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Lists of the character 1. Rizki Faisal 2. Ulfah Dania A 3. Ema Komala 4. Ati Budi S 5. Hijjatul Hasnah 6. Nur Siti Zulaeha 7. Afiah Soesanto 8. Eti Vera Mujiah 9. Fajar Tri Utami 10. Rizna Yusmalia 11. Eva Silvia D : as as as as as as as as as as as Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macduff Lennox, and 3rd Witches Banquo, and Messanger Angus, Son, and 2nd Witches Malcolm, and 1st Murderer Donalbain, and 1st Witches Lady Macduff, and Doctor Ross, and Servant Duncan, and 2nd Murderer

NARRATOR : At the time of this story, Duncan is the King of Scotland. Macbeth is a great lord and leader of the Scottish army. Banquo is also a lord and an army leader. Macbeth has won a great battle against an army from Norway. He and Banquo are coming back from the battle, riding over some wild, open land in a storm. In the wildest part they see three witches. The witches stop the two men. (The three WITCHES enter) : When should the three of us meet again? Will it be in thunder, lightning, or rain? : Well meet when the noise of the battle is over, when one side has won and the other side has lost. : That will happen before sunset. : Where should we meet? : Lets do it in the open field. : Well meet Macbeth there. : (saying while stand up) Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Lets fly away through the fog and filthy air. : A drum, a drum! Macbeth has come. : (dancing together in a circle) We weird sisters, hand in hand, swift travelers over the sea and land, dance around and around like so. Three times to yours, and three times to mine, and three times again, to add up to nine. Enough! The charm is ready. (Enter Macbeth and Banquo) : I have never seen a beautiful today since the war. : How far is it supposed to be to Forrest? (Shock to the witches) What are these creatures? Theyre so withered-looking and crazily dressed. Are you alive? They dont look like they belong on this planet, but I see them standing here on Earth. : Speak! What are you? : All hail, Macbeth! Hail to you, thane of Glamis! : All hail, Macbeth! Hail to you, thane of Cawdor! : All hail, Macbeth, the future king! : You are lesser than Macbeth but also greater. : You are not as happy as Macbeth, yet much happier. : Your descendants will be kings, even though you will not be one. So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo! : Banquo and Macbeth, all hail! : Stay! You imperfect speakers! Tell me more what you know! I charge you! : Where did they disappear to? : If they would stay a little longer. I will ask them more. : You will be the king. : Your children will be king. : Thats exactly what they said. : And also king of Cawdor isnt it? (Enter Ross and Angus)

1st witch 2nd witch 3rd witch 1st witch 2nd witch 3rd witch ALL 3rdWitch All

Macbeth Banquo

Macbeth 1stWitch 2ndWitch 3rdWitch 1stWitch 2ndWitch 3rdWitch 1stWitch Macbeth (Exit witches Banquo Macbeth Banquo Macbeth Banquo Macbeth


Banquo Macbeth Angus

Macbeth Banquo Macbeth Macbeth Banquo Macbeth

: The king was happy to hear of your success, Macbeth. And to give you a taste of whats in store for you, he told me to call you the thane of Cawdor. So hail, thane of Cawdor! That title belongs to you now. : (shocked) can the devils tell the truth? : The king of Cawdor is still alive, how could I become the king of it? : The man who was the thane of Cawdor is still alive, but I dont know whether he fought on Norways side, or if he secretly aided the rebels, or if he fought with both of our enemies. Hes finished. : Glamis, Cawdor! Thanks for your pain. I hope your children shall be king someday! Now I am king of Cawdor. : If you trust what they say, you might be on your way to becoming king, as well as thane of Cawdor. But this whole thing is strange. : Two truths are told but there is nothing to fear. : Give me your loyalty. I need men like you as my fellow. : Absolutely. : Enough talking, lets move.

