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Action Plan and Goal

The purpose of the quality control assessments was to verify the

reasoning behind Grandviews temperature issue in the kitchen and they
helped to identify this problem. Certain menu items were not keeping their hot
temperature and a few steps to an action plan were implemented to improve
this issue.
Operational Action Steps:
Person Responsible Action Plan Date Implemented
Executive ChefCook Cook meat !pot roast" turkey"
and meatloaf# uncovered with
broth in the $teamer to attain
a hotter temperature for when
meat is transferred to the
steam table on the line.
Executive ChefCook Consistently put the food into
the $teamer no later than
)*(&am everyday so it is ready
for %&+%&*(&am lunch.
Tray ,ine Cook -ake sure the steam wells are
always kept on ./igh0 and
continuously add water to
items" such as mashed
potatoes and rice" to keep
them moist and hot.
Tray ,ine Cook 1eep the plate warmer lid
closed and the steam table
menu items covered with lids
at all times to keep the heat
from escaping.
2ish room Employee Consistently cycle plates into
the plate warmer so they are
warm enough for each meal
!plates from breakfast need to
be cycled back in before
3Coffee machine is being fixed so it measures a hot temperature of about %4&56
instead of the previous measured temperature of 7%8&56.

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