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Antonio Holland
Eng 1101
April 28, 2014
Rhetorical Analysis

Pretty Hurts
Epitomized as one of the most successful artists of the last few decades, solo or in a group,
Beyonc Knowles, often with the help of others, creates a trademark hit song on every album
that encompasses a catchy tune, captivating lyricism, and a message that resonates all over the
world. Generally, an artists goal is to make an impact with whatever medium of art it is put on
display by. In music, being able to convey a point or idea that affects societys viewpoint on
specific topics or issues is vital. Off of her last chart-topping album, Mrs. Knowles-Carter has a
song by the name Pretty Hurts. This is an ode to what societal influence of the standard of
beauty does and already has done to the way many people, both young and old, view beauty.
The song begins by saying Mama says youre a pretty girl. Whats in your head, it doesnt
matter. Brush your hair, fix your teeth. What you wear, is all that matters. Generally, peoples
perceptions and outlooks on life stem from what they learn at the early stages of life. Often
what is defined as beauty is the outer appearance and what is visible to the naked eye. Stress
is placed on the idea of being on trend and people believe that the reason for this ideal
comes from media. However, many of these expectations were created right at home at the
dining room table for generations. Later she goes on to say, Just another stage. Pageant the
pain away. This time Im gonna take the crown. Without falling down, down, down. This
statement is very powerful in that it analogizes the everyday world with the standard of the

pageant world. Although not so pertinent now, pageants started off as being based off beauty
queens who were able to learn a skill to show off and memorize monologues that someone
probably wrote for them. Now the world of pageantry consists of more dynamics and criteria
with more substance than a well written intro.
Pretty hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst. Perfection is a disease of a nation. Pretty
hurts, we shine the light on whatever's worst. We try to fix something but you can't fix what
you can't see. It's the soul that needs the surgery. These are the words in the hook of the song
that brings us to an epiphany. In our world, the fact that children and poverty-stricken people
are starving is less important than the amount of murders that occur because speaking on
murder is more appealing to the public and makes for a better news headline. We constantly
assume that we can mentally and sometimes physiologically mask topics and issues that dont
seem as serious to the general population as a whole. As citizens of this country in particular,
we take on the bystander effect which means we dont take immediate action when others
experience a difficult time or situation because we feel that their situation doesnt affect us
personally and someone else will take care of it. However, with everyone taking this stance, it is
more likely that no one will be the change that is needed and nothing gets resolved. This is
similar to turning a blind eye because we dont want to face the truths of our society. I believe
the artist is saying that our intent is to change and be influential in matters that arent
important and ostracize the issues that we should be focusing on. By looking inside ourselves,
we can really do better to make the world we live in.
In the next verse, she says Blonder hair, flat chest, TV says bigger is better. South Beach, sugar-
free, Vogue says thinner is better. This speaks specifically to the way body image pretty much

represents what people are and that it is important to fall into a mold, so to speak, otherwise
they become pariahs. On a positive note, being different is on trend now. Being eccentric and
different is exciting. Everyone wants to find that one thing that makes them unique. However,
in retrospect, by everyone striving to be unique, it brings out another trend. Trends seem to
naturally occur and make a big impact on us without us being aware or conscious of it. I feel
that was a major message the artist tried to express.
While this isnt all of the song, this is the ending and what I deem most important. I believe this
is where the song wraps up its lesson and asks about whats most important. When you're
alone all by yourself, and you're lying in your bed. Reflection stares right into you. Are you
happy with yourself? You stripped away the masquerade. The illusion has been shed. Are you
happy with yourself? This song takes us through a journey. It pulls out all of the ideas that we
have succumb to as a culture. The ending of the song stresses that it is imperative that in all of
what we are influenced by, all that matters is that we are content with ourselves and our lives.
No outside forced opinions or beliefs should have as much authority over our lives as what we
believe of ourselves.
All in all, this song speaks to a generation of people that have almost been simultaneously
brainwashed into following tradition of being what is considered accepted. The creators
mission was to explain that it isnt necessarily a bad thing to be just you. You shouldnt try your
hardest to fit in with those around you. The great scheme of life is that no one is better than
the other. People use education, religion, and status to one up the next person however, in
actuality we can all achieve the same things in life through perseverance and ambition. Some
have more opportunities presented and afforded to them while others have to strive to chase

their dreams and feel accomplished but the point is, in the end, everyone ends life on an equal
playing field. Our own mind is what puts limits and restrictions on what makes us wonderful.

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