NARRATOR Lady macbeth : In Macbeths castle, Lady Macbeth read a letter from her husband (Enter Lady Macbeth, reading a letter.) : The witches say that my husband will be king. But Macbeth is too kind, too gentle. There are things that he Must do, but he is afraid to do them. I must speak to him and make him brave. : My dearest love, Duncan will come tonight. : When will he leave? : He will leave tomorrow as he proposes. : Oh No! He must never leave! Your face is as a book where men may read strange matters. Your hand, your tongue look like the innocent flower. You must hide them Dear! You shall put this nights great business into my dispatch. Which shall change all our nights and days to come a king and lady. : We will speak furthermore. : Leave all the rest to me!

(Macbeth enter) Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth

Macbeth Lady Macbeth

NARRATOR Duncan Lady Macbeth Duncan Lady Macbeth Duncan NARRATOR Macbeth : King Duncan arrives at Macbeths castle with his two sons, Malcolm, and Donalbain. (Enter Duncan, Malcolm, and Donalbain) : This castle is in a pleasant place. The air is sweet and appeals to my refined senses. (Enter Lady Macbeth) Look, here comes our honored hostess! : All our service in every point twice done and then done double. These all to welcome your arrival at our house, my majesty. : Where is Macbeth, the thane of Cawdor? We are your guests tonight. : We done it for your highness pleasure : Give me your hand. Bring me to my host, Macbeth. (They exit) : They have dinner together, and after dinner, Macbeth comes out of the dining hall. (Enter Macbeth) : This assassination will be the be-all and end-all here. Duncan stands like a stone in my way! But I am as his subject also his kinsman! I will never do it. (Enter Lady Macbeth) : Why did you leave the room? : Has he asked for me? : Do you know? : We wont talk about it anymore. Because he has honored me and I know what people think of him. : What are you saying? Why are you so afraid? You want to be king, are you afraid to kill him? : I am the man! None who can do this but me! I am the bravest one! : You must be strong! : If we fail?

Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth

Lady Macbeth


: Then we fail! But, if you are brave, we will succeed. Wait till Duncan is asleep. We will make everyone believe that the kings servants killed him. I will put something in their drink to make them asleep, and we will cover them with the kings blood. : Bring four men here as the black sheep of the assassination. So our place will be saved by them. : The king and his two sons come out of the dining hall. The king is tired, so he goes to bed early.

NARRATOR : Midnight comes. Lady Macbeth makes the kings servants drunk, so they know nothing. She takes her dagger and goes to the Kings bedroom. Duncan is sleeping deeply after his long journey. (Lady Macbeth exits from the Kings room) : I cant do it. He looks like my father when he slept. (Enter Macbeth to the Kings room and kills him) : I killed him! Did you hear a noise? : I heard the owl scream and the crickets cry. Did you speak anything? : When? : Now : As I descended? : Yes. : Hark! Who lies in the 2ndchamber? : Donalbain : This is a sorrow sight. : A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight. : I will not go to that room again! Im afraid to think what I have done. : Now, get some water and wash the blood from your hands. Why did you bring the dagger here? You must leave it in the kings badroom. : I cannot go! : You are weak! Give Me the dagger. I will spread blood on the servants. (Lady Macbeth enter to Kings room) : Whos that? Now every sound scared me. My hands will turn red all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood? This blood will change a green into red at once. (Lady Macbeth exit from Kings room) : Now, look! My hands are of your colour. But my heart is not as white with fear as yours. Put on your night clothes. We want people to think that we are asleep.

Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth

Lady Macbeth

NARRATOR : There is a loud knock on the great gate of the castle. Macduff and Lennox, two Scottish lords had arrived. Macbeth came out to greet them. (Enter Macbeth, Macduff, and Lennox) Lennox : Good morning, noble sir Macbeth : Good morning, both, Macduff : Is the king awake, worthy thane? Macbeth : Ill bring you to him. Macduff : He commanded me to wake him up early. Macbeth : This is the door. Lennox : Is the king leaving here today? Macbeth : He did appoint so. Macduff : Ill wake him, because thats my job. (Macduff exits) Lennox : The night has been unruly: where we lay, some say the earth was feverous and did shake Macbeth : That was a rough fight Lennox : Im too young to remember anything like it. (Macduff re-enter) Macduff : Oh, horror, horror, horror! This is beyond words and beyond belief! Macbeth&Lennox : Whats the matter? Macduff : The worst thing imaginable has happened. A murderer has broken into Gods temple and stolen the life out of it. Macbeth : What did you say? The life? 3

Lennox Macduff Macduff Lady Macbeth Macduff

Lady Macbeth Banquo

Macbeth Donalbain Macduff Malcolm Lennox Lady Macbeth Malcolm Donalbain Banquo Macbeth All Malcolm Donalbain NARRATOR

: Do you mean the king? : Go into the bedroom and see for yourself! (Macbeth and Lennox enter to Kings room) : Wake up, wake up! Ring the alarm bell. Banquo and Donalbain, Malcolm! Wake up! (Lady Macbeth,enters) : What is going on? Speak! Speak! : Oh gentle lady, my news isnt fit for your ears. Oh Banquo, Banquo, the king has been murdered! (Banquo enter) : Woe, alas! What! In our house? : It would be a terrible event no matter where it happened. Dear Macduff, I beg you, tell us you were lying and say it isnt so. (Machbeth and Lennox re-enter with Ross) : All is but toys: renown and grace is dead. (Malcolm and Donalbain enter) : Whats wrong? : Your royal father is murdered. : O! by whom? : (show the dagger) It seems that the guards. Their hands, faces, and dagger were all covered with blood. : O! Help me, ho! : (speaking so that only Donalbain can hear) Why do we hold our tongues, that most claim this argument for ours? : (speaking so that only Malcolm can hear) What are we going to say here, where danger may be waiting to strike at us from anywhere? Lets get out of here. : Take care of the lady. (Lady Macbeth is carried out) Lets meet and discuss this bloody crime to see if we can figure anything out. : Lets put briefly manly readiness and meet at the hall together. : Agreed. (Everyone exits except Malcolm and Donalbain) : What will you do? Ill go to England : Ill go to Ireland. Well both be safer if we go separate ways. (They exit) : After that night, strange and frightening things happen in Scotland. There is black fear in everyones heart.

Banquo : Now you have it all: youre the king, the thane of Cawdor, and the thane of Glamis. If the witches tell the truth, maybe what they said about me will come true too. But shhh! Ill shut up now. : Heres our chief guest. : If he had been forgotten, it had been as a gap in our great feast and all things unbecoming. : Tonight we hold great party, and Ill request tour present. : Whatever your highness commands me to do, it is always my duty to do it. : Do you come this afternoon? : Yes, my good lord : We still need your good advice in this days council but, we will take tomorrow. Is it far? : Im going far enough. Unless my horse goes faster than expected, I will be back an hour or two after sunset. : Dont miss the party! : My lord, I wont miss it. (Exit Banquo and come two murderer) : It was yesterday, your highness. : I did! And on this 2nd meeting, can you stand against your anger to him? : You explained it all. : Did you realize what I was talking about in the past? Banquo? : We are men, my lord. : Aye! I know that but in particular addition if you have any wishes just let me know. I will let you execute him till die which his death is perfect

Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth Banquo Macbeth Banquo Macbeth Banquo Macbeth Banquo 1stMurderer Macbeth 1st Murderer Macbeth 1st Murderer Macbeth

2ndMurderer 1stMurderer Macbeth 2ndMurderer Macbeth 2ndMurderer 1stMurderer Macbeth 2ndMurderer Macbeth Narrator

: My lord, Ive been so kicked around by the world, and Im so angry, that I dont even care what I do. : Im the same. Im so sick of bad luck and trouble that Id risk my life on any bet, as long as it would either fix my life or end it once and for all. : Both of you know that he is your enemy? : Well do what you want us to, my lord. : He must be fallen in front of me but I want to keep my hands clean. Now, I order you to kill him. : Its true, my lord. : Though our lives : I will let you know where he goes. I want you to kill him tonight without being known that I command you. His son Fliance is with him but he is nothing. Now prepare yourself. : We have decided, my lord. Were in. : I will call you again this afternoon. Now leave! : The two murderers had only carry out half of Macbeths plan. They have killed Banquo, but Fleance escapes.

