves, and however accurately the dis- The new circumstances under which
crimination may be considered, the we are placed call for new words, new
definition of them may be rendered inac- phrases, and for the transfer of old
curate by the inaccuracy of the terms in words to new objects. An American
which it is delivered. And this unavoid- dialect will therefore be formed.
able inaccuracy must be greater or less, —THOMAS JEFFERSON
according to the complexity and nov- Letter to John Waldo,
elty of the objects defined. When the Al- 1813
mighty himself condescends to address
mankind in their own language, his mean- Such is the character of human language,
ing luminous as it must be, is rendered that no word conveys to the mind, in all
dim and doubtful, by the cloudy medium situations, one single definite idea; and
through which it is communicated. nothing is more common than to use
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) words in a figurative sense. Almost all
The Federalist Papers compositions contain words, which,
1788 taken in their rigorous sense, would con-
vey a meaning different from that which
To know the affinity of tongues seems is obviously intended. It is essential to just
to be one step towards promoting the construction, that many words which
affinity of nations. import something excessive, should be
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) understood in a more mitigated sense—
To the Marquis de Lafayette, in that sense which common usage jus-
January 10, 1788 tifies. The word “necessary” is of this
description. It has not a fixed charac-
Human language is local and changeable. ter peculiar to itself. It admits of all
—THOMAS PAINE degrees of comparison; and it is often
Age of Reason, I connected with other words, which in-
1794 crease or diminish the impression the
mind receives of the urgency it imports.
A change has been long desired in En- —JOHN MARSHALL (1755–1835)
glish orthography, such as might ren- McCulloch v. Maryland
der it an easy and true index of the pro- 1819

To provide for the purity, the unifor- tainable. But as far as it may be attain-
mity, and the stability of language, is of able, the attempt is laudable; and next
great importance under many aspects; to compleat success is that of record-
and especially as an encouragement to ing with admitted fidelity the state of a
genius and to literary labours by extend- language at the epoch of the Record.
ing the prospect of just rewards. A uni- In the exposition of laws, and even of
versal and immortal language is among Constitutions, how many important er-
the wishes never likely to be gratified: rors, may be produced by mere inno-
But all languages are more or less sus- vations in the use of words and phrases,
ceptible of improvement and of pres- if not controllable by a recurrence to
ervation; and none can be better entitled the original, and authentic meaning at-
to the means of perfecting and fixing tached to them.
it, than that common to this Country —JAMES MADISON
and Great Britain, since there is none To Sherman Converse,
that seems destined for a greater and March 10, 1826
freer portion of the human family.
To William S. Cardell,
March 1820 Law is whatever is boldly asserted and
plausibly maintained.
Dictionaries are but the depositories of —AARON BURR (1756—1836)
words already legitimated by usage. Quoted in James Parton’s
Society is the work-shop in which new The Life and Times of Aaron Burr
ones are elaborated. When an individual Date of quote unknown
uses a new word, if ill-formed it is re-
jected in society, if well formed, Since multiplicity of comments, as well
adopted, and, after due time, laid up in as of laws, have great inconveniencies,
the depository of dictionaries. and serve only to obscure and perplex,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON all manner of comments and exposi-
To John Adams, tions on any part of these fundamental
August 15, 1820 constitutions, or on any part of the
common or statute laws of Carolina,
One-half the doubts in life arise from are absolutely prohibited.
the defects of language. —ANONYMOUS
—WILLIAM JOHNSON (c. 1770–1848) “Fundamental Constitutions of
Gibbons v. Ogden Carolina of 1669”
1824 1669

All languages, written as well as oral, Any government is free to the people
tho much less than oral, are liable to under it where the laws rule and the
changes from causes, some of them people are a party to the laws.
inseparable from the nature of man, and —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
the progress of society. A perfect rem- Frame of Government
edy for the evil must therefore be unat- 1682

For in all the states of created beings, dare, strictly speaking, belongs alone
capable of laws, where there is no law to GOD. Parliaments are in all cases to
there is no freedom. declare what is for the good of the
—JOHN LOCKE (1632–1704) whole; but it is not the declaration of
Two Treatises on Civil Government Parliament that makes it so. There must
1690 be in every instance a higher authority,
viz., GOD. Should an act of Parliament
Wherever Law ends, Tyranny begins. be against any of his natural laws, which
—JOHN LOCKE are immutably true, their declaration
Second Treatise of Government would be contrary to eternal truth, eq-
1690 uity, and justice, and consequently void:
and so it would be adjudged by the Par-
The voice of nations and the course of liament itself when convinced of their
things mistake.
Allow that laws superior are to kings. —JAMES OTIS (1725–1783)
—DANIEL DEFOE (1660–1731) The Rights of the British Colonies
The True-Born Englishman Asserted and Proved
1701 1764

Laws like to cobwebs catch small flies; The doctrine of the law then is this: that
Great ones break through before your precedents and rules must be followed,
eyes. unless flatly absurd or unjust; for though
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) their reason be not obvious at first view,
Poor Richard’s Almanack yet we owe such a deference to former
1734 times as wholly without consideration.
Where carcasses are, eagles will gather, Commentaries on the Laws of England
And where good laws are, much people 1765–1769
flock thither.
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN There is one general Observation I
Poor Richard’s Almanack would make; that the End of Govern-
1734 ment is the Happiness of every Indi-
vidual, so far as is consistent with the
Laws too gentle are seldom obeyed; too Good of the Whole. To attain this End
severe, seldom executed. is impossible without Laws, and their
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN due Execution. ’Tis necessary that
Poor Richard’s Almanack Laws should be established, else Judges
1756 and Juries must go according to their
Reason, that is, their Will; and this is in
To say the Parliament is absolute and the strictest Sense arbitrary. On this
arbitrary is a contradiction. The Parlia- Reason, I take to be grounded that well
ment cannot make 2 and 2, 5: known Maxim, that the Judge should
omnipotency cannot do it. The supreme never be the Legislator: Because, then,
power in a state is jus dicere only: jus the Will of the Judge would be the Law;

and this tends directly to a State of Sla- As good government is an empire of

very. The Rules and Orders of a State laws, how shall your laws be made? In
must be known, and must be certain, a large society, inhabiting an extensive
that People may know how to act; or country, it is impossible that the whole
else they are equally uncertain, as if the should assemble to make laws. The first
Law depended upon the arbitrary Opin- necessary step, then, is to depute power
ion of Another. from the many to a few of the most
—THOMAS HUTCHINSON (1711–1780) wise and good.
“Charge to the Grand Jury,” in —JOHN ADAMS
Quincy’s Reports 232, 234 Thoughts on Government
1767 1776

The law no passion can disturb. … On A strict observance of the written laws
the one hand, it is inexorable to the cries is doubtless one of the high duties of a
and lamentations of the prisoner; on the good citizen, but it is not the highest.
other, it is deaf, deaf as an adder, to the The laws of necessity, of self preser-
clamours of the populace. vation, of saving our country when in
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) danger, are of a higher obligation. …
In defense of British soldiers on trial To lose our country by a scrupulous
after the Boston Massacre, adherence to written law would be to
December 1770 lose the law itself, with life, liberty,
property and all those who are enjoy-
If an assault was made to endanger ing them with us; thus absurdly sacri-
their lives, the law is clear they [the ficing the ends to the means.
British soldiers] had a right to kill in —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
their own defense. If it was not so se- Letter to J. B. Colvin,
vere as to endanger their lives, yet if September 20, 1780
they were assaulted at all, struck and
abused by blows of any sort, by snow- Ignorance of the law is not excuse in
balls, oyster shells, cinders, the law any country. If it were, the laws would
reduces the offense of killing down to lose their effect, because it can always
manslaughter, in consideration of those be pretended.
passions of our nature which cannot —THOMAS JEFFERSON
be eradicated. Letter to M. Limozin,
—JOHN ADAMS December 22, 1787
Address to the jury during the trial of
the British soldiers involved in the It will be of little avail to the people that
Boston Massacre, the laws are made by men of their own
December 7, 1770 choice, if the laws be so voluminous
that they cannot be read, or so inco-
A government of laws, and not of men. herent that they cannot be understood;
—JOHN ADAMS if they be repealed or revised before
Essay in the Boston Gazette, they are promulgated, or undergo such
1774 incessant changes that no man who

knows what the law is today can guess The great object of a free people must
what it will be to-morrow. be so to form their government and
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) laws, and so to administer them, as to
The Federalist Papers create a confidence in, and respect for,
1788 the laws; and thereby induce the sen-
sible and virtuous part of the commu-
It is essential to the idea of a law, that it nity to declare in favor of the laws and
be attended with a sanction; or, in other to support them without an expensive
words, a penalty or punishment for dis- military force.
obedience. If there be no penalty an- —RICHARD HENRY LEE (1732–1794)
nexed to disobedience, the resolutions Letters of the Federal Farmer
or commands which pretend to be laws 1788
will, in fact, amount to nothing more
than advice or recommendation. The execution of the laws is more im-
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) portant than the making of them.
The Federalist Papers —THOMAS JEFFERSON
1787 To M. L’Abbe Arnond,
July 19, 1789
The greatest calamity to which the
United States can be subject, is a vicis- Law and liberty cannot rationally be-
situde of laws, and continual shifting come the objects of our love, unless
and changing from one object to an- they first become the objects of our
other, which must expose the people knowledge.
to various inconveniences. This has a —JAMES WILSON (1742–1798)
certain effect, of which sagacious men “Of the Study of the Law in the
always have, and always will make an United States”
advantage. From whom is advantage c. 1790
made? From the industrious farmers
and tradesmen, who are ignorant of the The first and governing maxim in the
means of making such advantages. interpretation of a statute is to discover
—JAMES MADISON the meaning of those who made it.
Virginia Ratifying Convention, —JAMES WILSON
June 11, 1788 “Of the Study of the Law in the
United States”
It would have been a truth, if Mr. Locke c. 1790
had not said it, that where there is no
law, there can be no liberty, and noth- Without liberty, law loses its nature and
ing deserves the name of law but that its name, and becomes oppression. With-
which is certain, and universal in its op- out law, liberty also loses its nature and
eration upon all the members of the its name, and becomes licentiousness.
community. —JAMES WILSON
—BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813) “Of the Study of the Law in the
To David Ramsay, United States”
1788 c. 1790

In planning, forming, and arranging its subjects. All good citizens will rank
laws, deliberation is always becoming, these restraints among their rights, and
and always useful. not among their grievances. A spirit of
—JAMES WILSON national liberty exults in submission to
Lectures on Law the controul of just and salutary laws.
1791 —JONATHAN MAXCY (1768–1820)
An oration,
I have always held it an opinion (mak- 1799
ing it also my practice) that it is better
to obey a bad law, making use at the same Every man in the uncivil state claims a
time of every argument to show its er- right to be the judge of his own cause,
rors and procedure its repeal, than forc- and the avenger of his own wrongs.
ibly to violate it; because the precedent He relinquishes both these rights when
of breaking a bad law might weaken he enters into society. He now has a
the force, and lead to a discretionary claim to assistance and protection from
violation, of those which are good. the aggregate wisdom and force of the
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) community. Every right which he now
Rights of Man, II possesses, rests on the social compact.
1792 He cannot now conduct himself in any
way that is repugnant to established
The law should be equal for all, whether laws and constitutions. These prescribe
it rewards or punishes, whether it pro- the rights of every individual, and these
tects or restrains. alone secure genuine civil liberty.
Plan of a Declaration of Rights An oration,
1792 1799

If the laws are to be so trampled upon If it be understood that the common

with impunity, and a minority (a small law is established by the constitution,
one too) is to dictate to the majority, it follows that no part of the law can be
there is an end put … to republican altered by the legislature … and the
government; and nothing but anarchy whole code with all its incongruities,
and confusion is to be expected here- barbarisms, and bloody maxims would
after. Some other man or society may be inviolably saddled on the good people
dislike another law, and oppose it with of the United States.
equal propriety, until all laws are pros- —JAMES MADISON
trate, and every one (the strongest I The Report of 1800,
presume) will carve for himself. January 7, 1800
To Charles M. Thurston, A nation which appeals to law, rather
August 10, 1794 [than] to force, is particularly bound to
understand the use of the instrument [a
A good government is a system of re- treatise on international law] by which it
straints on the actions and passions of wishes to maintain its rights, as well as

of those which, against its wishes, it may Society cannot exist without whole-
be called on to employ. Where the Sword some restraints. Those restraints can-
alone is the law, there is less inconsis- not be inflicted, without security and
tency, if not more propriety in neglecting respect to the persons who administer
those Teachers of right and duty. them. … try to remember, Elizabeth,
—JAMES MADISON that the laws alone remove us from the
To Peter S. DuPonceau, condition of the savages.
By the law of the land is most clearly The Pioneers
intended the general law[;] a law which 1823
hears, before it condemns; which pro-
ceeds upon inquiry, & renders LAWYERS
judgme[nt] only after trial. The mean-
ing is, that every citizen shall hold his Of Lawyers and Physicians I shall say
life, liberty, property, & immunities, nothing, because this Countrey is very
under the protection of the general rules Peaceable and Healthy; long may it so
which govern society. continue and never have occasion for
—DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852) the Tongue of the one, nor the Pen of
Trustees of Dartmouth College the other, both equally destructive of
v. Woodward Men’s Estates and Lives.
March 10, 1818 —GABRIEL THOMAS (fl. 1690s)
Pennsylvania and West Germany
The mass of the law is, to be sure, ac- 1698
cumulating with an almost incredible
rapidity. … It is impossible not to look God works wonders now and then/
without some discouragement upon Behold a lawyer an honest man.
the ponderous volumes, which the next —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
half century will add to the groaning Poor Richard’s Almanack
shelves of our jurists. 1733
—JOSEPH STORY (1779–1845)
Address before Suffolk Bar, I know you lawyers can, with ease/ Twist
September 4, 1821 words and meanings as you please.
Laws are made for men of ordinary Poor Richard’s Almanack
understanding, and should therefore be 1740
construed by the ordinary rules of com-
mon sense. Their meaning is not to be All associations are dangerous to good
sought for in metaphysical subtleties, Government … and associations of
which may make anything mean every- Lawyers the most dangerous of any
thing or nothing, at pleasure. next to the Military.
Letter to William Johnson, To the Earl of Halifax,
1823 February 22, 1765

A lawyer without books would be like Law … is a field which is uninterest-

a workman without tools. ing and boundless … so encumbered
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) with voluminous rubbish and the
To Thomas Turpin, baggage of folios that it requires
February 5, 1769 uncommon assiduity and patience to
manage so unwieldy a work.
It [law] alone can bring into use many —JAMES KENT (1763–1847)
parts of knowledge you have acquired To Simeon Baldwin,
and will still have a taste for, and pay October 10, 1782
you for cultivating the Arts of Elo-
quence. It is a sort of General Lover [Lawyers] are plants that will grow in
that wooes all the Muses and Graces. any soil that is cultivated by the hands
… I greatly commend your determined of others; and when once they have
adherence to probity and Truth in the taken root they will extinguish every
Character of a Lawyer but fear it would other vegetable that grows around them.
be impracticable. … The most ignorant, the most bun-
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) gling member of that profession, will,
To William Bradford, if placed in the most obscure part of
September 25, 1773 the country, promote litigiousness, and
amass more wealth without labour, than
In no country, perhaps, in the world is the most opulent farmer, with all his
the law so general a study. The profes- toils.
sion itself is numerous and powerful, —MICHEL GUILLAUME JEAN DE
and in most provinces [in America] it CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813)
takes the lead. Letters From an American Farmer
—EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797) 1782
Speech in Parliament for conciliation
with the colonies, The order [of lawyers] is becoming
March 22, 1775 continually more and more powerful.
… There is danger of lawyers becom-
It would be a blessing to mankind if God ing powerful as a combined body. The
would never give a genius without prin- people should be guarded against it as
ciple; and in like manner would be a it might subvert every principle of law
happiness to society if none but honest and establish a perfect aristocracy. …
men would be suffered to be lawyers. This order of men should be annihi-
The wretch who will write on any sub- lated.
ject for bread, or in any service for pay, —BENJAMIN AUSTIN (1733–1819)
and he who will plead in any case for a Observations on the Pernicious Practice
fee, stands equally in rank with the pros- of the Law
titute who lets out her person. 1786
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
A Serious Address to the People of They have a proverb here [in London],
Pennsylvania which I do not know how to account
1778 for;—in speaking of a difficult point,

they say, it would puzzle a Philadel- It is a human science to be learnt, not

phia lawyer. inspired.
A Humorous Description of the Manners To James Hervey Bingham,
and Fashions of London; in a Letter January 19, 1806
from a Citizen of America to his
Correspondent in Philadelphia The practice of the law, it is said, tends
This is the earliest known usage of the to brutalize the feelings, to subvert the
phrase “Philadelphia lawyer” to mean judgment, and to annihilate every vir-
“a shrewd lawyer expert in legal tuous principle of the human heart. …
technicalities.” A lawyer, from the first moment he
1788 enters into business, becomes habitu-
ated to scenes of injustice and oppres-
The law—a profession whose general sion; from which, if he possesses the
principles enlighten and enlarge, but smallest particle of sensibility, he turns
whose minutiae contract and distract at first with disgust and abhorrence; but
the mind. custom soon renders them familiar, and
—JOSEPH STORY (1779–1845) in process of time he can view them
To Samuel P. P. Fay, with the utmost coolness and indiffer-
September 6, 1798 ence. This lamentable consequence is
the frequent practice of the law. For, it
A man can never gallop over the fields is evident, that a perpetual fellowship
of law on Pegasus, nor fly across them with dishonesty, and a constant inter-
on the wing of oratory. If he would course with villainy, will in time, de-
stand on terra firma he must descend; stroy every tender emotion and sap by
if he would be a great lawyer, he must degrees the foundation of the most rigid
first consent to be only a great drudge. virtue.
—DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852) —GEORGE WATTERSON (1783–1854)
To Thomas Merrill, The Lawyer, or Man as he ought not to be
November 11, 1803 1808

Accuracy and diligence are much more He who is always his own counsellor
necessary to a lawyer than great compre- will often have a fool for a client.
hension of mind or brilliancy of talent. —ANONYMOUS
—DANIEL WEBSTER Port Folio (Philadelphia),
To Thomas Merrill, August 1809
November 11, 1803
The discussion of constitutional ques-
Study is truly the grand requisite for a tions throws a lustre round the bar, and
lawyer. Men may be born poets, and gives a dignity to its functions, which
leap from their cradle painters; nature can rarely belong to the profession in
may have made them musicians, and any other country. Lawyers are here
called on them only to exercise, and not emphatically placed as sentinels upon
to acquire, ability. But law is artificial. the outposts of the constitution; and no

nobler end can be proposed for their Idleness begets ennui, ennui the hypo-
ambition or patriotism, than to stand as chondriac, and that a diseased body. No
faithful guardians of the constitution, laborious person was ever yet hysteri-
ready to defend its legitimate powers, cal.
and to stay the arm of legislative, ex- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
ecutive, or popular oppression. To Martha Jefferson,
—JOSEPH STORY March 28, 1787
Address before the Suffolk Bar,
September 4, 1821 A mind always employed is always
happy. This is the true secret, the grand
The New England folks have a saying, recipe, for felicity. The idle are the only
that three Philadelphia lawyers are a wretched.
match for the very devil himself. —THOMAS JEFFERSON
—ANONYMOUS To Martha Jefferson,
Salem Observer, May 21, 1787
March 14, 1824
Ubi lierartas ibi patria. [Where liberty
O Lazy-bones! Dost think God would is, there is my country]
have given thee arms and legs if he had —JAMES OTIS (1725–1783)
not designed thou shouldst use them. His motto,
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) Date Unknown
Poor Richard’s Almanack,
1739 Where liberty dwells, there is my coun-
Up, sluggard, and waste not life; in the —ATTRIBUTED T O BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
grave will be sleeping enough. (1706–1790)
Poor Richard’s Almanack
1741 Do thou, great liberty, inspire our souls,
And make our lives in thy possession
Serving God is doing good to man, but happy
praying is thought an easier service and Or our deaths glorious in thy just de-
therefore is more generally chosen. fense.
Poor Richard’s Almanack Motto of the Massachusetts Spy,
1753 November 22 to April 6, 1713

He that never eats too much will never Man’s original liberty after it is resigned
be lazy. (yet under due restrictions) ought to be
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN cherished in all wise governments; or
Poor Richard’s Almanack otherwise a man in making himself a
1756 subject, he alters himself from a free-

man into a slave, which to do is repug- A perpetual jealousy, respecting lib-

nant to the law of nature. Also the natu- erty, is absolutely requisite in all free
ral equality of men amongst men must states.
be duly favored; in that government —JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794)
was never established by God or na- Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania
ture to give one man a prerogative to 1768
insult over another; therefore in a civil
as well as in a natural state of being, a Come, join hand in hand, brave Ameri-
just equality is to be indulged so far as cans all,
that every man is bound to honor ev- And rouse your bold hearts at fair
ery man, which is agreeable both with Liberty’s call;
nature and religion (I Pet. ii. 17): Honor No tyrannous acts shall suppress your
all men. just claim,
—JOHN WISE (1652–1725) Or stain with dishonor America’s name.
A Vindication of the Government of
New England Churches Chorus:
1717 In Freedom we’re born and in Free-
dom we’ll live.
The second great immunity of man is Our purses are ready. Steady, friends,
an original liberty enstamped upon his steady;
rational nature. He that intrudes upon Not as slaves, but as Freemen our
this liberty violates the law of nature. money we’ll give.
A Vindication of the Government of Our worthy forefathers, let’s give them
New England Churches a cheer,
1717 To climates unknown did courageously
Those who would give up essential lib- Thro’ oceans to deserts for Freedom
erty to purchase a little temporary safety they came,
deserve neither liberty nor safety. And dying, bequeath’d us their freedom
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) and fame.
Speech to the Pennsylvania Assembly,
November 11, 1755 Chorus

[L]iberty must at all hazards be sup- The tree their own hands had to Lib-
ported. We have a right to it, derived erty rear’d,
from our Maker. But if we had not, our They lived to behold growing strong
fathers have earned and bought it for and revered;
us, at the expense of their ease, their With transport they cried, Now our
estates, their pleasure, and their blood. wishes we gain,
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) For our children shall gather the fruits
A Dissertation on the Canon and of our pain.
Feudal Law
1765 Chorus

Then join hand in hand, brave Ameri- persuade the adversary to desist, if there
cans all, be opportunity for it; or get out of his
By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall; way, if he can; and if by such means
In so righteous a cause let us hope to he can prevent the injury, he is to use
succeed, no other.
For heaven approves of each generous But the experience of all ages has
deed. shewn that those, who are so unrea-
sonable as to form designs of injuring
Chorus others, are seldom to be diverted from
their purpose by argument and persua-
In Freedom we’re born and in Free- sion alone; Notwithstanding all that can
dom we’ll live. be said to shew the injustice and inhu-
Our purses are ready. Steady, friends, manity of their attempt, they persist in
steady; they have gratified the unruly passion
Not as slaves, but as Freemen our which set them to work. And in this
money we’ll give case, what is to be done by the suf-
—JOHN DICKINSON ferer! Is he to use no other means for
“The Liberty Song” his safety, but remonstrance or flight,
1768 when these will not secure him? Is he
patiently to take the injury and suffer
That no man should scruple, or hesi- himself to be robbed of his liberty or
tate a moment to use arms in defence his life, if the adversary sees fit to take
of so valuable a blessing [as liberty], it? Nature certainly forbids this tame
on which all the good and evil of life submission, and loudly calls to a more
depends, is clearly my opinion. Yet arms vigorous defence. Self-preservation is
… should be the last resort. one of the strongest, and a universal
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) principle of the human mind:
To George Mason, And this principle allows of every
April 5, 1769 thing necessary to self-defence, oppos-
ing force to force, and violence to vio-
What are all the Riches, the Luxuries, lence. This is so universally allowed
and even the Conveniences of Life com- that I need not attempt to prove it.
pared with that Liberty where with God But since it has been supposed by
and Nature have set us free, with that some that Christianity forbids all vio-
inestimable Jewel which is the Basis of lent resisting of evil, or defending our-
all other Enjoyments? selves against injuries in such a man-
—ALEXANDER MCDOUGAL (1731–1786) ner as will hurt, or endanger those who
To the Free and Loyal Inhabitants of attack us; it may not be amiss to en-
the City and Colony of New York, quire briefly, Whether defensive war be
May 16, 1770 not allowed by the gospel of Christ, the
Prince of peace.
When any one’s liberty is attacked or And there are, if I mistake not, sev-
threatened, he is first to try gentle meth- eral passages in the new testament,
ods for his safety; to reason with, and which shew, that, it was not the design

of this divine institution to take away themselves masters, instead of continu-

from mankind the natural right of de- ing stewards of the community; in these
fending their liberty, even by the sword. days, I say, we are more distinctly, sen-
—SIMEON HOWARD (?–c. 1804) sible, and frequently called on to watch
Sermon preached to the Ancient and the conduct of government. Liberty is
Honorable Artillery Company in not an absolute right of our own, if it
Boston, were, we might support, and guard, or
June 7, 1773 neglect it at pleasure. It is a loan of
heaven, for which we must account
If liberty is such a thing, and so great a with the great God. It is therefore, as
blessing as it has been represented, it unreasonable for us to place an unlim-
is, certainly, a rich talent that Heaven ited confidence in any earthly ruler, as
has been pleased to entrust with every to place such a confidence in our spiri-
man, and it undoubtedly becomes all to tual ministers and depend wholly on
be constantly, and thoroughly awake to them to settle our final account with
a sense of their duty respecting it. We the holy judge of the universe.
are too ready to fancy, that when once —NATHANIEL NILES (1741–1828)
we have appointed legislators, and Two discourses on liberty, delivered at
given them charge of this inestimable the North Church, in Newbury-port,
treasure, we need give ourselves no June 5, 1774
farther concern about it. But this is not
our whole duty. We are all stewards, to That civil liberty is of great worth, may
whom the God of nature has commit- be inferred from the conduct of God
ted this talent. The design of appoint- towards the Jewish nation. He prom-
ing a few individuals to government, is ised them freedom from the oppression
not to free the rest from their obliga- of their enemies as a testimony of his
tions but to assist them in the discharge favour in case of their obedience; and
of their duty, in the same manner that as a chastisement for their disobedi-
ministers of the gospel are to assist their ence, he threatened them with a state
hearers in those duties that respect the of servitude. From this it is certain that
care of their souls. Communities ought the omnicient God himself, esteems lib-
therefore to keep an impartial and erty a great blessing.
watchful eye on government. They are —NATHANIEL NILES
urged to do so, by a consideration of Two discourses on liberty, delivered at
the avaricious, and aspiring dispositions the North Church, in Newbury-port,
of mankind in general, and the peculiar June 5, 1774
opportunities and temptations that Gov-
ernors have to indulge them. In these We your majesty’s faithful subjects …
latter ages of the world, after it has been [beg] to lay our grievances before the
found by several thousands years ex- throne. …
perience, that such as have been made The apprehension of being degraded
the guardians of liberty, have in almost into a state of servitude, from the pre-
every instance, where it was thought eminent rank of English freemen, while
practicable, endeavoured to make our minds retain the strongest love of

liberty, and clearly foresee the miseries to leave wealth to our children: but it is
preparing for us and our posterity, ex- our duty, to leave liberty to them. No
cites emotions in our breasts, which, infamy, iniquity, or cruelty, can exceed
though we cannot describe, we should our own, if we, born and educated in a
not wish to conceal. Feeling as men, country of freedom, intitled to its bless-
and thinking as subjects in the manner ings, and knowing their value, pusillani-
we do, silence would be disloyalty. By mously deserting the post assigned to
giving this faithful information, we do us by Divine Providence, surrender
all in our power to promote the great succeeding generations to a condition
objects of your royal cares, the tran- of wretchedness, from which no hu-
quility of your government, and the man efforts, in all probability, will be
welfare of your people… sufficient to extricate them; the experi-
—ANONYMOUS ence of all states mournfully demon-
Petition from the General Congress in strating to us, that when arbitrary power
America to the King, has been established over them, even
October 26, 1774 the wisest and bravest nations that ever
flourished, have, in a few years, de-
Give me the steady, uniform, unshaken generated into abject and wretched vas-
security of constitutional freedom. Give sals.
me the right of trial by jury of my own —JOHN DICKINSON
neighbors, and to be taxed by my own Resolutions of Committee for the
representatives only. What will become Providence of Pennsylvania,
of the law and courts of justice with- 1774
out this? I would die to preserve the
law upon a solid foundation; but take Our forefathers passed the vast Atlan-
away liberty, and the foundation is de- tic, spent their blood and treasure, that
stroyed. they might enjoy their liberties, both
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) civil and religious, and transmit them
“A Full Vindication of the Measures of to their posterity. Their children have
Congress” waded through seas of difficulty, to
December 15, 1774 leave us free and happy in the enjoy-
ment of English privileges. Now if we
There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty, should give them up, can our children
that makes human nature rise above it- give up and call us blessed? … Let us
self in acts of bravery and heroism. all be of one heart, and stand fast in the
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON liberty wherewith Christ has made us
“A Full Vindication of the Measures of free. And may He, of His infinite mercy,
Congress” grant us deliverance out of all our
December 15, 1774 troubles.
Honour, justice and humanity call upon Source Unknown
us to hold, and to transmit to our pos- 1774
terity, that liberty, which we received
from our ancestors. It is not our duty Is life so dear, or peaceful so sweet, as

to be purchased at the price of chains pacity, and who are come to the years
and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! of understanding.
I know not what course others may —LEVI HART (1738–1808)
take, but as for me, give me liberty or Liberty Described and Recommended:
give me death! A Sermon Preached to the
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) Corporation of Freemen in Farmington
Speech at the Virginia Convention (Connecticut)
(There is some question whether 1775
Henry ever used these words, which
were first reported five decades later But a Constitution of Government once
by his biographer William Wirt.) changed from Freedom, can never be
March 23, 1775 restored. Liberty once lost is lost for-
It is natural to man to indulge in the —JOHN ADAMS
illusions of hope. We are apt to shut To Abigail Adams,
our eyes against a painful truth—and 1775
listen to the song of that syren, till she
transforms us into beasts. Is this the Liberty has been planted here; and the
part of wise men, engaged in a great more it is attacked, the more it grows
and arduous struggle for liberty? Are and flourishes.
we disposed to be of the number of —SAMUEL SHERWOOD (Dates unknown)
those, who having eyes, see not, and “The Church’s Flight into the
having ears, hear not, the things which Wilderness, An Address On The
so nearly concern their temporal salva- Times”
tion? For my part, whatever anguish January 17, 1776
of spirit it might cost, I am willing to
know the whole truth; to know the But while we are nobly opposing with
worst, and to provide for it. our lives and estates the tyranny of the
—PATRICK HENRY British Parliament, let us not forget the
Speech at the Virginia Convention, duty which we owe to our lawful mag-
March 23, 1775 istrates; let us never mistake licentious-
ness for liberty. The more we under-
Liberty may be defined in general, a stand the principles of liberty, the more
power of action, or a certain suitable- readily shall we yield obedience to law-
ness or preparedness for exertion, and ful authority; for no man can oppose
a freedom from force, or hindrance good government but he that is a
from any external cause. Liberty when stranger to true liberty.
predicated of man as a moral agent, and —SAMUEL WEST (1730–1807)
accountable creature, is that suitable- On the Right to Rebel Against
ness or preparedness to be the subject Governors
of volitions, or exercises of will, with May 29, 1776
reference to moral objects; by the in-
fluence of motives, which we find There is not a single instance in history
belongeth to all men of common ca- in which civil liberty was lost, and reli-

gious liberty preserved entire. If there- virtuous use of the blessings placed
fore we yield up our temporal property, before them.
we at the same time deliver the con- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
science into bondage. To the Reformed German Congrega-
—JOHN WITHERSPOON (1723–1794) tion of New York City,
The Dominion of Providence Over the November 27, 1783
Passions of Men
1776 The people never give up their liberties
but under some delusion.
Though the flame of liberty may some- —EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797)
times cease to shine, the coal never can Speech at Country Meeting of
expire. Buckinghamshire,
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) 1784
The Crisis
1776 Real liberty is neither found in despo-
tism or the extremes of democracy, but
It is a common observation here [Paris] in moderate governments.
that our cause is the cause of all man- —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
kind, and that we are fighting for their Constitutional Convention,
liberty in defending our own. June 26, 1787
Letter to Samuel Cooper, Is the relinquishment of the trial by jury
1777 and the liberty of the press necessary
for your liberty? Will the abandonment
If justice, good faith, honor, gratitude of your most sacred rights tend to the
and all the other Qualities which enoble security of your liberty? Liberty, the
the character of a nation, and fulfill the greatest of all earthy blessings—give us
ends of Government, be the fruits of the precious jewel, and you may take
our establishments, the cause of liberty every thing else! … Guard with jealous
will acquire a dignity and lustre, which attention the public liberty. … Unfortu-
it has never yet enjoyed; and an ex- nately, nothing will preserve it but
ample will be set which can not but have downright force. Whenever you give
the most favorable influence on the up that force, you are inevitably ruined.
rights of mankind. —PATRICK HENRY
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) Speech at the Virginia Convention,
Address to the States June 5, 1788
April 25, 1783
Experience has proved that the real dan-
The establishment of Civil and Religious ger to America and to liberty lies in the
Liberty was the Motive which induced defect of energy and stability in the present
me to the Field—the object is attained— establishments of the United States.
and it now remains to be my earnest —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
wish & prayer, that the Citizens of the To Philip Mazzei,
United States could make a wise and October 8, 1788

Liberty may be endangered by the ery citizen shall be an Argus to espy,

abuses of liberty as well as the abuses and an Aegeon to avenge, the unhal-
of power. lowed deed.
The Federalist Papers Speech to Congress,
1788 1792

God grant, that not only the Love of Liberty cannot be purchased by a wish.
Liberty, but a thorough Knowledge of —THOMAS PAINE
the Rights of Man, may pervade all the Letter to the People of France,
Nations of the Earth, so that a Philoso- 1792
pher may set his Foot anywhere on its
Surface, and say, “This is my Country.” Liberty is the power to do everything
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN that does not interfere with the rights
Letter to David Hartley, of others: thus, the exercise of the natu-
December 4, 1789 ral rights of every individual has no lim-
its save those that assure to other mem-
The numbers of men in all ages have bers of society the enjoyment of the
preferred ease, slumber, and good cheer same rights.
to liberty, when they have been in com- —THOMAS PAINE
petition. Plan of a Declaration of Rights
To Samuel Adams,
October 18, 1790 The pretext of propagating liberty can
make no difference. Every nation has a
Whatever facilitates a general inter- right to carve out its own happiness in
course of sentiments, as good roads, its own way, and it is the height of pre-
domestic commerce, a free press, and sumption in another to attempt to fash-
particularly a circulation of newspapers ion its political creed.
through the entire body of the people, —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
and Representatives going from, and To George Washington,
returning among every part of them, is May 2, 1793
equivalent to a contraction of territorial
limits, and is favorable to liberty, where He that would make his own liberty
these may be too extensive. secure, must guard even his enemy
—JAMES MADISON from oppression; for if he violates this
“On Public Opinion” duty, he establishes a precedent that will
December 19, 1791 reach to himself.
Liberty and order will never be perfectly From The Writings of Thomas Paine,
safe, until a trespass on the constitu- edited by Moncure D. Conway
tional provisions for either, shall be felt Originally published in 1795
with the same keenness that resents an
invasion of the dearest rights, until ev- Timid men … prefer the calm of

despotism to the boisterous sea of lib- If the true spark of religious and civil
erty. liberty be kindled, it will burn. Human
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) agency cannot extinguish it. Like the
To Philip Mazzei, earth’s central fire, it may be smoth-
April 24, 1796 ered for a time; the ocean may over-
whelm it; mountains may press it down;
The distinction between liberty and li- but its inherent and unconquerable force
centiousness is … a repetition of the will heave both the ocean and the land,
Protean doctrine of implication, which and at some time or other, in some place
is ever ready to work its ends by vary- or other, the volcano will break out and
ing its shape. flame up to heaven.
To the General Assembly of Virginia, Address at Bunker Hill Monument
January 23, 1799 Cornerstone laying,
June 17, 1825
Perhaps it is a universal truth that the
loss of liberty at home is to be charged LIES & FALSEHOODS
to provisions against danger, real or
pretended, from abroad. Where thou art obliged to speak, be
—JAMES MADISON sure to speak the truth: for equivoca-
To Thomas Jefferson, tion is half way to lying; as lying, the
May 13, 1799 whole way to hell.
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
It behooves every man who values lib- Some Fruits of Solitude
erty of conscience for himself, to re- 1693
sist invasions of it in the case of oth-
ers; or their case may, by change of Man’s tongue is soft and bone doth
circumstances, become his own. lack; / Yet a stroke therewith may break
—THOMAS JEFFERSON a man’s back.
Letter to Benjamin Rush, —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
April 21, 1803 Poor Richard’s Almanack
I would define liberty to be a power to
do as we would be done by. A continual circulation of lies among
—JOHN ADAMS those who are not much in the way of
To J. H. Tiffany, hearing them contradicted, will in time
March 31, 1819 pass for truth; and the crime lies not in
the believer but the inventor.
Straight is the gate and narrow is the —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
way that leads to liberty, and few na- The Crisis
tions, if any, have found it. 1777
To Richard Rush, He who permits himself to tell a lie
May 14, 1821 once, finds it much easier to do a sec-

ond and third time, till at length it be- If ever wife was happy in a man,
comes habitual; he tells lies without at- Compare with me, ye women, if you
tending to it, and truths without the can.
world’s believing him. This falsehood I prize thy love more than whole mines
of the tongue leads to that of the heart, of gold
and in time depraves all its good dispo- Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
sitions. My love is such that rivers cannot
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) quench,
Notes on the State of Virginia Nor ought but love from thee, give rec-
1781–1785 ompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay,
An insinuation, which a man who The heavens reward thee manifold, I
makes it does not believe himself, is pray.
equal to lying. It is the cowardice of Then while we live, in love let’s so per-
lying. It unites the barest part of that severe
vice with the meanest of all others. An That when we live no more, we may
open liar is a highwayman in his pro- live ever.
fession, but an insinuating liar is a thief —ANNE BRADSTREET (c. 1612–1672)
skulking in the night. “To My Dear and Loving Husband”
To the Opposers of the Bank
1787 My head, my heart, mine eyes, my life,
nay, more,
It is an easy thing to tell a lie, but it is My joy, my magazine of earthly store,
difficult to support the lie after it is told. If two be one, as surely thou and I,
—THOMAS PAINE How stayest thou there, whilst I at
Age of Reason Ipswich lie?
1795 So many steps, head from the heart to
The man who never looks into a news- If but a neck, soon should we be to-
paper is better informed than he who gether.
reads them, inasmuch as he who knows I, like the Earth this season, mourn in
nothing is nearer the truth than he black,
whose minds filled with falsehoods and My Sun is gone so far in’s zodiac,
errors. Whom whilst I ’joyed, nor storms, nor
Letter to John Norvell, His warmth such frigid colds did cause
June 11, 1807 to melt.
My chilled limbs now numbed lie for-
LOVE lorn;
Return, return, sweet Sol, from Capricorn;
If ever two were one, then surely we. In this dead time, alas, what can I more
If ever man were loved by wife, then Than view those fruits which through
thee; thy heat I bore?

Which sweet contentment yield me for If you would be loved, love and be
a space, loveable.
True living pictures of their father’s —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
face. Poor Richard’s Almanack
O strange effect! now thou art south- 1755
ward gone,
I weary grow the tedious day so long; You bid me burn your letters, but I must
But when thou northward to me shalt forget you first.
return, —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
I wish my Sun may never set, but burn Letter to Abigail Adams,
Within the Cancer of my glowing April 28, 1776
The welcome house of him my dearest Divided love is never happy.
guest. —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Where ever, ever stay, and go not Age of Reason, II
thence, 1795
Till nature’s sad decree shall call thee
hence; ’Tis that delight some transport we can
Flesh of thy flesh, bone of thy bone, feel
I here, thou there, yet both but one. Which painters cannot paint, nor words
“A Letter to Her Husband, Absent Nor any art we know of can conceal.
upon Public Employment” —THOMAS PAINE
1678 What is Love?
Never marry but for love; but see that
thou lovest what is lovely. LUCK & GOOD FORTUNE
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
Some Fruits of Solitude Poets say fortune’s blind and cannot
1693 see, / But certainly they must deceived
be; / Else could it not most commonly
He that falls in love with himself will fall out / That fools should have and
have no rivals. wise men go without.
Poor Richard’s Almanack Poor Richard’s Almanack
1739 1734

JAMES MADISON and so determine the suffrage of the
Mr. Madison is wholly unfit for the —JOHN WISE (1652–1725)
storms of War. Nature has cast him in A Vindication of the Government of
too benevolent a mould. Admirably New-England Churches
adapted to the tranquil scenes of 1717
peace—blending all the mild amiable
virtues, he is not fit for the rough and There is no maxim, in my opinion,
rude blasts which the conflicts of na- which is more liable to be misapplied,
tions generate. and which, therefore, more needs elu-
—HENRY CLAY (1777–1852) cidation, than the current one, that the
Letter to Caesar Rodney, interest of the majority is the political
December 29, 1812 standard of right and wrong.
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
… stimulating everything in the man- To James Monroe,
ner worthy of a little commander-in- October 5, 1786
chief, with his little round hat and huge
cockade. Monopolies … are justly classed among
—RICHARD RUSH (1780–1859) the greatest nuisances in Government.
Letter to Benjamin Rush, … Monopolies are sacrifices of the
June 20, 1812 many to the few. Where the power is
in the few it is natural for them to
MAJORITIES & MINORITIES sacrifice the many to their own par-
tialities and corruptions. Where the
But in every distinct house of these power as with us is in the many not in
states, the members are equal in their the few the danger cannot be very great
vote; the most ayes make the affirma- that the few will be thus favored. It is
tive vote, and most no’s the negative: much more to be dreaded that the few
They don’t weigh the intellectual fur- will be unnecessarily sacrificed to the
niture, or other distinguishing qualifi- many.
cations of the several voters in the —JAMES MADISON
scales of the golden rule of fellowship; To Thomas Jefferson,
they only add up the ayes, and the no’s, October 17, 1788


Wherever the real power in a Govern- Where the Law of the majority ceases
ment lies, there is the danger of oppres- to be acknowledged, there government
sion. In our Governments, the real ends, the Law of the strongest takes
power lies in the majority of the Com- its place, & life & property are his who
munity, and the invasion of private can take them.
rights is chiefly to be apprehended, not —THOMAS JEFFERSON
from the acts of Government contrary To James Gassway,
to the sense of its constituents, but February 17, 1809
from acts in which the Government is
the mere instrument of the major num- In governments, where the will of the
ber of the constituents. people prevails, the danger of injus-
—JAMES MADISON tice arises from the interest, real or
To Thomas Jefferson, supposed, which a majority may have
October 17, 1788 in trespassing on that of the minor-
On a candid examination of history, we —JAMES MADISON
shall find that turbulence, violence, and To Thomas Cooper,
abuse of power, by the majority tram- March 23, 1824
pling on the rights of the minority, have
produced factions and commotions MANNERS
which, in republics, have, more fre-
quently than any other cause, produced If thou thinkest twice, before thou
despotism. speakest once, thou wilt speak twice
—JAMES MADISON the better for it.
To Thomas Jefferson, —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
February 4, 1790 Some Fruits of Solitude
Such is the nature of representative
government, that it quietly decides all Return the civilities thou receivest, and
matters by majority. be ever grateful for favours.
Rights of Man, II Some Fruits of Solitude
1792 1693

All, too, will bear in mind this sacred Visits should be short like a winter’s
principle, that though the will of the day
majority is in all cases to prevail, that Lest you’re too troublesome, hasten
will to be rightful must be reasonable; away.
that the minority possess their equal —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
rights, which equal law must protect, Poor Richard’s Almanack
and to violate would be oppression. 1733
First inaugural address, None but the well-bred man knows
March 4, 1801 how to confess a fault or acknowledge

himself in error. tion. A good form of government may

—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN hold the rotten materials together for
Poor Richard’s Almanack some time, but beyond a certain pitch,
1738 even the best constitution will be inef-
fectual, and slavery must ensue.
Tart words make no friends. A spoon- —JOHN WITHERSPOON (1723–1794)
ful of honey will catch more flies than The Dominion of Providence Over the
a gallon of vinegar. Passions of Men
Poor Richard’s Almanack
1744 The domestic tranquility of a nation,
depends greatly, on the chastity of what
Contradict not at every turn what oth- may properly be called national man-
ers have to say. ners.
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Rules of Civility Common Sense
1745 1776

It is absurd to act the same with a clown Benevolence is due from one to another,
and a prince. not as a return of advantage received,
—GEORGE WASHINGTON but as an essential mark of humanity,
Rules of Civility demanded of our Creator. And the omis-
1745 sion to indifferent persons, is reproach-
able; to relations, allies and friends, in-
In company of those of higher quality famous.
than yourself, speak not till you are —ANONYMOUS
asked a question. Rudiments of Law and Government
—GEORGE WASHINGTON Deduced from the Law of Nature
Rules of Civility 1783
It takes three generations to make a
A good example is the best sermon. gentleman.
Poor Richard’s Almanack (1789–1851)
It is ill-manners to silence a fool, and 1823
cruelty to let him go on.
Poor Richard’s Almanack
1757 An husband and wife that love and value
one another, show their children and
Nothing is more certain than that a gen- servants, that they should do so too.
eral profligacy and corruption of man- Others visibly lose their authority in their
ners make a people ripe for destruc- families, by their contempt of one an-

other: and teach their children to be You cannot pluck roses without fear
unnatural by their own examples. of thorns, / Nor enjoy a fair wife with-
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) out danger of horns.
Some Fruits of Solitude —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
1693 Poor Richard’s Almanack
If love be not thy chiefest motive, thou
wilt soon grow weary of a married state, Keep your eyes wide open before mar-
and stray from thy promise, to search riage, half shut afterwards.
out thy pleasures in forbidden places. —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
—WILLIAM PENN Poor Richard’s Almanack
Some Fruits of Solitude 1738
One good husband is worth two good
They that marry for money, cannot have wives, for the scarcer things are, the
the true satisfaction of marriage; the more they’re valued.
requisite means being wanting. —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
—WILLIAM PENN Poor Richard’s Almanack
Some Fruits of Solitude 1742
I know of no Medicine fit to diminish
Grief often treads upon the heels of plea- the violent natural Inclinations you men-
sure; / Married in haste we oft repent tion; and if I did, I think I should not
at leisure; / Some by experience find communicate it to you. Marriage is
the words misplaced; / Married at lei- the proper Remedy. It is the most
sure, they repent in haste. natural State of Man, and therefore
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) the State in which you are most likely
Poor Richard’s Almanack to find solid Happiness. Your Reasons
1734 against entering into it at present, ap-
pear to me not well-founded. The cir-
Marriage, as old men note, hath likened cumstantial Advantages you have in
been / Unto a public crowd or com- View by postponing it, are not only
mon rout, / Where those that are with- uncertain, but they are small in com-
out would fain get in, / And those that parison with that of the Thing itself,
are within would fain get out. the being married and settled. It is the
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Man and Woman united that make the
Poor Richard’s Almanack compleat human Being. Separate, she
1734 wants his Force of Body and Strength
of Reason; he, her Softness, Sensibil-
Where there’s marriage without love, ity and acute Discernment. Together
there will be love without marriage. they are more likely to succeed in the
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN World. A single Man has not nearly the
Poor Richard’s Almanack Value he would have in that State of
1734 Union. He is an incomplete Animal. He

resembles the odd half of a Pair of Scis- When I see my female friends drop
sors. If you get a prudent healthy Wife, off by matrimony I am sensible of
your Industry in your Profession, with something that affects me like a loss
her good economy, will be a Fortune in spite of all the appearances of joy:
sufficient. I cannot help mixing the sincere
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN compliment of regret with that of con-
Letter to a young man, gratulation. It appears as if I had out-
June 25, 1745 lived or lost a friend. It seems to me as
if the original was no more, and that
I have always considered marriage as which she is changed to forsakes the
the most interesting event of one’s life, circle and forgets the scenes of
the foundation of happiness or mis- former society. Felicities are cares
ery. superior to those she formerly cared
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) for, create to her a new landscape of
To Burwell Bassett, life that excludes the little friendships
May 23, 1785 of the past. It is not every lady’s mind
that is sufficiently capacious to pre-
[M]ore permanent and genuine happi- vent those greater objects crowding
ness is to be found in the sequestered out the less, or that can spare a thought
walks of connubial life than in the giddy to former friendships after she has
rounds of promiscuous pleasure. given her hand and heart to the man
—GEORGE WASHINGTON who loves her.
To Marquis de la Rourie, —THOMAS PAINE
August 10, 1786 To Kitty Nicholson Few,
January 6, 1789
Though I appear a sort of wanderer,
the married state has not a sincerer When divorces can be summoned to
friend than I am. It is the harbor of the aid of levity, or vanity, or of ava-
human life, and is, with respect to the rice, a state of marriage frequently be-
things of this world, what the next comes a state of war or strategem.
world is to this. It is home; and that —JAMES WILSON (1742–1798)
one word conveys more than any other Lectures on Law
word can express. For a few years we 1791
may glide along the tide of youthful
single life and be wonderfully delighted; Seven hundred wives, and three hun-
but it is a tide that flows but once, and dred concubines, are worse than
what is still worse, it ebbs faster than it none; and however it may carry with
flows, and leaves many a hapless voy- it the appearance of heightened en-
ager aground. I am one, you see, that joyment, it defeats all the felicity of
have experienced the fate I am describ- affection, by leaving it no point to fix
ing. upon.
To Kitty Nicholson Few, Age of Reason, II
January 6, 1789 1795

