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designed by Mari Lynn Patrick

Small (Medium, Large, XL)

Bust 38 (41, 44, 49)"/96.5 (104, 112, 124.5) cm Length 22 (23, 24, 25)"/56 (58.5, 62.5, 63.5) cm MATERIALS 7 (8, 9, 11) - 1.75oz/50g (120yds/110m) balls Tahki Yarns MISTY 64% viscose, 30% linen, 6% acrylic in color #03 almond One pair size 7 (4.5mm) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE One pair size 6 (4mm) needles One size 6 (4mm) circular needle, 24"/60cm long One size I-9 (5.5mm) crochet hook Stitch holders Yarn needle

20 sts and 28 rows = 4"/10 cm in Stockinette stitch using larger needles TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE

With smaller needles, cast on 95 (107, 116, 125) sts. Beg with Row 1, work in K1, p2 rib for 4 rows. Change to larger needles and knit 2 rows. Purl 2 rows. Change to St st and work in St until piece measures 3" from beg, end with a WS row. Dec Row 1 (RS) K2, k2tog, knit to last 4 sts, SKP, k2 93 (105, 114, 123) sts rem. Rep Dec Row 1 every 16th row twice more 89 (101, 110, 119) sts rem. Work even until piece measures 11 (11, 12, 12)" from beg, end with a WS row. Shape Armhole Bind off 5 (6, 9, 13) sts at beg of next 2 rows, 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows 75 (85, 88, 89) sts rem. Dec Row 2 (RS) K1, SKP, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 73 (83, 86, 87) sts rem.

K2tog: Knit 2 together (dec) Knit 2 sts tog through the front loops. P2tog: Purl 2 together (dec) Purl 2 sts tog through the front loops. K1-f/b: Knit 1 front and back (inc) Knit next st, then knit it tbl. P1-f/b: Purl 1 front and back (inc) Purl next st, then purl it tbl. SKP: (1 st dec) Slip 1, knit 1, psso.

Stockinette stitch (St st) Knit on RS, purl on WS. K1, p2 Rib (multiple of 3 sts + 2) Row 1 (RS) P2, [k1, p2] across. Row 2 K2, [p1, k2] across. Repeat Rows 1-2 for K1, p2 rib.

2011 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.

Rep Dec Row 2 every other row twice more 69 (79, 82, 83) sts rem. Work even for 3 rows. Inc Row (RS) K1, k1-f/b, knit to last 3 sts, k1-f/b, k2 71 (81, 84, 85) sts. Rep Inc Row every 4th row 7 more times, then every other row 4 times 93 (103, 106, 107) sts. Work until Armholes measure 8 (9, 9, 10)", end with a WS row. Shape Shoulders Bind off 2 sts at beg of next 6 rows, 3 (4, 4, 4) sts at beg of next 8 rows, 5 sts at beg of next 4 rows, 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows 25 (27, 30, 31) sts rem. Slip 25 (27, 30, 31) sts to a stitch holder for Front Trim.

Rep Inc Row every 4th row 7 more times, then every other row 4 times 15 (18, 18, 18) sts. Work until Armhole measures 8 (9, 9, 10)", end with a WS row. Shape Shoulders Bind off 2 sts at beg of RS rows 3 times, bind off 3 (4, 4, 4) sts at beg of RS rows 3 times.

Work as for LEFT FRONT, reversing shaping.

