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Internet Resources Guide

For Computer Science Majors and Related Fields

by Sandra Gwak February 10th, 2014

Table of Contents
Front Matter Contents and Purpose of the Guide Intended Audience Tips Freshman Introduction Programming Resources CPlusPlus Java Practices Upperclassmen Introduction Challenges in Computer Science Databases Microsoft Research DBLP Professional Communities IEEE Computer Society Association for Computing Machinery Government Publications Programming Parallel Architectures: The Blaze of Family Language Statistical Abstract of the United States

Front Matter
Contents and Purpose of the Guide
The Internet Resources Guide for Computer Science Majors and Related Fields contains a list of resources that is heavily related to computer programming. It includes a wide variety of websites and indexes; some tutorial-oriented resources, professional computer societies, and complex journals. Although this guide contains a few resources that teach basic programming skills, a majority of this guide contains materials that are appropriate for more advanced programmers that want to either find a job, learn about complicated, unsolved problems of the computing world, or find--through the databases mentioned in the guide--journals that could help them in their research. This guide also includes a journal that gives computer science majors (both underclassmen and upperclassmen) an idea of what the challenges they will face in the professional world.

Intended Audience
This guide is intended for computer science majors--and those in a computer-oriented major-will find most useful, although upperclassmen (juniors and seniors) will find the most use out of my guide. However, the usefulness of certain resources will vary depending on heavily skill level, rather than year--as most dedicated students will attempt to learn to program on their own.

Things to Know Beforehand

This guide assumes that you know at least one language (either C++ or Java), and that you have at least basic experience in writing and running programs. However, many of you will likely have much more advanced knowledge--for which the latter half of the guide will be more relevant. This guide also assumes that you have a heavy interest in computer science, and that you have working knowledge of the internet and computers--otherwise you should seriously consider changing your major.

This guide is also organized chronologically; the resources in the front of the guide will most relevant in the present, while the latter ones will be more useful in the future. This is why the guide is broken up into two major sections. The resources that are specifically for geared towards freshman is located near the beginning of the guide while the resources in the latter section is more for upperclassman.

Know what you are looking for? Use the table of contents. Unsure how to use some of the resources provided? Read the tips in each abstract. Want to find other resources, but unsure where to look? Many of the websites in this guide have links to other useful sources.

Unless you have taken a programming class in high school, you probably have very little experience in writing programs. This section of the guide will provide resources that you will find useful in your first year of college. It provides links to websites that you likely need while learning your first language--as they contain tutorials and discussions boards that you could use to find additional from more experienced programmers.

Programming Resources
This part of the guide will show you some websites that you will probably need when learning your first language. The resources in this section are among the most comprehensive and wellorganized websites that you can use. These are an indispensable sources for any freshman starting out in computer science.

Programming Resources

Location & Availability Freely available online

This is a website that completely dedicated towards C++. It has a complete history about C++, including its origins (C). It has a detailed tutorial section, with descriptions about each component of C++ and multiple examples on how to use them. CPlusPlus is intended for people who are new C++ or programming in general--which makes it perfect for freshman who are just learning the basics of computer science. It also provides plenty of general sample codes to help you understand exactly what each segment of code does. CPlusPlus also has an active forum that can be used to solve homework problems or ask other relevant questions, and allows you to get quick feedback from other, more knowledgeable, users.

Want more information than what CplusPlus supplies you with? Look in the reference section of the website--it provides links to plenty of other websites that you can use. Not sure why your code isnt working? Ask in the forums--someone is bound to know why. Looking for a specific piece of information, but unsure of where it might be? Use the C++ Search function. It should give you exactly the information youre looking for. Sign up for an account to access some of the features

Programming Resources

Java Practices
Location & Availability Freely available online

This teaches you how to use Java, another popular language to program in. This is a very detailed and meticulously planned site. Despite the lack of aesthetic appeal, the website makes up for it in its eloquent descriptions. The way the particular concepts and practices involved in Java described are very detailed. Although it does not teach you the basics of Java, this website also includes solutions to many of the problems that someone might come across while learning Java. Java Practices also emphasizes the practice of good coding habits and avoiding bad habits to avoid while learning to program in Java for the first time.

Want more resources related to Java? Look in the references section. Youll find all of the necessary materials there. Want a tutorial to learn Java? Look in the links section--itll have what youre looking for. Do you want additional information to a specific section in Java Practices? Visit their wiki page, which is linked above. Youll find everything you need there. Practice good Java habits--dont fall into common beginner mistakes. Use this website to the fullest!

More than likely, you are someone who has a lot more experience in programming. This section of the Internet Resources Guide for Computer Science Majors and Related Fields is specifically for upperclassmen and more experienced programmers who have already mastered their first language (or may already have a couple under their belt). This section has resources that are oriented towards research and more professional journals and publications. This guide also includes websites to professional communities dedicated towards computer science and related computational endeavors.

These databases contain a substantial amount of professional journals and articles written by different authors--an excellent resource for students who are doing research or writing papers.

Professional Communities
These are for professionals and students who want to keep up with current information around the world--while allowing other professionals to collaborate easily. These are run by some of the top professionals in the computing world--with thousands of members contributing to this website. This is a vital resource in the ever-changing and competitive world of computer science (and similar careers).

