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Name : Fathun Irya Wara

Class : XII.IA

Earth In The Future
Before we talk about the earth in the future, are you know.. what is the earth? Small in amount
earth is special planet because this is a planet can reside in by human and all life creature.
That bit about the earth, how earths future? Will stay beautiful or vice versa. Certainly, we are
want the beautiful earth such as ; A balance ecosystem between living being and nature are
important, blue sky, green forest where plants and animal can life, and clean sea of wastes. Is not
a destroyed planet such as ; the earth is not can habitable due to pollution, illegal logging,
pollution of sky, the wastes of sea and the earth with the threat of global warming. One of can
destroyed this earth.
We must keep this earth remains beautiful and all participial in this step are important. The one
of that is we are we as individual or student can doing some easy way for keep this earth, for
example ; conversing energy, water, planting trees and all can we were doing at our home. We
can throw rubbish on waste basket or maybe recycling that.
The conclusion of my speech is the earth in the future beginning from our step, so let us keep
this earth together.

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