(The stage is set for a banquet. Macbeth enters with Lady Macbeth, Ross, Lennox, Lord and their attendants.) (Enter 1stMurderer) Macbeth : Lets have a drink! (to the Murderer) There is a blood on your face! 1stMurderer : Then it must be Banquos. Macbeth : Looks better! Is he died? 1stMurderer : My lord, his throat is cut. I did that to him. Macbeth : You are the best cut-throat! What about Fleance his son? st 1 Murderer : Most royal sir, Fleance has escaped. Macbeth : I am still cabined, cribbed, confined, bound into saucy doubt and fear. But is he really dead? st 1 Murderer : Yes, my good lord. Hes lying dead in a ditch, with twenty deep gashes in his head, anyone of which would have been enough to kill him. Macbeth : Thanks for that! That little own will be nothing to me! Now dismissed! We will meet again tomorrow. (Exit the Murderer) Lennox : Why dont you have a seat, your highness? (The ghost of Banquo enters and sits in Macbeths place) Macbeth : The table is full. Lennox : This is an empty seat, sir. Macbeth : Where? Lennox : (pointing to where the ghosts its) Here, My good lord. Whats wrong, your highness? Macbeth : (to the ghost) You cant say I did it. Ross : Gentlemen, our highness is not well. Lady Macbeth : My lord is often like this, it is nothing, he will soon be well. Macbeth : (to the ghost) Yes! And a bold one that dare look at me with a strange look like that. (Ghost disappear) Lady Macbeth : You are looking at an empty chair! Macbeth : Oh My! Did you see? Look! Look! How dare you? If you cant then speak! Lady Macbeth : Calm down dear! (The ghost of Banquo reappears in Macbeths seat) Macbeth : Get out of my sight! Let earth hide you! Your bones are marrow less, your blood is cold, which glare to me. Lady Macbeth : Oh dear! Calm down please! Macbeth : Now I think you can behold such a bad sight I saw before! Ross : What things, my lord? Lady Macbeth : My husband is getting worse Lennox : Good night. I hope the king recovers soon! Lady Macbeth : Yes, thank you. Good night to all (Everyone leaves except Macbeth and Lady Macbeth) Macbeth : He said that blood must be paid by blood. Lady Macbeth : Almost at odds with morning, which is which. Macbeth : What are you saying? Macduff denies his persons at our great bidding? 5

Lady Macbeth Macbeth Lady Macbeth Macbeth

: Did you send to him? : I will send it tomorrow for my own good. All causes should fade away. : You need sleep : Come, we will sleep.