MASSACHUSETTS in search of new matter and new re-

finements: But as it is pleasant, and
The land to me seemed a paradise. … sometimes useful, to look back, even
[I]f this land be not rich, then the whole to the first periods of infancy, and trace
world is poor. the turns and windings through which
—THOMAS MORTON (c. 1590–1647) we have passed, so we may likewise
New English Canaan derive many advantages by halting a
1637 while in our political career, and taking
a review of the wonderous compli-
The first public love of my heart is the cated labyrinth of little more than yes-
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. terday.
—JOSIAH QUINCY, JR. (1772–1864) —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Speech directed at the U.S. House of The Crisis
Representatives, 1777
January 14, 1811
Were a man to be totally deprived of
MEANS & ENDS memory, he would be incapable of
forming any just opinion; every thing
A good end cannot sanctify evil means; about him would seem a chaos; he
nor must we ever do evil, that good would have even his own history to ask
may come of it. from every one; and by not knowing
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) how the world went on in his absence,
Some Fruits of Solitude he would be at a loss to know how it
1693 ought to be on when he recovered, or
rather, returned to it again.
It is too common an error, to invert the —THOMAS PAINE
order of things; by making an end of The Crisis
that which is a means, and a means of 1777
that which is an end.
Some Fruits of Solitude
1693 Justice, that in the rigid paths of law,
would still some drops from Pity’s
MEMORY fountain draw.
—JOHN LANGHORNE (1735–1779)
In the progress of politics, as in the The Country Justice
common occurrences of life, we are c. 1766
not only apt to forget the ground we
have travelled over, but frequently ne- It is the madness of folly to expect
glect to gather up experience as we mercy from those who have refused
go. to do justice.
We expend, if I may so say, the —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
knowledge of every day on the circum- The Crisis
stances that produce it, and journey on 1776

There is a kind of bastard generosity, MILITARY & WAR

which, by being extended to all men, is
as fatal to society, on one hand, as the Establish the eternal truth that acquies-
want of true generosity is on the other. cence under insult is not the way to
A lax manner of administering justice, escape war.
falsely termed moderation, has a ten- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
dency both to dispirit public virtue and Date unknown
promote the growth of public evils.
—THOMAS PAINE Noe ffreeman shall be compelled to re-
The Crisis ceive any Marriners or Souldiers into
1776 his house and there suffer them to
Sojourne, against their willes provided
We hold that the moral obligation of Alwayes it be not in time of Actuall Warr
providing for old age, helpless in- within this province.
fancy, and poverty, is far superior to —ANONYMOUS
that of supplying the invented wants New York Charter of Libertyes of 1683,
of courtly extravagance, ambition and 1683
—THOMAS PAINE It is a great mark of the corruption of
Address and Declaration of the our natures, and what ought to humble
Friends of Universal Peace and Liberty, us extremely, and excite the exercise
1791 of our reason to a nobler and juster
sense, that we cannot see the use and
When it shall be said in any country in pleasure of our comforts but by the
the world, my poor are happy, neither want of them. As if we could not taste
ignorance nor distress is to be found the benefit of health, but by the help of
among them; my jails are empty of pris- sickness; nor understand the satisfaction
oners, my streets of beggars; the aged of fullness without the instruction of want;
are not in want, the taxes are not op- not, finally, know the comfort of peace
pressive; the rational world is my friend, but by the smart and penance of the
because I am the friend of its happi- vices of war: And without dispute that
ness: when these things can be said, is not the lest reason that God is pleased
then may that country boast its consti- to chastise us so frequently with it.
tution and its government. —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
—THOMAS PAINE An Essay Towards the Present and
Rights of Man, II Future Peace of Europe
1792 1693

My compassion for the unfortunate, I heard the bullets whistle; and believe
whether friend or enemy, is … lively me, there is something charming in the
and sincere. sound.
To the French National Convention, Letter to his mother,
January 15, 1793 May 3, 1754

How stands the glass around? —SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803)

For shame you take no care, my boys, Essay in the Boston Gazette about
How stands the glass around? British forces in Boston,
Let wine and mirth abound; 1768
The trumpet sound,
The colors they do fly my boys; A people who would stand fast in their
To fight, kill or wound; liberty, should furnish themselves with
As you would be found, weapons proper for their defence, and
Contented with hard fare, my boys learn the use of them.
On the cold ground It is indeed an hard case, that those
who are happy in the blessings of provi-
O why, soldiers why? dence, and disposed to live peaceably
O why should we be melancholy boys, with all men, should be obliged to keep
O why soldiers why? up the idea of blood and slaughter, and
Whose bus’ness is to die; expend their time and treasure to ac-
What? sighing? Fye! quire the arts and instruments of death.
Drink on, drown fear, be jolly boys; But this is a necessity which the de-
’Tis he, you or I, wet, hot, cold or dry; pravity of human nature has laid upon
We’re always bound to follow boys, every state. Nor was there ever a people
And scorn to fly. that continued, for any considerable
time, in the enjoyment of liberty, who
’Tis but vain; were not in a capacity to defend them-
I mean not to upbraid you boys, selves against invaders, unless they
’Tis but vain; were too poor and inconsiderable to
For a soldier to complain; tempt an enemy.
Should next campaign, —SIMEON HOWARD (?–c. 1804)
Send us to him that made us boys; To the Ancient and Honorable
We’re free from pain, Artillery Company in Boston,
But should we remain, June 7, 1773
A bottle and kind landlady
Cures all again. Men are also bound, individuals and
—ANONYMOUS societies, to take care of their temporal
“Why, Soldiers, Why; Wolfe’s Song” happiness, and do all they lawfully can,
c. 1759 to promote it. But what can be more
inconsistent with this duty, than sub-
But whatever may be the design of this mitting to great encroachments upon
military appearance; whatever use some our liberty? Such submission tends to
persons may intend and expect to make slavery; and compleat slavery implies
of it: This we all know, and every child every evil that the malice of man and
in the street is taught to know it; that devils can inflict.
while a people retain a just sense of Lib- —SIMEON HOWARD
erty, blessed by God, as this people yet To the Ancient and Honorable
do, the insolence of power will for ever Artillery Company in Boston,
be despised. June 7, 1773

We want not courage; it is discipline [Cowardice is a] crime of all others the

alone in which we are exceeded by the most infamous in a soldier, the most
most formidable troops that ever trod injurious to an army, and the last to be
the earth. Surely our hearts flutter no forgiven.
more at the sound of war than did those —GEORGE WASHINGTON
of the immortal band of Persia, the General Orders,
Macedonian phalanx, the invincible July 7, 1775
Roman legions, the Turkish janissaries,
the gens d’armes of France, or the well- I too am almost sick of the parade/ Of
known grenadiers of Britain. A well-dis- honours purchas’d at the price of
ciplined militia is a safe, an honorable peace.
guard to a community like this, whose —MERCY OTIS WARREN (1728–1814)
inhabitants are by nature brave, and are The Group, Act. I, Sc. 1
laudably tenacious of that freedom in 1775
which they were born. From a well-regu-
lated militia we have nothing to fear; their There is a time for all things, a time to
interest is the same with that of the State. preach and a time to pray, but those
When a country is invaded, the militia times have passed away. There is a time
are ready to appear in its defense; they to fight, and that time has now come.
march into the field with that fortitude —PETER MUHLENBERG (Dates unknown)
which a consciousness of the justice Sermon,
of their cause inspires; they do not jeop- January 1776
ardize their lives for a master who con-
siders them only as the instruments of Three things prompt men to a regular
his ambition, and whom they regard only discharge of their duty in time of ac-
as the daily dispenser of the scanty pit- tion—natural bravery, hope of reward,
tance of bread and water. No; they fight and fear of punishment.
for their houses, their lands, for their —GEORGE WASHINGTON
wives, their children; for all who claim To John Hancock,
the tenderest names, and are held dear- February 9, 1776
est in their hearts; they fight pro aris et
focis, for their liberty, and for themselves, Without a respectable navy—alas
and for their God. America!
—JOHN HANCOCK (1737–1793) —JOHN PAUL JONES (1747–1792)
Boston Massacre Oration, Letter to Robert Morris,
March 5, 1774 October 17, 1776

Don’t fire until you see the whites of The distinction between a well-regulated
their eyes. army and a mob is the good order and
—WILLIAM PRESCOTT (1726–1795) discipline of the first and the licentious
Order given to soldiers at the Battle of and disorderly behavior of the latter.
Bunker Hill. The quotation is some- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
times attributed to Israel Putnam. To Israel Putnam,
June 17, 1775 1776

That the people have a right to bear arms I intend to go in harm’s way.
for the defence of themselves and the —JOHN PAUL JONES
state; and as standing armies in the time Letter to unknown person,
of peace are dangerous to liberty, they November 16, 1778
ought not to be kept up; And that the
military should be kept under strict sub- If the Americans are servilely kept to
ordination to, and governed by, the civil the European Plan [of fighting], they
power. will make an awkward figure, be
—ANONYMOUS laughed at as a bad army by their en-
Pennsylvania Constitution emy, and defeated in every encounter
1776 which depends upon maneuvers.
I’ll sell my clock, I’ll sell my reel, Speech to Congress,
I’ll sell my flax and spinning wheel, 1778
To buy my true love a sword of steel,
Johnny has gone for a soldier. He who is the author of a war lets loose
—ANONYMOUS the whole contagion of hell and opens
“Johnny Has Gone For a Soldier” a vein that bleeds a nation to death.
The Crisis
It is not a field of a few acres of ground, 1778
but a cause, that we are defending, and
whether we defeat the enemy in one It is the object only of war that makes
battle, or by degrees, the consequences it honorable.
will be the same. —THOMAS PAINE
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) The Crisis
The Crisis 1778
If there is a sin superior to every other
But in war we may be certain of these it is that of willful and offensive war.
two things, viz. that cruelty in an en- Most other sins are circumscribed
emy, and motions made with more than within narrow limits, that is, the power
usual parade, are alays signs of weak- of one man cannot give them a very
ness. He that can conquer, finds his general extension, and many kind of
mind too free and pleasant to be brut- sins have only a mental existence from
ish; and he that intends to conquer, which no infection arises; but he who
never makes too much show of his is the author of a war lets loose the
strength. whole contagion of Hell …
The Crisis The Crisis
1777 1778

I wish to have no connection with In a general view there are very few
any ship that does not sail fast; for conquests that repay the charge of

making them, and mankind are pretty A change in Generals, like a change of
well convinced that it can never be physicians, served only to keep the flat-
worth their while to go to war for profit tery alive, and furnish new pretenses
sake. If they are made war upon, their for new extravagance.
country invaded, or their existence at —THOMAS PAINE
stake, it is their duty to defend and pre- The Crisis
serve themselves, but in every other 1780
light and from every other cause is war
inglorious and detestable. When will men be convinced, that even
—THOMAS PAINE successful wars at length become mis-
The Crisis fortunes to those who unjustly comm-
1778 enc’d them, and who triumph’d blindly
in their success, not seeing all the conse-
When men … have the incitements of quences.
military honor to engage their ambi- —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
tion and pride, they will cheerfully Source unknown
submit to inconveniences which in a 1780
state of tranquility would appear insup-
portable. An honorable Peace is and always was
—GEORGE WASHINGTON my first wish! I can take no delight in
To Continental Congress, the effusion of human Blood; but, if this
January 20, 1779 War should continue, I wish to have
the most active part in it.
I have not yet begun to fight. —JOHN PAUL JONES
—JOHN PAUL JONES To Gouverneur Morris,
Reply to the call for surrender during September 2, 1782
the battle between the American ship
Bonhomme Richard and the British The army … is a dangerous instrument
ship Serapis, to play with.
September 23, 1779 —GEORGE WASHINGTON
To Alexander Hamilton,
The seeds of almost every former war April 4, 1783
have been sown in the injudicious or
defective terms of the preceding peace. There never was a good war or a bad peace.
Peace, and the Newfoundland Fisheries Letter to Josiah Quincy,
1779 September 11, 1783

There is nothing so likely to produce Weakness provokes insult & injury,

peace as to be well prepared to meet an while a condition to punish it often pre-
enemy. vents it.
Letter to Elbridge Gerry, To John Jay,
January 29, 1780 August 23, 1785

Then rushed to meet the insulting foe; War involves in its progress such a
They took the spear—but left the shield. train of unforeseen and unsupposed
—PHILIP FRENEAU (1752–1832) circumstances … that no human wis-
“To the Memory of the Brave Ameri- dom can calculate the end. It has but
cans Who Fell at Eutaw Springs, S.C., one thing certain, and that is to increase
September 8th, 1781” taxes.
Prospects on the Rubicon
A standing military force, with an over- 1787
grown Executive will not long be safe
companions to liberty. The means of Standing armies are dangerous to lib-
defence against foreign danger, have erty.
been always the instruments of tyranny —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
at home. Among the Romans it was a The Federalist Papers
standing maxim to excite a war, when- 1787
ever a revolt was apprehended.
Throughout all Europe, the armies kept No soldier shall, in time of peace be
up under the pretext of defending, have quartered in any house, without the
enslaved the people. consent of the owner, nor in time of
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) war, but in a manner to be prescribed
Speech at the Constitutional by law.
June 29, 1787 Amendment 3, The Bill of Rights
A country invaded is in the condition
of a house broke into, and on no other With regard to the militia, it must be
principle than this, can a reflective observed, that though he [the President]
mind at least such as mine, justify war has the command of them when called
to itself. into the actual service of the United
—THOMAS PAINE States, yet he has not the power of call-
To the Marquis of Lansdowne, ing them out.
September 21, 1787 —JAMES IREDELL (1751–1799)
Speech in North Carolina Ratifying
A standing army is one of the greatest Convention,
mischiefs that can possibly happen. July 28, 1788
Debates, Virginia Convention To judge from the history of mankind,
1787 we shall be compelled to conclude that
the fiery and destructive passions of
Flames once kindled are not always war reign in the human breast with
easily extinguished. much more powerful sway than the
—THOMAS PAINE mild and beneficent sentiments of peace;
Prospects on the Rubicon and that to model our political systems
1787 upon speculations of lasting tranquil-

lity would be to calculate on the weaker the burden of its own wars, instead of
springs of human character. carrying them on, at the expense of
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON other generations.
The Federalist Papers —JAMES MADISON
1788 Essay in the National Gazette,
February 2, 1792
To be prepared for war is one of the
most effectual means of preserving War contains so much folly, as well as
peace. wickedness, that much is to be hoped
—GEORGE WASHINGTON from the progress of reason; and if any
First Annual Address to Congress, thing is to be hoped, every thing ought
January 8, 1790 to be tried.
Whatever enables us to go to war, se- Essay in the National Gazette,
cures our peace. February 2, 1792
Letter to James Monroe, Those who are to conduct a war can-
July 11, 1790 not in the nature of things, be proper
or safe judges, whether a war ought to
Whilst war is to depend on those be commenced, continued, or con-
whose ambition, whose revenge, cluded. They are barred from the latter
whose avidity, or whose caprice may functions by a great principle in free
contradict the sentiment of the com- government, analogous to that which
munity, and yet be uncontrolled by it; separates the sword from the purse, or
whilst war is to be declared by those the power of executing from the power
who are to spend the public money, not of enacting laws.
by those who are to pay it; by those —JAMES MADISON
who are to direct the public forces, Helvidius No. 1,
not by those who are to support them; August 24, 1793
by those whose power is to be raised,
not by those whose chains may be riv- War is in fact the true nurse of execu-
eted, the disease must continue to be tive aggrandizement. In war a physical
hereditary like the government of force is to be created, and it is the ex-
which it is the offspring. As the first ecutive will which is to direct it. In war
step towards a cure, the government the public treasures are to be unlocked,
itself must be regenerated. Its will and it is the executive hand which is to
must be made subordinate to, or dispense them. In wars the honors
rather the same with, the will of the and emoluments of office are to be mul-
community. tiplied; and it is the executive patron-
—JAMES MADISON age under which they are to be enjoyed.
Essay in the National Gazette, It is in war, finally, that laurels are to
January 31, 1792 be gathered, and it is the executive
brow they are to encircle. The stron-
Each generation should be made to bear gest passions, and the most danger-

ous weaknesses of the human breast; of subduing the force, of the people.
ambition, avarice, vanity, the honorable The same malignant aspect in repub-
or venal love of fame, are all in con- licanism may be traced in the inequal-
spiracy against the desire and duty of ity of fortunes, and the opportunities
peace. of fraud, growing out of a state of
—JAMES MADISON war, and in the degeneracy of man-
Helvidius No. 4, ners and of morals, engendered by
September 14, 1793 both. No nation could preserve its
freedom in the midst of continual
If we desire to avoid insult, we must warfare.
be able to repel it; if we desire to se- —JAMES MADISON
cure peace, one of the most powerful “Political Observations”
instruments of our rising prosperity, it April 20, 1795
must be known, that we are at all times
ready for War. [United under one government, we] will
—GEORGE WASHINGTON avoid the necessity of those overgrown
Fifth Annual Address to Congress, military establishments, which, under
December 13, 1793 any form of government, are inauspi-
cious to liberty, and which are to be
I am, against every invitation to war, regarded as particularly hostile to re-
an advocate of peace. The insults of publican liberty.
Spain, Britain, or any others. … I deem —GEORGE WASHINGTON
no more worthy of our notice as a na- Farewell Address,
tion than those of a lunatic to a man in September 17, 1796
health—for I consider them as desper-
ate and raving mad. The most sincere neutrality is not a
—JAMES MONROE (1758–1831) sufficient guard against the depreda-
To Thomas Jefferson, tions of nations at war. To secure a re-
1793 spect to a neutral flag requires a naval
force organized and ready to vindicate
Of all the enemies to public liberty war it from insult or aggression.
is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, —GEORGE WASHINGTON
because it comprises and develops the Address to Congress,
germ of every other. War is the parent December 7, 1796
of armies; from these proceed debts
and taxes; and armies, and debts, and The constitution supposes, what the
taxes are the known instruments for History of all Governments demon-
bringing the many under the domina- strates, that the Executive is the branch
tion of the few. In war, too, the dis- of power most interested in war, &
cretionary power of the Executive is most prone to it. It has accordingly with
extended; its influence in dealing out studied care, vested the question of war
offices, honors, and emoluments is in the Legislature. But the Doctrines
multiplied; and all the means of se- lately advanced strike at the root of all
ducing the minds, are added to those these provisions, and will deposit the

peace of the Country in that Depart- None but an armed nation can dispense
ment which the Constitution distrusts with a standing army.
as most ready without cause to re- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
nounce it. For if the opinion of the Letter to unknown recipient,
President, not the facts & proofs them- February 25, 1803
selves are to sway the judgment of
Congress, in declaring war, and if the A military government may make a na-
President in the recess of Congress tion great, but it cannot make them free.
create a foreign mission, appoint the —FISHER AMES (1758–1808)
minister, & negotiate a War Treaty, The Dangers of American Liberty
without the possibility of a check even 1805
from the Senate, until the measures
present alternatives overruling the free- The surest way to prevent war is not
dom of its judgment; if again a Treaty to fear it.
when made obliges the Legislature to —JOHN RANDOLPH (1773–1833)
declare war contrary to its judgment, Speech before Committee of Whole in
and in pursuance of the same doctrine, the United States House of
a law declaring war, imposes a like Representatives,
moral obligation, to grant the requisite March 5, 1806
supplies until it be formally repealed with
the consent of the President & Senate, Were armies to be raised whenever a
it is evident that the people are cheated speck of war is visible in our horizon,
out of the best ingredients in their Gov- we never should have been without
ernment, the safeguards of peace which them. Our resources would have been
is the greatest of their blessings. exhausted on dangers which have never
—JAMES MADISON happened, instead of being reserved for
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, what is really to take place.
Sixth Annual Message to Congress,
I abhor war and view it as the greatest December 2, 1806
scourge of mankind.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON Whensoever hostile aggressions … re-
To Eldridge Gerry, quire resort to war, we must meet our
1797 duty and convince the world that we
are just friends and brave enemies.
Whatever diversity of opinion there may —THOMAS JEFFERSON
be with regard to military and naval To Andrew Jackson,
preparations, for the defence and se- December 3, 1806
curity of the country, there are some
things in which all well-informed and The spirit of this country is totally ad-
reflecting men unite. verse to a large military force.
“Lucius Crassus” Letter to Chandler Price,
December 24, 1801 February 28, 1807

It is a nice task to speak of war, so as mark those in the forehead who are of
to impress our own people with a dis- stuff to make good generals. We are
like of it, and not impress foreign Gov- first, therefore, to seek them blindfold,
ernments with the idea that they may and let them learn the trade at the ex-
take advantage of the dislike. pense of great losses.
To Thomas Jefferson, Letter to General Baily,
September 7, 1808 February 1813

For a people who are free, and who Tell the men to fire faster and not to
mean to remain so, a well-organized and give up the ship; fight her till she sinks.
armed militia is their best security. —JAMES LAWRENCE (1781–1813)
—JAMES MADISON On board the U.S. frigate Chesapeake,
Message to Congress, June 1, 1813
November 8, 1808
We have met the enemy and they are
Always remember[ing] that an armed ours—two ships, two brigs, one schoo-
and trained militia is the firmest bulwark ner and a sloop.
of republics—that without standing —OLIVER HAZARD PERRY (1758–1819)
armies their liberty can never be in dan- Message to General William Henry
ger, nor with large ones safe. Harrison after Battle of Lake Eire,
—JAMES MADISON September 10, 1813
First Inaugural Address,
March 4, 1809 And although among our blessings we
cannot number an exemption from the
If you wish to avoid foreign collision, evils of war; yet these will never be
you had better abandon the ocean— regarded as the greatest of evils by the
surrender your commerce, give up all friends of liberty and of the rights of
your prosperity. nations. Our country has before pre-
—HENRY CLAY (1777–1852) ferred them to the degraded condition
Speech to the U.S. House of Repre- which was the alternative, when the
sentatives about harassment of sword was drawn in the cause which
American ships by British ships, gave birth to our national Independence,
January 22, 1812 and none who contemplate the magni-
tude, and feel the value of that glorious
For the hotter the war, boys, the quicker event, will shrink from a struggle to
the peace. maintain the high and happy ground on
—ANONYMOUS which it placed the American people.
Republican broadside just after the —JAMES MADISON
declaration of the war against Annual Message to Congress,
Great Britain, December 7, 1813
Every citizen [should] be a soldier. This
The creator has not thought proper to was the case with the Greeks and the

Romans, and must be that of every free ment, deserves to be a slave, and must
state. be punished as an enemy of his coun-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON try and friend to her foe.
Letter to James Monroe, —ANDREW JACKSON (1767–1845)
1813 Proclamation to the people of
Louisiana from Mobile,
The insulated state in which nature has September 21, 1814
placed the American continent should
so far avail it that no spark of war Where is it written in the Constitution,
kindled in the other quarters of the in what article or section is it contained,
globe should be wafted across the wide that you may take children from their
oceans which separate us from them. parents, and parents from their children,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON and compel them to fight the battles of
To Baron Humboldt, any way in which the folly or the wick-
1813 edness of government may engage it?
—DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852)
We must train and classify the whole Remarks in the House of
of our male citizens, and make military Representatives,
instruction a regular part of collegiate December 9, 1814
education. We can never be sage until
this is done. By the Eternal, they shall not sleep on
Letter to James Monroe, —ANDREW JACKSON
1813 Referring to the British,
December 23, 1814
Long may she ride, our Navy’s pride,
And spur to resolution: Experience has taught us that neither
And seaman boast, and landsmen toast, the pacific dispositions of the Ameri-
The Frigate Constitution. can people nor the pacific character of
—ANONYMOUS their political institutions can alto-
“The Frigate Constitution” gether exempt them from that strife
c. 1813 which appears beyond the ordinary
lot of nations to be incident to the ac-
The enemy says that Americans are tual period of the world, and the same
good at a long shot, but cannot stand faithful monitor demonstrates that a
the cold iron. I call upon you instantly certain degree of preparation for war
to give a lie to the slander. Charge! is not only indispensable to avert di-
—WINFIELD SCOTT (1786–1866) sasters in the onset, but afford also the
Address to the 11th Infantry Regi- best security for the continuance of
ment, Chippewa, Canada, peace.
June 5, 1814 —JAMES MADISON
Speech to the Senate and the House of
The individual who refuses to defend Representatives,
his rights when called by his Govern- February 18, 1815

The safety of these States and every- attracting notice, and to keep my name
thing dear to a free people must depend out of the newspapers.
in an eminent degree on the militia. … —THOMAS JEFFERSON
This arrangement should be formed, Letter to Francis Hopkinson,
too, in time of peace, to be the better January 11, 1789
prepared for war.
First Inaugural Address,
March 4, 1817 A penny saved is a penny earned.
—Anonymous, though often
The right of self-defense never ceases. attributed to Benjamin Franklin,
It is among the most sacred, and alike Date Unknown
necessary to nations and to individu-
als. Lend not beyond thy ability, nor refuse
—JAMES MONROE to lend out of thy ability; especially
Second annual message to Congress, when it will help others more than it
November 16, 1818 can hurt thee.
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
If a system of universal and permanent Some Fruits of Solitude
peace would be established, or if in war, 1693
the belligerent parties would respect the
rights of neutral powers, we should Nothing but money
have no occasion for a navy or an army. Is sweeter than honey.
… The history of all ages proves that —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
this cannot be presumed; on the con- Poor Richard’s Almanack
trary, that at least one half of every cen- 1735
tury, in ancient as well as modern times,
has been consumed in wars, and often If you know how to spend less than you
of the most general and desolating char- get, you have the philosopher’s stone.
—JAMES MONROE Poor Richard’s Almanack
Speech to the House of Representatives, 1736
January 30, 1824
There are three faithful friends—an old
MODESTY wife, an old dog, and ready money.
He is happiest of whom the world says Poor Richard’s Almanack
least, good or bad. 1738
To John Adams, He who multiplies riches multiplies
August 27, 1786 cares.
My great wish is to go on in a strict but Poor Richard’s Almanack
silent performance of my duty; to avoid 1744

Beware of little expenses; a small leak all the uses of paper. Paper will not serve
will sink a great ship. one of the essential uses of specie. The
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN paper therefore will be less valuable than
Poor Richard’s Almanack specie.
1745 —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
To Thomas Jefferson,
If you would know the value of money, August 12, 1786
go and try to borrow some.
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN I am not tired of working for nothing
Poor Richard’s Almanack but I cannot afford it.
1758 —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
To Thomas Jefferson,
Paper credit never was long supported October 4, 1800
in any country, on a national scale,
where it was not founded on a joint JAMES MONROE
basis of public and private credit. …
The only certain manner to obtain a He is a man whose soul might be turned
permanent paper credit is to engage the wrong side outwards, without discov-
moneyed interest immediately in it, by ering a blemish to the world.
making them contribute the whole or —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
part of the stock, and giving them the Letter to W. T. Franklin,
whole or part of the profits. 1786
To James Duane, … is one of the most improper and in-
September 3, 1780 competent that could be selected. Natu-
rally dull and stupid; extremely illiter-
Whether Virginia is to remain exempt ate; indecisive to a degree that would
from the epidemic malady [paper cur- be incredible to one who did not know
rency] will depend on the ensuing As- him; pusillanimous, and of course hypo-
sembly. My hopes rest chiefly on the critical; has no opinion on any subject
exertions of Col. Mason and the failure and will always be under the govern-
of the experiments elsewhere. That ment of the worst men.
these must fail is morally certain; for —AARON BURR (1756–1836)
besides the proofs of it already visible Letter to his son-in-law commenting
in some States, and the intrinsic defect on James Monroe as a
of the paper in all, this ficticious money presidential candidate,
will rather feed than cure the spirit of 1816
extravagance which sends away the
coin to pay the unfavorable balance, I have known many much more rapid
and will therefore soon be carried to in reaching a conclusion, but few with
market to buy up coin for that purpose. a certainty so unerring.
From that moment depreciation is in- —JOHN CALDWELL CALHOUN (1782–1850)
evitable. The value of money consists Letter to S. L. Governeur,
in the uses it will serve. Specie will serve August 8, 1818

MORALITY & MORALISTS ’Tis substantially true, that virtue or

morality is a necessary spring of popu-
The powers of the human mind appear lar government. The rule indeed extends
to be arranged in a certain order like with more or less force to every spe-
the strata of earth. They are thrown out cies of free Government.
of their order by the fall of man. The —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
moral powers appear to have occupied Farewell Address,
the highest and first place. They recover September 17, 1796
it in solitude, and after sleep, hence the
advantage of solitary punishments, and Without morals a republic cannot sub-
of consulting our morning pillow in sist any length of time; they there-
cases where there is a doubt of what is fore who are decrying the Christian
right, or duty. The first thoughts in a religion, whose morality is so sublime
morning if followed seldom deceive or and pure (and) which insures to be good
mislead us. They are generally seasoned eternal happiness, are undermining the
by the moral powers. solid foundation of morals, the best
In Macbeth a lady is restrained from security for the duration of free gov-
the murder of a king by his resemblance ernments.
of her father as he slept. Should not all —CHARLES CARROLL (1737–1832)
men be restrained from acts of violence Letter to James McHenry,
and even of unkindness against their November 4, 1800
fellow men by observing in them some-
thing which resembles the Saviour of The man who is a good public char-
the World? If nothing else certainly, a acter from craft, and not from moral
human figure? principle, if such a character can be
—BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813) called good, is not much to be de-
Commonplace Book pended on.
To John Fellows,
My country is the world, and my reli- July 31, 1805
gion is to do good.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) We had all rather associate with a
The Rights of Man good humored, light-principled man
1791 than with an ill tempered rigorist in
With respect to Aesop, though the moral —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
is in general just, the fable is often cruel; To Benjamin Rush,
and the cruelty of the fable does more January 3, 1808
injury to the heart, especially in a child,
than the moral does good to the judg- I sincerely then believe with you in
ment. the general existence of a moral in-
—THOMAS PAINE stinct. I think it the brightest gem
Age of Reason, II with which the human character is
1795 studded; and the want of it as more

degrading than the most hideous of the Whatever makes men good Christians,
bodily deformities. makes them good citizens.
To Thomas Law, Speech at Plymouth,
June 13, 1814 December 22, 1820

I fear, from the experience of the last MOTIVES & INTENTIONS

25 years that morals do not, of neces-
sity, advance hand in hand with the The views of men can only be known,
sciences. or guessed at, by their words or actions.
To J. Correa de Serra, To Patrick Henry,
June 28, 1815 January 15, 1799

NATIVE AMERICANS by necessity to make use of, they will
make choice of, and seek to purchase
In respect of us, they are a poor people, with industry. So that, in respect that
and for want of skill and judgment in their life is so void of care, and they
the knowledge and use of our things, are so loving also that they make use
do esteem our trifles before things of of those things they enjoy (the wife of
great value. Notwithstanding [this,] in one excepted), as common goods, and
their proper manner (considering the are therein so compassionate that, rather
want of such means as we have), they than one should starve through want,
seem very ingenious, for although they they would starve all. Thus do they
have no such tools, nor any such pass away the time merrily, not regard-
crafts, sciences, and arts as we, yet in ing our pomp (which they feel daily
those things they do, they show excel- before their faces), but are better con-
lence of wit. tent with their own, which some men
—THOMAS HARRIOT (1560–1621) esteem so meanly of.
A Brief and True Report of the New —THOMAS MORTON
Found Land of Virginia Manners and Customs of the Indians
1588 (of New England)
According to human reason, guided
only by the light of nature, these people All this while the Indians came skulk-
lead the more happy and freer life, be- ing about them, and would sometimes
ing void of care, which torments so show themselves aloof off, but when
many minds of so many Christians; they any approached near them, they would
are not delighted in baubles, but in use- run away. … But about the 16th of
ful things. March, a certain Indian came boldly
—THOMAS MORTON (c. 1590–1647) amongst them and spoke to them in
Manners and Customs of the Indians broken English, which they could well
(of New England) understand but marveled at it. At length
1637 they understood by discourse with him,
that he was not of these parts, but be-
I have observed that they will not be longed to the eastern parts where some
troubled with superfluous commodities. English ships came to fish, with whom
Such things as they find they are taught he was acquainted and could name sun-

dry of them by their names, amongst young men too. It is admirable to con-
whom he had got his language. He be- sider how powerful the kings are, and
came profitable to them in acquainting yet how they move by the breath of
them with many things concerning the their people.
state of the country in the east parts —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
where he lived, which was afterwards A Letter from William Penn
profitable unto them; as also of the 1683
people here, of their names, number and
strength, of their situation and distance Since the Europeans came into these
from this place, and who was chief parts, they are grown great lovers of
amongst them. His name was Samoset. strong liquors, rum especially, and for
He told them also of another Indian it exchange the richest of their skins
whose name was Squanto, a native of and furs.
this place, who had been in England and —WILLIAM PENN
could speak better English than him- A Letter from William Penn
self. 1683
Of Plymouth Plantation They care for little, because they want
c. 1650 but little, and the reason is, a little con-
tents them in this they are sufficiently
I had often before this said, that if the revenged on us; if they are ignorant of
Indians should come, I should chuse our pleasures, they are also free from
rather to be killed by them then taken our pains. They are not disquieted with
alive but when it came to the tryal my bills of lading and exchange, nor per-
mind changed; their glittering weapons plexed with Chancery suits and Ex-
so daunted my spirit, that I chose rather chequer-reckonings. We sweat and
to go along with those (as I may say) toil to live; their pleasure feeds them; I
ravenous Bears, then that moment to mean, their hunting, fishing and fowl-
end my dayes. ing, and this table is spread every where:
—MARY ROWLANDSON (c. 1636–1711) they eat twice a day, morning and
The Soveraignty & Goodness of God, evening; their seats and table are the
Together, with the Faithfulness of His ground.
Promises Displayed; Being a Narrative —WILLIAM PENN
of the Captivity and Restauration of A Letter from William Penn
Mrs. Mary Rowlandson 1683
These poor people are under a dark
Every king hath his council, and that night in things relating to religion, to be
consists of all the old and wise men of sure, the tradition of it; yet they believe
his nation, which perhaps is two hun- in God and immortality, without the help
dred people: nothing of moment is un- of metaphysics; for they say there is a
dertaken, be it war, peace, selling of great king that made them, who dwells
land or traffic, without advising with in a glorious country to the southward
them; and which is more, with the of them, and that the souls of the good

shall go thither, where they shall live ety of accidents and misfortunes to
again. which they always fall victims: such
—WILLIAM PENN are particular fevers, to which they
A Letter from William Penn were strangers before, and sinking into
1683 a singular sort of indolence and sloth.
They had now made peace with the CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813)
Indians, but there was one thing want- Letters From an American Farmer
ing to make that peace lasting. The na- 1782
tives could by no means persuade them-
selves that the English were heartily their Savages we call them, because their
friends so long as they disdained to in- Manners differ from ours, which we
termarry with them. And, in earnest, think the Perfection of Civility; they
had the English consulted their own think the same of theirs. Perhaps, if we
security and the good of the colony, could examine the Manners of differ-
had they intended either to civilize or ent Nations with Impartiality, we should
convert these gentiles, they would have find no People so rude, as to be with-
brought their stomachs to embrace this out any Rules of Politness; nor any so
prudent alliance. polite, as not to have some Remains of
—WILLIAM BYRD, II (1674–1744) Rudeness.
History of the Dividing Line —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
(Byrd is speaking about Jamestown, Remarks Concerning the Savages of
Virginia) North America
1728 1784

I appeal to any white man to say if he I believe the Indian to be in body and
ever entered Logan’s cabin hungry mind equal to the white man.
and he gave him not meat; if ever he —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
came cold and naked and he clothed Letter to François Jean de Beauvoir,
him not? Chevalier de Chastellux,
—LOGAN (1725–1780) June 7, 1785
Message to Lord Dunmore, governor
of Virginia, The two principles on which our con-
November 11, 1774 duct towards the Indians should be
founded are justice & fear. After the
Besides the small pox and the use of injuries we have done them, they can-
spiritous liquors, the two greatest not love us, which leaves us no alter-
curses they have received from us, native but that of fear to keep them from
there is a sort of physical antipathy, attacking us. But justice is what we
which is equally powerful from one end should never lose sight of, & in time it
of the continent to the other. Wherever may recover their esteem.
they happen to be mixed, or even to —THOMAS JEFFERSON
live in the neighbourhood of the Euro- To Benjamin Hawkins,
peans, they become exposed to a vari- August 13, 1786

Religion, Morality and knowledge being We first knew you a feeble plant which
necessary to good government and the wanted a little earth whereon to grow.
happiness of mankind, Schools and the We gave it to you; and afterward, when
means of education shall forever be en- we could have trod you under our feet,
couraged. The utmost good faith shall we watered and protected you; and
always be observed towards the Indians, now you have grown to be a mighty
their lands and property shall never be tree, whose top reaches the clouds, and
taken from them without their consent; whose branches overspread the whole
and in their property, rights and liberty, land, whilst we, who were the tall pine
they never shall be invaded or disturbed, of the forest, have become a feeble plant
unless in just and lawful wars authorized and need your protection.
by Congress; but laws founded in justice —RED JACKET (SAGOYEWATHA), Chief
and humanity shall from time to time be of the Seneca (c. 1758–1830)
made, for preventing wrongs being Source unknown
done to them, and for preserving peace c. 1792
and friendship with them.
—ANONYMOUS In leading them [the Indians] to agri-
Northwest Ordinance, culture, to manufactures & civilization,
1787 in bringing together their & our settle-
ments, & in preparing them ultimately
Humanity and good policy must make to participate in the benefits of our gov-
it the wish of every good citizen of the ernment, I trust and believe we are act-
United States, that husbandry, and con- ing for their greatest good.
sequently civilization, should be intro- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
duced among the Indians. So strongly Letter to Congress,
am I impressed with the beneficial ef- 1803
fects … that I shall always take a sin-
gular pleasure in promoting … every Sell a country! Why not sell the air, the
measure which may tend to ensure it. clouds and the great sea, as well as the
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) earth? Did not the Great Spirit make
To Timothy Pickering, them all for the use of his children?
January 20, 1791 —TECUMSEH (1768–1813)
Council at Vincennes, Indiana Territory,
I must confess I cannot see much pros- August 14, 1810
pect of living in tranquility with them
[Indians], so long as a spirit of land- My father! The Great Spirit is my fa-
jobbing prevails, and our frontier set- ther! The earth is my mother—and on
tlers entertain the opinion, that there is her bosom I will recline.
not the same crime (or indeed no crime —TECUMSEH
at all) in killing an Indian as in killing a Council at Vincennes, Indiana Territory;
white man. Answer to request to sit at “his
—GEORGE WASHINGTON father’s” (Governor William Henry
To David Humphreys, Harrison’s) side,
July 20, 1791 August 14, 1810

I am a Shawnee. My forefathers were principle, that discovery gave exclusive

warriors. Their son is a warrior. From title to those who made it.
them I take only my existence. From —JOHN MARSHALL (1755–1835)
my tribe I take nothing. I am the maker Johnson v. McIntosh
of my own fortune. And oh, that I might 1823
make the fortunes of my red people,
and of my country, as great as the con- On the discovery of this immense con-
ceptions of my mind, when I think of tinent, the great nations of Europe were
the Great Spirit that rules this universe. eager to appropriate to themselves so
—TECUMSEH much of it as they could respectively
Council at Vincennes, Indiana Territory, acquire. Its vast extent offered an
August 14, 1810 ample field to the ambition and enter-
prise of all; and the character and reli-
The way, and the only way, to stop this gion of its inhabitants afforded an apol-
evil [encroachment of Indian land by ogy for considering them as a people
whites], is for all the red men to unite over whom the superior genius of Eu-
in claiming a common and equal right rope might claim an ascendency. …
in the land, as it was at first, and should But, as they were all in pursuit of nearly
be yet, for it was never divided, but the same object, it was necessary, in
belongs to all for the use of each. order to avoid conflicting settlements,
—TECUMSEH and consequent war with each other,
To Governor William Henry Harrison to establish a principle, which all should
at Vincennes, Indiana acknolwedge as the law by which the
1810 right of acquisition, which they all as-
serted, should be regulated as between
These lands are ours. No one has a right themselves. This principle was, that
to remove us, because we were the first discovery gave title to the government
owners. The Great Spirit above has by whose subjects, or by whose au-
appointed this place for us, on which thority, it was made, against all other
to light our fires, and here we will re- European governments, which title
main. As to boundaries, the Great Spirit might be consummated by possession.
knows no boundaries, nor will his red —JOHN MARSHALL
children acknowledge any. Johnson v. McIntosh
To Joseph Barron, messenger of
President James Madison, [The tribes’] relation [to the United
1810 States] was that of a nation claiming and
receiving the protection of one more pow-
[American Indian tribes’] rights to com- erful; not that of individuals abandon-
plete sovereignty, as independent na- ing their national character, and submit-
tions, were necessarily diminished, and ting as subjects to the laws of a master.
their power to dispose of the soil at their —JOHN MARSHALL
own will, to whomsoever they pleased, Johnson v. McIntosh
was denied by the original fundamental 1823

NATURAL LAW When the first principles of civil soci-

ety are violated, and the rights of a
There are in nature certain foundations whole people are invaded, the common
of justice, whence all civil laws are de- forms of municipal law are not to be
rived but as streams. regarded. Men may then betake them-
—FRANCIS BACON (1561–1626) selves to the law of nature; and if they
The Advancement of Learning but conform their actions to that stan-
1605 dard, all cavils against them betray ei-
ther ignorance or dishonesty. There are
The first and fundamental law of Nature some events in society to which hu-
… is “to seek peace and follow it.” The man laws can not extend; but when
second, the sum of the right of Nature applied to them, lose all their force and
… is, “by all means we can to defend efficacy. In short, when human laws
ourselves.” contradict or discountenance the means
—THOMAS HOBBES (1588–1679) which are necessary to preserve the
Leviathan essential rights of any society, they de-
1651 feat the proper ends of all laws, and so
become null and void.
Among the natural rights of the colo- —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
nists are these: first, a right to life; sec- “A Full Vindication of the Measures of
ondly, to liberty; thirdly to property; Congress”
together with the right to support and December 15, 1774
defend them in the best manner they
can. Those are evident branches of, The all wise Creator of man imprest
rather than deductions from, the duty certain laws on his nature. A desire of
of self-preservation, commonly called happiness, and of society, are two of
the first law of nature. those laws. They were not intended to
—SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803) destroy, but to support each other. Man
The Rights of the Colonists has therefore a right to promote the best
1772 union of both, in order to enjoy both in
the highest degree. Thus, while this right
Now all acts of legislature apparently is properly exercised, desires, that seem
contrary to natural right and justice, are, selfish, by a happy combination, pro-
in our laws, and must be in the nature duce the welfare of others.
of things considered as void. The laws —JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794)
of nature are the laws of God; whose Political Writings
authority can be superseded by no 1774
power on earth. A legislature must not
obstruct our obedience to him from Human nature itself is evermore an ad-
whose punishments they cannot pro- vocate for liberty. There is also in human
tect us. nature a resentment of injury, and indig-
—GEORGE MASON (1725–1792) nation against wrong. A love of truth and
Robin v. Hardaway a veneration of virtue. These amiable pas-
1772 sions, are the “latent spark.” … If the

people are capable of understanding, the law of nature. … Upon this law de-
seeing and feeling the differences be- pend the natural rights of mankind.
tween true and false, right and wrong, —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
virtue and vice, to what better principle The Farmer Refuted
can the friends of mankind apply than 1775
to the sense of this difference.
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) He who takes nature for his guide is
The Novanglus not easily beaten out of his argument.
1775 —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Common Sense
The fundamental source of all your er- 1776
rors, sophisms and false reasonings is
a total ignorance of the natural rights It is not only vain, but wicked, in a leg-
of mankind. Were you once to become islator to frame laws in opposition to
acquainted with these, you could never the laws of nature, and to arm them
entertain a thought, that all men are not, with the terrors of death. This is truly
by nature, entitled to a parity of privileges. creating crimes in order to punish them.
You would be convinced, that natural lib- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
erty is a gift of the beneficent Creator “Notes on the Crimes Bill”
to the whole human race, and that civil 1779
liberty is founded in that; and cannot
be wrested from any people, without The transcendent law of nature and of
the most manifest violation of justice. nature’s God … declares that the safety
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON and happiness of society are the ob-
The Farmer Refuted jects at which all political institutions
1775 aim, and to which all institutions must
be sacrificed.
To grant that there is a supreme intelli- —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
gence who rules the world and has es- The Federalist Papers
tablished laws to regulate the actions 1788
of his creatures; and still to assert that
man, in a state of nature, may be con- All the great laws of society are laws
sidered as perfectly free from all re- of nature.
straints of law and government, appears —THOMAS PAINE
to a common understanding altogether Rights of Man, II
irreconcilable. Good and wise men, in 1792
all ages, have embraced a very dissimi-
lar theory. They have supposed that the Man cannot make principles; he can
deity, from the relations we stand in to only discover them.
himself and to each other, has consti- —THOMAS PAINE
tuted an eternal and immutable law, The Age of Reason
which is indispensably obligatory upon 1794
all mankind, prior to any human insti-
tution whatever. This is what is called The law of nature and the law of revela-

tion are both Divine; they flow, though NATURE & WILDLIFE
in different channels, from the same
adorable source. It is indeed prepos- In the beginning all the world was
terous to separate them from each other. America.
—JAMES WILSON (1742–1798) —JOHN LOCKE (1632–1704)
Of the Law of Nature Two Treatises of Government
1804 1690

No man has a natural right to commit It were happy if we studied nature more
aggression on the equal rights of an- in natural things, and acted according
other, and this is all from which the to nature, whose rules are few, plain,
laws ought to restrict him; every man and most reasonable.
is under the natural duty of contribut- —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
ing to the necessities of society, and Some Fruits of Solitude
this is all the laws should enforce on 1693
him and no man having a natural right
to be the judge between himself and The country life is to be preferred; for
another, it is his natural duty to submit there we see the works of God; but in
to the umpirage of an impartial third. cities little else but the works of men:
—THOMAS JEFFERSON and the one makes a better subject for
Letter to F. W. Gilmor our contemplation than the other.
Some Fruits of Solitude
America, with the same voice which 1693
spoke herself into existence as a nation,
proclaimed to mankind the inextinguish- There are but two natural sources of
able rights of human nature, and the wealth and strength—the earth and the
only lawful foundations of government. ocean.
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
July 4 Address, Peace, and the Newfoundland Fisheries
July 4, 1821 1779

All eyes are opened or opening to the I wish the bald eagle had not been cho-
rights of man. The general spread of sen as the representative of our coun-
the lights of science has already opened try, he is a bird of bad moral character
to every view the palpable truth, that … like those among men who live by
the mass of mankind has not been born sharpening and robbing, he is generally
with saddles on their backs, nor a fa- poor, and often very lousy. … The tur-
vored few booted and spurred, ready to key … is a much more respectable bird,
ride them legitimately, by the grace of and withal a true original native of
God. America.
Letter to R. C. Weightman, Letter to Sarah Bache,
June 24, 1826 January 26, 1784

