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Bones splinter beneath flesh.

A sea of warmth begins to form.
Capillary action spreading and I feel myself

become weak.

My heart begins to flutter
little hiccups give way to a quickening chaos.
An arterial jump-rope begins to trip,
catching on my heartstrings until
it falters and falls.

But this is not a love story.

It falters and falls,
pressing into my lungs,
my ribs,
my skin.
I see it bulging
out of my chest.

1 2 3 Clear
1 2 3 Clear
I begin convulsing.
Struggle to keep it in.

1 2 3 Clear
Feel my lungs withdraw.
Think of what
I could be doing.
Pushing it back in,
pressed ribs cracking.

1 Feel bad for who walks in and finds
my stiff body.
2 Want to fuck one last time.
3 Death begins to creep across my grin.
My heart begins to climax, I beat unrelenting


I dont think Ive ever seen so much blood.
Maybe blood isnt the right word for it.
Ive never seen so much life.
Life pooling underneath me.
Life on my shirt, my clothes.
Life outside of me, leaving me.


Eyes begin to dry.
Chest is still.
Silence seeps out of the walls and
begins to envelope me.
My body draws a breath.


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