Annotated Bibliography English 1102

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Aaron Blevins

English 1102
Professor Schley
21 April, 2014
Annotated Bibliography

Carey, Elea. "Teenage Pregnancy." Healthline. Ed. Jennifer Wider. N.p., 12 July 2012. Web. 10
Apr. 2014.
This article states the risks of being pregnant under the age of 19. Teen Pregnancy not
only talks about the concerns for the mother, but also the complications that can happen to the
baby. Perhaps the most surprising statistic is that 50,000 mothers under the age of 19 die due to
complications giving birth every year. The article is written by someone who is not in the
medical field, but the article is medically reviewed, giving it credibility.
I am going to use this as support after displaying the flawless pregnancy portrayed in
Juno. In the movie Juno there are no complications with her pregnancy other than getting a big
stomach, making pregnancy seem easy (even for a teenager). The quote 50,000 mothers dying
every year is going to be the main statistic that I will use.

Donnelly, Matthew S. Teen Mom 2Sneak Peek: Leah And Corey Argue Over The Severity Of
Alis Health Issues. Shows Blog. MTV, 10 Feb. 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2014
This sneak peek into the next season of Teen Mom shows the divorced couple Leah
and Corey arguing over what their child has. Ali (their daughter) was diagnosed with muscular
dystrophy which is anything short from going away like a cold which Corey thinks it is. Leah is
ready to figure out what help her daughter will need to develop properly while Corey is in denial
and believes that nothing is actually wrong with Ali.
I am going to use this article along with the Healthline article to display the risks of teen
pregnancy. What will make this support my paper even more is that they are arguing over the
subject as well. Not only are they having to deal with a side effect of having a baby at a young
age, but also dealing with the strain of being in a relationship

Duke, Alan, and Brittany Kaplan. "'Teen Mom' Star Charged with Domestic Violence
Felonies." CNN. Cable News Network, 19 Nov. 2010. Web. 10 Apr. 2014.
This short article on CNN is about Teen Mom star Amber Portwood facing domestic
violence charges after abusing her boyfriend on camera. Additionally, since she did it in front of
a child the charge is a felony. Portwood now faces up to three years in jail and/or a $10,000 fine.
I am going to use this article as evidence that not every relationship is as happy as they
seem. Relationships can be frustrating, and unfortunately it can result in violence. I am going to
compare violence in real world relationships with the domestic violence shown in the movie
Twilight. Another reason that I chose this article is because it is a female domestic violence
charge. Most domestic violence cases are male, so showing one that is the other way around is
more interesting.

Juno. Dir. Jason Reitman. Prod. Lianne Halfon, John Malkovich, Russell Smith, and Mason
Novick. By Diablo Cody. Perf. Ellen Page and Michael Cera. Fox Searchlight Pictures,
2007. DVD
Juno is a fiction movie based on the relationship between Paulie Bleeker and Juno
Macguff. The story involves a girl (Juno) getting pregnant in high school, with Bleeker being the
father. Juno is very mature for her age and handles the pregnancy very well. She decides against
an abortion and takes the initiative to finding the perfect couple to adopt her child. After finding
a couple in the newspaper, Juno visits the couple and forms a friendship with the soon to be
father of her baby. The movie portrays their relationship as if they are starting to fall in love, but
that idea is crushed when Juno finds out that he wants to divorce his wife; ruining the couple
adopting her child who is due in a few weeks. Eventually, the couple does get divorced, but Juno
still gives the child to the women in the recently divorced couple only because she could tell that
she would be an excellent mother.
I am going to use the movie Juno to display how easy teen pregnancy is, according the
movie industry. The movie makes Junos like seem like it was simple to be pregnant. No one
made fun of her, she didnt have many physical symptoms other than looking like she is about to
burst, even her parents were accepting of her pregnancy. Unfortunately, that is not how it is in
real life. Having a baby at a young age is not easy, and giving birth at a young age can
sometimes even kill the mother. Not only will I use this for the different perceptions of
pregnancy, but I will also use Juno to show that in the movies everything works out for the best.
However, in real life, when the going gets rough, it doesnt always work out for the best.

