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Time: Introduction : Teaching Approaches:

Students sit on floor, and brain-storm words around the
topic of angles. Write down everything on the board and
ask students lots of questions to prompt connections

By gathering prior
knowledge the teacher
can adjust the lesson

Time: Main Content: Teaching Approaches:




Explicit teaching
Explain the definitions of acute angles, obtuse angles,
right angles and strait angles. Draw diagrams of each on
the white board, or get a student to draw it. (Make sure
to distinguish the multiple meanings of acute)
Ask for examples of acute, obtuse and right angles in
everyday objects

Concrete materials learning
In groups of 4, students will use the large wooden blocks
to make acute, obtuse and right angles on the floor. The
students will need to match up the provided labels with
the correct angle
Teacher will take pictures of the groups for students to
stick in maths books

Students will complete the worksheet which asks them to
draw 4 angles and will then stick it into their maths

Explicit teaching of the
4 main angles complete
with definitions give the
students something
solid to remember.

Using the blocks as
concrete materials
helps students
understand what angles
really look like


Unit/Topic : Introduction to Angles Date: 6/11/13
Key learning Area outcomes : Numeracy /Angles Year Level: 3/4
To be able to define and draw acute, obtuse, straight angles and right angles
To increase familiarity of basic angels and identify them in everyday objects
A box of wooden blocks
Acute angle, obtuse angle, Right angle and straight angles labels X 6
Work sheets X 25

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