A world of this extent may, at first saddest of the year, of wailing winds,
thought, appear to us to be great; but if and naked woods, and meadows brown
we compare it with the immensity of and sere.
space in which it is suspended, like a —WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT
bubble or a balloon in the air, it is infi- The Death of the Flowers
nitely less in proportion than the small- 1825
est grain of sand is to the size of the
world, or the finest particle of dew to The groves were God’s first temples.
the whole ocean; and is therefore but —WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT
small; and … is only one of a system A Forest Hymn
of worlds, of which the universal cre- 1825
ation is composed.
Age of Reason, I
1794 Necessity never made a good bargain.
Every thing we behold is, in one sense, Poor Richard’s Almanack
a mystery to us. Our own existence is 1735
a mystery: the whole vegetable world
is a mystery. We cannot account how Great necessities call out great virtues.
it is that an acorn, when put into the —ABIGAIL ADAMS (1744–1818)
ground, is made to develop itself, and Letter to John Quincy Adams,
become an oak. We know not how it is January 19, 1780
that the seed we sow unfolds and mul-
tiplies itself, and returns to us such an Whatever is necessary or proper to be
abundant interest for so small a capital. done, must be done immediately. We
—THOMAS PAINE must rise vigorously upon the evil, or it
Age of Reason, I will rise upon us. A show of spirit will
1794 grow into real spirit.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
It is difficult beyond description to con- To Joseph Reed,
ceive that space can have no end; but it June 4, 1780
is more difficult to conceive an end.
—THOMAS PAINE Necessity is the plea for every infringe-
Age of Reason, I ment of human freedom. It is the argu-
1794 ment of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
Look on this beautiful world, and read (1708–1778)
the truth / In her fair pages. Speech in the House of Commons,
—WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT (1794–1878) November 18, 1783
The Ages

The melancholy days are come, the A sup of New England’s air is better

than a whole draft of old England’s ale. The New Englanders are a people of
—REV. FRANCIS HIGGINSON God, settled in those which were once
(1586–1630) the devil’s territories.
New England’s Plantation —COTTON MATHER (1663–1728)
1630 Wonders of the Invisible World
In the month of June, Anno Salutis
1622, it was my chance to arrive in the The sway of the clergy in New England
parts of New England with 30 servants is indeed formidable. No mind beyond
and provision of all sorts fit for a plan- mediocrity dares there to develop itself.
tation; and while our houses were build- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
ing, I did endeavor to take a survey of Letter to Horatio Gates Spafford,
the country. The more I looked, the 1816
more I liked it. And when I had more
seriously considered of the beauty of NORTH CAROLINA
the place, with all her fair endowments,
I did not think that in all the known Surely there is no place in the world
world it could be paralleled for so many where the inhabitants live with less la-
goodly groves of trees, dainty fine round bor than in North Carolina.
rising hillocks, delicate fair large plains, —WILLIAM BYRD, II (1674–1744)
sweet crystal fountains, and clear run- A Journey to the Land of Eden in 1733
ning streams that twine in fine mean- 1733
ders through the meads, making so
sweet a murmuring noise to hear as In North Carolina, everyone does what
would even lull the senses with delight seems best in his own eyes.
asleep, so pleasantly do they glide upon —WILLIAM BYRD, II
the pebble stones. History of the Dividing Line
—THOMAS MORTON (c. 1590–1647) and Other Tracts
New English Canaan 1866
To speak the truth, ’tis a thorough aver-
I have lived in a country seven years, sion to labor that makes people file off
and all that time I never heard one pro- to North Carolina, where plenty and a
fane oath, and all that time I never did warm sun confirm them in their dispo-
see a man drunk in that land. Where sition to laziness for their whole lives.
was that country? It was New England. —WILLIAM BYRD, II
—GILES FIRMIN (Dates unknown) History of the Dividing Line
Sermon to the Lords and Commons, and Other Tracts
c. 1675 1866

THOMAS PAINE In the best of times, he had a larger
share of every other sense than of com-
There never was a man less beloved in mon sense, and lately the intemperate
a place than Paine in this, having at dif- use of ardent spirits has I am told, con-
ferent times disputed with everybody. siderably impaired the small stock,
The most rational thing he could have which he originally possessed.
done would have been to have died the —GOUVERNEUR MORRIS
instant he had finished his Common Letter to Thomas Jefferson,
Sense, for he never again will have it in March 6, 1794
his power to leave the world with so
much credit. I know not whether any man in the
—SARAH FRANKLIN BACHE world has had more influence on its
Letter to Benjamin Franklin, inhabitants or affairs for the last thirty
January 14, 1781 years than Tom Paine. There can be no
severer satyr on the age. For such a
Can nothing be done in our Assembly for mongrel between pig and puppy, be-
poor Paine? Must the merits of “Com- gotten by a wild boar on a bitch wolf,
mon Sense” continue to glide down the never before in any age of the world
stream of time unrewarded by this coun- was suffered by the poltroonery of
try? His writings … have had a powerful mankind, to run through such a career
effect upon the public mind. Ought they of mischief. Call it then the Age of
not, then, to meet an adequate reward? Paine.
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
Letter to James Madison, Letter to Benjamin Waterhouse,
June 12, 1784 October 29, 1805

He seems cocksure of bringing about a His private life disgraced his public
revolution in Great Britain and I think it character, certain immoralities, and
quite as likely he will be promoted to low and vulgar habits, which are apt
the pillory. to follow in the train of almost ha-
—GOUVERNEUR MORRIS (1752–1816) bitual drunkeness, rendered him a dis-
Diary entry, gusting object for many of the latter
February 16, 1792 years of his life, though his mental

faculties retained much of their former Where men have not public spirit to
luster. render themselves serviceable, it ought
—JOEL BARLOW (1754–1812) to be the study of government to draw
An open letter to the Raleigh Register, the best use possible from their vices.
October 18, 1809 When the governing passion of any man
or set of men is once known, the method
Paine thought more than he read. of managing them is easy; for even mi-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) sers, whom no public virtue can im-
Letter to J. Cartwright, press, would become generous, could
1824 a heavy tax be laid upon covetousness.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
PASSION The Crisis
I have oftentime thought that a passion-
ate man is like a weak spring that can- Men are often false to their country and
not stand long locked. their honor, false to duty and even to
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) their interest, but multitudes of men are
Some Fruits of Solitude never long false or deaf to their pas-
1693 sions.
—FISHER AMES (1758–1808)
It has more of wantonness than wisdom, Speech given in Boston,
and resembles those that eat to please their February 8, 1800
palate, rather than their appetite.
Some Fruits of Solitude
1693 To a generous mind, the public good,
as it is the end of government, so it is
Passion is a sort of fever in the mind, also such a noble and excellent one, that
which ever leaves us weaker than it the prospect of attaining it will animate
found us. the pursuit, and being attained, it will
—WILLIAM PENN reward the pains. The very name of
Some Fruits of Solitude patriotism is indeed become a jest with
1693 some men; which would be much
stranger than it is, had not so many oth-
A man in a passion rides a wild horse. ers made a jest of the thing, serving
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) their own base and wicked ends, un-
Poor Richard’s Almanack der the pretext and colour of it. But there
1749 will be hypocrites in politicks, as well
as in religion. Nor ought so sacred a
The end of passion is the beginning of name to fall into contempt, however it
repentance. may have been prostituted & profaned,
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN to varnish over crimes. And those times
Poor Richard’s Almanack are perilous indeed, wherein men shall
1749 be only lovers of their own selves, hav-

ing no concern for the good of the pub- On the contrary, constrain’d by the
lic. Shall we go to the pagans to learn Amor Patriae and from public views,
this god-like virtue? Even they can teach he will by all proper means in his power
it … [A Christian lacking patriotism] … foment and cherish them: He will, as
would be a reproach not only to his far as he is able, keep the attention of
religion, a religion of charity and be- his fellow citizens awake to their griev-
neficence, but even to our own com- ances; and not suffer them to be at rest,
mon nature, as corrupt and depraved till the causes of their just complaints
as it is. But how much more infamous are removed.—At such a time
were this, in persons of public charac- Philanthrop’s Patriot [a King’s man]
ter? in those, on whom the welfare of may be “very cautious of charging the
their country, under providence, imme- want of ability or integrity to those with
diately depends? whom any of the powers of govern-
—REV. JONATHAN MAYHEW (1720–1776) ment are entrusted”: But the true pa-
Election sermon, triot, will constantly be jealous of those
1754 very men: Knowing that power, espe-
cially in times of corruption, makes men
The only [worthy] principles of public wanton; that it intoxicates the mind;
conduct … are to sacrifice estate, ease, and unless those with whom it is en-
health, and applause, and even life, to trusted, are carefully watched, such is
the sacred calls of his country. These the weakness or the perverseness of
manly sentiments, in private life, make human nature, they will be apt to domi-
the good citizen in public life, the pa- neer over the people, instead of gov-
triot and the hero. erning them, according to the known
—JAMES OTIS (1725–1783) laws of the state, to which alone they
Statement in court opposing “Writs of have submitted. If he finds, upon the
Assistance,” best enquiry, the want of ability or in-
1761 tegrity; that is, an ignorance of, or a
disposition to depart from, the consti-
Where is the man who owes nothing tution, which is the measure and rule
to the land in which he lives? Whatever of government & submission, he will
that land may be, he owes to it the most point them out, and loudly proclaim
precious thing possessed by man, the them: He will stir up the people, inces-
morality of his actions and the love of santly to complain of such men, till they
virtue. are either reform’d, or remov’d from
—JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU (1712–1778) that sacred trust, which it is dangerous
Emile; or, On Education for them any longer to hold.
1762 —SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803)
Essay in the Boston Gazette,
The true patriot therefore, will enquire 1771
into the causes of the fears and jealou-
sies of his countrymen; and if he finds Patriotism is as much a virtue as jus-
they are not groundless, he will be far tice, and is as necessary for the sup-
from endeavoring to allay or stifle them: port of societies as natural affection is

for the support of families. The Amor Our own Country’s Honor, all call upon
Patriae is both a moral and a religious us for a vigorous and manly exertion,
duty. It comprehends not only the love and if we now shamefully fail, we shall
of our neighbors but of millions of our become infamous to the whole world.
fellow creatures, not only of the present Let us therefore rely upon the good-
but of future generations. This virtue ness of the Cause, and the aid of the
we find constitutes a part of the first supreme Being, in whose hands Vic-
characters of history. tory is, to animate and encourage us to
—BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813) great and noble Actions.
Untitled essay, —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
1773 General Orders,
July 2, 1776
Men must be ready, they must pride
themselves and be happy to sacrifice The hour is fast approaching, on which
their private pleasures, passions and the Honor and Success of this army,
interests, nay, their private friendships and the safety of our bleeding Country
and dearest connections, when they depend.
stand in competition with the rights of Remember officers and Soldiers, that
society. you are Freemen, fighting for the bless-
—JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1767–1848) ings of Liberty—that slavery will be
To Mercy Warren, your portion, and that of your poster-
April 16, 1776 ity, if you do not acquit yourselves like
Our affairs are hastening fast to a Cri- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
sis; and the approaching Campaign will, General Orders,
in all probability, determine forever the August 23, 1776
fate of America. … The Militia of the
United Colonies are a Body of Troops I only regret that I have but one life to
that may be depended upon. To their lose for my country.
Virtue, their Delegates in Congress now —NATHAN HALE (1755–1776)
make the most solemn Appeal. They are Speech before the gallows in New
called upon to say, whether they will York where he was to be hanged for
live Slaves, or die Freemen. They are spying against the British,
requested to step forth in Defense of September 22, 1776
their Wives, their Children, their Lib-
erty, and every Thing they hold dear. These are the times that try men’s souls.
The Cause is certainly a most glorious The summer solider and the sunshine
one; and I hope every Man in the Colony patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from
of Maryland is determined to see it glo- the services of their country, but he that
riously ended, or to perish in the Ruins stands it NOW deserves the love and
of it. thanks of man and woman.
—JOHN HANCOCK (1737–1793) —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
To the Convention of Maryland, The Crisis
June 4, 1776 1776

The Sun never shined on a cause of professions of zeal for the American
greater worth. cause, fled at the first appearance of
—THOMAS PAINE danger, and behaved like women. …
Common Sense Instead of supplicating the protection
1776 of your enemies, meet them with arms
in your hands—make good your pro-
There must be a positive passion for fessions, and let not your attachment
the public good, the public interest, to freedom be manifested only in your
honour, power and glory, established words.
in the minds of people, or there can be —JOHN JAY
no republication government nor any To the General Committee of Tryon
real liberty: and this public passion must County,
be superior to all private passions. Men July 22, 1777
must be ready, they must pride them-
selves and be happy to sacrifice their The approbation of my country is what
private pleasures, passions, and inter- I wish; and, as far as my abilities and
ests, nay, their private friendships and opportunities will permit, I hope I shall
dearest connections, when they stand in endeavor to deserve it. It is the highest
competition with the rights of society. reward to a feeling mind; and happy
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) are they, who so conduct themselves
To Mercy Warren, to merit it.
To Patrick Henry,
Banish unmanly fear, acquit yourselves March 28, 1778
like men, and with firm confidence trust
the event with that Almighty and be- I will venture to assert, that a great and
nevolent Being who hath commanded lasting war can never be supported on
you to hold fast the liberty with which this principle [patriotism] alone. It must
he has made you free; and who is able be aided by a prospect of interest or
as well as willing to support you in per- some reward.
forming his orders. —GEORGE WASHINGTON
—JOHN JAY (1745–1829) To John Banister,
To the General Committee of Tryon April 21, 1778
July 22, 1777 It is not difficult to regard men of ev-
ery nation as members of the same fam-
What reason is there to expect that ily; but when placed in that point of view,
Heaven will help those who refuse to my fellow citizens appear to me as my
help themselves; or that Providence will brethren, and the others as related to
grant liberty to those who want cour- me only in the more distant and adven-
age to defend it. … Let not the history titious degrees.
of the present glorious contest declare —JOHN JAY
to future generations that the people of To Gouverneur Morris,
your country, after making the highest 1783

My affections are deeply rooted in misery of others—her fleets formi-

America, and are of too long standing dable, but only to the unjust—her rev-
to admit of transplantation. In short, my enue sufficient, yet unoppressive—her
friend, I can never become so far a commerce affluent, without debasing—
citizen of the world as to view every peace and plenty within her borders—
part of it with equal regard; and per- and the glory that arises from a proper
haps nature is wiser in tying our hearts use of power, encircling them.
to our native soil, than they are who —JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794)
think they divest themselves of foibles Letters of Fabius #8,
in proportion as they wear away those 1788
—JOHN JAY I was summoned by my country,
To Gouverneur Morris, whose voice I can never hear but with
1783 veneration and love.
I would go to hell for my country. First Inaugural Address,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) April 30, 1789
Upon being appointed commissioner
to France, Guard against the postures of pretended
1785 patriotism.
It is unquestionably true, that the great Farewell Address,
body of the people love their country, September 17, 1796
and wish it prosperity; and this obser-
vation is particularly applicable to the God in his great goodness grant, in the
people of a free country, for they have future vicissitudes of the world, that
more and stronger reasons for loving it our countrymen, whenever their essen-
than others. tial rights shall be attacked, will divest
—JOHN JAY themselves of all party prejudice, and
Address to the People of New York, devote their lives and properties in de-
1787 fence of the sacred liberties of their
country, without any view to emolu-
The consciousness of having dis- ment, but that which springs from glo-
charged that duty which we owe to our rious and honorable actions.
country is superior to all other consid- —JOHN JOSEPH HENRY (1759–1811)
erations. Journal
To James Madison,
March 2, 1788 Enemies beware, keep a proper dis-
Delightful are the prospects that will Else we’ll make you stare at our firm
open to the view of United America— resistance;
her sons well prepared to defend their Let alone the lads who are freedom tast-
own happiness, and ready to relieve the ing,

Don’t forget our dads gave you once a Sweepers, clerks, and criers, jewelers
basting. and engravers,
To protect our rights ’gainst your flint Clothiers, drapers, players, cartmen,
and triggers hatters, tailors,
See on yonder heights our patriotic dig- Gaugers, sealers, weighers, carpenters
gers. and sailors!
Men of ev’ry age, color, rank, profes- Pick-axe, shovel, spade, crow-bar, hoe
sion, and barrow
Ardently engaged, labor in succession. Better not invade, Yankees have the
Pick-axe, shovel, spade, crow-bar, hoe marrow.
and barrow —SAMUEL WOODWORTH (1785–1842)
Better not invade, Yankees have the “The Patriotic Diggers”
marrow. 1812

Scholars leave their schools with patri- Our country! In her intercourse with
otic teachers foreign nations, may she always be in
Farmers seize their tools, headed by the right; but our country, right or
their preachers, wrong.
How they break the soil—brewers, —STEPHEN DECATUR (1779–1820)
butchers, bakers— Toast at dinner in his honor,
Here the doctors toil, there the under- April 1816
Bright Apollo’s sons leave their pipe and The individual owes the exercise of all
tabor, his faculties to the service of his coun-
Mid the roar of guns join the martial try.
Round the embattled plain in sweet con- Letter to Francis Calley Gray,
cord rally, August 3, 1818
And in freedom’s strain sing the foes
finale. When a whole nation is roaring Patrio-
Pick-axe, shovel, spade, crow-bar, hoe tism at the top of its voice, I am fain to
and barrow explore the cleanliness of its hands and
Better not invade, Yankees have the the purity of its heart.
marrow. —RALPH WALDO EMERSON (1803–1882)
Better not invade, don’t forget the spirit 1824
Which our dads displayed and their sons
inherit. Let our object be, Our Country, our
If you still advance, friendly caution whole Country, and nothing but our
slighting, Country.
You may get by chance a bellyful of —DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852)
fighting! Speech at the setting of the corner-
Plumbers, founders, dyers, tinmen, stone for the Bunker Hill monument,
turners, shavers, June 17, 1825

PATRONAGE & APPOINTMENTS If due participation of office is a mat-

ter of right, how are vacancies to be
The appointment to offices is, of all the obtained? Those by death are few; by
functions of Republican and perhaps resignation, none.
every other form of Government, the —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
most difficult to guard against abuse. Letter to Elias Simpson et al.,
Give it to a numerous body, and you at July 12, 1801
once destroy all responsibility, and cre-
ate a perpetual source of faction and On the appointment to office, I have
corruption. Give it to the Executive been forc’d either to distribute the of-
wholly, and it may be made an engine fices among the friends of the candi-
of improper influence and favoritism. dates, to guard myself against the im-
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) putation of favoritism, or to take my
Observations on Jefferson’s Draft own course, and appoint those whom
Constitution, I knew & confided in, without regard
October 15, 1788 to them. Had I pursued the former, the
office in my hands, for two or three
I think it absolutely necessary that the years of the latter term, would have
President should have the power of re- sunk to nothing. I therefore adopted the
moving [his subordinates] from office; latter, and have steadily pursued it, be-
it will make him, in a peculiar manner, lieving that I had given sufficient proof
responsible for their conduct, and sub- of respect for, and confidence in each
ject him to impeachment himself, if he of the members of the administration,
suffers them to perpetrate with impu- by appointing & continuing him in his
nity high crimes or misdemeanors place.
against the United States, or neglects —JAMES MONROE (1758–1831)
to superintend their conduct, so as to Letter to Thomas Jefferson,
check their excesses. March 22, 1824
Remarks in the House of PEACE
May 19, 1789 To preserve peace will no doubt be dif-
ficult, but by accomplishing it we can
My political conduct in nominations, show our wisdom and magnanimity,
even if I was influenced by principle, and secure to our people the enjoyment
must be exceedingly circumspect and of a dignified repose by indulging which
proof against lust criticism, for the eyes they will be prosperous and happy.
of Argus are upon me, and no slip will —JAMES MONROE (1758–1831)
pass unnoticed that can be improved Letter to Cocked Hats,
into a supposed partiality for friends or Date unknown
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) Cedant arma togae* is a glorious sen-
Letter to Bushrod Washington, tence; the voice of the dove; the olive
July 27, 1789 branch of peace. A blessing so great,

that when it pleases God to chastise us Knowing to what violent resentments

severely for our sins, it is with the rod and incurable animosities civil discords
of war, that, for the most part, He are apt to exasperate and inflame the
whips us: and experience tells us none contending parties, we think ourselves
leaves deeper marks behind it. required by indispensable obligations to
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) Almighty God, to your Majesty, to our
“An Essay Towards the Present and fellow-subjects, and to ourselves, imme-
Future Peace of Europe” diately to use all the means in our power,
1693 not incompatible with our safety, for
*May arms yield to the gown; let stopping the further effusion of blood,
violence give place to law. and for averting the impending calami-
ties that threaten the British Empire.
There appears to me but three things —ANONYMOUS
upon which peace is broken, viz. to Olive Branch Petition, a last attempt by
keep, to recover, or to add. moderate colonists to avoid war
—WILLIAM PENN with Great Britain,
“An Essay Towards the Present and July 8, 1775
Future Peace of Europe”
1693 Our plan is peace forever.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
What can we desire better than peace, Common Sense
but the grace to use it? Peace preserves 1776
our possessions; we are in no danger
of invasions: our trade is free and safe, The love and desire of peace is not con-
and we rise and lie down without anxi- fined to Quakerism, it is the natural, as
ety. The rich bring out their hoards, and well as the religious wish of all denomi-
employ the poor manufacturers: build- nations of man.
ings and diverse projections, for profit —THOMAS PAINE
and pleasure, go on: it excites industry, Common Sense
which brings wealth, as that gives the 1776
means of charity and hospitality, not the
lowest ornaments of a kingdom or com- I have never known a peace made, even
monwealth. But war … seizes all these the most advantageous, that was not
comforts at once, and stops the civil censured as inadequate, and the mak-
channel of society. The rich draw in ers condemned as injudicious or cor-
their stock, the poor turn soldiers, or rupt. “Blessed are the peacemakers” is,
thieves, or starve: no industry, no build- I suppose, to be understood in the other
ing, no manufactury, little hospitality or world; for in this they are frequently
charity; but what the peace gave, the cursed.
war devours. —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
—WILLIAM PENN To John Adams,
“An Essay Towards the Present and October 12, 1781
Future Peace of Europe”
1693 A universal and perpetual peace, it is to

be feared, is in the catalogue of events, PENNSYLVANIA

which will never exist but in the imagi-
nations of visionary philosophers, or in But if I have been unkindly used by some
the breasts of benevolent enthusiasts. It I left behind me, I found love and re-
is still however true, that war contains spect enough where I came: an universal
so much folly, as well as wickedness, kind welcome, every sort in their way.
that much is to be hoped from the —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
progress of reason; and if any thing is to “A Letter from William Penn”
be hoped, every thing ought to be tried. 1683
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
Article in The National Gazette, The air is sweet and clear, the heavens
February 2, 1792 serene.
As to myself, I love peace, and I am “A Letter from William Penn”
anxious that we should give the world 1683
still another useful lesson, by showing
to them other modes of punishing inju- The woods are adorned with lovely
ries than by war, which is as much a flowers, for colour, greatness, figure
punishment to the punisher as to the and variety: I have seen the gardens of
sufferer. London best stored with that sort of
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) beauty, but think they may be improved
To Tench Coxe, by our woods.
May 1, 1794 —WILLIAM PENN
“A Letter from William Penn”
Peace is the best time for improvement 1683
and preparation of every kind; it is in
peace that our commerce flourishes Pennsylvania is the Keystone of the
most, that taxes are most easily paid, Democratic arch.
and that the revenue is most produc- —PENNSYLVANIA DEMOCRATIC
First Inaugural Address,

Great calamities make appeals to the Patience and diligence, like faith, remove
benevolence of mankind, which ought not mountains.
to be resisted. Good offices in such emer- —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
gencies exalt the character of the party Some Fruits of Solitude
rendering them. By exciting grateful feel- 1693
ings, they soften the intercourse be-
tween nations, and tend to prevent war. Without Steadiness or Perseverance no
—JAMES MONROE Virtue can long subsist; and however
Message to Congress, honest and well-meaning a Man’s Prin-
May 4, 1822 ciples may be, the Want of this is suffi-

cient to render them ineffectual, and on the whole; that it has been framed
useless to himself or others. on a principle of benevolence, and more
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) pleasure than pain dealt out to us. There
“On Constancy,” in the are, indeed, (who might say nay)
Pennsylvania Gazette, gloomy and hypochondriac minds, in-
April 4, 1734 habitants of diseased bodies, disgusted
with the present, and despairing of the
An indifferent measure carried through future; always counting that the worst
with perseverance is better than a good will happen, because it may happen. To
one taken up only at intervals. these I say, how much pain have cost
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) us the evils which have never happened!
To Timothy Pickering, My temperament is sanguine. I steer
September 6, 1780 my bark with Hope in the head, leaving
Fear in the stern. My hopes, indeed,
A progressive state is necessary to the sometimes fail; but not oftener than the
happiness and perfection of man. What- forebodings of the gloomy. There are,
ever attainments are already reached, I acknowledge, even in the happiest life,
attainments still higher should be pur- some terrible convulsions, heavy set-
sued. Let us, therefore, strive with noble offs against the opposite page of the
emulation. Let us suppose we have done account.
nothing, while any thing yet remains to —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
be done. Let us, with fervent zeal, press To John Adams,
forward, and make unceasing advances April 1816
in every thing that can support, im-
prove, refine, or embellish society. … PHILOSOPHY & ETHICS
The commencement of our government
has been eminently glorious: let our A little philosophy inclineth man’s
progress in every excellence be propor- mind to atheism, but depth in philoso-
tionably great. It will—it must be so. phy bringeth men’s minds about to
—JAMES WILSON (1741–1798) religion.
Oration, —FRANCIS BACON (1561–1626)
July 4, 1788 Of Atheism
c. 1625
Philosophy as well as foppery often
It is incumbent upon us, and contrib- changes fashion.
utes also to our own tranquility, that —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
we put the best construction upon a Poor Richard’s Almanack
thing it will bear. 1753
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Age of Reason, II The skeptical philosophers claim and
1795 exercise the privilege of assuming,
without proof, the very first principles
I think with you, that it is a good world of their philosophy; and yet they require,

from others, a proof of everything by POLITICAL PARTIES & FACTIONS

reasoning. They are unreasonable in
both points. The little wranglings and indecent con-
—JAMES WILSON (1741–1798) tentions of personal party, are as dis-
Lectures, honorable to our characters, as they are
1790–1791 injurious to our repose.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
There is … only a single categorical The Crisis
imperative and it is this: Act only on 1783
that maxim through which you can at
the same time will that it should become A zeal for different opinions concern-
a universal law. ing religion, concerning government,
—IMMANUEL KANT (1724–1804) and many other points, as well of specu-
The Metaphysic of Morals lation as of practice; an attachment of
1797 different leaders ambitiously contend-
ing for preeminence and power; or to
PLEASURE & PAIN persons of other descriptions whose
fortunes have been interesting to the
Pain wastes the body, pleasure the un- human passions, have, in turn, divided
derstanding. mankind into parties, inflamed them
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) with mutual animosity, and rendered
Poor Richard’s Almanack them much more disposed to vex and
1735 oppress each other than to cooperate
for their common good. … But the
There is no truth more certain than that most common and durable source of
all our enjoyments fall short of our ex- factions has been the various and un-
pectations. equal distribution of property.
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
To Elizabeth Parke Custis, The Federalist Papers
September 14, 1794 1787

I do not agree that an age of pleasure is To secure the public good, and private
no compensation for a moment of pain. rights, against the danger of … faction,
I think, with you, that life is a fair mat- and at the same time to preserve the
ter of account, and the balance of- spirit and form of popular government,
ten, nay generally, in its favor. It is is then the great object to which our
not indeed easy, by calculation of in- inquiries are directed.
tensity and time, to apply a common —JAMES MADISON
measure, or to fix the par between The Federalist Papers
pleasure and pain; yet it exists, and is 1787
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) By a faction, understand a number of
To John Adams, citizens, whether amounting to a ma-
August 1816 jority or minority of the whole, who

are united and actuated by some com- I am not a Federalist, because I never
mon impulse of passion, or of interest, submitted the whole system of my opin-
adverse to the rights of other citizens, ions to the creed of any party of men
or to the permanent and aggregate in- whatever in religion, in philosophy, in
terests of the community. politics, or in any thing else where I
—JAMES MADISON was capable of thinking for myself.
The Federalist Papers Such an addiction is the last degrada-
1787 tion of a free and moral agent. If I could
not go to heaven but with a party, I
[On factionalism—the tendency to would not go there at all.
form special interest groups]: Liberty —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
is to faction what air is to fire, an ele- To Francis Hopkinson,
ment without which it instantly expires. March 13, 1789
But it could not be less folly to abolish
liberty, which is essential to political life, In all political societies, different inter-
because it nourishes faction, than it ests and parties arise out of the nature
would be to wish the annihilation of air, of things, and the great art of politi-
which is essential to animal life, because cians lies in making them checks and
it imparts to fire its destructive agency. balances to each other.
The Federalist Papers Article in the National Gazette,
1787 January 23, 1792

No free Country has ever been without A little matter will move a party, but it
parties, which are a natural offspring must be something great that moves a
of Freedom. nation.
Note on his suffrage speech at the Rights of Man
Constitutional Convention of 1787, 1792
It is the nature and intention of a con-
Party knows no impulse but spirit, no stitution to prevent governing by party,
prize but victory. It is blind to truth, by establishing a common principle that
and hardened against conviction. It shall limit and control the power and
seeks to justify error by perseverance, impulse of party, and that says to all
and denies to its own mind the opera- parties, thus far shalt thou go and no
tion of its own judgment. A man under further. But in the absence of a consti-
the tyranny of party spirit is the great- tution, men look entirely to party; and
est slave upon earth, for none but him- instead of principle governing party,
self can deprive him of the freedom of party governs principle.
thought. —THOMAS PAINE
—THOMAS PAINE Dissertation on the First Principles of
“To the Opposers of the Bank” Government
1787 1795

Let me now … warn you in the most they assume, it often happens, that
solemn manner against the baneful ef- they finish by the direct contrary prin-
fects of the spirit of party. … It serves ciples with which they profess to
always to distract the public councils begin.
and enfeebles the public administration. —THOMAS PAINE
It agitates the community with ill- To the Citizens of the United States
founded jealousies and false alarms; 1802
kindles the animosity of one party
against another; foments occasionally I could never do anything but was as-
riot and insurrection. It opens the door cribed to sinister motives.
to foreign influence and corruption. … —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
A fire not to be quenched, it demands a Letter to Benjamin Rush,
uniform vigilance to prevent its burst- August 28, 1811
ing into flame, lest, instead of warm-
ing, it should consume. Within the local limits, parties generally
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) exist, founded on the different sorts of
Farewell Address, property, even sometimes on divisions
September 17, 1796 by streets or little streams; frequently
on political and religious differences.
I have already observed the danger to Attachments to rival individuals, are not
be apprehended from founding our par- seldom a source of the same divisions.
ties on geographical discrimination. In all these cases, the party animosities
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) are the more violent as the compass of
From the original draft in Hamilton’s the Society may more easily admit of
hand of Washington’s the contagion and collision of the pas-
Farewell Address, sions; and according to that violence is
c. 1796 the danger of oppression by one party
on the other; by the majority on the
Every difference of opinion is not a dif- minority.
ference of principle. We have called by —JAMES MADISON
different names brethren of the same Detached Memoranda,
principle. We are all Republicans, we 1817
are all Federalists. If there be any among
us who would wish to dissolve this POSTERITY
Union or to change its republican form,
let them stand undisturbed as monu- If we would amend the world, we
ments of the safety with which error should mend ourselves; and teach our
of opinion may be tolerated where rea- children to be, not what we are, but
son is left free to combat it. what they should be.
First Inaugural Address, Some Fruits of Solitude
March 4, 1801 1693

In the history of parties and the names We are too careless of posterity, not

considering that as they are, so the next call forth its powers, build up its insti-
generation will be. tutions, promote all its great interests,
—WILLIAM PENN and see whether we also, in our day
Some Fruits of Solitude and generation, may not perform some-
1693 thing worthy to be remembered.
—DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852)
If there must be trouble let it be in my Address (These words are also incised
day, that my child may have peace. in marble on the wall of the U.S.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737-1809) House of Representatives chamber),
The Crisis June 17, 1825
Posterity! You will never know how INEQUALITY
much it cost the present generation to
preserve your freedom! I hope you will It is a reproach to religion and govern-
make good use of it! If you do not, I ment to suffer so much poverty and
shall repent it in heaven that I ever took excess.
half the pains to preserve it! —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) Some Fruits of Solitude
To Abigail Adams, 1693
Were the superfluities of a nation valued,
It should be the highest ambition of and made a perpetual tax or benevo-
every American to extend his views lence, there would be more alms-houses
beyond himself, and to bear in mind that than poor; schools than scholars; and
his conduct will not only affect him- enough to spare for government besides.
self, his country, and his immediate —WILLIAM PENN
posterity; but that its influence may be Some Fruits of Solitude
co-extensive with the world, and stamp 1693
political happiness or misery on ages
yet unborn. One half of the world does not know
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) how the other half lives.
To the legislature of Pennsylvania, —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
September 5, 1789 Poor Richard’s Almanack
The little spice of ambition which I had
in my younger days has long since I have no doubt but that the misery of
evaporated, and I set still less store by the lower classes will be found to abate
a posthumous than a present name. wherever the Government assumes a
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) freer aspect, & the laws favor a subdi-
Letter to James Madison, vision of property.
1795 —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
Letter to Thomas Jefferson,
Let us develop the resources of our land, June 19, 1786

If equality is as I contend the leading That property will ever be unequal is

feature of the U. States, where then are certain. Industry, superiority of talents,
the riches and wealth whose represen- dexterity of management, extreme fru-
tation and protection is the peculiar gality, fortunate opportunities, or the
province of this permanent body. Are opposite, or the means of those
they in the hands of the few who may things, will ever produce that effect,
be called rich; in the possession of less without having recourse to the harsh,
than a hundred citizens? Certainly not. ill-sounding names of avarice and op-
They are in the great body of the people, pression.
among whom there are no men of —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
wealth, and very few of real poverty. Dissertation on First Principles of
—CHARLES PINCKNEY (1757–1824) Government
“Plan of a Government for America” 1795
June 25, 1787
It is the practice of what has unjustly
All communities divide themselves into obtained the name of civilization (and
the few and the many. The first are the the practice merits not to be called either
rich and well-born, the other the mass charity or policy) to make some provi-
of the people. sion for persons becoming poor and
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) wretched, only at the time they become
To the Constitutional Convention, so. Would it not, even as a matter of
1787 economy, be far better, to devise means
to prevent their becoming poor.
It is only in civilized nations where ex- —THOMAS PAINE
tremes are to be found in the human Agrarian Justice
species—it is here where wealthy and 1797
dignified mortals roll along the streets
in all the parade and trappings of roy- Poverty … is a thing created by that
alty, while the lower class are not half which is called civilized life. It exists
so well fed as the horses of the former. not in the natural state.
It is this cruel inequality which has —THOMAS PAINE
given rise to the epithets of nobility, Agrarian Justice
vulgar, mob, canaille, etc. and the de- 1797
grading, but common observation—
Man differs more from man, than man I care not how affluent some may be,
from beast—The difference is purely provided that none be miserable in con-
artificial. Thus do men create an artifi- sequence of it. But it is impossible to
cial inequality among themselves and enjoy affluence with the felicity it is
then cry out it is all natural. capable of being enjoyed, while so
—ROBERT CORAM (1761–1796) much misery is mingled in the scene.
“Political Inquiries, to which is added The sight of the misery, and the un-
a plan for the establishment of schools pleasant sensations it suggests, which,
throughout the United States” though they may be suffocated cannot
1791 be extinguished, are a greater drawback

upon the felicity of affluence than the grows clamorous. It looks on property
proposed 10 percent [inheritance tax] as its prey and plunder, and is naturally
upon property is worth. He that would ready, at all times, for violence and revo-
not give the one to get rid of the other, lution.
has no charity, even for himself. —DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852)
—THOMAS PAINE “First Settlement of New England,”
Agrarian Justice speech delivered at Plymouth, Massa-
1797 chusetts, to commemorate the 200th
anniversary of the landing
The great mass of the poor, in all coun- of the Pilgrims,
tries, are become an hereditary race, December 22, 1820
and it is next to impossible for them to
get out of that state of themselves. It To provide employment for the poor
ought also to be observed, that this mass and support for the indigent is among
increases in all the countries that are the primary, and at the same time not
called civilized. More persons fall an- least difficult cares of the public au-
nually into it, than get out of it. thority. In very populous Countries the
—THOMAS PAINE task is particularly arduous. In our fa-
Agrarian Justice vored Country where employment and
1797 food are much less subject to failures
or deficiencies the interposition of the
I have not observed men’s honesty to public guardianship is required in a far
increase with their riches. more limited degree. Some degree of
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) interposition nevertheless, is at all times
Letter to Jeremiah Moore, and every where called for.
To Frederick C. Schaeffer,
The freest government, if it could ex- January 8, 1820
ist, would be not be long acceptable, if
the tendency of the laws were to cre- In general, the great can protect them-
ate a rapid accumulation of property in selves, but the poor and humble require
few hands, and to render the great mass the arm and shield of the law.
of the population dependent and penni- —ANDREW JACKSON (1767–1845)
less. In such a case, the popular power Letter to John Quincy Adams,
would be likely to break in upon the August 26, 1821
rights of property, or else the influence
of property to limit and control the ex- POWER
ercise of popular power. … In the na-
ture of things, those who have not We ought at the same time to be upon
property, and see their neighbors pos- our guard against Power, wherever
sess much more than they think them we apprehend that it may affect our-
to need, cannot be favorable to laws selves or our Fellow-Subjects. …
made for the protection of property. Power may be justly compared to a
When this class becomes numerous, it great river which, while kept within its

due bounds is both beautiful and use- ments upon what began in unlimited
ful; but when it overflows its banks, is power.
then too impetuous to be stemmed, it —BENJAMIN CHURCH (1734–1778)
bears down all before it and brings de- Boston Massacre Oration,
struction and desolation wherever it March 5, 1773
goes. If this then is the nature of power,
let us at least do our duty, and likewise Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in
men use our utmost care to support lib- the bud, is the only maxim which can
erty, the only bulwark against lawless ever preserve the liberties of any
power. people.
Defense of Peter Zenger, In the Boston Gazette,
1735 February 6, 1775

For one person alone to have the Gov- I am more and more convinced that man
ernment of a people in his hands, would is a dangerous creature and that power,
be too great a Temptation. It tends to whether vested in many or a few, is
excite and draw forth the Pride of man, ever grasping, and like the grave cries,
to make him unsufferably haughty; it “Give, Give.”
gives him too much liberty to exert his —ABIGAIL ADAMS (1744–1818)
corruptions and it encourages him to Letter to John Adams,
become a Tyrant and an oppressor, to November 27, 1775
dispense with Laws and break the most
solemn oaths. A fondness for power is implanted, in
—JOHN BARNARD (1681–1770) most men, and it is natural to abuse it,
The Presence of Great God in the when acquired.
Assembly of Political Rulers —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
1746 The Farmer Refuted
The jaws of power are always open to
devour, and her arm is always stretched It is a maxim that in every government,
out, if possible, to destroy the freedom there must exist, somewhere, a su-
of thinking, speaking, and writing. preme, sovereign, absolute, and uncon-
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) trollable power; but this power resides
“Dissertation on the Canon and always in the body of the people; and it
Feudal Law” never was, or can be delegated to one
1765 man, or a few; the great Creator has
never given to men a right to vest oth-
Although unrestrained power in one ers with authority over them, unlimited
person may have been the first and most either in duration or degree.
natural recourse of mankind from rap- —ANONYMOUS
ine and disorder; yet all restrictions of General Court of Massachusetts,
power, made by laws, or participation Proclamation,
of sovereignty, are apparent improve- January 23, 1776

[A]s all Men of Delicacy and Sentiment virtues adapted only to the humble paths
are averse to Exercising the power they of life: we love to talk of virtue and to
possess, yet as there is a natural propen- admire its beauty, while in the shade of
sity in Human Nature to domination, I solitude, and retirement; but when we
thought the most generous plan was to step forth into active life, if it happen
put it out of the power of the Arbitrary to be in competition with any passion
and Tyranick to injure us with impunity or desire, do we observe it to pre-
by Establishing some Laws in our vail? Hence so many religious impos-
favour upon just and Liberal principles. tors have triumphed over the credu-
—ABIGAIL ADAMS lity of mankind, and have rendered their
Letter to Mercy Otis Warren, frauds the creeds of succeeding gen-
April 27, 1776 erations, during the course of many
ages; until worne away by time, they
A long and violent abuse of power, is have been replaced by new ones. Hence
generally the Means of calling the right the most unjust war, if supported by
of it in question. the greatest force, always succeeds;
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) hence the most just ones, when sup-
Common Sense ported only by their justice, as often
1776 fail. Such is the ascendancy of power;
the supreme arbiter of all the revolu-
We repose an unwise confidence in any tions which we observe in this planet:
government, or in any men, when we so irresistible is power, that it often
invest them officially with too much, thwarts the tendency of the most forc-
or an unnecessary quantity of, discre- ible causes, and prevents their subse-
tionary power; for though we might quent salutary effects, though ordained
clearly confide in almost any man of for the good of man by the Governor
the present age, yet we ought ever to of the universe.
remember that virtue is not hereditary —MICHEL GUILLAUME JEAN DE
either in the office or in the persons. CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813)
—THOMAS PAINE Letters From an American Farmer
“A Serious Address to the People of 1782
1778 The abuse of any power always oper-
ates to call the right of that power in
Uncontrolled power, in the hands of an question.
incensed, imperious and rapacious con- —THOMAS PAINE
queror, is an engine of dreadful execu- Attack on Paper Money Laws
tion; and woe be to that country over 1786
which it can be exercised.
—THOMAS PAINE Men always love power.
The Crisis Extraordinary —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
1780 (1755–1804)
Constitutional Convention,
Benignity, moderation, and justice, are June 18, 1787

All men having power ought to be dis- of them have very little considered how
trusted to a certain degree. far these powers were necessary means
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) of attaining a necessary end. They have
Speech to the Constitutional chosen rather to dwell on the inconve-
Convention, niences which must be unavoidably
July 11, 1787 blended with all political advantages;
and on the possible abuses which must
The substantial basis of the power of a be incident to every power or trust of
nation arises out of its population, its which a beneficial use can be made.
wealth and its revenues. To these may This method of handling the subject
be added the disposition of the people. cannot impose on the good sense of
—THOMAS PAINE the people of America. It may display
Prospects on the Rubicon the subtlety of the writer; it may open
1787 a boundless field for rhetoric and dec-
lamation; it may inflame the passions
In the general course of human nature, of the unthinking, and may confirm the
a power over a man’s subsistence prejudices of the misthinking. But cool
amounts to a power over his will. and candid people will at once reflect,
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON that the purest of human blessings must
The Federalist Papers have a portion of alloy in them; that the
1787–1788 choice must always be made, if not of
the lesser evil, at least of the GREATER,
It is weakness rather than wickedness not the PERFECT good; and that in
which renders men unfit to be trusted every political institution, a power to
with unlimited power. advance the public happiness involves
—JOHN ADAMS a discretion which may be misapplied
“A Defense of the Constitution of and abused.
Government of the United States of —JAMES MADISON
America” The Federalist Papers
1787–1788 1788

Wherever there is an interest and power No axiom is more clearly established in

to do wrong, wrong will generally be law, or in reason, than that wherever the
done, and not less readily by a power- end is required, the means are author-
ful & interested party than by a power- ised; whenever a general power to do a
ful and interested prince. thing is given, every particular power
—JAMES MADISON necessary for doing it, is included.
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, —JAMES MADISON
October 20, 1788 The Federalist Papers
It cannot have escaped those who have
attended with candour to the arguments The accumulation of all power, legisla-
employed against the extensive pow- tive, executive, and judiciary, in the
ers of the government, that the authors same hands, whether of one, a few, or

many, and whether hereditary, self- other sources. All delegated power is
appointed, or elective, may justly be trust, and all assumed power is usur-
pronounced the very definition of tyr- pation. Time does not alter the nature
anny. and quality of either.
The Federalist Papers Rights of Man, II
1788 1792

It will not be denied that power is of an Those who abuse liberty when they
encroaching nature, and that it ought possess it would abuse power could
to be effectually restrained from pass- they obtain it.
ing the limits assigned to it. —THOMAS PAINE
—JAMES MADISON To the Citizens of the United States
The Federalist Papers 1802
He is certainly a political novice or a
Power naturally grows. Why? Because hypocrite, who will pretend that the
human passions are insatiable. antifederal opposition to the govern-
—JOHN ADAMS ment is to be ascribed to the concern
Letter to Roger Sherman, of the people for their liberties, rather
July 18, 1789 than to the profligate ambition of their
demagogues, eager for power, and sud-
Few men are contented with less power denly alarmed by the imminent danger
than they have a right to exercise. of losing it; demagogues, who leading
—SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803) lives like Clodius, and with the maxims
To Richard Henry Lee, of Cato in their mouths, cherishing
1789 principles like Catiline, have acted
steadily on a plan of usurpation like
Immortal power is not a human right. Caesar.
Rights of Man, I The Dangers of American Liberty
1791 1805

Where an excess of power prevails, An honest man can feel no pleasure in

property of no sort is duly respected. the exercise of power over his fellow
No man is safe in his opinions, his per- citizens.
son, his faculties or his possessions. —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
—JAMES MADISON Letter to John Melish,
In the National Gazette, January 13, 1813
March 29, 1792
The fundamental article of my politi-
All power exercised over a nation, must cal creed is that despotism, or unlim-
have some beginning. It must be either ited sovereignty, or absolute power,
delegated, or assumed. There are no is the same in a majority or a popular

assembly, an aristocratical council, an which concern its intercourse with the

oligarchical junta, and a single em- rest of the world to the sole disposal of
peror. a magistrate, created and circum-
—JOHN ADAMS stanced, as would be a President of the
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, United States.
November 13, 1815 —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
Power must never be trusted without a The Federalist Papers
check. 1787
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, The process of election affords a moral
February 2, 1816 certainty, that the office of President
will never fall to the lot of any man who
All power in human hands is liable to is not in an eminent degree endowed
be abused. In Governments indepen- with the requisite qualifications. Talents
dent of the people, the rights and in- for low intrigue, and the little arts of
terests of the whole may be sacrificed popularity, may alone suffice to elevate
to the views of the Government. In man to the first honors in a single State;
Republics, where … the majority gov- but it will require other talents, and a
ern, a danger to the minority arises different kind of merit, to establish him
from … a sacrifice of their rights to in the esteem and confidence of the
the interests … of the majority. No whole Union … so as to make him a
form of government, therefore, can successful candidate for the distin-
be a perfect guard against the abuse of guished office of President of the
power. United States.
Letter to Thomas Ritchie, The Federalist Papers
December 18, 1825 1787

PRESIDENCY I must heartily wish the choice to which

you allude [his election to the presi-
You are apprehensive of monarchy; I, dency] may not fall on me. … If I
of aristocracy. I would therefore have should conceive myself in a manner
given more power to the President and constrained to accept, I call Heaven to
less to the Senate. witness that this very act would be the
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) greatest sacrifice of my personal feel-
Letter to Thomas Jefferson, ings and wishes that I ever have been
November 16, 1787 called upon to make.
The history of human conduct does not Letter to Benjamin Lincoln,
warrant that exalted opinion of human October 26, 1788
virtue which would make it wise in a
nation to commit interests of so deli- My movements to the chair of govern-
cate and momentous a kind as those ment will be accompanied by feelings

not unlike those of a culprit who is go- I have no ambition to govern men. It is
ing to the place of his execution. a painful and thankless office.
Letter to Henry Knox, Letter to John Adams,
April 1, 1789 1796