Government Publications
These provide information that might necessarily be found anywhere else, including the annual earnings of someone in a computer-relate field. These are resources that have high credibility and reliability because of their nature and relationship to the government.

What to Expect

Challenges in Computer Science

Location & Availability
Hosted by International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology Freely available online

Computer Science is a very complex field and comes with its own unique set of challenges. This journal details the biggest challenges in this fast-paced fields. Each section of the article describes a particular problem (such as improving object-oriented programming languages, or how to improve basic computing theory) and some of the challenges associated with attempting to solve it. It is useful for ambitious students who want to know what problems they may encounter and figure out how to solve (or find some kind of workaround for) in the field of computer science.

Want more information about a particular problem mentioned in the journal? Look at the references cited in the journal. If you would like to read more on how computer scientists and engineers are working to solve the problem, then visit the website this article is hosted on:



Location & Availability Freely available online

DBLP is an index full of all kinds of computer science related books, journals, conferences and series. This database is hosted by a German university--so it also has many foreign documentations and publications. This site is full of resources that the university has believed to be useful, as well as available online. Anyone that would want to use up-to-date scholarly resources (whether its for research, a paper, or just for personal usage) could easily access the reference materials featured on this site. Since DBLP itself is foreign, it also has many of the latests journals all over the world--ensuring that it provides only the most current information. Despite the large number of foreign resources, everything featured in this index is in English.

There are four major ways you can use the search function. This way you can be sure to find exactly what you want! Questions about how to use specific features of DBLP? Look at the FAQs!



Microsoft Research
Location & Availability Freely available online

Microsoft Academic Research is an excellent website full of a large variety of fields of study. Not only does it have thousands of resources on scholarly topics, it also has a very comprehensive search engine. Unlike Bing--Microsofts major search engine--Microsoft Academic Research only displays scholarly journals and publications found on the internet. This allows for a user to have access to millions of articles through just one database. You could use this website to find an enormous collection of computer-related sources, without having to limit yourself to just computer science. This is perfect for finding a large variety of information, without having to filter through irrelevant results.

Getting back too many results? Try narrowing down the search using more keywords. Are the search results confusing you? The help section will explain how to navigate and understand what the search results actually mean. Have questions on how to use this site? Check out the help link at the bottom of the page--it will provide you with the appropriate answers.


Professional Communities

IEEE Computer Society

Location & Availability Requires Membership

IEEE Computer Society is a well-known computer-related community where professionals gather together to work together and share their large collection of research and scholarly journals, indexes, articles, and other publications. It is more towards professionals who are interested in the fundamental basics of a computer, rather than using it to perform complicated tasks. IEEE also has a large number of student affiliates as well--which is why it also provides online courses as well as an active job board for students to utilize as well, not just professionals. IEEE is for students (and professionals) who want to find a community that wants to actively collaborate on projects as well sharing vital information that would not be as readily available elsewhere.

Want to access to IEEEs substantial collection of resources? Become a member! It is $40 a year for students to join the IEEEs community, as well as full access all of its resources. Use the sitemap to see a list of all of the information and links available on IEEEs website


Professional Communities

Association for Computing Machinery

Location & Availability Requires Membership

ACM is another community of professionals that have collaborated with each other to provide a large database of computer science related publications and resources for use. It has a large number of student and professional members that are interested in computers. ACM provides its members with lots of opportunities for career growth, development, and professional networking from around the world. ACM doesnt just have a database for computer science publications; it also publishes its own original research exclusive to ACM members. Students would want to become a part of ACM because of its expansive networking skills, the opportunities that it offers for personal growth, and its esteemed reputation.

Become a member! Prices will vary depending on the level of access you want. Use the sitemap--located on the top right-hand corner. Unsure of the benefits you will receive as a member? Read the ACM Membership Fact Sheet.


Government Publications

Programming Parallel Architectures: The Blaze of Family Languages

Location & Availability Freely available online

Programming with multiprocessor architectures is critical part of computer science--however it has yet to be fully solved. This publication explores the problem on a deeper level and then proceeds to describe two possible solutions to this vital question: the KALI project and the Blaze Project. Each project have different ways of handling this problem. KALI, although not as elegant as its counterpart, is functional and gets the job done. Blaze is very smooth, but lacks some functionality that KALI can offer. A student would want to read this to discover what kind of problems the modern computing world is facing, and to find out about the different types of solutions that researchers are coming up with.

Want to find out more about KALI and Blaze? Be sure to access the references cited in this report.


Government Publications

Statistical Abstract of the United States

Location & Availability Freely available online

The Statistical Abstract of the United States contains a large amount of statistics of the socioeconomic and political state of many different professional fields in the United States. It is organized into spreadsheets, full of extensive data on different careers. You would want to use this to find stats about computer science that would not be available elsewhere, such as how high the demand is for computer scientists, the average annual salary, statistics about companies how hires, or the number of students enrolled in a university for computer science each year.

Be sure to use the search function to find specific data. If you are viewing a PDF, hit CTRL + F and type in keywords to find what you are looking for quickly. Check to see if you are reading data from the most current year--as every publication of the Statistical Abstract of the United States is available online.



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