Lowery, Annie. "MTV's '16 and Pregnant,' Derided by Some, May Resonate as a Cautionary Tale." New
York Times 13 Jan. 2014: B3. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Feb. 2014
This article discusses the TV show 16 and Pregnant. Research has been done and this
article shown in New York Times states that this TV show has helped prevent over 20,000
teenage pregnancies in 2010. The show displays the reality on teenage pregnancy and it is easy
to see that the couples in this show were blasted out of the young love stage and into reality.
There are many other studies on the effects of shows such as 16 and Pregnant and Teen
This article will help me when I use the movie Juno, which does show that having a baby
is not fun. However, the movie proposes the idea that everything can work out in the end, and
maybe it is possible, but looking at reality it is highly unlikely. Possible but improbable. It
will also allow me to introduce the good that movies/media has had on teenage relationships.

Twilight. Dir. Catherine Hardwicke. Perf. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Summit
Entertainment, 2008. DVD.
The story/movie Twilight is about a human being (Bella) who falls in love with a vampire
(Edward). This causes problems with everyones families whether it be the humans, vampiresAt
first the movie was a weird love triangle between Bella, Edward, and Jake. However, throughout
the hardships between Bella with not only Edward, but also her father, everything manages to
work out in the end. The movie somehow draws you into approving of this relationship where
Edward essentially wants to kill Bella, but it is hard not to wish Edward and Bella the best. The
entire Twilight series consists of this unconventional relationship which has become a hit with
the teenage and young adult population.
The Twilight series will be beneficial not only because of the popularity, but also because
of the relationship that it shows. The fact that Edward is a blood sucking monster and we
approve of his relationship with this human being is troubling in many ways. What if this was
with a human not a vampire? Say I am a murderer. Ive killed hundreds of people and now I love
this one person, and Im still going to kill people, just not her. Pretty screwed up if anyone
approved of that. I am going to use this to support my statement when I say that girls think they
can change boys, and even if the guy is not practical, they will still try to be with them out of

William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Dir. Baz Luhrmann. Perf. Leonardo DiCaprio and
Claire Danes. Twentieth Century Fox, 1996. DVD.
Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeares most popular stories. It features two
young adults who fall in love; however, they are from rival families so neither of them has
approval from their immediate family. They decide to take love into their own hands and ended
up dead as a result.
I am going to use the beginning and end of Romeo and Juliet in my paper. The beginning
when I discuss the myth of love at first sight. This is because teens and young adults go out
looking for love, as if appearance can tell you if you are compatible with someone. The ending
of this story will be used to support my argument that teens and young adults feel like their love
means more than life itself. Romeo and Juliet knew each other for 3 days and when Romeo saw
Juliet was dead he ended his life. However, when Juliet woke and saw Romeo was dead, she
ended hers. They literally knew each other for THREE days. Can you really know love after 3
days? I may also use this if I argue that young adults will choose their lovers over their own
family, but that is only if I decide to discuss affective individualism in my paper.

Wilson, Jacque, and Stephanie Smith. "Study: MTV's '16 and Pregnant' Led to Fewer
Teen Births." CNN. Cable News Network, 13 Jan. 2014. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.
The article states that the pregnancy rate dropped 5.7% in the 18-month period after
MTVs 16 and Pregnant premier. Specifically the rate in teenage pregnancy has dropped from
being 31.3 per 1000 girls in 2011, to only 29.4 per 1000 girls in 2012. The article also mentions
that from 1991-2008 teen birth rates were declining at a steady 2.5% each year; however, after
the show aired it dropped an entire 5% more.
I am going to use this article to show the reality side of relationships. Comparing the
relationships an pregnancies in movies like Juno and Twlight to the ones that are shown in Teen
Mom and 16 and Pregnant. I am also going to challenge the idea that people think TV shows
like this are harming out children, yet no one would think twice about going to see a romance


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