I bade adieu to Mount Vernon, to pri- No man will ever bring out of the Presi-
vate life, and to domestic felicity, and dency the reputation which carries him
with a mind oppressed with more anx- into it.
ious and painful sensations than I have —THOMAS JEFFERSON
words to express, set out for New York Letter to Edward Rutledge,
… with the best disposition to render 1796
service to my country in obedience to
its calls, but with less hope of answer- I have no idea that I shall be chosen
ing its expectations. President a second time; though this is
—GEORGE WASHINGTON not to be talked of. The business of the
Diaries of George Washington, office is so oppressive that I shall hardly
April 16, 1789 support it two years longer.
[The President] is the dignified, but Letter to Abigail Adams,
accountable magistrate of a free and February 22, 1799
great people. The tenure of his office,
it is true, is not hereditary; nor is it for The President is the sole organ of the
life: but still it is a tenure of the noblest nation in its external relations, and its
kind: by being the man of the people, sole representative with foreign nations.
he is invested; by continuing to be the —JOHN MARSHALL (1755–1835)
man of the people, his investiture will Annals of Congress
be voluntarily, and cheerfully, and 1800
honourably renewed.
—JAMES WILSON (1742–1798) I have learned to expect that it will
Lectures on Law rarely fall to the lot of imperfect man
1791 to retire from this station with the repu-
tation and the favor which bring him
The powers of the Executive of the U. into it.
States are more definite, and better un- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
derstood perhaps than those of almost First Inaugural Address,
any other Country; and my aim has been, 1801
and will continue to be, neither to stretch,
nor relax from them in any instance what- The intimate political relation, subsist-
ever, unless imperious circumstances ing between the president of the United
shd. render the measure indispensable. States and the heads of departments,
—GEORGE WASHINGTON necessarily renders any legal investiga-
Letter to Alexander Hamilton, tion of the acts of one of those high
July 2, 1794 officers peculiarly irksome, as well as

delicate; and excites some hesitation No man who ever held the office of
with respect to the propriety of enter- President would congratulate a friend
ing into such investigation. on obtaining it. He will make one man
—JOHN MARSHALL ungrateful, and a hundred men his en-
Marbury v. Madison emies, for every office he can bestow.
Letter to Josiah Quincy,
The province of the court is solely, to February 14, 1825
decide on the rights of individuals, not
to enquire how the executive, or ex- PRIDE & VANITY
ecutive officers, perform duties in
which they have a discretion. Ques- There is a troublesome humour some
tions, in their nature political, or which men have, that if they may not lead,
are, by the Constitution and laws, sub- they will not follow, but had rather a
mitted to the executive, can never be thing were never done, than not done
made in this court. their own way, though otherwise very
—JOHN MARSHALL desirable.
Marbury v. Madison —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
1803 Some Fruits of Solitude
I am tired of an office where I can do
no more good than many others, who Pride breakfasted with Plenty, dined
would be glad to be employed in it. To with Poverty, and supped with Infamy.
myself, personally, it brings nothing but —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
unceasing drudgery and daily loss of Poor Richard’s Almanack
friends. c. 1732–1757
Letter to John Dickinson, Pride is said to be the last vice the good
January 13, 1807 man gets clear of.
The President has, or ought to have, Poor Richard’s Almanack
the whole nation before him, and he c. 1732–1757
ought to select the men best qualified
and most meritorious for offices at this Success has ruined many a man.
own responsibility, without being —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
shackled by any check by law, consti- Poor Richard’s Almanack
tution, or institution. Without this un- 1752
restrained liberty, he is not a check
upon the legislative power nor either Oh! that I could wear out of my mind
branch of it. Indeed, he must be the every mean and base affectation, con-
slave of the party that brought him in. quer my natural Pride and Self Con-
—JOHN ADAMS ceit, expect no more deference from
Letter to John Quincy Adams, my fellows than I deserve, acquire that
February 18, 1811 meekness, and humility, which are the

sure marks and Characters of a great PROPERTY

and generous Soul, and subdue every
unworthy Passion and treat all men as And as Reason tells us, all are born thus
I wish to be treated by all. How happy naturally equal, i.e., with an equal
should I then be, in the favour and good Right to their Persons; so also with an
will of all honest men, and the sure equal Right to their Preservation; and
prospect of a happy immortality! therefore to such Things as Nature af-
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) fords for their Subsistence. … [Each
Diary entry, Man entitled to the fruits of his labor]
February 16, 1756 … Thus every Man having a natural
Right to (or being the Proprietor of)
Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, his own Person and his own Actions
and cold. and Labour and to what he can hon-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) estly acquire by his Labour, which we
Letter to Thomas Jefferson Smith, call Property; it certainly follows, that
February 21, 1825 no Man can have a Right to the Person
or Property of another … [and a Man
PRIVACY has a right to defend his property].
For a man’s house is his castle. A Seasonable Plea
—SIR EDWARD COKE (1552–1634) 1744
The Institutes of the Lawes of England,
Vol. 1 The first man who, having fenced in a
1628–1641 piece of land, said, “This is mine,” and
found people naive enough to believe
So long as a man rides his hobby- him, that man was the true founder of
horse, peaceably and quietly along the the civil society.
King’s highway, and neither compels —JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU (1712–1778)
you or me to get up behind him,— Discourse upon the Origin and Founda-
pray, Sir, what have either you or I to tion of the Inequality Among Mankind
do with it? 1754
—LAURENCE STERNE (1713–1768)
Tristram Shandy, Book I, Chapter 7 It is essentially a natural right, that a
1759 man shall quietly enjoy, and have the
sole disposal of his own property. …
PROGRESS The security of right and property, is
the great end of government. Surely,
Man advances from idea to idea, from then, such measures as tend to render
thought to thought, and all the time he right and property precarious, tend to
is unaware of his marvelous progress. destroy both property and government,
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) for these must stand or fall together.
Answers to Four Questions on Property is admitted to have an exist-
Legislative and Executive Powers ence in the savage state of nature; and
1791 if it is necessary for the support of sav-

age life, it by no means becomes less authorize the least violation of it; no,
so in civil society. not even for the general good of the
—ANONYMOUS whole community.
House of Representatives of Massa- —SIR WILLIAM BLACKSTONE (1723–1780)
chusetts statement to the king’s Commentaries of the Laws of England
representative, 1783
Whenever there is, in any country, un-
Great Britain claims a right to take away cultivated land and unemployed poor,
nine-tenths of our estates—have we a it is clear that the laws of property have
right to the remaining tenth? No—To been so far expended as to violate natu-
say we have, is a “traiterous” position, ral right.
denying her supreme legislature. So far —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
from having property, according to Letter to James Madison,
these late found novels, we are ourselves 1785
a property.
—JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794) In what then does real power consist?
Speech in Pennsylvania Provincial The answer is short and plain—in
Convention, property.
1774 —NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843)
“An Examination into the Leading
Each individual of the society has a right Principles of the Federal Constitution”
to be protected by it in the enjoyment October 17, 1787
of his life, liberty, and property, accord-
ing to standing laws. He is obliged, con- The liberty of the press, trial by jury,
sequently, to contribute his share to the the Habeas Corpus writ, even Magna
expense of this protection; and to give Carta itself, although justly deemed the
his personal service, or an equivalent, palladia of freedom, are all inferior con-
when necessary. But no part of the siderations, when compared with a gen-
property of any individual can, with eral distribution of real property among
justice, be taken from him, or applied every class of people. The power of en-
to public uses, without his own con- tailing estates is more dangerous to lib-
sent, or that of the representative body erty and republican government, than
of the people. In fine, the people of this all the constitutions that can be written
commonwealth are not controllable by on paper, or even than a standing army.
any other laws than those to which their Let the people have property, and they
constitutional representative body have will have power—a power that will for
given their consent. ever be exerted to prevent a restriction
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) of the press, an abolition of trial by jury,
Thoughts on Government or the abridgement of any other privilege.
“An Examination into the Leading
So great moreover is the regard of the Principles of the Federal Constitution”
law for private property, that it will not October 17, 1787

The moment the idea is admitted into the second, by an oligarchy founded
society that property is not as sacred on corruption.
as the laws of God, and that there is —JAMES MADISON
not a force of law and public justice to “Observations on Jefferson’s Draft
protect it, anarchy and tyranny com- Constitution”
mence. If “Thou shalt not covet” and October 15, 1788
“Thou shalt not steal” were not com-
mandments of Heaven, they must be Private Property therefore is a Creature
made inviolable precepts in every soci- of Society, and is subject to the Calls
ety before it can be civilized or made of that Society, whenever its Necessi-
free. ties shall require it, even to its last Far-
—JOHN ADAMS thing.
A Defense of the American —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
Constitutions “On the Legislative Branch”
1787 1789

Those who hold and those who are Government is instituted to protect
without property have ever formed dis- property of every sort. … This being
tinct interests in society. Those who are the end of government, that alone is a
creditors, and those who are debtors, just government, which impartially se-
fall under a like discrimination. A landed cures to every man, whatever is his
interest, a manufacturing interest, a own.
mercantile interest, a moneyed interest, —JAMES MADISON
with many lesser interests, grow up of Article in the National Gazette,
necessity in civilization and divide them March 29, 1792
into different classes, actuated by dif-
ferent sentiments and views. As a man is said to have a right to his
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) property, he may be equally said to have
The Federalist Papers a property in his rights.
Article in the National Gazette,
If all power be suffered to slide into March 29, 1792
hands not interested in the rights of
property which must be the case when- It is … natural for man to wish to be
ever a majority fall under that descrip- the absolute lord and master of what
tion, one of two things cannot fail to he holds in occupancy.
happen; either they will unite against —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
the other description and become the To William Grickland,
dupes and instruments of ambition, or July 15, 1797
their poverty and independence will
render them the mercenary instru- There could be no such thing as landed
ments of wealth. In either case lib- property originally. Man did not make
erty will be subverted; in the first by a the earth, and, though he had a natural
despotism growing out of anarchy, in right to occupy it, he had no right to

locate as his property in perpetuity on PUBLIC OFFICE

any part of it.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) When a man assumes a public trust,
Agrarian Justice he should consider himself as public
1797 property.
A representative form of government Remark to Baron von Humboldt,
rests no more on political contributions Date unknown
than on those laws which regulate the
descent and transmission of property. Governments can never be well adminis-
—DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852) tered, but where those entrusted make con-
Address to the Massachusetts science of well discharging their places.
Convention, —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
1820 Some Fruits of Solitude
It would seem, then, to be the part of
political wisdom to found government I have accepted a seat in the [Massa-
on property; and to establish such dis- chusetts] House of Representatives, and
tribution of property, by the laws which thereby have consented to my own
regulate its transmission and alienation, ruin, to your ruin, and the ruin of our
as to interest the great majority of so- children. I give you this warning, that you
ciety in the protection of government. may prepare your mind for your fate.
Address to the Massachusetts To Abigail Adams,
Convention, 1770
Public life is a situation of power and
Power naturally and necessarily fol- energy; he trespasses against his duty
lows property. who sleeps upon his watch, as well as
—DANIEL WEBSTER he that goes over the enemy.
Address to the Massachusetts —EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797)
Convention, Thoughts on the Cause of the Present
1820 Discontents
There is not a more dangerous experi-
ment than to place property in the hands Rulers, surely, even the most dignified
of one class, and political power in and powerful of them, should not be
those of another. …If property cannot so elevated with the thoughts of their
retain the political power, the political power, as to forget from whom it
power will draw after it the property. comes; for what purposes it is del-
—DANIEL WEBSTER egated to them.
Address to the Massachusetts —REV. JONATHAN MAYHEW (1720–1776)
Convention, Election Sermon,
1820 1774

Every post is honorable in which a man It is impossible but that such men will
can serve his country. be tenacious of their places; they are to
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) be raised to a lofty eminence, and they
To Benedict Arnold, will be loth to come down; and in the
September 14, 1775 course of six years, may by manage-
ment, have it in their power to create
Every man who acts beyond the lien of officers, and obtain influence enough,
private life, must expect to pass through to get in again, and so for life. When
two severe examinations. First, as to we felt the hand of British oppression
his motives; secondly, as to his con- upon us, we were so jealous of rul-
duct. On the former of these depends ers, as to declare them eligible but for
his character for honesty; on the latter three years in six. In this Constitu-
for wisdom. tion we forget this principle. I, sir, think
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) that rulers ought at short periods, to
Four Letters on Interesting Subjects return to private life, that they may
1776 know how to feel for, and regard their
fellow creatures. In six years, sir, and
On my first entrance into public life, I at a great distance, they will quite for-
formed a resolution from which I never get them.
departed, to abstain, whilst in that situ- “For time and absence cure the pur-
ation from dealing in any way, in pub- est love.”
lic property or transactions of any kind; We are apt to forget our friends, ex-
and I am satisfied that during my re- cept when we are conversing with
spites, and since my retirement, from them.
the public Service, I never became pos- —SAMUEL NASSON (1744–1800)
sessed of any Stock that could give me Speech at Massachusetts Ratifying
a title to the derelict in question. Convention,
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) February 1, 1788
“Vices of the Political System”
April 1787 The aim for every political constitution
is, or ought to be, first, to obtain for
In a Republic personal merit alone could rulers men who possess most wisdom
be the ground of political exaltation, but to discern, and most virtue to pursue
it would rarely happen that this merit the common good of the society; and
would be so pre-eminent as to produce in the next place, to take the most ef-
universal acquiesence. fectual precautions for keeping them
—JAMES MADISON virtuous, whilst they continue to hold
Speech in the Constitutional their public trust.
Convention, —JAMES MADISON
June 6, 1787 The Federalist Papers
The term, sir, for which the senate is
chosen, is a grievance—it is too long Nothing so strongly impels a man to
to trust any body of men with power: regard the interest of his constituents,

as the certainty of returning to the gen- than to take it off altogether. This is the
eral mass of the people, from whence precept of common sense illustrated
he was taken, where he must partici- and enforced by experience—uncon-
pate in their burdens. trolled power, ever has been, and ever
—GEORGE MASON (1725—1792) will be administered by the passions
Speech in the Virginia Ratifying more than by reason.
Convention, —JAMES MADISON
June 17, 1788 “Political Reflections”
February 23, 1799
It is a truth sufficiently illustrated by
experience, that when the people act The ordinary affairs of a nation offer
by their representatives, they are com- little difficulty to a person of any expe-
monly irresistible. rience.
New York Ratification Convention, Letter to James Sullivan,
June 25, 1788 1808

I have learned too much of the vanity PUBLIC OPINION & PREJUDICE
of human affairs to expect felicity from
the scenes of public life. The public must and will be served.
—MARTHA WASHINGTON (1731–1802) —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
Letter to Mrs. Warren, Some Fruits of Solitude
December 26, 1789 1693

We are not to consider ourselves, while If what men most admire they would
here, as at church or school, to listen despise,
to the harangues of speculative piety; ’Twould look as if mankind were grow-
we are here to talk of the political inter- ing wise.
ests committed to our charge. —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
—FISHER AMES (1758–1808) Poor Richard’s Almanack
Speech in the U.S. House of 1735
1789 Your representative owes you, not his
industry only, but his judgment; and he
In no case ought the eyes of the people betrays instead of serving you if he sac-
to be shut on the conduct of those en- rifices it to your opinion.
trusted with power; nor their tongues —EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797)
tied from a just wholesome censure on Speech to the Electors of Bristol,
it, any more than from merited com- November 3, 1774
mendations. If neither gratitude for the
honor of the trust, nor responsibility for We are never in a proper condition of
the use of it, be sufficient to curb the doing justice to others, while we con-
unruly passions of public functionar- tinue under the influence of some lead-
ies, add new bits to the bridle rather ing partiality, so neither are we capable

of doing it to ourselves while we re- delusion, in order to give them time and
main fettered by any obstinate preju- opportunity for more cool and sedate
dice. reflection.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
Common Sense The Federalist Papers
1776 1787

I am sensible that he who means to do Of those men who have overturned the
mankind a real service must set down liberties of republics, the greatest num-
with the determination of putting up, ber have begun their career by paying
and bearing with all their faults, follies, an obsequious court to the people, com-
prejudices and mistakes until he can mencing demagogues and ending tyrants.
convince them that he is right, and that —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
his object is a general good. The Federalist Papers
To Robert Morris,
February 20, 1782 I would not have the first wish, the
momentary impulse of the public mind,
As he rose like a rocket, he would fall become law. For it is not always the
like the stick. sense of the people, with whom, I ad-
—THOMAS PAINE mit, that all power resides. On great
Common Sense on Financing the War, questions, we first hear the loud clam-
referring to Edmund Burke ors of passion, artifice, and faction. I
1782 consider biennial elections as a secu-
rity that the sober, second thought of
I have never yet made, and I hope I the people shall be law.
never shall make, it the least point of —FISHER AMES (1758–1808)
consideration, whether a thing is popu- Speech in Massachusetts Convention,
lar or unpopular, but whether it is right January 1788
or wrong. That which is right will be-
come popular, and that which is wrong All governments, even the most des-
will soon lose its temporary popularity, potic, depend, in a great degree, on
and sink into disgrace. opinion. In free republics it is most
—THOMAS PAINE peculiarly the case. In these the will of
A Friend to Rhode-Island and the people makes the essential principle
the Union of the government, and the laws which
1783 control the community receive their
tone and spirit from the public wishes.
When occasions present themselves, in It is the fortunate situation of our coun-
which the interests of the people are at try, that the minds of the people are
variance with their inclinations, it is the exceedingly enlightened and refined.
duty of the person whom they have —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
appointed to be the guardians of those Speech in the New York Assembly,
interests, to withstand the temporary June 17, 1788

It is an unquestionable truth, that the The larger a country, the less easy for
body of the people in every country its real opinion to be ascertained, and
desire sincerely its prosperity. But it is the less difficult to be counterfeited;
equally unquestionable that they do not when ascertained or presumed, the
possess the discernment and stability more respectable it is in the eyes of in-
necessary for systematic government. dividuals. This is favorable to the au-
To deny that they are frequently led thority of government. For the same
into the grossest of errors, by misin- reason, the more extensive a country,
formation and passion, would be a flat- the more insignificant is each individual
tery which their own good sense must in his own eyes. This may be unfavor-
despise. able to liberty.
Speech in the New York Assembly, Essay in the National Gazette,
June 1788 December 19, 1791

If we are to take for the criterion of Public opinion sets bounds to every
truth the majority of suffrages, they government, and is the real sovereign
ought to be gathered from those philo- in every free one. As there are cases
sophical and patriotic citizens who cul- where the public opinion must be
tivate their reason, apart from the obeyed by the government; so there are
scenes which distract its operations, cases, where not being fixed, it may be
and expose it to the influence of the influenced by the government. This dis-
passions. The advantage enjoyed by tinction, if kept in view, would prevent
public bodies in the light struck out by or decide many debates on the respect
the collision of arguments, is but too due from the governemnt on the senti-
often overbalanced by the heat proceed- ments of the people.
ing from the same source. Many other —JAMES MADISON
sources of involuntary error might be Essay in the National Gazette,
added. It is no reflection on Congress December 19, 1791
to admit for one, the united voice of
the place, where they may happen to I shall so far take the sense of the pub-
deliberate. Nothing is more contagious lic for my guide.
than opinion, especially on questions, —THOMAS PAINE
which being susceptible of very differ- Rights of Man, II
ent glosses, beget in the mind a dis- 1792
trust of itself. It is extremely difficult
also to avoid confounding the local with I have learned to hold popular opinion
the public opinion, and to withhold the of no value.
respect due to the latter, from the falla- —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
cious specimens exhibited by the Letter to George Washington,
former. 1794
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
To Benjamin Rush, It is on great occasions only, and after
March 7, 1790 time has been given for cool and delib-

erate reflection, that the real voice of cally to inflict its sentences on the un-
the people can be known. just.
Letter to Edward Carrington, To James Madison,
May 1, 1796 1804

The first thing in all great operations of [T]rue to their nature, the people, or
such a government as ours is to secure rabble, rather always think the greatest
the opinion of the people. fool the wisest man. They have proved
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON it in this instance, by their selecting him
To Theodore Sedgwick, [a local politician] to make laws for
February 2, 1799 them. Alas, for my country! all your
citizens want is rope.
In the formation of laws and constitu- —ANNE NEWPORT ROYALL (1769–1854)
tions of civil government, public opin- Letters from Alabama,
ion is the capital director. To conform June 2, 1821
these to the humors, habits, and opin-
ions of a people, is deemed an impor- PURITANISM
tant part of legislative wisdom. Legis-
lators ever have been and ever will be What from the Church at Boston? I
influenced by the public mind. For a know no such church, neither will I
legislative body to act in opposition to own it. Call it the whore and strumpet
that, is an Herculean task, which has of Boston, no Church of Christ!
seldom been attempted, and, when at- —ANNE HUTCHINSON (1591–1643)
tempted in elective governments, has From Antinomianism in the Colony of
never been followed with success. Massachusetts Bay, 1636-1638, edited
—ZEPHANIAH SWIFT MOORE by Charles Francis Adams
(1770–1820) c. 1638
“An Oration on the Anniversary of the
Independence of the United States of The character of the inhabitants of this
America” province [Mass.] is much improved in
1802 comparison of what it was—but Puri-
tanism and a spirit of persecution is not
No nation, however powerful, any yet totally extinguished.
more than an individual, can be unjust —ANDREW BURNABY (Dates unknown)
with impunity. Sooner or later public Travels Through the Middle Settlements
opinion, an instrument merely moral in of North America
the beginning, will find occasion physi- 1775

REASON certain primary truths, or first prin-
ciples, upon which all subsequent rea-
The satisfaction of our senses is low, soning must depend.
short, and transient. But the mind gives —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
a more raised and extended pleasure, The Federalist Papers
and is capable of an happiness founded 1788
upon reason; not bounded and limited
by the circumstances that bodies are So convenient a thing it is to be a rea-
confined to. sonable creature, since it enables one
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) to find or make a reason for everything
Some Fruits of Solitude one has a mind to do.
1693 —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
The present is an age of philosophy, 1791
and America the empire of reason.
Here, neither the pageantry of courts, Reason and Ignorance, the opposites of
nor the glooms of superstition, have each other, influence the great bulk of
dazzled or beclouded the mind. Our mankind. If either of these can be ren-
duty calls us to act worthy of the age dered sufficiently extensive in a country,
and the country that gave us birth. the machinery of Government goes eas-
—JOEL BARLOW (1754–1812) ily on. Reason obeys itself; and Ignorance
July 4th Oration delivered in submits to whatever is dictated to it.
Hartford, Connecticut, —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
July 4, 1787 Rights of Man, I
Your own reason is the only oracle
given you by heaven, and you are an- It would not only be wrong, but bad
swerable not for the rightness but up- policy, to attempt by force what ought
rightness of the decision. to be accomplished by reason.
To Peter Carr, Rights of Man, II
August 10, 1787 1792

In disquisitions of every kind there are Reason and discussion will soon bring

things right, however wrong they may tentious brevity which, using not a word
begin. to spare, leaves not a moment for inat-
—THOMAS PAINE tention to the hearer. Amplification is
Rights of Man, II the vice of modern oratory.
Letter to David Harding,
Reason, like time, will make its own April 20, 1824
way, and prejudice will fall in a combat
with interest. RELIGION
Rights of Man, II In God we trust.
1792 —U.S. MOTTO
“In God is our trust” was the original
The greatest forces that can be brought phrase stated by Francis Scott Key in
into the field of revolutions, are reason 1814. The above motto, more popular
and common interest. Where these can and more familiar, appeared on U.S.
have the opportunity of acting, opposi- coins beginning in 1864.
tion dies with fear, or crumbles away
by conviction. Columbus did not find out America by
—THOMAS PAINE chance, but God directed him at that
Age of Reason, I time to discover it; it was contingent to
1794 him, but necessary to God.
—ROBERT BURTON (1577–1640)
The most formidable weapon against The Anatomy of Melancholy
errors of every kind is Reason. I have 1621
never used any other, and I trust I never
shall. An oath, sir, is an end of all strife, and
—THOMAS PAINE it is God’s ordinance.
Age of Reason, I —ANNE HUTCHINSON (1591–1643)
1794 Spoken at her trial in Boston,
November 1, 1637
There is no rule without exceptions: but
it is false reasoning which converts There goes many a ship to sea, with
exceptions into the general rule. many hundred souls in one ship, whose
—THOMAS JEFFERSON weal and woe is common, and is a true
To Thomas Law, picture of a commonwealth or a hu-
June 13, 1814 man combination or society. It hath
fallen out sometimes that both Papists
The art of reasoning becomes of first and Protestants, Jews and Turks may
importance. In this line antiquity has left be embarked in one ship; upon which
us the finest models for imitation; … I supposal I affirm that all the liberty of
should consider the speeches of Livy, conscience that ever I pleaded for turns
Sallust, and Tacitus, as pre-eminent upon these two hinges—that none of
specimens of logic, taste, and that sen- the papists, Protestants, Jews or Turks

be forced to come to the ship’s prayers Noe person within the said colonye at
or worship, nor compelled from their any tyme hereafter shall bee any wise
own particular prayers or worship, if molested, punished, disquieted or called
they practice any. in question for any difference in opin-
—ROGER WILLIAMS (c. 1603–1683) ions in matters of religion which doe
Letter to the Town of Providence, not actually disturb the civil peace of
January 1655 our sayd colonye; but that all … freely
and fullye have and enjoy his and their
Therefore, if any of these said persons own judgments and consciences in
(Quakers, Jews, Turks and Egyptians) matters of religious concernments.
come in love unto us, we cannot, in —CHARTER OF THE COLONY OF
conscience, lay hands upon them, but RHODE ISLAND
give them free egresse and regresse into 1663
our town and houses, as God shall per-
suade our consciences. And in this we In short, what religious, what wise,
are true subjects both of Church and what prudent, what good natured per-
State, for we are bounde by the law of son would be a persecutor; certainly
God and men to doe good unto all men it’s an office only fit for those who
and evil to noe one. being void of all reason, to evidence the
—ANONYMOUS verity of their own religion, fancy it to
“The Flushing Remonstrance,” to be true, from that strong propensity and
Governor Stuyvesant, greedy inclination they find in them-
December 27, 1657 selves to persecute the contrary; a
weakness of so ill a consequence to all
All men are truly said to be tenants at civil societies, that the admission of it
will, and it may as truly be said that all ever was, and ever will prove their ut-
have a lease of their lives, some longer, ter ruin, as well as their great infelicity
some shorter, as it pleases our great who pursue it.
Landlord to let. All have their bounds —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
set, over which they cannot pass, and The Great Case of Liberty and
till the expiration of that time, no dan- Conscience
gers, no sickness, no pains, nor troubles 1670
shall put a period to our days. The cer-
tainty that that time will come, together Toleration (for these ten years past) has
with the uncertainty, how, where, and not been more the cry of some, than
when, should make us so to number persecution has been the practice of
our days as to apply our hearts to wis- others, though not on grounds equally
dom, that when we are put out of these rational.
houses of clay we may be sure of an —WILLIAM PENN
everlasting habitation that fades not The Great Case of Liberty and
away. Conscience
—ANNE BRADSTREET (c. 1612–1672) 1670
Meditations Divine and Moral
c. 1660 God is better served in resisting a temp-

tation to evil, than in many formal conscientious Persuasion or Practice, nor

prayers. be compelled to frequent or maintain any
—WILLIAM PENN religious Worship, Place or Ministry,
Some Fruits of Solitude contrary to his or their Mind, or to do
1693 or suffer any other Act or Thing, con-
trary to their religous Persuasion.
It is a sad reflection that many men —WILLIAM PENN
hardly have any religion at all; and most Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges,
men have none of their own: for that 1701
which is the religion of their education,
and not of their judgment, is the reli- Because the Happiness of Mankind de-
gion of another, and not theirs. pends so much upon the Enjoying of
—WILLIAM PENN Liberty of their Consciences as afore-
Some Fruits of Solitude said, I do hereby solemnly declare,
1693 promise and grant, for me, my Heirs and
Assigns, That the First Article of this
Thou wouldst take much pains to save Charter relating to Liberty of Conscience,
thy body: take some, prithee, to save and every Part and Clause therein, ac-
thy soul. cording to the true Intent and Meaning
—WILLIAM PENN thereof, shall be kept and remain, with-
Some Fruits of Solitude out any Alteration, inviolably for ever.
Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges,
And of all plagues with which mankind 1701
are curs’d,
Ecclesiastic tyranny’s the worst. I write the wonders of the Christian
—DANIEL DEFOE (1660–1731) religion, flying from the depravations
The True-Born Englishman of Europe to the American strand; and,
1701 assisted by the holy author of that reli-
gion, I do, with all conscience of truth,
Because no People can be truly happy, required therein by Him who is the truth
though under the greatest Enjoyment itself, report the wonderful displays of
of Civil Liberties, if abridged of the His infinite power, wisdom, goodness,
Freedom of their Consciences, … I do and faithfulness, wherewith His divine
hereby grant and declare, That no Per- providence hath irradiated an Indian
son or Persons, inhabiting in this Prov- wilderness.
ince or Territories, who shall confess —COTTON MATHER (1663–1728)
and acknowledge One almighty God, Magnalia Christi Americana
the Creator, Upholder and Ruler of the 1702
World; and profess him or themselves
obliged to live quietly under the Civil To be like Christ is to be a Christian.
Government, shall be in any Case mo- —WILLIAM PENN
lested or prejudiced, in his or their Per- Last words,
son or Estate, because of his or their 1718

How many observe Christ’s birthday! Excellences, and correspondent Habits

How few, his precepts! O! ’tis easier of complacency in and Dependence
to keep holidays than commandments. upon him, Habits of Reverence and
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) Gratitude, to God, and Habits of Love
Poor Richard’s Almanack and Compassion to our fellow men and
c. 1732 Habits of Temperance, Recollection and
self Government will afford us a real
Talking against religion is unchaining a and substantial Pleasure. We may then
tiger; the beast let loose may worry his exult in a Consciousness of the Favour
deliverer. of God, and the Prospect of everlast-
Poor Richard’s Almanack —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
1751 Diary entry,
May 1756
What is the proper Business of Man-
kind in this Life? We came into the The frightful engines of ecclesiastical
World naked and destitute of all the councils, of diabolical malice, and
Conveniences and necessaries of Life. Calvinistical good-nature never failed to
And if we were not provided for, and terrify me exceedingly whenever I
nourished by our Parents or others thought of preaching.
should inevitably perish as soon as —JOHN ADAMS
born. We increase in strength of Body To Richard Cranch,
and mind by slow and insensible De- October 18, 1756
grees. 1/3 of our Time is consumed in
sleep, and 3/4 of the remainder, is spent Let the pulpit resound with the doctrine
in procuring a mere animal sustenance. and sentiments of religious liberty. Let
And if we live to the Age of three score us hear of the dignity of man’s nature,
and Ten and then set down to make an and the noble rank he holds among the
estimate in our minds of the Happiness works of God. … Let it be known that
we have enjoyed and the Misery we British liberties are not the grants of
have suffered, We shall find I am apt princes and parliaments.
to think, that the overbalance of Happi- —JOHN ADAMS
ness is quite inconsiderable. We shall “Dissertation on the Canon and
find that we have been through the Feudal Law”
greatest Part of our Lives pursuing 1765
Shadows, and empty but glittering
Phantoms rather than substances. We A watchful eye must be kept on our-
shall find that we have applied our whole selves, lest while we are building ideal
Vigour, all our Faculties, in the Pursuit monuments of renown and bliss here,
of Honour, or Wealth, or Learning or we neglect to have our names enrolled
some other such delusive Trifle, instead in the annals of Heaven.
of the real and everlasting Excellences —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
of Piety and Virtue. Habits of Contem- To William Bradford,
plating the Deity and his transcendent November 9, 1772

In regard to religion, mutual toleration A thousand things may intercept our

in the different professions thereof is petitions on their way to an earthly
what all good and candid minds in all monarch; but a combination of all our
ages have ever practiced … The only enemies in earth and hell cannot pre-
sects which he [Locke] thinks ought vent a pious wish in its flight to Heaven.
to be and which by all wise laws are —NATHANIEL NILES (1741–1828)
excluded from such toleration are those Two discourses on liberty; delivered at
who teach doctrines subversive of the the North Church, in Newbury-port,
civil government under which they live. June 5, 1774
The Roman Catholics or Papists are
excluded by reason of such doctrines Spiritual freedom is the root of political
as these: that princes excommunicated liberty. … As the union between spiri-
may be deposed, and those they call tual freedom and political liberty seems
heretics may be destroyed without mercy; nearly inseparable, it is our duty to de-
besides their recognizing the pope in so fend both.
absolute a manner, in subversion of gov- —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
ernment, by introducing as far as pos- Thoughts on Defensive War
sible into the states under whose pro- 1775
tection they enjoy life, liberty, and
property that solecism in politics, Im- The God who gave us life, gave us lib-
perium in imperio, leading directly erty at the same time.
to the worst anarchy and confusion, civil —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
discord, war and bloodshed. Summary View of the Rights of
—SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803) British America
“The Rights of Colonists” 1775
As to religion, I hold it to be the indis-
Union of Religious Sentiments begets a pensable duty of all government, to pro-
surprizing confidence and Ecclesiastical tect all conscientious professors thereof,
Establishments tend to great ignorance and I know of no other business which
and Corruption all of which facilitate the government hath to do therewith.
Execution of Mischievous Projects. —THOMAS PAINE
To William Bradford, 1776
January 23, 1774
To God, and not to man, are all men
That diabolical, hell-conceived principle accountable on the score of religion.
of persecution rages among some, and —THOMAS PAINE
to their eternal infamy the clergy can Common Sense
furnish their quota of imps for such a 1776
—JAMES MADISON It is the will of the Almighty, that there
To William Bradford, should be diversity of religious opin-
January 23, 1774 ions among us: It affords a larger field

for our Christian kindness. Were we all [T]he happiness of a people and the
of one way of thinking, our religious good order and preservation of civil
dispositions would want matter for pro- government essentially depend upon
bation; and on this liberal principle, I piety, religion, and morality.
look on the various denominations —ANONYMOUS
among us, to be like children of the Massachusetts Bill of Rights
same family, differing only, in what is 1780
called, their Christian names.
—THOMAS PAINE Is uniformity obtainable? Millions of
Common Sense innocent men, women, and children,
1776 since the introduction of Christianity,
have been burnt, tortured, fined, im-
He is the best friend to American lib- prisoned, yet we have not advanced an
erty, who is most sincere and active in inch toward uniformity. What has been
promoting true and undefiled religion, the effect of coercion? To make one
and who sets himself with the greatest half the world fools, and the other half
firmness to bear down on profanity and hypocrites. To support roguery and
immorality of every kind. Whoever is an error all over the earth.
avowed enemy of God, I scruple not —THOMAS JEFFERSON
to call him an enemy to his country. Notes on the State of Virginia,
—JOHN WITHERSPOON (1723–1794) 1782
It does me no injury for my neighbor
That religion, or the duty which we to say there are twenty gods, or no
owe to our CREATOR, and the manner God.
of discharging it, can be directed only by —THOMAS JEFFERSON
reason and conviction, not by force or Notes on the State of Virginia,
violence; and therefore, all men are equally 1782
entitled to the free exercise of religion,
according to the dictates of conscience; Without religion, I believe that learning
and that it is the mutual duty of all to does real mischief to the morals and
practise Christian forbearance, love, and principles of mankind.
charity; towards each other. —BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813)
—JAMES MADISON To John Armstrong,
(Also attributed to George Mason) March 19, 1783
Virginia Declaration of Rights,
1776 In the circle of my acquaintance (which
has not been small), I have generally been
The opinions of men are not the object denominated a Deist, the reality of
of civil government, nor under its ju- which I never disputed, being conscious
risdiction. I am no Christian, except mere infant
—THOMAS JEFFERSON baptism make me one; and as to being
Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, a Deist, I know not, strictly speaking,
1779 whether I am one or not, for I have never

read their writings; mine will therefore which he gave to his eleven Apostles,
determine the matter; for I have not in who were to promulgate his gospel in
the least disguised my sentiments, but the world; so that from their very insti-
have written freely without any con- tution it appears that when the miracu-
scious knowledge of prejudice for, or lous signs, therein spoken of, failed,
against any man, sectary or party what- they were considered as unbelievers,
ever; but wish that good sense, truth and consequently no faith or trust to
and virtue may be promoted and flour- be any longer reposed in them or their
ish in the world, to the detection of successors. For these signs were those
delusion, superstition, and false religion; which were to perpetuate their mission,
and therefore my errors in the succeed- and were to be continued as the only
ing treatise, which may be rationally evidences of the validity and authentic-
pointed out, will be readily rescinded. ity of it, and as long as these signs fol-
—ETHAN ALLEN (1738–1789) lowed, mankind could not be deceived
Reason the Only Oracle of Man in adhering to the doctrines which the
1784 Apostles and their successors taught;
but when these signs failed, their di-
Nothing is more evident to the under- vine authority ended. Now if any of
standing part of mankind, than that in them will drink a dose of deadly poi-
those parts of the world where learn- son, which I could prepare, and it does
ing and science has prevailed, miracles not “hurt them,” I will subscribe to their
have ceased; but in such parts of it as divine author and end the dispute; not
are barbarous and ignorant, miracles are that I have a disposition to poison any
still in vogue; which is of itself a strong one, nor do I suppose that they would
presumption that in the infancy of let- dare to take such a dose as I could pre-
ters, learning and science, or in the pare for them, which, if so, would evince
world’s non-age, those who confided that they were unbelievers themselves,
in miracles, as a proof of the divine though they are extremely apt to cen-
mission of the first promulgators of sure others for unbelief, which accord-
revelation, were imposed upon by fic- ing to their scheme is a damnable sin.
titious appearances instead of miracles. —ETHAN ALLEN
Furthermore, the author of Christian- Reason the Only Oracle of Man
ity warns us against the impositions of 1784
false teachers, and ascribes the signs
of the true believers, saying, “And these We should begin by setting conscience
signs shall follow them that believe, in free. When all men of all religions ...
my name shall they cast out devils, they shall enjoy equal liberty, property, and
shall speak with new tongues, they shall an equal chance for honors and power
take up serpents, and if they drink any ... we may expect that improvements
deadly thing it shall not hurt them, they will be made in the human character
shall lay hands on the sick and they shall and the state of society.
recover.” These are the express words —JOHN ADAMS
of the founder of Christianity, and are To Dr. Price,
contained in the very commission, April 8, 1785

It gives me much pleasure to observe Rulers who wished to subvert the pub-
by 2 printed reports sent me by Col. lic liberty, may have found an estab-
Grayson that in the latter Congress had lished Clergy convenient auxiliaries. A
expunged a clause contained in the first just Government instituted to secure &
for setting apart a district of land in each perpetuate it needs them not.
Township, for supporting the Religion —JAMES MONROE
of the Majority of inhabitants. How a Address to the Virginia General
regulation, so unjust in itself, so for- Assembly,
eign to the Authority of Congress so June 20, 1785
hurtful to the sale of the public land,
and smelling so strongly of an anti- Torrents of blood have been spilt in the
quated Bigotry, could have received the old world, by vain attempts of the secu-
countenance of a Committee is truly lar arm, to extinguish Religious discord,
matter of astonishment. by proscribing all difference in Religious
—JAMES MADISON opinion. Time has at length revealed the
To James Monroe, true remedy. Every relaxation of nar-
May 29, 1785 row and rigorous policy, whenever it
has been tried, has been found to as-
[E]xperience witnesseth that ecclesias- suage the disease. The American The-
tical establishments, instead of main- atre has exhibited proofs that equal and
taining the purity and efficacy of Reli- compleat liberty, if it does not wholly
gion, have had a contrary operation. eradicate it, sufficiently destroys its
During almost fifteen centuries has the malignant influence on the health and
legal establishment of Christianity been prosperity of the State.
on trial. What have been its fruits? More —JAMES MONROE
or less in all places, pride and indolence Address to the Virginia General
in the Clergy, ignorance and servility in Assembly,
the laity, in both, superstition, bigotry June 20, 1785
and persecution.
—JAMES MONROE We hold it for a fundamental and in-
Address to the Virginia General alienable truth that religion and the man-
Assembly, ner of discharging it can be directed
June 20, 1785 only by reason and conviction not by
force and violence. The religion, then,
Who does not see that the same au- of every man must be left to the con-
thority which can establish Christian- viction and conscience of every man;
ity, in exclusion of all other Religions, and it is the right of every man to exer-
may establish with the same ease any cise it as these may dictate.
particular sect of Christians, in exclu- —JAMES MONROE
sion of all other Sects? Address to the Virginia General
Address to the Virginia General June 20, 1785
June 20, 1785 You yourself may find it easy to live a

virtuous life, without the assistance af- that the same shall in no wise diminish,
forded by religion; you having a clear enlarge, or affect their civil capabilities.
perception of the advantage of virtue, —THOMAS JEFFERSON
and the disadvantages of vice, and pos- Virginia Act for Religious Freedom,
sessing a strength of resolution suffi- 1786
cient to enable you to resist common
temptations. But think how great a por- I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the
tion of mankind consists of weak and longer I live, the more convincing proof
ignorant men and women, and of inex- I see of this truth—that God governs
perienced, inconsiderate youth of both in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow
sexes, who have need of the motives cannot fall to the ground without his
of religion to restrain them from vice, notice, is it probable that an empire can
to support their virtue, and retain them rise without his aid?
in the practice of it till it becomes ha- —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
bitual, which is the great point for its Debates in the Constitutional
security. And perhaps you are indebted Convention,
to her originally, that is to your religious June 28, 1787
education, for the habits of virtue upon
which you now justly value yourself. No person demeaning himself in a
You might easily display your excellent peaceable and orderly manner shall ever
talents of reasoning upon a less haz- be molested on account of his mode of
ardous subject, and thereby obtain a worship or religious sentiments in the
rank with our most distinguished au- said territory.
thors. For among us it is not neces- —ANONYMOUS
sary, as among the Hottentots, that a Northwest Ordinance, art. 1,
youth, to be raised into the company July 13, 1787
of men, should prove his manhood by
beating his mother. The business of civil government is to
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN protect the citizen in his rights, to de-
To Thomas Paine (Franklin’s response fend the community from hostile pow-
to The Age of Reason), ers, and to promote the general wel-
1785 fare. Civil government has no business
to meddle with the private opinions of
We, the General Assembly of Virginia, the people. If I demean myself as a good
do enact that no man shall be compelled citizen, I am accountable, not to man,
to frequent or support any religious but to God, for the religious opinions
worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, which I embrace, and the manner in
nor shall be enforced, restrained, mo- which I worship the supreme being. …
lested, or burthened in his body or But while I assert the right of religious
goods, or shall otherwise suffer, on liberty, I would not deny that the civil
account of his religious opinions of power has a right, in some cases, to
belief; but that all men shall be free to interfere with religion. It has a right to
profess, and by argument to maintain, prohibit and punish gross immoralities
their opinions in matters of religion, and and impieties; because the open prac-

tice of these is of evil example and pub- Happily for the states, they enjoy the
lic detriment. For this reason, I heartily utmost freedom of religion. This free-
approve of our laws against dom arises from that multiplicity of
drunkeness, profane swearing, blas- sects, which pervades America, and
phemy, and professed atheism. which is the best and only security for
—OLIVER ELLSWORTH (1745–1807) religious liberty in any society. For
Speech at the Connecticut Ratifying where there is such a variety of sects,
Convention, there cannot be a majority of any one
1787 sect to oppress and persecute the rest.
Fortunately for this commonwealth
The United States of America have ex- [Virginia], a majority of the people are
hibited, perhaps, the first example of decidedly against any exclusive estab-
governments erected on the simple prin- lishment—I believe it to be so in the
ciples of nature; and if men are now suf- other states. There is not a shadow of
ficiently enlightened to disabuse them- right in the general government to in-
selves of artifice, imposture, hypocrisy, termeddle with religion. Its least inter-
and superstition, they will consider this ference with it would be a most fla-
event as an era in their history. Although grant usurpation.
the detail of the formation of the Ameri- —JAMES MADISON
can governments is at present little Speech in the Virginia Ratifying
known or regarded either in Europe or Convention,
in America, it may hereafter become an June 12, 1788
object of curiosity. It will never be pre-
tended that any persons employed in It is true, we are not disposed to differ
that service had interviews with the much, at present, about religion; but
gods, or were in any degree under the when we are making a constitution, it
influence of Heaven, more than those is to be hoped, for ages and millions
at work upon ships or houses, or la- yet unborn, why not establish the free
boring in merchandise or agriculture; it exercise of religion as a part of the na-
will forever be acknowledged that these tional compact.
governments were contrived merely by —RICHARD HENRY LEE (1732–1794)
the use of reason and the senses. Letters of the Federal Farmer
“A Defence of the Constitutions of
Government of the United States of There seems to be a disposition in men
America” to find fault, rather than to act as they
1787–1788 ought. The works of creation itself have
been objected to: and one learned prince
Religious persecution may shield itself declared, that if he had been consulted,
under the guise of a mistaken and over- they would have been improved. With
zealous piety. what book has so much fault been
—EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797) found, as with the Bible? Perhaps, prin-
Impeachment of Warren Hastings, cipally, because it so clearly and
February 7, 1788 strongly enjoins men to do right. How

many, how plausible objections have As to Jesus of Nazareth, my Opinion

been made against it, with how much of whom you particularly desire, I think
ardor, with how much pains? Yet, the the System of Morals and his Religion,
book has done more good than all the as he left them to us, the best the World
books in the world; would do much ever saw or is likely to see; but I ap-
more, if duly regarded; and might lead prehend it has received various corrupt-
the objectors against it to happiness, if ing Changes, and I have, with most of
they would value it as they should. the present Dissenters in England, some
—JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794) Doubts as to his Divinity; tho’ it is a
“Letters of Fabius” #4, question I do not dogmatize upon, hav-
1788 ing never studied it, and think it need-
less to busy myself with it now, when
Every man, conducting himself as a I expect soon an Opportunity of know-
good citizen, and being accountable, to ing the Truth with less Trouble.
God alone for his religious opinions, —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
ought to be protected in worshiping the To Ezra Stiles,
Deity according to the dictates of his March 9, 1790
own conscience.
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) For happily the government of the
Letter to the United Baptist Church of United States, which gives to bigotry
Virginia, no sanction, to persecution no assis-
May 1789 tance, requires only that they who live
under its protection should demean
Congress should not establish a religion, themselves as good citizens, in giving
and enforce the legal observation of it it on all occasions their effectual sup-
by law, nor compel men to worship port. … May the children of the Stock
God in any Manner contrary to their of Abraham, who dwell in this land,
conscience. continue to merit and enjoy the good
—JAMES MADISON will of the other inhabitants, while ev-
Annals of Congress 730, ery one shall sit in safety under his own
August 15, 1789 vine and fig-tree, and there shall be none
to make him afraid.
As to those employed in teaching and —GEORGE WASHINGTON
inculcating the duties of religion, there Letter to the Hebrew congregation of
may be some indelicacy in singling them Newport, Rhode Island,
out [as a category in a census], as the August 17, 1790
general government is proscribed from
interfering, in any manner whatever, in All religions are in their nature mild and
matters respecting religion; and it may be benign, and united with principles of
thought to do this, in ascertaining who, morality. They could not have made
and who are not, ministers of the gospel. proselites at first, by professing any-
—JAMES MADISON thing that was vicious, cruel, persecut-
Speech in Congress, ing, or immoral. Like everything else,
February 2, 1790 they had their beginning; and they pro-

ceeded by persuasion, exhortation, and particular circumstance, made it a cus-

example. How then is it that they lose tom to present to their parents some
their native mildness, and become mo- token of their affection and gratitude,
rose and intolerant? each of them would make a different
It proceeds from the connection offering, and most probably in a dif-
which Mr. Burke recommends. By en- ferent manner. Some would pay their
gendering the church with the state, a congratulations in themes of verse or
sort of mule animal, capable only of de- prose, by some little devices, as their
stroying, and not of breeding up, is pro- genius dictated, or according to what
duced, called The Church established they thought would please; and, per-
by Law. It is a stranger, even from its haps, the least of all, not able to do any
birth, to any parent mother on which it of those things, would ramble into the
is begotten, and whom in time it kicks garden, or the field, and gather what it
out and destroys. thought the prettiest flower it could
—THOMAS PAINE find, though, perhaps it might be but a
Rights of Man, I simple weed. The parents would be
1791 more gratified by such variety, than if
the whole of them had acted on a con-
Persecution is not an original feature in certed plan, and each had made exactly
any religion; but it is always the strongly- the same offering. This would have the
marked feature of all law-religions, or cold appearance of contrivance, or the
religions established by law. Take away harsh one of control. But of all unwel-
the law-establishment, and every reli- come things, nothing could more af-
gion reassumes its original benignity. flict the parent than to know, that the
—THOMAS PAINE whole of them had afterwards gotten
Rights of Man, I together by the ears, boys and girls,
1791 fighting, scratching, reviling, and abus-
ing each other about which was the best
Every religion is good, that teaches man or the worst present.
to be good. Why may we not suppose, that the
—THOMAS PAINE great Father of all is pleased with vari-
Rights of Man, II ety of devotion; and that the greatest
1792 offense we can act, is that by which
we seek to torment and render each
I do not believe that any two men, on other miserable.
what are called doctrinal points, think alike —THOMAS PAINE
who think at all. It is only those who Rights of Man, II
have not thought that appear to agree. 1792
Rights of Man, II Religion is very improperly made a po-
1792 litical machine.
If we suppose a large family of chil- Rights of Man, II
dren, who, on any particular day, or 1792

