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Wrong to suspend the strikes...

action, not talks

is the way to win
T here’s a new offer from
Royal Mail—which has led to the
suspension of strikes. Management
the executive action. Parts of it are
up for renegotiation, but do you trust
management? new labour has
made that offer because postal What happens if Royal Mail insist on betrayed workers
workers have fought. the measures going through? Are offices
A few weeks ago Crozier and supposed to fight on their own? The power of the post strikes has
Mandelson were confident that the The whole point of this year was a shaken Lord Mandelson and his
union would fall apart and that the struggle to get from local agitation to cronies in the Labour cabinet.
national agreements. Now the flow is Mandelson seems to have gone
strikes would collapse. rather quiet over the last few days
Instead the vast majority of postal the other way round.
as his hope that the strikes—and
workers have struck absolutely solidly. What’s been gained so far does not the CWU—would fall apart has
They have defied the threats and the match the courage and sacrifice of been shattered.
bullying, ignored the media onslaught postal workers across Britain. Instead of It’s also true that some Labour
and given two fingers to the lies from stopping strikes, the CWU should step MPs have come out on the side of
management. them up and demand support from the the CWU—and that’s welcome.
Postal workers’ defiant action forced rest of the working class. But that doesn’t change the fact
new talks. The threat of escalating that the government is the enemy
strikes to two days a week, combined Fight together in this battle.
The postal workers have already For far too long the unions—
with the decision by some areas to
inspired others. particularly the CWU—have
target the scab centres frightened shovelled money to the Labour
management and Labour. Look at the other groups that are
fighting now: BA workers held a 3,000 Party and then Labour has turned
But the level of action has not yet round and tried to crush workers.
been enough to win. strong mass meeting to launch a ballot Instead of pretending that
That’s why it’s a serious mistake to for strikes at Christmas; bus workers Labour is on our side, the union
stop the strikes. Postal workers are are striking across Britain against a pay should be playing its part in
going in without having a deal to look freeze, bin workers in Leeds are in their helping to build an alternative to
at. It’s giving management and the ninth week of all-out strike—and it’s Labour that can really represent
government the breathing space they spreading to Brighton and other areas; working people.
have been hoping for. firefighters from South Yorkshire to The RMT union, the PCS and
Essex are striking over “modernisation”. others are discussing such a
Backlog lost This is a mighty army if it strikes
project. The CWU should join them.
Royal Mail are under pressure because If you would like to join the SWP
the strikes have built up a backlog, and Demand your reps at the CWU or get these leaflets direct through
because the traffic increases all the national briefing call for the strikes to email, please email industrial@
way until Christmas. And the general be put back on. or phone/text 07986
public backed the workers, not the No cooperation with management. 936094.
management. Lift all disciplinaries/sackings now.
Now Crozier & Co will hope to string
out the negotiations, get into January ■ I would like to get Socialist Worker regularly
with all the backlog cleared, and then
go on the offensive again in 2010. ■ I want to join the Socialist Workers Party
It won’t be a period of calm—it
will be a period of preparation for Name.................................................................................................................
war by management.
Let’s not forget that they will soon Address.............................................................................................................
unveil ANOTHER round of cuts linked
to the new year and Phase 4. ..........................................................................................................................
The full details of the deal were not
available as this leaflet was written, but Phone.............................................e-mail........................................................ Post 5/11/09
it’s clear that parts of it could be very Return to SW industrial dept PO Box 42184, London Circulation 020 7819 1171
similar to the 2007 deal: SW8 2WD Editorial 020 7819 1180
There is no agreement to withdraw

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