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CUBS Community

Volume 2, Issue 10 May/June 2014

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SAT 10 testing for Grade 2 continues thru May 2 PAS D testing for K and 1 continues thru May 2 Kg. derby @ 2:00 p.m. Wear your derby hats! Post PAS D and SAT 10 celebration @ 9:00 a.m. (K-2 only)

SBDM news: Wellness Policy review; CSIP progress notes; instructional monies budget for 14-15 We will have Crab Orchard Days May 12- 16 more info. To come Last day of school June 6

Wulfe Bros. @ 1:30 p.m. Cubs Spirit day wear school colors/shirts

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4th grade field trip 4H

Crab Orchard PTO is on Facebook contact Tasha Price if you would like to be a member FRC is sponsoring parenting classes contact Gail Owens for information

KONA Ice day!

3rd grade field trip to Salt Petre Cave Parent and teacher SBDM nominations due today
KPREP Rally @ 2:00 p.m. for 3, 4 and 5 grades


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NO SCHOOL staff work day FRC Advisory Council meeting @ 6:00 p.m.

KPREP for 3 , 4 and 5 grades KPREP for 3 , 4 and 5 grades

KPREP for 3 , 4 and 5 grades Kg. field trip to Louisville Zoo Staff variety show at 1:00 pm. In gym NO SCHOOL Memorial Day
rd th th

rd rd

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Read Mrs. Tomlisons blog each week at

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June 2

KPREP for 3 , 4 and 5 grades rd th th KPREP for 3 , 4 and 5 grades Good Faith Effort activities @ 12:00 noon Excite Night! 6:00 8:00 p.m. (FREE) Parent SBDM elections @ 6:00 8:00 p.m College Colors day wear your college colors Student variety show in cafeteria K-2 @ 1:00 grades 3-5 @ 2:00 pm. Field Day
Awards day & Graduation KG grad. @ 9:00 a.m. cafeteria Grades 1, 2 and 3 awards @ 10:00 a.m. gym Grade 4 awards and 5th grade grad. @ 1:00 p.m. gym




14-15 school calendar on the web First day of school August 7, 2014


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Attendance parties will be given to the class that has the highest percentage of students here each month. Be here each and every day! March winners Prewitt & Pope

Last day of school Wm. Whitley day

Our campus is NON SMOKING please do not smoke on our grounds.

An excused absence or tardiness can be granted if one of the following is evident: 1. Personal illness as certified by a parent/guardians note for six days per year; and six (6) parent/guardian notes to excuse morning or afternoon tardies per year; NEW 2. Clinical appointments if verified by statement from a health professional; After a total of ten (10) medical excuses each year, any absences due to medical reasons in excess of ten (10) will require completion of the Districts Medical Excuse Form; NEW 3. Verification of illness by school health nurse in cases of extended absences (three consecutive days or more); 4. Death or severe illness in the students immediate family (three days are allowed for the death of ones parent, grandparent, or sibling; one day is allowed for the death of ones aunt, uncle, or cousin); 5. Court summonses; 6. One day for attendance at the Kentucky State Fair (Proof of attendance); 7. Religious holidays and practices; 8. Failure of bus transportation (missing the bus is no excuse); and 9. Participation in school activities approved by the Principal; 10. Exclusion for head lice if sent home by school personnel, including the day sent home and one day following.
All other absences & tardiness will be considered unexcused. When extended absences are anticipated, students and parents should notify and make arrangements with the principal or attendance clerk. Crab Orchard Elementary begins the school day at 8:10 a.m. and dismisses at 3:20 p.m. Students that come to school later than 8:10 a.m. and leave before 3:20 p.m. will be counted tardy. All students are required to attend regularly and punctually.

Test Stress: Tips for Success

For many of us, the real stress begins when a test actually starts. Here are some important ways to manage that stress and do your best on an exam:








Show up on time. Get the test off to the best possible start by getting there on time. Arriving late might make you feel rushed and nervous, and arriving too early could give you time to sit there and worry about things. Stay focused and relaxed. Focused AND relaxed? Doesn't that sound impossible? Well, what we mean is this: keep your mind on the test, but don't tighten up. Try to stay loose and cool so you can move through the questions one by one. Sit comfortably. Don't hunch over the test or stiffen up. Sit in a relaxed way and keep your posture loose so you don't add aches and pains to your list of possible worries. Read the directions. Take a minute to read the test instructions, if there are any, before you get started. This will keep you from making simple mistakes and guarantee that you won't have to waste time going back and redoing any work because you didn't understand the directions. Pace yourself. Your test will probably be timed. Don't focus on the clock as time ticks away, but glance up every once in awhile to make sure you're not falling behind pace. Don't rush. Try to keep a good pace-but never rush through a question. Make sure you understand what is being asked, then make sure you think clearly about your answer. Focus on the stuff you know. What happens if you come across a question that absolutely stumps you or seems impossible to answer? Well, since most tests are timed, you should probably skip a question like this and move on to the next one Use all your time. If you happen to finish the test before time is up, don't sit there staring into space. Go back over the questions, especially the ones that seemed hard, and check your work.

And finally-one more important thing. Once the test is over, try not to think about it for a while. Instead of worrying and fretting about what grade you might get, reward yourself for making it through the test. Go hang with your friends, or spend an afternoon doing something that makes you happy. You can't do anything to change your grade now, and more tests will come along soon-so just enjoy the fact that you're finished with one!

Our campus is NON SMOKING please do not smoke on our grounds.

Newsletter 3

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