Adam, if ever there were such a man, oring to make our fellow creatures
was created a Deist; but in the mean happy.
time let every man follow, as he has a —THOMAS PAINE
right to do, the religion and the wor- Age of Reason, I
ship he prefers. 1794
Age of Reason, I It is only in the CREATION that all our
1794 ideas and conceptions of a word of God
can unite.
All national institutions of churches, —THOMAS PAINE
whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, Age of Reason, I
appear to me no other than human in- 1794
ventions set up to terrify and enslave
mankind, and monopolize power and Jesus Christ founded no new system.
profit. He called men to the practice of moral
—THOMAS PAINE virtues, and the belief of one God. The
Age of Reason, I great trait in his character is philan-
1794 thropy.
Any system of religion that has any- Age of Reason, I
thing in it that shocks the mind of a 1794
child cannot be a true system.
—THOMAS PAINE Man does not learn religion as he learns
Age of Reason, I the secrets and mysteries of a trade.
1794 He learns the theory of religion by re-
flection. It arises out of the action of
Every national church or religion has his own mind upon the things which
established itself by pretending some he sees, or upon what he may happen
special mission from God communi- to hear or to read, and the practice joins
cated to certain individuals. The Jews itself thereto.
have their Moses; the Christians their —THOMAS PAINE
Jesus Christ, their apostles, and saints; Age of Reason, I
and the Turks their Mahomet; as if the 1794
way to God was not open to every man
alike. Priests and conjurors are of the same
Age of Reason, I —THOMAS PAINE
1794 Age of Reason, I
I believe in one God and no more, and
I hope for happiness beyond this life. I When I see throughout the greatest part
believe in the equality of man; and I of this book, [i.e., the Bible] scarcely
believe that religious duties consist in any thing but a history of the grossest
doing justice, loving mercy, and endeav- vices, and a collection of the most pal-

try and contemptible tales, I cannot dis- for my own part, I sincerely detest it,
honor my Creator by calling it by his as I detest everything that is cruel.
—THOMAS PAINE Age of Reason, I
Age of Reason, I 1794
It is a duty incumbent on every true
Religious duties consist in doing jus- deist, that he vindicates the moral jus-
tice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to tice of God against the calumnies of
make our fellow creatures happy. the Bible.
Age of Reason, I Age of Reason, II
1794 1795

The word of God is the creation we People in general know not what wick-
behold. And it is in this word, which no edness there is in this pretended word
human invention can counterfeit or al- of God. Brought up in habits of super-
ter, that God speaketh universally to stition, they take it for granted, that the
man. bible is true, and that it is good. They
—THOMAS PAINE permit themselves not to doubt of it;
Age of Reason, I and they carry the ideas they form of
1794 the benevolence of the Almighty to the
book which they have been taught to
When we contemplate the immensity believe was written by his authority.
of that Being, who directs and gov- Good heavens, it is quite another thing!
erns the incomprehensible WHOLE, It is a book of lies, wickedness, and
of which the utmost ken of human blasphemy; for what can be greater
sight can discover but a part, we blasphemy than to ascribe the wicked-
ought to feel shame at calling such ness of man to the orders of the Al-
paltry stories [i.e., the Bible] the word mighty.
—THOMAS PAINE Age of Reason, II
Age of Reason, I 1795
The only sect that has not persecuted,
Whenever we read the obscene stories, are the Quakers, and the only reason
the volumptuous debaucheries, the cruel that can be given for it is, that they
and turturous executions, the unrelent- are rather Deists than Christians.
ing vindictiveness with which more than They do not believe much about Jesus
half the BIble is filled, it would be more Christ, and they call the scriptures a
consistent that we called it the word dead letter.
of a demon than the word of God. It is —THOMAS PAINE
a history of wickedness, that has served Age of Reason, II
to corrupt and brutalize mankind; and, 1795

One great advantage of the Christian or third party has a right to interfere
religion is that it brings the great prin- between them. It is not properly a thing
ciple of the law of nature and nations— of this world; it is only practiced in this
Love your neighbor as yourself, and do world; but its object is in a future world;
to others as you would that others and it is not otherwise an object of just
should do to you,—to the knowledge, laws than for the purpose of protect-
belief, and veneration of the whole ing the equal rights of all, however vari-
people. ous their belief may be.
Diary entry, Letter to a Mr. Erskine,
August 14, 1796 1797

Amongst other strange things said of Practical religion consists in doing

me, I hear it is said by the deists that I good; and the only way of serving God
am one of their number; and, indeed, is, that of endeavoring to make his cre-
that some good people think I am no ation happy. All preaching that has not
Christian. This thought gives me much this for its object is nonsense and hy-
more pain than the appellation of Tory, pocrisy.
because I think religion of infinitely —THOMAS PAINE
higher importance than politics; and I Agrarian Justice
find much cause to reproach myself 1797
that I have lived so long, and have given
no decided and public proofs of my Religion does not unite itself to show
being a Christian. and noise. True religion is without ei-
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) ther. Where there is both there is no
To his daughter, true religion.
To Camille Jordan,
Of all the tyrannies that afflict mankind, 1797
tyranny in religion is the worst. Every
other species of tyranny is limited to The intellectual part of religion is a pri-
the world we live in, but this attempts vate affair between every man and his
a stride beyond the grave and seeks to Maker, and in which no third party has
pursue us into eternity. It is there and any right to interfere. The practical part
not here, it is to God and not to man, it consists in our doing good to each other.
is to a heavenly and not an earthly tri- —THOMAS PAINE
bunal that we are to account for our To Camille Jordan,
belief. 1797
Letter to a Mr. Erskine, The modes of worship are as various
1797 as the sects are numerous; and amidst
all this variety and multiplicity there is
Religion is a private affair between ev- but one article of belief in which every
ery man and his Maker, and no tribunal religion in the world agrees. That ar-

ticle has universal sanction. It is the no natural right in opposition to his so-
belief of a God, or what the Greeks cial duties.
described by the word Theism, and the —THOMAS JEFFERSON
Latins by that of Deism. To the Baptist Association of
—THOMAS PAINE Danbury, Connecticut,
To Camille Jordan, January 1, 1802
The key to heaven is not in the keeping
The safety and prosperity of nations of any sect, nor ought the road to it be
ultimately and essentially depend on the obstructed by any. Our relation to each
protection and blessing of Almighty other in this world is as men, and the
God; and the national acknowledg- man who is a friend to man and to his
ment of this truth is not only an in- rights, let his religious opinions be what
dispensable duty, which the people they may, is a good citizen.
owe to him, but a duty whose natural —THOMAS PAINE
influence is favorable to the promotion To Samuel Adams,
of that morality and piety, without January 1, 1803
which social happiness cannot exist,
nor the blessings of a free government It behooves every man who values
be enjoyed. liberty of conscience for himself, to
—JOHN ADAMS resist invasions of it in the case of oth-
“Proclamation for a National Fast” ers.
Letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush,
Believing with you that religion is a 1803
matter which lies solely between Man
& his God, that he owes account to The only foundation for a useful edu-
none other for his faith or his worship, cation in a republic is to be laid in reli-
that the legitimate powers of govern- gion. Without this there can be no vir-
ment reach actions only, & not opin- tue, and without virtue there can be no
ions, I contemplate with sovereign rev- liberty, and liberty is the object and life
erence that act of the whole American of all republican governments.
people which declared that their legis- —BENJAMIN RUSH
lature should “make no law respecting On the Mode of Education Proper in a
an establishment of religion, or prohib- Republic
iting the free exercise thereof,” thus 1806
building a wall of separation between
Church & State. Adhering to this ex- What has preserved this race of
pression of the supreme will of the na- Adamses in all their ramifications, in
tion in behalf of the rights of con- such numbers, health, peace, comfort,
science, I shall see with sincere and mediocrity? I believe it is religion,
satisfaction the progress of those sen- without which they would have been
timents which tend to restore to man rakes, fops, sots, gamblers, starved
all his natural rights, convinced he has with hunger, frozen with cold, scalped

by Indians, &c., &c., &c., been melted Cabalistic Christianity, which is Catho-
away and disappeared. lic Christianity, and which has prevailed
—JOHN ADAMS for 1,500 years, has received a mortal
To Benjamin Rush, wound, of which the monster must fi-
July 19, 1812 nally die. Yet so strong is his constitu-
tion, that he may endure for centuries
Every man’s own reason must be his before he expires.
oracle. —JOHN ADAMS
—THOMAS JEFFERSON To Thomas Jefferson,
Letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush, July 16, 1814
March 6, 1813
Then conquer we must, for our cause
The subject of religion, a subject on it is just,
which I have ever been most scrupu- And this be our motto,—“In God is our
lously reserved, I have considered it trust!”
as a matter between every man and —FRANCIS SCOTT KEY (1779–1843)
his maker, in which no other, & far “The Star-Spangled Banner”
less the public had a right to inter- 1814
—THOMAS JEFFERSON The question before the human race is,
To Richard Rush, whether the God of nature shall gov-
May 31, 1813 ern the world by his own laws, or
whether priests and kings shall rule it
The Bible is the best book in the world. by fictitious miracles?
It contains more of my little philoso- —JOHN ADAMS
phy than all the libraries I have seen; To Thomas Jefferson,
and such parts of it as I cannot recon- June 20, 1815
cile to my little philosophy, I postpone
for further investigation. I do not like the late resurrection of the
—JOHN ADAMS Jesuits. … If ever any congregation of
To Thomas Jefferson, men could merit eternal perdition on
December 25, 1813 earth, and in hell, according to these
historians, though, like Pascal, true
I am really mortified to be told that, in Catholics, it is this company of Loyolas.
the United States of America, a fact like —JOHN ADAMS
this can become a subject to inquiry, To Thomas Jefferson,
and of criminal inquiry, too, as an of- May 5, 1816
fence against religion; that a question
about the sale of a book can be carried I have ever thought religion a concern
before the civil magistrate. Is this then purely between our God and our con-
our freedom of religion? sciences, for which we were account-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON able to him, and not to the priests. I
To N. G. Dufief, never told my own religion, nor scruti-
April 19, 1814 nised that of another. I never attempted

to make a convert, nor wished to ship against the members whose creeds
changed another’s creed … it is in our and consciences forbid a participation
lives, and not from our words, that our in that of the majority.
religion must be read. —JAMES MADISON
—THOMAS JEFFERSON Detached Memoranda,
To Mrs. M. Harrison Smith, post 1817
August 6, 1816
There is an evil which ought to be
As I understand the Christian religion, guarded against in the indefinite accu-
it was, and is, a revelation. But how mulation of property from the capacity
has it happened that millions of fables, of holding it in perpetuity by ecclesias-
tales, legends, have been blended with tical corporations. The power of all
both Jewish and Christian revelation corporations, ought to be limited in this
that have made them the most bloody respect. The growing wealth acquired
religion that ever existed? by them never fails to be a source of
—JOHN ADAMS abuses.
To F. A. Van der Kamp, —JAMES MADISON
December 27, 1816 Detached Memoranda,
post 1817
Is the appointment of Chaplains to the
two Houses of Congress consistent with All religions united with government are
the Constitution, and with the pure prin- more or less inimical to liberty. All sepa-
ciple of religious freedom? In strictness rated from government, are compatible
the answer on both points must be in with liberty.
the negative. The Constitution of the —HENRY CLAY (1777–1852)
U.S. forbids every thing like an estab- Speech in the House of
lishment of a national religion. The law Representatives,
appointing Chaplains establishes a reli- March 24, 1818
gious worship for the national repre-
sentatives, to be performed by Minis- I have ever regarded the freedom of
ters of religion, elected by a majority religious opinions and worship as
of them; and these are to be paid out of equally belonging to every sect.
the national taxes. Does not this involve —JAMES MADISON
the principle of a national establishment, To Mordecai Noah,
applicable to a provision for a religious May 15, 1818
worship for the Constituent as well as
of the representative Body, approved by I have received your letter of the 6th
the majority, and conducted by Minis- with the eloquent discourse delivered
ters of religion paid by the entire na- at the Consecration of the Jewish Syna-
tion. The establishment of the chaplain- gogue. Having ever regarded the free-
ship to Congress is a palpable violation dom of religious opinions and worship
of equal rights, as well as of Constitu- as equally belonging to every sect, and
tional principles. The tenets of the the secure enjoyment of it as the best
Chaplains elected shut the door of wor- human provision for bringing all either

into the same way of thinking, or into creased by the total separation of the
that mutual charity which is the only Church from the State.
proper substitute, I observe with plea- —JAMES MADISON
sure the view you give of the spirit in To Robert Walsh, Jr.,
which your Sect partake of the com- March 2, 1819
mon blessings afforded by our Gov-
ernment and Laws. Can a free government possibly exist
—JAMES MADISON with the Roman Catholic religion?
To Mordecai M. Noah, —JOHN ADAMS
May 15, 1818 To Thomas Jefferson,
May 19, 1821
I wish your nation may be admitted to
all the privileges of citizens in every From the day of the Declaration. …
country of the world. This country has They [the American people] were bound
done much. I wish it may do more; and by the laws of God, which they all, and
annul every narrow idea in religion, by the laws of the Gospel, which they
government and commerce. Let the nearly all, acknowledged as the rules
wits joke; the philosophers sneer; what of their conduct.
then? It has pleased the Providence of —JOHN ADAMS
the “first cause,” the universal cause, Oration celebrating July 4,
that Abraham should give religion, not July 4, 1821
only to the Hebrews, but to Christians
and Mohemetans, the greatest part of The experience of the U.S. is a happy
the civilized world. disproof of the error so long rooted in
—JOHN ADAMS the unenlightened minds of well mean-
To Mordecai M. Noah, ing Christians, as well as in the corrupt
July 31, 1818 hearts of persecuting Usurpers, that with-
out a legal incorporation of religious and
It was the universal opinion of the Cen- civil polity, neither could be supported.
tury preceding the last, that civil Gov- A mutual independence is found most
ernment could not stand without the friendly to practical Religion, to social
prop of a religious establishment, and harmony, and to political prosperity.
that the Christian religion itself, would —JAMES MADISON
perish if not supported by a legal pro- To Frederick L. Schaeffer,
vision for its Clergy. The experience of December 3, 1821
Virginia conspicuously corroborates the
disproof of both opinions. The Civil Notwithstanding the general progress
Government tho’ bereft of everything made within the two last centuries in
like an anointed hierarchy possesses the favour of this branch of Liberty, and
requisite Stability and performs its func- the full establishment of it in some part
tions with complete success: Whilst the of our Country, there remains in others
number, the industry, and the morality a strong bias toward the old error, that
of the priesthood and the devotion of without some sort of alliance or coali-
the people have been manifestly in- tion between Government and Religion

neither can be duly supported. Such source itself of discord and animosity:
indeed is the tendency to such a coali- and, finally, that these opinions are sup-
tion, and such its corrupting influence ported by experience, which has shewn
on both the parties, that the danger can that every relaxation of the Alliance be-
not be too guarded against and in a gov- tween Law and Religion, from the par-
ernment of opinion, like ours, the only tial example of Holland, to its consum-
effectual guard, must be found in the mation in Pennsylvania, New Jersey
soundness and Stability of the general &c. has been found as safe in practice
opinion on the subject. Every new and as it is sound in Theory.
successful example therefore of a per- —JAMES MADISON
fect separation between ecclesiastical To Edward Everett,
and Civil matters, is of importance, and March 19, 1823
I have no doubt that every new example
will succeed, as every past one has REVOLUTION & REBELLION
done in showing that religion and Gov-
ernment will both exist in greater pu- And yet I think it may be presumed, a
rity, the less they are mixed together. free-born People can never become so
—JAMES MADISON servile as to regard them [obey tyrants’
To Edward Livingston, edicts], while they have Eyes to see that
July 10, 1822 such Rulers [who violate basic Law] have
gone out of the Line of their Power.—
The difficulty of reconciling the Chris- There is no Reason they should be Fools
tian mind to the absence of religious because their Rulers are so.
Tuition from a University, established —ELISHA WILLIAMS (1694–1755)
by Law and at the common expense, is A Seasonable Plea
probably less with us [in Virginia] than 1744
with you [in Massachusetts]. The
settled opinion here is that religion is A PEOPLE really oppressed to a great
essentially distinct from Civil Govern- degree by their sovereign cannot well
ment and exempt from its cognizance; be insensible when they are so op-
that a connection between them is in- pressed. And such a people (if I may
jurious to both; that there are causes in allude to an ancient fable) have, like the
the human breast, which ensure the Hesperian fruit, a DRAGON for their
perpetuity of religion without the aid of protector and guardian; nor would they
the law; that rival sects with equal rights, have any reason to mourn if some HER-
exercise mutual censorships in favor of CULES should appear to dispatch him.
good morals; that if new sects arise For a nation thus abused to arise unani-
with absurd opinions or overheated mously and to resist their prince, even
imaginations, the proper remedies lie in to the dethroning him, is not criminal,
time, forbearance, and example: that a but a reasonable way of vindicating their
legal establishment of Religion without liberties and just rights; it is making use
a toleration, could not be thought of, of the means, and the only means,
and with a toleration, is no security for which God has put into their power for
public quiet and harmony, but rather a mutual and self-defense. And it would

be highly criminal in them not to make They planted by your care? No! Your
use of this means. oppression planted ’em in America.
—JONATHAN MAYHEW (1720–1766) They fled from your tyranny to a then
“A Discourse Concerning Unlimited uncultivated and unhospitable country
Submission and Nonresistance to the where they exposed themselves to al-
Higher Powers” most all the hardships to which human
1750 nature is liable, and among others to
the cruelties of a savage foe, the most
For, please to observe, that if the end subtle, and I take upon me to say, the
of all civil government be the good of most formidable of any people upon the
society, if this be the thing that is aimed face of God’s earth. And yet, actuated
at in constituting civil rulers, and if the by principles of true English liberty, they
motive and argument for submission to met all these hardships with pleasure,
government be taken from the apparent compared with those they suffered in
usefulness of civil authority, it follows their own country, from the hands of
that when no such good end can be an- those who should have been their
swered by submission there remains no friends.
argument or motive to enforce it; and if They nourished by your indulgence?
instead of this good end’s being brought They grew by your neglect of ’em. As
about by submission, a contrary end is soon as you began to care about ’em,
brought about and the ruin and misery of that care was exercised in sending per-
society effected by it, here is a plain sons to rule over ’em, in one depart-
and positive reason against submission ment and another, who were perhaps
in all such cases, should they ever hap- the deputies of deputies to some mem-
pen. And therefore, in such cases a re- ber of this house, sent to spy out their
gard to the public welfare ought to make liberty, to misrepresent their actions and
us withhold from our rulers that obedi- to prey upon ’em; men whose be-
ence and subjection which it would, oth- haviour on many occasions has caused
erwise, be our duty to render to them. the blood of those sons of liberty to
—JONATHAN MAYHEW recoil within them: men promoted to
“A Discourse Concerning Unlimited the highest seats of justice; some who
Submission and Nonresistance to the to my knowledge were glad by going
Higher Powers” to a foreign country to escape being
1750 brought to the bar of a court of justice
in their own.
And he that would palm the doctrine of They protected by your arms? They
unlimited passive obedience and non- have nobly taken up arms in your de-
resistance upon mankind … is not only fence, have exerted a valour amidst their
a fool and a knave, but a rebel against constant and laborious industry for the
common sense, as well as the laws of defence of a country whose frontier
God, of Nature, and his Country. while drenched in blood, its interior
—JAMES OTIS (1725–1783) parts have yielded all its little savings to
The Rights of the British Colonies your emolument. And believe me, re-
1764 member I this day told you so, that

same spirit of freedom which actuated But we’re often too sanguine in what
that people at first, will accompany we advance.
them still. But prudence forbids me to For mark the event, thus for fortune
explain myself further. God knows I we’re cross,
do not at this time speak from motives Nor should people reckon without their
of party heat; what I deliver are the good host,
genuine sentiments of my heart; how- The daughter was sulky and wouldn’t
ever superior to me in general knowl- come to,
edge and experience the reputable body And pray what in this case could the
of this House may be, yet I claim to old woman do?
know more of America than most of
you, having seen and been conversant Derry down, down, hey derry down,
in that country. The people I believe are And pray what in this case could the
as truly loyal as any subjects the king old woman do?
has, but a people jealous of their liber- Zounds, neighbor, quoth Pitt, what the
ties and who will vindicate them if devil’s the matter?
ever they should be violated; but the A man cannot rest in his home for your
subject is too delicate and I will say clatter
no more. Alas, cries the daughter, Here’s dainty
—ISAAC BARRE (1726–1802) fine work,
Speech in British Parliament, The old woman grows harder than Jew
February 11, 1765 or than Turk
Derry down, down, hey derry down,
Goody Bull and her daughter together The old woman grows harder than Jew
fell out,* or than Turk.
Both squabbled and wrangled and made She be damned, says the farmer, and
a great rout. to her he goes
But the cause of the quarrel remains to First roars in her ears, then tweaks her
be told, old nose,
Then lend both your ears and a tale I’ll Hello Goody, what ails you? Wake
unfold. woman, I say,
Derry down, down, hey derry down, I am come to make peace in this des-
Then lend both your ears and a tale I’ll perate fray.
The old lady, it seems, took a freak in Derry down, down, hey derry down,
her head, I am come to make peace in this des-
That her daughter, grown woman, perate fray.
might earn her own bread, Alas, cries the old woman, And must I
Self-applauding her scheme, she was comply?
ready to dance, I’d rather submit than the hussy should
But we’re often too sanguine in what die.
we advance. Pooh, prithee, be quiet, be friends and
Derry down, down, hey derry down, You must surely be right if you’re

guided by me, Since the Men from a Party, on fear of

Derry down, down, hey derry down, a Frown,
You must surely be right if you’re Are kept by a Sugar-Plumb, quietly
guided by me. down.
—ANONYMOUS Supinely asleep, & depriv’d of their
“The World Turned Upside Down, or Sight
The Old Woman Taught Wisdom” Are strip’d of their Freedom, and rob’d
(1766) of their Right.
(*Goody Bull and her daughter = If the Sons (so degenerate) the Bless-
Great Britain and America) ing despise,
Let the Daughters of Liberty, nobly
I rejoice that America has resisted. arise,
Three millions of people, so dead to all And tho’ we’ve no Voice, but a nega-
the feelings of liberty, as voluntarily to tive here.
submit to be slaves, would have been The use of the Taxables, let us fore-
fit instruments to make slaves of the bear,
rest. (Then Merchants import till yr. Stores
(1708–1778) May the Buyers be few & yr. Traffick
Speech in the House of Commons, be dull.)
January 14, 1766 Stand firmly resolved & bid Grenville
to see
Charity begins at home, and we ought That rather than Freedom, we’ll part
primarily to consult our own interest; with our Tea
and besides, a little distress might bring And well as we love the dear Draught
the people of that country [England] to when a dry,
a better temper, and a sense of their As American Patriots,—our Taste we
injustice towards us. No nation or deny,
people in the world ever made any fig- Sylvania’s, gay Meadows, can richly
ure, who were dependent on any other afford,
country for their food or clothing. Let To pamper our Fancy, or furnish our
us then in justice to ourselves and our Board,
children, break off a trade so pernicious And Paper sufficient (at home) still we
to our interest, and which is likely to have,
swallow up both our estates and liber- To assure the Wise-acre, we will not
ties. … We cannot, we will not, betray sign Slave.
the trust reposed in us by our ances- When this Homespun shall fail, to re-
tors, by giving up the least of our liber- monstrate our Grief
ties. … We will be freemen, or we will We can speak with the Tongue or
die. scratch on a Leaf.
—SILAS DOWNER (1729–1785) Refuse all their Colours, the richest of
“A Discourse at the Dedication of the Dye,
Tree of Liberty” The juice of a Berry—our Paint can
1768 supply,

To humour our Fancy—& as for our To such as will wear London factory;
Houses, But at first sight refuse, tell ’em you
They’ll do without painting as well as will choose,
our Spouses, As encourage our own manufactory.
While to keep out the Cold of a keen No more ribbons wear, nor in rich silks
winter Morn appear,
We can screen the Northwest, with a Love your country much better than
well polish’d Horn, fine things,
And trust me a Woman by honest In- Begin without passion, ’twill soon be
vention the fashion,
Might give this State Doctor a Dose of To grace your smooth locks with a
Prevention. twine string.
Join mutual in this, & but small as it Throw away your bohea, and your
seems green hyson tea,
We may Jostle a Grenville & puzzle his And all things of a new fashioned duty;
Schemes Get in a good store of the choice La-
But a motive more worthy our patriot brador,
Pen, There’ll soon he enough here to suit
Thus acting—we point out their Duty ye.
to Men, These do without fear and to all you’ll
And should the bound Pensioners, tell appear,
us to hush Fair charming, true, lovely and clever,
We can throw back the Satire by bid- Though the times remain darkish,
ing them blush. Young men will be sparkish,
—HANNAH GRIFFITTS (1727–1817) And love you much stronger than ever.
“The Female Patriots” —ANONYMOUS
1768 “Young Ladies in Town”
Young ladies in town, and those that
live ’round That seat of science Athens,
Wear none but your own country linen; And earth’s proud mistress, Rome,
Of economy boast, let your pride be Where now are all their glories
the most We scarce can find a tomb.
To show clothes of your own make and Then guard your rights, Americans,
spinnin’. Nor stoop to lawless sway,
What if homespun, they say, be not Oppose, oppose, oppose, oppose
quite as gay For North America.
As brocades. Be not in a passion
For once it is known ’tis much worn Proud Albion bow’d to Caesar,
in town And numerous lords before,
One and all will cry out ’tis the fash- To Picts, to Danes, to Normans,
ion! And many masters more;
And as one all agree, that you’ll not But we can boast Americans
married be, Have never fall’n a prey,

Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza In giving laws and freedom

For Free America. To subject France and Spain;
And all the isles o’er ocean spread
We led fair Freedom hither, Shall tremble and obey,
And lo, the desert smiled, The prince who rules by Freedom’s
A paradise of pleasure laws
New opened in the wild; In North America.
Your harvest, bold Americans, —JOSEPH WARREN (1741–1775)
No power shall snatch away, “Free America”
Preserve, preserve, preserve your rights c. 1770
In Free America.
Let us contemplate our forefathers and
Torn from a world of tyrants posterity; and resolve to maintain the
Beneath this western sky rights bequeath’d to us from the former,
We formed a new dominion, for the sake of the latter. Instead of sit-
A land of liberty; ting down satisfied with the efforts we
The world shall own we’re freemen have already made, which is the wish
here, of the enemy the necessity of the times,
And such will ever be, more than ever, calls for our utmost
Huzza, huzza, huzza, huzza circumspection, deliberation, fortitude
For love and liberty. and perseverance. Let us remember that
“if we suffer tamely a lawless attack
God bless this maiden climate, upon our liberty, we encourage it, and
And through her vast domain involve others in our doom.” It is a very
May hosts of heroes cluster serious consideration, which should
That scorn to wear a chain. deeply impress our minds, that millions
And blast the venal sycophants yet unborn may be the miserable sharers
Who dare our rights betray; of the event.
Assert yourselves, yourselves, your- —SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803)
selves Speech,
For brave America, 1771

Lift up your hearts, my heroes, If you, with united zeal and fortitude,
And swear with proud disdain, oppose the torrent of oppression; if you
The wretch that would ensnare you feel the true fire of patriotism burning
Shall spread his net in vain; in your breasts; if you, from your souls,
Should Europe empty all her force, despise the most gaudy dress that sla-
We’d meet them in array, very can wear; if you really prefer the
And shout huzza, huzza, huzza lonely cottage (whilst blest with liberty)
For brave America. to gilded palaces, surrounded with the
ensigns of slavery, you may have the
The land where freedom reigns shall fullest assurance that tyranny, with her
still accursed train, will hide their hideous
Be masters of the main, heads in confusion, shame and despair;

if you perform your part, you must are not here to act their part: A concern
have the strongest confidence that THE for them is a debt which we owe for
SAME ALMIGHTY BEING who pro- the care which our progenitors took for
tected your pious and venerable fore- us: Heaven has made us their guard-
fathers, who enabled them to turn a ians, and intrusted to our care their lib-
barren wilderness into a fruitful field, erty, honour, and happiness: For when
who so often made bare his arms for they come upon the stage, they will be
their salvation, will still be mindful of deeply affected by the transactions of
you their offspring. their fathers, especially by their public
—JOSEPH WARREN transactions. If the present inhabitants
Boston Massacre Oration, of a country submit to slavery, slavery
March 5, 1772 is the inheritance which they will leave
to their children. And who that has the
The voice of your fathers’ blood cries bowels of a father, or even the com-
to you from the ground; MY SONS mon feelings of humanity, can think
SCORN TO BE SLAVES! in vain we without horror, of being the means of
met the frowns of tyrants; in vain, we subjecting unborn millions to the iron
crossed the boisterous ocean, found a scepter of tyranny?
new world, and prepared it for the —SIMEON HOWARD (?–c. 1804)
happy residence of LIBERTY; in vain, Sermon preached to the Ancient and
we toiled; in vain, we fought; we bled Honorable Artillery Company in
in vain, if you, our offspring, want Boston,
valour to repel the assaults of her in- June 7, 1773
vaders! Stain not the glory of your
worthy ancestors; but like them re- And though the murderers may escape
solve, never to part with your birth- the just resentment of an enraged
right; be wise in your deliberations, and people; though drowsy justice, intoxi-
determined in your exertions for the cated by the poisonous draught pre-
preservation of your liberties. Follow pared for her cup, still nods upon her
not the dictates of passion, but enlist rotten seat, yet be assured such com-
yourselves under the sacred banner of plicated crimes will meet their due re-
reason; use every method in your ward. Tell me, ye bloody butchers! ye
power to secure your rights; at least villains high and low! ye wretches who
prevent the curses of posterity from contrived, as well as you who executed
being heaped upon your memories. the inhuman deed! do you not feel the
—JOSEPH WARREN goads and stings of conscious guilt
Boston Massacre Oration, pierce through your savage bosoms?
March 5, 1772 —JOHN HANCOCK (1737–1793)
Boston Massacre Oration,
Reason, humanity and religion, all con- March 5, 1774
spire to teach us, that we ought in the
best manner we can, to provide for the Here suffer me to ask (and would to
happiness of posterity. We are allied to heaven there could be an answer!) what
them by the common tie of nature: They tenderness, what regard, respect, or

consideration has Great Britain shown, to our country, let us joyfully leave our
in their late transactions, for the secu- concerns in the hands of him who
rity of the persons or properties of the raiseth up and pulleth down the empires
inhabitants of the Colonies? Or rather and kingdoms of the world.
what have they omitted doing to de- —JOHN HANCOCK
stroy that security? They have declared Boston Massacre Oration,
that they have ever had, and of right March 5, 1774
ought ever to have, full power to make
laws of sufficient validity to bind the Blandishments will not fascinate us, nor
Colonies in all cases whatever. They will threats of a “halter” intimidate. For,
have exercised this pretended right by under God, we are determined that
imposing a tax upon us without our wheresoever, whensoever, or howso-
consent; and lest we should show ever we shall be called to make our exit,
some reluctance at parting with our we will die free men.
property, her fleets and armies are sent —JOSIAH QUINCY (1744–1775)
to enforce their mad pretensions. The Observations on the Boston Port Bill,
town of Boston, ever faithful to the 1774
British Crown, has been invested by a
British fleet; the troops of George III On the fortitude, on the wisdom and
have crossed the wide Atlantic, not to on the exertions of this important day,
engage an enemy, but to assist a band is suspended the fate of this new world,
of traitors in trampling on the rights and and of unborn millions. If a boundless
liberties of his most loyal subjects in extent of continent, swarming with
America—those rights and liberties millions, will tamely submit to live,
which, as a father, he ought ever to move and have their being at the arbi-
regard, and as a king, he is bound, in trary will of a licentious minister, they
honor, to defend from violation, even basely yield to voluntary slavery, and
at the risk of his own life. future generations shall load their
—JOHN HANCOCK memories with incessant execrations.—
Boston Massacre Oration, On the other hand, if we arrest the hand
March 5, 1774 which would ransack our pockets, if
we disarm the parricide which points
I have the most animating confidence the dagger to our bosoms, if we nobly
that the present noble struggle for lib- defeat that fatal edict which proclaims
erty will terminate gloriously for a power to frame laws for us in all cases
America. And let us play the man for whatsoever, thereby entailing the end-
our God, and for the cities of our God; less and numberless curses of slavery
while we are using the means in our upon us, our heirs and their heirs for-
power, let us humbly commit our righ- ever; if we successfully resist that un-
teous cause to the great Lord of the paralleled usurpation of unconstitutional
Universe, who loveth righteousness and power, whereby our capital is robbed
hateth iniquity. And having secured the of the means of life; whereby the streets
approbation of our hearts, by a faithful of Boston are thronged with military
and unwearied discharge of our duty executioners; whereby our coasts are

lined and harbours crowded with ships I’ll not do the thing that you ask,
of war; whereby the charter of the I’m willing to pay fair price on the tea,
colony, that sacred barrier against the But never the thruppenney tax.
encroachments of tyranny, is mutilated But never the thruppenney tax.
and, in effect, annihilated; whereby a But never the thruppenney tax.
murderous law is framed to shelter vil-
lains from the hands of justice; whereby You shall, cried the mother, and red-
the unalienable and inestimable inherit- dened with rage,
ance, which we derived from nature, For you’re my own daughter, you see,
the constitution of Britain, and the privi- And it’s only proper that daughter should
leges warranted to us in the charter of pay
the province, is totally wrecked, an- Her mother’s a tax on the tea.
nulled, and vacated, posterity will ac- Her mother’s a tax on the tea.
knowledge that virtue which preserved Her mother’s a tax on the tea.
them free and happy; and while we
enjoy the rewards and blessings of the She ordered her servant to come up to
faithful, the torrent of panegyrists will her,
roll our reputations to that latest period, And to wrap up a package of tea.
when the streams of time shall be ab- And eager for thruppence a pound she
sorbed in the abyss of eternity. put in
—JOSEPH WARREN Enough for a large family.
The Suffolk Resolves, Enough for a large family.
1774 Enough for a large family.

There was a rich lady lived over the The tea was conveyed to her daughter’s
sea, own door,
And she was an island queen, All down by the oceanside,
Her daughter lived off in the new coun- But the bouncing girl poured out ever
try, pound
With an ocean of water between. On the dark and the boiling tide.
With an ocean of water between. On the dark and the boiling tide.
With an ocean of water between. On the dark and the boiling tide.

The old lady’s pockets were filled with And then she called out to the island
gold, queen,
Yet never contented was she, Oh mother, dear mother, called she,
So she ordered her daughter to pay her Your tea you may have when ’tis
a tax, steeped enough,
Of thruppence a pound on the tea. But never a tax from me!
Of thruppence a pound on the tea. But never a tax from me!
Of thruppence a pound on the tea. But never a tax from me!
Oh mother, dear mother, the daughter “The Rich Lady Over the Sea”
replied, c. 1774

Stand your ground. Don’t fire unless SHALL DECLARE FOR INDEPEN-
fired upon, but if they mean to have a DENCE, and exert our utmost to defend
war, let it begin here! ourselves. This proposition would have
—CAPT. JOHN PARKER (1729–1775) alarmed almost every person on the
Order to the Lexington Minutemen, Continent a twelvemonth ago, but now
April 19, 1775 the general voice is, if the Ministry and
Nation will drive us to it, we must do it,
What a glorious morning for America! rather than submit, after so many public
—SAMUEL ADAMS resolutions to the contrary.
Upon hearing the sound of gunfire at —ESTHER REED (1746–1780)
Lexington, Massachusetts, To Dennis De Berdt,
April 19, 1775 October 28, 1775

Our cause is just. Our union is perfect. When your lordships look at the papers
Our internal resources are great, and, transmitted us from America, when you
if necessary, foreign assistance is un- consider their decency, firmness and wis-
doubtedly attainable. … The arms we dom, you cannot but respect their cause,
have been compelled by our enemies and wish to make it your own—for my-
to assume we will, in defiance of every self I must declare and avow that, in all
hazard, with unabating firmness and my reading and observation, and it has
perseverance, employ for the preser- been my favorite study—I have read
vation of our liberties; being with one Thucydides, and have studied and ad-
mind resolved to die free men rather mired the master statesmen of the
than live slaves. world—that for solidity and reasoning,
—JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794) force of sagacity, and widom of con-
(This document was written with clusion, under such a compilation of
Thomas Jefferson) different circumstances, no nation or
“A Declaration by the Representatives body of men can stand in preference to
of the United Colonies of North- the general congress at Philadelphia.—I
America, Now Met in Congress at trust it is obvious to your lordships, that
Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes all attempts to impose servitude on such
and Necessity of Their men, to establish despotism over such a
Taking Up Arms” mighty continental nation—must be
July 6, 1775 vain—must be futile.
—WILLIAM PITT, Earl of Chatham
[A]s to trade, it hangs so uncertain, that Statement in House of Lords,
we may in a few months trade with all December 20, 1775
the world on our own risk, or it may re-
turn to its former channel. It seems now If we wish to be free—if we mean to
to depend on the reception of our last preserve inviolate those inestimable
Petition from the Congress to the King; privileges for which we have been so
if that should be so considered as to long contending—if we mean not basely
lay a foundation for negotiation, we may to abandon the noble struggle in which
be again reconciled—if not, I imagine WE we have been so long engaged, and

which we have pledged ourselves never thing that is dear and sacred, do now
to abandon until the glorious object of loudly call upon us to use our best
our contest shall be obtained—we must endeavours to save our country. We
fight!—I repeat it, sir, we must fight! must beat our ploughshares into
An appeal to arms and to the God of swords, and our pruning-hooks into
Hosts is all that is left us! spears, and learn the art of self-defence
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) against our enemies.
Second Virginia Convention, —SAMUEL WEST (1730–1807)
1775 “On the Right to Rebel Against
It looks to me to be narrow and pedan- May 29, 1776
tic to apply the ordinary ideas of criminal
justice to this great public contest. I do Objects of the most stupendous mag-
not know the method of drawing up an nitude, and measure in which the lives
indictment against a whole people. and liberties of millions yet unborn are
—EDMUND BURKE (1729–1797) intimately interested, are now before
Speech on moving his resolutions for us. We are in the very midst of a revo-
conciliation with the Colonies, lution the most complete, unexpected
1775 and remarkable of any in the history of
Three millions of people, armed in the —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
holy cause of liberty, and in such a coun- To William Cushing,
try as that which we possess, are invin- June 9, 1776
cible by any force which our enemy can
send against us. Besides, sir, we shall The time is now near at hand which
not fight our battles alone. There is a must probably determine whether
just God who presides over the desti- Americans are to be freemen or slaves;
nies of nations; and who will raise up whether they are to have any property
friends to fight our battles for us. they can call their own; whether their
—PATRICK HENRY houses and farms are to be pillaged and
Second Virginia Convention, destroyed, and themselves consigned
1775 to a state of wretchedness from which
no human efforts will deliver them. The
It is an indispensable duty, my breth- fate of unborn millions will now depend,
ren, which we owe to God and our under God, on the courage and con-
country, to rouse up and bestir our- duct of this army. … We have, there-
selves, and, being animated with a fore, to resolve to conquer or die.
noble zeal for the sacred cause of lib- —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
erty, to defend our lives and fortunes, General Orders to American troops
even to the shedding the last drop of shortly before the Battle of
blood. The love of our country, the ten- Long Island,
der affection that we have for our wives July 1776
and children, the regard we ought to
have for unborn posterity, yea, every- He [her son] is wanted and must go.

You [her daughter] and I, Kate, have systems: England to Europe, America
also service to do. Food must be pre- to itself.
pared for the hungry; for before to- —THOMAS PAINE
morrow night, hundreds, I hope thou- Common Sense
sands, will be on their way to join the 1776
continental forces.
—MARY DRAPER (c. 1718–1810) The sun never shined on a cause of
Response to a call to arms, greater worth. ’Tis not the affair of a
1776 city, a country, a province, or a king-
dom, but of a continent—of at least one
I have as little superstition in me as eighth part of the habitable globe. ’Tis
any man living, but my secret opin- not the concern of a day, a year, or an
ion has ever been, and still is, that God age; posterity are virtually involved in
Almighty will not give up a people to the contest, and will be more or less
military destruction, or leave them affected, even to the end of time, by
unsupportedly to perish, who have so the proceedings now. Now is the seed
earnestly and so repeatedly sought to time of continental union, faith and
avoid the calamities of war, by every honor. The least fracture now will be
decent method which wisdom could like a name engraved with the point of
invent. Neither have I so much of the a pin on the tender rind of a young oak;
infidel in me, as to suppose that He the wound will enlarge with the tree,
has relinquished the government of the and posterity read it in full grown char-
world, and given us up to the care of acters.
devils; and as I do not, I cannot see —THOMAS PAINE
on what grounds the king of Britain Common Sense
can look up to heaven for help against 1776
us: a common murderer, a highway-
man, or a house-breaker, has as good a ’Twas on December’s fifteenth day,
pretence as he. When we set sail for America;
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) ’Twas on that dark and dismal day,
The Crisis When we set sail for America.
1776 ’Twas on that dark and dismal time,
When we set sail for the Northern
Small islands not capable of protecting clime,
themselves, are the proper objects for Where drums to beat and trumpets
kingdoms to take under their care; but sound,
there is something very absurd, in sup- And unto Boston we were bound.
posing a continent to be perpetually And when to Boston we did come,
governed by an island. In no instance We thought by the aid of our British
hath nature made the satellite larger than guns,
its primary planet, and as England and To drive the rebels from that place,
America, with respect to each other, To fill their hearts with sore disgrace.
reverses the common order of nature, But to our sorrow and surprise,
it is evident they belong to different We saw men like grasshoppers rise;

They fought like heroes much enraged, been in this department. Burgoyne and
Which did affright old General Gage. his whole army have laid down their arms,
Like lions roaring of their prey, and surrendered themselves to me and
They feared no danger or dismay; my Yankees. Thanks to the Giver of all
Bold British blood runs through their victory for this triumphant success. …
veins, Major-General Phillips, who wrote me
And still with courage they sustain. that saucy note last year from St.
We saw those bold Columbia’s sons John’s, is now my prisoner. …
Spread death and slaughter from their If Old England is not by this lesson
guns: taught humility, then she is an obsti-
Freedom or death! these heroes cry, nate old slut, bent upon her ruin.
They did not seem afraid to die. —HORATIO GATES (1728–1806)
We said to York, as you’ve been told, To his wife,
With the loss of many a Briton bold, October 17, 1777
For to make those rebels own our King,
And daily tribute to him bring. If I were an American, as I am an En-
They said it was a garden place, glishman, while a foreign troop was
And that our armies could, with ease, landed in my country I never would lay
Pull down their town, lay waste their down my arms—never! never! never!
In spite of all their boasted bands. Speech,
A garden place it was indeed, November 18, 1777
And in it grew many a bitter weed,
Which will pull down our highest hopes We fight not to enslave, but to set a
And sorely wound our British troops. country free, and to make room upon
’Tis now September the seventeenth day, the earth for honest men to live in.
I wish I’d never come to America; —THOMAS PAINE
Full fifteen thousand has been slain, The Crisis
Bold British heroes every one. 1777
Now I’ve received my mortal wound,
I bid farewell to Old England’s ground; He that rebels against reason is a real
My wife and children will mourn for rebel, but he that in defence of reason,
me, rebels against tyranny, has a better title
Whilst I lie cold in America. to “Defender of the Faith” than George
Fight on America’s noble sons, the Third.
Fear not Britannia’s thundering guns; —THOMAS PAINE
Maintain your cause from year to year, The Crisis
God’s on your side, you need not fear. 1777
“The Dying Redcoat” Our cause is noble; it is the cause of
c. 1776 mankind!
The voice of fame, ere this reaches you, To James Warren,
will tell how greatly fortunate we have March 31, 1779

Shall we hesitate to wear a clothing more It will not be believed that such a force
simple; hair dressed less elegant, while at as Great Britain has employed for eight
the price of this small privation, we shall years in this country could be baffled
deserve your benedictions. Who, in their plan of subjugating it by num-
amongst us, will not renounce with the bers infinitely less, composed of men
highest pleasure, those vain ornaments, oftentimes half starved, always in rags,
when she shall consider that the valiant without pay, and experiencing, at times,
defenders of America will be able to every species of distress which human
draw some advantage from the money nature is capable of undergoing.
which she may have laid out in these; —GEORGE WASHINGTON
that they will be better defended from To Nathanael Greene,
the rigours of the seasons, that after February 6, 1783
their painful toils, they will receive some
extraordinary and unexpected relief; that The foundation of our empire was not
these presents will perhaps be valued laid in the gloomy age of ignorance or
by them at a greater price, when they superstition, but at an epoch when the
will have it in their power to say: This rights of mankind were better under-
is the offering of the Ladies. The time stood and more clearly defined than at
is arrived to display the same sentiments any former period.
which animated us at the beginning of —GEORGE WASHINGTON
the Revolution, when we renounced the Circular to the States,
use of teas … rather than receive them June 8, 1783
from our persecutors; when we made
it appear to them that we placed former With a heart full of love and gratitude, I
necessaries in the rank of superfluities, now take my leave of you. I most de-
when our liberty was interested; when voutly wish that your latter days may
our republican and laborious hands spun be as prosperous and happy as your
the flax, prepared the linen intended for former ones have been glorious and
the use of our soldiers; when exiles and honorable.
fugitives we supported with courage all —GEORGE WASHINGTON
the evils which are the concomitants Farewell to his officers at Fraunces
of war. Let us not lose a moment; let Tavern in New York City,
us be engaged to offer the homage of December 4, 1783
our gratitude at the altar of military
valour. “The times that tried men’s souls,” are
—ESTHER REED over—and the greatest and completest
“Sentiments of an American Woman” revolution the world ever knew is glo-
1780 riously and happily accomplished.
The greater the chaos, the greater will The Crisis
be your merit in bringing forth order. 1783
To Philip Schuyler, The republican form and principle leaves
February 20, 1781 no room for insurrection, because it

provides and establishes a rightful No form of government can always

means in its stead. either avoid or control them [revolu-
—THOMAS PAINE tions]. it is in vain to hope to guard
“Dissertations on Government” against events too mighty for human
1786 foresign or precaution, and it would be
idle to object to a government because
A little rebellion, now and then, is a good it could not perform impossibilities.
thing, and as necessary in the political —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
world as storms in the physical. … It The Federalist Papers
is a medicine necessary for the sound 1787
health of government.
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1823) There is nothing more common, than
Letter to James Madison, to confound the terms of American
January 30, 1787 Revolution with those of the late Ameri-
can war. The American war is over but
The spirit of resistance to government this is far from being the case with the
is so valuable on certain occasions American revolution. On the contrary,
that I wish it to be always kept alive. nothing but the first act of the great
It will often be exercised when wrong, drama is closed. It remains yet to es-
but better so than not to be exercised tablish and perfect our new forms of
at all. government; and to prepare the principles,
—THOMAS JEFFERSON morals, and manners of our citizens, for
To Abigail Adams, these forms of government, after they
February 22, 1787 are established and brought to perfection.
… Patriots of 1774, 1775, 1776—heroes
The tree of liberty must be refreshed of 1778, 1779, 1780! come forward!
from time to time with the blood of your country demands your ser-
patriots and tyrants. It is its natural vices!—Philosophers and friends to
manure. mankind, come forward! your country
—THOMAS JEFFERSON demands your studies and speculations!
Letter to William Stevens Smith, Lovers of peace and order, who declined
November 13, 1787 taking part in the late war, come for-
ward! your country forgives your ti-
And what country can preserve its lib- midity and demands your influence and
erties, if its rulers are not warned from advice! Hear her proclaiming, in sighs
time to time, that this people preserve and groans, in her governments, in her
the spirit of resistance? Let them take finances, in her trade, in her manufac-
arms. The remedy is to set them right turers, in her morals, and in her man-
as to facts, pardon and pacify them. ners, ‘The Revolution is not over.’
What signify a few lives lost in a cen- —BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813)
tury or two? Address to the American people,
Letter to Colonel William S. Smith,
1787 The American Revolution, or the pecu-

liar light of the age, seems to have by which the United Sates hold their
opened the eyes of almost every nation existence as a nation.
in Europe, and a spirit of equal liberty —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
appears fast to be gaining ground ev- Helvidius No. 3,
erywhere. September 7, 1793
To Hector St. John de Crevecoeur, It is never to be expected in a revolu-
April 10, 1789 tion, that every man is to change his
opinion at the same moment. There
Revolutions have for their object, a never yet was any truth or any prin-
change in the moral condition of gov- ciple so irresistibly obvious, that all men
ernments. believed it at once. Time and reason
—THOMAS PAINE must co-operate with each other to the
Rights of Man, II final establishment of any principle;
1792 and, therefore, those who may happen
to be first convinced have not a right
The independence of America, consid- to persecute others, on whom convic-
ered merely as a separation from En- tion operates more slowly. The moral
gland, would have been a matter of but principle of revolution is to instruct, not
little importance, had it not been accom- to destroy.
panied by a revolution in the principles —THOMAS PAINE
and practices of government. She made “Dissertation on First Principles of
a stand, not for herself only, but for Government”
the world. 1795
Rights of Man, II When all other rights are taken away
1792 the right of rebellion is made perfect.
The revolution of America presented in “Dissertation on First Principles of
politics what was only theory in me- Government”
chanics. 1795
Rights of Man, II Our revolution was so distinguished for
1792 moderation, virtue, and humanity as to
merit the eulogium … of being unsul-
If there be a principle that ought not to lied with a crime.
be questioned within the United States, —GEORGE WASHINGTON
it is, that every nation has a right to To John Hawkins Stone,
abolish an old government and estab- December 23, 1796
lish a new one. This principle is not only
recorded in every public archive, writ- I agreed with a Colonel Conant and
ten in every American heart, and sealed some other gentlemen that if the Brit-
with the blood of a host of American ish went out by water, we should
martyrs; but is the only lawful tenure show two lanthorns in the North

