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22 sts and 26 rows = 4"/10cm in Stockinette stitch with Superior (A) TAKE TIME TO CHECK GAUGE

Stockinette Stitch (St st) Knit on RS, purl on WS. Garter Stitch (Garter st) Knit every row.


OPERADARTE is a ribbon yarn with black (or white) mohair picot along one edge and square eyelets along the opposite edge. While it can be knitted alone, it is more frequently used as a carry-along yarn to create dramatic ruffles on a garment or accessories knit from a classic yarn. To add a ruffle, simply pick up Operadarte [with tip of the needle inserted into a square eyelet] and knit it together with the main yarn. The pick-up should be made in each stitch in that row, inserting the needle into EVERY OTHER square eyelet on the Operadarte (or as indicated in the pattern).

designed by Irina Poludnenko

NOTE: Piece is knit on circular needle to accommodate the large number of stitches. SHAWL With A, cast on 273 sts. Purl one row. NOTE: For a smooth finished edge, join B at the beg of each Ruffle Row by folding the end of B under and inserting the tip of the needle through the first and second eyelets for the first st. Knit the row as directed until the last st, cut B, leaving 3 eyelets intact, fold B under, inserting the tip of the needle into the 2nd and last eyelets to end row. * Ruffle Row (RS) With A and B, knit every st, picking up every other eyelet on B, and working together with A. Cut off B. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. **

One Size

18/47cm long x 36/91.5cm wide

1 ball Filatura Di Crosa SUPERIOR 70% cashmere, 30% schappe silk (0.88oz/25g; 330yds/300m) in color #45 lipstick red (A) 1 hank Filatura Di Crosa OPERADARTE 39% wool, 39% acrylic, 13% polyamide, 9% kid mohair (1.75oz/50g; 44yds/40m) in color #10 ruby (B) One size 6 (4mm) circular needle, 24 long OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE Yarn needle, to weave in ends

2010 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.


Dec Row 1 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k10] 7 times, [k2tog, k9] 10 times, [k2tog, k10] 6 times, k2tog, k2 249 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 2 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Rep from * to ** (Ruffle Row). Dec Row 2 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k9] 6 times, [k2tog, k8] 11 times, [k2tog, k9] 6 times, k2tog, k2 225 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 6 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Dec Row 3 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k8] 6 times, [k2tog, k7] 12 times, [k2tog, k8] 5 times, k2tog, k2 201 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 8 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Rep from * to ** (Ruffle Row). Dec Row 4 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k7] 5 times, [k2tog, k6] 13 times, [k2tog, k7] 5 times, k2tog, k2 177 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 6 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Rep from * to ** (Ruffle Row). Dec Row 5 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k6] 5 times, [k2tog, k5] 14 times, [k2tog, k6] 4 times, k2tog, k2 153 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 8 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Dec Row 6 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k5] 4 times, [k2tog, k4] 15 times, [k2tog, k5] 4 times, k2tog, k2 129 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 8 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st.

Rep from * to ** (Ruffle Row). Dec Row 7 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k4] 4 times, [k2tog, k3] 16 times, [k2tog, k4] 3 times, k2tog, k2 105 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 8 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Dec Row 8 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k3] 3 times, [k2tog, k2] 17 times, [k2tog, k3] 3 times, k2tog, k2 81 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 8 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Dec Row 9 (RS) K3, [k2tog, K2] 3 times, [k2tog, k1] 18 times, [k2tog, k2] 2 times, k2tog, k2 57 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 8 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Dec Row 10 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k1] 2 times, [k2tog] 19 times, [k2tog, k1] 2 times, k2tog, k2 33 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 4 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Dec Row 11 (RS) K3, [k2tog] 14 times, k2 19 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, k3. Work 2 rows in St st, keeping first 3 and last 3 sts in Garter st. Dec Row 12 (RS) K3, [k2tog] 7 times, k2 12 sts rem. Next Row K3, purl to last 3 sts, K3. Dec Row 13 (RS) K3, [k2tog, k1] 2 times, k3 10 sts rem. (WS) K3, p2, fold in half and bind off rem sts using 3-needle bind off method. Weave in ends.

beg dec k k2tog p rem rep RS st(s) tog WS begin(ning)(s) decrease(s)(ing) knit knit 2 stitches together (dec) purl remain(ing)(s) repeat(ing)(s) right side stitch(es) together wrong side

3-NEEDLE BIND OFF: [Seaming 2 pieces tog as you bind off.] Place sts of pieces to be joined on separate needles (or each end of a circular needle), hold one behind the other with right rd sides facing each other, in left hand; with a 3 needle (same size or 1 size larger than used for knitting the pieces), k2tog [1 from front needle, 1 from back needle 1 st on RH needle], *k2tog [you now have 2 sts on RH needle], bind off 1 st in usual way; repeat from * to end. For decorative seam on RS, work with WS facing.

2010 Tahki Stacy Charles, Inc.


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