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Crime for Tourism English as an International Language


Inquiry Topics
Crime for Tourism
Most Dangerous Place on Earth
Mogadishu, Somalia

English as an International Language

The control over common domains
The expansion of English English use nowadays The relation between English as a global language and crime for tourism

Most Dangerous City in the US

Flint, Michigan

Common Crimes Tourist Experience

Pick pocking Thievery

Dangerous places that need to be avoided Waianae Chinatown

Group Project
To combine these topics we brainstormed many connections they could make Once we had these ideas, we narrowed down our choices choosing to research if the fact that tourist speaking English in a foreign land, makes them more likely targets for criminals.

Crime for Tourism

Speaking English does in fact increase ones vulnerability to experience these crimes. Not only English has this problem.

No matter what language you speak, if you are in a place where no one speaks your native tongue you are automatically at a greater risk.

English as an International Language

English Globalization English history and origins

Linguistic Imperialism
English and life sectors

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