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Natasha Bell Green Eggs

Ukraine Current Event: One Goal in Hand, Kievs Demonstrators Vow to Stay
Until the End

Protesters in combat fatigues, body armour and masks are continuing to occupy
Kievs central square, vowing to stay until a new president takes power. About 50,000
people gathered in the capital and spent this morning listening to speeches and prayers
for those killed in the clashes.Many carried flowers and candles in a spontaneous
pilgrimage to commemorate the dead.Flowers were stuck to the metal shields held by
members of a self-styled self-defence unit, who also bore clubs and wore home-made
body armour, helmets or ski masks.New tents arrived in Independence Square, with
demonstrators demanding change even as parliamentarians dismantled symbols of
ousted Viktor Yanukovychs regime.
Throughout the years in Ukraine, many volunteer fighters have had to improve
their uniform and weaponry to protect their country. They have rebuilt barricades and
are ready for almost anything that comes towards them. This is just like how the U.S
military and navy protect us. By doing things to the extreme so that everyone is safe. It
takes years to built up a military completely because other countries could be more
advanced in weaponry or size so you have to be prepared for that. I think that its great
that all of these soldiers are saying that they will fight until the end to save Ukraine and
its citizens.

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