Church steeple; and if by land, one, as troops … so secretly, judiciously, and

a signal. rapidly was the expedition conducted,
—PAUL REVERE (1734–1818) that they entered the garrison and sa-
To Jeremy Belknap, luted the principal officer as their pris-
1798 oner, before he had any reason to ap-
prehend an enemy was near … the
The assertion by Great Britain of a commanding officer there inquired by
power to make laws for the other mem- whose authority this was done? Colo-
bers of the Empire in all cases whatso- nel [Ethan] Allen replied, “I demand
ever, ended in the discovery, that she your surrender in the name of the great
had a right to make laws for them, in Jehovah and of the Continental Con-
no cases whatsoever. gress.”
The Report of 1800, History of the Rise, Progress and
January 7, 1800 Termination of the American Revolution
The fundamental principle of the revo-
lution was, that the colonies were co- If ever there was a holy war, it was
ordinate members with each other, and that which saved our liberties and gave
with Great-Britain; of an Empire, united us independence.
by a common Executive Sovereign, but —THOMAS JEFFERSON
not united by any common Legislative Letter to J. W. Eppes,
Sovereign. The Legislative power was 1813
maintained to be as complete in each
American Parliament, as in the British As to the history of the revolution, my
Parliament. And the royal prerogative was ideas may be peculiar, perhaps singu-
in force in each colony, by virtue of its lar. What do we mean by the revolu-
acknowledging the King for its Execu- tion? The war? That was no part of the
tive Magistrate, as it was in Great Brit- revolution; it was only an effect and
ain, by virtue of a like acknowledgment consequences of it. The revolution was
there. A denial of these principles by in the minds of the people, and this was
Great-Britain, and the assertion of them effected from 1760–1775, in the course
by America, produced the revolution. of fifteen years, before a drop of blood
—JAMES MADISON was shed at Lexington.
The Report of 1800, —JOHN ADAMS
January 7, 1800 Letter to Thomas Jefferson,
August 24, 1815
Soon after the action at Lexington, a
number of enterprising young men, An oppressed people are authorized
principally from Connecticut [includ- whenever they can to rise and break
ing Benedict Arnold], proposed to each their fetters.
other a sudden march towards the —HENRY CLAY (1777–1852)
lakes, and a bold attempt to surprise Speech to the House of Representatives,
Ticonderoga, garrisoned by the king’s March 4, 1818

But what do we mean by the American free, they may set up what species of
Revolution? Do we mean the American government they please; or if they rather
war? The Revolution was effected be- incline to it, they may subside into a
fore the war commenced. The Revo- state of natural being if it be plainly for
lution was in the minds and hearts of the the best.
people; a change in their religious senti- —JOHN WISE (1652–1725)
ments of their duties and obligations. “A Vindication of the Government of
—JOHN ADAMS New England Churches”
Letter to Hezekiah Niles, 1717
February 13, 1818
[T]he great end of government … [af-
The great wheel of political revolution ter the glory of God, is] … the good of
began to move in America. man, the common benefit of society …
—DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852) instituted for the preservation of mens
Speech for the laying of the corner- persons, properties & various rights.
stone for the Bunker Hill Monument, —REV. JONATHAN MAYHEW (1720–1776)
June 17, 1825 Election Sermon,
I have waited years in hopes to see some
Aquethneck shall henceforth be called one friend of the colonies pleading in
the Ile of Rhods or Rhod-Island. public for them. I have waited in vain.
—RHODE ISLAND COLONIAL ASSEMBLY One privilege is taken away after an-
March 13, 1694 other, and where we shall be landed God
knows, and I trust will protect and pro-
The country people in the island, in vide for us even should we be driven
general, are very unpolished and rude. and persecuted into a more western
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1712–1756) wilderness on the score of liberty, civil
Itinerarium and religious, as many of our ances-
August 18, 1744 tors were to these once inhospitable
shores of America. …There has been a
RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE most profound and I think shameful si-
lence, till it seems almost too late to
The first human subject and original of assert our indisputable rights as men
civil power is the people. For as they and as citizens. What must posterity think
have a power every man over himself of us? The trade of the whole continent
in a natural state, so upon a combina- taxed by Parliament, stamps and other
tion they can and do bequeath this internal duties and taxes as they are
power unto others, and settle it accord- called, talked of, and not one petition
ing as their united discretions shall de- to the King and Parliament for relief.
termine. For that this is very plain, that —JAMES OTIS (1725–1783)
when the subject of sovereign power “Rights of the British Colonies
is quite extinct, that power returns to Asserted and Proved”
the people again. And when they are 1764

Now can there be any liberty where privileges of mankind are thoroughly
property is taken away without con- comprehended, and the rights of dis-
sent? Can it with any color of truth, tinct societies are objects of liberal en-
justice, or equity be affirmed that the quiry. The rod of the tyrant no longer
northern colonies are represented in excites our apprehensions, and to the
Parliament? Has this whole continent frown of the despot which made the
of near three thousand miles in length, darker ages tremble, we dare oppose
and in which and his other American demands of right, and appeal to that
dominions His Majesty has or very soon constitution, which holds even kings in
will have some millions of as good, fetters.
loyal, and useful subjects, white and —BENJAMIN CHURCH
black, as any in the three kingdoms, Boston Massacre Oration,
the election of one member of the House March 5, 1773
of Commons?
—JAMES OTIS That all power is vested in, and conse-
“Rights of the British Colonies quently derived from, the people; that
Asserted and Proved” magistrates are their trustees and ser-
1764 vants, and at all times amenable to them.
—GEORGE MASON (1725–1792)
We may learn from the train of imposi- Virginia Bill of Rights,
tions received from the mother coun- June 12, 1776
try the folly in glorying in the roast beef
of Old England, since we are so noto- Government is instituted for the com-
riously flogged with the spit. A little mon good; for the protection, safety,
soup-mauger with contentment is pref- prosperity, and happiness of the people;
erable to roast beef and plum pudding, and not for profit, honor, or private in-
since we are like to pay so dear for the terest of any one man, family, or class
roast. of men; therefore, the people alone have
For being called Englishmen without an incontestable, unalienable, and inde-
having the privileges of Englishmen is feasible right to institute government;
like unto a man in a gibbet with dainties and to reform, alter, or totally change
set before him which would refresh him the same, when their protection, safety,
and satisfy his craving appetite if he prosperity, and happiness require it.
could come at them, but being debarred —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
of that privilege, they only serve for an Thoughts on Government
aggravation to his hunger. 1776
—BENJAMIN CHURCH (1734–1778)
Liberty and Property Vindicated Accordingly it may be Observed, That
1765 it appears to Us That in emerging from
a State of Nature, into a State of well
I thank God we live in an age of ratio- regulated Society, Mankind gave up
nal inquisition, when the unfettered some of their natural Rights, in order
mind dares to expatiate freely on every that others of Greater Importance to
object worthy its attention, when the their Well-being Safety & Happiness

both as Societies and Individuals might The truth is, that, in our governments,
be better Secured & defended. the supreme, absolute, and uncontrol-
—ANONYMOUS lable power remains in the people. As
Resolution of Town of Lexington, our constitutions are superior to our
Massachusetts, legislatures, so the people are superior
1778 to our constitutions. Indeed, the supe-
riority, in this last instance, is much
Government and the people do not in greater; for the people possess over our
America constitute distinct bodies. They constitutions control in act, as well as
are one, and their interest the same. Mem- right. The consequence is, that the
bers of Congress, members of assem- people may change the constitutions
bly, or council, or by any other name whenever and however they please.
they may be called, are only a selected This is a right of which no positive in-
part of the people. They are the repre- stitution can ever deprive them.
sentatives of majesty, but not majesty —JAMES WILSON
itself. The dignity exists inherently in Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention,
the universal multitude, and though it November 24, 1787
may be delegated, cannot be alienated.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) A bill of rights is what the people are
The Necessity of Taxation entitled to against every government on
1782 earth, general or particular, & what no
just government should refuse or rest
It is an axiom in my mind that our lib- on inferences.
erty can never be safe but in the hands —THOMAS JEFFERSON
of the people themselves, & that too of To James Madison,
the people wit a certain degree of in- December 20, 1787
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) The fabric of American empire ought
To George Washington, to rest on the solid basis of THE CON-
January 4, 1786 SENT OF THE PEOPLE. The streams
of national power ought to flow from
The definition of civil liberty is, briefly, that pure, original fountain of all legiti-
that portion of natural liberty which mate authority.
men resign to the government, and —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
which then produces more happiness, The Federalist Papers
than it would have produced if retained 1787
by the individuals who resign it—still
however leaving to the human mind, The enumeration in the Constitution, of
the full enjoyment of every privilege that certain rights, shall not be construed to
is not incompatible with the peace and deny or disparage others retained by the
order of society. people.
Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention, Amendment 9, The Bill of Rights,
November 24, 1787 1787

The people are the only censors of their people, by gradual and silent encroach-
governors, and even their errors will ments of those in power, than by vio-
tend to keep these to the true principles lent and sudden usurpations.
of their institutions. To punish these er- —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
rors too severely would be to suppress Speech in the Virginia Convention,
the only safeguards of the public liberty. June 6, 1788
Letter to Edward Carrington, Rulers are the servants and agents of the
1787 people; the people are their masters.
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799)
The people are the only sure reliance Virginia Ratifying Convention,
for the preservation of our liberty. 1788
Letter to James Madison, The trial by jury in the judicial depart-
1787 ment, and the collection of the people
by their representatives in the legisla-
There are certain unalienable and fun- ture, are those fortunate inventions
damental rights, which informing the which have procured for them, in this
social compact, ought to be explicitly country, their true proportion of influ-
ascertained and fixed—a free and enlight- ence and the wisest and most fit means
ened people, in forming this compact, will of protecting themselves in the com-
not resign all their rights to those who munity. Their situation, as jurors and
govern, and they will fix limits to their representatives, enables them to acquire
legislators and rulers, which will soon information and knowledge in the af-
be plainly seen by those who are gov- fairs and government of the society; and
erned, as well as by those who govern: to come forward, in turn, as the senti-
and the latter will know they cannot be nels and guardians of each other.
passed unperceived by the former, and —RICHARD HENRY LEE
without giving a general alarm. Letters of the Federal Farmer
—RICHARD HENRY LEE (1732–1794) 1788
Letters of a Federal Farmer
1787 The right of altering the government
was a natural right, and not a right of
The worthy Gentleman tells us, we have government.
no reason to fear; but I always fear for —THOMAS PAINE
the rights of the people… Rights of Man, I
Speech in Virginia Ratifying
Convention, To the Constitution … the term sover-
June 4, 1788 eign, is totally unknown. There is but one
place where it could have been used with
Since the general civilization of man- propriety. But, even in that place it would
kind, I believe there are more instances not, perhaps, have comported with the
of abridgment of the freedom of the delicacy of those, who ordained and es-

tablished the Constitution. They might We must support our rights or lose our
have announced themselves “SOVER- character, and with it, perhaps, our lib-
EIGN” people of the United States: But erties.
serenely conscious of the fact, they —JAMES MADISON
avoided the ostentatious declaration. First Inaugural Address,
—JAMES WILSON March 4, 1798
Opinion in Chisholm v. Georgia
1793 It is not denied that there may be cases
in which a respect to the general prin-
Rights are not gifts from one man to ciples of liberty, the essential rights of
another, nor from one class of men to the people, or the overruling sentiments
another; for who is he who could be of humanity, might require a govern-
the first giver, or by what principle, or ment, whether new or old, to be treated
on what authority could he possess the as an illegitimate despotism.
right of giving? —JAMES MADISON
—THOMAS PAINE First Inaugural Address,
Dissertation on First Principles of March 4, 1798
1795 The will of the people is the only legiti-
mate foundation of government, and to
The natural, civil and political rights of protect its free expression should be
man are liberty, equality, security, prop- our first object.
erty, social guarantees, and resistance —THOMAS JEFFERSON
to oppression. Letter to Benjamin Waring,
—THOMAS PAINE March 1801
Dissertation on First Principles of
Government Nothing then is unchangeable but the
1795 inherent and unalienable rights of
Where the rights of men are equal, ev- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
ery man must finally see the necessity To John Cartwright,
of protecting the rights of others as the June 5, 1824
most effectual security for his own.
—THOMAS PAINE All power is inherent in the people.
Dissertation on First Principles of —THOMAS JEFFERSON
Government To John Cartwright,
1795 June 5, 1824

SEARCH & SEIZURE special warrants to search such and
such houses specially named, in which
And I take this opportunity to declare, the complainant has before sworn he
that … I will to my dying day oppose, suspects his goods are concealed; and
with all the powers and faculties God you will find it adjudged that special
has given me, all such instruments of warrants only are legal. In the same
slavery on the one hand, and villainy manner I rely on it, that the writ prayed
on the other, as this writ of assistance for in this petition being general is ille-
is. It appears to me … the worst in- gal. It is a power that places the liberty
strument of arbitrary power, the most of every man in the hands of every petty
destructive of English liberty, and the officer.
fundamental principles of the constitu- —JAMES OTIS
tion, that ever was found in an English Argument against the writs of
law-book. assistance,
—JAMES OTIS (1725–1783) February 1761
Argument against the writs of
assistance, The poorest man may in his cottage bid
February 1761 defiance to all the force of the Crown.
It may be frail; its roof may shake; the
One of the most essential branches of wind may blow through it; the storms
English liberty is the freedom of one’s may enter, the rain may enter, but the
house. A man’s house is his castle; and King of England cannot enter; all his
whilst he is quiet, he is as well guarded forces dare not cross the threshold of
as a prince in his castle. the ruined tenement!
Argument against the writs of (1708–1778)
assistance, Speech on the Excise Bill in House
February 1761 of Commons,
Your Honours will find in the old book,
concerning the office of a justice of That general warrants, whereby an of-
peace, precedents of general warrants ficer or messenger may be commanded
to search suspected houses. But in to search suspected places without evi-
more modern books you will find only dence of a fact committed, or to seize

any person or persons not named, or able cause,” according to its usual ac-
whose offense is not particularly de- ceptation, means less than evidence
scribed and supported by evidence, are which would justify condemnation. …
grievous and oppressive, and ought not It imports a seizure made under cir-
to be granted. cumstances which warrant suspicion.
Virginia Declaration of Rights, Locke v. United States
1776 1813

Every subject has a right to be secure SECRECY & DISCRETION

from all unreasonable searches, and
seizures, of his person, his houses, his It is wise not to seek a secret, and hon-
papers, and all his possessions. All war- est not to reveal one.
rants, therefore, are contrary to this —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
right, if the cause or foundation of them Some Fruits of Solitude
be not previously supported by oath or 1693
affirmation, and if the order in the war-
rant to a civil officer, to make search in Only trust thyself, and another shall not
suspected places, or to arrest one or betray thee.
more suspected persons, or to seize —WILLIAM PENN
their property, be not accompanied with Some Fruits of Solitude
a special designation of the persons or 1693
objects of search, arrest, or seizure; and
no warrant ought to be issued but in Three may keep a secret, if two of them
cases, and with the formalities pre- are dead.
scribed by the laws. —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
—ANONYMOUS Poor Richard’s Almanack
Massachusetts Constitution, 1735
Where information is withheld, igno-
The right of the people to be secure in rance becomes a reasonable excuse.
their persons, houses, papers, and ef- … They see not, therefore they feel
fects against unreasonable searches and not.
seizures, shall not be violated, and no —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
warrants shall issue, but upon probable The Crisis
cause, supported by oath or affirma- 1778
tion, and particularly describing the
place to be searched, and the persons A government or an administration, who
or things to be seized. means and acts honestly, has nothing
—CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES to fear, and consequently has nothing
Amendment 4, The Bill of Rights, to conceal.
Common Sense on Financing the War
It may be added, that the term “prob- 1782

There are cases in which silence is a SELF-I NTEREST

loud language.
—THOMAS PAINE It is not the public, but private interest,
To George Washington, which influences the generality of man-
August 3, 1796 kind, nor can the Americans any longer
boast an exception.
Remember that we often repent of what —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
we have said, but never of that which To John Laurens,
we have not. July 10, 1782
To Gideon Granger, The most common and durable source
March 9, 1814 of faction has been the various and
unequal distribution of property. …
SELF-DISCIPLINE Where overmastering self-interests …
are involved, neither religious nor moral
Against diseases here the strongest scruples can be depended upon to hold
fence / Is the defensive virtue, absti- them in check. The establishment of
nence. government becomes necessary as the
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) only alternative.
Poor Richard’s Almanack —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
1742 The Federalist Papers
He is a governor that governs his pas-
sions, and is a servant that serves them. Which is most blameworthy, those who
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN see and will steadily pursue their inter-
Poor Richard’s Almanack est, or those who cannot see, or seeing
1750 will not act wisely?
Rise early, that by habit it may become To David Stuart,
familiar, agreeable, healthy, and profit- March 28, 1790
able. It may for a while be irksome to
do this, but that will wear off and the SELF-RELIANCE
practice will produce a rich harvest.
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) It is an old and wise caution—That
To George Washington Parke Custis, when your neighbour’s house is on fire,
January 7, 1798 we ought to take care of our own.
Sometimes it is said that man cannot Defense of Peter Zenger,
be trusted with the government of him- 1735
self. Can he then be trusted with the
government of others? God helps them that help themselves.
First Inaugural Address, Poor Richard’s Almanack
March 4, 1801 1736

In things of moment on thyself depend, of making laws, like the old Romans in
Nor trust too far thy servant or a friend. the field of Mars, a division of the body
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN into two independent branches, would
Poor Richard’s Almanack be a necessary step to prevent the dis-
1749 orders, which arise from the pride, irri-
tability and stubbornness of mankind.
SEPARATION OF POWERS This will ever be the case, while men
possess passions, easily inflamed,
The preservation of a free Government which may bias eithier reason and lead
requires not merely, that the me tes and them to erroneous conclusions.
bounds which separate each depart- —NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843)
ment of power be invariably main- “An Examination into the Leading
tained; but more especially that neither Principles of the Federal Constitution”
of them be suffered to overleap the October 17, 1787
great Barrier which defends the rights
of the people. The separation of the legislature, divides
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) the power—checks—restrains—amends
“Memorial and Remonstrance” the proceedings—at the same time, it
June 20, 1785 creates no division of interest, that can
tempt either branch to encroach upon
Every person, moderately acquainted the other, or upon the people. In turbu-
with human nature, knows that public lent times, such restraint is our great-
bodies, as well as individuals, are liable to est safety—in calm times, and in mea-
the influence of sudden and violent pas- sures obviously calculated for the
sions, under the operation of which, the general good, both branches must al-
voice of reason is silenced. Instances of ways be unanimous.
such influence are not so frequent, as in —NOAH WEBSTER
individuals; but its effects are extensive “An Examination into the Leading
in proportion to the numbers that com- Principles of the Federal Constitution”
pose the public body. This fact sug- October 17, 1787
gests the expediency of dividing the
powers of legislation between two bod- The history of every government on
ies of men, whose debates shall be sepa- earth affords proof of the utility of dif-
rate and not dependent on each other; ferent branches in a legislature. But I
that, if at any time, one part should ap- appeal only to our own experience in
pear to be under any undue influence, America. To what cause can we as-
either from passion, obstinacy, jealousy cribe the absurd measures of Congress,
of particular men, attachment to a popu- in times past, and the speedy recision
lar speaker, or other extraordinary causes, of those measures, but to the want of
there might be a power in the legislature some check? I feel the most profound
sufficient to check every pernicious deference for that honorable body, and
measure. Even in a small republic, com- perfect respect for their opinions; but
posed of men, equal in property and some of their steps betray a great want
abilities, and all meeting for the purpose of consideration—a defect, which per-

haps nothing can remedy, but a divi- to those who administer each department,
sion of their deliberations. the necessary constitutional means, and
—NOAH WEBSTER personal motives, to resist encroach-
“An Examination into the Leading ments of the others. The provision for
Principles of the Federal Constitution” defence must in this, as in all other cases,
October 17, 1787 be made commensurate to the danger of
attack. Ambition must be made to coun-
Many plausible things may be said in teract ambition. The interest of the man
favor of pure democracy—many in must be connected with the constitu-
favor of uniting the representatives of tional rights of the place. It may be a
the people in a single house—but uni- reflection on human nature, that such
form experience proves both to be in- devices should be necessary to control
consistent with the peace of society; the abuses of government.
and the rights of freemen. —JAMES MADISON
—NOAH WEBSTER The Federalist Papers
“An Examination into the Leading 1788
Principles of the Federal Constitution”
October 17, 1787 The spirit of encroachment tends to
consolidate the powers of all the de-
No man is a warmer advocate for partments in one, and thus to create
proper restraints and wholesome whatever the form of government, a
checks in every department of govern- real despotism. A just estimate of that
ment than I am; but I have never yet been love of power, and proneness to abuse
able to discover the propriety of plac- it, which predominates in the human
ing it absolutely out of the power of heart is sufficient to satisfy us of the
men to render essential services because truth of this position.
a possibility remains of their doing ill. —GEORGE WASHINGTON
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) Farewell Address,
To Bushrod Washington, 1796
November 10, 1787
That distinction, between a government
One of the best securities against the cre- with limited and unlimited powers, is
ation of unnecessary offices or tyranni- abolished, if those limits do not con-
cal powers, is an exclusion of the au- fine the persons on whom they are im-
thors from all share in filling the one, or posed, and if acts prohibited and acts
influence in the execution of the others. allowed, are of equal obligation. It is a
—JAMES MADISON proposition too plain to be contested,
Observations on Jefferson’s Draft that the Constitution controls any leg-
Constitution, islative act repugnant to it; or, that the
October 15, 1788 legislature may alter the Constitution by
an ordinary act.
But the great security against a gradual —JOHN MARSHALL (1755–1835)
concentration of the several powers in Marbury v. Madison
the same department, consists in giving 1803

The difference between the depart- tate of all and every of the children,
ments undoubtedly is, that the legisla- remains the same, as to one another.
ture makes, the executive executes, and So that Originally, and Naturally, there
the judiciary construes the law; but the is no such thing as Slavery. Joseph was
maker of the law may commit some- rightfully no more a Slave to his Breth-
thing to the discretion of the other de- ren, then they were to him: and they
partments, and the precise boundary of had no more Authority to Sell him, than
this power is a subject of delicate and they had to Slay him. And if they had
difficult inquiry, into which a Court will nothing to do to Sell him; the Ishmae-
not enter unnecessarily. lites bargaining with them, and paying
—JOHN MARSHALL down Twenty pieces of Silver, could not
Wayman v. Southard make a Title. Neither could Potiphar have
1825 any better Interest in him than the
Ishmaelites had, Gen. 37, 20, 27, 28. For
SLAVERY & RACE RELATIONS he that shall in this case plead Alteration
of Property, seems to have forfeited a
The Numerousness of Slaves at this day great part of his own claim to Human-
in the Province, and the Uneasiness of ity. There is no proportion between
them under their Slavery, hath put many Twenty Pieces of Silver, and LIBERTY.
upon thinking whether the Foundation —SAMUEL SEWALL (1652–1730)
of it be firmly and well laid; so as to The Selling of Joseph
sustain the Vast Weight that is built upon 1700
it. It is most certain that all Men, as
they are the Sons of Adam, are; and Which leads me to add one Remark:
have equal Right unto Liberty, and all That the Number of purely white People
other outward Comforts of Life. God in the World is proportionally very
hat the Earth [with all its Commodities] small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia
unto the Sons of Adam, Pal 115.16. And chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of
hat made of One Blood, all Nations of the new Comers) wholly so. And in
Men, for to dwell on all the face of the Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French,
earth, and hat determined the Times Russians and Swedes, are generally of
before appointed, and the bounds of what we call a swarthy Complexion;
their habitation: That they should seek as are the Germans also, the Saxons
the Lord. Forasmuch then as we are only excepted, who with the English,
the Offspring of GOD &c. Act 17.26, make the principal Body of White People
27, 29. Now although the Title given on the Face of the Earth.
by the last ADAM, doth infinitely bet- I could wish their Numbers were in-
ter Mens Estates, respecting GOD and creased. And while we are, as I may
themselves; and grants them a most call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing
beneficial and inviolable Lease under the America of Woods, and so making this
Broad Seal of Heaven, who were be- Side of our Globe reflect a brighter
fore only Tenants at Will: Yet through Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars
the Indulgence of GOD to our First or Venus, why should we in the Sight
Parents after the Fall, the outward Es- of Superior Beings, darken its People?

Why increase the Sons of Africa, by The colonists are by the law of nature
Planting them in America, where we freeborn, as indeed all men are, white or
have so fair an Opportunity, by exclud- black. No better reasons can be given
ing all Blacks and Tawneys, of increas- for enslaving those of any color than
ing the lovely White and Red? But per- such as Baron Montesquieu has humor-
haps I am partial to the complexion of ously given as the foundation of that cruel
my Country, for such Kind of Partial- slavery exercised over the poor Ethiopi-
ity is natural to Mankind. ans, which threatens one day to reduce
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) both Europe and America to the igno-
“Observations Concerning the rance and barbarity of the darkest ages.
Increase of Mankind, Does it follow that ’tis right to enslave a
People of Countries” man because he is black? Will short curled
1755 hair like wool instead of Christian hair, as
’tis called by those whose hearts are as
After some further conversation I said, hard as the nether millstone, help the
that men who have power too often argument? Can any logical inference in
misapplied it; that though we made favor of slavery be drawn from a flat
slaves of the Negroes, and the Turks nose, a long or a short face? Nothing
made slaves of the Christian, I believed better can be said in favor of a trade that
that liberty was the natural right of all is the most shocking violation of the law
men equally. This he did not deny, but of nature, has a direct tendency to di-
said the lives of the Negroes were so minish the idea of the inestimable value
wretched in their own country that of liberty, and makes every dealer in it a
many of them lived better here than tyrant, from the director of an African
there. I replied, “There is great odds in company to the petty chapman in
regard to us on what principle we act”; needles and pins on the unhappy coast.
and so the conversation on that subject It is a clear truth that those who every
ended. I may here add that another per- day barter away other men’s liberty will
son, some time afterwards, mentiond soon care little for their own.
the wretchedness of the Negroes, oc- —JAMES OTIS (1725–1783)
casioned by their intestine wars, as an “The Rights of the British Colonies
argument in favor of our fetching them Asserted and Proved”
away for slaves. To which I replied, if 1764
compassion for the Africans, on ac-
count of their domestic troubles, was Some view our sable race with scorn-
the real motive of our purchasing them, ful eye,
that spirit of tenderness being attended “Their colour is a diabolic dye.”
to, would incite us to use them kindly, Remember, Christians, Negroes black
that, as strangers brought out of afflic- as Cain,
tion, their lives might be happy among May be refin’d, and join th’angelic train.
us. —PHYLLIS WHEATLEY (c 1753–1784)
—JOHN WOOLMAN (1720–1772) “On Being Brought From Africa to
Journal entry, America”
May 9, 1757 c. 1768

That execrable sum of all villainies, culpable my conduct, I will so far pay
commonly called the Slave Trade. my devoir to virtue as to own the ex-
—JOHN WESLEY (1703–1791) cellence and rectitude of her precepts,
Journal entry, and lament my want of conformity to
February 12, 1772 them.
I believe a time will come when an op- To Robert Pleasants,
portunity will be offered to abolish this January 18, 1773
lamentable evil.
—PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799) [L]et us transmit to our descendants,
To Robert Pleasants, together with our slaves, a pity for their
January 18, 1773 unhappy lot and an abhorrence of sla-
If we cannot reduce this wished-for —PATRICK HENRY
reformation [abolition of slavery] to To Robert Pleasants,
practice, let us treat the unhappy vic- January 18, 1773
tims with lenity. It is the furthest ad-
vance we can make toward justice. Slavery is an Hydra sin, and includes in
It is a debt we owe to the purity of it every violation of the precepts of the
our religion, to show that it is at vari- Law and the Gospel.
ance with that law which warrants sla- —BENJAMIN RUSH (1745–1813)
very. “On Slavekeeping”
To Robert Pleasants,
January 18, 1773 Ye men of sense and virtue—Ye advo-
cates for American liberty, rouse up and
Is it not amazing that at a time when espouse the cause of humanity and gen-
the rights of humanity are defined and eral liberty. Bear a testimony against a
understood with precision, in a coun- vice which degrades human nature, and
try, above all others, fond of liberty, that dissolves that universal tie of benevo-
in such an age and in such a country lence which should connect all the chil-
we find men professing a religion the dren of men together in one great fam-
most humane, mild, gentle and gener- ily—The plant of liberty is of so tender
ous, adopting a principle as repugnant a nature, that it cannot thrive long in
to humanity as it is inconsistent with the neighbourhood of slavery.
the Bible, and destructive to liberty? —BENJAMIN RUSH
Every thinking, honest man rejects it in “On Slavekeeping”
speculation; how few in practice from 1773
conscientious motives!
Would anyone believe I am the mas- Could it be thought then that such a
ter of slaves of my own purchase! I palpable violation of the law of nature,
am drawn along by the general incon- and of the fundamental principles of
venience of living here without them. I society, would be practiced by individu-
will not, I cannot justify it. However als and connived at, and tolerated by

the public in British America! this land he has deprived them, by murdering the
of liberty where the spirit of freedom people on whom he also obtruded them:
glows with such ardor.—Did not ob- thus paying off former crimes commit-
stinate incontestible facts compel me, ted against the LIBERTIES of one
I could never believe that British Ameri- people, with crimes which he urges
cans would be guilty of such a crime.— them to commit against the LIVES of
I mean that of the horrible slave trade, another.
carried on by numbers and tolerated by —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
authority in this country. Draft of Declaration of Independence
—LEVI HART (1738–1808) (This passage regarding slavery was
“Liberty Described and Recom- not included in the final Declaration of
mended” Sermon Preached to the Independence because the Southern
Corporation of Freemen in states protested it.)
Farmington, 1776
The contempt we have been taught to
How is it that we hear the loudest yelps entertain for the blacks, makes us fancy
for liberty among the drivers of many things that are founded neither in
negroes? reason nor experience; and an unwill-
—SAMUEL JOHNSON (1709–1784) ingness to part with property of so
“Taxation No Tyranny” valuable a kind will furnish a thousand
1775 arguments to show the impracticabil-
ity or pernicious tendency of a scheme
He [George III] has waged cruel war which requires such a sacrifice.
against human nature itself, violating its —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
most sacred rights of life and liberty in To John Jay,
the persons of a distant people who March 14, 1779
never offended him, captivating & car-
rying them into slavery in another hemi- WHEN we contemplate our abhorrence
sphere, or to incur miserable death in of that condition to which the arms and
their transportation thither. This pirati- tyranny of Great Britain were exerted
cal warfare, the opprobrium of INFI- to reduce us; when we look back on
DEL powers, is the warefare of the the variety of dangers to which we have
CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. been exposed, and how miraculously
Determined to keep open a market our wants in many instances have been
where MEN should be bought & sold, supplied, and our deliverances wrought,
he has prostituted his negative for sup- when even hope and human fortitude
pressing every legislative attempt to have become unequal to the conflict;
prohibit or to restrain this execrable we are unavoidably led to a ferious and
commerce. And that this assemblage of grateful fence of the manifold blessings
horrors might want no fact of distin- which we have undeservedly received
guished die, he is now exciting those from the hand of that Being from whom
very people to rise in arms among us, every good and perfect gift cometh.
and to purchase that liberty of which Impressed with there ideas, we con-

ceive that it is our duty, and we rejoice tions; and we conceive ourselves at this
that it is in our power to extend a por- particular period extraordinarily called
tion of that freedom to others, which upon, by the blessings which we have
hath been extended to us; and a release received, to manifest the sincerity of
from that state of thraldom to which our profession, and to give a Substan-
we ourselves were tyrannically tial proof of our gratitude.
doomed, and from which we have now —ANONYMOUS
every prospect of being delivered. “An Act for the Gradual Abolition
—ANONYMOUS of Slavery”
“An Act for the Gradual Abolition March 1, 1780
of Slavery”
March 1, 1780 I am glad to find the legislature persist
in their resolution to recruit their line of
It is not for us to enquire why, in the the army for the war, though without
creation of mankind, the inhabitants of deciding on the expediency of the mode
the several parts of the earth were dis- under their consideration, would it not
tinguished by a difference in feature or be as well to liberate and make soldiers
complexion. It is sufficient to know that at once of the blacks themselves as to
all are the work of an Almighty Hand. make them instruments for enlisting
We find in the distribution of the hu- white Soldiers? It would certainly be
man species, that the most fertile as more consonant to the principles of lib-
well as the most barren parts of the erty which ought never to be lost sight
earth are inhabited by men of complex- of in a contest for liberty, and with
ions different from ours, and from each white officers and a majority of white
other; from whence we may reason- soldiers no imaginable danger could be
ably, as well as religiously, infer, that feared from themselves, as there cer-
He who placed them in their various tainly could be none from the effect of
situations, hath extended equally his the example on those who should re-
care and protection to all, and that it main in bondage: experience having
becometh not us to counteract his mer- shown that a freedman immediately
cies. We esteem it a peculiar blessing loses all attachment and sympathy with
granted to us, that we are enabled this his former slaves.
day to add one more step to universal —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
civilization, by removing as much as To Joseph Jones,
possible the sorrows of those who have November 28, 1780
lived in undeserved bondage, and from
which, by the assumed authority of the Deep-roosted prejudices entertained by
kings of Great Britain, no effectual, le- the whites; ten thousand recollections,
gal relief could be obtained. Weaned by by the blacks, of the injuries they have
a long course of experience from those sustained; new provocations; the real
narrower prejudices and partialities we distinctions which nature has made; and
had imbibed, we find our hearts en- many other circumstances, will divide
larged with kindness and benevolence us into parties, and produce convul-
towards men of all conditions and na- sions, which will probably never end

but in the extermination of the one or the Gospel as the rule of the church
the other race. directs; but we do not want you to
—THOMAS JEFFERSON teach us what we are to do with our
Notes on the State of Virginia, blacks.”
There must doubtless be an unhappy Letters From an American Farmer
influence on the manners of our people 1782
produced by the existence of slavery
among us. The whole commerce be- The chosen race eat, drink, and live
tween master and slave is a perpetual happy, while the unfortunate one grubs
exercise of the most boisterous pas- up the ground, raises indigo, or husks
sions, the most unremitting despotism the rice; exposed to a sun full as
on the one part, and degrading submis- scorching as their native one; without
sions on the other. the support of good food, without the
—THOMAS JEFFERSON cordials of any cheering liquor.
Notes on the State of Virginia, —MICHEL GUILLAUME JEAN DE
Letters From an American Farmer
We have slaves likewise in our north- 1782
ern provinces; I hope the time draws
near when they will be all emancipated; Thus planters get rich; so raw, so un-
but how different their lot, how differ- experienced am I in this mode of life,
ent their situation, in every possible re- that were I to be possessed of a planta-
spect! tion, and my slaves treated as in gen-
—MICHEL GUILLAUME JEAN DE eral they are here, never could I rest in
CRÈVECOEUR (1735–1813) peace; my sleep would be perpetually
Letters From an American Farmer disturbed by a retrospect of the frauds
1782 committed in Africa, in order to entrap
them; frauds surpassing in enormity
A clergyman settled a few years ago at every thing which a common mind can
George-Town, and feeling as I do now, possibly conceive. I should be thinking
warmly recommended to the planters, of the barbarous treatment they meet
from the pulpit, a relaxation of sever- with on ship-board; of their anguish,
ity; he introduced the benignity of of the despair necessarily inspired by
Christianity, and pathetically made use their situation, when torn from their
of the admerable precepts of that sys- friends and relations; when delivered
tem to melt the hearts of his congrega- into the hands of a people differently
tion into a greatear degree of compas- coloured, whom they cannot under-
sion toward their slaves than had been stand; carried in a strange machine over
hitherto customary; “Sir,” (said one of an ever agitated element, which they
his hearers), “we pay you a genteel sal- had never seen before; and finally de-
ary to read to us the prayers of the lit- livered over to the severities of the
urgy, and to explain to us such parts of whippers, and the excessive labours of

the field. Can it be possible that the cans, daily drop, and moisten the
force of custom should ever make me ground they till.
deaf to all these reflections, and as in- —MICHEL GUILLAUME JEAN DE
sensible to the injustice of that trade, CRÈVECOEUR
and to their miseries, as the rich inhab- Letters From an American Farmer
itants of this town [Charlestown] seem 1782
to be? What then is man; this being who
boasts so much of the excellence and Another of my wishes is to depend as
dignity of his nature, among that vari- little as possible on the labour of slaves.
ety of unscrutable mysteries, of unsolv- —JAMES MADISON
able problems, with which he is sur- To Edmund Randolph,
rounded? July 26, 1785
CRÈVECOEUR It is much to be wished that slavery
Letters From an American Farmer may be abolished. The honour of the
1782 States, as well as justice and humanity,
in my opinion, loudly call upon them to
What can be expected from wretches emancipate these unhappy people. To
in such circumstances? Forced from contend for our own liberty, and to
their native country, cruelly treated deny that blessing to others, involves
when on board, and not less so on the an inconsistency not to be excused.
plantations to which they are driven; is —JOHN JAY (1745–1829)
there any thing in this treatment but To R. Lushington,
what must kindle all the passions, sow March 15, 1786
the seeds of inveterate resentment, and
nourish a wish of perpetual revenge? There is not a man living who wishes
—MICHEL GUILLAUME JEAN DE more sincerely than I do to see a plan ad-
CRÈVECOEUR opted for the abolition of slavery. But there
Letters From an American Farmer is only one proper way and effectual
1782 mode by which it can be accomplished,
and that is by legislative authority.
While all is joy, festivity, and happi- —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
ness in Charles-Town, would you Letter to Robert Morris,
imagine that scenes of misery over- April 12, 1786
spread in the country? Their ears by
habit become deaf, their hearts are hard- To set the slaves afloat at once would I
ened; they neither see, hear, nor feel believe be productive of much incon-
for the woes of their poor slaves, from venience and mischief; but, by degrees,
whose painful labours all their wealth it certainly might and assuredly ought
proceeds. Here the horrors of slavery, to be effected, and that, too, by legisla-
the hardship of incessant toils, are tive authority.
unseen; and no one thinks with com- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
passion of those showers of sweat and Letter to Robert Morris,
tears which from the bodies of Afri- April 12, 1786

I never mean, unless some particular There shall be neither Slavery nor in-
circumstance should compel me to it, voluntary Servitude in the said territory
to possess another slave by purchase, otherwise than in the punishment of
it being among my first wishes to see crimes, whereof the party shall have
some plan adopted by which slavery been duly convicted; provided always
in this country may be abolished by that any person escaping into the same,
law. from whom labor or service is lawfully
—GEORGE WASHINGTON claimed in any one of the original States,
To John Francis Mercer, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed
September 9, 1786 and conveyed to the person claiming
his or her labor or service as aforesaid.
O come the time, and haste the day, —ANONYMOUS
When man shall man no longer crush, Northwest Ordinance, art. 6,
When Reason shall enforce her sway, July 13, 1787
Nor these fair regions raise our blush,
Where still the African complains, This abomination must have an end.
And mourns his yet unbroken chains. And there is a superior bench reserved
—PHILIP FRENEAU (1752–1832) in Heaven for those who hasten it.
“On the Emigration to America and —THOMAS JEFFERSON
Peopling the Western Country” Letter to Edward Rutledge,
1786 July 14, 1787

[T]he glorious and ever memorable I apprehend that it is not in our power
Revolution can be Justified on no other to do any thing for, or against, those
Principles but what doth plead with who are in slavery in the southern
great Force for the emancipation of our States. No gentleman within these
Slaves … as the oppression exercised walls detests every idea of slavery
over them exceeds the oppression for- more than I do: It is generally detested
merly exercised by Great Britain over by the people of this Common-
these States. wealth,—and I ardently hope that the
—ANONYMOUS time will soon come, when our breth-
Antislavery petition presented to the ren in the southern States will view it
Virginia legislature, as we do, and put a stop to it, but to
1786 this we have no right to compel them.
Two questions naturally arise if we
We have seen the mere distinction of ratify the Constitution, shall we do any
colour made in the most enlightened thing by our act to hold the blacks in
period of time, a ground of the most slavery—or shall we become partak-
oppressive dominion ever exercised by ers of other men’s sins. I think neither
man over man. of them: Each State is sovereign and
—JAMES MADISON independent to a certain degree, and
Speech at the Constitutional they have a right, and will regulate
Convention, their own internal affairs, as to them-
June 6, 1787 selves appears proper; and shall we

refuse to eat, or to drink, or to be un- erence to my present situation, which

tied, with those who do not think, or was filled with horrors of every kind,
act, just as we do, surely not. We are still heightened by my ignorance of
not in this case partakers of other men’s what I was to undergo. I was not long
sins, for in nothing do we voluntarily suffered to indulge my grief. I was soon
encourage the slavery of our fellow put down under the decks, and there I
men, a restriction is laid on the federal received such a salutation in my nos-
government, which could not be trils as I had never experienced in my
avoided and a union take place: The life: so that, with the loathsomeness
federal Convention went as far as they of the stench, and with my crying to-
could, the migration or importation, &c. gether, I became so sick and low that I
is confined to the States now existing was not able to eat, nor had I the least
only, new States cannot claim it. Con- desire to taste anything. I now wished
gress by their ordinance for erecting for the last friend, death, to relieve
new States, some time sine, declared me; but soon, to my grief, two of the
that the new States shall be republican, white men offered me eatables; and,
and that there shall be no slavery in on my refusing to eat, one of them
them. But whether those in slavery in held me fast by the hands, and laid
the southern States will be emancipated me across, I think, the windlass, and
after the year 1808, I do not pretend to tied my feet, while the other flogged
determine, I rather doubt it. me severely. … In a little time after,
—WILLIAM HEATH (1737–1814) amongst the poor chained men, I
Speech at Massachusetts Ratifying found some of my own nation, which
Convention, in a small degree gave ease to my
January 30, 1788 mind. I inquired of these what was
to be done with us. They gave me to
It is to be hoped that by expressing a understand we were to be carried to
national disapprobation of this trade we these white people’s country to work
may destroy it, and make ourselves free for them. … We were landed up a river
from reproaches, and our posterity a good way from the sea, about Vir-
from the imbecility ever attendant on a ginia county. … I was a few weeks
country filled with slaves. weeding grass and gathering stones
—JAMES MADISON in a plantation. … While I was in this
Speech to the House of Representatives, plantation the gentleman to whom I sup-
May 13, 1789 posed the estate belonged being unwell,
I was one day sent for to his dwell-
Soon after this the blacks who brought ing-house to fan him. When I came
me on board went off, and left me aban- into the room where he was, I was
doned to despair. I now saw myself much affrighted at some things I saw,
deprived of all chance of returning to and the more so, as I had seen a black
my native country, or even the least woman slave as I came through the
glimpse of gaining the shore, which I house, who was cooking the dinner,
now considered as friendly; and I even and the poor creature was cruelly
wished for my former slavery, in pref- loaded with various kinds of iron ma-

chines; she had one particularly on until they are enabled to take their own
her head, which locked her mouth so part nothing will be done.
fast that she could scarcely speak, and —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
could not eat nor drink. I [was] much To Benjamin Rush,
astonished and shocked at this contriv- March 16, 1790
ance, which I afterwards learned was
called the iron muzzle. Sir, suffer me to recall to your mind
—OLAUDAH EQUIANO (1745–1797) that time in which the arms and tyr-
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of anny of the British crown were exerted
Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa with every powerful effort in order to
the African reduce you to a state of servitude; look
1789 back, I entreat you, on the variety of
dangers to which you were exposed;
The unhappy man who has long been reflect on that time in which every hu-
treated as a brute Animal too frequently man aid appeared unavailable, and in
sinks beneath the common standard of which even hope and fortitude wore the
the human species; the galling chains aspect of inability to the conflict, and
that bind his body, do also fetter his you cannot but be led to a serious and
intellectual faculties, and impair the so- grateful sense of your miraculous and
cial affections of his heart; accustomed providential preservation; you cannot
to move like a meer Machine by the but acknowledge, that the present free-
will of a master, Reflection is sus- dom and tranquility which you enjoy,
pended; he has not the power of Choice, you have mercifully received, and that
and Reason and Conscience have but is the peculiar blessing of heaven.
little influence over his conduct, be- That, sir, was a time in which you
cause he is chiefly governed by the clearly saw into the injustice of a state
passion of Fear. He is poor & friend- of slavery, and in which you had just
less, perhaps worn out by extreme apprehension of the horrors of its con-
Labour, Age and Disease. Under such dition, it was not, sir, that your abhor-
circumstances Freedom may often rence thereof was so excited, that you
prove a misfortune to himself and preju- publicly held forth this true and invalu-
dicial to Society. able doctrine, which is worthy to be
—PENNSYLVANIA ABOLITION SOCIETY recorded and remembered in all suc-
1789 ceeding ages. “We hold these truths to
be self-evident, that all men are created
I wish most anxiously to see my much equal, and that they are endowed by
loved America—it is the Country from their creator with certain inalienable
whence all reformations must originally rights, that among these are life, liberty
spring—I despair of seeing an Aboli- and the pursuit of happiness.”
tion of the infernal traffic in Negroes— Here, sir, was a time in which your
we must push that matter further on tender feelings for yourselves had en-
your side the water—I wish that a few gaged you thus to declare, you were
well instructed Negroes could be sent then impressed with proper ideas of the
among their Brethren in Bondage, for great valuation of liberty, and the free

possession of those blessings to which State, the Government, however demo-

you were entitled by nature; but, sir, cratic in name, must be aristocratic in
how pitiable is it to reflect that although fact. The power lies in a part instead of
you were so fully convinced of the be- the whole; in the hands of property, not
nevolence of the Father of mankind, and of numbers.
of his equal and impartial distribution —JAMES MADISON
of those rights and privileges which he Notes for Essays,
had conferred upon them, that you December 19, 1791–March 3, 1792
should at the same time counteract his
mercies, in detaining by fraud and vio- Is there any need of arguments to
lence so numerous a part of my breth- prove, that it is in a high degree unjust
ren, under groaning captivity and cruel and cruel, to reduce one human crea-
oppression, that you should at the same ture to such an abject wretched state
time be found guilty of that most crimi- as this, that he may minister to the ease,
nal act, which you professedly detested luxury, or avarice of another? Has not
in others with respect to yourselves. that other the same right to have him
—BENJAMIN BANNEKER (1731–1806) reduced to this state, that he may min-
To Thomas Jefferson, ister to his interest or pleasure? On what
August 19, 1791 is this right founded? Whence was it
derived? Did it come from heaven, from
I thank you sincerely for your letter of earth, or from hell? Has the great King
the 19th instant and for the Almanac it of heaven, the absolute sovereign dis-
contained. No body wishes more than poser of all men, given this extraordi-
I do to see such proofs as you exhibit, nary right to white men over black men?
that nature has given to our black breth- Where is the charter? In whose hands
ren, talents equal to those of the other is it lodged? Let it be produced and read,
colors of men, and that the appearance that we may know our privilege.
of a want of them is owing merely to —DAVID RICE (1733–1816)
the degraded condition of their exist- Address to the Constitutional Conven-
ence, both in Africa & America. I can tion that drew up the first Kentucky
add with truth, that no body wishes Constitution,
more ardently to see a good system 1792
commenced for raising the condition
both of their body & mind to what it This day I attended the funeral of Wm.
ought to be, as fast as the imbecility of Gray’s wife, a black woman, with
their present existence, and other cir- about 50 more white persons and two
cumstances which cannot be neglected, Episcopal clergymen. The white atten-
will admit. dants were chiefly the neighbours of
—THOMAS JEFFERSON the deceased. The sight was a new one
Response to Benjamin Banneker’s in Philadelphia, for hitherto (a few
August 19, 1791 letter, cases excepted) the negroes alone at-
August 30, 1791 tended each other’s funerals. By this
event it is to be hoped the partition
In proportion as slavery prevails in a wall which divided the Blacks from the