Block pieces to measurements. Lining up side edges, sew Shoulder seams. BACK Shoulder will extend beyond FRONT Shoulders. Armhole Trim With RS facing and smaller needles, join yarn at underarm edge, pick up and knit 87 (99, 105, 111) sts around Armhole edge. Dec 1 st at each side every RS row, purl 2 rows, knit 2 rows 83 (95, 101, 107) sts rem. Beg with Row 1, dec 1 st each side every RS row twice more, work 4 rows in K1, p2 rib 79 (91, 97, 103) sts rem. Bind off. Sew side seams. Left Front Band With RS facing and smaller needles, pick up and knit 101 (106, 116, 119) sts evenly spaced along front edge of LEFT FRONT. Purl 2 rows, knit 2 rows. Row 5 (WS) [P2, yo, p2tog, p1] across to last st, p1. Inc Row 6 K1, k1-f/b, knit to end of row 102 (107, 117, 120) sts. Rows 7-11 Knit. Row 12 Rep Inc Row 6 103 (108, 118, 121) sts. Row 13 Knit. Eyelet Row 14 (RS) K6 (5, 6, 7), [k2tog, yo, k9 (10, 11, 11)] 8 times, k2tog, yo, k7 (5. 6, 8). Rows 15-17 Purl. Row 18 Rep Inc Row 6 104 (109, 119, 122) sts. Rows 19-21 Purl. Bind off purlwise. Sew along Shoulder seams, leaving rem BACK Shoulder unsewn for FRONT STRIPS.

With smaller needles, cast on 32 (35, 38, 44) sts. Beg with Row 1, work in K1, p2 rib for 4 rows. Change to larger needles and knit 2 rows. Purl 2 rows. Change to St st and work in St st until piece measures 3" from beg, end with a WS row. Dec Row 1 (RS) K2, k2tog, knit to end of row 31 (34, 37, 43) sts rem. Rep Dec Row 1 every 16th row twice more. AT SAME TIME, when piece measures 9" from beg, end with a WS row. Shape Neck Neck Dec Row (RS) Knit to last 3 sts, SKP, k1. Rep Neck Dec Row every 6th row 5 (4, 4, 6) more times, then every 4th row 10 times. Work until piece measures 11 (11, 12, 12)" from beg, end with a WS row. Shape Armhole Bind off 5 (6, 9, 13) sts at beg of next RS row once, then 2 sts at beg of next RS row once. Dec Row 2 (RS) K1, SKP, knit to end of row. Rep Dec Row 2 every other row twice more. Work even for 3 rows. Inc Row (RS) K1, k1-f/b, knit to end of row.

2011 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.

Right Front Band Work as for Left Frontband along front edge of RIGHT FRONT, reversing all shaping. LEFT FRONT STRIP With smaller needles, cast on 104 (109, 119, 122) sts. Rows 1-4 Purl. Inc Row 5 (RS) P1, p1-f/b, purl to end of row 105 (110, 120, 123) sts. Rows 6-7 Purl. Eyelet Row 8 (WS) P6 (4, 5, 6), [p2tog, yo, k9 (10, 11, 11)] 8 times, p2tog, yo, purl to end of row. Inc Row 9 K1, k1-f/b, knit to end of row 106 (111, 121, 124) sts. Rows 10-12 Knit. Row 13 Rep Inc Row 9 107 (112, 122, 125) sts. Rows 14-17 Rep Rows 10-13 108 (113, 123, 126) sts. Place sts on stitch holder. RIGHT FRONT STRIP Work as for LEFT FRONT STRIP, reversing shaping, slipping sts to circular needle. Front Trim With RS facing and circular needle, knit across 108 (113, 123, 126) sts from RIGHT FRONT STRIP, 25 (27, 30, 31) sts from BACK stitch holder, 108 (113, 123, 126) sts from LEFT FRONT STRIP 241 (253, 276, 283) sts. Work in St st for 3 more rows. Bind off. Lining up cast-on edges of FRONT STRIPS to bind-off edges of Front Bands, sew Shoulder to rem Shoulder edges of BACK. Sew 1" from Shoulder edges of FRONT STRIPS and Front Bands together. TIES (Make 2) With crochet hook, make a chain, 66" long. Slip st in each chain across. Fasten off. Thread TIES through Eyelets of Front Band and FRONT STRIPS, criss-crossing in a shoelace manner to join. Tie ends together. Weave in ends.

ABBREVIATIONS beg begin(ning) cm centimeter dec decrease(d)(s)(ing) inc increase(d)(s)(ing) k knit mm millimeters p purl psso pass slip stitch over rem remain(ing) rep repeat(s)(ing) RS right side st(s) stitch(es) tbl through the back loop tog together WS wrong side

2011 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.

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