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) Daybook #2 1/15/14
If I could have a conversation with a person dead or alive it would be my Aunt Alexia who died in 2006. I
would like to converse with her simply to see what her life would be like now if she were still on Earth.
2.) Daybook #3 (Murphy Card) 1/22/2014
Card 1: Erics death; unexpected; devastating; questions; unbelievable
Card 2: I suddenly heard my phone ringing at eight oclock in the morning. It startled me but not quite as
much as it usually would. I had no idea who it could be but I knew that I couldnt ignore it. I saw my
fathers name on the caller id. I picked up and answered as if I had been awake for hours. I said hello and
received the news. My father wasnt sure who it was exactly but that it was one of my family members. I
got off the phone with him and took to Facebook to get the details.
Card 3: To find out that my cousin Eric had died was beyond shocking. I didnt know how to feel in that
moment. I was just devastated. I was still unsure of what he died from and couldnt fathom how. Was he
shot? Was he involved in a car accident? Was he simply in the wrong place at the wrong time? He hadnt
had any known health issues that could result in such a fatal way so it was impossible to understand
how he died. The day was somber. All day. I continued about my day as normal I usually do however, it
kept ringing in the back of my head. I couldnt really process it.
Card 4: Although he couldnt believe the news he had received earlier that day, the constant Facebook
and Instagram posts reminded him that it was really happening. He was so young he thought to
himself. This was the second time that he lost a family member at the same age of 29. It turned out he
had been in the hospital five hours before he died. Eric died of pneumonia and influenza following a flu.
Eric was so vivacious and fun.
Card 5: As he walked to class the next day, he asked himself could it be undone. Couldnt he just be
brought back to life? Maybe, just maybe with seeing all of the posts about him, he could just be alive
again. Then he realized that couldnt happen. Death is inevitable. It just really was unfortunate that he
had to suffer such a loss at a young age.

3.) Daybook #4 2/3/14
The tempo of the takes varied. The music would change through the many takes such as the use of
instrumentation. To me, each take brought in more instruments; the first one stayed with the more
basic guitar and singing while the ending one had what sounded like an entire band. The lyrics for the
most part stayed the same through each version.

4.) Daybook #5 2/5/14
My literacy sponsor is my 3rd grade teacher, Ms. Mummert. She brought reading to life. We had a 20
minute reading session in the beginning of every class. I would hate when the period was over because I
began to gain a love for reading and this whole new world of adventure that these writers and authors
would create for audiences.

5.) Daybook #6 2/10/14
I believe a movie of my life would be like a typical romantic comedy. It would have moments of sadness
and have the entire audience dying with laughter in their seats. Everyone would want to see the movie
just from watching the preview because of the crazy storyline that my life follows.
6.) Daybook #8 2/17/14
ENGL 1101
Belk College of Business
My church
The Edge
7.) Daybook #10 2/24/2014
A misconception Ive noticed about a discourse community Im a part of is the discourse community of
church is that everyone is extremely judgmental.
I remember when I found out one of my favorite artists announced that they rarely shop at expensive
stores and they are avid fans of H&M and Forever 21.

8.) Daybook #11 2/26/14
If I could think of two activities Im involved in that are very different from each other, it would be work
and school. My job is in retail. At work generally, we have to depend on one another to get jobs done or
the store would fall apart. At school I am ultimately the only one to make myself succeed.
If Im not doing great or am overwhelmed with school, I back up from work to focus on my school work

9.) Daybook #12 3/10/14
I feel Gee is saying that in order to be accurate in opposition, you must actually understand it from an
unbiased perspective to correctly judge or critique a viewpoint. I do agree with what he is saying to an
extent because it is not always necessary to assess something in its entirety to make a sound decision.
Sometimes it is more important to make a judgment off of what you initially see before emotions and
bias become a factor.

10.) Daybook #13 - 3/12/14
My identity has been changed by my college experiences starting with my independence. While I came
out of high school quite independent based on how I was raised. However, while I was pretty
independent as far as earning my own disposable income and so forth, I still had my parents ultimately
taking care of me food wise and as far as my necessities. Those things changed from the beginning of my
freshman year even until now. I actually moved myself into my dorm by myself with the help of some
friends. I didnt mind it but thinking on it now, it wasnt necessarily how I saw myself beginning college. I
was also in the hole by about $1,000 upon coming here and thanks to a scholarship I earned, was able to
pay my balance off THE day before it was too late. But it was a teachable moment. I had my car and
although I had a meal plan, I still paid for my own groceries. I transferred my job from my home town to
here and continued working. Once I realized that living on campus was more expensive than living off, I
made the decision, by myself, to move off campus. My parents have often stated how proud of me they
are because I make wise decisions. Moving off campus required me to pay for my housing monthly,
groceries, and utilities. Although it isnt necessarily easy, I appreciate the experience. Even my clothing
has changed as a result of maturing and starting college. I now dress older and carry myself with a more
mature demeanor. I have gained an even better sense of responsibility as well through my college

11.) Daybook #14 3/19/14
I define argument as more of a statement or facts to prove a point whereas I consider contradiction to
be rebuttal to something that is said or stated even if there is any accurate opposition proposed to said
statement. Generally arguments involve more thought and research to be correct. I value argument
more than contradiction because often times, contradiction makes people look stupid. One can
contradict their own selves. Arguing usually is stimulating and can even improve outlooks on life.

12.) Daybook #15 3/24/14
My main key points will be things that will first be of encouragement to the players whether were doing
well or the latter. I would then go over a new strategy to try and gain us a win. I will also consult the
players to see if they have any insightful ways to win based on what theyve observed of the opposing
team. Using them can provide that hands on experience to be able to accurately make a quick game
plan that will be specifically catered to the team were playing in particular.
13.) Daybook #16 3/26/14
When I encounter material I dont understand, I try to read itin the instance of readingall the way
through at least once. Generally I am able to understand material better the second time around no
matter what the case even if I got a pretty good understanding of it in the first place. In particular,
Swales was one of those works I didnt understand. I had to reread it about five times to at least TRY to
grasp the concept. Then on occasion, if its really hard to understand, I will use outside sources such as
Google to see other peoples take on such things and it clears it up for me.
14.) Daybook #17 3/31/14 & 4/2/14
The intended audience is for the younger more mobile demographic. The use of Hashtag, etc leads
one to assume they are targeting the new social media era. The speaker attempts to establish credibility
by making feel personal; Its alright ALLEN. Also they try to using such a generic name so it seems
more pliable to the general population. The alternative intention or goal of the commercial is to not
simply sell that particular item, but to also sell the experience of the restaurant. To bring customers in
and make them want to see what this experience is about. I do believe they did fairly successful at their

15.) Daybook #18 4/7/14
I learned the most from Anne Lamotts writing. She made it okay or acceptable to not necessarily be
100% accurate in every form of a draft. I was able to apply this to life in a general sense in my mind even
though she more so spoke to writing. I actually learned the least from the John Swales. Even though he
did define and structuralize discourse communities and so forth, I just simply lost interest due to his
extremely verbose explanations.

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