Whites will be still further broken some species of property ere many
down and a way prepared for their years pass over our heads.
union as brethren and members of one —GEORGE WASHINGTON
great family. To Alexander Spotswood,
—BENJAMIN RUSH November 23, 1794
“Commonplace Book”
1793 Within a few years past, the subject of
slavery has been repeatedly discussed,
Attended a dinner a mile below the in the legislature of this state, with great
tower in 2nd Street to celebrate the rais- force of reasoning, and eloquence. The
ing of the roof of the African Church. injustice of it has been generally, if not
About 100 white persons, chiefly car- uniformly acknowledged; and the prac-
penters, dined at one table, who were tice of it severely reprobated. But, when
waited upon by Africans. Afterward the question of total abolition has been
about 50 black people sat down at the seriously put, it has met with steady
same table, who were waited upon by opposition, and has hitherto miscarried,
white people. Never did I see people on the ground of political expediency—
more happy. Some of them shed tears That is, it is confessed to be morally
of joy. A old black man took Mr. wrong, to subject any class of our fel-
Nicholson by the hand and said to him, low-creatures to the evils of slavery;
“May you live long, and when you die, but asserted to be politically right, to
may you not die eternally.” I gave them keep them in such subjection.
two toasts, viz: “Peace on earth and —THEODORE DWIGHT (1764–1846)
good will to man,” and, “May African An oration before the Connecticut
Churches everywhere soon succeed Society,
African bondage.” The last was re- 1794
ceived with three cheers.
—BENJAMIN RUSH The color of the skin is in no ways
“Commonplace Book” connected with strength of the mind
1793 or intellectual powers.
With respect to the other species of Banneker’s Almanac
property, concerning which you ask my 1796
opinion, I shall frankly declare to you
that I do not like even to think, much The Boy is a Freeman as much as any
less talk of it. However, as you have of the young Men, and merely because
put the question, I shall, in a few words, his Face is Black, is he to be denied
give you my ideas of it. Were it not then, instruction? … I have not thought it any
that I am principled against selling disgrace to my self to take him into my
negroes, as you would do cattle at a parlour and teach him both to read and
market, I would not in twelve months write.
from this date, be possessed of one, as —ABIGAIL ADAMS (1744–1818)
a slave. I shall be happily mistaken, if Letter to John Adams,
they are not found to be very trouble- February 13, 1797

Upon the decease [of] my wife, it is SOLITUDE

my Will and desire th[at] all the Slaves
which I hold in [my] own right, shall Remember the proverb, Bene qui latuit,
receive their free[dom.] bene vixit, they are happy that live re-
—GEORGE WASHINGTON tiredly. If this be true, princes and
Last Will and Testament, their grandees, of all men, are the un-
1799 happiest: for they live least alone: and
they that must be enjoyed by every-
The abolition of slavery must be gradual, body, can never enjoy themselves as
and accomplished with much caution they should.
and circumspection. —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) Some Fruits of Solitude
Letter to George Churchman and 1693
Jacob Lindley,
January 24, 1801 SPEECHES & ORATION

The turpitude, the inhumanity, the cru- Here comes the orator! with his flood
elty, and the infamy of the African com- of words, and his drop of reason.
merce in slaves have been so impres- —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
sively represented to the public by the Poor Richard’s Almanack
highest powers of eloquence that noth- 1737
ing that I can say would increase the
just odium in which it is and ought to A word to the wise is enough, and many
be held. Every measure of prudence, words won’t fill a bushel.
therefore, ought to be assumed for the —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
eventual total extirpation of slavery Poor Richard’s Almanack
from the United States. 1758
Letter to T. Robert J. Evans, Speeches measured by the hour, die
June 8, 1819 with the hour.
Our opinions agree as to the evil, moral, To David Harding,
political, and economical, of slavery. April 20, 1824
November 26, 1820
No position appears to me more true
But this momentous question, like a fire than this; that the General Govt. can
bell in the night, awakened and filled not effectually exist without reserving
me with terror. to the States the possession of their lo-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON cal rights. They are the instruments
Letter to John Holmes, referring to upon which the Union must frequently
the Missouri Compromise, depend for the support and execution
April 22, 1820 of their powers, however immediately

operating upon the people, and not upon Human affections, like the solar heat, lose
the States. their intensity as they depart from the
—CHARLES PINCKNEY (1757–1824) center. … On these principles, the attach-
“Plan for a Government for America,” ment of the individual will be first and
Constitutional Convention, forever secured by state governments.
Speech to New York Constitutional
I am astonished to hear the ill-founded Convention,
doctrine, that the states alone ought to 1787
be represented in the federal govern-
ment; these must possess sovereign The State governments possess inher-
authority, forsooth, and the people be ent advantages, which will ever give
forgot. No. Let us reascend to first prin- them an influence and ascendancy over
ciples. That expression is not strong the National Government, and will for
enough to do my ideas justice. Let us ever preclude the possibility of federal
retain first principles. The people of the encroachments. That their liberties, in-
United States are now in the posses- deed, can be subverted by the federal
sion and exercise of their original rights; head, is repugnant to every rule of po-
and while this doctrine is known, and litical calculation.
operates, we shall have a cure for ev- —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
ery disease. To the New York Ratifying Convention,
—JAMES WILSON (1742–1798) June 17, 1788
Pennsylvania Ratification Convention,
November 26, 1787 When you assemble from your several
counties in the Legislature, were every
The powers not delegated to the United member to be guided only by the appar-
States by the Constitution, nor prohib- ent interest of his county, government
ited by it to the states, are reserved to would be impracticable. There must be a
the states respectively, or to the people. perpetual accomodation and sacrifice of
—CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES local advantage to general expediency.
Amendment 10, The Bill of Rights —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
1787 To the New York Ratifying Convention,
June 17, 1788
Gentlemen indulge too many unreason-
able apprehensions of danger to the state While the constitution continues to be
governments; they seem to suppose read, and its principles known, the
that the moment you put men into a states, must, by every, rational man, be
national council [federal government], considered as essential component parts
they become corrupt and lose all their of the union; and therefore the idea of
affection for their fellow citizens. sacrificing the former to the latter is
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) totally inadmissible.
Speech to New York Constitutional —ALEXANDER HAMILTON
Convention, To the New York Ratifying Convention,
1787 June 17, 1788

It is most important, likewise, that the ally; the Counties with the local con-
habits of thinking in a free Country cerns of the counties, and each Ward
should inspire caution in those entrusted direct the interests within itself. It is by
with its administration, to confine them- dividing and subdividing these republics
selves within their respective Constitu- from the great National one down thro’
tional Spheres; avoiding in the exercise all its subordinates, until it ends in the ad-
of the Powers of one department to ministration of every man’s farm and af-
encroach upon another. fairs by himself; by placing under every
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) one what his own eye may superintend,
Farewell Address, that all will be done for the best.
September 17, 1796 —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
To Joseph C. Cabell,
The way to have good and safe gov- February 2, 1816
ernment, is not to trust it all to one; but
to divide it among the many, distributing No political dreamer was ever wild
to every one exactly the functions he is enough to think of breaking down the
competent to. Let the National govern- lines which separate the States, and of
ment be entrusted with the defence of compounding the American people into
the nation, and its foreign & federal re- one common mass.
lations; the State governments with the —JOHN MARSHALL (1755–1835)
civil rights, laws, police & administra- McCulloch v. Maryland
tion of what concerns the states gener- 1819

TAXES by far the best now existing on earth;
that by this constitution every man in
Taxation without representation is tyr- the dominions is a free man; that no
anny. part of His Majesty’s dominions can be
—JAMES OTIS (1725–1783) taxed without their consent; that every
Attributed by John Adams and others, part has a right to be represented in the
1763 supreme or some subordinate legisla-
ture; that the refusal of this would seem
I can see no reason to doubt but that to be a contradiction in practice to the
the imposition of taxes, whether on theory of the constitution; that the colo-
trade, or on land, or houses, or ships, nies are subordinate dominions and are
on real or personal, fixed or floating now in such a state as to make it best
property, in the colonies is absolutely for the good of the whole that they
irreconcilable with the rights of the should not only be continued in the en-
colonists as British subjects. … The joyment of subordinate legislation but
very act of taxing exercised over those be also represented in some proportion
who are not represented appears to me to their number and estates in the grand
to be depriving them of one of their legislature of the nation; that this would
most essential rights as freemen, and if firmly unite all parts of the British em-
continued seems to be in effect an en- pire in the greatest peace and prosper-
tire disfranchisement of every civil ity, and render if invulnerable and per-
right. petual.
“Rights of the British Colonies “Rights of the British Colonies
Asserted and Proved” Asserted and Proved”
1764 1764

The sum of my argument is: … His We are not insensible that when liberty is
Majesty GEORGE III is rightful King in danger, the liberty of complaining is
and sovereign, and, with his Parliament, dangerous; yet a man on a wreck was
the supreme legislative of Great Brit- never denied the liberty of roaring as
ain, France, and Ireland, and the do- loud as he could, says Dean Swift. And
minions thereto belonging; that this we believe no good reason can be given
constitution is the most free one and why the colonies should not modestly and

soberly inquire what right the Parliament If duties are too high, they lessen the
of Great Britain have to tax them. consumption; the collection is eluded;
—STEPHEN HOPKINS (1701–1785) and the product to the treasury is not
“The Rights of Colonies Examined” so great as when they are confined
1764 within proper and moderate bounds.
Let these truths be indelibly impressed The Federalist Papers
on our minds—that we cannot be 1787
HAPPY, without being FREE—that we
cannot be free, without being secure in As to poll taxes, I, without scruple,
our property—that we cannot be secure confess my disapprobation of them; and
in our property [under a system of taxa- though they have prevailed from an
tion without representation, permitting early period in those states which have
no safeguard against confiscatory taxes]. uniformly been the most tenacious of
—JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794) their rights, I should lament to see them
Pennsylvania Provincial Convention, introduced into practice under the na-
1774 tional government.
The genius of liberty reprobates every- The Federalist Papers
thing arbitrary or discretionary in taxa- 1787
—ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804) Excisemen may come in multitudes; for
The Continentalist, No. 6. the limitation of their numbers no man
N.Y. Packet, knows. They may, unless the general
July 4, 1782 government be restrained by a bill of
rights, or some similar restriction, go
Taxes on consumption are always least into your cellars and rooms, and search,
burdensome, because they are least felt, ransack, and measure, every thing you
and are borne too by those who are both eat, drink, and wear.
willing and able to pay them; that of all —PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799)
taxes on consumption, those on for- Debates in the Virginia Convention on
eign commerce are most compatible the adoption of the Federal
with the genius and policy of free States. Constitution,
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) June 14, 1788
Address to the States,
April 25, 1783 Direct taxation can go but little way
towards raising a revenue. To raise
It is a signal advantage of taxes on ar- money in this way, people must be provi-
ticles of consumption, that they con- dent; they must be constantly laying up
tain in their own nature a security money to answer the demands of the
against excess. They prescribe their collector. But you cannot make people
own limit; which cannot be exceeded thus provident; if you would do any-
without defeating the end proposed— thing to purpose you must come in
that is an extension of the revenue. … when they are spending, and take a part

with them. This does not take away the If, from the more wretched parts of
tools of a man’s business, or the nec- the old world, we look at those which
essary utensils of his family: It only are in an advanced stage of improve-
comes in when he is taking his plea- ment, we still find the greedy hand of
sure, and feels generous. government thrusting itself into every
—OLIVER ELLSWORTH (1745–1807) corner and crevice of industry, and
Connecticut Ratifying Convention, grasping the spoil of the multitude. In-
1788 vention is continually exercised, to fur-
nish new pretenses for revenues and
It is a general maxim, that all govern- taxation. It watches prosperity as its
ments find a use for as much money as prey and permits none to escape with-
they can raise. Indeed they have com- out tribute.
monly demands for more: Hence it is, that —THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
all, as far as we are acquainted, are in Rights of Man
debt. I take this to be a settled truth, that 1791
they will spend as much as their revenue;
that is, will live at least up to their in- A just security to property is not af-
come. Congress will ever exercise their forded by that government under which
powers, to levy as much money as the unequal taxes oppress one species of
people can pay. They will not be re- property and reward another species;
strained from direct taxes, by the con- where arbitrary taxes invade the do-
sideration that necessity does not require mestic sanctuaries of the rich, and ex-
them. If they forbear, it will be because cessive taxes grind the faces of the
the people cannot answer their demands. poor.
New York Ratifying Convention, Essay in the National Gazette,
1788 March 29, 1792

[Mr. Madison] conceived taxes of all In New York the [Stamp A]ct was
kinds to be evils in themselves, and that printed and cried about the streets un-
they were not otherwise admissible, der the title “The folly of England, and
than in order to avoid still greater evils. the ruin of America.”
But of all the various kinds of taxes, he —MERCY OTIS WARREN (1728–1814)
admitted the excise to be the most dis- History of the Rise, Progress and
agreeable; yet at the same time, he must Termination of the American
say, that of the excise, that particular Revolution
branch which related to ardent spirit 1805
was in itself the most proper; most
likely to be productive, and least incon- However extensive the constitutional
sistent with the spirit and disposition power of a government to impose taxes
of the people of America. may be, I think it should not be so ex-
—JAMES MADISON ercised as to impede or discourage the
Speech in Congress, lawful and useful industry and exertions
January 6, 1791 of individuals. Hence, the prudence of

taxing the products of beneficial labor, people, the European governments

either mental or manual, appears to be deem it necessary to keep them down
at least questionable. … Whether taxa- by hard labor, poverty, and ignorance,
tion should extend only to property, or and to take from them, as from bees,
only to income, are points on which so much of their earnings, as that un-
opinions have not been uniform. I am remitting labor shall be necessary to
inclined to think that both should not obtain a sufficient surplus barely to
be taxed. sustain a scanty and miserable life. And
—JOHN JAY (1745–1829) these earnings they apply to maintain
Source unknown, their privileged orders in splendor and
1812 idleness, to fascinate the eyes of the
people, and excite in them an humble
To impose taxes when the public exi- adoration and submission, as to an or-
gencies require them is an obligation of der of superior beings.
the most sacred character. … To dis- —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
pense with taxes when it may be done To William Johnson,
with perfect safety is equally the duty 1823
of their representatives.
First annual message to Congress,
December 21, 1817 The moment a person forms a theory,
his imagination sees in every object only
An unlimited right to tax, implies a right the traits that favor that theory.
to destroy. —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
—DANIEL WEBSTER (1782–1852) Letter to Charles Thompson,
Argument in McCulloch v. Maryland, September 20, 1787
February 22, 1819
Yet experience & frequent disappoint-
That the power to tax involves the ment have taught me not to be over-
power to destroy; that the power to confident in theories or calculations,
destroy may defeat and render useless until actual trial of the whole combina-
the power to create; that there is a plain tion has stamped it with approbation.
repugnance, in conferring on one gov- —THOMAS JEFFERSON
ernment a power to control the consti- To George Fleming,
tutional measures of another, which December 29, 1815
other, with respect to those very mea-
sures, is declared to be supreme over TIME
that which exerts the control, are
propositions not to be denied. Dost thou love life, then do not squan-
—JOHN MARSHALL (1755–1835) der time, for that’s the stuff life is made
McCulloch v. Maryland of.
1819 —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
Poor Richard’s Almanack
To constrain the brute force of the 1746

Lost time is never found again. TOBACCO

Poor Richard’s Almanack I remember with shame how formerly,
1748 when I had taken two or three pipes, I
was presently ready for another, such
Remember that time is money. a bewitching thing it is; but I thank God
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN he has now given me power over it;
Advice to a Young Tradesman, sure there are many who may be better
1748 employed than sucking a stinking to-
Time makes more converts than rea- —MARY ROWLANDSON (c. 1636–1711)
son. A True History of the Captivity and
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
Common Sense 1682
I have received your favor of the 9th,
Determine never to be idle. No per- with a copy of your Lecture on To-
son will have occasion to complain bacco and ardent spirits. It is a pow-
of the want of time, who never loses erful dissuasion from the pernicious use
any. of such stimulants. … Its foreign trans-
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) lations and its reaching a fifth Edition
To Martha Jefferson, are encouraging evidences of its use-
May 5, 1787 fulness; however much it be feared that
the listlessness of non-labourers, and
All grief, like all things else, will yield the fatigues of hard labourers, will con-
to the obliterating power of time. tinue to plead for the relief of intoxicat-
—THOMAS PAINE ing liquors, or exhilarating plants; one
Forgetfulness or other of which seem to have been in
1794 use in every age and country.
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
Reason, religion, and philosophy teach To Benjamin Waterhouse,
us to do this [submit to Providence]; June 22, 1822
but ’tis time alone, that can ameliorate
the pangs of humanity and soften its TREASON
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) If this be treason, make the most of
To Henry Knox, it.
March 2, 1797 —PATRICK HENRY (1736–1799)
Speech to the Virginia House of
The man who does not estimate time Burgesses in opposition to the
as money will forever miscalculate. Stamp Act,
To James Anderson,
December 21, 1797 No punishment, in my opinion, is too

great for the man who can build his Truth often suffers more by the heat
greatness upon his country’s ruin. of its defenders than from the argu-
—GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799) ments of its opposers.
To Joseph Reed, —WILLIAM PENN
December 12, 1778 Some Fruits of Solitude
I have accepted the command at W[est].
P[oint]. As a Post in which I can render Truth never lost ground by enquiry,
the most essential Services, and which because she is most of all reasonable.
will be in my disposal. The mass of the —WILLIAM PENN
People are heartily tired of the War, and More Fruits of Solitude
wish to be on their former footing—They 1702
are promised great events from this
year’s exertion—If—disappointed— Half the truth is often a great lie.
you have only to persevere and the con- —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790)
test will soon be at an end. The present Poor Richard’s Almanack
Struggles are like the pangs of a dying 1758
man, violent but of a short duration.
—BENEDICT ARNOLD (1741–1801) It is much safer to follow truth alone,
To John Andre, in a letter which also than to have all the world for company
provided useful information on in the road of error.
American troop movements, —NATHANAEL GREENE (1742–1786)
July 12, 1780 To Samuel Ward, Jr.,
Treason against the United States, shall
consist only in levying war against I hate deception, even where the imagi-
them, or in adhering to their enemies, nation only is concerned.
giving them aid and comfort. No per- —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
son shall be convicted of treason un- To John Cochran,
less on the testimony of two witnesses August 16, 1779
to the same overt act, or on confession
in open court. We ought not to deceive ourselves.
Article III, section 3, To Joseph Reed,
1787 May 28, 1780

TRUTH So deeply rooted were all the govern-

ments of the old world, and so effec-
Inquiry is human, blind obedience, bru- tually had the tyranny and the antiquity
tal. Truth never loses by the one, but of habit established itself over the mind,
often suffers by the other. that no beginning could be made in Asia,
—WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718) Africa, or Europe, to reform the politi-
Some Fruits of Solitude cal condition of man. Freedom had been
1693 hunted round the globe; reason was

considered as rebellion; and the slavery reserve, for there is not a truth existing
of fear had made men afraid to think. which I fear, or would wish unknown
But such is the irresistible nature of truth, to the whole world.
that all it asks, and all it wants, is the —THOMAS JEFFERSON
liberty of appearing. The sun needs no To Henry Lee,
inscription to distinguish him from dark- May 15, 1826
ness; and no sooner [had] the American
governments display[ed] themselves to TYRANNY
the world, then despotism felt a shock,
and man began to contemplate redress. Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
The Rights of Man, II Personal motto, written on his seal,
1792 Date unknown

Mystery is the antagonist of truth. It is Rex & Tyrannus are very differing char-
a fog of human invention that obscures acters: one rules his people by laws, to
truth and represents it in distortion. which they consent; the other by his
—THOMAS PAINE absolute will and power. This is called
The Age of Reason freedom, this tyranny.
1794 —WILLIAM PENN (1644–1718)
Some Fruits of Solitude
There is but one straight course, and 1693
that is to seek truth and pursue it
steadily. The king is as much bound by his oath,
—GEORGE WASHINGTON not to infringe the legal rights of the
To Edmund Randolph, people, as the people are bound to yield
July 31, 1795 subjection to him. From whence it fol-
lows, that as soon as the prince sets
Candor is not a more conspicuous trait himself up above law, he loses the king
in the character of governments than it in the tyrant: he does to all intents and
is of individuals. purposes, unking himself, by acting out
—GEORGE WASHINGTON of, and beyond, that sphere which the
To Timothy Pickering, constitution allows him to move in. And
August 29, 1797 in such cases, he has no more right to
be obeyed, than any inferior officer who
We are not afraid to follow truth wher- acts beyond his commission. The
ever it may lead, not to tolerate any er- subject’s obligation to allegiance then
ror so long as reason is left free to com- ceases of course; and to resist him, is
bat it. no more rebellion, than to resist any
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) foreign invader.
To William Roscoe, —JONATHAN MAYHEW (1720–1776)
December 27, 1820 “Unlimited Submission and Non-
Resistance to the Higher Powers”
All should be laid open to you without 1750

God forbid, my lords, that there should to a government founded upon the prin-
be a power in this country of measur- ciples of reason and justice; but I glory
ing the civil rights of the subject by his in publicly avowing my eternal enmity
moral character, or by any other rule to tyranny. Is the present system,
but the fixed laws of the land! … Un- which the British administration have
limited power is apt to corrupt the minds adopted for the government of the
of those who possess it; and this I Colonies, a righteous government—or
know, my lords, that where law ends, is it tyranny?
tyranny begins! —JOHN HANCOCK (1737–1793)
—WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM Boston Massacre Oration,
(1708–1778) March 5, 1774
“The English Constitution,” speech
delivered in the House of Lords, Tyranny, like hell, is not easily con-
January 9, 1770 quered.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
When rulers become tyrants, they cease The Crisis
to be kings, they can no longer be re- 1776
spected as God’s vice regents, who vio-
late the laws they were sworn to pro- [T]yranny and arbitrary power are ut-
tect. The preacher may tell us of passive terly inconsistent with, and subversive
obedience, that tyrants are scourges in of the very end and design of civil gov-
the hands of a righteous GOD to chas- ernment, and directly contrary to natu-
tise a sinful nation, and are to be sub- ral law, which is the true foundation of
mitted to like plagues, famine and such civil government and all politick law:
like judgments:—such doctrine may Consequently the authority of a tyrant
serve to mislead ill-judging princes into is of itself null and void.
a false security: but men are not to be —SAMUEL WEST (1730–1807)
harangued out of their senses; human Election sermon,
nature and self-preservation will eter- 1776
nally arm the brave and vigilant, against
slavery and oppression. … To enjoy life There is a natural and necessary pro-
as becomes rational creatures, to pos- gression from the extreme of anarchy
sess our souls with pleasure and satis- to the extreme of tyranny.
faction, we must be careful to main- —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
tain that blessing, liberty. By liberty I Circular to the States,
would be understood, the happiness of June 8, 1783
living under laws of our own making,
by our personal consent, or that of our But there is a Degree of Watchfulness
representatives. over all Men possessed of Power or
—BENJAMIN CHURCH (1734–1778) Influence upon which the Liberties of
Boston Massacre Oration, Mankind much depend. It is necessary
March 5, 1773 to guard against the Infirmities of the
best as well as the Wickedness of the
I am a friend to righteous government, worst of Men. Such is the Weakness of

human Nature that Tyranny has oftener —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)

sprang from that than any other Source. To Oliver Wolcott,
It is this that unravels the Mystery of June 29, 1798
Millions being enslaved by a few.
—SAMUEL ADAMS (1722–1803) I have sworn upon the altar of God,
To Elbridge Gerry, eternal hostility against every form of
1784 tyranny over the mind of men.
Let us not establish a tyranny. Energy Letter to Benjamin Rush,
is a very different thing from violence. September 23, 1800

UNITY rocks, which, uniting, creep along till
they meet with another combination so
Then join hand in hand, brave Ameri- small that it might be absorbed by the
cans all! travellers [sic] foot. These unite, proceed,
By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall. enlarge, till mountains tremble at their
—JOHN DICKINSON (1732–1794) sound. Let us receive instruction from
“The Liberty Song” the streams, and, without discoura-
1768 gement [sic], pursue a laudable plan.
—NATHANIEL NILES (1741–1828)
If any should say, it is in vain for them Two discourses on liberty; delivered at
as individuals to be vigilant, zealous and the North Church, in Newbury-port,
firm in pursuing any measures for the June 5, 1774
security of our rights, unless all would
unite: I would reply: I am under more apprehensions on ac-
Ages are composed of seconds, the count of our own dissensions than of
earth of sands, and the sea of drops, the efforts of the enemy.
too small to be seen by the naked eye. —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
The smallest particles have their influence. To Benedict Arnold,
Such is our state, that each individual has December 13, 1778
a proportion of influence on some
neighbour at least; he, on another, and so [T]he general sentiment of the citizens
on; as in a river, the following drop urges of America, is expressed in the motto
that which is before, and every one which some of them have chosen,
through the whole length of the stream UNITE OR DIE; and while we con-
has the like influence. We know not, what sider the extent of the country, so in-
individuals may do. We are not at lib- tersected and almost surrounded with
erty to lie dormant until we can, at once, navigable rivers, so separated and de-
influence the whole. We must begin with tached from the rest of the world, it is
the weight we have. Should the little natural to presume that Providence has
springs neglect to flow till a general agree- designed us for an united people, un-
ment should take place, the torrent that der one great political compact.
now bears down all before it, would —JAMES WILSON (1742–1798)
never be formed. These mighty floods Pennsylvania Ratifying Convention,
have their rise in single drops from the November 24, 1787


It has often given me pleasure to ob- united to each other by the strongest
serve, that independent America was ties, should never be split into a num-
not composed of detached and dis- ber of unsocial, jealous, and alien sov-
tant territories, but that one con- ereignties.
nected, fertile, wide-spreading coun- —JOHN JAY
try was the portion of our western The Federalist Papers
sons of liberty. Providence has in a 1787
particular manner blessed it with a va-
riety of soils and productions, and wa- A firm Union will be of the utmost
tered it with innumerable streams, for moment to the peace and liberty of the
the delight and accommodation of its States, as a barrier against domestic
inhabitants. A succession of navigable faction and insurrection.
waters forms a kind of chain round —ALEXANDER HAMILTON (1755–1804)
its borders, as if to bind it together; The Federalist Papers
while the most noble rivers in the 1787
world, running at convenient dis-
tances, present them with highways The Union of these States cannot in
for the easy communication of friendly truth be too highly valued or too watch-
aids, and the mutual transportation and fully cherished. It is our best barrier
exchange of their various commodi- against danger from without, and the
ties. only one against those armies and taxes,
With equal pleasure I have as often those wars and usurpations, which so
taken notice, that Providence has been readily grow out of the jealousies and
pleased to give this one connected ambition of neighbouring and indepen-
country to one united people—a people dent States.
descended from the same ancestors, —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
speaking the same language, profess- To the Chairman of the Republican
ing the same religion, attached to the Society of Hancock County,
same principles of government, very Massachusetts,
similar in their manners and customs March 15, 1809
and who, by their joint counsels, arms,
and efforts, fighting side by side In a government founded on the prin-
throughout a long and bloody war, have ciples, and organized in the form,
nobly established general liberty and which distinguish that of the United
independence. States, discord alone, on points of vi-
—JOHN JAY (1745–1829) tal importance, can reader the nation
The Federalist Papers weak in itself, or deprive it of that
1787 respect which guarantees its peace and
security. With a union of its citizens,
This country and this people seem to a government thus identified with the
have been made for each other, and it nation, may be considered as the
appears as if it was the design of Provi- strongest in the world; the participa-
dence, that an inheritance so proper and tion of every individual in the rights
convenient for a band of brethren, and welfare of the whole, adding the

greatest moral, to the greatest physi- Our Union is not held together by stand-
cal strength of which political society ing armies, or by any ties, other than
is susceptible. the positive interests and powerful at-
—JAMES MADISON tractions of its parts toward each other.
To the Republican Meeting of Cecil —JAMES MONROE (1758–1831)
County, Maryland, Message to Congress,
March 5, 1810 May 4, 1822

VALUE grin than the whistle gave me pleasure.
This however was afterwards of use
When the well’s dry, we know the to me, the impression continuing on my
worth of water. mind; so that, often, when I was
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) tempted to buy some unnecessary
Poor Richard’s Almanack thing, I said to myself, Don’t give too
1746 much for the whistle, and I saved my
A long life may not be good enough, —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
but a good life is long enough. Letter to Madame Brillon,
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN November 10, 1779
Poor Richard’s Almanack
1755 In short, I conceive that a great part of
the miseries of mankind are brought
When I was a child of seven years old, upon them by the false estimates they
my friends, on a holiday, filled my have made of the value of things, and
pocket with coppers. I went directly by their giving too much for their
to a shop where they sold toys for chil- whistles.
dren; and, being charmed with the —BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
sound of a whistle, that I met by the Letter to Madame Brillon,
way in the hands of another boy, I vol- November 10, 1779
untarily offered and gave all my money
for one. I then came home, and went It is not the lowest priced goods that
whistling all over the house, much are always the cheapest—the quality is,
pleased with my whistle, but disturb- or ought to be, as much an object with
ing all the family. My brothers, and sis- the purchaser as the price.
ter, and cousins, understanding the bar- —GEORGE WASHINGTON (1732–1799)
gain I had made, told me I had given To Philip Marsteller,
four times as much for it as it was December 15, 1786
worth; put me in mind what good things
I might have bought with the rest of VENGENCE & REVENGE
the money; and laughed at me so much
for my folly, that I cried with vexation; But let us not forget the distressing
and the reflection gave me more cha- occasion of this anniversary: the sullen

ghosts of murdered fellow-citizens VIRGINIA & VIRGINIANS

haunt my imagination “and harrow up
my soul”; methinks the tainted air is Heaven & earth never agreed better to
hung with the dews of death, while Ate, frame a place for man’s habitation; were
hot from hell, cries havoc, and lets slip it fully manured and inhabited by in-
the dogs of war. Hark! the wan tenants dustrious people. Here are mountaines,
of the grave still shriek for vengeance hil[l]s, plaines, valleyes, rivers, and
on their remorseless butchers: forgive brookes, all running most pleasantly into
us, Heaven! should we mingle involun- a faire Bay, compassed but for the
tary execrations, while hovering in idea mouth, with fruitfull and delightsome
over the guiltless dead. land.
—BENJAMIN CHURCH (1734–1778) —CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH (1580–1631)
Boston Massacre Oration, The Generall Historie of Virginia, New
March 5, 1773 England & The Summer Isles,
referring to the countryside around
It is incumbent on man as a moralist Chesapeake Bay
that he does not revenge an injury; and 1606
it is equally as good in a political sense;
for there is no end to retaliation; each The country is not mountainous nor yet
retaliates on the other, and calls it jus- low, but such pleasant plain hills and
tice. fertile valleys, one prettily crossing an-
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) other, and watered so conveniently with
Age of Reason, II their sweet brooks and crystal springs,
1795 as if art itself had devised them.
VICE PRESIDENCY The Description of Virginia
But my country has in its wisdom con-
trived for me the most insignificant of- The Virginians have little money and
fice that ever the invention of man con- great pride, contempt of Northern
trived or his imagination conceived. And men, and great fondness for a dissi-
as I can do neither good nor evil, I must pated life. They do not understand
be borne away by others, and meet the grammar.
common fate. —NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843)
—JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826) Letter from Williamsburg, Virginia,
To Thomas Jefferson, c. 1785
December 6, 1787
On the whole, I find nothing anywhere
The second office of the land is honor- else, in point of climate, which Vir-
able and easy, the first is but a splendid ginia need envy to any part of the
misery. world.
Letter to Elbridge Gerry, Letter to Martha Jefferson Randolph,
May 13, 1797 May 31, 1791

The higher Virginians seem to venerate solid satisfaction; For conscious virtue
themselves as men. gives pleasure to the soul.
—JOHN DAVIS (1775–1854) —NATHANAEL GREENE (1742–1786)
Travels of Four Years and a Half in the To Catharine Ward Greene,
United States of America 1776
The happiness of man as well as his
Our society is neither scientific nor dignity consists in virtue.
splendid, but independent, hospitable, —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
correct, and neighborly. Thoughts on Government
Letter to Nathaniel Bowditch,
October 26, 1818 Virtue is not always amiable.
The good Old Dominion, the blessed Diary entry,
mother of us all. February 9, 1779
Thoughts on Lotteries Few men have virtue to withstand the
1826 highest bidder.
VIRTUE & VICE Letter to Robert Howe,
August 17, 1779
Search others for their virtues, thyself
for thy vices. Is there no virtue among us? If there
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) be not, we are in a wretched situation.
Poor Richard’s Almanack No theoretical checks—no form of
1738 government can render us secure. To
suppose that any form of government
With the old almanac and the old year, / will secure liberty or happiness with-
Leave thy old vices though ne’er so out any virtue in the people, is a chi-
dear. merical idea. If there be sufficient vir-
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN tue and intelligence in the community,
Poor Richard’s Almanack it will be exercised in the selection of
1742 these men. So that we do not depend
on their virtue, or put confidence in our
What is serving God? ’Tis doing good rulers, but in the people who are to
to man. choose them.
Poor Richard’s Almanack Speech to the Virginia Ratifying
1747 Convention,
June 20, 1788
Truth, honor, and religion are the only
foundation to build human happiness As there is a degree of depravity in man-
upon. They never fail to yield a mind kind which requires a certain degree of

circumspection and distrust: So there are character—the love of liberty, and the
other qualities in human nature, which love of law.
justify a certain portion of esteem and —JAMES WILSON (1742–1798)
confidence. Republican government Of the Study of the Law in the
presupposes the existence of these United States
qualities in a higher degree than any other c. 1790
form. Were the pictures which have
been drawn by the political jealousy of It requires time to conquer bad habits,
some among us, faithful likenesses of and hardly anything short of necessity
the human character, the inference is able to accomplish it.
would be that there is not sufficient vir- —GEORGE WASHINGTON
tue among men for self-government; and To Arthur Young,
that nothing less than the chains of des- 1791
potism can restrain them from destroy-
ing and devouring one another. When public virtue is gone, when the
—JAMES MADISON national spirit is fled … the republic is
The Federalist Papers lost in essence, though it may still exist
1788 in form.
The virtues of men are of more conse- To Benjamin Rush,
quence to society than their abilities; and 1808
for this reason, the heart should be cul-
tivated with more assiduity than the I agree with you that there is a natural
head. aristocracy among men. The grounds
—NOAH WEBSTER (1758–1843) of this are virtue and talents. Formerly,
On the Education of Youth in America bodily powers gave place among the
1788 aristocracy. But since the invention of
gunpowder has armed the weak as well
Illustrious examples are displayed to our as the strong with missile death, bodily
view that we may imitate as well as strength, like beauty, good humor, po-
admire. Before we can be distinguished liteness and other accomplishments, has
by the same honors, we must be dis- become but an auxiliary ground for dis-
tinguished by the same virtues. What tinction.
are those virtues? They are chiefly the —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
same virtues, which we have already To John Adams,
seen to be descriptive of the American October 28, 1813

WAR their liberty. The most grasping and
oppressive power will commonly let its
But it is only defensive war that can be neighbours remain in peace, if they will
justified in the sight of God. When no submit to its unjust demands. And an
injury is offered us, we have no right incautious people may submit to these
to molest others. And Christian meek- demands, one after another, till its lib-
ness, patience and forbearance, are erty is irrecoverably gone, before they
duties that ought to be practised both saw the danger. Injuries small in them-
by kingdoms and individuals. Small in- selves, may in their consequences be
juries, that are not likely to be attended fatal to those who submit to them; es-
with any very pernicious consequences, pecially if they are persisted in. And,
are rather to be submitted to, than re- with respect to such injuries, we should
sisted by the sword. Both religion and ever act upon that ancient maxim of
humanity strongly forbid the bloody prudence; obsta principiis. The first
deeds of war, unless they are neces- unjust demands of an encroaching
sary. Even when the injury offered is power should be firmly withstood,
great in itself, or big with fatal conse- when there appears a disposition to re-
quences, we should if there be oppor- peat and increase such demands. And
tunity, endeavour to prevent it by re- oftentimes it may be both the right and
monstrance, or by offering to leave that duty of a people to engage in war, rather
matter in dispute to indifferent judges, than give up to the demands of such a
if they can be had. If these endeavours power, what they could, without any
are unsuccessful, it then becomes inconveniency, spare in the way of
proper, to use more forceable means charity. War, though a great evil, is ever
of resistance. preferable to such concessions, as are
—SIMEON HOWARD (?–c. 1804) likely to be fatal to public liberty.
Sermon to the Ancient and Honorable —SIMEON HOWARD
Artillery Company, in Boston, Sermon to the Ancient and Honorable
June 7, 1773 Artillery Company, in Boston,
June 7, 1773
A people may err by too long neglect-
ing such means, and shamefully suffer There are some who pretend that it is
the sword to rust in its scabberd, when against their consciences to take up
it ought to be employed in defending arms in defence of their country; but

can any rational being suppose that the him to be only an exemplification of the
Deity can require us to contradict the American character.
law of nature which he has written in —JOHN ADAMS (1735–1826)
our hearts, a part of which I am sure is In George Washington, Man and
the principle of self-defence, which Monument by Marcus Cunliffe,
strongly prompts us all to oppose any (1785)
power that would take away our lives,
or the lives of our friends? He has not the imposing pomp of a
—SAMUEL WEST (1730–1807) Marechal de France who gives the or-
“On the Right to Rebel Against der. A hero in a republic, he excites an-
Governors” other sort of respect which seems to
May 29, 1776 spring from the sole idea that the safety
of each individual is attached to his per-
If this war be just and necessary on son. … The goodness and benevolence
our part, as past all doubt it is, then we which characterize him are evident in
are engaged in the work of the Lord, all that surrounds him, but the confi-
which obliges us (under GOD mighty dence that he calls forth never occa-
in battle) to use our “swords as instru- sions improper familiarity.
ments of righteousness, and calls us to —FRANCOIS JEAN CHASTELLUX
the shocking, but necessary, important (1734–1788)
duty of shedding human blood”; not Travels in North America
only in defence of our property, life and 1786
religion, but in obedience to him who
hath said, “Cursed be he that keepeth But it must be a bold adventurer in the
back his sword from blood.” paths of literature, who dreams of fame,
—JACOB CUSHING (1730–1809) in any degree commensurate with the
Sermon preached at Lexington, duration of laurels reaped by an hero,
Massachusetts, who has led the armies of America to
April 20, 1778 glory, victory and independence.
—MERCY OTIS WARREN (1728–1814)
GEORGE WASHINGTON Dedication to George Washington,
President of the United States of
George Washington, Commander of the America, Poems Dramatic and
American armies, who, like Joshua of Miscellaneous
old, commanded the sun and the moon 1790
to stand still, and they obeyed him.
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) Stand with Washington.
Toast at the state dinner in France, —ANONYMOUS
c. 1784 Slogan of the Federalist Party,
c. 1790s
Instead of adoring a Washington, man-
kind should applaud the nation which The character and services of this
educated him … I glory in the charac- gentleman are sufficient to put all those
ter of a Washington, because I know men called kings to shame. … He ac-

cepted no pay as commander-in-chief; tell a lie. I did cut it with my hatchet.

he accepts none as President of the —MASON LOCK “PARSON” WEEMS
United States. (1759–1825)
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809) The Life and Memorable Actions of
The Rights of Man George Washington, 5th edition
1791–1792 c. 1800

[Washington] errs as other men do, but His mind was great and powerful, with-
errs with integrity. out being of the very first order; his
—THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826) penetration strong … and, as far as he
Letter to William B. Giles, saw, no judgment was ever sounder. It
December 31, 1795 was slow in operation, being little aided
by invention or imagination, but sure in
To the memory of the Man, first in war, conclusion. … Perhaps the strongest
first in peace, and first in the hearts of feature in his character was prudence,
his countrymen. never acting until every circumstance,
—HENRY “LIGHT HORSE HARRY” LEE every consideration was maturely
(1756–1818) weighed ... but once decided, going
Eulogy on the death of Washington, through with his purpose, whatever
December 1799 obstacles opposed. His integrity was
most pure, his justice the most inflex-
Death has robbed our country of its ible I have ever known. … He was, in-
most distinguished ornament, and the deed, in every sense of the words, a
world of one of its greatest benefac- wise, a good and a great man.
tors. George Washington, the Hero of —THOMAS JEFFERSON
Liberty, the father of his Country, and Letter to Doctor Walter Jones,
the friend of man is no more. The Gen- January 2, 1814
eral Assembly of his native state were
ever the first to render him, living, the WITCHCRAFT
honors due to his virtues. They will
not be the second, to pay to his memory I would fain know of these Salem
the tribute of their tears. Gentlemen, but as yet could never
—JAMES MADISON (1751–1836) know, how it comes about, that if these
Speech in the Virginia General apprehended persons are witches, and,
Assembly, by a look of the eye, do cast the af-
December 18, 1799 flicted into their fitts by poisoning them,
how it comes about, I say, that, by a
The father of his country. look of their eye, they do not cast oth-
—FRANCES BAILEY (1735–1815) ers into fitts, and poison others by their
Caption for portrait of Washington, looks; and in particular, tender, fearfull
Nordamericanische Kalendar women, who often are beheld by them,
1799 and as likely as any in the whole world
to receive an ill impression from them.
I can’t tell a lie, Pa; you know I can’t This Salem philosophy, some men may

call the new philosophy; but I think it Witches in NEW ENGLAND, which no
rather deserves the name of Salem su- rational man will dare to deny; I ask
perstition and sorcery, and it is not fit whether Innocent Persons may not be
to be named in a land of such light as falsely accused of Witchcraft?
New England is. —SAMUEL WILLARD
—THOMAS BRATTLE (1658–1713) “Some Miscellany Observations on
Letter of Thomas Brattle, our present Debates respecting
October 8, 1692 Witchcrafts”
What will be the issue of these troubles,
God only knows; I am afraid that ages For Explanation of the Law against
will not wear off that reproach and Witchcraft and more particular direc-
those stains which these things will tion therein the Execution thereof and
leave behind them upon our land. I pray for the better restraining the said Of-
God pity us, Humble us, Forgive us, fences, and more severe punishing the
and appear mercifully for us in this our same, Be it enacted by the Govern’r
mount of distress. Council and Representatives in General
—THOMAS BRATTLE Court Assembled and by the Authority
Letter of Thomas Brattle, of the same, That if any person or per-
October 8, 1692 sons [after] shall use, practice or Ex-
ercise any Invocation or Conjuration of
Do you think that a less clear Evidence any evil and wicked Spirit, Or shall
is sufficient for Conviction in the Case consult, covenant with, Entertain, Em-
of Witchcraft, than is necessary in ploy, feed or reward any evil and wicked
other Capital Cases, suppose Murder. Spirit to or for any intent or purpose;
… This is a dangerous Principle, and Or take up any dead man, woman or
contrary to the mind of God, who hath Child, out of his, her, or their grave, or
appointed that there shall be good and any other place where the dead body
clear proof against the Criminal: else he resteth, or the Skin, bone or any other
is not Providentially delivered into the part of any dead person to be Employed
hands of Justice, to be taken off from or used in any manner of Witchcraft,
the earth. Nor hath God exempted this Sorcery, Charm or Inchantment, Or
Case of Witchcraft from the General shall use, practice or Exercise any
Rule. Besides, reason tells us, that the Witchcraft, Inchantment, Charm or
more horrid the Crime is, the more Sorcery, whereby any person shall be
Cautious we ought to be in making any killed, destroyed, wasted, consumed,
guilty of it. pined or lamed in his or her body, or
—SAMUEL WILLARD (1640–1707) any part thereof, That then every such
“Some Miscellany Observations on Offender or Offenders, their Aiders,
our present Debates respecting Abetters, and Counsellors being of any
Witchcrafts” the said Offences duly and lawfully
1692 convicted and attainted, shall suffer
pains of death as a Felon or Felons. And
Taking it for granted that there are further to the intent that all manner of

practice, use or exercise of witchcraft, Know ’tis a Slander now, but once a
Inchantment, charm or Sorcery, should Treason.
be henceforth utterly avoided, abolished —ANNE BRADSTREET (c. 1612–1672)
and taken away, Be it Enacted by the “In Honour of that High and Mighty
Authority afores’d That if any per- Princess, Queen Elizabeth”
son or persons shall take upon him or 1678
them by Witchcraft, Inoffending, and
being thereof lawfully convicted, shall Who was so good, so just, so learn’d,
for the said offence suffer Imprison- so wise,
ment by the space of one whole year From all the Kings on earth she won
without bail or mainprise and once in the prize.
every Quarter of the s’d year shall in Nor say I more than duly is her due,
some Shire Town stand openly upon Millions will testify that this is true.
the pillory by the space of Six houres, She hath wip’d off th’aspersion of her
and there shall openly confess his or Sex,
her Error and offence, which said of- That women wisdome lack to play the
fence shall be written in Capitall Let- Rex.
ters & placed upon the breast of said —ANNE BRADSTREET
offender And if any person or persons “In Honour of that High and Mighty
being once convicted of the same Princess, Queen Elizabeth”
Offence, and shall again commit the 1678
like Offence and being of any of the
said Offences the second time lawfully I long to hear that you have declared
& duely convicted and attainted as is an independency. And in the new code
aforesaid shall Suffer pains of death of laws which I suppose it will be nec-
as a felon or felons. essary for you to make, I desire you
—ANONYMOUS would remember the ladies, and be more
“A Bill Against Conjurations, Witch- generous and favorable to them than
craft, and Dealing with Evil and your ancestors.
Wicked Spirits” —ABIGAIL ADAMS (1744–1818)
1692 To John Adams,
Do not put such unlimited power into
Now say have women worth? or have the hands of husbands. Remember all
they none? men would be tyrants if they could. …
Or had they some, but with our queen If particular care and attention is not
is’t gone? paid to the Ladies we are determined to
Nay Masculines, you have thus taxt us foment a Rebellion, and will not hold
long, ourselves bound by any Laws in which
But she, though dead, will vindicate our we have no voice, or Representation.
Let such as say our Sex is void of Rea- Letter to John Adams,
son, March 31, 1776