NARRATOR 1st Witch All 2ndWitch 3rd Witch Macbeth All Macbeth 1stWitch 2ndWitch 3rdWitch Macbeth 1stWitch 2nd Witch 3rd Witch Macbeth All Macbeth 1stWitch 2ndWitch 3rd Witch All NARRATOR : In the same wild place, the three witches are singing strange songs and putting Mysterious things into a pot. They are making black Magic. : Dance around the cauldron and throw in the poisoned entrails. : Double, double toil and trouble, Fire burn and cauldron bubble. : We will cool the mixture with baboon blood. : I can tell that something wicked is coming! (Macbeth enters) : How now you secret black and midnight hags! What are you doing? : Something there isnt a word for. : Answer me! Answer my question! : Speak. : Demand. : Well answer. : Tell Me about your unknown power. : Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff. Beware the thane of Fife. Let me go. Enough! : Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Be violent, bold, and firm. Laugh at the power of other men, because nobody born from a woman will ever harm Macbeth. : Be brave like the lion and proud. Macbeth will never be defeated until Birnam Wood marches to fight you at Dunsinane Hill. : That will never be! Imposible! But shall Banquo issue ever reign in this kingdom? : Dont try to find out more. : I will be satisfied. Denying e only bring you to eternal curse that fall on you but if you dont show me something! What noise is this? : Show. : Show. : Show. : Show him and make him grieve. Come like shadows and depart in the sea way! (Music plays. The Witches dance and then exit) : A show of eight kings, the last with a glass in his hand, followed by Banquo eight kings March across the stage, the last one with a mirror in his hand, followed by the ghost of Banquo. : What was a horrible sight! Now I see. Where are they? I know what to do. I will kill his wife, all his children, and burn down his castle.


Lady Macduff Ross Lady Macduff Ross Lady Macduff Ross : What did he do that made him flee this land? : You have to be patient, Madam : He had no patience. He was crazy to run away. Even if youre not a traitor, youre going to look like one if you run away. : You dont know whether it was wisdom or fear that made him flee : How could it be wisdom! To leave his wife, his children, his house, and his titles in a place so unsafe that he himself flees it! He doesnt love us. : My young cousin, I put my blessing upon you. I have to go. If I stay longer, Ill embarrass you and disgrace myself by crying. Im leaving now. (Ross exits) : What will you do without a father? : If he were dead, youd be weeping for him. : Silly babbler, how you talk! (Murderers enters) : Where is Macduff, he is a traitor! : Youre lying, you shaggy-haired villain! : What was that? You are young son of the traitor! (Stab him) : He has killed me, Mother. Run away, I beg you! (The son dies. Lady Macduff exits, but the murderers follow and kill her) 6

Lady Macduff Son Lady Macduff 1st Murderer Son 2nd Murderer Son

ACT 10
NARRATOR Malcolm Macduff Malcolm Macduff : In England, Macduff is talking to King Duncans son, Malcolm. : Lets seek out some shady place where we can sit down alone and cry our hearts out. : Instead of crying, lets keep hold of our swords and defend our fallen homeland like honorable men. Oh Scotland, Scotland! : If someone like me is fit to be king, let me know. I really am exactly as I have described myself to you. : (to Malcolm) Fit to be king? Youre not fit to live! Oh Miserable nation, ruled by a usurping, murderous tyrant, when will you see peaceful days again? Your royal father Duncan was a virtuous king. (Ross enters) : Hello, sir. : Is Scotland the same as when I left it? : Alas, our poor country! Its too frightened to look at itself. Scotland is no longer the land where we were born; its the land where well die. : Dont be stingy with your words. Whats the news? : I heard rumors that many good men are arming themselves to rebel against Macbeth. And while I was coming here to tell you my sad news, I hope you wont hate me forever after I say these things. : I think I can guess what youre about to say. : Your castle was attacked. Your wife and children were savagely slaughtered. If I told you how they were killed, it would causes you so much pain that it would kill you too. : They killed my children too? : They killed your wife, your children, your servants, anyone they could find. : And I had to be away! My wife was killed too? : I said she was. : (crying) He doesnt have children! Poor all my pretty children. Oh, that bird from hell! : Take comfort. Lets cure this awful grief by taking revenge on Macbeth. Fight it like a man.

