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CREEPING ATTACHMENT Taylor and Campbell in 1972 suggested a dynamic attachment in which newly proliferated epithelial cells near

cervix attach themselves to the tooth and migrate occlusally along its surface. The connective tissue, in its healing, remodels and creates a new margin occlusal to the initial excision. Thus this phenomenon are term creeping reattachment. This concept overturn the statement made by Orban as described above. The reattachment did occur above the deepest point of the epithelial attachment. The remodeling of the gingival margin or papilla produced a small gain in an occlusal direction. When the inverse bevel was used, ther is also a long connective tissue interfaced exposed. Since connective tissue insertion suparcrestally almost never occurred, clinical healing can only be the result of epithelial adherence of the epithelium covering the connective tissue to the root, ero, a long junctional adhesion, or a long junctional epthithelial adhesion and some collagen adhesion to the root.

alveolar bone dehiscence hilangnya tulang alveo pada bagian facial gigi, karakteristik berbentuk oval dan terekspose akarnya Adanya resesi gingiva hilangnya tulang alveo sama tereksposenya akar.

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