If we mean to have heroes, statesmen that those very departments leave the
and philosophers, we should have intelligent principle vacant, and at lib-
learned women. … If much depends erty for speculation.
as is allowed upon the early education —JUDITH SARGENT MURRAY
of youth and the first principles which “On the Equality of the Sexes,” in
are instilled take the deepest root, great Massachusetts Magazine
benefit must arise from literary accom- March and April 1790
plishments in women.
—ABIGAIL ADAMS Will it be said that the judgment of a
Letter to John Adams, male two years old, is more sage that
August 14, 1776 that of a female’s of the same age? I
believe the reverse is generally observed
I will never consent to have our sex to be true. But from that period what
considered an inferior point of light. Let partiality! how is the one exalted and
each planet shine in their own orbit. the other depressed, by the contrary
God and nature designed it so—if man modes of education which are adopted!
is Lord, woman is Lordess—that is the one is taught to aspire, and the other
what I contend for. is early confined and limited.
Letter to Eliza Peabody, her sister, “On the Equality of the Sexes,” in
July 19, 1779 Massachusetts Magazine
March and April 1790
Nor would I rob the fairer sex of their
share in the glory of a revolution so The capacity of the female mind for
honorable to human nature, for, indeed, studies of the highest order can not be
I think you ladies are in the number of doubted; having been sufficiently illus-
the best patriots America can boast. trated by its works of genius, of erudi-
—GEORGE WASHINGTON tion and of Science. That it merits an
To Annie Boudinot Stockton, improved system of education, com-
August 31, 1788 prizing a due reference to the condition
and duties of female life, as distin-
Are we deficient in reason? We can only guished from those of the other sex,
reason from what we know, and if an must be as readily admitted. How far a
opportunity of acquiring knowledge hath collection of female Students into a
been denied us, the inferiority of our sex public Seminary would be the best of
cannot fairly be deduced from thence. plans for educating them, is a point on
—JUDITH SARGENT MURRAY (1751–1820) which different opinions may be ex-
“On the Equality of the Sexes,” in pected to arise. … as experiment alone
Massachusetts Magazine can fully decide the interesting prob-
March and April 1790 lem, it is a justifiable wish that it may
be made.
Is the needle and kitchen sufficient to —JAMES MADISON (1751–1836)
employ the operations of a soul? … I To Albert Picket,
should conceive not. Nay, it is a truth September 1821

The prejudices still to be found in Eu- here. The women are assuming their
rope … which would confine … fe- place as thinking beings.
male conversation to the last new pub- —FRANCIS WRIGHT (1795–1852)
lication, new bonnet, and pas seul Views of Society & Manners in America
[nothing else] are entirely unknown 1821

YOUTH our soul startles when we attempt to
perpetrate a crime prohibited by laws
My silliness did only take delight both human and divine!
In that which riper age did scorn and —NATHANAEL GREENE (1742–1786)
slight. To Samuel War, Jr.,
—ANNE BRADSTREET (c. 1612–1672) 1772
Several Poems Compiled with Great
Variety of Wit and Learning Youth is the seed time of good habits,
1678 as well in nations as in individuals.
—THOMAS PAINE (1737–1809)
Distrust thy youth, experienced age Common Sense
implore, / And borrow all the wisdom 1776
of three score.
—BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (1706–1790) It is while we are young that the habit
Poor Richard’s Almanack of industry is formed. If not then, it
1749 never is afterwards. The fortune of our
lives therefore depends on employing
Youth is most certainly a time of inno- well the short period of youth.
cence when we have horror for vice; —THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–1826)
which we never commit at first with- To Martha Jefferson,
out doing violence to our nature. How March 28, 1787

Names Index
A power, 227, 229, 230–231 knowledge, 143
Adams, Abigail, 19, 32, 33, presidency, 231, 232, 233, liberty, 22
208, 227, 228, 301, 325– 234 military, 185
326 pride, 233–234 natural law, 205
Adams, John, 1–2 property, 235, 236 neglect, 22
aging, 5 public office, 237 patriotism, 212
ambition, 10 punishment, 49 power, 230
America, 12, 15, 16 reading, 158 religion, 248
arts, 20–21 religion, 247, 250, 258, revolution, 268, 272
Baltimore, 23 259–260, 261, 262 tyranny, 312–313
Congress, 34, 35 revolution, ix, 273, 279, Addison, Joseph, 168
Constitution, 38 280 Allen, Ethan, 249–250, 279
death, 53 rights of the people, 281 Ames, Fisher, 59, 61–62,
Declaration of slavery, 302 193, 211, 230, 239, 240
Independence, 56 vice presidency, 318 Arnold, Benedict, 20, 279,
democracy, 58, 59, 62–63 virtue, 319, 320 310
education, 68, 70 Washington, 322 Austin, Benjamin, 166
elections, 73–74 writing, 158
ethics, 223 Adams, John Quincy, 2 B
facts, 83 adversity, 64 Bache, Sarah Franklin, 210
foreign influence, 92 Constitution, 46 Bacon, Francis, 99, 147,
freedom, 98, 99, 101, 104 cynicism, 50 205, 220
government, 38, 114, Declaration of Bailey, Frances, 323
148, 162, 253 Independence, 55–56 Baldwin, Simeon, 42, 88–
grief, 64 England, 78 89
Hamilton, 128 foreign relations, 95 Banneker, Benjamin, 299–
history, 132 Gallatin, 107 300, 301
honesty, 133 history, 133 Barlow, Joel, 210–211, 243
independence, 140–141, Jefferson, 145, 146 Barnard, John, 227
142 journalists, 57 Barre, Isaac, 264–265
Jefferson, xii, 145–146 natural law, 207 Bentley, William, 2
judiciary, 147–148 patriotism, 213, 216 Berkeley, George, 11, 49
knowledge, 143 politics, 74 Blackstone, Sir William, xiii,
laws, 162 Adams, Samuel, 2–3 65, 147, 155, 161, 235
liberty, 79, 169, 173, 175, America, 11 Bradford, William, 63, 84–
176 character, 30 85, 200–201
love, 178 conscience, 36 Bradstreet, Anne, 3, 19, 30,
men, great, 126 Constitution, 48 74, 110, 177–178, 245,
national defense, 95 corruption, 48 325, 328
natural law, 205–206 freedom, 97–98 Brattle, Thomas, 324
patriotism, 214 Great Britain, 76–77 Bryant, William Cullen,
politics, 34 independence, 137, 208
posterity, 224 139–140 Buchanan, James, 2

Burke, Edmund, 12 D consistency, 37

compromise, 34 Davis, John, 319 Constitution, 38, 39, 45
force, 91 Decatur, Stephen, 26, 216 courage, 152
freedom, 98 Defoe, Daniel, 155, 161, 246 courts, 147
law, 166 Denham, Sir John, 48–49 creditors, 27
liberty, 174 Dickinson, John death, 51
opinion, 239 Bible, 253–254 defamation, 56
public office, 237 first settlers, 88 due process, 65
religion, 253 freedom, 44 duty, 66
revolution, 273 government, 113 education, 68
taxation, 137 happiness, 44, 129 experience, 82
Burnaby, Andrew, 242 independence, 138–139 faith, 83
Burr, Aaron, xiii, 26–27, liberty, 169–170, 172 family, 83
160, 197 natural law, 205 food, 130
Burton, Robert, 244 patriotism, 215 freedom of speech and
Byrd, William II, 202, 209 property, 235 of the press, 100
revolution, 272 friends, 104, 105
C taxes, 306 the future, 106
Calhoun, John Caldwell, unity, 314 good fortune, 178
197 Downer, Silas, 11, 88, 266 government, 112
Carroll, Charles, 198 Drake, Joseph Rodman, 89 great men, 126
Chastellux, François Jean, Draper, Mary, 273–274 greed, 127
322 Duane, William, 107 happiness, 130
Church, Benjamin, 155, Dwight, Timothy, 12, 79– health, 130
227, 281, 312, 317–318 80 honesty, 133
Clay, Henry, 179, 194, 261, hypocrisy, 134
279 E independence, 141
Coke, Sir Edward, 234 Edwards, Jonathan, 128– Jacques on, 97
Colden, Cadwallader, 165 129 laws and lawyers, 161,
Columbus, Christopher, Ellsworth, Oliver, 41, 252– 165
244 253, 306–307 laziness, 168
Cooper, James Fenimore, Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 72, liberty, 168, 169, 174, 175
165, 181 216 lies, 176
Coram, Robert, 70, 225 Equiano, Olaudah, 298– life, 317
Crèvecoeur, Guillaume 299 love, 178
Jean de, 13–14 manners, 180–181
adversity, 63 F marriage, 182–183
democracy, 59 Firmin, Giles, 209 money, 196–197, 317
employment, 157 Fox, George, 78 Native Americans, 202
God, 108–109 Franklin, Benjamin, xi necessity, 208
history, 131 Adams, 1, 56 neglect, 22
immigration, 136 adversity, 63 oration, 302
lawyers, 166 advice, 3 pain, 221
Native Americans, 202 aging, 3, 4 Paine on, 4
parenting, 32 alcohol, 8 passion, 211
slavery, 295–296 ambition, 10 peace, 218
Cromwell, Oliver, 145 anger, 18 perseverance, 219–220
Cushing, Jacob, 322 attention, 22 philosophy, 220
Custis, George Washington charity, 32 pleasure, 221
Parke, 57 conscience, 36 poverty, 224


prejudice, 239 Ellsworth on, 252 adversity, 64

pride, 233 Franklin on, 130, 168, agriculture, 6
property, 236 252, 319 ambition, 10
race, 290–291 Hancock on, 187, 270 America, 14, 17
reason, 243 Henry on, 273 Boston, 25
religion, 247, 251–252, Howard on, 90–91, 321 Burr, xiii, 26–27
254 Hutchinson on, 244 coercion, 91
secrets, 286 Iredell on, 129 Connecticut, 36
self-discipline, 287 Jay on, 214 Constitution, 41, 43
self-reliance, 287, 288 Jefferson on, 207, 249, debt, national, 124
thoughts, 158 259, 260–261, 311 defamation, 56–57
time, 308–309 Key on, 260 democracy, 58, 59, 60
truth, 310 Madison on, 109–110, economic inequality,
turkeys, 207 159, 206 225
value, 317 Mason on, 205 elections, 73
virtue and vice, 319 Mather on, 209 Europe, 93
war, 189 Mayhew on, 280 foreign relations, 92–93,
Washington, 322 Native Americans and, 94
work, 157 201 freedom of the press,
writing, 158 Niles on, 171 103
youth, 328 Otis on, 161, 264, 280, government, 114–115,
Freneau, Philip, 190, 297 285 116–117, 118, 122, 241
Paine on, 92, 109, 248– Great Britain, 77
G 249, 256, 257, 258, 259, honesty, 133
Gadsen, Christopher, 11 274 Jefferson, xiii
Gallatin, Abraham Alfonse Penn on, 185, 207, 218, judiciary, 148
Albert, 107 245–246 laws, 148, 163
Gates, Horatio, 275 Pitt on, 139 liberty, 172, 174, 175
George III Quincy on, 270 military, 190, 193
Dickinson on, 139 Rowlandson on, 309 money, 197
Hancock on, 270 Sewall on, 290 natural law, 205, 206
Jefferson on, 75–76, Washington on, 254 opinion, 240, 241, 242
139, 293 Webster on, 142 political parties, 223
Madison on, 279 West on, 273, 322 politics, 73
Otis on, 74, 280, 281, 305 Wheatley on, 98 power, 227, 228, 229
Paine on, 274, 275 Willard on, 324 presidency, 231
Reed on, 272 Wilson on, 109 public office, 238–239
United States, 77 Winthrop on, 87 reason, 243
God Wise on, 112 revolution, 277
Adams, Abigai,l on, 326 Witherspoon on, 249 Rhode Island, 280
Adams, John, on, 98, Goddard, Sarah Updike, 56 rights of the people, 282
140, 141, 247, 259, 260 Greene, Nathanael, 68–69, slavery, 293
Adams, Samuel, on, 140, 105, 310, 319, 328 states’ rights, 303
186 Griffitts, Hannah, 266–267 taxes, 306
Bradford on, 84, 85 trade, 28
Brattle on, 324 H tyranny, 313
Bryant on, 208 Hale, Nathan, 213 unity, 315
Burton on, 244 Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 36, 53 war, 190–191
Church on, 281 Hamilton, Alexander, 128 women, 25
Crèvecoeur on, 108–109 Adams on, xiii work, 157–158


Hamilton, Andrew, 101, experience, 82 equality, 79

226–227, 287 government, 116, 119, error, 81
Hancock, John, 26, 44, 113, 120 expansion, 81
187, 213, 269–270, 312 judiciary, 148 faith, 83
Harriot, Thomas, 200 justice, 153 family, 83–84
Harrison, Ben, 55 patriotism, 214–215 farming, 6, 8
Hart, Levi, 173, 292–293 slavery, 296 flattery, 89
Heath, William, 297–298 taxes, 307–308 foreign relations, 93, 95
Henry, John Joseph, 20, unity, 315 France, 97
215 Jefferson, Thomas, 145 freedom, 99, 101, 102–
Henry, Patrick Adams, xii, 1 103, 104, 138, 139
America, 12 adversity, 63 friendship, 105–106
Bill of Rights, 24 ageing, 4, 5 future, 106
bravery, 26 ambition, 10–11 gambling, 107
Constitution, 41–42 America, 15, 16–18 gardening, 25–26
experience, 82 anger, 19 good and evil, 110
force, 91 appointments, 217 government, 110, 117,
liberty, 172–173, 174 argument, 20 122, 123, 125, 138, 249
religion, 258 arts, 21 Great Britain, 75–76, 77–
revolution, 272–273 bigotry, 23–24 78, 138–139
rights of the people, 283 Bill of Rights, xii, 24 greed, 127
slavery, 292 books, 25 Hamilton, 128
taxes, 306 Burr, 27 happiness, 129, 144, 153,
treason, 309 business, 28, 29 156, 157, 168, 196
weapons, 127 character, 31 health, 130–131
Higginson, Francis, 208– charity, 32 history, 132, 133
209 cities, 33 honesty, 50, 133
Hobbes, Thomas, 205 coercion, 91 hypocrisy, 135
Hopkins, Stephen, 305– Congress, 35 idleness, 168
306 Connecticut, 36 independence, 142
Hopkinson, Francis, 129 conscience, 36–37 judiciary, 149, 150–151
Hopkinson, Joseph, 17 Constitution, 41, 44, 45, justice, 153
Howard, Simeon, 18, 90– 46–47, 125, 150 kings, 156
91, 170–171, 269, 321 corruption, 48 knowledge, 144
Hutchinson, Anne, 242, courts, 148 language, 159, 160
244 credit, 124, 125 laws and lawyers, 162,
Hutchinson, Thomas, cynicism, 50 163, 165, 166
161–162 death, 52, 53 liberty, 175–176, 248
debt, national, 125–126 lies, 176–177
I Declaration of majorities, 180
Iredell, James, 129, 137, 190 Independence, x, 53– Marshall on, xiii
Irving, Washington, 5, 9, 54, 55 military, 193, 194–195
20, 30, 64, 132 defamation, 56, 57 modesty, 196
democracy, 59, 61 Monroe, 197
J dependence, 63 morality, 198–199
Jackson, Andrew, 195, 226 doctors, 131 Native Americans, 202,
James I, 85–87, 88 duty, 66 203
Jay, John education, 69, 71–72, natural law, 206, 207
criminals, 49 130 New England, 209
education, 69 employment, 157 opinion, 37, 242


pain, 221 Johnson, William, 160 elections, 73

Paine, 211 Jones, John Paul, 133, 146– expansion, 81
parenting, 32, 33 147, 187, 188, 189 experience, 82
patriotism, 215 factions, 221–222
peace, 191, 219 K farming, 7
perseverance, 220 Kant, Immanuel, 221 force, 91
pessimism and Kent, James, 151–152, 166 foreign relations, 95, 96
optimism, 220 Key, Francis Scott, 89, 260 freedom, 99, 102, 103
pleasure, 221 friendship, 105
politics and political L God, 109–110
parties, 74, 222 Lafayette, Marquis de, 13, government, 117–119,
posterity, 224 59, 96–97 121, 124, 144, 156, 221,
power, 230 Langhorne, John, 184 287
presidency, 232, 233 Lawrence, James, 194 Hamilton, 128
pride, 234 Lee, Arthur, 11 history, 132
property, 235 Lee, Charles, 188 immigration, 136–137
providence, 110 Lee, Henry “Light Horse Jefferson, 146
public office, 237, 239 Harry,” 323 justice, 153
punishment, 49 Lee, Richard Henry, 102, knowledge, 143, 144
reason, 243–244 115, 140, 163, 253, 283 language, 159, 160
rebellion, 277 Locke, John, x, xi, xiii, 80, laws and lawyers, 162–
religion, 248, 252, 259, 83, 161, 207, 248 163, 164–165, 166
260–261 Logan, James, 202 liberty, 174, 175, 176
republicanism, 60, 223 majority, 179–180
revolution, 279 M medicine, 131
rights of the people, Madison, James military, 190, 194, 196
282, 283, 284 Adams, 1 money, 197
Rush on, 2 adversity, 64 natural law, 206
self-discipline, 287 advisors, 3 opinion, 241
silence, 287 agriculture, 6, 8 opinions, 83
slavery, 294–295, 297, alcohol, 9 patronage, 217
300, 302 ambition, 10, 289 peace, 195, 196, 218–219
South America, 96 America, 15–16, 18 politics and political
speaking, 158 argument, 20 parties, 72, 73, 221–
speeches, 302 arts, 21 222, 223
states’ rights, 304 banks, 23 poverty, 224, 226
taxes, 308 Bill of Rights, xii, 24–25 power, 229–230, 231
theory, 308 books, 25 property, 236
time, 309 business, 28–29 public office, 238, 239
truth, 311 cities, 33 religion, 247, 248, 249,
tyranny, 311, 313 Clay on, 179 251, 253, 254, 261–263
vice presidency, 318 Congress, 34, 35 republicanism, 60–61
Virginia, 318, 319 conscience, 37 revolution, 278, 279
virtue, 320 consistency, 37 rights of the people, 34,
war, 185, 189, 193, 195 Constitution, 39–40, 42, 80, 283, 284
Washington, 323 43, 45, 48, 164, 261 Rush on, 179
wealth, 226 debt, national, 124 separation of powers,
writing, 158 defamation, 56 288, 289
youth, 328 democracy, 59 slavery, 296, 297, 298,
Johnson, Samuel, 12, 293 education, 69, 70–71, 72 300, 302


taxes, 306, 307 honor, 134 anger, 18–19

tobacco, 309 independence, 142 aristocracy, 156
unity, 315–316 military, 196 arts, 21
virtue, 319–320 peace, 192, 196, 217, 219 change, 30
war, 191–193, 194, 195 religion, 251 character, 31
Washington, 323 taxes, 308 charity, 32
women, 326 unity, 316 children, 33
Mandrillon, Joseph, 15 war, 192, 196 coercion, 91
Marshall, John Moore, Zephaniah Swift, compassion, 185
Constitution, 46, 47–48, 103, 242 Congress, 34
148–149, 150 Morris, Governeur, 210 Constitution, 45
government, 122, 123– Morton, Thomas, 184, 200, courage, 26
124 209 crime, 49
Jefferson, xiii Muhlenberg, Peter, 187 death, 51–52, 53
judiciary, 149–150, 151 Murray, Judith Sargent, debt, national, 124
language, 159 326 democracy, 60, 62
Native Americans, 204 Murray, William, 101 education, 71
presidency, 232–233 envy, 78
search and seizure, 286 N equality and inequality,
separation of powers, Nasson, Samuel, 238 80, 225–226
289 Niles, Nathaniel, 171, 248, error, 80, 81
states’ rights, 304 314 evil, 110
taxes, 308 farming, 6, 7
Mason, George, 79, 113, O foreign relations, 92, 94
134, 205, 238–239, 281, Oglethorpe, James France, 96–97
283 Edward, 108 Franklin, 4
Mather, Cotton, 108, 209, Otis, James freedom, 98, 99
246 democracy, 58 friendship, 105, 106
Maxcy, Jonathan, 164 friends, 104–105 God, 109
Mayhew, Jonathan, 112, government, 112–113 government, 113–114,
211–212, 237, 263–264, Great Britain, 74 115, 121–122, 156
280, 311 liberty, 168 Great Britain, xii, 77
McDougal, Alexander, 170 Parliament, 161 happiness, 129, 130, 131
Milton, John, 99–100 patriotism, 212 health, 131
Monroe, James, 197 revolution, 264 history, 131
appointments, 217 rights of the people, honesty, 133
arts, 22 280–281 hypocrisy, 134–135
children, 33 search and seizure, 285 ignorance, 286
Constitution, 45 slavery, 291 independence, 141, 142
defamation, 57 taxes, 305 intelligence, 143
economics, 67 juries, 151–152
education, 71, 72 P justice, 152, 184, 185
error, 81 Paine, John Howard, 84 kings, 155
expansion, 81–82 Paine, Thomas, 210–211 knowledge, 143
experience, 82 Adams, 2 language, 159
flattery, 90 adversity, 63–64 laws and lawyers, 155,
foreign relations, 95, 96 advice, 3 164, 166, 206
gambling, 107 aging, 3, 4 letter writing, 106
government, 120, 122– ambition, 10 liberty, 174, 175
123 America, 12, 13, 14, 15 lies, 176, 177


love, 178 Washington, 322–323 poverty, 224

majorities, 180 youth, 328 praise, 89
manners, 181 Parker, Capt. John, 272 pride, 233
marriage, 183 Payson, Samuel Phillips, providence, 108
memory, 184 69, 134 public office, 237
mercy, 184 Penn, William reason, 243
moderation, 34 adversity, 63 religion, 245–246
money, 197 ambition, 9 secrets, 286
morality, 198 anger, 18 solitude, 302
nature, 206, 207, 208 appearances, 19 speech, 158
necessity, 208 change, 37 truth, 310
opinion, 241 character, 30 tyranny, 311
optimism, 220 charity, 31 war, 185
pamphlets of, xi coercion, 90 Perry, Oliver Hazard, 194
passion, 211 death, 51 Pinckney, Charles, 59, 79,
patriotism, 213–214 discipline, 64 92, 225, 302–303
peace, 218 discretion, 286 Pitt, William, 139, 208, 266,
politics and political due proces, 65 272, 275, 285, 312
parties, 72, 107–108, education, 67–68 Prescott, William, 172, 187
184, 221, 222, 223 evil, 184
posterity, 224 food, 130 Q
power, 228, 229, 230 freedom, 97 Quincy, Josiah, 270
prejudice, 239–240 friends, 104 Quincy, Josiah, Jr., 81, 184
progress, 234 government, 110–112
property, 236–237 greed, 127 R
providence, 108 happiness, 128 Ramsay, David, 142
public office, 238 humility, 134 Randolph, John, 48, 80,
punishment, 49 hypocrisy, 134 193
reason, 243–244 jealousy, 78 Red Jacket, Chief, 203
religion, 248–249, 254– justice, 152 Reed, Esther, 272, 275
257, 258–259 kings, 154–155 Revolution, American, 326
republicanism, 58, 61, knowledge, 142–143 Rice, David, 300
152, 155–156, 276–277 labor, 157 Rousseau, Jean Jacques,
revenge, 318 laws, 160 58, 90, 97, 112, 212, 234
revolution, 274, 275, lies, 176 Rowlandson, Mary, 201,
276, 278 love, 178 309
rights of the people, malice, 78 Royall, Anne Newport, 242
282, 283, 284 manners, 180 Rush, Benjamin
secrecy, 286 marriage, 181–182 Adams, 1, 2, 145
silence, 287 means and ends, 184 alcohol, 8–9
slavery, 299 money, 196 America, 15
speaking, 158 Native Americans, 201– Constitution, 42
spending, government, 202 Declaration of
124–125 nature, 207 Independence, 54–55
taxes, 307 parenting, 32 education, 69, 70, 249
time, 309 passion, 211 freedom, 97
truth, 310–311 peace, 217–218 government, 120
ranny, 312 Pennsylvania, 219 laws, 163
vanity, 19 perseverance, 219 morality, 198
war, 188–189, 190 posterity, 223–224 patriotism, 212–213


race relations, 300–301 bad company, 23 men, good, 3

religion, 249, 259 books, 25 military, 187, 189
revolution, 277 borrowing money, 23 morality, 198
slavery, 292 business, 27, 28, 29 Native Americans, 203
Rush, Richard, 179 capital punishment, 49 navy, 192
character, 30, 31 opinion, 241–242
S charity, 32 Paine, 210
Sagoyewatha, 203 cities, 33 patriotism, 213, 214, 215
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 27 Congress, 34 patronage, 217
Scott, Winfield, 195 conscience, 36 peace, 189, 191, 192
Sewall, Jonathan, 1 Constitution, 38, 39, 40, political parties, 223
Sewall, Samuel, 290 45 posterity, 224
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 62 courage, 26 presidency, 231–232
Sherman, Roger, 56 cowardice, 187 property, 236
Sherwood, Samuel, 173 credit, 124–125 providence, 108, 109
Shute, Daniel, 113 death, 52 public office, 238
Smith, Adam, 67, 124 debt, 125 religion, 254
Smith, John, 318 democracy, 59 republicanism, 61
Smith, Melancton, 35, 119– difficulties, 63 revolution, 273, 275,
120, 307 disappointment, 221 276, 277–278
Sterne, Laurence, 234 discipline, 64–65 self-discipline, 287
Stoddert, Benjamin, 26 duty, 66 self-interest, 287
Story, Joseph, 48, 151, 165, education, 70 separation of powers,
167–168 elections, 74 289, 304
employment, 157 slavery, 296, 297, 301,
T envy, 78 302
Tecumseh, 203–204 excuses, 81 time, 309
Thacher, Oxenbridge, 27– experience, 82 treason, 309–310
28 facts, 83 truth, 310, 311
Thomas, Gabriel, 165 foreign relations, 92, 93, tyranny, 312
Thomas, Isaiah, xi 94–95 unity, 314
Tudor, William, 77 freedom of speech, 101 value, 317
friends, 104, 105, 106 virtue, 319
W gambling, 107 war, 185, 187, 189, 192
Walpole, Horace, 11–12 government, 113, 115, Warren on, 120
Warren, Joseph, 11, 37, 88, 120, 122 women, 326
267–269, 270–271 habits, 320 Washington, Martha, 239
Warren, Mercy Otis, 3, 17, happiness, 129 Watterson, George, 167
52, 98–99, 120, 187, 279, honesty, 133 Webster, Daniel
307, 322 human nature, 134 America, 18
Washington, George, xi, immigration, 136 government, 123
322–323 independence, 141 independence, 142
aging, 4 intentions, 199 knowledge, 144
aggression, 6 justice, 152–153 labor, 158
agriculture, 6, 7 language, 159 laws and lawyers, 165,
ambition, 10 laws, 164 167
America, 14–15, 16, 17 liberty, 170, 174 liberty, 176
appearances, 19 malice, 78 morality, 199
argument, 20 manners, 181 patriotism, 216
arts, 21, 22 marriage, 183 posterity, 224


property, 226, 237 Wheatley, Phyllis, 90, 98, revolution, xii

revolution, 280 291 rights of the people, 282
taxes, 308 Willard, Samuel, 324 states’ rights, 303
war, 195 Williams, Elisha, xii, 79, suffrage, 73
wealth, 158 234, 263 unity, 314
Webster, Noah Williams, Roger, 244–245 virtue, 320
Constitution, 38, 41, 127 Wilson, James Winthrop, John, 72, 87,
education, 70 Constitution, 40–41, 44, 137
equality, 80 283–284 Wise, John, 51, 57–58, 78–
government, 119 democracy, 60 79, 112, 168–169, 179,
men, great, 126 freedom of the press, 280
property, 235 102 Witherspoon, John, 173–
separation of powers, God, 109 174, 181, 249
288–289 government, 115–116, Woodworth, Samuel, 7–8,
Virginians, 318 120–121, 122 154, 216
virtue, 320 laws, 163–164 Woolman, John, 291
Weems, Mason Lock marriage, 183 Wright, Francis, 327
“Parson,” 323 natural law, 206–207
Wesley, John, 292 perseverance, 220 Z
West, Samuel, 140, 173, philosophy, 220–221 Zenger, John Peter, 100
273, 312, 321–322 presidency, 232

Subject Index
A brevity, 244 Madison on, 39–40, 42,
abstinence, 287 bribery, 48 43, 45, 48, 102, 192–
adversity, 63–64 business, 27–29 193, 261, 289
advice, advisors, 3, 134, Marshall on, 46, 47, 48,
135 C 148–150, 289
Africa, 98 change, 30, 37 military, 190
age, aging, 3–5 character, 30–31 Monroe on, 45
aggression, 6 charity, 31–32, 90, 218, 266 Otis on, 305
agriculture, 6–8, 16 children, 32–33 Paine on, 45, 222
alcohol, alcoholism, 8–9, cities, 33 punishment, 49
201, 202, 210–211, 309 civil rights, 34 rights of the people, 282
ambition, 9–11, 19, 35, 145, coercion, 90–92 Rush on, 42
158, 289 communication, 92 search and seizure, 286
America, Americanism, 10, company, bad, 23 Smith on, 119–120
11–18, 40, 287, 299, 315, compassion, 184–185 states’ rights, 303
322 compromise, 34 Story on, 151, 167–168
anarchy, 98, 312 Congress, 34–35, 101, 102, treason, 310
anger, 18–19 103, 288–289, 297, 307 Washington on, 38, 39,
appearances, 19 Connecticut, 35–36 40, 45, 94
appointments, 217 conscience, 36–37, 56 weapons, 127
architecture, 21 consistency, 37 Webster, Daniel, on, 195
argument, 20 Constitution, U.S. Webster, Noah, on, 39,
aristocrats, aristocracy, Adams, John, on, 38, 41, 70
156, 320 132, 173 Wilson on, 40–41, 44, 73,
arts, 20–22 Adams, John Quincy, 282, 283–284
Asia, 98 on, 45–46 corporations, 27
assembly, right of, 101 Adams, Samuel, on, 97, corruption, 48, 223, 227,
attacks, personal, 56–57 212 312
attention, 22 Dickinson on, 44 courage, 26, 152
avarice, 10 due process, 65–66 courts, 147–152
Franklin on, 38, 39, 45 cowardice, 187
B freedom, 101 credit, 124, 125, 197
Baltimore, 23 Hamilton on, 41, 43, 116, crime, 48–49, 328
banks, banking, 23, 126 303 cynicism, 49–50
Bible, 253–254, 292 Henry on, 41–42
bigotry, 23–24 impeachment, 137 D
Bill of Rights, 24–25, 43, innovations in, x death, 26, 45, 46, 51–53
101, 282. See also Jay on, 148 debate, 20
rights, of the people Jefferson on, 41, 44, 45, debt, public, 124–126
books, 25 46–47, 75, 125, 150, Declaration of
Boston, 25, 270–271, 274 151, 153 Independence, x, 53–56,
botany, 25–26 juries, 152 299
bravery, 26 Lee on, 253 defamation, 56–57

defense, national, 95 Warren on, 268 Lee on, 283

democracy, 57–63, 289 Washington on, 93, 94– Madison on, 71, 72, 99,
dependence, 63 95, 278 102, 103, 222, 283
determination, 219–220 Wright on, 327 Monroe on, 142
dictionaries, 160 evil(s), 110, 184, 220, 324 Otis on, 305
difficulties, 63–64 excuses, 81 Paine on, 13, 98, 99, 141,
discipline, 33, 64–65, 72, exercise, 130–131 142, 222, 275, 310
287 expansion, 81–82 Penn on, 97, 311
discretion, 286–287 experience, 82 Pennsylvania Abolition
divorce, 183 Society on, 299
doctors, 130, 131. See also F Pitt on, 208
physicians factions, 221–223, 287, Rush on, 97
drunkenness, 8–9 315. See also politics Washington on, 14–15,
due process, 65–66 facts, 83 101, 141, 302
duty, 66, 77, 81, 90, 94, 108 faith, 51, 83 Webster on, 142, 289
falsehoods, 176–177 Wilson on, 102
E family, 83–84 Wise on, 280
economics, 67 farming, 6–8 friends, friendship, 104–
education, 24, 33, 67–72, fear, 114, 127, 220, 299, 311 106, 122–123
123, 130, 203, 326 federalism, 302–304 frugality, 31, 122, 125
elections, 72–74 flag, 89 future, 106
employment, 157 flattery, 89–90
ends, 184, 229 food, 130 G
England, English, 74–78, force, 90–92, 95 gambling, 107
88, 98, 137, 202, 266, 274, foreign relations and gardens, gardening, 25–
278, 281. See also Great policy, 92–96 26, 64
Britain fortune, good, 178 generosity, 185
Enlightenment, xi, xiv France, 96–97, 174 geography, 107–108, 132
envy, 78 freedom, 97–104, 294 Georgia, 108
equality, equal rights, x, Adams, John, on, 70, 98, good, 110
78–80, 284, 288, 294 99, 101, 104, 140, 141, government, 203, 227, 249
error(s) 142, 224, 227 Adams, John, on, 20–
Franklin on, 180–181 Adams, Samuel, on, 36, 21, 38, 114, 162, 214, 253,
Greene on, 310 97, 98, 137, 139–140 259, 262, 281
Hamilton on, 206 Ames on, 193 Adams, John Quincy,
Jefferson on, 81, 177, Banneker on, 299 on, 55–56, 207
249, 282, 311 Burke on, 98, 137, 138 Adams, Samuel, on, 212
Madison on, 160 Church on, 281 Ames on, 230
Monroe on, 81 Dickinson on, 88, 129, Baldwin on, 42
Paine on, 49, 80, 81, 141, 138–139, 306 Barnard on, 227
244 Downer on, 88 Burke on, 34
ethics, 220–221, 223 Franklin on, 100, 141 Carroll on, 198
Europe, Europeans Griffitts on, 266 Clay on, 261
on America, 203 Hamilton on, 103 Dickinson on, 113
Hamilton on, 92 Hancock on, 187 Ellsworth on, 252
Jefferson on, 95, 308 Henry on, 24 Franklin on, 39, 112
Madison on, 96 Jay on, 215 Hamilton on, 41, 114–
Monroe on, 96 Jefferson on, 99, 101, 115, 116–117, 118, 122,
Paine on, 92, 97, 98, 310 102–103, 104, 138– 124, 174, 277, 303, 306
Penn on, 201 139, 142, 284 Hancock on, 312


Heath on, 297 Great Britain, 265–266, Adams on, 312–313

Henry on, 306 271, 294, 297 Hamilton on, 229
Hutchinson on, 161–162 Adams, John Quincy Jefferson on, 293
Jay on, 116, 119, 120, on, 78 Madison on, 289, 320
307, 315 Adams, Samuel on, 76– Penn on, 185
Jefferson on, 24, 44, 45, 77 Rush on, 292
47, 54, 110, 113, 115, Banneker on, 299 Washington on, 134,
117, 122, 123, 124, Dickinson on, 88 326
125–126, 132, 138, Hamilton on, 77 Webster on, 288
249, 277, 282, 287, 304 Hancock on, 269–270 humility, 19, 134
Lee on, 283 Jefferson on, 75–76, 77– hypocrisy, 134–135, 249,
Madison on, 24–25, 39– 78, 138–139, 293 258
40, 42, 117–119, 121, Madison on, 96, 279
124, 179–180, 191, Paine on, 77, 142 I
192–193, 217, 221, Washington on, 94, 276 ignorance, 243
224, 231, 253, 254, See also England, illness, 130
262–263, 278, 284, English immigration, 136–137
287, 288, 289, 300, greed, 127 impartiality, 118
315–316, 319, 320 grief, 64, 309 impeachment, 137
Marshall on, 122, 123– guns, 127 independence
124, 289 Adams, Abigail, on, 325
Mayhew on, 211, 264, H Adams, John, on, 56,
280 habits, 320, 328 140–141, 142
Monroe on, 120, 122– happiness, 203, 249, 281– Adams, John Quincy,
123, 251 282 on, 55–57
Niles on, 171 Adams on, 247, 259, 281, Adams, Samuel, on, 137,
Otis on, 112–113 319 139–140
Paine on, 113, 114, 115, Dickinson on, 129, 205, Burke on, 137, 138
121–122, 124–125, 215, 254, 306 Dickinson on, 138–139
141, 156, 185, 211, 228, Franklin on, 130, 182 Franklin on, 141
243, 248, 278, 282, 283, Hamilton on, 175 Jay on, 315
286, 307, 310, 311 Jefferson on, 123, 124, Jefferson on, 16, 53–54,
Penn on, 110–112, 224 125, 129, 131, 132, 153, 55, 138–139, 142, 279
Pinckney on, 302–303 156, 157, 168, 196 Madison on, 194
political parties and, x Madison on, 319 Mason on, 79
Rush on, 120, 259, 277 Marshall on, 124 Monroe on, 142
Smith on, 307 Paine on, 129, 130, 131, Paine on, 141, 142, 278
Washington on, 113, 255 Rush on, 54–55
115, 120, 122, 125, 164, Penn on, 128, 243, 246 Washington on, 93, 141
192, 198, 289, 311 Washington on, 129, Webster on, 142
Webster, Daniel, on, 183 inequality, economic, 224–
123, 195, 226 health, 7, 130–131 226, 287
Webster, Noah, on, 119, history, 131–133 infinity, 110
126, 288–289 honesty, 1, 2, 3, 14, 16, 49, influence, foreign, 92, 93
West on, 173, 312 50, 133 insinuations, 177
Wilson on, 40–41, 115– honor, 133–134, 211, 319 intelligence, 7, 142–144
116, 120–121, 122, 220, hope, 220 intentions, 199
282 horticulture, 8
Wise on, 168–169, 280 humanity, 134 J
gratitude, 153 human nature journalists, 57


judgment, 4, 20 Penn on, 160, 311 Howard on, 90–91, 186,

judiciary, 147–152, 161– Pitt on, 312 269, 321
162, 229–230, 290 Rush on, 163, 292 Jay on, 214, 296, 315
juries, 148, 152, 283 Warren on, 270, 271 Jefferson on, 15, 54, 63,
justice Washington on, 164 117, 139, 175–176,
Crèvecoeur on, 228 Webster on, 165 259, 277, 279, 282, 293
Defoe on, 155 Wilson on, 163, 164, 320 Madison on, 16, 24, 72,
Denham on, 48–49 See also natural law 118, 119, 174, 175, 176,
Franklin on, 147, 152 lawyers, 165–168 189, 192, 194, 222, 262,
Hancock on, 312 laziness, 168, 202, 209 284, 294, 319
Henry on, 292 legislators, legislatures Marshall on, 122
Jay on, 153 Hamilton on, 303 Mason on, 79
Jefferson on, 153 Jefferson on, 206, 259 Mayhew on, 263
Langhorne on, 184 Madison on, 192, 193, Monroe on, 71, 123, 251
Madison on, 119, 153 229–230, 279, 294 Otis on, 168, 280, 281,
Paine on, 152, 184, 185 Marshall on, 289, 290 285, 291
Penn on, 152, 154 Story on, 151 Paine on, 12, 45, 49, 174,
Rush on, 120 Washington on, 296 175, 230, 248, 284
Washington on, 152– Webster on, 288–289 Penn on, 246
153 liberty, ix, 115, 168–176, Pinckney on, 59
188, 203 Pitt on, 139, 266
K Adams, John, on, 68, 79, Rush on, 69, 70, 259, 292
Kentucky, 154 169, 173, 175, 176, 205, Sewall on, 290
kings, 154–156 214, 227, 247, 250, 273 Smith on, 119–120
knowledge, 142–144 Adams, Samuel, on, 22, Warren on, 11, 268, 269
186, 205, 268 Washington on, 16, 17,
L Ames on, 59, 62, 230 61, 174, 192, 213, 278
labor, 157–158, 308 Baldwin on, 88–89 Webster, Daniel, on, 18,
See also slavery Banneker on, 299–300 165, 176
language, 158–160 Barre on, 264–265 Webster, Noah, on, 70
law(s) Burr on, 27 West on, 273
Adams, Abigail, on, 228, Church on, 312 Wilson on, 163, 282, 320
325 Clay on, 261 Wise on, 79
Adams, John, on, 162 Constitution on, 38 See also freedom
Bacon on, 147 Dickinson on, 169–170, lies, 176–177, 310
Barnard on, 227 172, 272 liquor. See alcohol,
Church on, 227 Downer on, 266 alcoholism
Ellsworth on, 253 Franklin on, 169, 174, 175 literacy, xi
Franklin on, 161 Greene on, 69 literature, 22
Hamilton on, 116, 148, Hamilton, Alexander on, Louisiana, 81
163 59, 73, 172, 174, 175, love, 4
Jackson on, 226 190, 206, 303, 306, 315 luck, 178
Jefferson on, 162, 163, Hamilton, Andrew on,
165, 304 227 M
Madison on, 118, 162– Hancock on, 213, 270 majorities, 179–180, 223,
163, 164–165, 279 Hart on, 293 231
Marshall on, 122, 149– Henry, John Joseph on, malice, 78
150, 151, 290 215 manifest destiny, 81–82
Otis on, 161 Henry, Patrick on, 172– manners, 180–181, 192, 202
Paine on, 141, 155, 164, 173, 174, 273, 292 marriage, 181–183


Massachusetts, xi, 184, Barre on, 264 poverty, 224–226, 308

297 Church on, 312 power, 188
means, 184, 229 Clay on, 279 Adams, Abigail, on, 227,
medicine, 130–131 Jefferson on, 180 228
memory, 5, 184 Madison on, 180, 223, Adams, John, on, 227,
men, great, 126 253, 297 229, 230–231
mercy, 184–185 Paine on, 175, 284 Adams, Samuel, on, 186,
military, 185–196 See also Warren on, 268 212, 230, 312
war Wilson on, 163 Ames on, 230
minorities, 179–180, 223, optimism, 220 Barnard on, 227
231 oration, xi, 244, 302 Church on, 227
misery, 183, 317 Crèvecoeur on, 227
Mississippi River, 81 P Dickinson on, 215
moderation, 34 pain, 221 Hamilton, Alexander, on,
modesty, 196 parenting, 32–33 227, 228, 229, 282
money, 196–197, 309, 317 parties, political, xii, 221– Hamilton, Andrew, on,
monopolies, 179 223 226–227
morality, moralists, x, 192, passion(s), 211, 214, 230, Jefferson on, 230, 284
198–199 287, 288, 295, 296 Madison on, 229–230,
motives, 199 patriotism, 211–216, 268 231
patronage, 191, 192, 217 Marshall on, 308
N peace, 194 Paine on, 228, 229, 230
Native Americans, 200– Franklin on, 189, 218 Penn on, 311
204 Hamilton on, 190 Pitt on, 312
natural law, 205–207, 258, Jefferson on, 191, 219 Wise on, 280
291, 292–293, 312, 321 Jones on, 189 Woolman on, 291
nature, 207–208, 253 Madison on, 191–192, See also separation of
navy, x, 188, 192, 193, 194, 193, 195, 196, 218–219 powers
195 Monroe on, 192, 196, practice, 308
necessity, 208 217, 219 praise, 89–90
neglect, 22 Paine on, 189, 218, 224 prejudice, 92, 294, 327
neutrality, 94–95 Penn on, 185, 217–218 presidency, 1, 190, 191,
New England, 208–209, Washington on, 191 192, 193, 217, 231–233,
324 Pennsylvania, 219 318
newspapers, 102, 103–104 Pennsylvania Abolition press, freedom of, 99–104,
North Carolina, 209 Society, 299 227
Pennsylvania Democratic pride, 19, 227, 288, 318
O Committee, 219 progress, 234
Olive Branch Petition, 75 perseverance, 219–220 property
opinion(s), xi, xii, 83 pessimism, 220 Adams, John, on, 250
Franklin on, 38, 100 philosophy, 220–221 Adams, Samuel, on, 205
Jefferson on, 37, 81, 91, physicians, 165. See also Dickinson on, 306
103, 223 doctors Madison on, 221, 224,
Madison on, 42, 102, pleasure, 221 230, 261, 287, 307
230, 263 politics, xiii, 1, 10–11, 20– Paine on, 225–226, 284
Moore on, 103 21, 34, 72–74, 91, 184. Webster, Daniel, on, 226
Paine on, 278 See also factions; Webster, Noah, on, 288
oppression, 297 parties, political providence
Banneker on, 300 popularity, 1 Dickinson on, 129, 172
Barnard on, 227 posterity, 223–224 Howard on, 186


Jay on, 214, 315 Ames on, 61–62 Stamp Act, 307
Mather on, 108, 246 Hamilton on, 58, 59, 60, statesmen, 126
Paine on, 108 73, 92 states’ rights, 302–304
Penn on, 108 Jefferson on, 59, 60, 61, suffrage, 73
Rush on, 120 126, 150, 223 superstition, 98, 99
Washington on, 108, Madison on, 59, 60–61,
109, 309 118, 192, 194, 217, 231, T
Wilson on, 314 320 taxes, taxation, 271, 305–
Wise on, 112 Paine on, 58, 60, 61, 62, 308
prudence, 323 152, 155–156, 276–277 Burke on, 137
punishment, 48–49 Pinckney on, 92 Dickinson on, 306
Rush on, 259 Franklin on, 45
Q Smith on, 120 Hamilton on, 306
quality, 317 Warren on, 120 Hancock on, 270
Washington on, 59, 61, Hopkins on, 305–306
R 164, 192 Jefferson on, 76, 308
race relations, 290–302 Wilson on, 60, 73 Madison on, 45, 192,
reading, 158 revenge, 317–318 261, 306, 307, 315
reason, 243–244, 260, 302, Revolution, American, ix, Monroe on, 219, 308
309, 310–311, 312 x, xi, xii, 132, 263–280, Otis on, 280, 305
rebellion, 263–280 297 Paine on, 185, 190, 307
religion, xi, xii, 244–263 Rhode Island, 280 theory, 308
Adams, John on, 247, rights, of the people, 216, time, 308–309, 320
250, 253, 258, 259– 280–284, 288, 311 See tobacco, 309
260, 261, 262 also Bill of Rights trade, 27–29, 76, 77, 92, 93,
Adams, Samuel on, 248 rules, 244 194, 218, 272, 305
Bacon on, 220 Russia, 96 tranquility, 4, 127, 129, 153,
Constitution on, 101 190–191, 220, 299
Crèvecoeur on, 228 S treason, 309–310
Cushing on, 322 sciences, 20–21 treaties, 94
Defoe on, 246 search and seizure, 285– truth
Dickinson on, 253–254 286 Adams on, 205–206
Franklin on, 247, 251– secrecy, 286–287 Franklin on, 100, 310
252, 254 self-discipline, 287 Hamilton on, 101, 103
Greene on, 319 self-interest, 287 Jay on, 82
Jefferson on, 248, 249, self-reliance, 287–288 Jefferson on, 103, 133,
252, 259, 260–261 separation of powers, 288– 177, 311
Madison on, 156, 247, 290, 304 Locke on, 80
248, 249, 251, 253, 254, settlers, first, 84–89 Madison on, 82
261–263 silence, 49, 287 Paine on, 110, 176, 278,
Paine on, 198, 248–249, slavery, 98, 99, 100, 121, 310–311
254–255, 256–257, 146, 285, 290–302, 312 Penn on, 310
258–259 sloth, 168 Washington on, 310,
Penn on, 245–246 solitude, 302 311
Rush on, 249, 259 South America, 96 tyranny, 293, 311–313
Washington on, 254 speaking, 158 Adams, Abigail, on, 325
Webster on, 199 speech, freedom of, 99– Adams, John, on, 56
republicanism, 57–58 104, 227 Adams, Samuel, on,
Adams on, 58, 59, 214, speeches, 1, 302 312–313
320 spending, 124–126 Banneker on, 299


Hamilton on, 60, 313 virtue, 1, 7, 70, 95, 318–320 312

Jefferson on, 48, 71, 75, wealth
76, 277, 311, 313 W Crèvecoeur on, 157
Madison on, 189, 229– walking, 130 Dickinson on, 172
230, 289 war, x, 185–196, 321–322 Franklin on, 130
Otis on, 305 Adams, John, on, ix Jay on, 153
Paine on, 258, 275, 310, Adams, Samuel, on, 186, Jefferson on, 129, 226
312 248 Madison on, 261
Penn on, 311 Crèvecoeur on, 228 Paine on, 229
Warren on, 268, 269, 271 Franklin on, 189 Penn on, 128, 218
West on, 173, 312 Hamilton on, 190–191, Pinckney on, 225
193 Pitt on, 139
U Jay on, 315 Webster on, 158
United Kingdom, 74–78. Jefferson on, 132, 185, weapons, 127, 138, 186,
See also England, 189, 191, 193, 194– 188
English; Great Britain 195, 219 wildlife, 207–208
unity, 314–316 Madison on, 81, 190, wisdom, 130, 141, 143, 328
191–193, 194, 195, witchcraft, 323–325
V 196, 219, 315 women, 25, 325–327
value, 317 Monroe on, 192, 196, 219 words, 158–159
vanity, 2, 19 Paine on, 188–189, 190 work, 157–158
vengeance, 317–318 Penn on, 185, 218 writing, 158–160
vice, 318–320, 328 Washington on, 185,
vice presidency, 318 187, 189, 191, 192 Y
Virginia, Virginians, 318 weakness, 134, 189, 229, youth, 326, 328


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