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Dear Malcolm, Looking back, it is intriguing to see how I have developed as a writer through all of the different assignments

in English 1102. Each activity proved to be an essential tool in my writing process, especially the informal assignments. Free writing for five minutes each morning at the start of class always seemed to wake me up and prepare me for class. Ive realized that as a writer, informally expressing myself is medicating and I appreciate every chance I get to render my creative juices. The blog that I kept up with over the semester was one of the most enjoyable activities Ive ever done in a classroom. Each blog assignment was absorbing and usually coincided with my EIP, which was helpful to my research. As far as the revising process goes, peer editing saved my life. Im not usually an extrovert, but working in a group this semester forced me to step outside of my comfort zone, which ultimately resulted in sharpened work and new acquaintances. Two classmates reviewed my rough draft as well as a friend of mine outside of class, so I received an abundance of important feedback. Sometimes after writing and reading page after page its hard to catch my own mistakes; however, two heads are always better than one, especially in the writing field. The inquiry process, on the other hand, was not one of my favorite activities this semester. Not that it was necessarily a difficult assignment, but I had trouble deciding on one specific topic that would be enjoyable to read and write about. As you saw in my questioner daybook entry, I had initially planned on inquiring about the medical field. I was one of the last people to choose a topic after changing my mind multiple times. I brainstormed for weeks until finally I narrowed down a

few potential inquiry questions and asked a classmate for their opinion. It wasnt until I had to write the Topic Proposal that I decided to research on social media and communication, which I later regretted due to the lack on information on the specific subject. The Topic Proposal was a quick task while I simply followed the outline. I wouldnt say I enjoyed writing the proposal, nor did I hate it. Honestly, I found most of it pointless. I understood the purpose, but some of the requirements were a waste of time. It did, however, give me a few ideas on where to start my EIP. On the contrary, coming from someone who loathes all research projects, for some strange reason I really enjoyed the Research Presentation. I was mostly just grateful that I wasnt required to stand in front of the class and present it, but creating the presentation wasnt dreadful. As you read through my presentation, you found that each page of research came from a different perspective, from fun facts to the dos and donts of using social networks. I may not have used all of the collected information from the presentation, but it did aim me in a new direction for my EIP. And then came the dreaded Extended Inquiry Project. Last semester, I did almost the exact same project with a different topic and it was repulsive, mostly because I chose a topic that I was completely uninterested in. I will admit that my EIP in 1102 was not nearly as difficult as 1101, but just the fact that I was unmotivated to do the project kept me lagging. For me, the EIP was the most difficult assignment. First of all, most of the research I conducted did not always relate with my specific inquiry questions. After I was able to throw the fast draft and the second draft together, I wanted to be done with the whole thing, but I had to

continue revising my paper. I did well on each draft, but the comments I got back from you always encouraged me to prepare more research, which I could barely stand. I kept getting confused by all of the questions that you suggested I explore further and I didnt know which direction I was supposed to be going in. Although, by the time I revised my final draft, as seen in my track changes, I felt I finally had my head together and had collected an efficient amount of sources and relative information and I am more than proud of my final product. Opposed to my least favorite project this semester, I felt that my most important piece of work was the portfolio. Portfolios will be used throughout my life in future education and career plans, and it is essential to learn how to create one now while Im still young. A portfolio is an admirable way to illustrate and be proud of months of hard work. As a writer, it is a satisfactory feeling to look back at all of my late night library sessions and know it was worth it. Although it was a tiresome process, I finished strong, which you can clearly see through my website. My original weaknesses in writing still remain, such as procrastination, repetition, and poor research skills, but the way I inquire about subjects has definitely improved. Ive been able to expand my mind and discovery processes as well as my creativity with the questions I proposed for myself as well as the different perspectives my peers and professor have proposed for me. The main challenge I encountered was thinking and questioning myself in order to move forward with my EIP, but after writing my final revision I can see an improvement in myself. Conducting the research was also troublesome, but that has always been my

downfall. Even so, I saw a difference in the way I collected information after writing the final draft. As I move forward from English 1102 and into further English classes for my major, I have the opportunity to take with me a new way of thinking, inquiring and acquiring information. Aside from the EIP, I was also able to rekindle my love for creative writing in this class. I have since started to keep a journal to keep track of my daily trials and tribulations while also keeping myself somewhat sane. Even through the difficult times, this was one of the best English classes Ive ever been in. I can truly see and feel the growth in my thoughts, ideas and writing.

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