Ross Macduff Ross Macduff Ross

Macduff Ross

Macduff Ross Macduff Ross Macduff Malcolm

ACT 11
NARRATOR Doctor Servant : Lady Macbeth is ill. Her servant speaks to the doctor : Ive stayed up with you for two nights now, and I havent seen any evidence of what you were talking about. When was the last time you saw her sleepwalking? : Since Macbeth went to war, I have seen her rise from her bed, put on her nightgown, unlock her closet, take out some paper, fold it, write on it, read it, seal it up, and then return to bed, remaining asleep the entire time. : Its unnatural to be asleep and act as if youre awake. When she is like this, have you heard her say anything? : She says something, sir, but I will not repeat it to you. Look, here she comes! Watch her. (Lady Macbeth enters, holding a candle) : How did she get that candle? : She always has to have a light next to her. Those are her orders. : Whats she doing now? Look how she rubs her hands. : Yet, heres a spot : Listen! Shes talking. Ill write down what she says, so Ill remember it better. : There is still blood here on my hands. Here is more blood. I did not know that an old man had so much blood in him. Will these hands never be clean? Wash you hands, put on your night clothes. Banquo is dead. He cannot come out of his tomb. Someone is knocking at the gate! Go to bed! (Lady Macbeth Exit) : Well, well, well. This disease is beyond my medical skills. But I have known people who sleepwalked and werent guilty of anything. Will she go to bed now? : Yes, right away. : God forgive us all! Look after her. Remove anything she might hurt herself with. Watch her constantly. Good night. : Good night, good doctor.

Doctor Servant

Doctor Servant Doctor Lady Macbeth Doctor Lady Macbeth

Doctor Servant Doctor Servant

ACT 12
NARRATOR Macbeth : Back in the castle after the war, Macbeth hears the sound of women crying. He calls a servant. : I have almost forgotten what fear feels like. There was a time when I would have been terrified by a shriek in the night, and the hair on my skin would have stood up when I heard a ghost story. : The queen is dead, my lord : She would have died later anyway. Life is a story told by an idiot, full of noise and emotional disturbance but devoid of meaning. I cant think about it now. (Messenger enter) : My gracious lord, I should tell you what I saw, but I dont know how to say it. : Well, say, sir. : As I was standing watch on the hill, I looked toward Birnam, and I thought I saw the forest begin to move. : Liar and slave! If youre lying, Ill hang you alive from the nearest tree until you die of hunger. (to himself) My confidence is failing. Im starting to doubt the lies the devil told me, which sounded like truth. : But it is true. The soldiers are carrying branches in front of them as they walked. Nobody knew how many men are moving towards Dunsinane.

Servant Macbeth

Messenger Macbeth Messenger Macbeth


ACT 13
NARRATOR : Macbeth still felt that he is safe. Every man was born from woman! He hear wild shouts and the noise of sword striking sword. He hear the cries of dying men and the shouts of his enemies. Suddenly Macduff stand in front him. (Enter Macduff) : Why should I play the roman fool and die on my own sword? : Turn around, you dog from hell, turn around! : You are the only man I have avoided. But go away now. Im already guilty of killing your whole family. : I have nothing to say to you. My sword will talk for me. You are too evil for words! (They fight) : Youre wasting your time trying to wound me. You might as well try to stab the air with your sword. Go fight someone who can be harmed. I lead a charmed life, which cant be ended by anyone born from a woman. : You can forget about your charm. The evil spirit you serve can tell you that I was not born. They cut me out of my mothers womb before she could bear me naturally. : Accused be that tongue that tells me so! I will never ever fight you! : Macdufs anger majes him strong and he kills Macbeth. Then he cut off Macbeths head and shows it to the English army, the Scottish lords and their soldiers. (Macduff enters, carrying Macbeths head.) : Hail, king! Because thats what you are now. Look, here I have Macbeths cursed head. We are free from his tyranny. I want them to join me in this loud cheer, Hail, King of Scotland! : Hail, King of Scotland! : It wont be long before I reward each of you as he deserves. I think you all from my heart for helping me. So I thank you all, and I invite each and every one of you to come watch me be crowned king of Scotland at Scone. : The tired men go home. Soon, they all come together again at Scone, to see the crown of Scotland put on the head of their new young king.

Macbeth Macduff Macbeth Macduff Macbeth

Macduff Macbeth NARRATOR


All Malcolm


-The End-

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