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19 EVA RD. Apt. 909 TORONtO ON M9C 4W4


HUMBER COLLEGE ADVERtISING COpYwRItING POSt-GRAD PROGRAM 2013 - 2014 Slowly weaned off using puns only to be told that theyre okay in certain situations. UNIVERSItY OF TORONtO B.A. IN ENGLISH aND HISTORY 2012 Read and critiqued about the exploits of real and fictitious people.

COMpUtER TEchNIcIAN FReeLaNCe 2010 - 2013 When a reboot or a smack on the side didnt work, who would they call? Me. WRItING TUtOR FReeLaNCe 2011 - 2012 Helped people remember that its I before E except after C as well as grasp the concept of death in Shakespeares Macbeth. AccOUNtS PAYABLE & AccOUNtS REcEIVABLE BOOKKEEpER HOWaRD JOHNSON INN - TIMMINS TORONTO OffICe 2007-2009 Mastered the art of the numerical keypad.

- Traveled across Europe only to realize that what I was looking for was at home all the time. -Taught myself the piano. But still cant get a grasp on jazz. -Co-wrote and directed a full length movie. Just for kicks and giggles.

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