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1. 5.16 I believe colleges havent gone far enough in helping kids with learning disabilities strive for greatness. They act as if they are the same as straight A students. I feel as if to a certain degree that kids should not be held to the same standard. Some kids are born with the disability and cant help the fact that they are different from another kid. Its not fair to hold them to the same standard as those kids born into a normal situation. With this Daybook I go over my beliefs on the way public school systems treat disabled kids and how differently they should fix it. Offering ways to help. I feel as if I wrote this isn sort of hurry but also got the point across 2. 7.2 College athletes. Should the athletes be paid. Should they be treated different in classes? Does being involved in a collegiate sport help or hurt your education? Plenty of kids want to play sports in college but is it the right move? What does it cost the school to keep the program alive? These are different lines of Inquiries I wrote down to help me figure out which one I truly wanted to do. As I wrote these down the subjects were pretty scattered and all over the place. I think the topics I wrote down were quality topics that I would enjoy writing about. 3. 7.5 Topic: College Athletics

History/ Background National Our school Positive aspects Goals for kids School spirit/recruitment Negative aspects Unfair advantages Costs- students/players Future I created a chart to map out college athletics in general. This helped me get a better view on what college sports truly were. I learned the history and different advantages and disadvantages of being an athlete. This chart really helped me organize my thoughts and ideas 4. 7.6 5 voices Athletes Faculty Students Tax payers NCAA Here I created 5 voices that I thought would be the most important when it came to paying college athletes. This helped me narrow down the topics and arguments and focus on main points. 5. 7.11 Against Athletes Being Paid Already receive scholarship money Should not be paid Unfair to other students at the college/university

Refutations Scholarships only cover the basics. Not extras Athletes earn the school tons of money, increase enrollment, and provide recruitments. This entry is for people against the paying of the athletes. After this I then gave quality refutations on each of there arguments 6. 7.15 Green Campus Too plain Its not easy being green Catchy and not to short The lean, clean, green machine Very catchy and relatable What students can do to make their campuses more environmentally responsible? Too wordy and boring Why campuses should go green Bland Planting the seeds of the green campus movement. Gets to the point This daybook assignment was to look at as many different titles and elaborate on each. Some being too bland and some being boring. The assignment was to look for the catchy tiles that people will remember 7. Introduction to round table essay When it comes to the college athletes, why no payday? As of right now the NCAA does not pay any college players in any sport. This is a huge controversy arising in the sports world, with many different people for and against it.

This was an introduction to my round table essay. With this I tried to catch the readers attention with the first paragraph. I tried this by added very important questions about some popular sport controversies. 8. 5.14 Our schools should not allow disabled kids to attend. They are too much tie and money. They wont learn anything and will be a distraction to the kids who really want to learn. This is a reverse argument of the disabilities in school. I was assigned to write a paragraph about not wanting disabled kids in schools 9. 7.5 Topic: College Paying Athletics History of college sports Nationally My campus Positives on college athletes being paid No time for jobs Extra spending cash Negatives Already have scholarships Unfair to students My second daybook chart was similar to the first one. The main topic was college-paying athletes. I feel as if I covered good points for the history and then again for positive and negatives 10. Line of Inquiry School spirit Makes money Recruitment/enrollment Kid athletes on the right track

Questions Would it bring people to more campus events? What kind of money would it bring in? How drastically does the enrollment go up due to recruitment? How does athletics help kids stay on track?

With this daybook I go over quality Lines of Inquiry. After creating about 4 I then created questions that people would have about each one.

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